Extra Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks - 0

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Vocabulary/Grammar activities

Unit 1
A Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs in the correct form.

blow away  break through  come up against  fall through

get ahead  hang on  knuckle down  pull off

 1 I’d better ___________ and do some work or I’ll never make the deadline on this project.
 2 Paul and I were going to start a business together but unfortunately our plans ___________ at the last minute.
 3 ___________ I’ll be with you in a minute.
 4 How do you expect to ___________ with your studies if you keep missing classes?
 5 Susan was ___________ when she got offered the promotion.
 6 Everyone thought it was impossible to close that deal, but Bill managed to ___________ it ___________.
 7 Very few women have ever succeeded in ___________ the ‘glass ceiling’ and getting a high position in
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a large corporation.
 8 He ___________ a lot of difficulties when he decided to go abroad to study, but nothing could keep him
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from his dream.

B Circle the correct answers.

 1 You have to be prepared to work hard if you want to achieve / accomplish your goals.
 2 The office is equipped with cutting edge data / digital technology.
 3 Paula insisted / persisted that I accept her proposal. She just wouldn’t take no for an answer.
 4 Our firm is proud that we never distinguish / discriminate among our employees based on gender or race.
 5 He is a very industrial / industrious young man – always the first to arrive and the last to leave the office.
 6 I need your help in solving / resolving some problems I’m having with this project.
 7 Samantha got into medical school and is well on her way to understanding / realising her dream of
becoming a doctor.
 8 I chose this profession because I love it, even though I always knew I would never accrue great riches /
richness from it.
 9 Just because the last business you tried to set up was a defeat / failure, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try
10 New technologies are bringing about a(n) revolution / evolution in the way we teach.

C Choose the correct answers.

 1 How ___ you ___ at your interview this morning?
a  are … doing b  did ... do c  have … done
 2 When he retired, Jason ___ for the same firm for 45 years!
a  has been working b  is working c  had been working
 3 Don’t keep the line busy, please. I ___ a very important call.
a expect b  am expecting c  have been expecting
 4 Many great inventions were made by accident, while scientists ___ something completely different.
a  were researching b researched c  had been researching
 5 When you ___ as much as Arthur has, you have a different way of looking at things.
a  have travelled b travelled c  had travelled
 6 What time ___ our plane ___ tomorrow?
a  is … leaving b  does … leave c  has … left
 7 Tina ___ always ___ to get things done on time.
a  is … managing b  has … managed c  has … been managing
 8 You ___ always ___ others for your mistakes. This has to stop right now!

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a  have … blamed b  had … blamed c  are … blaming

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D Not For Sale
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
 1 I ___________ (think) about looking for a new job for some time now.
 2 The professor claimed that the student ___________ (cheat) on his exams all along.
 3 Where were you when I ___________ (work) all day to finish the project before the deadline?
 4 I ___________ (not come) into the office tomorrow; I’ve taken the day off.
 5 The weather seems to be getting worse. ___________ (you / bring) an umbrella with you?
 6 You ___________ (look) really tired. Why don’t you go home and get some rest?
 7 Sarah ___________ (cook) for her guests all day, and in the end, she was too tired to enjoy her own party!
 8 By the time he turned thirty, Steve ___________ (already / make) his first million.
 9 My mum ___________ (teach) me to play the piano when I was a kid.
10 He is such a self-centred man that he believes the whole world ___________ (revolve) around him.
11 Sorry I didn’t have time to return your call. I ___________ (type up) reports all morning.
12 ___________ (you / decide) when you want to take your holiday this year, yet?

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Unit 2
A Complete the sentences with a word formed from the words in bold.
 1 He’s a well-known ___________ with thousands of followers.   BLOG
 2 In order to create an online account you must ___________ your email address.   VALID
 3 You should never give out ___________ information to anyone you don’t trust completely.   PERSON
 4 If you click on this link, it will take you ___________ you to our webpage   DIRECT
 5 Use the password that was sent to you by text message for ___________ of your mobile phone
number.  CONFIRM
 6 It should be a priority for the government to make the internet ___________ to everyone.   ACCESS
 7 Any comments containing ___________ language will be deleted.   OFFEND
 8  Some legitimate email providers come in for ___________ for failing to prevent phishing
 9 Playing online games can be highly ___________.   ADDICT
10  He has been the victim of ___________ theft and has made it his mission to warn others of the dangers of
using the internet carelessly.   IDENTIFY
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B Complete the sentences with a preposition.

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 1 You should just let it go; there’s no point trying to stir ___________ trouble now.
 2 The politician came ___________ for a lot of criticism on Facebook and Twitter.
 3 Many believe the social media are so powerful that they can even take ___________ governments.
 4 I used to think online games were a waste of time, but I must admit that I have taken ___________ playing
them lately.
 5 The blogger had no right to publish what I had told him ___________ confidence.
 6 If you have something to say to me, say it ___________ my face, don’t hide behind a text message!
 7 I don’t know what happened; my smartphone just went dead ___________ any warning.
 8 She set ___________ to build a website to show off her crafts, but they were so popular that it soon turned
into an online shop.
 9 I’ll get ___________ at you for posting that picture of me online!
10 We were taken ___________ by the people’s strong reactions to our posts.

C Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the words
in bold.
 1 Have you got any plans for the weekend?
What ________________ this weekend?
 2 He must get access to an internet connection in order to see your email.
He will be able to see your email, ________________ an internet connection.
 3 Stacy started taking computer lessons from September and she will take her exams in May.
By the time Stacy takes her exams, she ________________ computer lessons for nine months.
 4 I’ll get home and I’ll text you.
I’ll text you ________________ home.
 5 We have arranged to give an online seminar on 9 December.
We ________________ an online seminar on 9 December.

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Vocabulary/Grammar activities
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 6 I had no intention of buying anything online.
I ________________ to buy anything online.
 7 Tina told me she was having problems with their after sales service, so I didn’t shop from them.
I ________________ from them, but Tina told me she was having problems with their after sales service.
 8 I’ll still be replying to emails when you get here.
By the time you get here, I ________________ replying to emails.

D Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
 1 We ___________ (continue) to offer this service as long as there is a demand for it.
 2 The professor ___________ (not/let) me take his course until I had completed all the online assignments.
 3 I don’t think you ___________ (find) the webinar very interesting.

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 4 I ___________ (give) a presentation on the new software tomorrow.
 5 Make an appointment for tomorrow with the secretary before you ___________ (leave).

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 6 You ___________ (lie) on the beach this time next week, while the rest of us are slaving in front of our
 7 By the time they finish school, children today ___________ (already/use) computers for several years.
 8 Bill said he ___________ (help) me pick out a new mobile phone.
 9 After you have read the manual, you ___________ (be able to) set up the smart TV yourself.
10 This tablet is really easy to use. ___________ (I/show) you how to set it up?

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Unit 3
A Complete the sentences with a part of the body.
 1 Okay, so I made a mistake; you don’t need to bite my ___________ off.
 2 What’s the name of that eye doctor she was telling us about? It’s on the tip of my ___________.
 3 Jake was going to study medicine, but he had a change of ___________.
 4 They may be twins, but they don’t get along at all. They’re always at each other’s ___________.
 5 Protesters gathered outside the hospital gates were making so much noise that the nurse had to shout at
the top of her ___________ to be heard.
 6 I know I said I was going to resign from my job at the hospital and start my own practice, but I got cold
___________ at the last moment.
 7 Very few people would have the courage to do what you did. Most just turn a blind ___________ when they
see hospital staff taking bribes.
 8 You will get over this illness in no time; just keep your ___________ up and everything will work out
for the best.
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B Circle the correct answers.

 1 The nurse almost gave him the wrong medicine, but luckily she noticed it in time so no harm / damage
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was done.
 2 The man claimed he was injured / wounded in a car accident.
 3 Paul took some time off work to heal / recover from his surgery.
 4 You need to speak up. I’m afraid my hearing is failing / falling.
 5 His illness is serious, but it isn’t final / terminal. As long as he follows his doctor’s instructions, he’ll be fine.
 6 I fell down some stairs this morning. Fortunately I didn’t break anything, but my whole left side is covered
in bruises / sores.
 7 She explained that the problem was caused by a chemical imbalance / inequality in the body and I would
need to take some pills for a few weeks.
 8 Joanne asked to leave early today because she had a smashing / splitting headache.
 9 He’s been in a coma since the accident and all his body / bodily functions are controlled by machines.
10 With all the new technology, doctors can check a patient’s inside / internal organs without ever having to
make a cut.

C Complete the sentences with one word only.

 1 No one else can do the work for you; you’ll have to do it ___________ I’m afraid.
 2 The doctor instructed her to take three pills ___________ day with meals.
 3 You’ll finish faster if you help each ___________.
 4 I’m afraid there’s ___________ I can do to help you.
 5 The twins are always finishing ___________ other’s sentences.
 6 Scientists say that money has very little effect on ___________ mental wellbeing.
 7 Suzanne and Timothy make a great couple; they always seem to support one ___________ in everything
they do.
 8 When we are in pain, most of us would do ___________ to make it go away.
 9 Not ___________ can be achieved unless you are willing to try hard.
10 ___________ who practise yoga say that it helps them both physically and mentally.

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Vocabulary/Grammar activities
D Not For Sale
Complete the sentences with one of these words in the correct form.

absolute  bare  high  ideal  incredible  odd  uncomfortable  wide

 1 I couldn’t believe how ___________ expensive that medicine was.

 2 The patient was so weak he could ___________ stand up on his own.
 3 She is a ___________ respected physician and all the other doctors look up to her.
 4 The toothache kept me ___________ awake all night.
 5 I can’t stress how important fresh fruit and vegetables are for your health. ___________ you should have at
least five servings a day.
 6 Many people feel ___________ when they have to talk about personal issues with their doctor.
 7 The doctor would never recommend that you have surgery unless it was ___________ necessary.
 8 ___________ enough, it seems that too much exercise can be just as bad for your health as not getting any
exercise at all.

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Unit 4
A Choose the correct answers.
 1 I’ll probably arrive at the theatre first, so I’ll just wait for you in the ___ and we can go in together.
a foyer b wings c stage d aisle
 2 Even the most experienced actors can suffer from stage ___ on the opening night.
a rehearsal b room c fear d fright
 3 You know I can’t stand tear-jerking ___ flicks; let’s go see the new thriller instead.
a chic b chick c hen d bird
 4 The film tells the ___ of an unfulfilled love.
a tail b tale c talk d narrative
 5 When is the new Tim Burton movie being ___? I can’t wait to go see it.
a revealed b reviewed c released d received
 6 What time is the dress ___? The director will be really angry if I am late again.
a hitch b ovation c performance d rehearsal
 7 It’s very dark in the theatre; let’s wait for the ___ to show us to our seats.
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a usher b narrator c critic d animator

 8 It was an excellent performance. The actors deserved the standing ___ they received at the end.
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a audience b lead c ovation d role

 9 After the end of a play, people from the audience can usually go ___ to meet the members of the cast.
a aisles b backstage c wings d dancing
10 I really enjoyed Colin Firth’s ___ of King George VI in The King’s Speech.
a portrayal b interval c animation d set

B Complete the sentences with a preposition.

 1 Irene was really nervous about the school play, but it went off ___________ a hitch.
 2 Although no one in the cast was an actor ___________ profession, they gave a very powerful performance.
 3 The scene was shot in my neighbourhood. You can see my house ___________ the background.
 4 I always cry in that final scene where they dance ___________ the accompaniment of their favourite song.
 5 The director instructed us to remain ___________ character at all times while we were filming.
 6 ___________ showbiz actors who are hugely popular one day, may not be able to land a job the next.
 7 Have you ever wondered what it is like to be ___________ the set of a live show?
 8 If you accept the job of understudy, you may be asked to step in ___________ a moment’s notice.

C Circle the correct answers.

 1 That actress is well over sixty. Actually / Surely, you were joking when you said you were thinking about
casting her in the part of the teenage daughter!
 2 The play got very bad reviews. As a matter of fact / Obviously, you are the only person I know who had
anything good to say about it.
 3 Of course Tim’s name should be first on the cast list. After all / Admittedly, he is the lead actor.
 4 Can’t we go see a different film? Quite honestly / Obviously, I find romantic comedies boring.
 5 The special effects in the film were dreadful. All in all / Apparently, the producers didn’t want to spend
a lot of money on it.
 6 She’s been acting in plays since she was a little girl, so naturally / still, she feels at home on the stage.
 7 I think the tickets to the play are rather expensive. Still / I mean, if that’s what mum and dad want for their
anniversary, it’s worth the money.
 8 I felt the ending was a bit predictable, but after all / all in all I would say it was a good film.

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Vocabulary/Grammar activities
D Not For Sale
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
 1 All my life I’ve wanted ___________ (become) an actor, but I guess I just don’t have what it takes.
 2 The director instructed us to concentrate on ___________ (deliver) our lines naturally.
 3 She is always late and we don’t have enough time ___________ (rehearse) her scenes properly.
 4 My splitting headache prevented me from ___________ (enjoy) the film.
 5 I can’t understand why the producers insist on ___________ (release) the film at Christmas. It’s in no way
related to the holiday.
 6 I remember ___________ (watch) cartoons every morning when I was a child. It was my favourite time
of the day.
 7 How could you have forgotten ___________ (pick up) the DVD from the video club? You know I was really
looking forward to ___________ (watch) that film tonight!
 8 ___________ (grow up) as the child of famous Hollywood stars can be tough at times.
 9 My parents wouldn’t allow me ___________ (watch) violent films until I turned fourteen.
10 Our drama teacher makes us ___________ (do) lots of breathing exercises at the beginning of each lesson.

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Unit 5
A Complete the sentences with a word formed from the word in capitals.
 1  All companies that use ___________ modified ingredients in their products should be obliged by law to
state it clearly on their labels.   GENE
 2  That pizza was delicious, but I’m afraid I ate too much. I was awake half the night with
___________.  DIGEST
 3 You know you can be overweight and still suffer from ___________ if all you ever eat is junk food that is high
in calories but does not provide adequate vitamins and minerals.   NUTRITION
 4 Doctors say that having a(n) ___________ lifestyle can be just as bad for your health as smoking.   ACT
 5 If you have a healthy, balanced diet, there’s no need to take ___________ supplements.   DIET
 6 When you drink only ___________ milk, you also miss out on some of the nutrients that are in the
cream.  SKIM
 7 We can never share a pizza; we can’t agree on what ___________ to order.   TOP
 8 You don’t need to cook this evening; there are plenty of ___________ from yesterday.   LEFT
 9 Dining at Chuckers’ Chicks was the worst culinary experience of my life; even the apple pie they served for
dessert was ___________.   MOULD
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10 I’m glad you liked the food. Why don’t you have another ___________?   HELP
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B Choose the correct answers.

 1 They’ll never promote you to that chef’s job you want; it’s time to wake up and ___ the coffee.
a taste b brew c spill d smell
 2 No one wants to make the decisions about which of the restaurant staff will be made redundant; it’s a real
___ potato.
a hot b burning c sizzling d fried
 3 Okay, so you burnt dinner again. It’s no use crying over ___ milk; we’ll just order a takeaway.
a sour b spoilt c split d spilt
 4 Oh no, I spoiled the chef’s famous sauce! If he finds out, I’m ___!
a roast b toast c oats d scraps
 5 If you want to learn how to cook, you’ll have to stop playing video games and spend some time in the
kitchen. I’m afraid you can’t have your ___ and eat it.
a biscuit b cookie c cake d tart
 6 Jamie is really full of ___ today. Look at how fast she’s chopped up all those vegetables.
a nuts b raisins c beans d chips
 7 I really got ___ on my face when I spilled that soup on one of the customers! How humiliating!
a egg b cream c sauce d supper
 8 Paulo is quite proud of his new espresso machine. He believes it’s the best thing since ___ bread.
a spiced b sliced c diced d stale
 9 Eat more slowly! How can you enjoy your meal when you just ___ down your food like that?
a nibble b sip c gobble d swallow
10 Food stylists are employed to make sure the food looks more ___ when it is photographed for magazines
or food blogs.
a ravenous b appetising c bland d famished

C Complete the sentences.

 1 Let’s get a hamburger, ___________?
 2 You’ll come to my dinner party, ___________?
 3 So you think you’re such a great cook, ___________?
 4 I really need to go on a diet, I ___________.
 5 Everyone’s had some ice cream, ___________?
 6 That’s the last of the cookies, ___________?

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 7 So, I’m useless in the kitchen, ___________? We’ll just have to see about that!

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 8 I am a great pastry chef, ___________?
 9 He’d rather eat out every night than cook, he ___________.
10 Sue really likes chocolate, she ___________.

D Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the words
in bold.
 1 When you’ve got a cold there’s nothing better to help you recover faster than hot chicken soup.
When you’ve got a cold, there’s nothing better to help you ________________ than hot chicken soup.
 2 They should have finished setting up the restaurant by now, but they encountered a few problems.
They should have finished setting up the restaurant by now, but they ________________ problems.
 3 I just need to heat the soup and it will be ready to serve.

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The soup will be ready to serve as soon as I ________________.
 4 Bart is definitely a lot like his father, who was a very creative chef.

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Bart definitely ________________, who was a very creative chef.
 5 I don’t understand how you can tolerate such rude behavior.
I don’t understand how you can such ________________ rude behavior.
 6 That medicine tastes so bad that it makes me want to vomit.
That medicine tastes so bad that I want to ________________ every time I take it.
 7 Their plans to start a catering business failed due to lack of funds.
They were going to start a catering business, but ________________ due to lack of funds
 8 Why aren’t you eating your food? Don’t you like it?
Why are you ________________? Don’t you like it?
 9 My sister had an idea for a new dessert, but she was unsuccessful in her attempt to make it.
My sister had a great idea for a new dessert, but she didn’t manage ________________.
10 The boys were so hungry by the time their dinner was ready that they gobbled it up in no time.
The boys were so hungry by the time their dinner was ready that they ________________ in no time.

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Unit 6
A Complete the text with these words.

drilling  elements  fair  mine  migrated  pollute  reliance  soil  sufficient  harvest

Thasos is one of the most beautiful, albeit less known islands of Greece. Besides the natural beauty of the
landscape and the 1 ___________ weather, the island also has a rich history. There is evidence of people having
___________ from the mainland ever since prehistoric times. A visitor to the prehistoric settlement will have the
opportunity to see how the early inhabitants used to build shelters to protect themselves from the
___________. Later, the inhabitants took advantage of the rich 4 ___________ to produce the olives, honey and
nuts the island is famous for. They also used to 5 ___________ the northern side of the mountain for marble,
while the naturally forming salt pits in the south produced 6 ___________ amounts of edible sea salt to make
it a booming business. Today it is not only an increasingly popular tourist destination, but it is also considered
one of the most important areas for the economic growth of the country as there is already one company
___________ for oil just off the coast. Wind turbines are also being built to 8 ___________ the power of the wind,
in the hope of producing electric power that does not 9 ___________ the environment. This should help end
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the country’s 10 ___________ on fossil fuels that are for the most part imported and draining its already scarce
financial resources.
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B Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

 1  In Mediterranean countries in summer, the hot midday sun beating ___________ can make walking tours
 2 It was pretty cloudy this morning, but it cleared ___________ fast.
 3  People can no longer pretend that they are unaware ___________ the impact their actions have on the
 4 You are advised ___________ drinking tap water when travelling to a place you don’t know well, in case of
 5 It was raining earlier. We’d better wait for it to dry ___________ before we take the dogs to the park.
 6 The weather here is very unpredictable – one minute it’s sunny and the next it’s bucketing ___________!
 7 Unfortunately, it seems that organic farming isn’t always a viable alternative ___________ traditional farming
 8 I don’t understand their insistence ___________ building the landfill here where they will have to destroy
such a large part of the forest.
 9 There were huge delays as the planes couldn’t take off until the storms blew ___________.
10  We were in the middle of the sea when the storm blew ___________! It’s amazing that we managed to get
back safely.
11 The lights and noise from the beachfront clubs and hotels interfere ___________ the turtles’ reproduction
12 I find it appalling how indifferent so many people are ___________ the suffering of stray animals.

C Choose the correct answers.

 1 James is such a reckless driver, he was ___ to have an accident sooner or later.
a bound b able c capable
 2 Do you think you ___ lend me a hand in the garden?
a must b might c ought
 3 Katie is so good with animals; she ___ become a vet.
a should b ought c would
 4 We ___ have been able to see the coast by now; I’m starting to get worried.
a must b should c will
 5 You ___ have bought cat food; we already had enough to last till the end of the month.
a mustn’t b needn’t c couldn’t

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 6 People ___ eat meat; we can get all the nutrients we need from plants.
a mustn’t b can’t c  don’t have to
 7 I told Tom it was his responsibility to walk the dog, but he just ___ do it.
a mustn’t b shouldn’t c won’t
 8 You ___ help out at the animal shelter since you’ve got so much free time.
a could b would c need

D Complete the sentences with a modal or perfect modal verb and the correct form of the verb in brackets.
 1 I ___________ (show) you how to plan a garden on your balcony if you had asked me.
 2 We ___________ (not be) out of water; the tank was full this afternoon.
 3 I ___________ (water) the garden this morning as it started raining shortly afterwards.
 4 Jordan has already fed the animals, so you ___________ (not do) it again today.
 5 I hope this project ___________ (inspire) my students to become more active in the community.
 6 The rubbish has been collected from the streets; the workers ___________ (end) their strike.
 7 You ___________ (tell) me you were bringing a guest for dinner; I’m not sure we have enough for everyone.

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 8 I’m sure this tree ___________ (be) at least one hundred years old; look at how thick it is!

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Unit 7
A Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.
When you think of the 1 ___________ (industry) revolution, one name that always comes to mind is that of Henry
Ford. His pioneering techniques 2 ___________ (revolution) the whole manufacturing 3 ___________ (proceed).
Ford is best known for the invention of the 4 ___________ (assemble) line. This rapidly brought the cost of
manufacturing a car down to a 5 ___________ (fractional) of what it originally was, but he is rumoured to have
had some other great ideas as well. Certain ‘reports’ have been circulated on social media that he had a
whole team of people who were paid NOT to work! Operating on the 6 ___________ (assume) that people need
monetary 7 ___________ (motivate) to work hard, he came up with a ground-breaking idea. Apparently,
he decided that workers on the 8 ___________ (maintain) team would get paid only for the time they spent in the
resting lounge! These were the people who were responsible for ensuring the smooth 9 ___________ (operate)
of all the machinery. Whenever a piece of equipment broke down, they would be called out to repair it. During
this time, they 10 ___________ (automatic) stopped getting paid until the machines were repaired and they
returned to the lounge. This ensured enhanced levels of 11 ___________ (produce) as everyone worked quickly in
order to return to the lounge. At the same time, they made sure everything was working 12 ___________ (proper)
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to avoid getting called out again any time soon. If all this was true, it could be regarded as stroke of genius.
Don’t you agree?
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B Complete the sentences with these words.

button  edge  engine  printer  recycle  science  stick  wheel  wires  years

 1 In this school, they use cutting ___________ technology, such as interactive whiteboards in the classrooms.
 2 So you accidentally deleted some files. I’m sure our IT expert can retrieve them; there’s no need to push
the panic ___________ at every little mishap.
 3 What do you mean you don’t know how to use a smartphone? My ten year-old brother can do it; it’s not
rocket ___________.
 4 We’re thinking of getting a laser ___________ for the office; they’re so much more efficient.
 5 I’ll just copy these files onto a memory ___________ so I can take them with me to work on at home.
 6 Mark is a pioneer in his field; his research is light ___________ ahead of everyone else’s in the department.
 7 I can never seem to communicate with Sandy about anything; we always seem to get our ___________
 8 There’s no need to reinvent the ___________ for every new project; we can just use what we’ve already got.
 9 Which search ___________ do you usually use to find information on the internet?
10 If you run this clean-up program it will send all the desk top icons you don’t use to the ___________ bin.

C Choose the correct answers.

 1 I’ll be able to get you the hardware you need on time ___ you place the order before next Wednesday.
a  as long as b  if only c unless
 2 If only I ___ afford a better tablet.
a will b would c could
 3 ___ Karen’s invaluable help, I would never have been able to set up this computer.
a Provided b  Not only c  But for
 4 I wish I ___ go to work tomorrow; I’d much rather go to the beach.
a  don’t have to b  didn’t have to c  wouldn’t have to
 5 You will soon get the hang of the new technology ___ you use it every day.
a provided b unless c  but for
 6 The lights went off and my computer screen went blank. ___ did I realise that I hadn’t saved any of the files
I had been working on all day.
a  Not only b  Only then c  Not once

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the weekend.
a supposing
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We’d better get someone to repair the modem right away, ___ we won’t have internet access all through

b provided c otherwise
 8 ___ you were stranded on a desert island; which technological device would you want to have with you?
a Supposing b  If only c Provided

D Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
 1 Little ___________ (we / know) that a virus had corrupted all our files.
 2 I wish ___________ (he / not / be) late every time we ask him to a meeting.
 3 If only ___________ (you / tell) us about the problem earlier.
 4 Seldom ___________ (I / feel) so helpless as at that moment.
 5 As long as you follow my instructions, ___________ (you / be) able to download the application.
 6 ___________ (you / encounter) any problems, you can call the IT department for help.
 7 Supposing your application was turned down, what ___________ (you / do)?
 8 Just give me a minute to finish this email and ___________ (I / help) you with your report.

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 9 No sooner ___________ (I / finish) writing up my proposal, that the manager told me he wouldn’t be
needing it after all.
10 I wish I ___________ (I / know) how to install this software myself. I’ll have to find a technician.

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Unit 8
A Choose the correct words.
 1 We couldn’t afford new furniture, so we bought most of what we own at the black / flea market.
 2 The bank sends us a monthly account / statement so we can always keep track of how much money we’ve got.
 3 She’s always complaining that she has no money, but she forked / spooned out a whole month’s salary on
a new camera last month.
 4 When the stock market crashed / smashed a few years ago many people lost all their life savings.
 5 You can get most transactions done at an ATM these days; there’s no need to wait for a bank teller / seller
to help you.
 6 Everyone at the office splashed / chipped in for Karen’s wedding present.
 7 Buying property in this economy doesn’t seem like a sound investment / speculation.
 8 I can’t ask Joe to lend me any more money; I still pay / owe him from last summer when I borrowed some
to go on holiday.
 9 If I were you I wouldn’t buy portions / shares in that company unless you can afford to lose it; it seems
risky to me.
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10 The settlers travelled west in search of gold with dreams of becoming prosperous / mutual landowners.

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Complete the sentences with these expressions.

get your money’s worth  have deep pockets  in the money  line their own pockets
on a shoestring  throwing his money around  throwing money at it  tighten their belts

 1 It is believed that instead of helping the people, government officials are using the aid fund to
 2 After their father lost his job they had to ________________ ; they had barely enough money for the essentials.
 3 The only way he’s ever learnt to deal with a problem is by ________________ at it and hoping it will
eventually go away.
 4  The way he’s been ________________ ever since he won that lottery, it’s only a matter of time before there
isn’t any left.
 5  Anyone who wants to get into politics these days needs to ________________ ; you need a lot of money to
run an election campaign.
 6 The hotel is in a prime location and the service is top class; you definitely ________________ when you stay here.
 7 Penny’s studying and working part time; since her parents aren’t able to support her financially she is truly
living ________________.
 8 Brian finally landed that top executive job he was after. He’s ________________ now – his salary is a six
figure number.

C Choose the correct answers.

 1 Amy, ___ won the lottery, is now a millionaire.
a - b who c whose
 2 My sister Tina, ___ you have met, owns a shoe shop downtown.
a whom b which c -
 3 ___ been passed up for a promotion again, Sam decided it was time to look for a job elsewhere.
a Had b Having c Has
 4 Painstakingly ___, the old building has regained its initial splendour.
a restored b  being restored c restoring
 5 What is the reason ___ made you decline their offer?
a why b - c which
 6 This is the place ___ we first met, remember?
a when b which c where

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7 That is the company ___ which I got my first job.
a to b - c in
8 ___ in 2014, these premises are still in a very good state of repair.
a Built b  Being built c  Having built

D Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the words
in bold.
1 He turned down their job offer.
What ________________ down their job offer.
2 You should ask your accountant first.
The first ________________ ask your accountant.
3 I always shop at Harrods when I’m in London

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The ________________ when I’m in London is Harrods.

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4 Terry felt lost when he couldn’t keep his job.
Not ________________ his job, Terry felt lost.
5 As it had been destroyed in the earthquake, the house had to be rebuilt.
Completely ________________ by the earthquake, the house had to be rebuilt
6 They heard the news in the weekend.
It ________________ they heard the news.
7 Just tell her the truth.
All you ________________ tell her the truth.
8 I am going to the bank to open an account.
The ________________ to the bank is to open an account.

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Unit 9
A Complete the words in these sentences.
 1 You knew what you were doing was wrong and you would get into trouble; now it’s time to face
the m _ _ _ _.
 2 You can’t trust Paul with a secret like that; he’ll sing like a c _ _ _ _ _ if he gets caught.
 3 She just got a small part in a TV commercial, but she made such a song and d _ _ _ _ about it you’d think
she was starring in a major Hollywood production.
 4 When he first started out he said he would never play in a TV series, but he soon changed his t _ _ _ when
he was faced with the reality of how difficult it was to get a good part.
 5 Her first exhibition was a great success; she had all the major critics singing her p _ _ _ _ _ _.
 6 This is such a good piano; I can’t believe I bought it for a s _ _ _ at that second hand shop.
 7 Your offer to let us use your venue for our next concert is music to my e _ _ _.
 8 It is the fact that Jake is always blowing his own t _ _ _ _ _ _ that makes everyone dislike him so much.

B Choose the correct words.

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 1 I realise I’m not good enough to have a solo career, but I can still make a decent living as a background /
backing singer.
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 2 Duane has every single record that the band has ever made, including an original vinyl copy of their debut /
premiere album.
 3 Your upbringing and education play a major role in the musical choices / tastes you will develop.
 4 Alicia finally got her break when the lead / front vocalist got the flu and she was asked to step in.
 5 There’s nothing extraordinary about their music – it’s just mainstream / middling pop.
 6  I was shocked to learn that many very famous musicians cannot even see / read music – they just play by ear!
 7 Rena’s dream was to go to a school for the performance / performing arts, but her parents wouldn’t hear of it.
 8 You’ve got a good voice, but you really need to work on your high / tall notes.
 9 The music to this song is really upbeat, but the lyrics / verses are so sad.
10 The reviews of the concert say that the opening / starting act was better than the main event.
11 Their new album was a great hit; it sold more than 50,000 copies / pieces in the first week it was released!
12 It was such a unique feeling to hear my poems played / set to music.

C Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.
Ben Hur, an epic American classic, is considered to be one of 1 ___________ (great) films ever made, and was
even ranked second 2 ___________ (good) American epic film by the American Film Institute. The film had a
much 3 ___________ (high) budget than any other film of that time and 4 ___________ (many) than 200 camels and
2,500 horses were used for the shooting. The nine-minute chariot race that is one of the film’s 5 ___________
(famous) sequences, was 6 ___________ (long) sequence ever filmed to that day.
The film grossed 7 ___________ (much) money and 8 ___________ (fast) sales than any other film of its time. It won
a record of eleven Academy Awards in 1959; 9 ___________ (large) number ever awarded to a single film until
1997 when it was equalled by Titanic.
So, whether you are a fan or not, there can be no doubt that Ben Hur will always be one of 10 ___________
(influential) films in the history of cinema.

D Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the words
in bold.
 1 I loved the book because it was very well written.
The book ________________ I loved it.
 2 The show was a huge success because it got great reviews.

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The show ________________ it was a huge success.

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 3 The compilation isn’t worth buying because there are only a few good songs in it.
There are ________________ the compilation that it isn’t worth buying.
 4 I know I will never get a lead role because I am not very talented.
I know I am ________________ a lead role.
 5 We could barely fit all our props on the stage.
The stage ________________ to fit all our props.
 6 We don’t have enough space to show off the paintings properly.
We have ________________ to show the paintings properly.
 7 The lead actor was ill and couldn’t perform last night.

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The lead actor ________________ to perform last night.

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 8 I am sorry you didn’t win the award
It is ________________ you didn’t win the award.

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Unit 10
A Complete the second sentence using the correct expression with the words in capitals.
 1 I really need a holiday; I’ve become extremely tired from working so many hours all year.
I really need a holiday; I’ve ________________ working so many hours all year.
 2 I knew he was in a dire financial situation, but I hadn’t realised he was so badly off till the bank
repossessed his house.
I knew he was in a dire financial situation, but I hadn’t realised he ________________ till the bank repossessed
his house.
 3 We don’t have much but we have enough money to live, which is more than most folks can say these days.
We don’t have much but ________________, which is more than most folks can say these days
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 4 He nearly lost everything in the crash, but he managed to recover and save his business.
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He nearly lost everything in the crash, but he managed ________________ and save his business.
 5 If you continue to live such a hectic life, you are going to make yourself ill.
If you continue to ________________, you are going to make yourself ill.
 6 It might seem like we’re always fighting with each other, but we always work together in my family
whenever there is a real crisis to deal with.
It might seem like we’re always fighting with each other, but ________________ whenever there is a real crisis
to deal with.
 7 The stress of working and studying at the same time is really making me weaker; I don’t know if I can
handle it much longer.
 he stress of working and studying at the same time is ________________; I don’t know if I can handle it
much longer.
 8 Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you are ever faced with a problem you can’t handle.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you ________________ a problem you can’t handle.
 9 I don’t think most people could cope without having electricity even for one day.
I don’t think most people ________________ even for one day.
10 No matter how bad things get Harry always manages to survive financially.
Harry always manages to ________________ no matter how bad things get.
11 Just because things didn’t go the way I planned it doesn’t mean I’m ready to admit defeat yet.
Just because things didn’t go the way I planned it doesn’t mean I’m ready ________________ yet.

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B Not For Sale
Complete the text with a word derived from the words in brackets.
According to some studies, the most serious health issue facing people in the 21st century is our sedentary
 ___________ (metropolis) lifestyle, which seems to be causing more problems than stress, smoking and poor
diet combined. It’s not only that most of us spend eight hours a day at work almost literally ‘chained’ to a desk,
but we seem to 2 ___________ (obsess) spend most of our free time in front of a screen as well. Most people,
even those in large cities, live in 3 ___________ (solitary), relying almost exclusively on the internet to connect
them with the wider world. The majority of their 4 ___________ (interaction) with their family and friends takes
place through social media sites. This pressure to stay ‘connected’ ironically leaves many behaving in a less 5
___________ (society) manner than ever before as they withdraw from real human contact.
Teenagers especially appear to have a high 6 ___________ (susceptible) to the charms of modern technology. In
extreme cases, they can become very 7 ___________ (irritate) if their parents try to take their mobile phones or
tablets away. Psychologists maintain that this is a clear sign of 8 ___________ (addict) and needs to be handled
before it gets out of hand. However, by ‘help’ they mean seeking professional help to set them on the road to 9
___________ (recover). Although this may be available, it can be quite 10 ___________ (price), making it difficult for
average wage-earners to afford.

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C Choose the correct words or phrases.
 1 I need / get this shipment sent this evening.

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 2 We are having an air conditioning unit to install / installed because it’s too hot to work in here.
 3 They appear to have moved / having moved from this house.
 4 She got / had her heel broken when she tried to jump off the bus.
 5 Joan is at the salon having her hair treating / treated.
 6 It seems that there may have been / be having a misunderstanding.
 7 Rita’s had her flat redecorating / redecorated.
 8 She prefers her tea served / serving in a glass not a cup.

D Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
It seems that the creators of the new craze Pokémon Go 1 ___________ (sue) by individuals as well as companies
who feel that their properties 2 ___________ (trespass) on by people of all ages chasing after the highly coveted
virtual monsters.
Pokémon Go is a game that 3 ___________ (develop) by Niantic and 4 ___________ (can/download) on both
IOS and Android devices. It 5 ___________ (first/launch) in July 2016 to mixed reviews and caught on almost
instantaneously, as people of all ages and from all walks of life 6 ___________ (can/see) walking around, phone or
tablet in hand, eyes fixed on the screen, at any time of day or night, chasing after the Pokémon.
Players of the game use their devices to take a picture of their surroundings and then the virtual monsters
___________ (superimpose) on this image. Many people believe that this is an infringement on their privacy
and that their rights 8 ___________ (not respect) as these monsters can be in any place – even somebody’s
front garden. Gamers 9 ___________ (also/ask) on several occasions, not to enter public buildings and historical
monuments and 10 ___________ (accuse) on occasion of causing traffic problems or even accidents as they keep
their attention focused on the screen and not on their surroundings.
To avoid any conflicts the rules 11 ___________ (modify) in the latest version, asking players to respect private
properties and to make sure they always put safety first.

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Unit 11
A Complete the text with these words.

ball  bull’s eye  catch  corner  court  gate  hurdle  missed  pull  run

 1 You should carry on trying if you want to achieve your goals; don’t let your dreams fall at first ___________.
 2 Antony has high connections in this business. He’s a good person to have in your ___________.
 3 I’m counting on you not to drop the ___________ on this one; don’t let me down.
 4 You’ve been missing a lot of practice sessions. There’s no way you’ll be able to ___________ up with the rest
of the team.
 5 If you don’t follow the rules, you ___________ the risk of being disqualified from the race.
 6 We made our offer – now the ball is in their ___________. Let’s wait and see how they respond.
 7 She is a great gymnast, but because of her recent injuries she ___________ out on competing in this year’s
 8 We’d better hurry up with the trials if we want to be the first out of the ___________ with this new cutting
edge sports gear.
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 9 When he was caught using illegal substances, he was forced to ___________ out of the race.
10 You really hit the ___________ with this proposal – it was exactly what we were looking for.
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B Choose the correct answers.

 1 You need to practise for many hours a day if you ___ to become a champion swimmer one day.
a sharpen b hone c aspire
 2 Jeremy has always wanted to be a sports ___ and he is happy now that he landed his dream job.
a commentator b interpreter c reviewer
 3 It is my first time ___ an interview with a world class athlete, and I’m more that a little nervous.
a conducting b leading c taking
 4 He is a great athlete. In fact, he is considered a living ___ by some.
a hero b legend c myth
 5 I love the sport and spend hours practising, but I just don’t seem to have what it ___ to become a
professional athlete.
a needs b takes c wants
 6 It was just a school championship, we didn’t expect the newspapers to ___ it.
a cover b consider c refer
 7 Every Sunday afternoon, Tom is at the pitch ___ for his team.
a applauding b reviving c rooting
 8 Leonidas of Rhodes is believed to have ___ the record for most individual Olympic medals won for 2,168
years before it was broken by Michael Phelps in 2016.
a kept b committed c held

C Rewrite the sentences in reported speech using the words in bold.

 1 ‘Let me show you the way to the changing rooms,’ she said.
She ________________ to the changing rooms.
 2 ‘When did you take part in your first completion?’ he asked.
He wanted ________________ part in my first completion.
 3 ‘Don’t attempt the jump before you are properly warmed up,’ the coach said.
The coach ________________ the jump before I was properly warmed up

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 4 ‘Shall we watch the game on TV tonight?’ he said.
He ________________ the game on TV that night.
 5 ‘You should try out for the team. I know you can make it,’ she said.
She ________________ for the team.
 6 ‘I’m sorry I was late for practice,’ he said.
He ________________ late for practice.
 7 ‘Have you ever been to a live sporting event?’ he asked.
He ________________ ever been to a live sporting event.
 8 ‘Why don't you play some one on one?’ he asked.

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He ________________ one on one.

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 9 ‘I’ll teach you how to play softball,’ she said
She ________________ how to play softball.
10 ‘It’s not fair – you were cheating!’ she said.
She ________________ cheating.
11 ‘Don’t forget to take your tennis racket again,’ my mother said.
My mother ________________ tennis racket.

D Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.
The whole world watched as, on 14 August 2016, Olympic medalist Qin Kai got down on his knee and asked
his fellow athlete He Zi 1 ___________ (become) his wife, just as she was waiting to receive her silver medal for
diving. She had tears in her eyes as she accepted, but not everyone believes the proposal made her happy.
Later she told reporters that she and Qui Kai 2___________ (date) for nearly six years, but that she 3 ___________
(not / expect) him to propose on that day. Her fellow athletes, waiting to receive their medals, seemed
genuinely happy for her but not surprised. They said that Qin 4 ___________ (warn) them about what he
___________ (plan) to do and they had agreed to participate.
The audience watching, however, seemed to have mixed feelings about the proposal. Comments posted on
Facebook and Twitter accuse Qin of 6 ___________ (try) to steal her moment of glory. Others claim that he
___________ (belittle) her by insinuating that 8 ___________ (get) married to him is more important than her
___________ (win) an Olympic medal. However, there are also those who consider it a very romantic gesture
and that Qin 10 ___________ (simply / shout) his love from the rooftops and that that was a good thing. They
claim that public proposals are common in China and that as they were both athletes the Olympic games
___________ (make) sense as the perfect place to propose.
At the end of the day, when it comes to relationships, 12 ___________ (it / matter) what total strangers say on
social media?

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Unit 12
A Complete the words in these sentences.
 1 No matter what they tell you, you should stick to your g _ _ _ and don’t let anyone make you change your
 2 If we manage to be the first to put the product on the market, we could make a k _ _ _ _ _ _.
 3 Everybody knows about the new space project – it’s no state s _ _ _ _ _.
 4 There’s no way I’m parting with my hard-earned c _ _ _ to buy shares in that company.
 5 There is no funding for this research. In fact, the scientists often have to pay out of their own
p _ _ _ _ _ _ to get the supplies they need.
 6  I went to a lecture on artificial i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, and was fascinated to learn that computers can almost
think like human beings!
 7 If you were to make a time capsule, what would you want to put inside to preserve for
p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
 8  Many of the greatest scientific b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ were made by accident while the researchers were
investigating something completely unrelated.
 9 That lecture was so boring that every second I spent in there seemed like an e _ _ _ _ _ _ _!
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10 My new phone has a speech r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ feature – I just dictate to it and it writes the texts.
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B Circle the correct words.

 1 Sorry, what were you about / around to say when I interrupted you?
 2 The change of seasons is caused by the Earth’s timeless / perpetual movement around the sun.
 3 What do they expect the outcome / upshot of their experiment to be?
 4 You can’t base your whole future on a bunch / hunch! You need to consider every aspect carefully before
you make a decision.
 5 I don’t like to estimate / speculate. I’ll let you know when I have all the facts.
 6 The decisions you make today will pattern / shape your future, so think things through.
 7 So you’ve applied to train as an astronaut. Well, I certainly didn’t see that approaching / coming!
 8 Access to better health care has given rise to / at a longer life span for many people.
 9 Don’t tell me you actually believe you can read what the future carries / holds in the stars!
10 Do you think that the destruction of the planet by human activities is really inevitable / disposable?
11 Many scientists are of / in the opinion that the effects of global warming are reversible.
12  I know you haven’t reached a final conclusion yet, but can you make a(n) knowledgeable / educated guess?

C Choose the correct answers.

 1 We need to work night and day ___ we can be the first to publish a paper on that research.
a  so that b  so as c  such as
 2 ___ so much at stake, we can’t afford to make any mistakes.
a For b With c As
 3 Years of research and trials are needed ___ be able to put a new drug on the market.
a  so as b  in order that c  in order to
 4 He’s always been fascinated by science fiction, ___ his brother prefers documentaries
a whereas b despite c  in spite
 5 You could ___ bring the documents yourself or have someone bring them to me; I don’t mind as long as
they are here on time.
a either b neither c nor
 6 ___ these fields of study appeal to me; what I want to study is completely different.
a Either b  Either of c  Neither of
 7 I am going to apply for a scholarship ___ study space engineering.
a for b to c  so as
 8 We stayed up all night to see the meteor shower ___ we had to work the next day.

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a  even though b despite c whereas

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D Not For Sale
Rewrite the sentences using the words in bold.
1 They didn’t accept our invitation, but they didn’t refuse it either.
They ________________ our invitation.
2 Peter didn’t show up for work today and he didn’t call in sick.
Peter didn’t show up for work today, ________________ call in sick
3 Karen couldn’t solve the maths problem, and Sam couldn’t either.
Neither ________________ solve the maths problem.
4 I didn’t like the book and I didn’t like the film.
I didn’t think ________________ good.

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5 He carried on with his studies, even though he found them very difficult.

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He carried on with his studies ________________ very difficult.
6 That star is too far to be seen by a common telescope.
That star ________________ to be seen by a common telescope.
7 The requirements for the space programme are so high that he doesn’t stand a chance.
The requirements for the space programme are ________________ stand a chance.
8 Can your mother or your father help you study for your physics exam?
Can ________________ help you study for your physics exam?

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Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Vocabulary/Grammar activities

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