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Game Date:

Wilderness Events (roll d6)

Hex Type Open Forest River/Coast Jungle/Swamp Hills/Mountains Desert Settled
Lost 1 1-2 1 1-3 1-2 1-3 -
Event 1 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-2 1
(Note: A ranger in the party reduces the chance of getting lost by 1)

Campaign Date Weather Morning Afternoon Evening

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Campaign Date Weather Morning Afternoon Evening

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Campaign Date Weather Morning Afternoon Evening

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Campaign Date Weather Morning Afternoon Evening

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Campaign Date Weather Morning Afternoon Evening

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Campaign Date Weather Morning Afternoon Evening

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Campaign Date Weather Morning Afternoon Evening

Hex location -----

Campaign Date Weather Morning Afternoon Evening

Hex location -----

Campaign Date Weather Morning Afternoon Evening

Hex location -----

• Roll for getting lost on daily basis. Roll 1d6 for hex direction moved in. A ranger reduces the effect to only the front 3 hexes in the direction of
• Roll for random event morning, afternoon, evening.
• To track movement, determine miles traveled per day and divide by 2 for morning movement, afternoon movement. Don't forget that inclement
weather may reduce movement, commonly by 1/2.

Copyright 2009, Michael Shorten ( – Released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

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