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Evidence-Based Hypertension Treatment in Patients With Diabetes

Mariana Garcia-Touza, MD;1 James R. Sowers, MD1,2,3

From the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Missouri;1 the Department of Medical
Physiology and Pharmacology;2 and the Harry S. Truman VA Medical Center, Columbia, MO3

Both impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes are asso- to support a lower BP goal to reduce coronary events,
ciated with substantially increased prevalence of hyperten- there was a risk reduction in stroke events both in
sion, cardiovascular and renal disease. The goal for ACCORD and the Appropriate Blood Pressure Control in
hypertension treatment in diabetic patients is in evolution, NIDDM (ABCD) trial. A number of other clinical trials also
because of recent clinical trials. For example, the results of demonstrate that when systolic pressures fall to less than
the recent Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabe- 130 mm Hg, a reduction in stroke but not coronary disease
tes—BP Arm (ACCORD BP) trial failed to show an addi- events occurs. Thus, the precise BP goal for diabetic
tional benefit on cardiovascular event reduction at a mean patients remains unresolved. We would posit that a BP
systolic BP of 119 mm Hg. A post hoc analysis of 6,400 goal of 135 ⁄ 85 mm Hg may be a reasonable compromise
patients with type 2 diabetes from the International Vera- when viewing the impact of BP reduction on composite
pamil-Trandolapril Study (INVEST) also failed to show addi- stroke and coronary artery disease in extant trials. J Clin
tional cardiovascular risk reduction among patients who Hypertens (Greenwich). 2012;14:97–102. 2011 Wiley
achieved a BP <130 ⁄ 80 mm Hg. While the evidence fails Periodicals, Inc.

The association between diabetes and hypertension trolled trials that support a lower BP target in patients
(HTN) was first described in residents of Rancho Ber- with coexistent diabetes and hypertension.
nardo, California, aged 50 to 79 years, surveyed from
1972 to 1974. The association was present in both RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HTN,
men and women at all ages, and was the strongest for DYSLIPIDEMIA, AND IR
persons having the best evidence for diabetes (both Insulin is an anabolic hormone that promotes liver,
historical and fasting hyperglycemia). Diabetes and muscle, and fat tissue glucose uptake and its storage as
HTN are partially linked to overweight and obesity, glycogen in liver and muscle. Insulin also suppresses
which are prevalent in both conditions.1 Adjustment the production of glucose and very low-density lipo-
for overweight ⁄ obesity reduced the association consid- protein in the liver.4 IR is a condition in which the
erably, but a consistent association remained. The insulin metabolic signaling response in skeletal muscle,
prevalence of HTN in patients who have type 2 diabe- liver, and adipose tissue is impaired. IR results from a
tes is up to 3 times higher than in patients without genetic predisposition, excess weight (especially central
diabetes.2 This association can be explained, in part, obesity), and lack of exercise. The state of IR can, in
by the presence of a maladaptive interaction of factors the absence of adequate b-cell response, lead to hyper-
such as insulin resistance (IR), chronic activation of glycemia, increased advanced glycation end products,
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), and increases in free fatty acids (FFAs), and lipoprotein
the sympathetic nervous system.2,3 The interrelation- abnormalities. This alteration in insulin metabolic sig-
ship between increased adiposity and maladaptive naling leads to increased adhesion molecule expression
changes in the heart and kidney in patients with IR and decreased bioavailable nitric oxide (NO) in endo-
has been called the cardiorenal metabolic syndrome thelial cells, as well as increased inflammation and
(CRS).3 Guidelines around the world have been consis- vascular smooth muscle migration and proliferation.5,6
tent in suggesting that blood pressure (BP) should be High levels of FFAs are also detrimental, leading to
lowered to <130 ⁄ 80 mm Hg in the diabetic popula- increased oxidative stress and diminished endothelial
tion. In this article we will review randomized con- cell NO bioavailabilty.7,8 The decreased bioavailabilty
of NO reduces endothelial-mediated vasorelaxation
and promotes vascular stiffness. IR is also associated
with inappropriate activation of the RAAS and the
Address for correspondence: Mariana Garcia-Touza, MD, D109 HSC
Diabetes Center, One Hospital Drive, Columbia, MO 65212 sympathetic nervous system.9 Elevations in angiotensin
E-mail: touzam@health.missouri.edu II (Ang II) and aldosterone have, in turn, been shown
This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (R01 to promote an impairment in systemic insulin meta-
HL73101-01A and R01 HL107910-01) and Veterans Affairs Merit System
0018 (JRS).
bolic signaling that leads to endothelial dysfunction
and myocardial functional abnormalities.9,10 These
Manuscript received: September 1, 2011; Revised: September 19,
2011; Accepted: September 26, 2011 two factors, decreased bioavailable NO and activation
DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-7176.2011.00570.x of the RAAS, promote increased sodium reabsorption

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Hypertension Treatment in Diabetes | Garcia-Touza and Sowers

FIGURE 1. Potential effects of insulin resistance on endothelial cell (EC) and skeletal muscle cell (SMC) insulin metabolic signaling. Improved EC
and SMC insulin-stimulated nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and glucose utilization ultimately improves endothelial function and systemic insulin sensi-
tivity. Akt indicates protein kinase B; eNOS, endothelial NO synthase; FFA, free fatty acids; GLUT4, glucose transporter-4; IR, insulin receptor; IRS-
1, IR substrate-1; PI3-K, phosphoinositol 3-kinase; ROS, reactive oxygen species; TCA, tricarboxylic acid. With permission from Whaley-Connell A,
Sowers JR. Hypertension and insulin resistance. Hypertension. 2009;54:462–464.

and vascular remodeling contributing to the develop- significantly decreased diastolic BP (DBP) and systolic
ment of HTN in diabetes. Further, oxidized low- BP (SBP) compared with placebo.
density lipoprotein accumulation in the arterial wall Prior research suggested that thiazide diuretics
results in decreased arterial elasticity and increased reduce insulin sensitivity. For example, the Study of
peripheral vascular resistance (Figure 1). Trandolapril ⁄ Verapamil and IR (STAR) trial13 tested
the hypothesis that a fixed-dose combination of
CONCEPTS REGARDING IMPROVEMENT OF trandolapril ⁄ verapamil sustained release (T ⁄ V) was
INSULIN SIGNALING AND SECRETION AND superior to a fixed-dose combination of losartan ⁄
EFFECTS ON BP IN PERSONS WITH CRS hydrochlorothiazide (L ⁄ H) on glucose tolerance in
Both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic strategies hypertensive patients with IGT. The study showed that
to improve insulin secretion and metabolic signaling in patients with IGT, normal kidney function, and
generally also improve endothelial function and lower HTN, the fixed-dose combination of T ⁄ V reduced the
BP. For example, the addition of an Ang II receptor risk of new-onset diabetes compared with an L ⁄ H-
blocker (ARB) to a diuretic has been shown to based therapy. These data suggested that diuretics had
improve insulin secretion in hypertensive patients with adverse effects on insulin secretion and ⁄ or insulin sen-
the CRS.11,12 In support of this observation, a recent sitivity. Further, these data collectively suggest that
report showed that 26 weeks of treatment with an RAAS blockers improve insulin secretion ⁄ sensitivity
ARB, valsartan, increased glucose-stimulated insulin and ⁄ or IR and may partly negate some of the detri-
release and insulin sensitivity.12 In this randomized mental metabolic effects of thiazide diuretics.11–13
study, the effects of the ARB or placebo on b-cell
function and insulin sensitivity were assessed in EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICAL TREATMENT IN
patients with impaired fasting glucose and ⁄ or impaired PATIENTS WITH HTN AND DIABETES
glucose tolerance (IGT), using a combined hyperinsuli- The current guidelines for diabetes care issued by the
nemic-euglycemic and hyperglycemic clamp with sub- American Diabetes Association and other committees
sequent arginine stimulation and a 2-hour oral glucose around the world recommend a BP goal
tolerance test. ARB treatment increased first-phase and <130 ⁄ 80 mm Hg in patients with diabetes. One of
second-phase glucose-stimulated insulin secretion com- the first studies to provide information on optimal
pared with placebo, whereas the enhanced arginine- threshold and targets for administering antihyperten-
stimulated insulin secretion was comparable between sive medication to patients with diabetes was the
groups. Clamp-derived insulin sensitivity was signifi- Pretereax and Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation
cantly increased with ARB therapy, and this therapy (ADVANCE) trial.14 This trial was designed to

98 The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Vol 14 | No 2 | February 2012 Official Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, Inc.
Hypertension Treatment in Diabetes | Garcia-Touza and Sowers

evaluate the risks of major microvascular disease and ship between in-treatment SBP and all outcomes
macrovascular events in individuals with type 2 diabe- except stroke.16 The conclusion of this study was that
tes, which would be reduced by intensive glucose con- in high-risk patients, the benefits from SBP-lowering
trol using a sulfonylurea-based regimen targeting a <130 mm Hg are determined by a reduction of stroke,
hemoglobin A1c of 6.5%: additional BP-lowering myocardial infarction is unchanged, and cardiovascu-
using a single-pill combination of an angiotensin-con- lar mortality is unaffected or increased.
verting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor (perindopril) and a The Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Dia-
diuretic (indapamide). A total of 11,140 patients from betes (ACCORD) BP trial arm17 evaluated the effect
Europe, Canada, Asia, and Australia were randomly of targeting an SBP of 120 mm Hg, as compared with
assigned to the BP- and glucose-lowering arms. The a goal of 140 mm Hg, among patients with type 2 dia-
study ended after 4.3 and 5.5 years, respectively. Com- betes at high risk for cardiovascular events. A total of
pared with placebo, additional BP-lowering of 5.6 ⁄ 2.2 4733 participants were randomly assigned to intensive
mm Hg was associated with reductions of 9% in the therapy (BP <120 mm Hg) or standard therapy (BP
primary end point, 18% in cardiovascular death, 14% <140 mm Hg), with the mean follow-up being
in total mortality, and 21% in total renal events 4.7 years. The intensive antihypertensive therapy in
(P<.01). The study investigators concluded that the ACCORD BP trial did not considerably reduce the
additional BP-lowering and intensive glucose control primary cardiovascular outcome or the rate of death
produced independent benefits and, when combined, from any cause. The intensive arm of BP control
they significantly reduced cardiovascular mortality and reduced the rate of total stroke and nonfatal stroke. In
improved renal outcomes. this context, the estimated number needed to treat
The result of the Ongoing Telmisartan Alone and in with intensive BP therapy to prevent one stroke over
Combination With Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial 5 years was 89. There were indicators of possible
(ONTARGET)15 was published in the New England harm associated with intensive BP control (systolic
Journal of Medicine in 2008. In this study, 25,588 <120 mm Hg), including a rate of serious adverse
patients were enrolled in a multicenter, double-blinded events in the intensive arm.
randomized trial in 40 countries. The study enrolled The observational subgroup analysis of the Interna-
patients older than 55 years with coronary, peripheral, tional Verapamil SR-Trandolapril Study (INVEST)
or cerebrovascular disease or diabetes with end-organ was published in 2010.18 Participants in this study
damage. They were randomized to ramipril, telmisar- were at least 50 years old and had diabetes and
tan, or both. The primary outcome of the study was a coronary artery disease. Patients received a first-line
composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarc- therapy of either a calcium antagonist or b-blocker
tion (MI), stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure. followed by an ACE inhibitor, a diuretic, or both to
The primary composite outcome was related to base- achieve SBP <130 mm Hg and DBP <85 mm Hg. The
line SBP: SBP changes from baseline to event and aver- study had 3 groups: tight control, SBP <130 mm Hg;
age in-trial SBP. The results showed that the risk of usual control, between 140 mm Hg to 130 mm Hg;
myocardial infarction did not increase with baseline and uncontrolled, 140 mm Hg. Patients in the usual
SBP and was unaffected by subsequent SBP change. In control group (140–130 mm Hg) had a cardiovascular
contrast, stroke risk progressively increased with base- event rate of 12.6% vs 19.8% for the uncontrolled
line SBP and decreased with reduction. In patients group (>140 mm Hg). However, little difference
with baseline SBP <130 mm Hg, cardiovascular mor- existed between those with usual control and those
tality increased with further SBP reduction. A J curve with tight control (>130 mm Hg). The author con-
(nadir around 130) (Figure 2) occurred in the relation- cluded that tight control of SBP <130 ⁄ 80 mm Hg was
not associated with improved cardiovascular outcomes
compared with usual control and emphasis should be
placed on maintaining SBP between 130 mm Hg and
139 mm Hg.
Guidelines currently suggest that the primary antihy-
pertensive drug strategy in patients with diabetes
should include an ARB or an ACE inhibitor.19,20 If the
baseline BP is >150 ⁄ 90 mm Hg, a second agent
should be added, preferably a thiazide diuretic,
FIGURE 2. Relative risk of the primary outcome and of the main sec-
ondary outcome. The primary composite outcome was death from car-
because they can add cardiovascular protection.21,22
diovascular causes, myocardial infarction, stroke, or hospitalization for However, recent evidence suggests that calcium chan-
heart failure. The main secondary outcome was death from cardiovas- nel blockers, especially amlodipine can comparatively
cular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke, which was used as the reduce cardiovascular events.23 To test the advantages
primary outcome in the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) of these two types of combination therapies, the
trial 5. The P value is for the comparison with the noninferiority mar-
gins. With permission from Buchner N, Banas B, Kramer BK. Telmisar- Avoiding Cardiovascular Events In Combination Ther-
tan, ramipril, or both in patients at high risk of vascular events. N Engl apy in Patients Living With Systolic Hypertension
J Med. 2008;359:426–427. (ACCOMPLISH) trial24 was conducted. The trial

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compared treatment outcomes of ACE inhibitor plus Diabetic Retinopathy Candersartan Trial (DIRECT)
amlodipine and ACE inhibitor plus hydrochlorothia- evaluated the effect of candesartan in the prevention
zide combinations.25 The study was performed in very of microalbuminuria in patients who were normoten-
high-risk hypertensive patients, half of whom had sive and normoalbuminuric with type 1 or type 2 dia-
diabetes, and found that the amlodipine-based combi- betes. The research program comprised 3 related
nation was more effective than thiazide-based thera- studies to investigate the effect of candesartan on the
pies in reducing a composite of fatal and nonfatal incidence of retinopathy in type 1 or type 2 diabetic
cardiovascular events. patients who were normotensive and normoalbuminu-
ric. Pooled results showed that the annual rate of
PROVIDING RENAL PROTECTION AND change in albuminuria was 5.53% lower (confidence
PREVENTION OF MICROALBUMINURIA IN interval, 0.73%–10.14%) with candesartan than
DIABETES placebo. The conclusion of the study was that for
Patients with HTN and diabetes have a 7-fold greater 4.7 years candesartan did not prevent microalbuminu-
risk for progressing to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) ria in normotensive patients with type 1 or type 2 dia-
and 2 to 4-fold greater risk of developing cardiovascu- betes. A limitation of the study was the fact that it
lar disease. There are data suggesting that RAAS inhi- was powered for retinal and not renal end points.28 In
bition and BP control have added renoprotective and 2009, a multicenter study was published that involved
cardioprotective effects. The Bergamo Nephrologic 285 normotensive patients with type 1 diabetes and
Diabetic Complications Trial (BENEDICT)26 found normoalbuminuria who were randomly assigned to
that in patients with type 2 diabetes, HTN, and nor- receive losartan (100 mg) daily, enalapril (20 mg)
moalbuminuria, ACE inhibitor therapy with trando- daily, or placebo and follow-up for 5 years. The pri-
lapril plus verapamil or trandolapril alone delayed the mary end point of the study showed a change in the
onset of microalbumninuria. This effect was significant fraction of glomerular volume occupied by mesangium
even after adjustment for baseline and follow-up DBP in kidney biopsy specimens. The retinopathy end point
and SBP, proving a specific renoprotective effect was a progression on the retinopathy severity scale.
of ACE inhibitor therapy. The recently published The change in mesangial fractional volume per glo-
ROADMAP trial27 investigated whether treatment merulus over the 5-year period did not differ signifi-
with an ARB would delay or prevent the occurrence cantly between the placebo group and the enalapril or
of microalbuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes, losartan groups. The 5-year cumulative incidence of
HTN, and normoalbuminuria. The BP target was microalbuminuria was 6% for the placebo group; the
<130 ⁄ 80 mm Hg and was achieved in nearly 80% of incidence was higher in the losartan group (17%) but
patients taking olmesartan and 71% of patients taking not with enalapril (4%). When compared with pla-
placebo. The patients were followed for a median of cebo, the odds of retinopathy progression by 2 or
3.2 years. The primary outcome was the amount of more steps was reduced by 65% with enalapril and by
time until the first onset of microalbuminuria and the 70% with losartan, independent of changes in BP. The
secondary end point was the onset of renal and cardio- conclusion of the study showed that early blockade of
vascular events. Olmesartan was associated with the RAAS in patients with type 1 diabetes did not
delayed onset of microalbuminuria. Fewer patients in slow nephropathy progression but slowed the progres-
the olmesartan group than in the placebo group had sion of retinopathy.29
nonfatal cardiovascular events (3.6% compared with
4.1%) but a greater number had fatal cardiovascular DISCUSSION
events (0.7% compared with 0.1%). It is difficult to All current guidelines recommend a BP goal in patients
interpret this finding and it may be related to chance. with diabetes <130 ⁄ 80 mm Hg to reduce cardiovascu-
The fatal cardiovascular events were more common in lar events and the progression of diabetic nephropathy.
patients with known preexisting coronary heart disease This recommendation is based mainly in the Hyperten-
and who were either in the lowest quartile of BP or sion Optimal Treatment (HOT) and ADVANCE tri-
the highest quartile of BP reduction during follow-up. als.30 Lamentably, the level of evidence used for these
This finding was also described in the ONTARGET guidelines is level C. The ACCORD and ONTARGET
trial and has been called the J-curve effect. In the trials did not find any benefit on improved cardiovas-
Nephropathy Trial (ORIENT), a higher rate of death cular outcome with BP <130 ⁄ 80 mm Hg, but did find
from cardiovascular causes was also noticed. Because a benefit determined by reduction of stroke. In the
of these findings, the Food and Drug Administration is INVEST trial, SBP <130 mm Hg was also not associ-
reviewing these data. ated with improved cardiovascular outcomes when
The trials described above have clearly shown a ben- compared with SBP <139 mm Hg. Post hoc analysis
efit in the prevention and delayed progression of of these trials demonstrated that the benefit of lower-
microalbuminuria in patients with HTN and diabetes. ing BP levels on cardiovascular risk reduction is lost
But it remains unclear whether the prevention of when SBP levels fall below 130 mm Hg. There is an
nephropathy and retinopathy will be slowed by early increase in cardiovascular events at SBP <120 mm Hg,
administration of drugs that block the RAAS. The which is called the J-curve effect. The J-curve effect

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