Male Female Ratio

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The Following Stats are obtained after approaching a total of 50 employees.

And by filling
the questionnaire submitted below in the last the following observations were observed.

Male Female Ratio

Male Female


After looking for the data of 50 different employees we found that, or our observation was as

From the questionnaire filled, it was observed that 64% of Employees were men compared to
the 36% female. Which makes us see the differentiation or the gender gap.
Age Group

< 30 31-40 41-50 >51


After looking for the data of 50 different employees we found that, our observation is as

We observed that more than 40% employees were below the age of 30 and young, followed
by 22% employees in the age group of 31-40.

And 38% of the above 40.

This data was collected from private company employees, so we could see the difference in
age gap. And most acquired by the young professionals.
Work Experience

> 5 yrs 5-10 yrs 10-15 yrs > 15 yrs


After looking for the data of 50 different employees we found that, our observation is as

38% of employees had a work experience of more than 15 years, which is considered a lot in
for a private firm or company,

Other than that the younger group which concluded to about 32% had experience less than 5

Which can be observed in any firm, because private firms constitute a larger part of new
employees, mainly with lesser experience.
Series 1





8 to 4 8 to 5 8 to 6 9 to 5 10 to 6 8 to 8 7 to 11


After looking for the data of 50 different employees we found that, our observation is as

30% of the employees had the office timing of 9 to 5, which was found feasible and most
highly rated by all the other members too.

Followed by 10 to 6, constituting 20% with the same number of working hours any one
would expect. Which was 8 hours.

The longest time consisted of 16 and 12 hours, which constituted to 6% and 8% respectively.
Most of them worked out of office, as sales executive and agents.
Issues Priority

Long working hours Work timings (Shift timings) Workload

Repetitive nature of work Insufficient holidays Pressure to perform on metrics
Travel Time Volume of work Overtime
Peer issues


After looking for the data of 50 different employees we found that, our observation is as

Long working hours was the top most problem or issue that a no. of employees choose, and
which they wanted to change. Followed by the Work timing which involves the same issue.

Which was followed by Travel time and Holidays they were insufficient is what the
employers choose as their top 7th priority.

Over time and Peer Issues was least considered things, everyone agreed if change in working
hours to 8 or less happens, they are ready for a little amount of overtime. Because that
actually changes things a lot for a person who works for 16 hours and now works for 8 or
Health Issues

1. Digestive problems 2. Eyesight problems 3. Sleeping disorder

4. Depression 5. Lethargy 6. Voice loss
7. Anxiety 8. Ear problems 9. None


After looking for the data of 50 different employees we found that, our observation is as

Most employees had from Eyesight Problems, which is 22% and which is the most common
problem, because of long hours and constant work on computer screens.

Followed by sleeping disorders which is again may be because of the long working hours and
pressure that doesn’t let you sleep. 20% People were affected by this

Depression and Anxiety Constituted to around 10% of the whole, which is the most common
problem every other employee face now a days, may it be because of the pressure or seniors
or whatever it may be, it’s the most problematic issue now a days

There were 12% employees fit and with actually no issues.

So we can actually see for the observation that 88% of the people suffered from one or the
other disease. And we actually made them choose one that they had, what if they had more
than one.











Large Medium Small Nuetral


After looking for the data of 50 different employees we found that, our observation is as

When people were asked about how or what can help them, most of them agreed that
socializing would let go off their pains and problems that they face. Total of 72% employees
agreed on that.
Interesting turn was 96% agreeing for pick up and drop facilities so to drop of the travel time
and it actually saves a big amount from their pocket.

84% People or employees agreed that companies take them out for picnics or official trips,
because it releases of some pressure.

But what made observation even interesting was only 80% employees asking for Flexi
working hours instead Pick up and Drop facility was much of a priority

When they were asked about seminars like Workshops on Balancing life and On stress
management 52% and 72% respectively were neutral, they weren’t really interested in all
those seminars actually, there was hardly people asking for workshops.

Employees were neutral even for Developing Hobbies.

As per Question no 12

Do you get Angry?

Frequently Sometimes Rarely Never


After looking for the data of 50 different employees we found that, our observation is as

Anger was one of the biggest factor related to mental disorders or mental health issues, And
whether it may be the lowest post you may be working on or on the highest post, And
sometimes higher power leads to extra anger and extra stress.

Looking at the pie chart there 40% employees who agreed to get angry frequently, followed
by 30% sometimes, which is basically 70% people involved in anger related issues every now
and then.

Only 10% employees agreed to never get angry. Which is something to think about if you are
heading a company or a firm.
As per question no 11


30 25

25 12

8 13
20 12

10 10
Regularly Sometimes Ocasionally

Meditate Gym Walk


After looking for the data of 50 different employees we found that, our observation is as

When questioned employees of if they meditate, gym or walk?

Some Unexpected Facts came up, talking about meditation only 20% employees tried
meditation, followed by 60% who would do it sometimes and then 20% who would do it
when and if they get time.

Next comes Gym, 24% go to gym on a regular basis, in which 80% were male, And
interesting part was where 50% of them didn’t do gym on a regular basis. And then comes
26% who had the excuse or said that they don’t find time.

After which comes Walking or Jogging, Where in only 24% do that on a regular basis, and in
those 80% were people who had there working hours after 8. And all other of around 60%
couldn’t go for walk or didn’t wanted to, gave the reason as they don’t find time.
As per Question no 5






After looking for the data of 50 different employees we found that, our observation is as

When asked employees about how are their leaves or holidays are being constituted, the
above was the following differentiation.

Where they said that 52% of leaves are sick leaves and 24% are paid, followed by others.
Which gave us an interesting feedback of how the division of holidays occur.

An average of 26 days paid leaves are allocated by top private organisations, which is approx.
7% of the total no of days in a year. And some companies don’t even allow to take more than
a week holiday if needed, Agreed they are big companies with lot of work, but this is mostly
being done to low ranked employees or lower posts.

What we finally observed was that only 26 days of holidays are bit less as per the stats
submitted by the 50 employees we questioned.
As per Question no 4

Do you work on Holidays?

2% Never


After looking for the data of 50 different employees we found that, our observation is as

The data constituted 60% of people agreeing to work sometimes when asked or they agreed
voluntarily, but all of them were paid, there were hardly anyone who if worked on holidays
wouldn’t be getting paid.

Apart from that 38% of people never actually work on holidays, reason being only time for
themselves and their family.

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