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Mid Term Question and Answer

1. In this secience in technology era, people from all over the world find it that they have been
losing their memory, capacity of memorizing thing such as we find it difficult to memorize
phone’s number?
Answer : Because in this technology era, they have been affected by today’s technolog, because
the technology we can do anything, let alone memorize numbers, for counting so many
are using a calculator, therefore can make our heads don’t want to accommodate those
memories much because in on it by technology at the moment.
2. In the past when we want to improve our knowledge about something we go to books or consult
with an expert, but this time we don’t go to them because we already had internet acces. Explain
it culturally..!
Answer : I think in this era, full of technology just for halp some people to get easy information,
but a lot of people using the internet doesn’t only for positive information but a lot of
for negative information and many using for it can be harm to others , but don’t forget
to keep using the book to expand our knowledge, because even though times have
modern, the book is a source of knowledge I think is the most complete and very useful
for the future, and it’s a parent of knowledge.
3. Today when we are on the road, and we want to know where we want to go we have the answer
from our phone. Explain it culturally..?
Answer : Sometimes we are usually our phone to go to some place where we are going, like we
calling some friends to ask them or our friends a road of place we are headed, sometimes
many people using the phone to see the maps or using google map to searching the road
of place we are headed.
4. In the past we used calculator, but tihis time we don’t need it anymore. Explain the effect of this
Answer : Maybe, when we are using frequency a calculators can make our heads lazy, because it
can lead our head spoiled to think.
5. Today what you do when you want to know your family members are..?
Answer : The first time I will ask my father about family members, until he explain about it and
the next step I wil come to house members of my family and asked more about family
6. Explain the way people telling the time and give example!(at this moment)
Answer : That I know have 2 way
1. By way of pronouncing the clock first just followed by minutes. For example :
5:10-----Five Ten
6:30-----Six Thirty
9:45-----Nine forty five

2. By way of saying the minute first and then the new time. In this way, we use past if
the minutes is 01-30. For example :
4:10----Ten past four (4 in 10 minutes)
7:20----Twenty past seven (Seven through twenty minutes)
11:25----Twenty five past eleven (11 hours past 25 minutes)

Use to for 31-59, Example:

4:35----twenty five to 5 (jam 5 kurang 25 menit)
7:50----Ten to eight (jam 8 kurang 10)
10:40----Twenty to eleven (jam 11 kurang 20).

7. What do you do to make foto album in the past and today?

Answer : We must to take a foto first and have take many foto in the past or the moment until we
have many foto, and than we collect be the one alubums of all foto do you have.
8. What are the effect of cassette recorder, CD in saving information?

9. What do you do when you want to go to theatre or movie to watch film or plays?
Answer : The first time I will searching information about title of movie and the next step,I will
invite some friends to follow me to watching the movie, and we buy the movie tickets,
and the last is we are going to theatre place to watching the movie.
10. In the past you want to collect picture/information by cutting then from newspaper/magazine.
Now it is gone. Explain this matter!
Answer : That is simple matter, make the magazine or photo it becomes damaged in shape and
look ugly, not as good as the original form before yet.
11. In the past when you find out the spelling that you don’t know of words or concept. What do you
Answer : First, I will asked my friends about the spelling which they are know about spelling it,
after that I will take a dictionary that I have to searching whit her/him together. And than
I repeat 3 or 4 time of moment until me understand about it.
12. In the past when you want to make phone call you need coins to do that. But now you don’t need
them anymore !
Answer : it’s the 80 thn years old, we need coins, but now with this modern era we only need the
quota pulse for modern and more sophisticated mobile phones. And it makes the
community easier to contact each other.
13. When you want to travel, you need travel agent, now people don’t need it anymore. Explain
people’s attitude towards this change?
Answer : The first step we must to know the place, like searcing information on google about the
place situation and for now is modern era many people’s have a sophisticated phone and
smart phone like that, so if you don’t know the way you can searcing the map on google
like google map, and if you want to traveling to another country you have knowing the
English language, because it is international language in the word.

Final Examination Question and Answer

1. We’ve been watching movies in English. Movie is one of arts, what do we really learn cross
culturally in English movie? Clue : what part of the movie do you learn? Through character,
language, idea.
Answer : 1.when I was watching the movie, the lessons I got is concerned with other people help
each other for the weak.
2.The movie is when a guy in’re bullying with a guy and when it came a guy who’s
called carlos helped him and beat the boy, and Carlos is a guy that are hard but he
care about the weak.
3.And for idea, is don’t insult or hurt someone who is weaker than us, because it must
be opposed to all the negatives we’re doing, so be it a cherish each other and don’t
make yourself as a king who is unbeaten, it can only add the enemy doesn’t add a

4. Find the id of “shougun” in Japanese. First, explain the samurai and harakiri, explain the values
of CCU.
Answer : For more than 800 years, the samurai have shown and teaching honor, duty, and service
that remains in Japanese society still today. The samurai helped lay the foundations of
japan’s culture. The held values and morals that have held up for so many years, it is
wonderful that they have held on to them for so long. If it were not for the samurai
influence Japan may not have the same exact views on how to live there life. Samurai’s
are avery important part of Japaneses culture.

5. Many people blame the religion is source of violence. Try to find out the ideas about violence in
10 nations. (china, Japan, India, Erope, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, England). Relate
the religion whit violance Shinto mengajarkan kekerasan.
Answer :
In china : Urumqi ( The Chinese government never gave a chance for Muslims in
the country. Throughout the history of a massacre and torture as well as the expulsion
of Muslim. Communist-run china considers religion of islam, as and an anemy of the
state. The violence continues to be practiced with systematically by Chinese
government, to remove the Muslim from the Maoists.
In Japan : There are two kind of rape, which is tsuujou (done by an unidentified man and with the
elements of violence) and fushizen (not always, done by people who are known victims
and often without sexual violence).
In India : Violence was a religion of Christian communities, including the attack and burning of
churches, conversion to force Chritians to Hinduism, and the threat of physical
violence, redistribute the literature of hatred, burning Bibles, raped a nun, the murder of
a Christian, destruction of Christian schools, colleges, and the funeral.
In Erope : The purpose of the hostility that involves European governments here is the presence
of mission or violation of law by local authoritas to religious groups or particular
individual on the basis of the identity of their religion.
in Greece : Muslims in Greece not afraid to feel very afraid to change the garage or basement
garage used for prayers. Because that, it is considered to be breaking the law, and for
the financial crisis Muslims to be a target of violence. Despite the implementation of
the contructions of mosque there are contractors who agreed to, but they refused to take
part in the process of the construction of the mosque.
In Italy : I think, in Italy doesn’t have the religion violance.
In Spain :
6. It is often claimed that certain cultures are better than the rest cultures on earth. Argue and justify
whether this statement is valid.
Answer : I think, for claimed cultures are better than the rest culures on earth, it’s natural, but at
least we also appreciate other cultural for culture is the heritage from generation to
generation that is still preserved from our ancestors.
7. We are unconsciously claim that those people who cannot go whit science and tech advancement
as being not modern and traditional.
*What is modern? Is defined as style of art, design or fashion that is very different from
past styles.
What is its pride? It is describes feelings of happinesss when we achieve something or
doing a good job or can solve a difficult task, and you feel proud.
*Explain this whether it is true or not? In my opinion, that’s true, because in modern era
when I was really hard to get what we want, especially in environmental technology
without the provision a broader we can just don’t know the direction where we’re
going, it should also we know modern times, in order not to be behind the vehicle.

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