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The Heroes of

Red Shore
Use these pregenerated player characters to start play imme-
diately, as allies if the players need help or as replacements if
player characters get hurt or killed. See “I Told Him We’ve Al-
ready Got One,” page 3, for tips on using your own characters
The Red Shore Six include:
• Jake Crawford, aka The Cannon.
• Barry T. Brown, aka Trouble Man.
• Carl Anderson, aka Leatherneck.
• Carter Benke, aka The Streak.
• Elias Brock, aka Redshift.
• Rosie Williams, aka Scorch.

Archetype: Pinioned (15 pts)

Source: Technological
Permission: Power Theme
Intrinsics: Mutable, No Willpower No Way
This is the archetype for characters who came out of the U.S.
government’s defunct, top-secret “super soldier” program, Project
PINION. It aimed to create superhumans like mutants but built to
specification. It didn’t always work out like that. Only a handful of
subjects survived with their bodies and minds intact.
A character with this archetype has a set of superpowers that
are typically related to each other or to some core theme or con-
cept, and usually that concept is tied somehow to the character’s
self-image. Sometimes that self-image is private, and sometimes
it’s subconscious, not even known to the character. Since psyche
and Talent are so closely linked, the powers sometimes change and
evolve. But by the same token, when these characters are at their
emotional worst their powers fail them entirely.

White Knights, Black Hearts 31

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