Case 5 AVON

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College of Business Administration

Ann Gabrielle R. Angeles

Ma. Angelica C. Conwi
Marjorie C. Constantino
Ann Margarette I. Sambilay

BSAcT 3H MWF 11:30-12:30 TYK 302

Dr. Rosalinda B. Lacerona
II. TIME CONTEXT: 2010 – 2011 (The years 2010-2011 is according to the problem but until
now, the company experiences the same problem.)


In 1886, 34 years before women in the U.S. earned the right to vote, our founder,
David H. McConnell, helped give them the chance to earn an independent income.
He didn’t set out to create a beauty company. In fact, McConnell was a traveling
book salesperson and offered beauty products as an additional perk to his female
customers. He saw that these women were more interested in the free perfume samples
than the books – and that many of them stayed home while their husbands went off to work.
Since women had a passion for his products and loved networking with other women,
McConnell was inspired to recruit them as Sales Representatives. From a small New York
City office, McConnell himself mixed the company's first fragrances.
Since they have a long overdue problem, the group wanted to create an effective
strategy that will help the company in managing its people properly in able to gain a
competitive advantage towards the industry.

Avon’s vision is to be the company that best understands and satisfies the product,
service and self-fulfillment needs of women globally.

Our mission is to improve the lives of women globally. In our core cause areas of
Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence, we aim to accelerate progress, accountability and
discovery, while also reducing the social stigma that sometimes keeps these issues in the
We take a woman-centric approach on all projects to break traditional barriers and
build a better future for women, because we know that the greater the support, the more
empowered women feel to take control of their health and safety.
We lead efforts to eradicate breast cancer through the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade,
and to end domestic and gender violence through the Avon Speak out against Domestic
Violence program using four key strategies:

Funding the most promising work;

Convening grantees, partners and other thought leaders to collaborate and share
best practices for improved outcomes;
Initiating new directions and innovative projects to accelerate progress; and
Educating the general public and key audiences to drive and change behavior to
achieve its mission goals.


Quality control
Product quality and safety are of paramount importance to Avon, and the company
seeks to ensure that products meet our very high standards by controlled laboratory tests
at every stage of development and manufacture. Volunteers are invited to try our products
to help evaluate their efficacy and to ensure that they are both easy and pleasant to use.

Environmental responsibility
Around the world, Avon has systems in place to reduce packaging waste and energy
consumption, and to promote and measure re-use or recycling wherever possible. New
packaging materials and production methods are evaluated as they are developed and Avon
challenges itself to ensure that products and business operations fulfill a healthy balance
between meeting consumer demands and being responsible towards the environment.

As the "company for women," with a network of six million Sales Representatives
worldwide, Avon has the unique ability and commitment to educate and mobilize people on
issues that are of vital importance to women. That’s why global philanthropy is at our core as
a company.

By combining the power of the individual and the collective power of our network
into one powerful philanthropic force, together Avon and the Avon Foundation for
Women –a U.S.-based public charity—are a global leader in philanthropy. This unique
partnership of corporate philanthropy and a public charity is focused on two core areas:
eradicating breast cancer and ending violence against women.

Today, Avon and the Avon Foundation for Women have made $1 billion in
contributions dedicated to these causes. Funds are raised through cause-related product
sales, AVON 39 the Walk to End Breast Cancer donations, and Avon Walk around the World
events. To date, the collective Avon efforts have educated nearly 175 million about breast
cancer and domestic violence, and served nearly 30 million people through grants and
outreach programs.

Despite many areas of progress, breast cancer and domestic violence remain
prominent issues impacting women worldwide, with one in eight diagnosed with breast
cancer in her lifetime, and one in three impacted by gender violence. Too many women
continue to suffer, and too many victims are vividly aware of the pain of abuse. Together,
Avon and the Avon Foundation for Women hope to change this—because even one is too


Avon Philippines Takes Home the Pillar Award for Business Turnaround and Execution

Last May 14, Avon announced its worldwide 2015 Management Awards during the Avon
Senior Leaders Meeting Recognition Night in Lisbon, Portugal. Avon Philippines was given the
prestigious Pillar Award for Business Turnaround and Execution. This is one of only 9 coveted
Avon Management awards, which nearly 100 Avon markets were vying for.
CDP S&P 500 Climate Change Report Avon received an 86 on disclosure and B on
performance in 2013
Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index Avon received a
perfect score—100 out of 100—in 2013 for the second consecutive year
Interbrand’s Best Global Green Brands Avon ranked No. 41 in 2013
Forbes’ World’s 100 Most Powerful Women FORTUNE’s 50 Most Powerful Women
in Business Avon CEO Sheri McCoy was recognized on both lists in 2013


To have an effective strategy to remove the non-value added segments in the

To be able to flatten the structure of the organization.
To gain a competitive advantage in the industry.
To serve the customers all over the world with total satisfaction.
To develop the traditional selling strategy of the company.
To help the company to recover the losses they have incurred from the previous
To became the Graying Goliath once again in this line of business.


How can the company gain a huge competitive advantage in the industry and how
can they systemize their hierarchical organization?


a. They’ve been in this business for 132 a. They didn’t adapt easily in the fast paced
years already. world of technology. While their
b. They value the qualities of every woman in competitors are bargaining their products
the world. They were able to create a online, they remain on the printed
company with girl employees. brochures.
c. Through direct selling, they were able to b. The company employs too much sales
interact more on their customers and the representatives that it makes
latter can ask directly to the sales communication and accountability hard for
representative about the product. everyone.
d. The products are being endorsed by c. They lack consistency in their strategies.
celebrities of different ages. In this way, d. They have outdated brand images.
their customers know what product e. Even though their CEO’s come from known
perfectly suits them. companies, it seems like they can’t really
e. The company owns a variety of retail solve their problems. In the present time,
channels. Ms. Sheri McCoy will leave her position in
f. Sales representatives accept payment in March.
a. Their customers are helping them by a. They were involved in corruption. Some of
marketing the product they bought to the executives in China were found to be
other people. bribing the local government officials.
b. Market expansion. Originally, Avon started b. Increasing competitive pressures from
selling vanity kits for women only but other distribution channels in the market.
these past years, they were able to create c. Financial crisis. Even though the prices of
products for men and for children. their products are low, the people still
c. Technology advancement. As year passes chooses those with lower prices in
by, they were able to improve their different brands.
website by adding e-brochure. d. Other international companies. Some
d. They cope up easily with the trends women really just buy make up from other
regarding the skin care products and new international company simply because it is
variants of make ups. the current brand trend among women.
e. The employees can be trained on how to e. Climate change. Since they are selling
market their product effectively to the directly to people, the changing weather
employees. affects their sales.


a. A renovated place attracts a. It will become very costly

customer because they for the company when
become curious. they renovate.
b. It will also improve the b. It will take a lot of time to
1. Renovate and establish performance of the renovate the stalls.
stalls in malls then add employees. c. There is no assurance that
other services. c. The customer gets to the customers will avail
experience new services these new services.
like how to properly use d. They will need more
the product they bought. professionals to deliver a
service to the customers.
a. Innovation of products. a. Limited time constraints.
Since the trained Avon is one of the busiest
employees are oriented on companies in the industry.
what are the current They need a lot of time to
trends, they will be able to serve their customers
2. Instead of recruiting new
construct ideas that will properly. And if their main
sales representatives, they
help the company. employees will be sent to
need to invest their
b. There will be less labor trainings, the work will be
employees in trainings and
cost since there will be no set aside.
seminars to develop their
sales representatives and b. Its either it will be costly
skills in marketing
the trainings and seminars to send people to
products to the people.
focus only on the real seminars or pay an
employees. executive to train your
c. Total employee and people.
customer satisfaction. c. The flow and control of
d. Good company image the training.
because the public can see
that they want the best of
their employees.
a. It lessen the people they a. Developing a website can
have because there will be be really costly.
a website in which they b. Not all people know the
can order directly. process on how to order
b. There will be clarity in the over the internet.
role of the employees. c. It’s vulnerable to theft.
3. Develop an online selling c. When the non-profitable d. The customers cannot
website or application to or idle products are now buy in credits.
reach wider market with removed, the customers e. The customers cannot test
less people and remove the will have less choices and the products before they
non-value added segments the company will have buy it.
of the company. lesser costs.
d. They can reach a wider
market across the country.
e. The customers will have an
alternative in case their
product is not available in
the malls and stores.


We therefore conclude that the best solution to the problem is alternative course of
action number 3 which is to develop an online selling website or application to reach wider
market with less people and remove the non-value added segments of the company. We
think that it is much easier for the company to centralized its operation because there will
be few people whom will manage the orders of the customers. The information is flowing in
real time. In addition to this, the international managers can easily check the local situations
because they will know who handles the operations. According to news article, many
individuals are staying on the web to check the products they wanted to buy and it is said
that these people who checks products online actually places their order after. Also, in
direct selling, there are customers that didn’t pay their orders properly after they have
received the product. In online order, the company can establish policies like cash on
delivery or payment before the delivery of goods. In this way, the company can assure that
they are earning and the doubtful accounts can be lessened.
On the other hand, the company has created products that are not their specialty
like lunch boxes and kitchen utensils and these needs to be removed. They need to remove
it because there are already companies specializing on those products. Their customers are
focused on their main products which are the vanity products so they need to improve
these things so that their customers will benefit.
1. The company officials needed to conduct a meeting about downsizing their employees
and developing their website. Partner with a courier and bank for the collection of the
payments of the order.
2. Upon execution, improve their website by getting a help with a systems designer.
3. Announce to the public that they are restructuring their operations and guide them
through the process.
4. Conduct some surveys for the customer preferences then launch their improved site.
5. Continue update the features of their online selling website to better serve the people
6. Make sure that the employees are doing their task properly.

1. What if the employees don’t want to leave the company?
2. What if the employees raise their concerns then rally?
3. What if the customers still find it difficult to use?
4. What if the company cannot accompany all the needs of the customers?
5. What if the employees become lazy because mainly they are sitting in front of the
computer waiting for orders?


1. Make them understand and promise them that they still receive the benefits that they
have earned being an employee.
2. Handle them properly and without harm. After all, this is a company for women.
3. Make sure to tell the systems designer to make it easily accessible to the customers.
4. Decide carefully what feature must be added first.
5. Monitor the employees every now and then.


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