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Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 704e715

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Design of energy efficient reactive solvents for post combustion CO2

capture using computer aided approach
Muhammad Zulhilmi Ahmad a, b, Haslenda Hashim a, b, Azizul Azri Mustaffa a, b,
Hasmerya Maarof c, Nor Alafiza Yunus a, b, *
Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), Research Institute for Sustainable Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor,
Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The reduction of CO2 emissions has become a challenge due to rapid economic growth all over the world.
Received 13 April 2017 Growing concerns on this issue have led the researcher to develop and implement several strategies
Received in revised form including one very promising strategy involving CO2 capture from power plants. This paper presents a
29 October 2017
Computer Aided Molecular Design (CAMD) technique to design new alternative solvents as replacements
Accepted 30 November 2017
for commonly used solvents during the post combustion carbon capture process in power plants, which
Available online 19 December 2017
is often costly and energy intensive. The CAMD technique can quickly identify the most suitable solvents
and avoid spending resources on infeasible solvent replacements. In this study, the reverse design
Reactive solvent
approach is used where, first, the criteria of the targeted solvents are identified and then the desired
Amine-based solvent solvent candidates generated. The methods for this work consists of five steps: 1) Problem formulation,
Computer-aided molecular design 2) Generation of single reactive solvent candidate using ProCAMD tools in ICAS software, 3) Prediction of
Post combustion CO2 capture the reaction mechanism between the potential amine solvent candidate and CO2 using the zwitterion
Chemical absorption mechanism and base-catalysed hydration mechanism, 4) Evaluation of process performance by calcu-
Regeneration energy lating the heat required for the solvent regeneration process, and 5) Selection of the best solvent
candidate based on its desired process performance. The result of this study reveals that 25 amine-based
solvents for the chemical absorption process were successfully generated from the amine and alcohol
functional groups. By using the proposed solvent, significant savings on regeneration energy, up to 31.4%,
could be achieved compared to the conventional solvent, MEA. The percentage average absolute devi-
ation (AAD) of the property prediction model that this study used to estimate the value of heat of for-
mation is 4.67%. This finding is important to further reduce the regeneration energy, which makes the
CO2 capture process costly, and achieve a more sustainable and cleaner environment.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction economies, and limited alternatives sources of energy, fossil fuels

will continue to contribute a major proportion of future energy
The power generation sector (e.g. fossil fuels and coal-fired worldwide, especially in developing countries (IEA, 2013). Based on
power plants) is one of the main contributors of CO2 emission in this scenario, it is expected that the concentration of CO2 in the
the atmosphere. As reported in the IPCC report (2014), the power atmosphere will keep increasing if no action is taken to mitigate the
generation sector accounts for 35% of total greenhouse gases (GHG) CO2 emission in the atmosphere. This will have an adverse effect on
emissions, in which CO2 is one of the main GHG emitted. Due to an the environment and contribute towards increasing global warm-
increase in energy demands and world population, the growth of ing effects. A short-term approach is required to alleviate the
emission of CO2 into the atmosphere, whilst other alternative
sources of green energy (e.g. renewable energy and low carbon
fuels) are commercialised to replace the use of fossil fuels in the
* Corresponding author. Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Universiti power generation sector. This can be realised through the imple-
Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
mentation of Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) in the power generation
E-mail address: (N.A. Yunus).
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.Z. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 704e715 705

sector since CCS helps to produce energy with near-zero CO2 absorption capacity, Solvent B had low regeneration energy, and
emissions. As stated by Leung et al. (2014), CCS can capture up to Solvent C had a high absorption/desorption rate. Chowdhury et al.
90% of CO2 from the point of emission source in the power gener- (2011) synthesised and selected new hindered amine to reduce the
ation sector. regeneration energy and cost of the CO2 capture process. The au-
There are three main types of CO2 capture technologies associ- thors found two hindered secondary amines (2-
ated with different combustion processes, which are post com- isopropylaminoethanol (IPAE) and 2-isobutylaminoethanol
bustion, pre-combustion, and oxyfuel combustion (Leung et al., (IBAE)) and two hindered tertiary amines (1-Methyl-2-
2014). Post combustion carbon capture (PCCC) technology in- piperidineethanol (1M-2PPE) and 2-isopropyldiethanolamine
volves the separation process of CO2 from the flue gas after the (IPDEA)) as promising solvent candidates. Van Der Ham et al.
combustion of fossil fuels and before its emission into the atmo- (2014) evaluated the performance of concentrated aqueous piper-
sphere. In pre-combustion carbon capture, the fuel is pre-treated azine as the CO2 captured solvent. Several studies were also con-
with air and steam through the gasification reaction and water ducted on the design of blended aqueous amines solvents. Singh
gas shift reaction before the combustion process. This process is et al. (2013) conducted an experimental pilot plant study to syn-
most suited for application in coal gasification plants. Meanwhile, thesise energy efficient amine-based solvent blends. Two new
in oxyfuel combustion technology, during the combustion process, promising solvent blends were introduced in their study (e.g.
the fuel is reacted with pure oxygen gas instead of air. The nitrogen Blends of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol
gas is separated and removed from the air at the early stages in (AMP) þ hexamethyldiamine þ H2O). Conway et al. (2015) syn-
order to facilitate the capture process by producing high concen- thesised a blended aqueous amine solvent from a combination of
trations of CO2. This study focuses on PCCC since it is the best and primary amine solvents (e.g. MEA) with tertiary or sterically hin-
most mature technology for capturing CO2 from flue gas emissions dered amine solvents (e.g. AMP). El Hadri et al. (2015) performed an
of fossil fuel power plants. Besides, PCCC technology can easily be experimental study to design a novel solvent to replace MDEA as
integrated or retrofitted to any existing power plant. the co-solvent in a blended aqueous amine solution.
Several methods have been proposed by previous researchers to Besides the amine-based solvents, other examples of alternative
separate CO2 from flue gas based on PCCC technology including chemical solvents that have been introduced for absorption of CO2
absorption using physical or chemical solvents (Wu et al., 2014), are ammonia (Molina and Bouallou, 2015), potassium carbonate
adsorption onto solid sorbents (Zhao et al., 2007), cryogenic (Jayaweera et al., 2014), and recently, the ionic liquid solvent
distillation (Tuinier et al., 2010), and membrane separation (Ozkutlu et al., 2016). Unfortunately, the disadvantages in designing
(Khalilpour et al., 2015). The selection of the method of separation new solvents using purely experimental work is that it is time
depends on the concentration of CO2 emissions. Since flue gas has a consuming and would use up resources if the experimental work
low concentration of CO2, which is around 4e14 w/w% (Olajire, were not systematically planned. Apart from this, an experimental
2010), chemical absorption by solvents is considered to be the approach cannot handle a large amount of solvent candidates since
most promising method. Chemical absorption is highly selective it is cost intensive and it is almost impossible to run experiments
with very high carbon capture efficiency even at low CO2 concen- for all solvent candidates. Therefore, a more efficient solution
trations and low CO2 partial pressure. This is due to the addition of strategy is needed to overcome these drawbacks. The CAMD
reaction driving force between CO2 and solvents, which help to approach is an alternative method that can be applied at the early
increase the absorption capacity of CO2. The current commercial- stages of solvent design, to narrow down the search region,
ised solvent used in this process is monoethanolamine (MEA). resulting in focused experimental work on promising solvent
However, despite all the advantages of this technology, chemical candidates only (Hashim et al., 2017).
absorption PCCC processes are still recognised as economically The CAMD approach can predict the nature and properties of
unattractive (Wang et al., 2011). This is due to the characteristics of molecules or mixtures, which will later perform the desired ac-
the solvent used in the chemical absorption process. As reported in tivities. From the definition of Achenie et al. (2003), CAMD can be
a previous study, although MEA is a cheap solvent, has a high recognised as a reversed engineering approach where a set of target
reactivity rate towards CO2 and a high absorbing rate (Rao et al., properties are specified, following which the molecular structure
2004), it still possesses some disadvantages. For example, high that meets the targeted properties are determined. The advantage
energy is required during the regeneration process of the MEA of using the CAMD technique is that it can quickly identify the
solvent, which contributes to a high energy penalty (Han et al., potential molecular structures (Eslick et al., 2011) and eliminate all
2013). Besides, MEA is a volatile solvent that can easily degrade at the infeasible alternatives at the early stage of design based on the
high operating temperatures with detrimental effects on human defined target properties. Furthermore, by applying this CAMD
health and the environment (Mertens et al., 2013). The chemical technique, a large number of potential candidates can be consid-
degradation of the MEA solvent also occurs in the presence of ox- ered in the design process (Achenie et al., 2003). Another advantage
ygen (Zaman and Lee, 2013) and contributes to the increase in of the CAMD technique is that it can reduce the required number of
equipment corrosion rate (Yu et al., 2012). All these disadvantages experiments, since CAMD has already performed the screening
of MEA solvents inadvertently lead to an increase in capital and process, experimental work will be conducted on potential candi-
operating cost for CCS (Hasaneen et al., 2014). This hinders the dates only (Yunus et al., 2014). As a result, CAMD will help save
commercialisation of large-scale application of chemical absorption resources, minimize the cost for experimental work, and reduce the
PCCC plants (Bandyopadhyay, 2011). time to market the product.
Therefore, to ensure PCCC is competitively placed as one of the Several studies have successfully applied the CAMD technique to
cost effective options for CO2 emissions mitigation measures, the develop novel material based on the given desired target proper-
solvent used in the process needs to be improved or replaced with ties. For example, CAMD was used as a systematic and powerful tool
other potential solvents. The search for, and development of new for the design of refrigerant mixtures (Churi and Achenie, 1997),
alternative solvents have gained more attention in recent years, solvents and extractants (Wang and Achenie, 2002), skin care
mostly through experimental studies. For example, Goto et al. cream (Cheng et al., 2009), paint and insect repellent (Conte et al.,
(2009) developed three high performance and low cost amine- 2012), gasoline blends and lubricant base oil (Yunus et al., 2014),
based solvents for the carbon capture process. The three designed tailor-made biofuel blend from palm biomass (Hashim et al., 2017)
solvents have different criteria: Solvent A had a high CO2 and ionic liquids as an energy efficient entrainer in the separation
706 M.Z. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 704e715

process (Kulajanpeng et al., 2016). The CAMD approach was also

Step 1: Problem formulation
employed in the development of solvent for the carbon capture
process. Qadir et al. (2014) used the CAMD framework to simulta-
neously design an optimal solvent and optimal process conditions
for the pre-combustion carbon capture process. The aim of their Step 2: Generation of feasible solvent
study was to formulate a solvent that can minimize the energy candidates
requirement in the pre-combustion carbon capture process. They
developed an optimal pure and binary solvent blend in their study
through solving a MINLP optimization problem. Another work that
used the CAMD approach in the development of solvents for the
pre-combustion process is that of Pereira et al. (2011) in which the
author integrated the development of a solvent with process design Has a feasible
for the high pressure separation process of CO2 from methane using solvent been
a SAFT-VR thermodynamic model. generated?
Recently, the CAMD technique has been extended to include the
designing of solvents in the PCCC process. Chong et al. (2015)
applied the CAMD framework to design ionic liquid as a solvent Yes
for enhanced post combustion carbon dioxide capture. Group
contribution and a UNIFAC model was used in their study to esti- Step 3: Prediction of reaction between potential
mate the properties of ionic liquids and the solubility of CO2 in the solvent candidate and CO2
ionic liquids. Valencia-Marquez et al. (2016) used CAMD to obtain
the optimal molecular structure for ionic liquids as potential sol-
vents for CO2 capture and integrated with a multi-objective opti-
mization framework to deal with conflicting design objectives
Step 4: Evaluation of process performance
related to process economics and sustainability issues. Zarogiannis
et al. (2016) also developed a systematic framework for the selec-
tion of mixtures as a post combustion solvent candidate using the Step 5: Selection of solvent candidate
CAMD approach. The authors identified the solvents from a large
pool of potential candidates. A simple property model was used for Fig. 1. Systematic method for the design of an energy efficient reactive solvent using
screening potential solvent candidates at the early stages of design the CAMD approach.
and a SAFT equation of state model was used as a rigorous evalu-
ation to predict the non-ideal interaction between CO2, water, and
mechanism; 4) Evaluation of process performance by calculating
energy required for the solvent regeneration process; and 5) Se-
However, the mechanism of reaction that occurs between
lection of the best solvent candidate based on the lowest energy
reactive solvents and solute (unknown reaction stoichiometry) has
needed for the regeneration process. In this study, the most
not been addressed in previous studies associated with the mo-
commonly used aqueous MEA solvent is used as the reference
lecular design approach. Most research only consider the physical
solvent for performance comparison.
absorptive contribution of the solvent and assume that no reaction
will occur between solvent and solute (Chong et al., 2015). This will
lead to difficulty in evaluating the chemical absorption process 2.1. Step 1: problem formulation
performance of the reactive solvent, in which information on re-
action stoichiometry is essential for the evaluation of the energy for Problem formulation is a step to establish user attributes and
solvent regeneration, chemical absorption rate and chemical ab- needs. In this step, the functionality of solvents in the chemical
sorption capacity of the reactive solvent. This study addresses this absorption process is determined. Based on the functionality of the
limitation by considering both reactive and physical absorptive solvent, several performance criteria of the desired reactive solvent
contributions of the solvent in order to design an energy efficient are listed. These performance criteria indicate the specific charac-
reactive solvent for the chemical absorption PCCC process through teristic that the solvent should have in order to capture CO2 through
the CAMD approach. the chemical absorption process. It also covers detailed knowledge
of the overall process such as the desired physical and chemical
2. Methodology properties of reactive solvents, the physical and chemical proper-
ties of the solute (CO2), and the performance of the chemical ab-
An overview of the systematic method used in this study for the sorption process.
design of an energy efficient reactive single solvent is illustrated in The important performance criteria that have been listed are
Fig. 1. This study utilised the advantages of the CAMD approach in translated into physicochemical target properties. Table 1 sum-
order to speed up the process of finding feasible solvent candidates marises all the performance criteria and target properties that are
and reliably reduce the search space through the screening process. considered in this study on the design of an energy efficient reac-
This has helped reduce the required number of experiments since tive solvent for the PCCC process. Then, all the listed target prop-
the experiments will focus on promising solvent candidates only. erties are specified with the desired range of values taken from the
The systematic method consists of five main steps, which are: 1) literature study and from the best properties of the conventional
Problem formulation; 2) Generation of single reactive solvent solvent. This step is done to ensure that the values of target prop-
candidate using ProCAMD tool in ICAS software. In this second step, erties for newly designed solvents are within the desired range. The
the proposed solvent candidates are generated using CAMD range of constraint value for each target property used in this study
approach by specifying the targeted properties; 3) Prediction of is obtained from Ahmad et al. (2015).
reaction stoichiometry between potential amine solvent and CO2 Some of the performance criteria must first be translated into a
either using zwitterion mechanism or base-catalysed hydration selection of suitable chemical databases. For example, only solvents
M.Z. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 704e715 707

Table 1 a diamine solvent is much smaller compared to the formation of

Performance criteria and target properties for the designed solvents. carbamate (Ciftja et al., 2013).
Performance criteria Physicochemical target properties Range

Solvent performance i. Solubility parameter (MPa1/2) 13.6e25.0

The step-by-step procedure to predict the reaction stoichiom-
ii. Density (g/cm3) 1.0e1.5 etry for the reaction between amine-based solvent and CO2 is
iii. Viscosity (cP) <3.0 explained in Sections 2.3.1e2.3.3.
iv. Normal boiling point (K) >400.0
v. Normal melting point (K) <293.0
vi. Surface tension (dynes/cm) 25.0e60.0 2.3.1. Perform literature search for the reaction between amine-
Safety and environmental i. Flash point (K) >313.0 based solvent and CO2
ii. Vapour pressure (kPa) <7.0 The general chemical reaction stoichiometry between amine-
Process performance Energy needed for solvent regeneration e based solvents and CO2 is identified from previous experimental
studies. Based on the literature study conducted, the reaction be-
tween an amine-based solvent and CO2 can be categorised into
that can react with CO2 through reversible reaction are considered three categories, which are primary amine, secondary amine and
since this is the main solvent criteria for the chemical absorption tertiary amine.
process. The CO2 non-reactive solvents are eliminated from the For the primary and secondary amine category, the solvent will
chemical database. This step involves the elimination of infeasible react with CO2 through the zwitterion mechanism (Vaidya and
chemicals based on the performance criteria at an early stage of the Kenig, 2007). The zwitterion mechanism consists of two re-
design. actions. In the first reaction, the amine will react with CO2 to form a
zwitterion (RNHþ 
2 COO ) as an intermediate. Then, in the second
2.2. Step 2: generation of feasible reactive solvent candidates reaction, this zwitterion will undergo a deprotonation reaction by a
base to form carbamate (RNHCOO). Usually, the base in the second
Once the solvent design problem has been formulated, the next reaction is the amine itself. The chemical equation for the first and
step is to generate the feasible solvent candidates that have all the second reaction is shown in Eqs. (1) and (2) below. The overall
desired target properties using ProCAMD tools. The input data reaction for the zwitterion mechanism is the sum of Eqs. (1) and (2),
required by ProCAMD tools to generate the solvent are the type of as shown in Eq. (3) for the primary amine solvent and Eq. (4) for the
functional group that is represented in the molecular structure, secondary amine solvent.
type of chemical compounds (either acyclic, cyclic or aromatic
compounds), size and complexity of molecular structure (mini- RNH2 þ CO2 ! RNH2þ COO (1)
mum and maximum number of functional groups present in the
molecular structure), and most importantly, the target property RNH2þ COO þ RNH2 ! RNHCOO þ RNH3þ (2)
value defined in Step 1. Once the entire input data has been
transferred to ProCAMD, the software will generate all the feasible 2RNH2 þ CO2 ! RNHCOO þ RNH3þ (3)
solvent candidates. If no feasible candidates are generated, the
design specifications specified in Step 1 will be revised and
adjusted. This step is done repeatedly until a feasible solvent 2R1 R2 NH þ CO2 ! R1 R2 NCOO þ R1 R2 NH2þ (4)
candidate is generated. For the tertiary amine solvent category, the solvent will react
with CO2 through a based-catalysed hydration mechanism (Vaidya
2.3. Step 3: prediction of reaction stoichiometry between solvent and Kenig, 2007). This mechanism is a single-step reaction, as
and solute shown in Eq. (5) below. In this reaction, the tertiary amine will react
with CO2 and water (H2O) to produce a bicarbonate ion (HCO 3)
The purpose of this step is to identify the reaction mechanism instead of carbamate.
and to predict the product of the reaction between potential solvent
candidates and solute (CO2). The reaction mechanism is important R1 R2 R3 N þ CO2 þ H2 O ! R1 R2 R3 NH þ þ HCO
3 (5)
in order to evaluate the performance of the solvent in the chemical
absorption process, the calculation of the enthalpy of reaction be- where the R1, R2 and R3 groups in the chemical reaction stoichi-
tween solvent and CO2 (energy required for regeneration process) ometry above represents the unreactive sites of the amine solvent
being one example. (e.g. alkyl group), which are the structures that remain the same in
In order to predict this reaction stoichiometry, information on the reactant and product.
reaction mechanism from the experimental study is needed.
Therefore, this study only focuses on potential solvent candidates 2.3.2. Classification of amine-based solvent into primary, secondary
from the amine functional group since only amine-based solvents or tertiary amines
have the required information based on experimental studies. In order to identify the reactive site of potential amine solvents
There are two assumptions made for this step, which are specified (which is the part of the amine solvent that reacts with CO2), the
based on the literature study: potential amine solvent needs to be classified into three categories
of amines, which are the primary amine, secondary amine and
1) Only the main reaction is considered in this study; all side re- tertiary amine. This classification is made based on the molecular
actions are neglected. structure of potential amine solvent candidates. Fig. 2 summarises
2) If the potential amine solvent has more than one amine group the step-by-step process to classify the potential amine solvents
(e.g. diamine or triamine), only one amine group is considered into primary, secondary, or tertiary amine groups.
to react with CO2 since the reaction of the second or third amine For single amine solvent candidates (solvents that only have one
group only occurs at high CO2 loading (Ciftja et al., 2013). Be- amine functional group) the classification of the potential solvent is
sides, even at high CO2 loading, the formation of dicarbamate very straightforward, based on the position of the amine functional
from the reaction between CO2 with the second amine group in group in the molecule. This is shown in the left hand side of Fig. 2.
708 M.Z. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 704e715

Potential amine solvent candidate

Is there only one

Yes No
amino group present
in the molecule?

Single amine solvent Diamine/triamine solvent

Primary Yes Yes Primary

Is the -NH2 grou
group Is the-NH2 group
amine amine
present? present?

No No

Yes Yes
Secondary Iss the -NH grou
group Secondary
Is the-NH group
amine present? present? amine
No No

Tertiary amines Tertiary amines

Fig. 2. Step-by-step procedure for the classification of amine-based solvent into primary, secondary, or tertiary amines.

For example; primary, secondary, and tertiary amines, the reaction stoichiometry
for all the solvent candidates are generated. The generation is based
1) Case 1: If the amine functional group is attached to two on the general reaction stoichiometry of amine-based solvent with
hydrogen atoms and one carbon atom (RNH2), the solvent is CO2, as established in Section 2.3.1.
categorised as a primary amine. An example of a primary amine
2) Case 2: If the amine functional group is attached to one 2.4. Step 4:Evaluation of process performance
hydrogen atom and two carbon atoms (R1R2NH), the solvent is
categorised as a secondary amine. An example of a secondary 2.4.1. Energy required for solvent regeneration
amine is Ethyl butyl amine (CH3CH2CH2CH2NHCH2CH3). In this study, the evaluation of process performance only focuses
3) Case 3: If the amine functional group is attached to three carbon on the energy required for solvent regeneration since this is the
atoms (R1R2R3N), the solvent is categorised as a tertiary amine. main energy penalty in the carbon capture process. The total en-
An example of a tertiary amine is MDEA (CH3N(CH2CH2OH)2). ergy required for solvent regeneration is determined by the sum-
mation of three primary components, which are the enthalpy of
For diamine or triamine solvent candidates (solvents that have reaction, sensible heat, and stripping heat, as shown in Eq. (6)
more than one amine functional group in their molecular struc- (Hopkinson et al., 2014).
ture), only one amine group is considered as reactive and the other
Ereg ¼ QDHr þ QSH þ QST (6)
is considered unreactive based on the second assumption stated in
Section 2.3. The right hand side of Fig. 2 shows the step-by-step
where, Ereg (kJ/mol) is the total energy required for solvent
process to determine the reactive site of diamine- or triamine-
regeneration, QDHr (kJ/mol) is the enthalpy of reaction between
based solvents. This depends on the selectivity of amines towards
solute and solvent, QSH (kJ/mol) is the sensible heat, and QST (kJ/
CO2. As reported in a previous study, the selectivity of amine to-
mol) is the stripping heat. Sensible heat is the heat required to
wards CO2 follows the sequence of primary amine, secondary
increase the temperature of the inlet stream of the stripping col-
amine, and lastly, tertiary amine (Ciftja et al., 2013). This means that
umn to the desired operating temperature for the regeneration
the primary amine has the highest reactivity while the tertiary
process. Meanwhile, stripping heat is the latent heat of water
amine has the lowest reactivity towards CO2. For example if the
vapour that is needed to create desorption driving force at the top
solvent has both primary and tertiary amine groups in their mo-
of the stripping column. The contribution of sensible heat and
lecular structure, the solvent is thus classified as a primary amine
stripping heat to the overall energy required for solvent regenera-
since the primary amine has a high selectivity towards CO2.
tion will not be considered in this study since this study is a pre-
liminary design study and the operating condition of the
2.3.3. Generation of reaction stoichiometry for each solvent regeneration process is still unknown. Therefore, the total energy
candidate required for solvent regeneration in this study is equal to the
Once all the potential solvent candidates are categorised into enthalpy of reaction between reactive solvent and CO2.
M.Z. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 704e715 709

The enthalpy of reaction is the heat required to break the

chemical bond between solute (CO2) and solvent in the stripping XCH2 CH2 Y þ CH4 / XCH3 þ CH3 CH2 Y (8)
column. The enthalpy of reaction is calculated using Eq. (7) based
on the chemical reaction stoichiometry defined in Step 3 (Section where XCH2CH2Y is the desired chemical (from which the required
2.3). heat of formation will be estimated), while X and Y in the above
equation represent other functional groups such as NH2e, eH, eF,
X  X  eCl, eOH, eCH3, eCOH, eCOOH, eNO2, and eCN. In Eq. (8), the
QDHr ¼ DHf product  DHf reactant (7) number and type of bond in the reactant and product are the same.
One important thing that needs to be considered in the con-
DHf (kJ/mol) in Eq. (7) is the heat of formation for the product and struction of an isodesmic reaction is that the experimental heat of
reactant in kilojoule per mol. In this research, the value of heat of formation, DHf , data for all other chemicals involved in the re-
formation for the product and reactant is estimated using quantum
action stoichiometry of isodesmic reaction, must be available. This
mechanics calculation and isodesmic reaction since ionic com-
is because the DHfexp value will be required in order to estimate the
pounds (carbamate and RNHþ 4 are formed as products from the
reaction of amine-based solvent and CO2) are involved. The ProPred heat of formation of the desired chemicals and to provide accurate
tool does not have the necessary features for the prediction of heat results for the heat of formation (Chen and Hamilton, 1999).
of formation for ionic compounds. After the isodesmic reaction has been constructed, the heat of
formation of the desired chemical will be estimated using Table 3,
Eqs. (9) and (10). Subscripts i and j in Eqs. (9) and (10) represent the
number of reactant and product in the isodesmic reaction.
2.4.2. Property prediction method for heat of formation using the X X
quantum mechanics approach DHR ¼ Hoj  Hoi (9)
The first step in estimating the heat of formation using a j i
quantum mechanics approach is to determine the sum of electronic
and thermal enthalpies, Ho, for each chemical structure using DHf ;A ¼ DHfexp
 DHR (10)
Gaussian09 software. The Gaussian09 software performs quantum j i¼2
mechanics calculations to generate thermochemistry data based on
molecular structure. The detail input data needed for the First, the enthalpy of reaction, DHR, will be calculated using Eq.
Gaussian09 software is shown in Table 2 below. (9) based on the value of Ho of each product and reactant. Then, the
In Table 2, the theoretical model represents the method used to value of heat of formation of the desired chemical will be estimated
model the system with a specific set of approximations. The basis using the calculated DHR and experimental heat of formation,
set represents a set of wave functions, which describe the shape of DHexp
value, as shown in Eq. (10). The advantage of using isodesmic
atomic orbitals. Molecule specification is required to specify the reaction is that the accuracy of the estimation result will be
type of atoms and their coordinates in the molecule structure (also improved since the computational errors associated with reactants
known as the Z-matrix coordinate). In this study, Chemdraw soft- and products will tend to cancel out due to the similarity in
ware is used to generate the Z-matrix coordinate for each chemical bonding (Saraf et al., 2003).
The value of Ho is extracted from the thermochemistry data 2.5. Step 5: selection of the best solvent candidate
generated by the Gaussion09 software. After Ho has been deter-
mined, the isodesmic reaction is constructed for each chemical The reactive solvent candidate, which has the lowest energy
structure. The isodesmic reaction is the reaction that contains the required for the regeneration process, is selected as the most
same number and same kind of chemical bond in the reactant and promising solvent, since the objective of this study is to design an
product. The rule for constructing the isodesmic reaction is given by energy efficient reactive solvent for the chemical absorption PCCC
Khrapkovskii et al. (2013), as shown in the chemical equation (Eq. process. The performance of the selected solvent is compared with
(8)) below. the performance of a conventional solvent.

3. Results and discussions

Table 2
Input data required for Gaussian09 software.
3.1. Generation of feasible solvent candidate
Parameter Input data

Type of calculation Frequency calculation with optimised structure In this work, the feasible solvent candidates for PCCC were
Theoretical models Ground state, density functional theory (DFT), B3LYP
generated using ProCAMD software. Since the method is consid-
(Method) model
Basis sets 6-311G (d, p): 6 Gaussian Type Orbitals (GTOs) for core ered to be a new approach for PCCC, there is a need to prove that it
orbital, 3 GTOs for inner valence, 2 difference GTOs for can generate a feasible solvent for CO2 capture. In order to prove the
outer balance method, a base case study was used where the result of the solvents
Molecule Z-matrix coordinate generated from the base case study are compared with a previous
study. In the base case study, the search for feasible solvents was

Table 3
Estimation of heat of formation using quantum mechanics and the isodesmic reaction approach.

Isodesmic reaction Reactant 1 Reactant 2 / Product 1 Product 2

Chemical A (desired chemical) B C D

Sum of electronic and thermal enthalpies (kJ/mol) Ho, A Ho, B Ho, C Ho, D
Experimental value of heat of formation (kJ/mol) DHf, A DHexp
f ;B
f ;D
710 M.Z. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 704e715

Table 4 ProCAMD software was 1.07 s. Of these 571 chemical structures,

Summary of the feasible solvent candidates generated in this study based on only 29 chemicals were available in the ICAS database and
functional group.
considered in this study as feasible solvents for the chemical ab-
Functional group Number of feasible reactive solvent candidates generated sorption process. The rest of the generated structures were not in
Amine 17 the chemical database with some possibly not even available in the
Amine and alcohol 8 market (must be synthesised from other chemicals). Due to this
Alcohol 4 limitation, the rest of the generated structures were eliminated in
Total 29
this study. Table 4 summarises the result according to the func-
tional group of the reactive solvent generated. Out of 29 feasible
reactive solvent candidates generated, 17 reactive solvents con-
done for commonly employed solvent, which is the acyclic com- tained the amine functional group, 8 reactive solvents contained a
pound from amines and alcohol functional groups only. However, combination of amine and alcohol functional groups, and the rest
once the method is proven, then the application could be extended only contained the alcohol functional group. A list of reactive sol-
to include other groups of chemicals including cyclic amines. vents generated in this study is shown in Table 5.
The result of the base case study shows that 571 chemical Some of the 29 solvents listed in Table 5 was also found in
structures (including isomers) have been generated from the Pro- previous studies. For example, the tertiary amine solvent, 2-
CAMD software based on the design specification defined in Step 1 propanol, 1-(dimethylamino)-, was found in a study by Zhang
(Section 2.1). The total time required to generate the result using et al. (2016). Another secondary amine solvent, which is ethanol,

Table 5
List of feasible generated solvents.

Name of solvent candidate Chemical structure Functional group

1,2-Ethanediamine, N-methyl- Amine

1,3-Propanediamine Amine

1,2-Ethanediamine, N-ethyl- Amine

1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N0 -dimethyl- Amine

1,4-Butanediamine Amine

1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N,N0 -trimethyl- Amine

1,3-Propanediamine, N,N-dimethyl- Amine

Pentane-1,5-diamine (Cadaverine) Amine

1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N-diethyl- Amine

N,N-dimethyl diethylenetriamine Amine

1,2-Ethanediamine, N0 -ethyl-N,N-dimethyl- Amine

1,3-Propanediamine, N-(3-aminopropyl)- Amine

1-butamine, N-ethyl Amine

1-Propanamine, N-propyl- Amine

1,6-Hexanediamine Amine

1-Hexanamine Amine
M.Z. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 704e715 711

Table 5 (continued )

Name of solvent candidate Chemical structure Functional group

4-methylpentanamine Amine

Ethanol, 2-(ethylamino)- Amine and alcohol

Ethanol, 2-(propylamino)- Amine and alcohol

4-Aminobutanol Amine and alcohol

5-Aminopentanol Amine and alcohol

Ethanol, 2-(dimethylamino)- Amine and alcohol

1-Propanol, 2-(dimethylamino)- Amine and alcohol

2-Propanol, 1-(dimethylamino)- Amine and alcohol

1-Propanol, 3-(dimethylamino)- Amine and alcohol

2-Butanol, 3-methyl Alcohol

1-Butanol, 2-methyl Alcohol

1-Butanol, 3-methyl Alcohol

1-Pentanol Alcohol

2-(ethylamino)-, was found in a study by Hwang et al. (2017), and Based on the literature study, only amines were found to react with
three primary amine solvents (1,3-propanediamine; 1,6- CO2; no information has been found regarding the reaction be-
hexanediamine; 1,3-propanediamine, N,N-dimethyl-), one sec- tween alcohol and CO2. Therefore, four potential solvents that
ondary amine solvent (ethanol, 2-(ethylamino)-) and three tertiary contain only the alcohol functional group were eliminated at this
amine solvents (ethanol, 2-(dimethylamino)-; 2-propanol, 1- stage since it is assumed that no reaction will happen between
(dimethylamino)-;1-propanol, 3-(dimethylamino)-) were found in alcohol and CO2.
the study conducted by El Hadri et al. (2017). These results prove In order to identify the reaction mechanism of each potential
that the method used in this study can generate feasible solvents amine-based solvent with CO2, all 25 potential candidates were
for CO2 capture similar to the experimental approach. Furthermore, classified based on their reactive sites; either primary, secondary, or
some solvents generated in this study have not been found in the tertiary amines. The result of amine solvent classification is shown
literature (to the best of the authors’ knowledge). These solvents in Table 6 below.
might be one of the potential novel solvents for CO2 capture in the The reaction stoichiometry for potential solvent candidates with
future (e.g., the primary amine solvent 1,2-ethanediamine, N,N- CO2 from the primary and secondary amine category is generated
diethyl-). The other advantages of the approach proposed in this using the zwitterion mechanism (see Eqs. (3) and (4)). Meanwhile,
work are that it helps to reduce the time to generate feasible sol- for the tertiary amine category, the reaction stoichiometry of the
vents and saves on resources and cost since experimental works potential solvent with CO2 is generated using a base-catalysed
will only be conducted for promising solvents only. hydration mechanism (See Eq. (5)).

3.2. Classification of reactive solvent and prediction of reaction 3.3. Evaluation of energy required for solvent regeneration
In this stage, the performance of the solvent regeneration pro-
The reaction of each potential solvent candidate with CO2 was cess will be evaluated and ranked for all 25 potential solvents. The
predicted using the method proposed in Step 3 (see Section 2.3). performance evaluations were performed based on enthalpy of
712 M.Z. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 704e715

Table 6 reaction stoichiometry generated for each solvent candidate and

Result of amine solvent classification. heat of formation predicted using the quantum mechanics
Potential amine solvent candidate Number of amino Category of approach. Tables 7 and 8 show the results of the enthalpy of
groups present amine desorption reaction for primary/secondary amines and tertiary
1-Hexanamine 1 Primary amine amines respectively, which were calculated at standard condition, a
4-methylpentanamine 1 Primary amine temperature of 298.15 K, and a pressure of 1 atm. The results in
4-Aminobutanol 1 Primary amine Tables 7 and 8 are arranged in the form of increasing order of
5-Aminopentanol 1 Primary amine
enthalpy of desorption reaction (from the lowest enthalpy values to
1,2-Ethanediamine, N-methyl- 2 Primary amine
1,3-Propanediamine 2 Primary amine the highest enthalpy values). The enthalpy of desorption reaction
1,2-Ethanediamine, N-ethyl- 2 Primary amine for the conventional solvent, MEA, with CO2 was calculated using
1,4-Butanediamine 2 Primary amine the same approach, yielding a value of 97.43 kJ/mol.
1,3-Propanediamine, N,N-dimethyl- 2 Primary amine
In this study, the value of enthalpy of desorption represents the
Pentane-1,5-diamine 2 Primary amine
1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N-diethyl- 2 Primary amine
energy required for the solvent regeneration process in the stripper
1,6-Hexanediamine 2 Primary amine column. Based on the result in Table 7, it is shown that amongst all
N,N-dimethyl diethylenetriamine 3 Primary amine the primary and secondary amine solvent candidates generated in
1,3-Propanediamine, N-(3-aminopropyl)- 3 Primary amine this study, 1,2-ethanediamine, N,N-diethyl- (primary amine) and 1-
1-butamine, N-ethyl 1 Secondary
propanamine, N-propyl- (secondary amines) have the lowest
1-Propanamine, N-propyl- 1 Secondary enthalpy of desorption value, which are 101.07 kJ/mol and
amine 101.37 kJ/mol respectively. On the other hand 1,5-pentanediamine
Ethanol, 2-(ethylamino)- 1 Secondary (primary amine) has the highest value of enthalpy of desorption,
amine which is 130.71 kJ/mol. The results in Table 7 also indicate that most
Ethanol, 2-(propylamino)- 1 Secondary
secondary amine solvents have an enthalpy of desorption value
1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N0 -dimethyl- 2 Secondary that is lower than that of primary amine solvents. This result is due
amine to the weak formation of carbamate (unstable) in the reaction be-
1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N,N -trimethyl- 2 Secondary tween secondary amine solvents with CO2 (Hwang et al., 2017).
Therefore, less energy is required in the desorption process of
1,2-Ethanediamine, N0 -ethyl-N,N- 2 Secondary
dimethyl- amine secondary amines.
1-Propanol, 3-(dimethylamino)- 1 Tertiary amine Meanwhile, in Table 8, from four tertiary amine solvent candi-
1-Propanol, 2-(dimethylamino)- 1 Tertiary amine dates generated in this study, 2-propanol, 1-(dimethylamino)- has
Ethanol, 2-(dimethylamino)- 1 Tertiary amine the lowest value of enthalpy of desorption, which is 66.85 kJ/mol.
2-Propanol, 1-(dimethylamino)- 1 Tertiary amine
The range of enthalpy of desorption for all tertiary amine solvents
generated in this study is between 66.85 kJ/mol to 83.78 kJ/mol.

desorption between the potential amine solvent and CO2 only. The
contribution of sensible heat and stripping heat to the overall en- Table 8
ergy required for solvent regeneration has not been considered in Results of enthalpy of desorption for tertiary amine solvents with CO2.
this study since this is a preliminary study and the optimum
Potential tertiary amine solvents Enthalpy of desorption (kJ/mol)
operating condition of the regeneration process for each solvent
has not been established yet. The enthalpy of desorption is equal to 2-Propanol, 1-(dimethylamino)- 66.85
1-Propanol, 2-(dimethylamino)- 79.94
the negative value of enthalpy of absorption. The enthalpy of
1-Propanol, 3-(dimethylamino)- 82.98
desorption was calculated using Eq. (7) based on the reverse Ethanol, 2-(dimethylamino)- 83.78

Table 7
Result of enthalpy of desorption for primary and secondary amine solvents with CO2.

Potential primary and secondary amine solvents Category of amine Enthalpy of desorption (kJ/mol)

1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N-diethyl- Primary amine 101.07

1-Propanamine, N-propyl- Secondary amine 101.31
Ethanol, 2-(propylamino)- Secondary amine 103.27
Ethanol, 2-(ethylamino)- Secondary amine 104.06
1-butamine, N-ethyl Secondary amine 104.55
1,2-Ethanediamine, N0 -ethyl-N,N-dimethyl- Secondary amine 105.17
1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N0 -dimethyl- Secondary amine 105.41
N,N-dimethyl diethylenetriamine Primary amine 107.72
4-Aminobutanol Primary amine 108.64
1,3-Propanediamine, N-(3-aminopropyl)- Primary amine 108.84
1,3-Propanediamine, N,N-dimethyl- Primary amine 109.18
5-Aminopentanol Primary amine 109.86
1,3-Propanediamine Primary amine 111.80
1,6-Hexanediamine Primary amine 113.26
1,2-Ethanediamine, N-methyl- Primary amine 113.48
1,2-Ethanediamine, N,N,N0 -trimethyl- Secondary amine 115.37
1,2-Ethanediamine, N-ethyl- Primary amine 118.62
1,4-Butanediamine Primary amine 119.91
4-methylpentanamine Primary amine 120.83
1-Hexanamine Primary amine 122.85
1,5-Pentanediamine Primary amine 130.91
M.Z. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 704e715 713

This result indicates that the enthalpy of desorption for all tertiary  
amine solvents are lower than that of primary and secondary amine 1 XXEst  XExp 
%AAD ¼  X   100 (11)
solvents. The reason for tertiary amine solvents having a lower n Exp
enthalpy of desorption compared to primary and secondary amine
solvents is the different types of reaction mechanism, as stated in where n is the available data point for heat of formation, XEst is the
Eqs. (1)e(5). The reaction between tertiary amine and CO2 follows value of heat of formation estimated using a property prediction
the base-catalysed hydration mechanism, which forms bicarbonate model, and XExp is the experimental value of heat of formation
ions as a product instead of carbamate ions. The advantage of the taken from previous studies. The result of %AAD for the heat of
formation of bicarbonate ions is that it helps reduce the enthalpy of formation estimate using the quantum mechanics approach and
desorption since bicarbonate ions are easily decomposed by heat. ProPred tool are tabulated in Table 9.
As stated by Zhang et al. (2016), breaking CeO bonds in bi- The results in Table 9 show that the accuracy of the result in this
carbonates ions to release CO2 requires less energy compared to study is still tolerable with a percentage of AAD of around 4.67%.
breaking CeN bonds in carbamates. The use of isodesmic reactions has helped improve the accuracy of
When comparing the performance of the solvent generated in the result (estimation of heat of formation) since the computational
this study with the conventional solvent, MEA, all four tertiary errors associated with the reactants and products will tend to
amines solvents showed a lower enthalpy of desorption value cancel out due to the similarity in number and type of bonding
(which is between 66.85 kJ/mol to 83.78 kJ/mol) compared to the (Saraf et al., 2003). The trend of the result obtained in this study is
MEA solvent (97.43 kJ/mol). Therefore, by using the tertiary amine also in line with that of previous studies. This trend is shown by the
solvents proposed in this study, significant savings on regeneration value of enthalpy of reaction for tertiary amine solvents, which is
energy, up to 31.4%, could be achieved as compared to using the lower than the value of enthalpy of reaction for primary and sec-
conventional solvent MEA. This result indicates that the proposed ondary amine solvents (Liang et al., 2016).
tertiary amine solvent can help reduce the cost of carbon capture by
reducing the energy requirement for the solvent regeneration 4. Conclusions and further recommendations
The enthalpy of desorption for all primary and secondary amine In this study, an integrated molecular and process level
solvents generated in this study are found to be higher than that of approach was used for the design of energy efficient reactive sol-
MEA. However, one primary amine solvent (1,2-ethanediamine, vents for the chemical absorption PCCC process. The systematic
N,N-diethyl-) and six secondary amine solvents (1-propanamine, method applied the CAMD approach in order to speed up the
N-propyl-; ethanol, 2-(propylamino)-; ethanol, 2-(ethylamino)-; 1- process of finding and generating feasible solvent candidates. This
butamine, N-ethyl; 1,2-ethanediamine, N0 -ethyl-N,N-dimethyl-; study reveals that 25 reactive single solvent candidates for the
1,2-ethanediamine, N,N0 -dimethyl-) show an enthalpy of desorp- chemical absorption process were successfully generated from the
tion value nearer to the value of enthalpy of desorption for MEA (in amine and alcohol functional groups based on specified target
the range of 10 kJ/mol of the enthalpy of desorption for MEA, which properties. In addition, some of the amine solvents generated in
is 97.43 kJ/mol). Therefore, these four tertiary amine solvents, one this study were also found in previous studies. This proves that the
primary amine solvent, and six secondary amine solvents should be approach used in this study can generate feasible solvents for CO2
considered for further study as promising solvent candidates for capture.
CO2 capture. The performance of all potential amine solvents was evaluated
The accuracy of the result in this study (enthalpy of desorption based on the energy required for solvent regeneration. In order to
reaction) really depends on the accuracy of the property prediction evaluate the process performance, the reaction stoichiometry for
model used to estimate the value of heat of formation for each each potential amine solvent with CO2 was generated using the
product and reactant. As mentioned in the method of Section 2.4.2, prediction of reaction method introduced in this work. This reac-
the heat of formation is estimated using a quantum mechanics tion stoichiometry is needed for the calculation of enthalpy of
approach and isodesmic reaction. Table 9 shows the comparison of desorption. In this study, the value of enthalpy of desorption rep-
heat of formation value calculated from three different approaches, resents the amount of energy required for the solvent regeneration
which are the quantum mechanics approach (this work), ProPred process. Based on the process performance result, it is found that all
tools, and experimental approach. However, this comparison does four tertiary amines solvents generated in this study have a value of
not involve the heat of formation value from the ionic compound enthalpy of desorption (range from 66.85 kJ/mol to 83.78 kJ/mol),
due to the absence of experimental data on heat of formation for which is lower than that of the conventional solvent, MEA (97.43 kJ/
ionic compounds from previous studies, and because the ProPred mol). These results show a significant reduction of regeneration
tool cannot predict the properties for ionic compounds. The per- energy of up to 31.4% that could be achieved with the new proposed
centage of average absolute deviation (%AAD) for each method is reactive amine solvent. This proposed reactive solvent can help
calculated using Eq. (11), as shown below. reduce carbon capture cost by reducing the energy requirement for
the regeneration process.
In future works, additional process performance criteria will be

Table 9
Comparison of heat of formation value estimated using different approaches.

Potential amine solvent Heat of formation (kJ/mol)

Quantum mechanics (This work) ProPred tool (ICAS software) Experimental approach

MEA 206.25 213.51 206.70

1,6-Hexanediamine 93.51 98.80 98.80
1-Hexanamine 121.32 133.38 133.30
Ethanol, 2-(dimethylamino)- 193.66 202.25 202.00
AAD (%) 4.67 0.87 e
714 M.Z. Ahmad et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 176 (2018) 704e715

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