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Supplementary Information -

Home Employment and Social Development Canada Funding

Funding: Canada Summer Jobs – Overview

Supplementary Information
To help answer questions on eligibility for Canada Summer Jobs funding, the following supplementary
information addresses the applicant organizations and the core mandate referred to in the attestation
section of the application:

Organization: This is the entity that is directly applying to use CSJ funding.
Core mandate: This is the primary activities undertaken by the organization that reflect the
organization’s ongoing services provided to the community. It is not the beliefs of the
organization, and it is not the values of the organization.
Respect: Individual human rights are respected when an organization’s primary activities, and
the job responsibilities, do not seek to remove or actively undermine these existing rights.

The CSJ program will not fund organizations whose primary activities:

involve partisan political activities; or

do not respect – seek to remove or actively undermine – established individual human rights in

Examples are illustrative and are provided to assist organizations in determining and attesting to their
eligibility to apply:

Example 1: An organization whose primary activities are focused on removing, or actively

undermining existing women’s reproductive rights, applies for funding. This organization would
not be eligible to apply.
Example 2: A faith-based organization with anti-abortion beliefs applies for funding to hire
students to serve meals to the homeless. The organization provides numerous programs in
support of their community. The students would be responsible for meal planning, buying
groceries, serving meals, etc. This organization would be eligible to apply.
Example 3: A faith-based organization that embraces a traditional definition of marriage but
whose primary activities reduce social isolation among seniors applies for funding to hire
students. The students would be responsible for developing and delivering programs to all
seniors, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. This organization would
be eligible to apply.
Example 4: A summer camp submits an application to hire students as camp counselors.
However, the camp does not welcome LGBTQ2 young people. The camp is not eligible to apply.
Example 5: A faith-based organization with anti-abortion beliefs that operates a summer camp
for disadvantaged youth applies for funding to hire students as camp counselors. The students
would be responsible for developing programs for the youth, including leadership and skills

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Supplementary Information -

development. This organization would be eligible to apply.

Date modified:

2 of 2 2018-03-20, 10:59 a.m.

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