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Task 1: Define Project and Develop Plan

Jacques Garnier

Levis Lugo

Alicja Lewandowska

Violeta Hoyos

Project scope document

In scope

Quality of the services will be maintained for satisfying the needs of the customers.

The requirement of the raw material, human resource will be estimated so as to execute
the program in an effective manner.

Roles and responsibilities will be fulfilled by the assigned person.


Construction does not include the construction of more than one floor.
Project may incur additional cost which is not included in the budget as the budget may get
affected due to the change in interest rates, inflation rates or interest rates.


It has been assumed that the project will be executed in the manner it is planned.
All the things will remain constant.

Quality of the work will be according to the requirement of the customers.


Interest rates, exchange rates and inflation rates may affect the project and cost estimated
in the plan.
The fulfilment of the roles and responsibilities is dependent on the individual and every
individual and its manner of performing an activity differs from others.

Stakeholder analysis

Name Work area Stakeholder type Impact on/by

success criteria
Management Management of the Service provider Affect the whole
activities or project at large.
operations of the

Employees Performing the Service provider Executes the

activities or projects of the
operations of the company for
business. effective

Customers Activities are End-user Provides projects to

executed for the company.
providing services to
the customers.

Investors Provides funds for External Affects the financial

the execution of the stakeholder condition of the
activities of the company.

Government Guides the company Regulatory body Create an impact

and forms rules and over the activities of
regulations for the company by
company and for implications of
the execution of the policies, rules and
activities of the regulations.

What Who Purpose When/frequency Type/methods

Initiation Client or For collecting It is done at the It will be

meeting customer the data from starting of the executed with
the client project as it is the the help of a
regarding its first step for the meeting and
expectations project. notices in
from the written form
project. where
will be made
For estimating with these
the time, cost different
and labour
which will be
required for
the proyect.


For taking
aprovals and
authenticity to
the proyect

For making the

aware of the
proyect plan in
which they are


For identifying
the feasibility.

Distribute Client or Providing It is done before Distribution of

project customer information to the project is information is
initiation plan the client about started. made with the
the plan. help of letters
sent through
mails or posts
Distributing or through
information project brief
regarding the
plan to the

Experts Providing
regarding the
proyect to the

details to the
of the Project
for their

Delegating the
information so
as to make the
aware of the
proyect plans.

Project kick- To the This is done so It takes place just This is done
off employees, as to make before the with the help of
clients, these starting of the meetings with
management stakeholders program or these
and managers aware of the project. stakeholders
roles and
they have to
fulfil and
perform. And to
among the

Status report To the It is done for Done on regular Done with the
employees, communicating basis as the help of status
clients, the status of status need to be report and
management the project with shared on regular meetings.
and managers the intervals.
Team Team or To observe the Regular meetings With the help
meetings individuals performance so as to ensure of meetings.
involved in the of the the completion
planning and individuals and of every stage of
execution the project and the project in an
process of the to identify the effective
project. project stage, manner.
that has been
achieved by the

Sponsor Management To Regular meetings With the help

meetings team and the communicate in verbal form or of meetings
sponsors or the status of in written form and notices or
investors of the the project with with the help of letters
project. them and to letters or mails.
take approval
from the
team, sponsors
or investors.

Roles and responsibilities

Role Name Responsabilities

Project client Demin James Responsibility of the client is to provide

proper information which helps in the
preparation of the construction project
according to its requirement.

Project sponsor Max Lionel It is the responsibilities of sponsor to

provide and look after the funds and
financial transactions of the project. And
observing the budgets for cost centres
and for viewing budget variation reports
and for the incorporation of the
information in to financial statements
and financial projections for the

Project manager Kim Sweeney It is the responsibility of a manager to

Les Goodale look after the day-to-day operations of
the project. They are responsible for day-
Sam Lee to-day functions of the organisation. The
main responsibilities are to review
Pat Misfud coordination, structural separation,
coordinating system and projects for
Peter Mitchell achieving benefits of team spirit. Human
resource manager is responsible for the
production capacity and welfare of
people and work with operations
manager in coordinating system and
project. Manager residential realty is
responsible for managing all the aspects
of residential realty and monitor and
control the activities of residential
agents. Manager commercial realty is
responsible for managing all the aspects
of commercial realty and the activities of
commercial agents. A manager
investment is responsible for managing
all the aspects related to investment
realty. And is responsible for the
management of activities related to
investment agents

Manager of the Kim Sweeney Managing the day-to-day activities of the

Project operations of the company so as to
ensure the execution of the project in
Les Goodale right direction.

Sam Lee

Pat Misfud
Peter Mitchell

Project team Kim Sweeney Guiding the project towards the right
members path and completing it in an effective and
efficient manner.
Les Goodale

Sam Lee

Pat Misfud

Peter Mitchell

Steering committee Max Lionel It is the responsibility of steering

Officer Riz Mehra committee to provide advises for the
improvement in the project and to
provide recommendations which helps in
enhancing the implementation of the
project plan.

Project snapshot
The main motive of this project is to prepare a plan for the constructing a house according
to the requirement of the client by maintaining the quality of the services offered to the
client. And to attain the maximum returns for the clients. The main issue faced can be the
feasibility of the project as it may get affected due to various factors and opportunities in
front of Max Lionel Realty is to enhance the experience of the clients by meeting their

To complete the project well on time according to the planned projects.

Maintaining the quality of the work throughout the execution process of the project.

To maintain the conduct within the framework of ethical and legal aspects.

Max Lionel

Officer Riz Mehra

Kim Sweeney

Les Goodale

Sam Lee

Pat Misfud

Peter Mitchell

Demin James


For the preparation of the project plan and for the implementation process various
resources are required. These resources includes:

Human resource

Raw material

Equipments for the execution of the project plan

Software for communicating with others

Capital or funds

Experts for making estimates for the project plan.

Risk is involved in every activity business undertakes. Profit has been explained as the
reward for taking the risk. Risk for this project are as follows:
Resources are available in limited quantity which needs to be utilised in such a manner that
it provides maximum benefits.

Budget is fixed which may get affected due to the change in the economic factors including
inflation rates, interest rates and exchange rates.

Technological changes occur on frequent basis which may affect the preparation as well as
implementation process of the project.

Time is limited and company need to complete the project in successful manner and well
on time.

Max Lionel Realty need to comply with the legal acts which restrict the activities of the
company and company is bound to follow these acts for avoiding legal consequences.


This project is dependent on the past projects completed by Max Lionel Realty as these past
projects act as a framework or guide for this project.

The preparation of the project is dependent on the experts and estimates made by them.

The execution process of the project is dependent on the team members as they are
responsible for the execution of the project.

Success criteria:

The past projects have helped with the past experiences and forms a base for the project
and helps in the successful execution of the project.

Resources are made available and will be put to use in an effective manner so that they
produces the maximum benefits and leads towards the successful completion of the
Planning: Work breakdown structure
Estimation of the requirement of resources

Analysing the requirement of different resources:

Identifying the types of resources required

Identification of the ways of arranging the resources.

Evaluation by the experts:
Appointment of the experts

Observations by the experts

Preparation of project plan

Collection of the required information:

Identification of the sources of collection of

Collection of information from these sources

Formulation of the plan on the basis of collected information:
Preparation of plans

Dividing the plans in to different activities.

Arrangement of the resources

Identification of requirement of resources:

Estimating the type of resources required

Estimating the quantity of resources required

Finding the sources of resources:

Identifying the sources of resources
Identifying the requirement of the resources
Procurement of resources:
Making arrangements for the procurement

Procuring the resources

Implementation of the plans

Deciding the team size:

Identifying the requirement of the teams

Identifying the size of the teams

Dividing the teams:

Evaluating the total human resource and their qualities

Dividing the teams on the basis of requirement and

qualities required for performing the activity

Initiating the implementation process:

Starting the process of implementation

Complying with the plans prepared

Reviewing the implementation process

Monitoring the performance:

Identifying the actual performance

Identifying the required performance

Matching the performance of the projects with the planned projects:

Matching the planned performance with the actual
Identifying the deviations in the actual and planned

Controlling the activities

Deciding the corrective steps:

Identifying the measures needed to be adopted for
matching the actual performance with the planned

Identifying the effectiveness of the measures needed to

be adopted for matching the actual performance with the
planned performance.

Implementing the steps for controlling the activities of the Project:

Implementing the measures for matching the actual
performance with the planned once.

Controlling the implementation process for proper


Project plan
Project purpose: The purpose of this project is to frame a path for the execution of the
project in a better manner. The main focus is over maintaining the quality of the services
provided to the clients.

Background and strategic context: Max Lionel Realty is a construction company provides
construction services to its customers. The main focus of the company is over improving the
performance of the company by providing quality services to its customers. And to comply
with the rules and regulations framed by the government and to promote high standards in
the professional conduct. Max Lionel Realty is making efforts towards reducing the
discrimination practices, managing the risk factors, to follow ethical behaviour and coping
with the increasing competition. The main strategic directions of Max Lionel Realty are to
engage with the customers and clients, promote innovative and creative thinking,
leadership skills and risk management skills, promoting team efforts and to build goodwill
and reputation.
Other related projects: This project is related to the other future projects as it will form a
base for the future projects and helps in forming an idea for conducting or executing the
future projects.

Project objective: Objectives of the project are to achieve maximum satisfaction and
benefits for the clients, to set highest ethical standards. This can be done with the help of
effective planning and implementation of the projects.

Scope including key deliverable: The in scope of this project is to formulate a construction
project plan for the construction of a house for a client. And this need to done by
maintaining the quality so as to provide highest returns for the clients.
Out scope of this project is the construction will be according to the budget planned for the
project. And changes may affect the budget for the project. Additional construction which
is not included in the project is out of scope of this project.

It has been assumed that the resources will effectively help in producing the desired output
for the project. And to execute the project within specified time limit so as to maintain the
effectiveness and efficiency.

Constraints of this project are that change in the economic conditions and technology may
affects the execution process of the project as well as to the project planned.

Governance: Governance can be understood as the manner in which an organisation is

managed with the help of adoption of various elements. Max Lionel Realty has adopted
various acts which help in maintaining the ethical conduct of the company. These acts
ensure the safety of the employees as well as maintain a healthy environment at the

Project client/owner: Client is a person for whom the project is undertaken.

Project sponsor: Sponsors are those people who provide funds for the planning of the
project as well as for the implementation of the project.

Project Manager: Project managers are those individuals who oversee the day-to-day
activities of the project. Kim Sweeney, Les Goodale, Sam Lee, Pat Misfud and Peter Mitchell
are the managers who are responsible for the day-to-day activities of the project.

Manager of the project manager: manager of the project helps the other employees in the
formulation and execution of the project.

Project team members: team members are the part of a team which are responsible for
performing the activities of the company. Various activities are involved in the formulation
and execution process of a project. All these get performed by the project team members.
Key stakeholders: key stakeholders are the persons who have substantial interest in the
project. Key stakeholders for the project are the management, employees, client, investors
and government. All these key stakeholders are related with the execution of the project is
some form. Management is responsible for the financial transactions of the company,
employees are responsible for performing the activities of the project, client is the person
for whom the whole project is getting performed and government guides and bounds the
company to operate within the legal and ethical framework.

Project risk assessment

Risk Level Management strategy

Lack of proper resources High Arrangement of the

effective resources

Not complying with the acts High Conducting the activities in

legal and ethical manner.

Poor environment of Low

workplace Adopting values and

Changes in the economic High Preparation of contingency

policies funds for meeting the
impacts of economic

Risk register

Risk Likelihood Impact Risk response Responsible

Lack of proper Low Hight Arrangement of Planning
resources quality department
Not complying Low High Checking the Managers
with th acts implementation
process at every

Poor Medium High Adopting Proyect and

environment of effective management
workplace monitoring team

Changes in the High High Preparation of Operation

economic contingency manager
policies funds for
meeting the
impacts of

Proyect title: Proyect Planning and Management

Proyect client: Demin James
Proyect sponsor: Max Lionel
Project manager: Kim Sweeney, Les Goodale, Sam Lee, Pat Misfud, Peter Mitchell
Likehood of risk: low
Impact of risl: high
Preventive actions recommended: Arrangement of quality resources.
Contingency actions recommended: maintaining additional stock
Supporting documentations: status report of proyect.

Communications and reporting

Stakeholder Information When required Format


Management Information which is At every stage. Meetings.

relevant for the
activities of the

Employees Information which is At every stage. Meetings or Project

important for the discussions.
project in which
employees are
Customers Information about At the time of Communication
the company and its communicating the through mails and
performance and details of the meetings.
project status. project.

Investors Information At the time of Meetings and mails

regarding the investment decision or posts.
projects in which and during the
investment is made planning process
by the investors. and execution

Government Information about At every stage so as With documents

the practices and to ensure the and mails or posts.
policies adopted by compliance of
the company. polices, rules and


Project Name: Project Planning and Management

Income Inc. GST Ex. GST

Project budget $15,000 $13,500

Total Income $15,000 $13,500

Expenses Inc. GST Ex. GST

Kim Sweeney (8 hours) h/$110 $880 $792

Davis Brooke (10 hours) h/$100 $1000 $900

Martin Sheila (25 hours) h/$120 $3120 $2808

Rick Smith (25 hours) h/$80 $2120 $1908

Alicja Lewandowska (11 hours) h/$80 $830 $747

Violeta Hoyos (6 hours) h/$90 $540 $486

Levis Luicgo (10 hours) h/$80 $870 $783

Ricky (10hours) h/$100 $1000 $900

Telephone $440 $396

advertising $400 $360

Presentations $300 $270

Prints $300 $270

training $537 $483

catering $300 $270

travel $1000 $900

Subtotal $13,637 $12,273

Contingency (+10%) $1,363 $1,227

Total $15,000 $13,500

Project Title: Project Client: Date version :

Project Planning and Management Kim Sweeney 02/2018

Project Sponsor: Max Lionel Project Manager: File Name:

Ace Consultants Budget Variation
Implementation: Change requests

Riz Mehra
Issued by

Item affected Scope

Nature of change requested Huge

Reason for change Enhancing the service

quality for the client

Impact on scope Changes can be made

according to the client
during the process is
included in the scope.

Impact on budget Expenses will increase

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