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Toxicants Resulting from Food Processing

9.1 INTRODUCTION ucts, many of which are known to be potent toxicants to

The primary objective of food processing operations is to The very large number of reactive endogenous
improve the quality of foodstuffs to make them palatable. and/or exogenous food components can readily lead to the
Nevertheless, some processing operations do induce the formation of a number of derivatives. Several such derived
formation of materials that are potentially toxic and harm- toxicants have been identified and their toxicological prop-
ful to humans. Thus, a toxic substance may be formed by erties studied. Yet, many more have not been assessed tox-
interaction between any endogenous and/or exogenous icologically. Similarly, many toxicological studies have
food components or their derivatives, or between these been done with individual compounds. It is not only essen-
substances and outside agents, such as oxygen. Chemical tial that such compounds be identified and their toxicity
degradation can also occur as a result of exposure to heat, assessed; the toxicological properties of mixtures of such
light, enzymes, and other agents and in turn may result in compounds must also be tested. In all likelihood, the toxi-
the formation of toxic compounds. cological profile of a foodstuff may be different in the
Thermal processing of foods is probably the most presence of such mixtures; for additive, synergistic and/or
commonly used unit operation in the food industry. Heat- antagonistic effects may come into play.
ing operations are associated with cooking, frying, toast- In this chapter, some of the more important toxicants
ing, evaporation, sterilization, and similar processes. Even derived as a result of food processing operations are dis-
milder thermal operations, such as pasteurization, may cussed. The categories of derived toxicants discussed in-
bring about a variety of changes in the treated foods. The clude pyroorganic toxicants, nonpyrolytic toxicants
most noticeable adverse effects generally observed are a derived from amino acids and proteins, Maillard reaction
loss of heat-susceptible nutrients, especially vitamins and products, toxicants produced in rancid fats and oils as well
amino acids. Consequently, the nutritional quality of the as during their thermal degradation, toxic amino acids
food is often lowered. It is now well known that normal formed during alkali processing of proteins, toxicants such
cooking of foods can induce the formation of many non- as nitrosamines produced by degradation or reaction with
pyrolytic toxicants derived from amino acids and proteins. contaminants, and radiolysis products formed during food
When foods are subjected to still higher temperatures irradiation operations.
(>200°C–300°C), pyrogenic compounds are produced.
Many of these compounds are now known to be potent
mutagens and carcinogens. Heating of fats and oils to 9.2 POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC
high temperatures can result in oxidation and polymeriza- HYDROCARBONS
tion reactions, the products of which appear to be harmful
to humans. Other processing operations, such as irradia- The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are formed
tion, used for food preservation, can form radiolysis prod- from the incomplete combustion of organic materials.

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There are two major sources of PAHs in the human food thracene, dibenzo[a,h]pyrene, dibenzo[a,i]pyrene, and
chain. The most important source entails the deposition benzo[b]fluroanthene (Badger, 1962). All are potent car-
and uptake of PAHs from polluted air on food crops. As a cinogens. However, benzo[a]pyrene is probably the most
result, cereals, vegetables, fruits, and seed oils are impor- potent and consequently has received the most attention.
tant contributors to human intake of PAHs. This aspect of
PAHs as industrial or environmental contaminants is dis- 9.2.1 Synthesis
cussed at greater length in Chapter 17. The other signifi-
cant source is derived from the formation and deposition The formation of pyrogenic compounds such as PAHs is a
of PAHs on foods during heat processing using methods complex process. This differs from other heat-induced
such as roasting, smoking, and grilling. The formation of processes in that the former is preceded by an initial, ex-
PAHs is only significant at high temperatures. At tempera- tensive breakdown of the molecular structures of organic
tures below 400°C, only small amounts are formed; compounds to simpler, reactive fragments. Combinations
amounts increase linearly in the range 400°C–1000°C of these fragments to more stable compounds follow,
(Toth and Potthast, 1984; Concon, 1988). At these tem- provided the conditions preclude rapid formation of CO
peratures, a significant amount of charred or tarry products or CO2.
is formed. Benzo[a]pyrene (3,4-benzpyrene) has been The PAHs are most likely pyrosynthesized from
identified as the active compound in charred material degradative products consisting of four- or two-carbon
(Figure 9.1). Other carcinogenic PAHs identified as con- units, such as butadiene or ethylene radicals (Badger,
stituents of charred materials include dibenzo[a,h]an- 1962; Hoffmann and Wynder, 1972). The ease of their for-
mation at elevated temperatures follows from their ther-
modynamic stability. Some possible pathways showing the
formation of benzo[a]pyrene are shown in Figure 9.2.

9.2.2 Occurrence

Intensive heat treatment leads to the production of PAH. In

Benzo[a]pyrene Benzo[a]anthracene
cooked foods, they are most typically formed from pyroly-
sis of fats at temperatures exceeding 400°C. This can oc-
cur if portions of the food or fat drippings encounter
charcoal or very hot surfaces. Thus, there are a limited
number of cooking applications that promote the forma-
tion of these compounds. The mechanism of formation
suggests that PAHs may be produced from pyrolysis of
other food components. However, in most cases they are
Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene Dibenzo[a,h]pyrene
not likely to result in edible products.
Grilling or broiling of meat and fish on an open fire
leads to PAH contamination in several different ways.
First, the high temperatures lead to endogenous formation
of PAH on the surface of the food. PAHs can also be
formed during the combustion of the fuel used in the grill-
Benzo[k]fluoranthene ing. Finally and perhaps most significantly, PAHs are
formed when melted fat drips down on the heat source.
The PAHs so formed during pyrolysis of the fat are spread
to the atmosphere and partially deposed on the surface of
Dibenzo[a,i]pyrene the meat (Larsen and Poulsen, 1987).
The fat content of the meat is an important factor af-
fecting the PAH level in foods (Lijinsky and Ross, 1967).
Benzo[b]fluoranthene This is probably most evident when a “clean” fuel, such as
charcoal, is used. For example, hamburgers with high fat
Figure 9.1 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) com- content when broiled close to the flame produce 43 ppb of
monly found in pyrolytic products. PAHs, of which 2.6 ppb is benzo[a]pyrene. In contrast, the

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Organic matter



Figure 9.2 Possible pathways showing the formation of benzo[a]pyrene.

lean product produces only 2.8 ppb PAHs and no can be found, especially on the outside of heavily smoked
benzo[a]pyrene. Reducing the amount of fat in grilled or products (Adrian et al., 1984).
broiled foods thus appears to reduce the level of PAHs. In addition to grilled and smoked products, foods
Thus, the contamination of grilled food with PAHs can be processed by other means can also produce PAHs. For ex-
prevented or minimized by using charcoal as fuel, by ample, the soot and skin of coffee beans that had been
avoiding open flames, and by employing special grill con- roasted by direct contact with the combustion gases were
structions that prevent the fat from dripping onto the heat found to be very rich (15–28 ppb) in benzo[a]pyrene (Yan-
source. nai, 1980). Similarly, the bread crust, which receives a
Smoking is also a major contributory factor to the more severe heating during baking than the crumb, con-
PAH levels found in smoked foods. The main purpose of tains considerably more benzo[a]pyrene than does the lat-
smoking is to give products a special desirable taste and ter. This difference is much greater if the bread is baked in
palatability. Curing smoke is normally produced from a wood-fueled oven than in an electric oven.
wood (sawdust) by the initial pyrolytic changes of lignin, Several amino acids, especially tryptophan, glutamic
hemicellulose, and cellulose, followed by secondary reac- acid, valine, proline, and lysine, may form potent mu-
tions leading to the formation of a variety of different tagens when heated. Some of the tryptophan derivatives
chemical compounds. The most important compounds have been synthesized in sufficient quantities to permit an-
formed are phenols, carbonyls, acids, furans, alcohols, imal testing and have been found to be very active mu-
esters, lactones, and PAHs (Larsen and Poulsen, 1987). tagens (Concon, 1988).
Low-molecular-weight PAHs, such as phenanthrene, an- Levels of benzo[a]pyrene found in smoked and other
thracene, and pyrene, are frequently found in smoked foods are summarized in Table 9.1. The levels of this car-
foods at levels of 10 ppb. The higher-molecular-weight cinogen vary, depending on the food and the manner of
PAHs, such as benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[a]anthracene, cooking. Generally, the closer the exposure to the source
benzo[b]fluoranthene, dibenzo[a,c]anthracene, and di- of the smoke or heat, the higher the levels of carcinogen
benzo[a,h]anthracene, are found in much lower concentra- formed. Although there is no clear evidence implicating
tions. Smoked fish and meat normally contain less than 1 foodstuffs containing benzo[a]pyrene and other PAHs as
ppb PAHs, and benzo[a]pyrene is most often found at lev- causes of cancer in humans, these foods may constitute a
els of 0.1–0.5 ppb. Under special conditions, higher levels real health hazard.

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Table 9.1 Benzo[a]pyrene Content of Selected Foodstuffs

Benzo[a]pyrene Benzo[a]pyrene
Food (ppb) Food (ppb)

Smoked fish Barbecued meats

(charcoal broiled)
Eel 1.0 Hamburgers 11.2
Herring 1.0 Pork chop 7.9
Sturgeon 0.8 Chicken 3.7
Chubs 1.3 Sirloin steak 11.1
White fish 6.6 T-bone steak 57.4
Kippered cod 4.5 T-bone steak 4.4
Ribs 10.5
Smoked meats Other steaks 5.8–8.0
Ham 0.7–55.0
Mutton Miscellaneous foods
Close to stove 107.0 Spinach 7.4
Distant from stove 21.0 Kale 12.6–48.1
Lamb 23.0 Yeast 1.8–40.4
Sausage (with casing) Tea 3.9–21.3
Cold smoked 2.9 Coffee 0–15.0
Hot smoked 0.7 Cereals 0.2–4.1
Salami 0.8 Soybean 3.1
Bacon 3.6 Cheese (Provola) 4.1–6.2
Source: From Concon (1988) and Howard and Fazio (1983).

9.2.3 Metabolism al., 1976; Concon, 1988). The evidence so far points to
diol-epoxide I as the major proximate carcinogen of
The PAHs are oxidized by the cytochrome P-450 system in benzo[a]pyrene.
the liver to a complex mixture of phenols, dihydrodiols, The enzymes known collectively as aryl hydrocar-
and quinines. Arene oxides are formed as intermediate bon hydroxylase (AHH) that are responsible for the carci-
metabolites, which are spontaneously converted into phe- nogenic or noncarcinogenic metabolic transformation of
nols or further metabolized by epoxide hydrolase to dihy- the PAH are affected by several factors. These enzymes,
drodiols. These primary metabolites undergo further consisting of both constitutive and inducible components,
oxidative metabolism and conjugation reactions (Levin et may increase or decrease in activity depending on prior
al., 1982; Concon, 1988; Larsen and Poulsen, 1987). exposure to these carcinogens (Schlede et al., 1970). This
As with most known carcinogens, the PAHs are relationship is significant because it has been estimated
secondary carcinogens or procarcinogens. Their carcino- that in 1 year the average person in the United States may
genic activity depends on specific metabolic transforma- be exposed to about 6 g of benzo[a]pyrene (NAS, 1972), a
tion. The metabolism of PAHs can be exemplified by dose that is several thousand times the amount needed to
benzo[a]pyrene, whose metabolic transformation is rather induce cancer in mice.
complex, involving epoxidation and hydroxylation (Sel- There is also evidence that suggests that conjugation
kirk, 1977). A part of the metabolic pathways involved in of the benzo[a]pyrene metabolites with glucuronic acid,
proximate carcinogen formation is shown in Figure 9.3. presumably as a detoxification process, does not necessar-
The diol-epoxide I is the major metabolite of benzo[a]- ily render the conjugates inactive (Kinoshita and Gelboin,
pyrene. It also binds readily with DNA and RNA (Concon, 1978). β-Glucuronidase, which is abundant in the liver,
1988). It is also the most mutagenic to mammalian cells as spleen, kidney, and other secretory tissues, catalyzes the
compared to the diol-epoxide II and all 13 other known hydrolysis of this glucuronide. In the process, an active
benzo[a]pyrene metabolites and derivatives (Huberman et intermediate that can bind to DNA molecules with strong-

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Mixed-function oxidase (MFO)




Figure 9.3 Metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) showing the formation of possible metabolites that may act as the proximate carcino-
gens or mutagens A, benzo[a]pyrene; B, (-) BP-trans-7,8-epoxide; C, epoxide hydratase; D, (-) BP-trans-7,8-diol; E, BP-diolepoxide I; F,
BP-diolepoxide II; G, 7/8,9-BP-triol; H, 7,10/8,9-BP-tetrol; I, 7/8,9,10-BP-tetrol; J, 7,9/8-BP-triol; K, 7,9,10/8-BP-tetrol; L, 7,9/8,10-BP-
tetrol. The black box represents deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), and protein binding that result in mutation and

er affinity than the parent molecule is formed. Thus, car- carcinogen. Mammary tumors induced by intragastric
cinogenesis distant from the site of contact may be dosed dimethylbenzo[a]anthracene have become an im-
mediated by glucuronide conjugates, which are well dis- portant model in the study of breast cancer.
tributed throughout the body because of their greater water Only four PAHs (benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[a]an-
solubility. thracene, dibenzoanthracene, and methylcholanthrene)
have been tested through the oral route and have shown
positive indications of carcinogenicity (Nawrot et al.,
9.2.4 Toxicity 1999). The target organs for these compounds were shown
to be the rodent forestomach; mouse lung, liver, and blood
Fifteen PAHs have been identified as carcinogenic in ani- vessels; and rat and mouse mammary glands. Oral admin-
mals through various routes of exposure (USDHHS, istration of PAHs has also been found to result in repro-
1991). Some produce skin tumors in the two-stage mouse ductive, hematopoietic, and other systemic toxicity;
skin carcinogenesis system and produce local sarcomas at however, the carcinogenic effects are considered the most
the injection site, and others have the ability to produce significant (JECFA, 1991). The carcinogenic PAHs de-
lung tumors after either intravenous injection or intratra- tected in foods have all been found to be genotoxic (US-
cheal instillation or inhalation (IARC, 1983). In almost all DHHS, 1993) and may be reasonably considered to be
the studies, benzo[a]pyrene appeared to be the most potent human carcinogens.

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