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Running Head: The Significance of Critical Thinking

The Significance of Critical Thinking

Liz G. Ammerman

SOC 213-620

Ms. Jacque Freeman

September 15, 2010

The Significance of Critical Thinking


Critical thinking is crucial to scientific research and the acquiring of knowledge. Merriam- and Marriages, Families, and Intimate Relationships, A practical Introduction,

second edition are used to define knowledge, discuss the process of reasoning, the barriers to

critical thinking, downfalls of scientific research, and the importance of overcoming obstacles to

employ critical thinking.

The Significance of Critical Thinking

From the time a human being becomes aware, he or she is constantly assaulted by

stimuli. Part of human development involves learning how to reconcile and respond to all of the

stimuli that is received. A human being’s tendency to habituate their thinking in order to deal

with this vast amount of data can cause them to filter information according to those habits and

the conclusions that are reached are often incorrect. This is why critical thinking is crucial to

properly evaluate received data in order to gain knowledge.

According to Merriam-Webster online[CITATION Mer10 \n \t \l 1033 ], one definition of

knowledge is: “the circumstance or condition of apprehending truth or fact through reasoning”.

In order to understand this, we must also examine what the process of reasoning is. Page 56

(insert) of our text book[ CITATION Wil \l 1033 ] defines reasoning as, “giving reasons in favor of

this assertion or that”. Therefore, knowledge requires that reasons are found to support

assertions. This can be accomplished by employing scientific research and using critical thinking

to interpret that research.

As with all research, Educational Research requires critical analysis based on solid

reasoning in order to discern what is correct. Personal experiences can lead to mind-sets which

are, according to page 53 of our text, “set patterns of thinking”[CITATION Wil \l 1033 ]. These

patterns can cause a person to filter information in a way that will make it fit comfortably into

their mode of thinking. These mind-sets often have nothing to do with the facts at hand.

Therefore, the results can be distorted and unreliable.

Another difficulty faced by a person attempting to discern knowledge from research is

that research can be flawed. Pg. 67 of our text [ CITATION Wil \l 1033 ] suggests that one flaw in

research is that the researcher may be biased. If, for example, an organization that supports one
The Significance of Critical Thinking

woman-one man marriages hired a researcher to examine the family behaviors of homosexual

couples, the research results may be slanted in a way that will support the views of an

organization that, by definition, is against gay marriage, This is but one of several flaws in

research that must be understood in order to know what research to trust.

The most useful tool that humans can use to discern fact from fiction is critical thinking.

On page G3 of our text[ CITATION Wil \l 1033 ], critical thinking is defined as “actively seeking to

understand, analyze and evaluate information in order to solve specific problems”. In order to

employ critical thinking, one must overcome habitual thinking and become mindful. The three

key qualities of mindfulness, according to page 58 of our text[ CITATION Wil \l 1033 ], are, “(1)

creation of new categories, (2) openness to new information, and (3) awareness of more than one

perspective”. In other words, a person must accept that there is more than one way to look at a

situation, realize that there may be more than one source of information about a situation, and be

able to apply different scenarios in order to find the answer that best applies to the situation.

Relying on opinions and personal experiences to gain knowledge is unreasonable because human

beings have varying perspectives.

Finding a truth that fits all people in every situation is almost impossible. It is important

for anyone seeking knowledge to carefully examine as many different perspectives as possible in

order to reach an answer that is reliable. Critical thinking is vital to this process. Without critical

thinking, a human being can not accurately discern the difference between knowledge and

opinion; making the research he or she does futile. Scientific research, coupled with critical

thinking, allows for a more accurate discernment of the myriad of stimuli that humans receive

and gives them an opportunity to gain more accurate knowledge of themselves and others.
The Significance of Critical Thinking


Merriam-webster online. (2010, September 6). Merriam-webster inc. Retrieved from

Williams, B. K., Sawyer, S. C., & Wahlstrom, C. M. (2009). Understanding: learning about

intimate behavior. In Marriages, Families, Intimate Relationships: A Practical

Introduction. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

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