Review Article: Prevention and Restoration of Hearing Loss Associated With The Use of Cisplatin

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

BioMed Research International

Volume 2014, Article ID 925485, 9 pages

Review Article
Prevention and Restoration of Hearing Loss
Associated with the Use of Cisplatin

Felician Chirtes1 and Silviu Albu2

Otolaryngology Department, Military Hospital Cluj-Napoca, 22 General Traian Mosoiu Street, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
II-nd Department of Otolaryngology, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Strada Republicii 18,
400015 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Correspondence should be addressed to Silviu Albu;

Received 2 May 2014; Accepted 10 July 2014; Published 22 July 2014

Academic Editor: Srdjan Vlajkovic

Copyright © 2014 F. Chirtes and S. Albu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Background. Cisplatin is a well known platinum-based chemotherapeutic agent used for the treatment of various malignant
tumours. A frequent side effect of cisplatin therapy is ototoxicity. Unfortunately, currently there are no available treatments.
Material and Methods. Experimental, clinical studies and reviews published between 2004 and 2014 in the English medical literature
concerning ototoxicity were selected using Medline, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases. Inclusion criteria were cisplatin-
induced ototoxicity and therapy aimed at preventing or curing this disorder. Molecular mechanisms and clinical, audiological, and
histological markers of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity are described. Moreover, experimental and clinical strategies for prevention or
treatment of hearing loss were also reviewed. Results and Discussion. Experimental studies demonstrate a wide range of otoprotective
molecules and strategies efficient against cisplatin-induced hearing loss. However, only dexamethasone proved a slight otoprotective
effect in a clinical study. Conclusion. Further research must be completed to bring future therapeutic options into clinical setting.

1. Introduction ear, extreme ages (very young or very old), duration and dose
schedule of cisplatin infusion, and genetic factors. Between
Cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum II) is a well-known 11% and 97% of patients treated with cisplatin develop hearing
chemotherapeutic alkylating agent very effective in the treat- loss, with an average incidence of 62% [3]. Cisplatin-induced
ment of various malignant tumors, especially squamous cell tinnitus is not an infrequent occurrence either. Ototoxicity
cancers of the head and neck regions, in both the pediatric
may occur within hours to days after cisplatin administration.
and adult age groups [1]. Though synthesized already since
As subsequent multiple cisplatin regimens for the control of
1845 by Peyrone owing to him its name of Peyrone’s salt, only
cancer may be necessary, side effects should be prevented
in the late 1960s was it used clinically in oncologic therapy
for head and neck, lung, bladder, cervical, ovarian, testicular, or treated without reducing the efficacy of the antitumor
and gastrointestinal cancers, as well as malignant gliomas mechanisms.
and metastatic cancers such as melanoma, mesothelioma,
and those of the prostate and breast [2]. One of its major 2. Material and Methods
side effects is irreversible neurosensorial hearing loss which
affects ears symmetrically: high frequencies in the first place A review of the literature from 2004 to 2014 was performed,
followed by low, speech range frequencies in a dose related using the Medline, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases.
and cumulative fashion. Cisplatin-induced hearing loss is The search terms included cisplatin-induced hearing loss,
favoured either by preexisting afflictions like hypoalbumine- protective therapy for inner ear diseases, intratympanic
mia, anaemia, renal failure, and noise-induced hearing loss or therapy, systemic therapy, and gene therapy. Only original
by risk factors like therapy with loop diuretics, aminoglyco- experimental and clinical research papers were included. A
side antibiotics, radiotherapy fields which includes the inner total of 43 relevant papers were selected for the present review.
2 BioMed Research International

Table 1: Mechanisms of ototoxicity.

Cellular mechanisms of ototoxicity Molecular mechanisms of ototoxicity

(i) Creation of reactive oxygen species
(i) Damage to outer hair cells
(ii) Depletion of antioxidant glutathione and its regenerating enzymes
(ii) Damage to supporting cells
(iii) Increased rate of lipid peroxidation
(iii) Damage to marginal cells of stria vascularis
(iv) Oxidative modifications of proteins
(iv) Damage to the spiral ligament
(v) Nucleic acids damage by caspase system activation
(v) Damage to spiral ganglion cells
(vi) S-Nitrosylation of cochlear proteins

3. Results as measured by conventional or extended high-frequency

pure tone audiometry [11]. Multiple doses of cisplatin worsen
3.1. Mechanisms of Cisplatin Ototoxicity. Cisplatin inflicts hearing, ultimately affecting the speech frequency range
injuries mainly to outer hair cells, progressing from the (500–4000 Hz). Since DPOAEs measurement is based on the
third to the first row and to some extent to inner hair integrity of outer hair cells which is affected by cisplatin
cells of the organ of Corti in the basal turn of the cochlea therapy before elevation of auditory threshold as measured by
followed by alterations in sensorial cells situated in the pure tone audiometry, DPOAE testing is more sensitive than
apex. Cisplatin also targets supporting cells, marginal cells the latter for the detection of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity.
of the stria vascularis, and the spiral ligament [4]. The Moreover, the results provided by DPOAEs, as an objective
vestibular organs are not spared, nor are spiral ganglion cells testing, are not influenced by the ability of the deteriorating
in experimental conditions [5]. The ensuing hearing loss may cancerous patient to respond to the sound stimulus [9].
be very disabling to patients whose communication is already In small children who undergo cisplatin administration for
impaired due to cancers of the head and neck. Hearing loss cancer treatment and who cannot cooperate for pure-tone
is also a common cause for depression and reduction of the testing because of their younger age and poor cognitive
quality of life [6]. ability, either sound field behavioural testing or DPOAEs can
Molecular mechanisms of cisplatin-induced hearing loss be performed [12].
involve the creation of reactive oxygen species and depletion In experimental animals, hearing loss after cisplatin treat-
of antioxidant glutathione and its regenerating enzymes ment can be assessed by audiological study of the auditory
as well as increased rate of lipid peroxidation, oxidative brainstem responses where threshold measurement defines
modifications of proteins, nucleic acids damage by caspase the lowest intensity of sound stimulus that evokes a clear,
system activation [3], and S-nitrosylation of cochlear proteins visually detectable, reproducible waveform [4].
and resulting apoptosis of inner ear cells [7]. Histologic examinations of inner ear after cisplatin
Oxygen free radicals in the cochlea are produced prin- administration reveal destruction primarily of outer hair cells
cipally in the wake of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and to some extent inner hair cells and associated nerves,
phosphate oxidase 3 isoform (NOX3) activation. NOX3 is degeneration of the vestibular organs, stria vascularis edema,
known to be upregulated by cisplatin. Cochlear tissues fight and detachment of the myelin sheath of the spiral ganglion
the oxidative stress by means of antioxidant defence systems cells [5]. Light microscopy of cochlear samples obtained
including glutathione, glutathione reductase, superoxide dis- from animals receiving cisplatin shows loss of hair cells with
mutase, and catalase [1]. Cisplatin-induced disturbance of collapse of the tunnel of Corti and Nuel’s space. In cisplatin
potassium uptake and secretion in the stria vascularis has treated animals’ cochlea the scanning electron microscopy
also been suggested, leading to impairment of the function of detects damage and loss of stereocilia of the hair cells as well
outer and inner hair cells in the organ of Corti, with alteration as rupture of the cuticular plate [13]. The damage is especially
of the endocochlear potential and subsequent hearing loss [1]. noticed in the high frequency region of the cochlea (i.e.,
A summary of mechanisms of cisplatin associated ototoxicity the basal turn) probably due to a base to apex gradient of
is displayed in Table 1. the cisplatin ototoxicity [14]. Tumour necrosis factor-alpha
The extent of ototoxicity due to cisplatin administra- (TNF-𝛼) and other inflammatory cytokines (IL-8, IL-6) were
tion can be assessed clinically through measurements of also detected by immunostaining in the outer hair cells, stria
hearing loss by means of pretreatment and follow-up serial vascularis, spiral ligament, and spiral ganglion neurons in
audiologic tests and experimentally through histological cisplatin exposed cochleae [4].
examinations [8]. The former include pure tone (normal Cisplatin pharmacokinetics in the inner ear after intra-
frequency and extended high-frequency range), speech and venous injection is influenced by its strong binding to the
impedance audiometry, auditory brainstem responses, and plasma proteins rendering a large part of it nonactive and
Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAEs) test- by the barrier systems in the cochlea, the blood-perilymph
ing. DPOAEs reflect early injuries to outer hair cells in barrier, separating blood from perilymph, and the intras-
the organ of Corti thereby allowing monitoring and early trial fluid-blood barrier, separating blood from endolymph
detection of cisplatin ototoxicity during cancer treatment [15]. The amount of free chemotherapeutic agent reaching
[9, 10]. Cisplatin early ototoxic effects cause hearing impair- targets in the cochlea is responsible for the ototoxic effect
ment in the high frequencies at 6 kHz, 8 kHz, and above and consequent hearing loss. High frequency audiometric
BioMed Research International 3

Table 2: Treatment of cisplatin ototoxicity.

Preventive treatment for cisplatin ototoxicity Restorative treatment for cisplatin ototoxicity
Treatment of hypoalbuminemia, anemia, renal failure
Thiol compounds
Intratympanic dexamethasone
Transtympanic L-N-acetylcysteine
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

thresholds are initially affected. When doses in excess of after experimental exposure of mouse utricule to cisplatin.
100 mg/m2 are used the hearing impairment may progress EGCG proved its efficiency as an otoprotective agent against
from high frequencies to involve the middle frequencies. cisplatin ototoxicity due to its inhibition of STAT1. The
Reducing the total amount of cisplatin by limitation of the hypothesis was further supported by the failure of EGCG to
total dose per cycle, dose intensity and the cumulative dose provide protection against cisplatin in STAT1-deficient mice
would diminish the antitumor effect which is not desirable. [18].
Various otoprotective compounds have been tested both in Former studies showed that lactate injected intratympan-
experimental animals and humans. If given systemically, they ically in guinea pigs treated with ototoxic levels of cisplatin
should be nontoxic, must attain efficient concentrations in allowed near total preservation of otoacoustic emissions
the inner ear to protect labyrinthine tissues from cisplatin [19]. Since lactate is a part of Ringer solution, safely used
ototoxicity, and should not hamper the antitumor effect of in human subjects, and has the smallest molecular weight
cisplatin. Higher concentrations of otoprotective molecules among other antioxidants which facilitates transport across
can be achieved by intratympanic administration. This latter the round window membrane, a further study was conducted
route provides direct access of the protective agents to to prove its otoprotective effect against cisplatin ototoxicity
inner ear structures while avoiding systemic side effects and when injected intratympanically, before intraperitoneal cis-
interference with the antineoplastic activity of cisplatin [16]. platin administration. The molecular protective mechanism
is based on the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase located in the
3.2. Experimental Studies. Several otoprotective molecules mitochondria of outer hair cells. The conversion of lactate
and strategies against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity have been to pyruvate in the presence of the enzyme leads to the
tested in experimental animals. Some, like diethyldithiocar- formation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)
bamate, exerted important side effects in humans [16]. A which is a natural antioxidant that may be involved in
summary of preventative and restorative treatment options reducing toxic effects of oxygen reactive species resulted at
is presented in Table 2. cellular level following cisplatin therapy. Electron microscopy
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy consists of intermittent examinations of guinea pig cisplatin-insulted inner ears
inhalations of 100% oxygen at a pressure higher than 1 atm pretreated with lactate showed partial preservation of outer
and is used as adjuvant therapy in pathological processes hair cells stereocilia, more significant at midfrequencies
like soft tissue infections, radiation injury, gas gangrene, (2000–4000 HZ) but not statistically significant at higher
and decompressive disease. Its main effect is tissue hyper- frequencies. The study used auditory brainstem responses
oxygenation through plasma dissolved oxygen and was suc- recordings which is a more sensible method than otoacoustic
cessfully tested in guinea pigs as a protective agent against emissions testing, a fact that explains the differences in
cisplatin ototoxicity. Efficacy of otoprotection by hyperbaric otoprotective effect reported by previous studies. The same
oxygen therapy after cisplatin administration was evaluated study investigated the otoprotective effect of intratympanic
by otoacoustic emissions following hyperbaric treatment and N-acetylcysteine injections as well as its systemic diffusion
by scanning electron microscopy examination. The study following the administration. The results showed that high
confirmed that cisplatin induces dose-dependent cochlear concentration of intratympanic N-acetylcysteine is not reli-
alterations consisting of cellular lesions and significant hair able for otoprotection against cisplatin ototoxicity since it
damage in outer hair cells. Analysis of anatomical changes caused more middle and inner ear damage than cisplatin
in cochlear outer hair cells indicated signs of otoprotection alone. Yet, N-acetylcysteine did not diffuse systemically when
against cisplatin in animals treated with hyperbaric oxygen applied to the middle ear. This was confirmed by high-
therapy although in functional studies distortion product performance liquid chromatography testing of blood samples
acoustic emission were absent reflecting a certain degree taken from the venous system of the experimental animals
of hearing loss, most probably reversible and related to after intratympanic injections of N-acetylcysteine. This latter
experimental artefacts. The study concluded that hyperbaric outcome proves that the intratympanic route of administra-
oxygen therapy has otoprotective effects against cisplatin- tion would be safe and prevent inactivation of antitumor
induced ototoxicity. However, further studies are necessary to effect of cisplatin by binding between the thiol moiety of N-
test other effects of high pressure oxygen on the cochlea [17]. acetylcysteine and the platinum-containing molecule of the
Another study investigated the effect of epigallocate- chemotherapeutic drug [20].
chin gallate (EGCG) on the transcription factor STAT1, an Most of the existing studies focus on exogenous adminis-
important mediator of cell death. STAT1 phosphorylation is tration of antioxidants. Pharmacological activation of intrin-
involved in both hair cells and support cells transformation sic defence mechanisms against oxidative stress in the inner
4 BioMed Research International

ear caused by cisplatin therapy also proved helpful as a major source of free radicals in the cochlea following
showed by an experimental animal study using systemic cisplatin exposure. The resulting free radicals initiate the
administration of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP). Thiamine inflammatory process in the cochlea by activating signal
pyrophosphate functions as coenzyme for peroxisomes being transducer and activator of transcription-1 (STAT1), followed
a crucial factor for energy metabolism, antioxidation, and by activation of p53 and increase in inflammatory mediators
myelinisation of nerve cells. Its intraperitoneal injection like TNF-alpha and interleukin-1𝛽 [23]. A single transtym-
increased the level of natural antioxidants like glutathione panic injection of siRNA attenuated cisplatin ototoxicity
and antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, glutathione by suppressing inflammation in a dose-related manner. It
peroxidase and glutathione reductase) and reduced the con- hampered cisplatin-induced auditory brainstem responses
tent of malonildialdehyde, an indicator of lipid peroxidation threshold shift and higher doses allowed for complete mor-
following increased levels of oxygen reactive species resulting phological preservation of outer hair cells as proven by scan-
from cisplatin toxicity. The histologic evaluation of cochleae ning electron microscopy examinations of the rat cochleae
harvested from TPP treated animals showed preservation of [24].
the morphology of the organ of Corti and outer hair cells Among various strategies that have been devised in exper-
and no destruction of spiral ganglion cells and stria vascularis imental settings to prevent cisplatin ototoxicity, minocycline,
following cisplatin therapy [5]. a tetracycline derivative, proved its partial efficacy in vivo
The wide range of therapeutic molecules studied for their and in vitro. The anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective
otoprotective effect against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity also properties of minocycline have been previously reported. The
includes sertraline, an antidepressant with neuroprotective biochemical mechanisms involve caspase-1 and caspase-3
effects in rats [6]. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor inhibition, which decreases the amount of interleukin-1 and
also has antioxidant effects, stimulates neurogenesis, and prevents apoptosis. The protective effect of minocycline has
increases antiapoptotic protein levels [21]. It has been docu- been tested both on cisplatin treated cell cultures and in
mented by distorsion product otoacoustic emissions record- experimental animals which underwent cisplatin intraperi-
ings that oral administration of sertraline in cisplatin-treated toneal therapy after systemic administration of the otopro-
rats prevented hearing loss above 5000 Hz, in a statistically tective agent. Cell viability assays showed that minocycline
significant manner. Besides, sertraline would be beneficial to had a protective effect against cisplatin toxic action. Yet,
patients whose communication abilities are already deterio- minocycline failed to protect cells at higher concentrations
rated either by the cancer itself or by the treatment modalities of cisplatin. Recordings of auditory brainstem responses and
and, therefore, feel depressed [6]. evaluation of the scanning electron microscopy sections of
An experimental single dose model of cisplatin ototoxic- inner ears harvested from minocycline plus cisplatin treated
ity in guinea pigs showed the otoprotective effect of systemic animals indicated a partial preservation of the function and
histone deacetylase inhibitor sodium butyrate. Distortion morphology of the outer hair cells as compared to those from
product otoacoustic emissions testing were chosen to provide animals treated with cisplatin alone [25].
a sensitive assay of the functional state of outer hair cells The effect of intraperitoneal administration of erdosteine
after systemic cisplatin insult on the cochlea. The systemic on cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in a guinea pig model was
administration of the otoprotective agent avoided the side also studied. Erdosteine is a thiol derivative with established
effects of the more invasive tympanic local route of admin- antioxidant properties due to its active sulfhydryl groups
istration. Moreover, sodium butyrate did not interfere with following liver first-pass metabolism. Pre- and posttreatment
the tumoricidal effect of cisplatin providing both protections auditory brainstem responses measurements were performed
from reactive oxygen species and a certain degree of anti- in living animals while outer hair cell counts were analyzed
tumor activity according to former reports. Acetylation of by scanning electron microscopy of the cochleae removed
different cell proteins, including histones, is responsible both from euthanized animals. Although the study had limitations
for the protective effect against oxidative stress and for the cell (i.e., minimal number of animals included, lack of enzymatic
division inhibition and subsequent anticancer activity. The activity detection for the main antioxidant enzymatic systems
experiment’s weak point is that it only showed the effect of of the inner ear), the results outlined the systemic adminis-
sodium butyrate in a single dose of cisplatin model whereas tration of erdosteine as a promising therapeutic strategy for
in clinical practice cisplatin is typically given repeatedly at a cisplatin-induced ototoxicity [26].
couple of weeks intervals for several months [22]. In a first murine model for cisplatin-induced ototoxicity,
The unique isoform of NADPH oxidase, NOX3, found it was shown that intratympanic dexamethasone prevents
in the cochlea and its involvement in the generation of hearing loss in a frequency related manner. Evoked brainstem
reactive oxygen species was at the base of an animal study responses audiometry indicated that 8 kHz and 16 kHz stimu-
showing the efficacy of short interfering RNA in preventing lus elicited responses in cisplatin plus dexamethasone treated
cisplatin ototoxicity by reducing the expression of NOX3 mice while high frequency stimulus (32 kHz) perception
in outer hair cells, spiral ganglion cells, and stria vascularis was affected. Apparently, cisplatin had deleterious effects on
in the rat. Auditory brainstem responses were used to outer and inner ear cells situated in the basal turn of the
certify reduced threshold shifts in cisplatin treated animals cochlea despite intratympanic administration of protective
who received transtympanic NOX3 siRNA. Since cisplatin dexamethasone [27]. Further experimental studies supported
administration has been previously associated with upreg- the finding that cisplatin exerts its damaging effect in a base
ulation of NOX3 in the inner ear, Nox3 is thought to be to apex gradient, lower frequencies being spared for long.
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Higher doses of dexamethasone also seem to be more pro- distribution of dexamethasone in scala tympani perilymph
tective than lower doses. Moreover, lower doses of cisplatin after round window membrane application in guinea pigs
allow the naturally present antioxidants to annihilate the seem to account for the frequency dependent otoprotective
resulting reactive oxygen species, explaining the spontaneous effect [30].
hearing threshold recovery even in the absence of protective Intratympanic dexamethasone failed to protect against
dexamethasone administration [28]. cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in a multidose cisplatin oto-
The intratympanic administration of dexamethasone toxicity mouse model. The study was prompted by typi-
avoids diminishing the tumoricidal activity of cisplatin. cal clinical protocols of cancer treatments which require
Downregulating apoptosis genes in tumour cells are respon- administration of multiple, smaller cisplatin doses, exerting
sible for this common side effect of systemic steroid their curative effect through cumulative dosing. Contrary to
therapy [29]. An experimental study conducted on cis- previous experimental studies, the mice received five doses
platin treated guinea pigs asserted the safety of intratym- of cisplatin throughout five days, mimicking the cumulative
panic dexamethasone based on audiologic and histologic exposure seen in malignant tumours treatment. Intratym-
results. Auditory brainstem responses testing, optic micro- panic dexamethasone was administered on the same days as
scopic and scanning electron microscopic examinations of the intraperitoneal cisplatin. The results mirrored by auditory
cochleae showed no significant differences between in- brainstem responses threshold measurements demonstrated
tratympanic dexamethasone-treated animals and saline- continued change in hearing thresholds several weeks after
treated controls. Dexamethasone administered intratympan- cisplatin exposure and no protective effect of intratympanic
ically proved efficacious in protecting the labyrinth against dexamethasone against cisplatin ototoxicity [31].
cisplatin-induced ototoxicity as shown by reduced auditory An experimental study focused on systemic adminis-
brainstem responses threshold shifts and unaltered histo- tration of steroid for protection against cisplatin-induced
logical inner ear structures. The molecular mechanisms ototoxicity showed no otoprotection following several days’
involve increased expression of Na/K channels and aqua- prophylaxis with a high dose dexamethasone treatment. Only
porins in the endolymphatic sac and the tissues around the a slight decrease of TNF-alpha expression in the cochlea was
endolymphatic spaces. The study’s results also suggest that demonstrated by immunohistochemical staining of anatom-
giving the intratympanic dexamethasone one hour before the ical samples harvested from systemic cisplatin plus dex-
cisplatin administration provides the best protection (total amethasone treated animals. Dexamethasone also seemed
protection) against the ototoxic insult by the alkylating agent to protect stria vascularis from morphological alterations,
compared to dexamethasone injections one day prior to probably owing this effect to higher concentrations of steroid
cisplatin administration (partial protection) [14]. According in the lateral cochlear wall following increased cochlear flow
to another study, in order for the dexamethasone to exert a and a naturally highly vascularised stria vascularis. Still, a
protective effect against cisplatin ototoxicity, the timing of functional otoprotective effect of systemic dexamethasone
administration of the two drugs should be highly synchro- against cisplatin-induced hearing loss was not observed [4].
nized so that the peak concentration of dexamethasone in Among naturally occurring molecules, Rosmarinic acid,
the perilymph should correlate with the peak concentration a water-soluble polyphenolic compound extracted from
of the chemotherapeutic agent [3]. Dansam-Eum, was tested for its protective effect against
Otoprotection with dexamethasone against cisplatin- cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in laboratory settings. The
induced age-related hearing loss was investigated in a guinea results of the study showed that Rosmarinic acid inhibited
pig model following observations that persons older than cisplatin-induced caspase-1 activation providing protection
65 years account for more than half of the newly diagnosed against stereocilia loss in the primary organ of Corti explants
malignancies. Hearing loss due to the aging process shares [32].
the same cause (i.e., oxidative stress) with hearing loss due to Another natural remedy, the Maytenus ilicifolia aqueous
ototoxic chemotherapeutic agents. A single dose of cisplatin extract, was evaluated for its possible otoprotection in guinea
was administered intraperitoneally in old mice preceded and pigs. Despite the well-known South America plant’s antioxi-
followed by dexamethasone injected intratympanically to dant effects (due to the presence of flavonoids and alkaloids),
counteract the cisplatin toxic effect on inner ear hair cells. functional tests did not demonstrate any protective action
Pre- and posttreatment auditory brainstem responses were on the cisplatin exposed cochleae. Yet, the extract improved
recorded to evaluate hair cell function. The results of the study the clinical status and weight of guinea pigs and diminished
pointed out that no synergistic action between age related mortality after cisplatin exposure [33].
hearing loss and cisplatin-induced hearing loss exists since Resveratrol, a polyphenol found in grape skin and seed,
threshold shifts were smaller in older animals than those has antioxidant, neuroprotective, and dose dependent anti-
in young mice. Another finding of the study was that the apoptotic properties [34]. Recent experimental research
protective effect of dexamethasone against cisplatin-induced pointed out the preventive effect of resveratrol against cis-
ototoxicity was a function of stimulus frequency in old platin induced ototoxicity. An in vitro study on House Ear
mice. Susceptibility to otoprotective effect of dexamethasone Institute-Organ of Corti 1 cell line showed that resveratrol in
was higher in mid to basal cochlear regions (at and above low doses prevented ototoxicity mainly influencing apoptotic
24 kHz) in old mice, whereas in young mice, dexamethasone gene expression but proved cytotoxic effect in high doses
bestowed more protection in apical regions of the cochlea (at [34]. Two other studies showed conflicting results. Thus,
16 kHz and below). Age-related changes of the mechanism of high doses of oral resveratrol administered to mice seem to
6 BioMed Research International

Table 3: Clinical trials currently underway (

Trial title Trial status

Protection from cisplatin ototoxicity by lactated Ringers Completed
Alpha-Lipoic acid in preventing hearing loss in cancer patients undergoing treatment with cisplatin Completed
The protective effect of Ginkgo Biloba extract on cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in humans Completed
Preventing nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity from osteosarcoma therapy Recruiting
Sodium thiosulfate in preventing hearing loss in young patients receiving cisplatin for newly diagnosed germ Active, not recruiting
cell tumor, hepatoblastoma, medulloblastoma, neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, or other malignancies
SPI-1005 for prevention and treatment of chemotherapy induced hearing loss Not yet recruiting

enhance cisplatin ototoxicity [35] whereas systemic admin- pure tone audiometry testing at 1 and 2 months after the last
istration of lower doses of resveratrol provided significant cycle of cisplatin showed that L-N-acetylcysteine was overall
protection to the cochlea against cisplatin [36]. not significantly otoprotective. Still, hearing loss was reduced
in two patients out of eleven who completed the study. The
3.3. Clinical Studies. Intratympanic dexamethasone was clin- study protocol had several challenges like the difficulty in
ically tested for its otoprotective effect in patients suffering maintaining high enough concentrations of aqueous solution
from neoplastic diseases for which the treatment protocol of L-N-acetylcysteine in the middle ear due to the technique
included cisplatin. Intratympanic dexamethasone has already of administration. Another study flaw was the different initial
been tested clinically for the treatment of idiopathic sud- hearing thresholds due to preexisting hearing loss [38].
den sensorineural hearing loss and Meniere disease [37]. Few clinical studies tested systemic otoprotective mol-
Intratympanic administration of steroids avoids significant ecules for preventing cisplatin-induced hearing loss. Ami-
systemic side effects like hyperglycaemia, peptic ulcers, fostine, a phosphorylated aminothiol designed to protect
hypertension, osteoporosis, and psychosis. The intratym- against radiation damage, was known to counteract the toxic
panic route also provides higher concentrations of drug in effect of different anticancer treatments without interfering
the inner ear fluids and prevents significant interference with the tumoricidal effect. Although significant protection
between dexamethasone, which is known to reduce efficacy of amifostine against haematological toxicity after high dose
of chemotherapeutic agents, and cisplatin. Patients enrolled carboplatin therapy in a child with medulloblastoma was
in the study underwent unilateral intratympanic dexam- reported [39], a clinical study considering systemic admin-
ethasone administration prior to every cisplatin treatment istration of amifostine failed to prove any otoprotective
session, with the contralateral ear used as a control. Serial effect against cisplatin-induced hearing loss in a group
follow-up audiometry and distorsion product otoacoustic of pediatric patients treated with cisplatin associated with
emissions testing were performed to check the functional other chemotherapeutic agents [40]. Clinical trials currently
state of both study and control ears. The statistically signif- underway as documented by their registration in a public
icant results showed that intratympanic dexamethasone is database (
slightly protective against cisplatin-induced hearing loss at +ototoxicity/) are listed in Table 3.
6000 Hz and decreases the outer hair cells dysfunction in
the frequency range of 4000 to 8000 Hz. The conclusion of 3.4. Otopharmacogenetics. The well-isolated inner ear organ
the study is that intratympanic dexamethasone has minimal makes it prone to targeted genetic therapies. Viral or nonviral
effect towards reducing cisplatin ototoxicity. Further studies gene vectors can be delivered through a transtympanic route
using different concentrations of dexamethasone and a per- without the risk of dispersing them and reaching other tissues
fect timing of administration are necessary to investigate its with subsequent undesirable genetic alteration. Long term
role in preventing hearing loss after cisplatin therapy [3]. effects after single administration, cellular selectivity, and
Transtympanic L-N-acetylcysteine was also clinically replacement of genetically flawed nucleic acid sequences are
tested in head and neck cancer patients undergoing cisplatin the main benefits of gene therapy. Common viral vectors
therapy. Thiol compounds are known to either directly bind include herpes simplex virus, recombinant adenoassociated
cisplatin or act as free radical scavengers. Based on that, virus, recombinant adenovirus, and adenovirus, used to
their intratympanic administration was suggested to avoid amplify the expression of targeted genes. Cells are infected
the decrease of oncologic effectiveness of cisplatin and to with the vectors (transfection) which transfer genes whose
reduce the oxidative stress caused by it. Intratympanic L-N- expressed proteins influence important processes like growth,
acetylcysteine was well tolerated by patients receiving multi- oxidative stress, and apoptosis. Chemical transfection can
ple doses of cisplatin as part of their oncologic treatment. The also be achieved with plasmid vectors. Short interfering RNA
relation between dose and otoprotection was not taken into can be used to shut down target genes.
account. Higher concentrations may have yielded better oto- Among inner ear target genes dealt with by the gene
protection. The study protocol required the L-NAC injection therapy studies are ATOH1 (Math1), CAT (catalase), SOD1
to be approximately 1 hour before systemic administration of (Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase), SOD2 (Mn superoxide dis-
cisplatin, for the sake of better timing. The outcome of the mutase), BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), HGF
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(hepatocyte growth factor), GJB2 (gap junction protein), There also were experimental studies which showed ineffi-
Bcl-xL (B-cell lymphoma-extra large), FGF2 (basic fibroblast ciency of intratympanic N-acetylcysteine and intratympanic
growth factor). The gene therapy modifies the synthesis and systemic dexamethasone. N-Acetylcysteine also had a
of a wide range of proteins including neurotrophic factors damaging effect on middle and inner ear structures.
(NTF3, GDNF), apoptosis mediators (XIAP, BCL2), oxidases Clinical studies proved a minor otoprotective effect of
(NADPH, NOX1, NOX3, NOX4), an antioxidant response intratympanic dexamethasone and no effect of systemic ami-
regulator (Nfe2l2), a cytoprotective enzyme (HO-1), copper fostine and intratympanic L-N-acetylcysteine. New perspec-
transporters (Ctr1), a nonselective cation channel (Trpv1), tives are brought about by genetic therapy using viral vectors
and protein Otospiralin (Otos). and genotyping to anticipate interindividual variability in
Cisplatin-exposed tissues can benefit from genetically cisplatin ototoxicity.
induced upregulation of neurotrophic factors, inhibition
of apoptosis, and generation of endogenous antioxidant
enzymes. 5. Conclusion
Experimental animal studies and in vitro experiments Hearing loss prevention and treatment during cisplatin ther-
show the efficacy of gene therapy for cisplatin-induced oto- apy for cancer needs further research to find new strategies
toxicity. Clinical applications require further studies regard- and optimize old ones. The intratympanic route of admin-
ing safety, immunogenicity, and consequences of genetic istration along with the gene therapy appears to be the
manipulation [41]. most attractive objective for further experimental and clinical
Another strategy to avoid cisplatin-induced hearing loss studies.
would be the pretreatment genotyping to find out patients
at risk for the ototoxic effect of cisplatin [42]. Genetic
variants (polymorphism) of different protein systems (Thiop- Conflict of Interests
urine S-methyltransferase, Catechol-O-methyl transferase,
Glutathione-S-transferase with its subclasses M1/T1/P1, Mag- The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
alia) can stand for the interindividual variability in cisplatin regarding the publication of this paper.
ototoxicity [43].
4. Discussion
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