Bojoja Is An Assassin For Hire at "Assassins 4 Hire"

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Bojoja is an assassin for hire at Assassins 4 Hire.

She ___________(live) is Buenos Aires but she

___________ (be) born in Wales. Every day she ________ _______ (get up) at 5am.

Bojoja: “I ____________ __________ (not-go) to work by bus, I ____________ (walk) so that the
police ________ __________ (not-catch) me because of me SUBE card.”

Bojoja __________ ___________ (not work) on Wednesdays. On Wednesdays mornings she

_________________ (watch) Shadowhunters on Netflix. Bojoja and her dog usually ___________
(order) a pineapple pizza. They ___________ ___________ (love-eat) pineapple pizza.

Now Bojoja _______ __________ (not-work). At this moment she _________ _____________
(drink) blood with some friends and they ___________ ____________ (laugh).

Last summer holidays, Bojoja and her dog __________ (travel) to New York. They _________
(spend) a week there. Bojoja and her dog __________ (fly) to NY but Bojoja ______________ (not-
buy) the plane tickets. She _____________ (win) the trip in a killing contest. They _____________
(stay) at an expensive hotel and they ____________ ______________ (can-see) the cemetery from
their bedroom window.

B) Make questions and answer them

About Bojoja:

1) where/work?

2) how/go to work every day?

About Bojoja and her dog:

3) where / go last summer?

4) how / travel?

5) how long/ stay there?

About Bojoja:

6) pay/ trip? Why?

C) complete the conversation

A: ______________________________________________________________________?

Bojoja: Wales.

Bojoja: At 5am.


Bojoja: Because I don’t want the police to catch me by tracking my SUBA card.


Bojoja: No, it _____________ work. It’s a dog.


Bojoja: My dog goes to Cool Puppy School.

A: ________________________________________________ go to the cinema?

Bojoja: We go to the cinema once a week.

A: _________________________________________________ right now? (cook)

Bojoja: No, it _________________________

A: ________________________________________________ now?

Bojoja: It ________________________________________________ (lick) its bum.

A: _________________________________________ to Paris last summer holidays?

Bojoja: No, we _________________ We ___________________ (go) to NY.

D) complete the conversation. Express possession.

A: _________________________________________________________?

B: they are the children’s trainers. They are ____________. They are ____________ trainers.

A: David, Hans! Is this your dog?

David and Hans: Yes, it is ___________________

E) Complete with “a few”, “a little” and “a lot of” and the correct form of the verb “to be”

1) there ………………………….. milk in the fridge. We need to buy more.

2) there ………………….. people on the beach. I can’t find a place to sit.

3) there …………….. students in class yesterday. Only five.

4) there …………………… money in my wallet. Just four pesos.

E) complete with “how much”, “how many”, “some”, “any”, “much”, “many”

1) _____________________ eggs do you need to make a cake?

2) would you like ______________ salt?

3) I don’t take ___________ sugar in my coffee. Just halk a spoonful.

4) ______________ money have you got? I haven’t got ______________ because I lost my wallet.
Can you lend me _______________?

5) She hasn’t got ____________ friends. Only three.

F) complete with simple past or past continuous

1) while she ___________________ (sing), someone ______________ (throw) a stone at her

2) they _____________________ (find) a dead body when they ___________________ (run) in

the park.

3) while I _____________________________ (have) dinner, I _________________ (hear) a strange


G) complete these conditional sentences. Type 1.

1) if you _______________ (not write) the number, you ______________ (not-remember) it.

2) she _____________ (pass) the exam if she ____________________ (study)

3) if he ______________________ (not hurry), he ______________________ (miss) the plane.

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