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Rigorous Literacy Rubric for Analytic Writing (Revised as of July 2016) --- ​Content 

Rigorous Literacy Rubric for Analytic Writing (Revised as of July 2016) --- ​Form 

4 3 2 1 0

Response Response Response Response Response

demonstrates demonstrates a demonstrates ​some demonstrates demonstrates a ​lack
purposeful great deal​ of coherence and limited​ coherence of coherence and
coherence and coherence and clarity. and clarity. clarity.
clarity. clarity.
Response includes Response Response contains
Response includes a Response​ includes an introduction, progression of ideas little to no evidence
strong ​introduction, an introduction, conclusion, and is ​somewhat of sentence
conclusion, and a conclusion, and a logically grouped unclear. structure.
logical, logical progression ideas, making the
well-executed of ideas, making it writer’s progression
progression of ideas, fairly easy​ to follow of ideas ​usually
making it easy​ to the writer’s discernible but not
follow the writer’s progression of ideas. obvious.
progression of ideas.
Response contains Response contains
Response contains Response contains lapses ​in sentence major errors ​in
clear sentence clear sentence structure ​that sentence structure
structure with ​no structure with ​few interfere with the
distracting errors or no ​errors clarity of thoughts.

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