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--------------------------------2017/12/19 0:40:40--------------------------------

FastMM has detected an attempt to call a virtual method on a freed object. An

access violation will now be raised in order to abort the current operation.

Freed object class: TAIMPNetworkClientHttp

Virtual method: Offset +28

Virtual method address: B632E0

The allocation number was: 109809

The object was allocated by thread 0xE90, and the stack trace (return addresses) at
the time was:
[0082A2A9] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@GetMem
[0082F356] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TObject.NewInstance
[0082FB69] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@ClassCreate
[00B621EC] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseNetwork.TAIMPNetworkClientHttp.Create (Line: 846)
[05648551] [aimp_radiocat.dll]
AIMPRadioCatalogFrame.TAIMPRadioCatalogFrame.UpdateBegin [+5] (Line: 392)
[05643D8E] [aimp_radiocat.dll]
AIMPRadioCatalogIceCast.TAIMPIceCastRadioCatalog.Refresh [+4] (Line: 212)
[056487F8] [aimp_radiocat.dll]
AIMPRadioCatalogFrame.TAIMPRadioCatalogFrame.SetCatalogClass [+10] (Line: 460)
[056496FB] [aimp_radiocat.dll]
AIMPRadioCatalogMain.TAIMPRadioCatForm.tcTabsTabChanged [+1] (Line: 237)
[00B731E5] [ AIMP3.dll]
MySkinTabControl.TMySkinCustomTabControl.DoActiveIndexChanged [+4] (Line: 495)
[00B73870] [ AIMP3.dll] MySkinTabControl.TMySkinCustomTabControl.SetActiveIndex
[+5] (Line: 715)
[00B735B3] [ AIMP3.dll] MySkinTabControl.TMySkinCustomTabControl.MouseDown [+3]
(Line: 609)

The object was subsequently freed by thread 0xE90, and the stack trace (return
addresses) at the time was:
[0082A2C5] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@FreeMem
[0082F374] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TObject.FreeInstance
[0082FBB4] [ AIMP3.dll] System.@ClassDestroy
[00B62253] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseNetwork.TAIMPNetworkClientHttp.Destroy [+4]
(Line: 856)
[0082F472] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TObject.Free
[00868FA0] [ AIMP3.dll] System.SysUtils.
[05643772] [aimp_radiocat.dll]
AIMPRadioCatalogIceCast.TAIMPIceCastRadioCatalog.Destroy [+2] (Line: 121)
[0082F472] [ AIMP3.dll] System.TObject.Free
[00868FA0] [ AIMP3.dll] System.SysUtils.
[056487B2] [aimp_radiocat.dll]
AIMPRadioCatalogFrame.TAIMPRadioCatalogFrame.SetCatalogClass [+6] (Line: 456)
[056496FB] [aimp_radiocat.dll]
AIMPRadioCatalogMain.TAIMPRadioCatForm.tcTabsTabChanged [+1] (Line: 237)

The current thread ID is 0xE90, and the stack trace (return addresses) leading to
this error is:
[00B632D8] [ AIMP3.dll] AIMPBaseNetwork.TAIMPNetworkClientHttp.SyncThreadComplete
[+6] (Line: 1235)
[0091C031] [ AIMP3.dll] System.Classes.
[0091BBAA] [ AIMP3.dll] System.Classes.
[00ADE736] [ AIMP3.dll] Vcl.Forms.
[009B921D] [ AIMP3.dll] Vcl.Controls.
[009B921D] [ AIMP3.dll] Vcl.Controls.
[009B8E4C] [ AIMP3.dll] Vcl.Controls.
[0091F909] [ AIMP3.dll] System.Classes.
[764A62F9] [ USER32.dll]
[764A6D39] [ USER32.dll]
[764A6CE8] [ USER32.dll]

Current memory dump of 256 bytes starting at pointer address 7E04CA50:

38 06 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00 2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00
2C 09 4B 00 4B 2C CE 52 00 00 00 00 F1 CB 04 7E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
4C AB 01 00 AA A2 82 00 57 F3 82 00 6A FB 82 00 44 F4 82 00 64 D3 98 00 B6 C3 98 00
20 E4 98 00
95 A5 AF 00 3E A5 AF 00 29 8E B0 00 6F 92 B0 00 90 0E 00 00 90 0E 00 00 C6 A2 82 00
75 F3 82 00
B5 FB 82 00 AA B2 98 00 73 F4 82 00 49 B2 98 00 FA C1 98 00 73 F4 82 00 1B 8F B0 00
6F 92 B0 00
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