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Spontaneous Processes and

Chapter 16 Entropy
•Thermodynamics lets us predict whether a
Spontaneity, process will occur but gives no information
Entropy, about the amount of time required for the
Free Energy •A spontaneous process is one that occurs
without outside intervention.

Figure 16.2:
The rate of a reaction
depends on the pathway
First Law of Thermodynamics
from reactants to products; • The First Law of Thermodynamics states
this is the domain of that the energy of the universe is constant.
kinetics. Thermodynamics Ea
tells us whether a reaction
While energy may change in form (heat,
is spontaneous based only work, etc.) and be exchanged between the
on the properties of the system & surroundings - the total energy
reactants and products.
The predictions of
remains constant. To describe the system:
thermodynamics do not Work done by the system is negative.
require knowledge of the
Work done on the system is positive.
pathway between reactants
and products. Heat evolved by the system is negative.
Heat absorbed by the system is positive.

Enthalpy and Enthalpy Change Enthalpy and Enthalpy Change

• In Chapter 6, we tentatively defined • In Chapter 6, we tentatively defined
enthalpy in terms of the relationship of ∆H enthalpy in terms of the relationship of ∆H
to the heat at constant pressure. to the heat at constant pressure.
• This means that at a given temperature and • In practice, we measure certain heats of
pressure, a given amount of a substance has a reactions and use them to tabulate enthalpies of
definite enthalpy. formation, ∆Hof.
• Therefore, if you know the enthalpies of • Standard enthalpies of formation for selected
substances, you can calculate the change in compounds are listed in Appendix 4.
enthalpy, ∆H , for a reaction.

Spontaneous Processes and
Enthalpy and Enthalpy Change
• In Chapter 6, we tentatively defined • A spontaneous process is a physical or
enthalpy in terms of the relationship of ∆H chemical change that occurs by itself .
to the heat at constant pressure. • Examples include:
• The standard enthalpy change for a reaction is A rock at the top of a hill rolls down.
Heat flows from a hot object to a cold one.
∆H o = ∑ n∆H of (products ) − ∑ m∆H of (reactants )
An iron object rusts in moist air.
• These processes occur without requiring an
outside force and continue until equilibrium
is reached.

Entropy and the Second Law of

Examples of a • The second law of thermodynamics
spontaneous and addresses questions about spontaneity in
nonspontaneous terms of a quantity called entropy.
process. • Entropy, S , is a thermodynamic quantity that
is a measure of the randomness or disorder or
the “available arrangements” for the system or
• The SI unit of entropy is joules per Kelvin
(J/K) and, like enthalpy, is a state function.

The Second Law of Figure 16.3: The expansion of an

Thermodynamics ideal gas into an evacuated bulb.

• ... in any spontaneous process there is

always an increase in the entropy of the
∆Suniv > 0

or )Ssystem + )Ssurroundings > 0

– for a spontaneous process.

Figure 16.4: Possible
For two molecules,
arrangements (states)
A & B, there are of four molecules
four microstates in a two-bulbed flask.

Nature spontaneously proceeds towards the states that have the

highest probabilities of existing.

Positional Entropy Entropy and the Second Law of

•A gas expands into a vacuum because the Thermodynamics
expanded state has the highest positional • The second law of thermodynamics states
probability of states available to the system. that the total entropy of the universe always
increases for a spontaneous process.

•Ssolid < Sliquid << Sgas • The net change in entropy of the system, ∆S ,
equals the sum of the entropy created during
Solid: Only a few Gas: Many allowed the spontaneous process and the change in
“allowed” positions, positions, molecules energy associated with the heat flow.
molecules or atoms are far apart.
close together

Entropy and the
Some examples of entropy changes: Second Law of Thermodynamics
Does entropy of the system increase or decrease for the following? So for any process: )Suniverse > 0, process is spontaneous
2 H2 (g) + O2 (g) º 2 H2O (g) at constant pressure and 25oC )Suniverse = 0, process tends not to occur,
at equilibrium
Decreases – simple molecules form more complex molecule, )Suniverse < 0, reverse process occurs
So )Ssystem is - spontaneously
Na (s) + heat º Na (l) at the m.p. temperature of Na We can determine )Ssystem – How can we determine )Ssurroundings?
)Ssurroundings determined primarily by heat flow between system
Increases – atoms of Na have more “available positions” in
the liquid state. )Ssystem is + & surroundings. If heat flows into the surroundings (i.e., when
a reaction is exothermic) the random motions of the molecules
H 2O in the surroundings increase. Thus, the entropy of the
NaCl (s) º Na+ (aq) + Cl- (aq) for 10 g NaCl in 1L H2O at 25 oC surroundings increases.
Increases – ions formed from NaCl are more simple in
structure and have more available position. )Ssystem is +

Entropy and the Second Law of Entropy and the Second Law of
Thermodynamics Thermodynamics
• The second law of thermodynamics states • The second law of thermodynamics states
that the total entropy of the universe always that the total entropy of the universe always
increases for a spontaneous process. increases for a spontaneous process.

• We can say that for the surroundings • At constant T and P,

q ∆ H sys
∆ S surr =
∆ S surr = −
Heat flows into the surroundings during exothermic reactions and
out of the surroundings for endothermic reactions

Entropy and the

Second Law of Thermodynamics
The impact of the transfer of a quantity of heat energy to the
surroundings will be greater when the temperature is low

• For a given reaction, the sign of )Ssurr depends on

whether )Hsys is + or -. The heat energy transferred
to the surroundings will have the opposite sign!
• The magnitude of )Ssurr will depend on the temperature
as well as the magnitude of )Hsys.

Entropy Change for a Phase Entropy Change for a Phase
Transition Transition
• If during a phase transition, such as ice • If during a phase transition, such as ice
melting, heat is slowly absorbed by the system, melting, heat is slowly absorbed by the system,
it remains near equilibrium as the ice melts. it remains near equilibrium as the ice melts.
• Under these conditions, no significant amount • Other phase changes, such as vaporization of a
of entropy is created. liquid, also occur under equilibrium conditions.
• The entropy results entirely from the absorption • Therefore, you can use the previous equation to
of heat. Therefore, obtain the )Ssys for a phase change. For the
q melting of 1 mole of ice at 0oC, the )Ssys is
∆S = (For an equilibrium process)
T )Ssys = +6.03 kJ/273 K = +0.0221 kJ/(mole K)

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider

• The heat of vaporization, ∆Hvap of carbon • The heat of vaporization, ∆Hvap of carbon
tetrachloride, CCl4, at 25 oC is 43.0 kJ/mol. If 1 mol tetrachloride, CCl4, at 25 oC is 43.0 kJ/mol. If 1 mol
of liquid CCl4 has an entropy of 214 J/K, what is the of liquid CCl4 has an entropy of 214 J/K, what is the
entropy of 1 mol of the vapor at this temperature? entropy of 1 mol of the vapor at this temperature?
• When liquid CCl4 evaporates, it absorbs heat: • In other words, 1 mol of CCl4 increases in
∆Hvap = 43.0 kJ/mol (43.0 x 103 J/mol) at 25 oC, entropy by 144 J/K when it vaporizes.
or 298 K. The entropy change, ∆S, is
• The entropy of 1 mol of vapor equals the entropy
∆H vap 43.0 × 103 J / mol of 1 mol of liquid (214 J/K) plus 144 J/K.
∆Ssys = = = 144 J/(mol ⋅ K )
T 298 K Svap = Entropy of vapor = (214 + 144)J/K = 358 J/(mol ⋅ K)
Since )Ssys = Svap - Sliq

Figure 16.5: (a) A perfect crystal of hydrogen chloride at 0 K.

Standard Entropies and the (b) As the temperature rises above 0 K, lattice vibrations
allow some dipoles to change their orientations, producing
Third Law of Thermodynamics some disorder and an increase in entropy.
• The third law of thermodynamics states
that a substance that is perfectly crystalline
at 0 K has an entropy of zero.
• When temperature is raised, however, the
substance becomes more disordered as it
absorbs heat.
• The entropy of a substance is determined by
measuring how much heat is required to change
its temperature per Kelvin degree.

Standard entropy of methyl chloride, CH3Cl, at various


Figure 16.6: The H2O molecule

can vibrate and rotate in several
ways, some of which are
shown here.

Standard Entropies and the

Third Law of Thermodynamics
• The standard entropy of a substance or ion
(Appendix 4), also called its absolute
entropy, So, is the entropy value for the
standard state of the species.

• Standard state implies 25 oC, 1 atm pressure,

and 1 M for dissolved substances.

Standard Entropies and the Standard Entropies and the

Third Law of Thermodynamics Third Law of Thermodynamics
• The standard entropy of a substance or ion • The standard entropy of a substance or ion
(Table 19.1), also called its absolute (Appendix 4), also called its absolute
entropy, So, is the entropy value for the entropy, So, is the entropy value for the
standard state of the species. standard state of the species.
• Note that the elements have nonzero values,
unlike standard enthalpies of formation, ∆Hfo , • The symbol So, rather than ∆So, is used for
which by convention, are zero. standard entropies to emphasize that they
originate from the third law.

Entropy Change for a Reaction Entropy Change for a Reaction
• You can calculate the entropy change for • You can calculate the entropy change for
a reaction using a summation law, similar to a reaction using a summation law, similar to
the way you obtained ∆Ho. the way you obtained ∆Ho.
∆S o = ∑ nS o ( products ) − ∑ mS o ( reactants )
• The entropy usually increases in the following
• Even without knowing the values for the 1. A reaction in which a molecule is broken
entropies of substances, you can sometimes into two or more smaller molecules.
predict the sign of ∆So for a reaction.

Entropy Change for a Reaction Entropy Change for a Reaction

• You can calculate the entropy change for • You can calculate the entropy change for
a reaction using a summation law, similar to a reaction using a summation law, similar to
the way you obtained ∆Ho. the way you obtained ∆Ho.
• The entropy usually increases in the following • The entropy usually increases in the following
situations: situations:
2. A reaction in which there is an increase in 3. A process in which a solid changes to
the moles of gases. liquid or gas or a liquid changes to gas.

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider

• Calculate the change in entropy, ∆So, at 25 oC for the • Calculate the change in entropy, ∆So, at 25 oC for the
reaction in which urea is formed from NH3 and CO2. reaction in which urea is formed from NH3 and CO2.
The standard entropy of NH2CONH2 is 174 J/(mol.K). The standard entropy of NH2CONH2 is 174 J/(mol.K).
See Appendix 4 for other values. See Appendix 4 for other values.
2NH 3 (g ) + CO 2 (g ) → NH 2CONH 2 (aq ) + H 2O(l ) 2NH 3 (g ) + CO 2 (g ) → NH 2CONH 2 (aq ) + H 2O(l )
• The calculation is similar to that used to obtain So: 2 x 193 214 174 70
∆Ho from standard enthalpies of formation. • It is convenient to put the standard entropies
(multiplied by their stoichiometric
coefficients) below the formulas.

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider
• Calculate the change in entropy, ∆So, at 25 oC for the • Calculate the change in entropy, ∆So, at 25 oC for the
reaction in which urea is formed from NH3 and CO2. reaction in which urea is formed from NH3 and CO2.
The standard entropy of NH2CONH2 is 174 J/(mol.K). The standard entropy of NH2CONH2 is 174 J/(mol.K).
See Appendix 4 for other values. See Appendix 4 for other values.
2NH 3 (g ) + CO 2 (g ) → NH 2CONH 2 (aq ) + H 2O(l ) 2NH 3 (g ) + CO 2 (g ) → NH 2CONH 2 (aq ) + H 2O(l )
• We can now use the summation law to • We can now use the summation law to
calculate the entropy change. calculate the entropy change.
∆S o = ∑ nS o ( products ) − ∑ mS o ( reactants) ∆So = [(174 + 70) − ( 2 × 193 + 214)]J / K = −356 J/K

Free Energy Concept

• The American physicist J. Willard Gibbs
introduced the concept of free energy
)Ssys = (6.03 x 103 J/273 K) (sometimes called the Gibbs free energy), G,
At -10oC, )Ssurr is negative and larger than )Ssys, so )Suniv is which is a thermodynamic quantity defined by
negative and reverse process is spontaneous the equation G=H-TS, or for processes
At 0 oC, )Ssys + )Ssurr = 0, so process is at equilibrium
undergoing change: )Gsys = )Hsys - T)Ssys.
• This quantity gives a direct criterion for
At 10 oC, )Ssys is + and > )Ssurr, so )Suniv is + and the process is spontaneity of reaction.

Since )Gsys = )Hsys - T )Ssys

Free Energy and Spontaneity
Dividing by -T

-)G/T = -)Hsys/T + )Ssys • Changes in H an S during a reaction result

in a change in free energy, ∆G , given by
But )Ssurr = - )Hsys/T so that
the equation
-)G/T = )Ssurr + )Ssys , but )Suniverse = )Ssurr + )Ssys ∆ G = ∆ H − T∆ S
-Therefore, when )G is negative, • Thus, if you can show that ∆G is negative at a
given temperature and pressure, you can predict
)Suniv is + and process is spontaneous that the reaction will be spontaneous.
• If )G = 0, the reaction is at equilibrium
These equations apply to processes occurring at constant T & P,
and in which no useful work is done! • If )G is positive, the reaction is nonspontaneous

Effect of ∆H and ∆S on
Spontaneity Standard Free-Energy Change
∆H ∆S Result
• The standard free energy change, ∆Go, is
− + spontaneous at all temps the free energy change that occurs when
reactants and products are in their standard
+ + spontaneous at high temps states.
− − spontaneous at low temps • The next example illustrates the calculation of
the standard free energy change, ∆Go, from
+ − not spontaneous at any temp ∆Ho and ∆So.

∆ G = ∆ H − T∆ S ∆ G o = ∆ H o − T∆ S o

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider

• What is the standard free energy change, ∆Go , for • What is the standard free energy change, ∆Go , for
the following reaction at 25 oC? Use values of the following reaction at 25 oC? Use values of
∆Hfo and So, from Appendix 4. ∆Hfo and So, from Appendix 4.
N 2 (g ) + 3H 2 (g ) → 2NH 3 (g ) N 2 (g ) + 3H 2 (g ) → 2NH 3 (g )
∆Hfo: 0 0 2 x (-45.9) kJ • You can calculate ∆Ho and ∆So using their
So: 191.5 3 x 130.6 2 x 193 J/K respective summation laws.
• Place below each formula the values of ∆Hfo ∆H o = ∑ n∆H of (products ) − ∑ m∆H of (reactants)
and So multiplied by stoichiometric coefficients.
= [2 × ( −45.9) − 0] kJ = −91.8 kJ

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider

• What is the standard free energy change, ∆Go , for • What is the standard free energy change, ∆Go , for
the following reaction at 25 oC? Use values of the following reaction at 25 oC? Use values of
∆Hfo and So, from Appendix 4. ∆Hfo and So, from Appendix 4.
N 2 (g ) + 3H 2 (g ) → 2NH 3 (g ) N 2 (g ) + 3H 2 (g ) → 2NH 3 (g )
• You can calculate ∆Ho and ∆So using their • Now substitute into our equation for ∆Go. Note
respective summation laws. that ∆So is converted to kJ/K.
∆S o = ∑ nS o (products) − ∑ mS o (reactants) ∆ G o = ∆ H o − T∆ S o
= −91.8 kJ − (298 K)( −0.197 kJ/K)
= [2 × 193 − (191.5 + 3 × 130.6)] J/K = -197 J/K
= −33.1 kJ

Standard Free Energies of
• The standard free energy of formation, ∆Gfo,
of a substance is the free energy change that
occurs when 1 mol of a substance is formed
from its elements in their stablest states at 1 atm
pressure and 25 oC.
• By tabulating ∆Gfo for substances, as in
Appendix 4, you can calculate the ∆Go for a
reaction by using a summation law.
∆G o = ∑ n∆G of (products ) − ∑ m∆G of (reactants)

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider

• Calculate ∆Go for the combustion of 1 mol of • Calculate ∆Go for the combustion of 1 mol of
ethanol, C2H5OH, at 25 oC. Use the standard free ethanol, C2H5OH, at 25 oC. Use the standard free
energies of formation given in Appendix 4. energies of formation given in Appendix 4.
C2 H 5OH(l ) + 3O 2 (g ) → 2CO 2 (g ) + 3H 2O(g ) C2 H 5OH(l ) + 3O 2 (g ) → 2CO 2 (g ) + 3H 2O(g )
∆Gfo: -174.8 0 2(-394.4) 3(-228.6)kJ ∆Gfo: -174.8 0 2(-394.4) 3(-228.6)kJ
• Place below each formula the values of ∆Gfo • You can calculate ∆Go using the summation
multiplied by stoichiometric coefficients. law.
∆G o = ∑ n∆G of (products) − ∑ m∆G of (reactants)
∆G o = [ 2( −394.4) + 3( −228.6) − ( −174.8)] kJ

∆Go as a Criteria for

A Problem To Consider
• Calculate ∆Go for the combustion of 1 mol of
ethanol, C2H5OH, at 25 oC. Use the standard free • The following rules are useful in judging
energies of formation given in Appendix 4. the spontaneity of a reaction.
1. When ∆Go is a large negative number (more
C2 H 5OH(l ) + 3O 2 (g ) → 2CO 2 (g ) + 3H 2O(g )
negative than about –10 kJ), the reaction is
∆Gfo: -174.8 0 2(-394.4) 3(-228.6)kJ
spontaneous as written, and the reactants
• You can calculate ∆Go using the summation transform almost entirely to products when
law. equilibrium is reached.
∆G o = ∑ n∆G of (products) − ∑ m∆G of (reactants)
∆G o = −1299.8 kJ

∆Go as a Criteria for ∆Go as a Criteria for
Spontaneity Spontaneity
• The following rules are useful in judging • The following rules are useful in judging
the spontaneity of a reaction. the spontaneity of a reaction.
2. When ∆Go is a large positive number (more 3. When ∆Go is a small negative or positive
positive than about +10 kJ), the reaction is value (less than about 10 kJ), the reaction
nonspontaneous as written, and reactants do gives an equilibrium mixture with
not give significant amounts of product at significant amounts of both reactants and
equilibrium. products.

Free Energy Change During

• As a system approaches equilibrium, the
instantaneous change in free energy
approaches zero.
• The next figure illustrates the change in free
energy during a spontaneous reaction.
• As the reaction proceeds, the free energy
eventually reaches its minimum value.
• At that point, ∆G = 0, and the net reaction
stops; it comes to equilibrium.

Free-energy change during a spontaneous reaction.

Free Energy Change During

• As a system approaches equilibrium, the
instantaneous change in free energy
approaches zero.
• The next figure illustrates the change in free
energy during a nonspontaneous reaction.
• Note that there is a small decrease in free
energy as the system goes to equilibrium.

Free-energy change during a nonspontaneous reaction.

Relating ∆Go to the

Equilibrium Constant
• The free energy change when reactants are
in non-standard states (other than 1 atm
pressure or 1 M) is related to the standard
free energy change, ∆Go, by the following
equation. o
∆G = ∆G + RT ln Q
• Here Q is the thermodynamic form of the
reaction quotient.

Relating ∆Go to the Relating ∆Go to the

Equilibrium Constant Equilibrium Constant
• The free energy change when reactants are • The free energy change when reactants are
in non-standard states (other than 1 atm in non-standard states (other than 1 atm
pressure or 1 M) is related to the standard pressure or 1 M) is related to the standard
free energy change, ∆Go, by the following free energy change, ∆Go, by the following
equation. o
equation. o
∆G = ∆G + RT ln Q ∆G = ∆G + RT ln Q
∆G represents an instantaneous change in free • At equilibrium, ∆G=0 and the reaction quotient
energy at some point in the reaction Q becomes the equilibrium constant K.
approaching equilibrium.

Relating ∆Go to the Relating ∆Go to the

Equilibrium Constant Equilibrium Constant
• This result easily rearranges to give the basic
• The free energy change when reactants are
equation relating the standard free-energy
in non-standard states (other than 1 atm
change to the equilibrium constant.
pressure or 1 M) is related to the standard
free energy change, ∆Go, by the following ∆G o = − RT ln K
equation. o • When K > 1 , the ln K is positive and ∆Go is
0 = ∆G + RT ln K negative.
• At equilibrium, ∆G=0 and the reaction quotient • When K < 1 , the ln K is negative and ∆Go is
Q becomes the equilibrium constant K. positive.

A Problem To Consider
• Find the value for the equilibrium constant, K, at 25 oC
(298 K) for the following reaction. The standard free-
energy change, ∆Go, at 25 oC equals –13.6 kJ.
2NH 3 (g ) + CO 2 (g ) NH 2CONH 2 (aq) + H 2O(l )

• Rearrange the equation ∆Go=-RTlnK to give

∆G o
ln K =
− RT

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider

• Find the value for the equilibrium constant, K, at 25 oC • Find the value for the equilibrium constant, K, at 25 oC
(298 K) for the following reaction. The standard free- (298 K) for the following reaction. The standard free-
energy change, ∆Go, at 25 oC equals –13.6 kJ. energy change, ∆Go, at 25 oC equals –13.6 kJ.
2NH 3 (g ) + CO 2 (g ) NH 2CONH 2 (aq) + H 2O(l ) 2NH 3 (g ) + CO 2 (g ) NH 2CONH 2 (aq) + H 2O(l )

• Substituting numerical values into the equation, • Hence,

− 13.6 × 103 J K = e5.49 = 2.42 × 102

ln K = = 5.49
− 8.31 J/(mol ⋅ K) × 298 K

Calculation of ∆Go at Various

• In this method you assume that ∆Ho and
∆So are essentially constant with respect to
• You get the value of ∆GTo at any temperature T
by substituting values of ∆Ho and ∆So at 25 oC
into the following equation.

∆G oT = ∆H o − T∆So

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider
• Find the ∆Go for the following reaction at 25 oC • Find the ∆Go for the following reaction at 25 oC
and 1000 oC. Relate this to reaction spontaneity. and 1000 oC. Relate this to reaction spontaneity.
CaCO 3 (s ) → CaO(s ) + CO 2 (g ) CaCO 3 (s ) → CaO(s ) + CO 2 (g )
∆Hfo: -1206.9 -635.1 -393.5 kJ ∆Hfo: -1206.9 -635.1 -393.5 kJ
So: 92.9 38.2 213.7 J/K So: 92.9 38.2 213.7 J/K

• You can calculate ∆Ho and ∆So using their

• Place below each formula the values of ∆Hfo respective summation laws.
and So multiplied by stoichiometric coefficients.

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider

• Find the ∆Go for the following reaction at 25 oC • Find the ∆Go for the following reaction at 25 oC
and 1000 oC. Relate this to reaction spontaneity. and 1000 oC. Relate this to reaction spontaneity.
CaCO 3 (s ) → CaO(s ) + CO 2 (g ) CaCO 3 (s ) → CaO(s ) + CO 2 (g )
∆Hfo: -1206.9 -635.1 -393.5 kJ ∆Hfo: -1206.9 -635.1 -393.5 kJ
So: 92.9 38.2 213.7 J/K So: 92.9 38.2 213.7 J/K

∆H = ∑
n∆H of (products) − ∑ m∆H of (reactants) ∆S = ∑ n∆S (products) − ∑ m∆S o (reactants)
o o

= [( −635.1 − 393.5) − ( −1206.9)]kJ = 178.3 kJ = [( 38.2 + 213.7 ) − (92.9)] = 159.0 J / K

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider

• Find the ∆Go for the following reaction at 25 oC • Find the ∆Go for the following reaction at 25 oC
and 1000 oC. Relate this to reaction spontaneity. and 1000 oC. Relate this to reaction spontaneity.
CaCO 3 (s ) → CaO(s ) + CO 2 (g ) CaCO 3 (s ) → CaO(s ) + CO 2 (g )
∆Hfo: -1206.9 -635.1 -393.5 kJ ∆Hfo: -1206.9 -635.1 -393.5 kJ
So: 92.9 38.2 213.7 J/K So: 92.9 38.2 213.7 J/K

• Now you substitute ∆Ho, ∆So

(=0.1590 kJ/K), • Now you substitute ∆Ho, ∆So
(=0.1590 kJ/K),
and T (=298K) into the equation for ∆Gfo. and T (=298K) into the equation for ∆Gfo.

∆G oT = ∆H o − T∆S o ∆G oT = 178.3kJ − ( 298 K )(0.1590 kJ / K )

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider
• Find the ∆Go for the following reaction at 25 oC • Find the ∆Go for the following reaction at 25 oC
and 1000 oC. Relate this to reaction spontaneity. and 1000 oC. Relate this to reaction spontaneity.
CaCO 3 (s ) → CaO(s ) + CO 2 (g ) CaCO 3 (s ) → CaO(s ) + CO 2 (g )
∆Hfo: -1206.9 -635.1 -393.5 kJ ∆Hfo: -1206.9 -635.1 -393.5 kJ
So: 92.9 38.2 213.7 J/K So: 92.9 38.2 213.7 J/K

• Now you substitute ∆Ho, ∆So (=0.1590 kJ/K), • Now we’ll use 1000 oC (1273 K) along with
and T (=298K) into the equation for ∆Gfo. our previous values for ∆Ho and ∆So.
So the reaction is
∆G oT = 130.9 kJ nonspontaneous ∆G oT = 178.3kJ − (1273 K )(0.1590 kJ / K )
at 25 oC.

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider

• Find the ∆Go for the following reaction at 25 oC • Find the ∆Go for the following reaction at 25 oC
and 1000 oC. Relate this to reaction spontaneity. and 1000 oC. Relate this to reaction spontaneity.
CaCO 3 (s ) → CaO(s ) + CO 2 (g ) CaCO 3 (s ) → CaO(s ) + CO 2 (g )
∆Hfo: -1206.9 -635.1 -393.5 kJ ∆Hfo: -1206.9 -635.1 -393.5 kJ
So: 92.9 38.2 213.7 J/K So: 92.9 38.2 213.7 J/K
• Now we’ll use 1000 oC (1273 K) along with • To determine the minimum temperature for
our previous values for ∆Ho and ∆So. spontaneity, we can set ∆Gfo =0 and solve for T.
So the reaction is ∆H o
∆G oT = −24.1 kJ spontaneous at T=
1000 oC. ∆S o

A Problem To Consider A Problem To Consider

• Find the ∆Go for the following reaction at 25 oC • Find the ∆Go for the following reaction at 25 oC
and 1000 oC. Relate this to reaction spontaneity. and 1000 oC. Relate this to reaction spontaneity.
CaCO 3 (s ) → CaO(s ) + CO 2 (g ) CaCO 3 (s ) → CaO(s ) + CO 2 (g )
∆Hfo: -1206.9 -635.1 -393.5 kJ ∆Hfo: -1206.9 -635.1 -393.5 kJ
So: 92.9 38.2 213.7 J/K So: 92.9 38.2 213.7 J/K
• To determine the minimum temperature for • Thus, CaCO3 should be thermally stable until
spontaneity, we can set ∆Gfo =0 and solve for T. its heated to approximately 848 oC.
178.3 kJ
T= = 1121 K (848 oC)
0.1590 kJ / K

Temperature Dependence of K
Maximum Work
)Go = - RTlnK = )Ho - T )So and dividing both sides by T & R,
multiply both sides by -1
• Often reactions are not carried out in a way
that does useful work.
∆ H° • As a spontaneous precipitation reaction occurs,

ln( K ) = − (1 / T ) + ∆ S ° / R the free energy of the system decreases and

entropy is produced, but no useful work is

•y = mx + b
R obtained.
• In principle, if a reaction is carried out to obtain
•(∆H° and S° ≈ independent of temperature the maximum useful work, no entropy is
over a small temperature range) produced.

Reversible v. Irreversible
Maximum Work Processes
• Often reactions are not carried out in a way
•Reversible: The universe is exactly the same
that does useful work.
• It can be shown that the maximum useful work, as it was before the cyclic process.
wmax , for a spontaneous reaction is ∆G. •Irreversible: The universe is different after
the cyclic process.
wmax = ∆G •All real processes are irreversible -- (some
• The term free energy comes from this result. work is changed to heat).

Figure 16.10: A battery can do work by sending

current to a starter motor.


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