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Test II

I. Completati spatiile punctate cu verbul potrivit din paranteza (must, should, ought to)
pentru a indica obligatia, recomandarea si respectiv indatorirea morala:

1. You eat too much. You……………………make a diet.

2. Brian has got a terrible cold. He………………lie in bed.
3. It is raining. You………..take your umbrella.
4. Your relatives are intown. You…………visit them.
5. This is the best musical. We …………..see it.

II. Inserati articolele atunci unde este necesar:

1. She is……grammar school teacher.
2. He works as………engineer.
3. Jane went to………school in London.
4. Don’t forget to buy ………..bread.
5. I am very busym I have ……….little time.
6. You’ll manage it, ………..little bit of luck.
7. I’d like ……………, please.
8. Take…………..great care!
9. …………………day keeps the doctor away.

III. Gasiti in coloana B continuarea propozitiilor din coloana A. Atentie la diferenta de sens
intre verbul la infinitiv si cel in -ing

1. I remembered to go to the dentist’s.
2. I remembered going to the dentist’s.
3. I tried taking the pill.
4. I tried to take the pill.
5. We stopped talking.
6. We stopped to talk.

(a) as we hadn’t seen each other for years.
(b) but I couldn’t swallow it.
(c) but it did me no good.
(d) as the music was really beautiful.
(e) so I had a tooth pulled out.
(f) and having the wrong tooth pulled out.

IV. Completati spatiile de mai jos cu some-any-no:

1. “Is there………..milk left? “ “yes, there is…….”
2. “Help yourself to……….more biscuits.” “No, thank you, I won’t have ………….for the
3. “How about…………coffee? Won’t you have……….?” “Yes, please; you can give
me…………….But I won’t take…….milk in it.”
4. “Can I be of………………help to you?” “Oh, yes, I need…………….help; I can do it alone.”
5. ………………..of the people enjoyed the show but I don’t think…………of them is going to
see it again.”

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