Lesson Plan Template: Standards of Learning Essential Questions Objectives

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Intern Name: McKenna Nacey

Lesson Title (Subject/Topic): Language Arts/writing

Length of Lesson: over the course of a couple days
Date Taught:3/27 and 3/29
In this lesson…
Students will bring in a book and write a letter to a kid in Costa Rica explaining
Overview why they picked that book. The books and letters will then be sent down to a
community in Costa Rica.

Standards of LA.5.2
LA.5.7 a, d, i
Essential Questions
Students will be able to… ​effectively write a letter using correct grammar and
punctuation to convey their choice of book to send to Costa Rica.

● The student will use effective verbal and nonverbal communication

skills to deliver planned oral presentations.
● The student will write for a variety of purposes: to describe, to inform, to
entertain, to explain, and to persuade
Learning Target ○ Identify intended audience
○ Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea
○ Include supporting details that elaborate the main idea

Necessary Prior ● knowledge of grammar and punctuation

● format of a friendly letter
● lined paper
● writing utensils (pens and pencils)
● coloring materials (markers and colored pencils)
Materials ● donated books
● envelopes
● computer paper

Costa Rica Powerpoint


Instructional 1. Introduce the Costa Rica powerpoint to the class.

2. Discuss the purpose of the powerpoint and what we, as a class, plan to
Activities & do
Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRA—South Carolina © 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)
3. For the first day, only do steps one and two. Have the kids bring in a
gently used children's book for them to write about and send to Costa
Rica for the next class. (If kids are unable to do this, Mrs.Cohen and I
have extra books that kids can write about)
4. The next class walk through the steps of writing a friendly letter
including writing the greeting, the body, the closing, and the signature.
5. The body should be why they chose the book they did and why they
enjoy reading the book.
6. Pass out the lines paper and make sure everyone has something to write
with. Give any kid that wants it a piece of computer paper to brainstorm
on if they wish.
7. Next after explaining what they are writing give the class drawing
8. Allow the kids to begin writing their letter and to decorate both the
envelope and their lined paper.
9. Once everyone has finished allow each kid to share what they wrote
with the class.
10. Once everyone has shared, seal the envelope and place it inside of the
11. I will then collect the books to take to my Costa Rica group leader for
the kids down in Costa Rica.

● greeting
Key Vocabulary or ● body
Concepts ● conclusion
● signature
Assessments N/A
Have the kids share what they wrote in their letter with the class.
Closure Activity
● Mrs.Cohen
● My Costa Rica group

Reflection on a Lesson Plan Taught

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow
Intern Name: McKenna Nacey
Lesson Title (Subecjt/Topc): Costa Rica Kids
Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRA—South Carolina © 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)
Date of Lesson Taught: 3/27 and 3/29
Cooperating Teacher & School: Mrs. Cohen, John B. Dey Elementary
Grade: 5th
Time of Day: afternoon

1. What steps did you go through to create this lesson? With whom did you talk, discuss, or edit your lesson?
I had to talk with multiple people to organize this whole thing. I talked with Mrs. Cohen to develop a plan and
with my Costa Rica group leader.

2. How did the SOLs and Objectives help focus your instruction?
It allowed me to combine public speaking with writing and community service.

3. What parts of the instructional plan worked as you anticipated?

The kids knew how to write a letter so the previous knowledge I expected them to have was correct.

4. What, if any, adjustments needed to be made once you began?

I added some other facts about Costa Rica that I knew to help get the kids get excited.

5. How well did you anticipate the materials needed?

We had all of the materials needed.

6. How effective was the assessment you chose to use? (If no assessment was used, what will the future
assessment be and how will you gauge its effectiveness?)
A future assessment would be to give the students a already written letter and let them edit the writing. the
students would also have to identify the audience and presenting their findings.

7. To what degree do you feel that this lesson was a success? What evidence do you have for the success of
the lesson? (Hint: Student learning is the key to a lesson’s success!)
I felt that the lesson was very successful. They got to learn about kids in a different country as well as improve
their writing skills.

8. How did the time spent preparing for your lesson contribute to it’s success?
I was able to write a lesson plan and then go back and revise with Mrs. Cohen. I also spent a lot of time working
on the powerpoint and the lesson went really well.

9. If you could do this lesson again with the same students, would you do anything differently? If so, what?
I wouldn’t change anything.

10. Any last comments/reflections about your lesson?

Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRA—South Carolina © 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)
The lesson went really well and the kids were super excited about writing a letter to kids in a different country.

Lesson Plan Assignment: Grade Sheet

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow I

Intern Name: ______________________________

Refer to the comments written ​on​ your lesson plan for detailed feedback.
Needs a few
Ready to Your
additions or Incomplete
Teach! Score
Overview, SOLs, essential questions, objectives (10)
Introduction/hook & closure (10)
Instructional activities (20)
Accommodations (10)
Assessment (5)
Vocab, materials, resources (5)
Supplemental materials, if applicable (5)

Total (65)

Taught Lesson Plan Grade Sheet

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow II

Intern Name: ______________________________Lesson #________

● Written (typed) Lesson Plan: _____/50

[See comments on LP]

● Supplemental materials: _____/10


● Self-Evaluation: _____/15

Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRA—South Carolina © 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)

Total: _____/75

Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRA—South Carolina © 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum
John M. Merritt, English Teacher at Kellam High School (Virginia Beach City Public Schools)

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