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Animal Farm English I Summer Reading Test

Multiple Choice

1. One main point of Major’s speech was that under Jones their live are
a. easy, but long
b. difficult, but rewarding
c. dignified and comfortable
d. miserable, laborious, and short

2. Major stated that the only creature who consumes without producing is
a. birds
b. pigs
c. man
d. sheep

3. Immediately after the Rebellion, it was learned that the pigs had
a. stolen several guns
b. taught themselves to read and write
c. planned to overtake other farms
d. learned to walk on two legs

4. The work of teaching and organizing the others fell naturally upon the pigs, who were generally
recognized as being the
a. largest group of animals
b. strongest group of animals
c. wildest group of animals
d. cleverest group of animals

5. Early in October of the first year Jones and all his men attempted to
a. steal some supplies from the farm
b. recapture the farm
c. tour Animal Farm for enlightenment
d. assassinate Snowball

6. After studying an old book of Julius Caesar’s campaigns, _____________ took charge of the
defensive operations agains Jones and his men.
a. Napoleon
b. Boxer
c. Snowball
d. Squealer

7. The animals were victorious because of

a. a capable leader
b. an ambush
c. their strong spirit
d. all of these

8. There was a rivalry for command between

a. Boxer and Clover
b. Snowball and Napoleon
c. Squealer and Napoleon
d. Mollie and Snowball

9. During Discussions at their meetings, the animals usually agreed with

a. Boxer
b. Snowball
c. Napoleon
d. whomever was speaking

10. In the last chapter, the pigs changed the name of their farm to
a. Manor Farm
b. Animal Estate
c. Animal Farm
d. Pig Palace

11. Orwell makes this statement about power in Animal Farm:

a. Power comes to those who refuse to abandon their ideals of equality.
b. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
c. Physical force is not needed to maintain power or control.
d. Men do not respect the power of the bourgeoisie.

12. What is Sugarcandy Mountain?

a. The name of the lullaby that Napoleon forces the pigeons to sing to his thirty-one piglets
b. The idea of animal heaven propagated by Moses the raven
c. The setting for the story that Mollie tells to the lambs
d. The mountain visible on Animal Farm’s horizon

13. How many letters is Boxer able to learn?

a. Four – A through D
b. Zero
c. Six – the number of different letters in Napoleon’s name
d. All twenty-six, plus certain letters in the Russian Cyrillic alphabet

14. What are Boxer’s sayings?

a. “Snowball is always right” and “For the glory of Animal Farm”
b. “I will work harder” and “For the glory of Animal Farm”
c. “I will work harder” and “Napoleon is always right”
d. “Snowball is always right” and “I will work harder”

15. What is Boxer’s ultimate fate?

a. He dies of old age
b. The windmill falls on him
c. Napoleon sells him to a glue factory
d. Mr. Whymper shoots him


_____ 1. One of the next-door neighbors A. Whymper

_____ 2. Lured away from the farm by a human B. Muriel

_____ 3. A broker hired to arrange trade with humans C. neighboring animals

_____ 4. Originator of the windmill plan D. Boxer

_____ 5. Hardest worker E. Mollie

_____ 6. A goat who can read quite well F. Napoleon

_____ 7. Cynical and non-committal G. Snowball

_____ 8. Showed signs of rebellion H. Frederick

_____ 9. Pronounces death sentence on Snowball I. Benjamin

_____ 10. Enforcers of Napoleon’s rules J. the nine dogs

Short Answer

1. Describe at least three instances of the pigs’ disobeying the Seven Commandments of

2. “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” To which character does this
statement most apply? Write a paragraph explaining your answer.

3. How are the animals with limited education affected by their ignorance?

4. Animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian Revolution. Describe three connections between the

5. Mr. Jones has many flaws. What are these flaws and how do they make it easier for the animals
to take over his farm?

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