Poulshot Village News - December 2017

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Village News

December 2017
Also available online at http://www.scribd.com (search for “Poulshot Village News”)
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From the Editor

Welcome to December’s Poulshot Village News.

Its almost Christmas!!!!

December is meant to bring magical moments with

memorable times shared between family and friends. This
month look forward to an evening at the Village Hall with
mulled wine, mince pies and Christmas carol’s. Don’t forget
an evening at the Raven for Christmas singing and the
Poulshot Christmas over 60’s meal.

Top the year off with the Boxing Day walk to begin burning off the festive celebrations.
Please take lots of memorable pictures and share with us for future magazines.

November brought an amazing night enjoying a successful Bonfire evening and lantern
making. Congratulations to Tim and Penny Nixon for a job well done!

Please send in your events for the diary. Items for the next edition before the 15th of
December to news@mypoulshot.com or call us on 828206.

Poulshot magazine sends its thanks for continued support and warm Christmas wishes to

Poulshot Village News

The PVN is put together and distributed free to all houses in the village. Contribu9ons,
reports, opinions and ar9cles are very much welcomed. While we will always aim to
include all shades of opinion and interest, we reserve the right to select and edit where
appropriate. Please let us know of anything that you would like publicised in advance
or reported on aAerwards..

e-mail – news@mypoulshot.com pop in to Ivy House, 72 The Green or call 01380


Contribu4ons for next issue by 5pm on the 15th of the month please - or earlier!

Poulshot Village News is happy to accept adverts, indeed relies on them to fund produc9on
costs. Publica9on of an advert does not cons9tute endorsement for that product or service.
Adverts may be taken as full, half or quarter page, standard or colour, to run for the full year of
the magazine (12 issues) or for individual issues.

Issue 237
Holiday Let
Near Tenby, Pembrokeshire, Wales
Detached comfortable bungalow with private garden
2 double and 1 twin room, 10 minute walk from the beach and with many
local attractions

Bookings all year round,

Prices from £30 a night: low season.

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Skip Hire

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(please leave a message)
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Waste Carriers No. CBD4142585
In Memoriam
Kenneth Oliver (19th October 1931 - 9th October 2017)

Ken move to Poulshot from Liverpool where he was an apprentice electrical engineer in the ship
yards. After the completion of his training and a spell at sea, he joined an insurance surveyor
and inspector of electrical installations in large commercial buildings.

Ken and his wife Marion moved to Poulshot and lived in the bungalow to the North of the Raven
for 53 years.

The couple happily raised two daughters Jenny and Lisa.

Ken was a good all round sportsman, playing Cricket for Poulshot and Table Tennis in the Village
team for thirty years where he became one of the best players in the Devizes League.

On his retirement from energetic sport he took to bowls and it is understood from his colleagues
he also excelled at this.

Poulshot sends condolences to Marion his wife and their daughters Jenny and Lisa.

"Oldest barmaid in Wiltshire” set to ridicule herself once again

You may remember last year I ran

somewhat slowly 3k around the
streets of Devizes, with the huge
generosity of friends, relatives,
customers, colleagues and Nathalie
and Jerry at The Raven I managed in
a couple of weeks to raise the
fantastic sum of £1000. So I thought I
would give it another go this year and
increase the distance to 5k and
increase the fundraising to
commence from November. 

So my pot will be standing on the bar once again this Christmas for anyone wishing to
donate.A donation will be required for any of you wishing to use The Raven taxi over the
festive period (or possibly brave enough)

Let’s see if we could get somewhere near last year's fantastic total. 

Hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and a very healthy and happy New Year. xx

Page 5
Doggy Dilemmas
Puppy/Dog Training classes
One to Ones
Dog Walking
Dog Boarding

Contact Debs on
01380 730564 or 07966 617617

Trevor Hale
NPTC Certified (arb) Fully Insured

Tree Surgery
Covering All Aspects including Chipping Stump
Grinding & Hedging
Professional Reliable Service
Key Messages From Poulshot Parish Council’s Mee4ng on November 9th

The council asks that care is taken not to allow grass clippings or other waste to be deposited in
the ditches around the village as this may cause water flow issues, and subsequently, flooding.

New PCSO (see below) has joined our area.

There has been an increase in hare coursing and shed break-ins. Maggie asked the public to

keep an eye out for “males, specifically with large dogs". Send number plate informa9on to
police if unsure

Be aware of hoax callers pretending to be from BT. Do not give bank details over the phone
to people you cannot verify

Mike Wilson’s Resigna9on: The council expressed their thanks for his 9me on the Council. A
Special elec9on will be held in early 2018 to replace him.

Broadband Update
Cables have been pulled through and tes9ng / commissioning is underway

Es9mated availability date for applica9ons. Monday 13th November. (two weeks delay on
original forecast)

BT will do a mail shot, but aAer the 13th November all those that are keen should get on
the telephone to their ISP!

The council are interested in any reports from those who go through the connec9on
process, and in par9cular those along Mill Lane (please contact

The Formal Consulta9on for the de-registra9on of Green outside of Higher Green Farm is

underway. More info in this magazine, or on the website / Parish No9ce Board.

Meet Maggie Ledbury, our new

Police Community Support Officer

He can be contacted on 101 ext.

77436089 or 0747 102 8939 or
Village Hall
Available for meetings, functions, clubs
and private parties

Booking fees

Residents - £6 an hour

Non-Residents - £10 an hour

All bookings for the hall are taken by

Elizabeth or Jon Martin on 01380 828206

email bookings@MyPoulshot.com
The Tranquil Moment
Health and Beauty clinic

The Tranquil Moment health and beauty clinic

is set in the beautiful village of Poulshot, just 2 miles from Devizes.
We offer flexible appointments to suit you,
and tailor treatments to your requirements.
The salon is completely private, with easy parking.

We are now offering Apilus electrolysis -

less painful than traditional electrolysis but still as effective.

Other treatments available

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cards accepted.
You can now book online by visiting either the website or our facebook page..
Follow us on Facebook.

The Tranquil Moment Health and Beauty Clinic

Unit 2 Manor House Yard,
Poulshot, Devizes SN10 1RY
01380 828297 24 hour answerphone
tranquilmoment@live.co.uk www.tranquilmoment.co.uk
Page 9
Did you know that the culmina9on of the whole
Chris9an year is on 26th November. “That’s a date
I don’t recognise” you may be thinking, but
actually it’s the day we celebrate Christ the King .
He has been through everything , born, grew up,
ministered to so many , died was buried , rose
again , appeared to so many, and eventually aAer
all that we finally celebrate him as the heavenly
King. Alleluia, and then on Advent Sunday , 3rd
December it all starts again; the beginning of the
Chris9an year.

One of the wonderful things about the Chris9an year is that there are so many fes9vals to mark and to
celebrate. Its not just about Christmas , or indeed Easter ; there are all those other fes9vals . Advent
Sunday is one of the very special ones and is marked par9cularly in cathedrals up and down the land. If you
have never been , put it on your to do list , to go to one of the Advent carols services in Salisbury
Cathedral. It is absolutely spectacular. It starts with the cathedral in total darkness and silence and then
just one candle is lit and everyone is aware ; and gradually the cathedral is bathed in candlelight with
fabulous music throughout it all, un9l the whole cathedral is full of light and sound and glory.

That’s what Advent is about, watching and wai9ng , with growing an9cipa9on, un9l one day, 25th
December, Christmas comes. The children know about the an9cipa9on, and whilst they make enormous
lists for toys that they want, they have within them the understanding of the mystery and wonder and of
course love that goes with it all. They share the joy and excitement of their school ac9vi9es ; of their
na9vity plays and carol services and Chris9ngle services , and anyone who has been to a Chris9ngle service
will know what I mean. The light reflected in the children’s eyes is never to be forgolen. These services
are there for everyone . I do hope you manage to alend at least one.

There may be some of you who find the Christmas season difficult; maybe you feel lonely, or maybe this
will be the first Christmas without a loved one , and so what I say is this. Jesus was born as a lille baby, and
that is a cause of great joy for everyone, but his promise is to be with us in our hour of need; to walk
alongside us when things get tough ; to be there with us when all the rest of the world seems so far away.
If you can, come along to church and feel the love that is there for you , and hear the Christmas message
that the shepherds experienced, the angels sang about and the wise men travelled so far to find, and that
message is that the one Almighty God sent his lille baby son to be with us to show us the way and to show
us that we are all included and to show us that we are all loved .

I hope you all have a very happy Christmas.

Jane Knowles

Our new Rector, the Revd. Alison Bridewell will be leading the Chris9ngle service on 7th December in
Seend, at 6pm and she will also be taking the benefice Eucharist on 31st December .

For details of all the other services see elsewhere in this magazine , or on the Christmas card.

Page 10
The Benefice of Holy Cross, Seend,
Christ Church, Bulkington
and St. Peter’s, Poulshot


You are welcome to worship at any of the services in any of the churches in the
Benefice.There is something for everyone!
Sunday 3rd December 2017 (Advent Sunday)
8.00 am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at Seend
9.15 am Parish Eucharist at Poulshot
11.00 am Café Church at Seend
6.00 pm Evensong at Bulkington

Thursday 7th December 2017

6.00 pm Benefice Christingle service at Seend

Sunday 10th December 2017 (Advent 2)

9.15 am Parish Eucharist at Seend
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at Bulkington
6.00 pm Evensong at Poulshot

Sunday 17th December 2017 (Advent 3)

8.00 am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) at Seend
11.00 am Parish Eucharist at Poulshot
6.00 pm Evensong at Seend
6.00 pm Carol service at Bulkington (note change of service)

Thursday 21st December 2017

7.30 pm Carols by candlelight at Seend

Sunday 24th December 2017 (Advent 4 – Christmas Eve) (note changes of service pattern)
10.00 am Crib and Nativity service at Seend
2.00 pm Crib and Nativity service at Bulkington
6.00 pm Carol service at Poulshot
11.30 pm Midnight Eucharist at Seend

Monday 25th December 2017 (Christmas Day)

9.15 am Festal Eucharist at Poulshot
9.15 am Festal Eucharist at Bulkington
11.00 am Festal Eucharist at Seend

Sunday 31st December 2017 (Christmas 1)

10.00 am Benefice Eucharist in Seend for the whole Wellsprings Benefice.

Every Tuesday at 9.00 there is a short Benefice service of Matins (BCP) at Poulshot church

From the Benefice records


We give thanks for the life of;

Kenneth Oliver whose ashes were interred in Poulshot Churchyard on 23rd October
Thomas “Fred” Cundick whose funeral took place in Seend on 25th October
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Contact: Stacey / Brigette
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15 St John’s Street (& 17 High Street), For T&C’s visit www.i-teamironing.com
Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1BD
Sec4on 16 of the Commons Act 2006
Proposed de-registra4on of common land/town or village green at:
1. Poulshot Parish Council and HGF Homes Ltd have applied to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs under sec9on 16 of the Commons Act 2006 for land forming part (130m2) of the above
men9oned registered village green (the “release land”) to cease to be so registered. The Planning Inspectorate
will decide the applica9on on behalf of the Secretary of State.

2. The purpose of this applica9on is to enable the resurfacing of the access in bonded gravel and to formalise its
width to permit suitable access to new residen9al development (totalling 9 dwellings of which four are to be
affordable dwellings) in place of an exis9ng gravelled driveway. This redevelopment at Higher Green Farm was
granted planning permission in May 2015 under planning permission reference K/59951/F.

3. It is proposed that land totalling 200m2 (the “replacement land”) be registered as Village Green in place of the
release land. For informa9on, this will form part of a larger area (1.2 acres) which will be dedicated to the
parish. Change of use planning permission to allow informal recrea9on over this 1.2 acres has already been
granted under planning reference 15/12305/FUL in February 2016.

4. The release land is described in the First Schedule to this no9ce, and the replacement land is described in the
Second Schedule.

5. A copy of the applica9on form and accompanying documents can be inspected at Poulshot Village Public
No9ce Board, outside the Village Hall, opposite The Raven Public House, The Green, Poulshot or at Wiltshire
Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN between the hours of 9am and 5pm Monday -
Friday un9l [14th December 2017], and on the following website: hlp://www.poulshot.org.uk/parish-public-
no9ces/. A copy of the applica9on may be obtained by wri9ng to RCC Town Planning Consultancy, Sandcliffe
House, Northgate Street, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 1JT or by email to info@rcctownplanning.co.uk

6. Any representa9ons in respect of the proposed de-registra9on and exchange should be sent in wri9ng ON or
BEFORE that date to: Common Land Team, The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/25B, Hawk Wing, Temple Quay
House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN or commonlandcasework@pins.gsi.gov.uk

7. Representa9ons sent to The Planning Inspectorate cannot be treated as confiden4al. They will be copied to
the applicant and possibly to other interested par9es.

(The release land)
130 square metres of land towards the north of Poulshot Village Green (Register Unit VG 16), The Green,
Poulshot, Devizes including the exis9ng gravelled farm access which then goes on to serve buildings to the
north of Higher Green Farm, centred on OS grid reference 397026 160126, edged red and indicated by the
lelers A, B, C and D on the plan referred to in paragraph 5 above.

(The replacement land)
200 square metres of land situated to the northeast of this access, behind (to the east of) 27 Poulshot Road,
Poulshot, Devizes, centred on OS grid reference 397089 160181 and edged light green and indicated by the
lelers E, F, G and H on the plan referred to in paragraph 5 above, as part of a larger field (1.2 acres) to be
dedicated to the parish council for public use (edged blue E,L,K,J)

Poulshot Parish Council. C/o Elizabeth Mar9n. Clerk to Poulshot Parish Council

Ivy House. 72 The Green. Poulshot. Wiltshire. SN10 1RT

9th November 2017

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01380 729720
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Halloween 2017
at Poulshot
Village Hall
The church hosted Bulkington Village Lunch
takes place on

Wednesday, 6th December2017 at 12.15 at The Well.

The Christmas draw for the 100 Club will be taken at the lunch!
Contact Phyl Yarde in advance for the menu (828116). New people are always
welcome to join us. It is a good social event for the entire village and area.


for Seend, Bulkington and Poulshot
will meet from 2.00 – 4.00 on Monday, 4th December
at 4 Northfields, Bulkington (828931)
Bring your own craft item or leave it at home and just come and chat!

Café Church for Advent

on Sunday 3rd December at 11.0 at Seend

Singing and stories for all the families in the villages of Seend, Bulkington and Poulshot.
The next Café Church will be on Sunday 4th February at Seend.

Benefice BUZZZZ Group

will meet on Wednesday at 4pm
at Paulette Bremner-Milne’s home, Bear Cottage, Townsend (tel. 828527)
Led by Rev Jane Knowles,
everyone is welcome to this informal and pleasant group.


9th December, 10.30 – 12.00
In the Tudor Cottage (14 Bulkington)

Christmas Fare, Homemade Stall, Cakes, Raffle

Thank You to Townsend Barn Nursery

A big THANK- YOU to all the staff and children at Townsend Barn Nursery for the beautiful wreath
that you made for Remembrance Day. It had pride of place in front of the altar at St. Peter's and
stayed in position throughout the service and the rest of the day. Thank-you so much for joining in
with Poulshot's act of remembrance, for it was a very important day.

Best wishes to you all from the Churchwardens and the Congregation of St. Peter's. We look
forward to seeing you at Christmas.
Professional Cleaning

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Page 20
Have you got a stool Work on your own project
or chair Upholstery tools provided
Materials provided to purchase
that needs some (not top fabrics)
TLC ? Beginners Welcome
Learn Upholstery at
Poulshot Village Hall Contact Mary on
Weekly Sessions For more information
Weekend workshops





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MOBILE: 07970 117023


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11 A.M.  -  4PM      ANY SIZE £20

MARSH FARM                    
01380 828214
Current Local Bus Times (Faresaver 85 and 87a)
Trowbridge 7:05 9:55 12:15 (S) 12:25 14:25
Poulshot (Mill Ln) 7:53 8:31 (S) 9:39 (S) 10:39 12:59 (S) 13:09 15:09
Poulshot (V. Hall) 7:55 8:33 (S) 9:40 (S) 10:40 13:00 (S) 13:10 15:10
Poulshot (Raven) 7:56 8:34 (S) 9:41 (S) 10:41 13:01 (S) 13:11 15:11
A361 Turnout 7:57 8:35 (S) 9:42 (S) 10:42 13:02 (S) 13:12 15:12
Devizes 8:05 8:42 (S) 9:51 (S) 10:51 13:11 (S) 13:21 15:21

Devizes 9:50 12:20 11:20 (S) 13:20 (S) 14:10 15:15 15:50 (S)
A361 Turnout 9:56 12:26 11:26 (S) 13:26 (S) 14:16 15:20 15:51 (S)
Poulshot (Raven) 9:59 12:29 11:29 (S) 13:29 (S) 14:19 15:21 15:52 (S)
Poulshot (V. Hall) 9:59 12:29 11:29 (S) 13:29 (S) 14:19 15:22 15:52 (S)
Poulshot (Mill Ln) 10:01 12:31 11:31 (S) 13:31(S) 14:21 15:23 15:53 (S)
Trowbridge 10:41 13:11 12:11 (S) 14:11(S) 15:01 16:20
(S) Saturday Service.
More information available from https://bustimes.org.uk/localities/E0052263

Farming Club - Season Events

December 4th Guernsey Jean Parsons

January 8th Kenya And Its Wonderful Sonny Hamid

February 2nd Tortoises Diana Scott The Farming Club meetings

at 2:15pm on the first
March 3rd Salisbury Plain Tim Jalland Monday of the month at
April 9th My Experience On The Mrs Dowsett Poulshot Village Hall.
Weakest Link
Just come along or call
Cristabel Francis on 01380

The next Wiltshire Mobile Library visit is 12:40pm on

December 11th at the Raven Car Park (the following
visit will be January 8th) see http://
Dates For The Diary
December 4th 2:15pm Poulshot Farming Club - Village Hall

5th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting. Village Hall

10th 4:00pm to Mulled Wine, Mince Pies and Carols at the Village Hall
13th 7:30pm Poulshot Readers Christmas Meal - Raven

14th 7:30pm Poulshot “Over 60s” Christmas Dinner. Village Hall

17th 7:30pm Christmas Singing At The Raven (7:00 for 7:30 start)

24th 6:00pm Christmas Service At St Peter’s

26th 10:30am Boxing Day Walk - (Meet at the Village Hall)

January 8th 2:15pm Poulshot Farming Club - Village Hall

9th 7:30pm Parish Council Meeting. Village Hall

11th 7:30pm Community Fund Meeting. Village Hall

Prestige Painting

Kitchen and furniture painting specialists

Local professional service
Free Estimate - Call Chris 07985 790578
December 12th Christmas Meal

January 9th Title tbc Ian Hailstone
(Retired Chief
Inspector Police)
Held on the second
February 12th AGM and Quiz
Tuesday of each month at
March 13th World of Italian Style 2 Maura Rossini 8pm in the Worton-Marsden
Village Hall.

ONE VOICE COMMUNITY CHOIR New members are very

Sing with All Your Heart and Feel Alive!
We Meet Each TUESDAY • Everyone Welcome! - Especially No payment needed until
Men the third visit if anyone
Baptist Church in Sheep Street, Devizes • 10am-12 Midday would like to give it a try.  
Nothing too difficult and nothing
Just come along or call me
too serious; just fun, uplifting songs that
on Jane Fisher on 01380
everyone loves to sing. To register your interest and have a
726489 or email
friendly chat, please call jinnym@btinternet.com
Lee on 01373 825058 or 07766 244321


Berhills Lane Farm, Sells Green, Melksham
Telephone: 01380 828524

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A Successful Coffee Morning

In spite of the dreary weather, St. Peter's Church held a very pleasant Coffee Morning in The Old
Rectory on Saturday 18 November. There was good coffee accompanied by lovely homemade
cakes, scones and mince pies, and items to buy from The India Shop stall, the book stall and the
cake stall.

In addition, and most importantly, people contributed generously to the Charity Raffle which raised
a very pleasing £130. This was in aid of Wiltshire Sight which is based at St.Lucy's Sight Centre in
Devizes. Wiltshire Sight provide support for partially sighted people of all ages, of whom there are
over 23,000 in Wiltshire, so it is a most worthy cause. When the money was delivered to St.
Lucy's, they were delighted, and wish to pass on their thanks to all who donated.

St. Peter's thank all who attended, all who made cakes, etc. and, especially, Kate and Nicky
Hunloke for hosting the event in their welcoming home.

Did You Know?

There is a wheelchair in the Village Hall for the use of Poulshot parishioners.
Should you wish to borrow it please contact Malcolm Nixon 828355

Fully Equipped Cottage – sleeps 6 – 8

Large Garden and Parking

Tel 01380 813092 or 07973 385336
Picture Framing
Oils, water colours, prints, photographs etc
Plain or wash lined mounts
Choose from over 50 mouldings
Quick service
Please ring for appointment
Juliet Wilmot
The Garden Barn, Chiloe
01380 850314

Page 26
Poulshot Friends & Neighbours


A disappointing turn out for the games evening, although those of us who were there had a
good time with lots of laughter.  

The next event is the Christmas Party at the Raven on the 7th December at 7.00pm for
7.30pm.  If anyone would like to come please let Pam know on 828151 as soon as
possible and to request a menu.  A £10 non-refundable deposit is required.  There will be a
secret Santa up to £10.  Hope to see some of you there.

The evening was enjoyed by all including the refreshments.

If you have any ques4ons. please contact Pam Gillies on 828151 or Kate Hunloke on 828333

Christmas trees for sale

at £20 each

with roots or not !

Dig your own !!

Call at Apeldorn 186 Poulshot Road.

Telephone 01380 828410

Poulshot Firework Night

Thank you to all those who supported this years small bonfire. The Poulshot Bonfire team are
delighted to be able to tell you that after all expenses were paid we have a grand total of £410 to
spend on fireworks next year. That is £110 more than we had to spend this year. Thank you to all
the donations and help that evening, a banging success.

December Draw of the 100 Club

1st Prize £100 - Tim Jackson

2nd Prize £50 - Hillary Kidd

3rd Prize £50 - Pat Stevens

The Village Hall Committee thank all members for their invaluable support

Its annual renewal time too…so please see your 100 Club contact.
Poulshot Parish Council St Peter’s Church
Chairman Priest in Charge
Geoff Collel (828465) The Revd Alison (Ali) Bridewell (739064)
Elizabeth Mar9n (828206) Re4red Priest:
email: poulshotparishcouncil@gmail.com The Revd. Jane Knowles (870325)
Council Members
Adrian Baber Churchwardens
Steve Housby Joyce Arnold, Kate Amery
Sam Wright-Hurn
Ben Hamilton PCC Members
Tim Jalland Nicholas Hunloke (Treasurer)
*vacancy* Lady Kate Hunloke (Secretary - 828333)
Angela Bullen, Brian Arnold, Dankay Cleverly (Deanery Synod)
Local Wilshire Councillor
Cllr Jonathan Seed (850696) e-mail:
jonathon.seed@wiltshire.gov.uk Village Trust
Other Village Contacts
Nicholas Hunloke (828333)
Farmers Club Secretary
Richard Francis (828232) Ray Josey (827010)
Poulshot Cricket Club
Declan Gaule (Chairman - 07779 303849)
Jon Weeden (Secretary 07769 696026)
O email: raydenjosey@gmail.com

Trust Members

Tim Jalland (Vice-Chair)
email: jon.weeden@holchem.co.uk Ben Hamilton (Treasurer)
Phil Ireson (Captain 07802 756465) Denise Josey (Archivist)

Poulshot Friends and Neighbours Club

Lady Kate Hunloke (828333)
Pam Gillies (828151)
T Village Hall
Neighbourhood Watch
Tim Coleman 827095
A Sam Wright-Hurn (828183)


Karl Shulleworth
Devizes and District Link
01380 721775 Bookings
Elizabeth Mar9n (828206)
Poulshot Readers
Philip Piper 828326 T email: bookings@MyPoulshot.com

Commiaee Members
Ladies Book Club

Alan Weber (Vice-Chair)
Jackie Pohnert 827046 Jon Mar9n (Treasurer)
Giles Morgan, Malcolm Nixon, Lucy
Wiltshire Numisma4c Society Russell, Adrian Griffiths
Richard Jeffery 01225 703143
Poulshot Website
Police Community Support Officer hap://poulshot.org.uk
Maggie Ledbury Contact Parish Clerk for edits - 828206 or
0747 102 8939
There will be a few Festive Specials on the menu, from 1st December until Christmas Eve.

Please remember this is a very busy time in the Pub, so do call to reserve a table.

Sunday 17th December, Carols in the Pub from 7:30ish pm.

Monday 18th - Sunday 24th December, Lunch 12-2pm & Dinner 6:30 - 9pm.

Christmas Day, Drinks only from 12noon to 2pm.

The Pub will be closed in the evening.

Boxing Day Drinks only from 12noon to 2pm.

See you all after the Walk
The Pub will then be closed that evening.

Wednesday 27 - Thursday 31st, Lunch 12-2pm & Dinner 6:30 - 9pm.

Come join the Rave' Inn Party from 10:30pm to see in the New Year.

Monday 1st January 2018, Lunch only from 12noon.
The Pub will be closed in the evening after New Year's Day Lunch.

Then, Business as usual.

Our Warmest Christmas wishes to you and yours from

Nathalie, Jerry, Melody & Reuben

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