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=f © erin 2 [Allan Herzlich/Jerome J. Blum 100920/100317 Herzlich & Blum, LLP‘ } 15760 Ventura Blvd., Suite 2024 Encino, Ch 91436 FILED \ | vaeeroneno: (818) 783-8991 Faxnovotomay (818) 783-6682 SUPERIOG COURT OF Cauronn, aoe oe cent Lor arrornev FoRimmer Plaintiff = CENTER SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Orange County JAN 05 209. sreeraooress 700 Civic Center Drive, West Aan Cher riepapoasil ee cmmozrone Santa Ana, CA 92701 & sranchnme Central Justice Center BY C PED PLAINTIFF: PUTNAM DEFENDANT:NICOLAS A. KARRAS aka NICOLAS - ‘JUDGMENT CD eycierk By Defaurt (1 Aster court Tal eee i aycout CQ onstiputation CE Defendant Did Not Appear at Trial o JUDGMENT +. Ql eyberauLt fa, Defendant was properly served with & copy ofthe summons and complaint. '. Defendant failed to answer the complaint or appear and defend the action within the time allowed by lav. Defendant's default was entered by the clerk upon plaintiffs application. 4. Cy Clerk's Judgment (Code Civ, Proc. § $85(a)). Defendant was sued only on a contractor judgment of a court of this state forthe recovery of money. 4, TED Court Judgment (Code Civ. Proc., § 85(b). The court considered i (1) C1 plainttts testimony and other evidence, 2) (Plains writen dectaration (Code Civ. Proc.,§ 585(2)) 2 CQ oNsTIPULATION ‘8. Plaintif and defendant agreed (stipulated) that» judgment be entered in his case, The court approved the stipulated Judgment and b. (2) the signed writen stipulation was filed in the case. cc the stipulation was stated in open court (the stipulation was stated on the record 3. COV AFTER COURT TRIAL. The jury was waived. The court considered the evidence, ‘a. The case was tried on (date and time) before (name of judicial officer) b. Appearances by: 1 Paaintit tame each) A Phainti's atomey (name each) 0 o @ @ 2 Continued on Attachment 3b, (2 Cotendant ‘name each) (2 Defendant's atomey (name each) © a @ @ [2 Continued on Attachment 35, ¢. [Ed Defendant sid not appear at tal Defendant was properly served with notice of tial <4. [Cy statement of decision (Code Civ. Proc, §632) CY was not C] was requested age 102 pane JuBGMENT ‘nc Pca CE Spe i hw ey Ba, Baas PUINSH LEASING COMPANY 1, LE [_ Puan” POTNAH aro DEFENDANT: NICOLAS A. KARRAS aka NICOLAS Sosauneneosesees JUDGMENT IS ENTERED AS FOLLOWS BY: (J THECOURT = C) THE CLERK 4 2 Stipuiated Judgment. Judgment is entered according tothe stipulation ofthe partes, 5. Parties. Judgment is a. (21 for plaintiff (rome each) ©. C2 for cross-complainant (name each) PUTNAM LEASING COMPANY I, LLC, a Connecticut limited liability company and against defendant (names) {and against cross-defendant (name each) NICOLAS A. KARRAS aka NICOLAS ANTONIO KARRAS aka NICK KARRAS aka NICHOLAS ZARKOS, an individual 2 Continued on Attachment 5a Continued on Attachment Sc ». C2 tordetendant (name each) 4. (2 tor eross-defendant (name eact) 6. Amount. 2 EX Defendant named in item Sa above must & (2 Crose-defendant named in tem Se above must pay ‘ay plant onthe complaint ‘ross-compainant onthe coss-complaint () Gd Damages $s 132,957.97] | 1) Damages 8 (2) CO) Projudgment 8 27,439.54] | @ CE Projudgment $ interest atthe | interest atthe annvalrateof 10% | annuaireteof | @) Attomey fees s 5,012.04 (3) Attorney fees 8 | 4) WO costs 3 467.00) | @) Cd costs 3 ©) Other (spect) s ©) DD other (pecity $ (©) TOTAL, s 165,936.55] | Tora 5 0.00 ». C1 Plain to receive nothing from defendant 4. (A cross-complainant to receive nothing fom rramed in item 68. r0ss-defendant named in item 54. (CQ Defendant named in item 5b to recover (2) Cross-defendant named in item 5d to recover costs $ costs $ (CA and attomey fees $ C2 and attomey foes § 7. Cotter (speci): . Se - Sie. Pate Paes A ee Date: 7 pS oe Date: OD Ce ee, d ~ : — wa = CLERK'S CERTIFICATE (Optional) | certify that this is a tre copy ofthe original judgment on fle inthe court Date: j Clerk, by pty Toone ee JUDGMENT 2 se bat os 1, ate

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