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A_a dmUr


Issue : 15 Volume No : 15 (March 2018) For Private Circulation only ImOJr {dVaU

Xþ…ImMm _mdibm {XZ hm & d¡^d Anwbo KoD${Z CR>bm

AmO dmOVo VwVmar nhm& {¼ñV AmO {dO`r Pmbm

nwZéËWmZ gUmÀ`m
hm{X©H$ ew^oÀN>m...
Various Celebrations
níMmVmn H$am, H$maU ñdJm©Mo amÁ` Odi Ambo Amho (_V` 3.2)
àm`píMV H$mimbm gwédmV amIoÀ`m ~wYdmar H$ê$Z AmnUmg ñ_aU H$aÊ`mV `oVo, níMmVmn H$am d ew^dV©_mZmda
{dídmg R>odm, Amnë`m lÕoÀ`m àdmgmV nmn j_oogmR>r àm`píMV H$ê$Z Amnë`m ñdV…er BVam§er d na_oídam~amo~a g_oQ>
gmYUo JaOoMo Amho ømMr AmR>dU øm Cndmg H$mimV AmnUmg gmVË`mZo Ho$br OmVo.

Mm§JwbnUm d gË` …
nmon \«$mpÝgg øm§À`m Cndmg H$mimVrb g§Xoem_Ü`o Vo AmnUmg ñnï>nUo gm§JVmV, øm `wJmV AZoH$ àH$mao ê$nmZo,
a§JmZo, H¥$VrZo ImoQ>o g§Xoï>o AmnUmg OrdZmÀ`m emídV gË`mnmgyZ ~hH${dÊ`mMm gmVË`mZo à`ËZ H$aVrb. Aem bmoH$m§nmgwZ
ì`ŠVrnmgwZ d àd¥ÎmrnmgwZ gmdY amhÊ`mMm gëbm Vo AmnUmg XoVmV. gd© dmB©Q>m§Mm d AgË`mMm OZH$ g¡VmZ _mUgmbm
^wai KmbÊ`mgmR>r ImoQ>o ~mobVmo Voìhm Vmo ñdV…Mo ~mobVmo H$maU Vmo b~mS> d b~mS>rMm ~mn Amho. ( `mohmZ … 8.44) åhUyZM øm
àm`píMV H$mimV AmnUmg AmË_n[ajU H$ê$Z Amnë`m A§VH$aUmV Imobmda nmhm`bm hdo H$s IamoIaM Amnë`m öX`m_Ü`o
gd© Mm§JwbnUmMm, gË`mda {MaH$mi {Q>H$Umam n[aUm_ {XgVmo H$m ? H$maU VmoM n[aUm_ XodmH$Sw>Z hmoV AgVmo d Vmo IamoIa
Amnë`m \$m`ÚmMm AgVmo.
{_eZar H$m`m©Mr AmoT> …
Amnë`m_Yrob OmJ¥V Agbobr ào_mMr Á`moV gmVË`mZo AmnUmg àmW©Zm, XmZY_© d Cndmg ømÛmao gËH$m`©
H$aÊ`mg àd¥Îm H$arV AgVo. nmon \«$mpÝgg gd© _mZdr g_mOmbm AmìhmZ H$aVmV H$s AmOÀ`m H$mimV g_mOmV {Z_m©U
Pmbobr {df_Vm ^oX^md d AÝ`m` ømda _mV H$aÊ`mg gd© _mZdr n[adma EH$ hmoD$Z Amnë`m Ë`mJr d¥VrZo JaOd§V
~§Yw^{JZtgmR>r _XVrMm hmV nwT>o H$ê$ `m. _mZdr hŠH$, à{Vð>m d Ý`m` ømgmR>r Xþ~©imÀ`m~amo~a C^o amhþZ gmVË`mZo
Ë`mgmR>r bT>mC^maUo Am{U PQ>V amhUo, hr H$mimMr JaO AmoiIyZ VËna amhUo Amdí`H$ Amho.
nwÝnê$ËWmZmMm AmZ§X …
àm`píMV H$mimVrb àmW©Zm, Cndmg d XmZY_© ømÛmao Amnë`m Ë`mJmMm d ào_mMm JaOd§Vm§Zm XmI{dë`mZoM
na_oídamÀ`m Ádb§V ào_mMm {Xn AmnUmg àoaUm XoV amhVmo. åhUyZM nwZéËWmZmÀ`m amÌr Zdm A¾r AmnUmg nwZê$pËWV
{¼ñVmÀ`m ZdOrdZmÀ`m àH$memZo ^ê$Z Q>mH$Vmo. nwZéËWmZmMr _oU~Îmr Amnë`m A§V…H$aUmVrb nmnm§Mm d AkmZmMm A§Yma
Zï> H$ê$Z nwÊ`mB©Mm d kmZmMm Zdm A¾r àH$m{eV H$aVo. Ë`m nwZê$ËWmZmMm àH$memV à^weãXmÛmao Amnbo VZ-_Z nwU©V…
^ê$Z OmVo. A_m°gÀ`m dmQ>odarb {eî`m§Zm Ambobm AZw^d Amnë`mXoIrb öX`mVrb lÕm Amem d {àVr OmJ¥V H$aVmo d Ë`m
nwZê$ËWmÀ`m A§Ymè`m amÌrVM CX`mMm Cf…H$mb XS>nbobm Amho Agm AZw^d gd©M KoV AgVmV.
Amnbm hm lÕoMm àdmg ŠboeXm`H$ Amho {VVH$mM Vmo A{Ve` AmZ§XXm`H$ Amho. Amnë`mbm Ë`m {VW©-`mÌoMm
Iam AZw^d KoÊ`mgmR>r Amnbr öX`o gVV CKS>r R>odmdr bmJVrb d nwZê$ËWmZH$mimVrb nwZê$pËWV {¼ñVmÀ`m ZdOrdZmMm
AZw^d KoÊ`mgmR>r Ë`m Zdo AmH$me d Zdr n¥Ïdr KS>{dÊ`mè`m gd© g_Wm©H$S>o Amnbo gd©ñd g_{n©V H$amdo bmJob. Ë`mÛmao
AmnUmg nwZê$ËWmÀ`m em§VrMo XmZ bm^ob.
øm nwZéËWmZ H$mimV nwZépËWV {¼ñVmMr em§Vr d AmZ§X Amnë`m ì`pŠVJV, H$m¡Q>§w{~H$ d gm_m{OH$ OrdZmV
bm^mo {hM Ë`m à^w MaUr àmW©Zm d AmnUm gdm©g hm{X©H$ ew^oÀN>m.
`oew Xþ…IghZ _aU d
nwZéËWmZ Am{U _mPo OrdZ

_mZdmÀ`m CX²YmamgmR>r na_oídamZo Amnbm EHw$bVm EH$ nwÌ `oew {¼ñV ømg øm n¥Ïdrda
nmR>{dbo. Ë`mZo Amnë`m OrdZmÛmao Xþ…IghZ d Hw«$gmdarb _aU øm Ûmao _mZdr OrdZmbm ZdOrdZmMr
dmQ> _moH$ir H$ê$Z {Xbr. `oewMo Hw«$gmdarb _aU hr Ho$di EH$ KQ>Zm ZìhVr Va Vr EH$ _mZd B{Vhmgmbm
H$bmQ>Ur XoUmar à{H«$`m hmoVr. _mÌ H«w$gmdarb _aUmn`ªV Oa AmnU {g_rV am{hbmo Va H$XmMrV hr
à{H«$`m nwU©nUo Amnë`mbm g_Obr Zmhr. H$maU _aUmZ§Va `oUmao nwZê$ËWmZmMo {Xì` ahñ` Amnë`mbm
ZdOrdZmÀ`m n[anwU©VoH$S>o KoD$Z OmV AgVo.
`oewMo Xþ…IghZ Am{U VmaU hr XodmMr `moOZm hmoVr. _mÌ Ë`mhr n{bH$S>o OmCZ Vmo nwÝhm Ord§V
hmoB©b Am{U OJmbm CX²YmamMm _mJ© XmI{db, hr _hmZ `moOZm na_oídamZo _mZdmgmR>r AmIyZ R>odbr
hmoVr. åhUwZM àm`píMV H$mimVrb ho {Xdg AmnU hr dmQ> MmbV AgVmo. øm dmQ>odê$Z Mmirg [Xdg
MmbyZ AmnU Xþ…IghZ d _aUmÀ`m øm {Xì` ahñ`mbm AZw^dV AgVmo Am{U nmñH$mÀ`m Ë`m AZ§V
ahñ`mgmR>r ñd…VmMr V`mar H$arV AgVmo. nmñH$mMm hm AmZ§X Amnë`mbm Iam OrdZ _wë`m§À`m
AmZ§Xmn`ªV KoCZ OmV AgVmo.
jU^a AmnU Amnë`m d¡`pŠVH$ OrdZmVrb øm MH«$mH$S>o Ý`mhmiyZ nmhþ `m. AZoH$ doiobm
Amnë`mbm øm Xþ…IghZmMm AZw^d `oV AgVmo. _mZdr OrdZm_Ü`o AZoH$ doXZm, Xþ…I, H$ï>, g_ñ`m,
An_mZ, Ìmg Aí`m ZmZm{dY Šbofmbm Amnë`mbm gm_moao Omdo bmJVo. ho gd© Xþ…I ghZ, ^moJV AgVmZm
AmnU _¥Ë`wÀ`m Ë`m ^`mZ `mVZm§Mmhr AZw^d KoV AgVmo. Ord§VnUoM _¥Ë`w AZw^dë`mMo AmnU AZoH$
doiobm EoH$bo Amho. Aí`m øm _¥Ë`w_` OrdZmMm AZw^d hmoV AgVmZm AmnU VwQw>Z OmVmo, H$mob_S>Vmo.
OrdZmVrb øm ^`mZ AZw^dmVyZ OmV AgVmZm Oa AmnU {dídmg hadyZ ~gVmo Va
_¥Ë`w_Ü`oM AmnU eodQ> emoYy. _mÌ Oa øm ^`mZ AZw^dmbm {dídmgmMr {H$Zma bm^br d g§Kfm©VyZ VodV
amhUmè`m øm {Xì` Á`moVrbm Oa H¥$noMm AmYma bm^bm Va _J nwZê$ËWmZmMm àH$me OrdZmVrb A§YH$ma
Zmhrgm H$aVmo. A§YH$mamVyZ àH$memH$S>o, _¥Ë`wVyZ OrdZmH$S>o KoD$Z OmUmam hm nwZéËWmZmMm AZw^d
Amnë`m àË`oH$mbm `oD$ eH$Vmo. nwÝhm EH$Xm ZdOrdZmMr Á`moV Amnë`m öX`m_Ü`o VodV R>odÊ`mgmR>r
AmnUmg {dídmgmMr JaO Amho.
Á`m à_mUo à^w `oew Xþ…I ghZ d _¥Ë`wda {dO` {_idyZ nwZê$pËWV Pmbm, Ë`mà_mUo AmnUmg
Xo{Ib gd© Xþ…ImVyZ ñd…Vmbm C^mar X`m`Mr Amho d nwZê$ËWmZmMm Iam AZw^d Úm`Mm Amho.

\$m. ê$noe A°ÝS´>`y S>m~ao

A_amdVr Y_©àm§V

Thrust Areas : Faith Formation
dS>mir Y_©J«m_m{Vb amÌ OmJaU àmW©Zm _ZmoJV

na_oídamMo H$m`© AX²^yV d _hmZ Amho. V`mMr X`m gZmVZ Amho. Ë`mMr OJmd[ab àrVr A_mn
d Apñg_ Agë`mZo Vmo ñVw{Vg nmÌ Amho. åhUyZM àË`oH$ _Zwñ`mZo Ë`mMr ñVwVr d AmamYZm H$aUo
AJË`mMo R>aVo. H¥$Vk d H$R>moa _ZmMm _mUyg Ë`mMr Am^ma, ñVwVr-AmamYZm H$arV Zgob Va XJS> hr
~moby bmJVrb d Ë`mMr ñVwVr AmamYZm Vmo H$adyZ KoB©b EodT>m Xod gj_ Amho. na_oídam ~Ôb H¥$VkVm d
Am^ma ì`ŠV H$aÊ`mH$arVm Am_Mo dS>mir Y_© J«m_mVrb ^mdrH$ _§S>irZo, nmbH$s` _§S>irZo Y_©J«m_
nwamohrV ao.\$m. gm_r `m§Mo ghH$m`m©Zo {XZm§H$ 01-03-2018 amoOr Jwédmar R>rH$ amÌr 8 dmOVm nmgwZ Vo
amÌr 12 n`ªV OmJaU àmW©ZoMo Am`moOZ Ho$bo hmoVo. doionwduM àmW©Zm _§Xra IMm-IM ^abo hmoVo. `m
àmW©Zm g^oH$arVm A_amdVr n°are _Yrb ^m{dH$ _§S>ir, (ào{jVm§Mr amUr, g§ñWoÀ`m Y_© ^{JZr) Zo
Amnbr CnpñWVr {Xbr. \$m. ñdm_r `m§Mr g§nH$m©Vrb, `wdm {nT>r_Ü`o VrZ Vê$Um§Mm ZmJnya `oWyZ `oUmè`m
g§MmZo[h doiodaM Amnbr hOoar bmdbr. Y_©J«m_ nwamohrV \$m. gm_r øm§À`m AZw_VrZo àmW©Zobm gwédmV
{_ñQ>a gm`_Z, goìhr`mo Am{U [a`m°Z {VZhr `wdH$, Amnë`m Vmê$Ê`m§Mm Omoe d ñ\w$VuMm
AZw^d Ë`m§À`m Jm`Z- dmXZmVwZ PiH${dV hmoVo Am{U ^m{dH$JU à^wÀ`m ñVdZ d AmamYZoV VëbrZ
hmoV hmoVo. øm g^oV bmoH$ na_oídamÀ`m CnpñWVrMr Om{Ud H$arV hmoVo. IamoIa hr àmW©Zm öX`ñneu,
àoaUmXm`r Am{U na_oídamMr OdirH$Vm gmYÊ`mgmR>r Cn`wŠV hmoVr.{deof gm§Jmd`mMo Pmë`mg, hr
H$m¡VyH$ ho H$s, Vrg d`mImbrb hr `wdm _§S>ir na_oída H$m`m©gmR>r ñdV…bm IMu KmbV AmhoV. Am{U øm
H$m`m©gmR>r na_oídambm dmhþZ KoV Amho ho hr àe§gZr` Amho. na_oída Ë`m§Zm gX¡d {ZamoJr R>odmo d _XV
H$amo ! g§V nm°b åhUVmo, _mPo OJUo {¼ñVmgmR>r Am{U _aUo hr {¼ñVmgmR>r Am{U IamoIa na_oída
Hw$UmÀ`m Z Hw$UmÀ`m Ûmao àe§gm, _{h_m d Jm¡ad H$adyZ KoVmo ho Ë`mMo àË`` hmo`. eodQ>r Y_©J«m_ _§S>irÀ`m
d{VZo \$m. gm_r, Y_©J«m_ nwamo{hV `m§Zr {VZhr `wdH$m§Mo Am^ma _mZwZ àmW©Zm g^m g§në`mMo Omhra Ho$bo.

lr. A_¥V Jmd§S>o

dS>mir n°are

`oew g_doV 24 Vmg
nmon \«$mpÝgg øm§À`m hmHo$bm hmoH$ma XoD$Z {XZm§H$ 9 d 10 _mM© amoOr A_amdVr
Y_©àm§Vm_Ü`o gd© Y_©J«m_m§V Mmodrg Vmg AmamYZm d àmW©ZoMo Am`moOZ H$aÊ`mV Ambo
hmoVo._mZdr OrdZ ho nmn_` Amho. _mÌ XodmÀ`m X`oda {dg§~yZ AmnU Amnë`m nmnr d¥ÎmrnmgyZ
Xÿa OmD$Z XodmÀ`m H¥$noMo gmjr ~Zy eH$Vmo. åhUyZM XodmÀ`m X`oMm AZw^d KoÊ`mgmR>r Am{U
H«w$gmdarb à^« `oeyÀ`m Xþ…IghZ _aU d nwZê$ËWmZmMo ho {Xì` ahñ` g_OÊ`mg Amnë`mbm
{Za§Va àmW©ZoMr, níMmVmnmMr d àm`píMVmMr JaO Amho. nmon \«$mpÝgg øm§Zr, {XZm§H$ 9 d 10
_mM© amoOr g§nwU© OJmbm EH$ÌnUo àmW©Zm H$aVm `mdr åhUyZ {ZË` AmamYZm d nmnpñdH$ma {dYr
gmOam H$aÊ`mMo AmdmhZ Ho$bo hmoVo. nmon _hme`m§À`m g§XoemZwgma àË`oH$ Y_©àm§VmV H$_rV
H$_r EH$ {¼ñV_§{Xa 24 Vmg {Za§Va CKS>o R>oD$Z , nmnpñdH$ma {dYrgmR>r Y_©Jwé CnpñWV
amhUo d lÕmd§VmZm àmW©Zm H$aÊ`mg A{YH$ dmVmdaU {Z_m©U H$aÊ`mg gm§JÊ`mV Ambo hmoVo.
A_amdVr Y_©àm§VmV, g§V \«$mpÝgg Po{dAa _hm_§Xra øm XmoÝhr {Xder ^ŠVm§gmR>r Iwbo
R>odÊ`mV Ambo hmoVo. Ë`mMà_mUo Y_©àm§VmVrb BVa AZoH$ Y_©J«m_mV Xo{Ib {¼ñV_§Xra
^m{dH$m§gmR>r Iwbo R>odÊ`mV Ambo hmoVo. A_amdVr n°are _Ü`o AZoH$ lÕmd§V EH$Ì `oD$Z Ë`m§Zr {Za§Va àmW©Zm, AmamYZm d
nmnpñdH$ma {dYr øm§V gh^mJ KoVbm. gXa Am¡{MË` gmYwZ, g§nyU© OJm_Ü`o em§Vr Zm§Xmdr åhUyZ {deof H$aÊ`mV Ambr.

Am§Vaamï´>r` _{hbm {XZ gmohim

VwÂ`m CÎmw§J ^amar nwT>o
JJZ hr R>|JUo ^mgmdo
VwÂ`m {demb n§ImImbr
{díd Vo gmao dgmdo &&
_mM© hm {Xdg OmJ{VH$ _{hbm {XZ åhUyZ gd©Ì gmOam Ho$bm
OmVmo. Á`m amï´>mV, Á`m g_mOmV loð> _{hbm {Z_m©U hmoVmV, Vmo g_mO
agmVimbm OmV Zmhr. ór _hÎd AmXa d loð>Ëd nQ>dyZ XoÊ`mH$[aVm
{X.11 _mM© 2018 amoOr g§V \«$mpÝgg Po{d`a H${WS´>b MM© _Ü`o _{hbm
{Xdg _moR>çm CËgmhmZo gd© nwéfm§Zr gmOam Ho$bm. gd©àW_ A_amdVr
Y_©àm§VmMo _hmJwé ñdm_r gÝ_mZZr` {~en Ebm`g JmoÝgmb{dg `m§À`m
hñVo {_ñgm ~{bXmZ gmOam H$aÊ`mV Ambm. gd© _{hbm `m§Mo nwîn nmH$ù`mÛmao ñdmJV H$aÊ`mV Ambo. {~en ñdm_tZr
àdMZmX²dmao órMo _hËd d AmoiI nQ>dyZ {Xbr. nwéfm§Zr gw_Yya Jm`Zm Ûmao {_ñgm_Ü`o àmW©Zm_` dmVmdaUmMr {Z{_©Vr Ho$br.
VX²Z§Va nwéf _§S>irÛmao n°are hm°b_Ü`o gd© _{hbm§H$arVm H$m`©H«$_ Am`moOrV H$aÊ`mV Ambm hmoVm. Am_Mo \$m. OmogbrZ Am{U
ghmæ`H$ Y_©Jwé \$m. gwaOrV d VgoM gd© nwéf _§S>irZr `m gdmªZr {_iyZ H$m`©H«$_mMo Am`moOZ Ho$bo. `m H$m`©H«$_mH$[aVm _w»`
A{VWr åhUyZ A_amdVr Y_©àm§VmMo Y_m©Ü`j {~en Ebm`g JmoÝgmb{dg, \$m. OmogbrZ, \$m. gwaOrV d _{hbm {XZ {deof
nwañH$ma {_idbobo g_mO H$m`© H$aUmè`m lr_Vr gw{MVm ~d} `m CnpñWV hmoË`m. Y_©J«m_mVrb _wbtZr VgoM X`mgmJa Zg}g
`m§Zr ~oQ>r ~MmAmo d AmB©Mo _hËd `m {df`m§da gw§Xa Z¥Ë` gmXa Ho$bo. `m Z¥Ë`mX²dmao gdmªZm _{hboMr AmoiI d _hËd nQ>dyZ {Xbr.
H$m`©H«$_mMo _w»` A{VWr gm¡. gw{MVm ~d} `m§Zr g§~moYrV AS>MUtda _{hbm§Zm `mo½` _mJ©Xe©Z Ho$bo. `m H$m`©H«$_mH$[aVm _{hbm
_moR>çm g§»`oZo CnpñWV hmoË`m. gd© nwéf _§S>ir `§mZr {_iyZ _{hbm {Xdg _moR>çm AmZ§XmZo d CËgmhmZo gmOam Ho$bm. `m
H$m`©H«$_mÛmao Zmar eŠVr _hmZ hm g§Xoe XoÊ`mV Ambm. ømM gmo~V,A_amdVr Y_©àm§VmVrb {d{dY n°are Am{U {_eZ g|Q>a da
_{hbm {XZ{Z{_Îm AZoH$ H$m`©H«$_ gmOao H$aÊ`mV Ambo. dS>mir, _bH$mnwa, ^§S>mamO, naVdmS>m, amgoJm§d, ^monmnwa, Hw$gw_H$moQ>,
YmaUr , _ar`_nwa, Aí`m AZoH$ Y_©J«m_m_Ü`o _{hbm {XZm {Z{_Îm H$m`©H«$_ H$aÊ`mV Ambo. AZoH$ gm_m{OH$ g§KQ>Zm,
A{YH$mar, g_mOgodH$, amO{H$` ZoVo øm§Zr gXa H$m`©H«$_m§Zm CnpñWV amhÿZ _mJ©Xe©Z Ho$bo.
gm¡. A§Ow Ywio
g§V Omog\$ nd© (nwéf {XZ)
a{ddma {X.18 _mM© 2018 H$mo gw~h 8.30 ~Oo g§V \«$m§grg Po{d`a _hm_§Xra
_o g§V Omog\$ H$m nd© ~S>o hr Yy_Ym_ go _Zm`m J`m&
gmW hr gmW nwéf {Xdg ^r _Zm`m J`m, {OgH$m Am`moOZ A_amdVr Y_©J«m_
H$s _{hbmAmo Zo {H$`m& g^r nwéfm| H$m ñdmJV nma§nm[aH$ V[aHo$ go _mWo na M§XZ H$m
{VbH$ bJmH$a Ed_ \w$bmo Ûmam {H$`m J`m &
_m.\$mXa ê$noe S>m~ao Zo {_ñgm ~{bXmZ An©U {H$`m Am¡a àdMZ _o, ‘ O~ V~ Johÿ
H$m XmZm _aVm Zhr, \$b Zhr XoVm, _Vb~ n[adma _w{I`m O~ VH$, Johÿ Ho$ XmZo Ho$ g_mZ Zhr ~ZoJm V~VH$ n[adma _o ào_,
X`m,em§Vr Zhr {XImB© X|Jr’ Bg Vah _mJ©Xe©Z {H$`m&{_ñgm ~brXmZ IË_ hmoVo hr Y_©J«m_ Ho$ _mOr g°H«o$ñQ>r`Z _m. _m{UH$
_mñQ>a Or H$mo nwînJwÀN> XoH$a CÝho gå_m{ZV {H$`m& VV²níMmV g§V Omogo\$
g_wh Ho$ à{V{ZYr`mo H$mo doXrHo$ gm_Zo ~wbmH$a nwéf {Xdg Ho$ Cnbj _o ~YmB©
Xr`o &
CgHo$ ~mX nare hm°b _o nwéf _§S>br Ho$ {bE gm§ñH¥${VH$ H$m`©H«$_ H$m
Am`moOZ {H$`m& \$m. Am°Zrb KmoÝgmb{dg Zo g^r CnpñWV nwéfmo H$mo _mJ© Xe©Z
{H$`m& CÝhm|Zo Z Ho$db {nVmAm| H$mo naÝVw _mVmAm| H$mo ^r H$hm {H$ AnZo ~ÀMm|
H$mo AÀN>m g§ñH$ma Xo& {dídmg _| AmJo ~T>mE±, Ka H$s {Oå_oXmar H$mo {Z^mE° Am¡a
AmnHo$ n[adma H$mo EH$ n{dÌ n[adma ~Zm`o Bg Vah go CÝhmoZo g^r H$mo g§~moYrV
{H$`m& Bg Adga na ~ÀMm| Zo AnZo g^r {nVmAmo Ho$ {bE, Ed AmXe© {nVm Ed§
CZHo$ ß`ma H$mo H${dVm Ho$ Ed§ {Z~§Y _o ì`ŠV {H$`m & AÝV _| H$m`©H«$_ Am`mo{OV
gm¡. Aê$Um _mogog

Amamo½` _mVm MM© dS>mir A_amdVr

AmOMr gH$mi hr dS>mir Y_©J«m_mVrb nwéf _§S>ir Am{U `wdH$m§H$[aVm
ZdM¡VÝ` Am{U CËgmh KoD$ZM Ambr. H$maU AmO àË`oH$ nwéfm§_Ü`o Am{U
`wdH$m§_Ü`o EH$ doJimM CËgmh `oV hmoVm. àË`oH$ ì`ŠVr Amnë`m Amnë`m narZo
ñdV…da Agbobr O~m~Xmar _moR>çm AmZ§XmZo nma nS>Vm§Zm {XgyZ `oV hmoVr.
H$maU {dMmaVmo` ? hmo..hmo.. gm§JVmo H$s,
H$maU hmoVo dS>mir Y_©J«m_mVrb nwéf _§S>irZo Ho$bobo Am§VaamîQ´>r`
_{hbm {Xdg H$m`©H«$_mMo Am`moOZ Amnë`m Hw$Qw>§~m gmR>r à{V{XZ AhmoamÌ PQ>Umar Amnbr nËZr,AmB©, ~hrU, dhrZr `m§À`m àVr
Amnë`m _ZmV Agbobo ào_, AmXa ,Am[U Am^ma, ì`ŠV H$aUo d Ë`m§Mm gÝ_mZ H$aUo. `m H$[aVm...
Amamo½` _mVm MM©, dS>mir A_amdVr `oWo Am§Vaamï´>r` _{hbm {Xdg gd© nwéf _§S>ir H$Sy>Z gmOam H$aÊ`mV Ambm.
H$m`©H«$_mMo AÜ`j ñWm{ZH$ Y_©Jwé aoìh.\$mXa AmamoŠ` gm_r, VgoM à_wI nmhþUo ZJa go{dH$m gm¡. gnZm R>mHy$a, ZJa godH$
Am{ef Jmd§S>o, aoìh. \$mXa à{Xn, aoìh.\$mXa A_Z, `m§Mr CnpñWVr hmoVr.
H$m`©H«$_mbm à_wI dŠË`m åhUwZ A_amdVr `oWrb g_mOgo{dH$m gm¡. a{O`m gwbVmZ `m§Zm Am_§{ÌV H$aÊ`mV Ambo.
Ë`m§Zr CnpñWV _{hbm§Zm Ë`m§Mo hŠH$, A{YH$ma, lÕm, A§YlÕm, Aem {d{dY {df`mda gImob _mJ©Xe©Z Ho$bo.
gd© _{hbm§Zm nwéfm§Zr Jwbm~ nwîn XodyZ gÝ_m{ZV Ho$bo. H$m`©H«$_mMo g§MmbZ S>m°.Eg.S>ãë`w.T>moHo$ `m§Zr, Va Am^ma àXe©Z
gm¡.d¡embr C_mio Q>rMa `m§Zr Ho$bo. H$m`©H«$_mÀ`m `epñdVoH$[aVm gd© nwéf _§S>ir VgoM `wdH$m§Zr _mobmMo ghH$m`© Ho$bo.
H°$Wmo{bH$ d bwWaZ n§Wr`mÀ`m EoŠ`mVwZ `oew {¼ñVmMr gmj à{Vq~{~V H$amdr
15 ì`m eVH$mÀ`m CÎmamYm©V {ZdS>H$ Aä`mgH$m§Zr H°$Wmo{bH$ Y_©lÕobm AmìhmZ XoV Ë`mMrM n[aUrVr àmoñQ>oQ>§Q> n§W {Z_uVr Ho$br.
H$mbm§VamZo amo_Z H°$Wmo{bH$ d bwWaZ dëS>© H$m°D$qgb Am°\$ MM}g `m§Zr gH$mamË_H$ MMm© KS>dyZ, {H$ Ë`m gdmªZr EH$ ìhmdo Om°Z 17…21 ho dMZ
nyU©Ëdmg `mdo åhUyZ OmJVrH$ ñVamda 18 Vo 25 OmZodmar `m gámhmV gd© {¼íMZ n§Wr` EoŠ` àmW©ZoMo Am`moOZ hmoV AgVo.
g|Q> \«$mÝgrg Po{d`a H$WrS´>b `oWo {~en Ebm`g KmoÝgmb{dg, A_amdVr Y_©àmVm§Mo _hmJyê$ `m§À`m ZoV¥ËdmV EoŠ` àmW©Zm nma nS>br.
àW_ ~m`~b `m Y_©J«§Wmg {~en `m§Zr _më`mnU© Ho$bo. {Xn àÁdbZ H$ê$Z gdmªMo ñdmJV Ho$bo. `m àg§Jr Vo åhUmbo, gd© n§Wr` {¼íMZm§À`m
{dMmamV gwg§dmX gmYUmao AZoH$ _wÔo AgyZ EoŠ`mV AS>ga R>aUmao ewëbH$ H$maUo AmhoV. ^yVH$mimV {¼íMZm§Zm {d^ŠV H$aUmar KQ>Zm AmnU
~Xby eH$V Zmhr. na§Vy dV©_mZmV nardV©Z KS>dyZ AmngmVrb d¡_Ý`ñ` d g§Kf© Q>miyZ gÚmpñWVrV gmdaUo hrM àmW{_H$Vm S>moù`mg_moa R>odyZ
{¼ñVmdarb gdmªMr lÕm, {àVr d ñZmZg§ñH$ma EH$M Amho. åhUyZ H°$Wmo{bH$,àmoQ>oñQ>§Q> _§S>itZr {¼«ñVm§Zm dYñV§^ d Ë`mÀ`m _aUmÛmao Amnbr
EH$s ~iH$Q> H$ê$Z OJmÀ`m Ñï>rV `oey {¼ñVmMr gmj à{Vq~~rV H$amdr. Jar~r CÀMmQ>Z, Ý`m`, em§VrMr ñWmnZm, n`m©daU g§dY©Z d _mZd
hŠH$mMo nmbZ H$ê$Z `oey [¼ñVmÀ`m {eH$dUyH$sMm àgma H$amdm Agohr Ë`m§Zr AmdmhZ Ho$bo.
àmW©ZoMo àmñVm{dH$ \$mXa gwa{OV `m§Zr Ho$bo. \$mXa énoe S>m~ao `m§Zr gwÌ g§MmbZmV EoŠ` àmW©ZoMr nmœ©^y_r _m§S>Vm§Zm Vo åhUmbo,
Am¡Úmo{JH$H$aU d dgmhVdmX `m Jm|S>g g§koMo H$ao{~`Z XoemVrb _wio {Zdmgr`m§Zm Ë`m§À`m O{_Zr ~iH$mdyZ ~m`~bMo dZM gm§JV namJ§Xm Ho$bo.
{MZ, Am{\«$H$m d ^maV XoemVrb bmoH$m§Mmhr Jwbm_ åhUyZ amOgÎmoZo dmna Ho$bm. hm B{Vhmg H|$ÐñWmZr R>oD$Z `mdfu EoŠ` àmW©ZoMo àmê$n V`ma
H$aÊ`mMr O~m~Xmar H°$ao{~`Z {¼íMZ g_mOmda gmon{dÊ`mV Ambr AgVm§Zm, ho na_oœam VwPm COdm hmV ~imZo àVmnr Pmbm Amho. {ZJ©_ 15…6
Ago KmofdmŠ` pñdH$mê$Z _m. nmon \«$mpÝgg `m§Zr Ë`mbm _mÝ`Vm {Xbr.
àmW©Zog^oV gd© aoìh. g§O` ZJamio, g§O` {Xdo, AaqdX Od§Omi, Om°Z B§Jmoobo, [hå_V _mohmoS>, g{MZ bìhmio, g§Ü`m gmido, gmo{~Z
Omogo\$ d BVam§Zr _moR>çm g§»`oZo hOoar bmdbr. H$m`©H«$_mÀ`m `eñdrVoH$arVm \$mXa OmogbrZ, aoŠQ>a g|Q> \«$mÝgrg Po{d`a H$WoS´>b, \$mXa
Amo{Zb d \$mXa gw^mf _mKmS>o `m§Zr AWH$ n[al_ KoVbo.
àm.à_moXHw$_ma JwbXodH$a

bwX©_mVm VrW© `mÌm _[a`_nwa 2018

à{Vdf© H$s Vah Bg df© ^r bwX©_mVm _[a`_ Ho$ AmXa _o A_amdVr Y_©àmV Ho$ VrW©joÌ {MIbXam _o 1
\$adar 2018 go 11 \$adar 2018 VH$ bwX©_mVm _[a`Z Ho$ AmXa _| ÜdOmamohZ Zm¡amoOr Ed_² {_ñgm ~{bXmZ H$m
Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m& Bg àmW©Zm g^m _| àË`oH$ {XZ {d{^ZÝ nëbr Ho$ \$mXam| Zo AmH$a bmoJmo H$mo AnZo àdMZ Ûmam
bwX©_mVm _[a`_ `mÌm Ho$ {bE AmÜ`mpË_H$ ê$n go V`ma {H$`m Am¡a _[a`_nya nëbr Ho$ g^r _[a`m ^ŠVmo Zo n{dÌ
{_ñgm ~{bXmZ H$mo àmW©Zm Ed Jm`Z Ûmam ^pŠV_` ~Zm`m& bwX©_mVm `mÌm H$mo 10 \$adar 2018 H$mo em_ 6.00
~Oo Owbyg Ho$ gmW ^pŠV^md go ewé hþAm& BgHo$ ~mX n{dÌ {_ñgm ~{bXmZ An©U {H$`m J`m& {_gñm Ho$ Vwa§V ~mX
bwX© _mVm _[a`m_ Ho$ AmXa _o dmB©db go g§~§{YV Z¥Ë` ñnYm© H$m Am`moOZ {H$ J`m& 11 \$adar 2018 gw~h 9.00
~Oo \$m. g§O` nmaIo Zo M§JmB© H$s àmW©Zm H$s& BgHo$ Vwa§V ~mX {_ñgm ~{bXmZ H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m& Bg `mÌm _o
h_mao Y_©àm§V Ho$ Y_m©Ü`j {~en Ebm`g KmoÝgmb{dg Zo {_ñgm ~{bXmZ An©U {H$`m& {~en Ebm`g KmoÝgmb{dg
Zo bmoJmo H$mo _mJ©Xe©Z H$aVo hþE g^r ~r_ma bmoJm| Ho$ {bE àmW©Zm H$s&
Bg VrW© `mÌm H$s ^pŠV ~T>mZo Ho$ {bE H$B© OJhmo go nwamo{hV Y_©~hZ Ed§_ ~«Xar Zo VrW© `mÌm _o _mJ©
boH$a `mÌm H$mo ^pŠV_` ~Zm`m& {d{dY ê$n go _[a`nya nëbr Ho$ g^r {dídmgr`mo Zo l_XmZ H$aHo$ _XX H$s& ha df© H$s Vah Bg df© ^r
J«moQ>m H$s gwÝXa gOmdQ> [H$ J`r Wr& A§V _o _[a`Znya nëbr Ho$ g^r nëbrdm{g`m| H$s Amoa {X`o J`o à{V^moO Ho$ gmW Bg bwX©_mVm _[a`_
H$s `mÌm ^pŠV^md go gånZ hþB©&
H°$[añ_m{Q>H$ àmW©Zm g^m..
Jwédma {X. 21 \$adar 2018 go 23 \$adar 2018 VH$ _[a`_nya nëbr _o§ H°$[añ_m{Q>H$ àmW©Zm H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m&
_[a`_nya n°[ae Ho$ nëbr nwamo{hV Zo Ho$ab go Am`o ~«Xg©. JmoHw$b H¥$îU n[aM` Xo H$a Jm`Z Xìmam Am¡a JwbXñVm Xo CZH$m ñdmJV {H$`m& nhbm
{XZ gd©àW_ H°$[añ_m{Q>H$ àmW©Zm _o Am`o g^r {dídmgr`mo Zo H$m`m} Ho$ {bE ñVwVr JmZ H$s&
Bg H°$[añ_m{Q>H$ àmW©Zm _| nm[adm[aH$ OrdZ nm[admarH$ àmW©Zm Am¡a ¼rñVr`
OrdZ _| nmn ñdrH$ma Am¡a {_ñgm ~{bXmZ Am{X nhbwAmo na {~ñVma ê$n go àH$me S>mbm
J`m& Ag H°$[añ_m{Q>H$ àmW©Zm _o bJ^J 200 {dídmgr`m| Zo ^mJ boH$a VrZ {Xdgr`
H°$[añ_m{Q>H$ àmW¥Zm H$mo bm^ CR>m`m& \$m. {e_moZ, ~«Xa {bZg Am¡a CnpñWV g^r
{dídmgr`mo H$mo YÝ`dmX kmnZ Ho$ gmW `h H°$[añ_m{Q>H$ àmW©Zm g^m g_má hþAm&

Education SPORTS’ DAY
Sports day was celebrated with great joy
on Saturday 24th Feb 2018, at 8:30 a.m. It began
with a short and beautiful prayer seeking for
God's blessings which was presented by Miss.
Jagruti kubde. Importance of Sports day was
given by Master Rushad Ingole. Events of the
day were introduced by Master Rudresh Joshi.
Running race was conducted for all the classes
- I to IV as a common event. Worm race was
conducted for Std - I, Rolling the ball race was
conducted for Std. II, Balancing the ball for Std. III and hurdle race for Std. IV. Our beloved Principal
Rev. Father Arockya Samy addressed us and encouraged the students for their participation and team
work.The inauguration of race took place with the first clap for Std. I girls which was given by Rev. Fr.
Principal. Then we started with the other sports events. All the participants showed their active
participation with great zeal. The winners were selected at the endpoint and proceeded towards the
victory stand followed by distribution of certificates and medals by Rev. Fr. Principal Arockya Samy
and Headmistress Sister Joshna. The programme came to an end with a vote of thanks given by Master
Shripad Gharad and Master Deepesh.


 Inter House competition was organized in

the premises of St. Joseph's English Primary
School, Amravati on 25th January 2018 at 8.00 a.
m, which was arranged by the staff and students of
St. Joseph's English Primary School. Honorable
Shri. Jayantrao Deshmukh 'Sarvajanik bandhkam
Vibhag' was invited as a chief guest for the
Programme. Respected Raju Bode, Miss. Arpita
Gupta, Mr. Prakash Meshram sir, were invited as
judges for the competition. The theme for the
programme for junior group was “Patriotism” and
the theme for senior group was “Folk dance”. Many beautiful performances were presented by the
students. Gondhad dance, Adivasi dance, Bihu dance and Sambhal puri dance added colour to the
show. Finally Red house Senior group won the first prize for Sambhalpuri dance and Blue house of
Junior group won the hearts of everyone with their excellent patriotic performance. Finally the
programme came to an end with a vote of thanks delivered by Miss. Rushad Ingole followed by
National Anthem.
Dnayanmata Family

Farewell Celebration Class X
“ Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a
type of heaven’’, says Tryon Edward. When those whom
we love bid us good bye a bit of ourselves is going away.
Greater the love, more intense the pain, closer the union
more severe the sense of loss. In the midst of the enchanting
beauty of nature and cool morning breeze, we, the Holy
Cross Family bade farewell to our students of class X on
12 February 2018. The students of class IX put up a
meaningful programme with a theme ' Sent forth to Colour
the World with a Rainbow of Love.' The students were
given a pleasant and colourful welcome, flower petals were showered on them and a bade with a theme
was given as a sign of love and remembrance. A vibrant welcome dance was presented by the students
of class VIII. Our Respected Headmistress Sr. Pushpa Thomas, Manager Sr. Natty Fernandes,
Supervisor Sr. Anjana Kujur, Mrs. Tara, Mrs. Alka, X class teachers and Ex-Priminster Miss Vedika
Bhattad and the deputy Miss Mrunal Jaswante were invited to light the lamp. There after a spirit filled
prayer service was conducted to thank God and invoke His manifold blessings on our students of class
X. The students of class X were awe struckas as they witnessed the award function which was a surprise
package. The award winners were:-
1.Rising Sun award for maximum attendance – Miss Vedika Bhattad
2. APJ of Holy Cross award for first in prelims 2018 – Miss Akanksha Dhawale
3. Golden Character award for best behavior – Miss Maitreyee Patil
4. Early Bird for punctual in all submission – Miss Sapna Chopda
5. Busy Bee for hard work – Miss Munazza Khan
6. Miss Gorgeous for best in her attire – Miss Shivpriya Deshmukh
7. Miss Holy Cross for all rounder – Miss Anushree Bajaj
Our honorable Headmistress Sr. Pushpa Thomas exhorted the students to keep up the school
motto, 'Lighted to Enlighten' and carry this legacy wherever they are, whatever they do, whichever
task they may choose to undertake, they must leave behind their footprints on the world and make this
world and make this world a better place for others. She challenged them to make a difference in the life
of others and make their life a message. All the SSC students were given a token of love as a
remembrance. The programme ended with delicious lunch arranged by the management.

Holy Cross Con. Eng. High School, Amravati

Sports work
The Annual Sports Meet at St. Xavier's school commenced on 28 of November 2017.
It continued for three consecutive days. The inaugural function began with a prayer and
lighting of the lamp in the presence of the chief guest Mrs. Shakuntaltai Buchh, President of
Nagar Parishad, Shegaon. The chief guest unfurled the school flag followed by House wise
march past. Then the House captains took the sports oath. The students exhibited their talents
by performing beautiful aerobic dance that stole the attention of all.

Montfort School kusumkot

Day by day our lives go on,

As lives usually do.
Yet, sometimes our lives seem to stop
Leaving us confused, scared.
Lives are tricky that way.
Day by day, our lives go on,
As lives usually do.
Yet, sometimes if we are lucky enough,
That special gift will walk right in
At just the right time
And brighten it up a bit.
Lives are unpredictable that way.
Day by day, our lives go on,
As lives usually do.
Yet, sometimes in the middle of that
Ordinary life,
trust will bring you a fairy tale.
Parents Teacher Meeting
Parents teachers meeting was held on 25 Nov. 2017 where in, parents along with their children
met the Teachers and discussed about the child's progress at School by seeing the Report Cards. This
time teachers were instructed by the Principal Bro. Balla Joseph, focus on student's specifics strengths
and weaknesses on individual subjects. Teachers also discussed the skills and talents of the students
and solutions for the Academic year. It was a good experience for the teachers and also for parents both
together discussing for the growth of the child.
Parents day Celebration
Parents Day was celebrated in Montfort school on 16th Dec. 2017 with great enthusiasm. The
theme for the program was “MONTFORTIANS, THE IGNITED MINDS”. The president of the
program was Rev. Fr. Arokia Samy (Principal of Dyanmata School, Amravati) and local officers as the
Guests of the Day. Students presented the different types of cultural and traditional dances, tiny tots of
pre-primary children also represented their happy feeling by presenting dances. This time more
importance was given to traditions and also for the school reports as it is the request of the parents. The
school leaders presented the school report and all the activities in a presentable manner. Fr. Arockya
Samy the president of the Day has given a wonderful speech on education and the role of parents in the
field of education in the process of moulding the children. This programme mainly aimed at
inculcating togetherness among the students in the divergent cultures.
Korku dance troop
Montfort village dance troop had gone to many places to participate in competitions also got
prizes and kept up the standard of the dance. They practice twice in a week and Bro. José kallely is
doing wonderful job in preserving the culture and tradition of the tribal people. This is also a method of
teaching the culture to the future generation. Though there are difficulties at the beginning, yet in a
very short time, villagers are able to overcome and participate and gradually the troop was built.
Evening special classes for Government school going students

Montfort school has started evening tuition centers in six
villages to empower the Government school going children.
Six special teachers were appointed to train the children and
also to animate villagers. They were given special training at
Montfort social center once in a week. This is also a method
of training the villagers and form them as a leaders to take up
the responsibilities of the village. These team members, on
every Friday comes to the Dharni, Montfort social welfare
centre for a special training. These teachers take the classes
for the students and make them to complete the home work. In
a very short time it has picked up a very good response. These animators also interact with the farmer's
groups, womens' group, youth and children in the process empower and strengthen the villages.

Bro.Balla Joseph
Montfort School, Kusumkot

Mega events of St. Xavier's English School Shegaon

1) Science and Art Exhibition

The mega event for the year 2017-18 for St. Xavier's school
was the science and art exhibition which was held on 18th of
November 2018. The exhibition was inaugurated by the
chief guest Mr. Ram Pawan Sir, Rtd. Deputy Director of the
education Dept, Amravati Division and Rev. Fr. Arokya
Samy, the Principal of Dynanmata School, Amravati. The
exhibition began with a short cultural program as well as
prize distribution for various literary competition held
during the year. This year the exhibition was divided into different section like kids, language,
science, maths, E V S and computers. The students presented their modals and experiments in an
adorable way. The program was appreciated by all and became a grand success.

Gems of St. Xavier's shines out in various fields

Suhani Shivdas Patil of class VII B excelled in skating competition by securing first position in
the District level. Two of ours students brought laurels to the school. Tejas Padol, of class VIII
was selected for cricket and Krishna Nibude was selected for 600 Mts. running race at the
district level. Rupesh Bhutada of Std. VIII won a gold
medal in karate and a bronze medal in kick Boxing.
Yashika P. Rathi stood second in district level chess
competition and was selected for divisional level.
One of our students named Palak G. Rathod stood 1
in district and 15 position in state merit list for
elementary drawing exams. Three of our students
namely Radhika S. Rathod, Joi O Tarale and Nayana.
S. Rayane won gold medals in the National level
Gymnastics held in Delhi.

St. Ann's Convent and St. Ann's Eng. Med. High School Officially
Opened on 21 June 2017 at Nandura, Buldhana (district) Maharashtra.

On Wednesday evening 21st July 2017 we

the Congregation of the sisters of St. Anne
Phirangipuram/ Guntur, AP (CSSA) held a
grand opening ceremony of our new convent (in
a rented building) which was canonically
established. On the same day we had an
inaugural ceremony of our new school (another
rented building) would be affiliating to CBSE at
Nandura, Buldhana (district) Maharashtra.
The convent blessing began at 4.30 pm by
Most Rev. Elias Gonsalves, Bishop of Amravati
Diocese in the presence of Rev. Mother Anthonamma Superior general, Rev. Sr. Ratna Mary Provincial
superior of Guntur Province AP, Sr. Ignatius Suman Provincial Superior of Hyderabad Province,
General consulters, provincial consulters and Religious from our Mother Congregation A.P, local
parish sisters, Fathers and well wishers. On this great occasion Bishop urged sisters to live and witness
Christ's values to the Hindu brethren and spread the good news to every heart. Mother Anthonamma
Officially read the Decree and announced the establishment of new convent at Nandura, we all clapped
and praised the Almighty.
Our Major Superiors, Sisters, Fathers, and Well wishers extended a grand welcome to our Bishop
Elias Gonsalves. The school programme began at 5.30pm with an opening prayer by Bishop Elias
Gonsalves, His Lordship invoked the Holy Spirit upon the event and prayed over the gathering followed
by ribbon cutting by our Superior General Mother Anthonamma P. and school building was blessed by
our Bishop. Children captured every one's heart through their welcome dance. Sr. Vimala Mary, the
Superior and principal of a new convent and school invited the special guests to the Dias for the
felicitation .We expressed our gratitude by felicitating Most. Rev. Bishop Elias Gonsalves and others
who helped and supported us. Mother Anthonamma thanked his Lordship for permitting us to the
English Medium School at Nandura. She addressed the gathering saying we are here to give value based
education and character formation to every child of Nandura and the surrounding. She requested all the
Parents to extend a supporting hand to our sisters here. She appreciated Sr. Mary Usha, the principal of
St. Ann's School Khamgaon, Sr. Anthony G., the principal of St. Ann's school Akola, Sr. Vimala G and
three community sisters for their hard work and sacrifice in making this event unforgettable and
colourful. Bishop touched every ones heart saying education is the only way through which self
transformation takes place in the light of wisdom. That wisdom makes every citizen innovative and
great for the growth of the country and for the glory of God. Well wishers and parents appreciated St
Ann's management for starting an English Medium school with right intention at a right time. We
thanked everybody for their prayers and presence.
St. Ann's Convent, Nandura

Annual Parents' Day at Sacred Heart School, Paratwada

Sacred Heart School, Paratwada celebrated its Annual Parents'

Day on Monday, 26th February 2018.The program began with the
lighting of lamp followed by prayer dance, invoking God's
abundant blessings upon the gathering. The chief guest of the
function was Rt. Rev. Bishop Elias Gonsalves, Bishop of Amravati
diocese and the guest of honor was Dr. Mr. Venkat Rathod S.D.O.
Achalpur. The theme of the program was “Connecting Cultures
and Celebrating Diversity.” The theme was very well brought out
through different scenes, displays of cultural program like regional dances, skits and tiny-tots on dais
bringing some awareness about the specialty of our Motherland India. Though we belong to different
cultures, religions, castes, languages yet we are one, was the theme brought out very meaningfully. Fr.
Ramsheen, the Principal read out the school Annual report so meticulously by presenting the events
which took place during the academic year 2017-2018.The Chief guest and the guest of honor
delivered a meaningful message and gave away the certificates and trophies to meritorious students.
The hard work and determination of each and every staff and students adding colour to the program was
highly appreciated by everyone present. The staff and students were also fortunate to be bashed by the
principal Fr. J. A. Ramsheen with his logistic and perfect guidance to all. Indeed, the event has given
our students a platform to hone their talents and skills. The parents who witnessed the annual day
program congratulated and appreciated the staff and students for their wonderful performance. The
programme ended with a vote of thanks by Miss Neha Agrawal.
Sacred Heart School,

Mid- Term Evaluation

In April 2014, Most Rev. Bishop Elias Gonsalves launched the Document 'Pastoral Plan for the
Diocese of Amravati (2014 -2020)' at the Diocesan Synod, where the Objectives, Strategies and
Programmes for the Eight Thrust Areas were clearly outlined. Subsequently, implementation of the
Pastoral Plan began and 'Annual Plans for Implementation' too were communicated to all the
stakeholders through 'Amarwani.' On 13th of December 2017, at the Advent Recollection in Amravati,
Most Rev. Bishop Elias Gonsalves announced that a Mid – Term Evaluation of the 'Pastoral Plan' will
take place during January and February 2018 by Mr. Andrew Fernandes and Dr. Miss. Maitrayee
Bhattacharya, Development Consultant's from Kalyan, Mumbai. Bishop Elias Gonsalves also
mentioned that he wanted all the Parishes and the Institutions in the Diocese to be involved in the
evaluation and that the structured questionnaires would be sent to them. He is looking forward to
receive detailed information so that he can understand where each Parish and Institution stands, and
how each of them can move forward. In January and February 2018, the Consultants visited randomly
selected few Parishes and Educational, Health and Social Work Institutions from all the five Zones in
the Diocese. They conducted personal interviews with the Parish Priests and the Heads of the
Institutions using the questionnaires. The questionnaires for the Parishes and Institutions visited
should reach the Consultants and the Diocese by 25 March 2018, and those for the places not visited
should be sent to the Diocese by the same date. Questionnaires are also being sent to the Diocesan
Committee heads and they are required to be sent to the Consultants and to the Diocese by 31 March

Social Justice & Development
Women Awake!
“A Woman's love is in action, she looks with her heart
and feels with her eyes, she is the cement that keeps the
family together and her love lasts a life time.”

Isn't it just wonderful that a little more than 200 Korku

women of our tribal belt of Chikaldara joyfully participated
in the celebration of International women's Day on 8 March?
The children of the Holy Cross Marathi Primary School set
the tone of the entire sessions, with a prayer dance, inviting
all women to be empowered with the qualities of Mary the Mother of Jesus, who through her 'Fiat'
submitted herself to God's Holy will and so brought forth Jesus, as the Saviour of the world. Then Sr.
Sangeeta Dhanwate the Head Mistress inspired us as she introduced the Great women of India, with their
portraits. Rev. Fr. Shimon further awakened the women to the reality that they are the hearth in a home,
and need to keep the fire of love burning in a family, where all feel warm, especially the girl-child, with
no discrimination. The presence of Dr. Sr. Shally John, from Wardha Medical College was highly
appreciated, as Sister in all simplicity expounded the taboos of 'Mental Illness' and suggested ways and
means to keep oneself mentally sound. Oh yes! The sessions of Sr. Elvira SCC empowering the women
to be 'The light, the salt and the leaven' of their homes with the 'PRESENCE OF THE DIVINE' within,
left the gathering with rapt attention. The action songs and the power point presentation added much joy.
The entire programme was captured in a capsule by Sr. Mukta Parkhe, who emphasised that the women,
especially the tribal women are women of strength who can bring about 'The Kingdom of God envisaged
by Jesus Christ. We concluded with games, actions songs, prize- distribution and a sumptuous meal.
“Woman truly you love through action and your love last all through life” Hat off to you!
Sr. Elvira D'Cunha SCC

Training on Financial Literacy

On 15th of February 2018, One day
training on “Financial Literacy” was
conducted in Jeevan Vikas Sanstha (DSSS)
Paratwada, to the widows of the “Nila
Project” of Achalpur block. The training
began with the welcome, lighting of the lamp
by the dignitaries and video prayer song.
About 323 widows took part in the meeting.
Through the “Nila Project” we have been
working with the 323 women in 19 villages

of Achalpur block. The main resource persons for the said programme were Rev. Fr. Benjamin
Horo the Executive director of JVS and Mr. Wagh the Extinction officer from Panchayat
Samiti, Achalpur Block. The project coordinator Sr. Jenifer SU, the accountant Ms. Ashwini
Robert and the animators Mrs. Bharati More, Mrs. Chanda Wankhade and Ms. Anu Pawar were
also present in the meeting. The main objective of the programme was to explain about the
financial literacy and how it would help them for financial stability. Fr. Benjamin spoke about
the Nila Project, the Aim and Objectives, strategies and our approach in working with the
widows. Besides, Father also gave a motivational talk on our attitude towards life and how to be
successful persons in life. Adopting a positive attitude as a way of life will help us to cope up
more easily with our daily affairs of life. It will bring a constructive change into our lives.
Developing this attitude will make to see the bright side of life and expect best things to happen
in life. Mr. Wagh spoke about the formation of Self Help Groups. The main concept of SHGs,
its Origin, Aims, Objectives and Functions were explained in detail. The SHGs are empowered
to overcome many of the weaknesses such as to mobilize the resources of the individual
members for their collective economic development, to uplift the living conditions of the poor,
to create the habit of savings, utilization of local resources, to create awareness about rights, to
assist the members financially at the time of need, entrepreneurship development, to identify
problems, analyzing and finding solutions in the groups, to act as a media for socio economic
development of the village, to organize training for skill development, to help in recovery of
loans, to gain mutual understanding, to develop trust and self confidence, to build up team work
and to develop leadership qualities. He also spoke about the various schemes and trainings that
are availed to the SHG women's group. Both Fr. Benjamin and Mr. Wagh inspired the women
by their speech on how to make the habit of a bit of saving, how to have control on individual
and family spending, management of their own money, how to clear debt, how to run the small
scale businesses in the locality itself and how to make investments rather than expenditure
through the short video and placed before them some examples of the inspiring people who
have made the vast difference in life that is from “Rags to Riches”. Some of the women shared
their experience of the previous support that was given to them to income generation activities
and how they have become successful. Some of the women also came forward to share their
views about how beneficial it is to form the Self help groups and the gains that got through
SHGs. After the session Ms. Anu the animator gave a vote of thanks to the invited guests. The
meeting ended with a distribution of snacks and drinks to all the beneficiaries.

Sr. Jenifer SU

Health Medical Camp at Rajura
On 26th of October 2017 Dr. Sr. Sofia and two of their
nurses came to Rajura village along with Sr. Suma the
superior of the convent Akola. They stayed with us for
two days and they visited the people of Rajura and
other neighbouring villages of Rajura namely
Kharpet, Rasoolpur, Umapur. We the Rajura Sisters
also accompanied them. Sr. Sofia has seen much
patience in all kind of cases in all the villages, and she
prescribed medicines for them, we distributed medicines for the patients. Sr. Sofia also gave
injections if it is necessary. She also advised and referred some of the cases to be seen at the
hospital. Sr. Sofia and we also visited some schools in the villages and gave a talk on health and
cleanliness to the children. We also visited some families in the villages. The people are happy
and free to share their pains and health issues. It is very different experience for us to work along
with the sisters in the villages. It is also very good opportunity to see many villages and to be
with the people and to spend our time and encourage and to know the difficulties and problems
of the people in the villages.

Holy Cross Dispensary – Mariampur, Chikaldara

Eye Check up Camp

Holy Cross Dispensary conducted an eye camp for 10
villages on November 23, 2017 in and around of
Chikaldara in collaboration with Kothara Community
Hospital, Paratwada. The main purpose of this eye
camp is to detect of cataract and surgery which
restores the eye sight of the old as well as poor
patients. 415 patients benefited from this camp. 27
patients were operated free of cost at Kothara
Hospital. 105 Patients received the spectacles. We
believe that this activity does the mission of the Lord
Jesus as He invites us to carry on His mission of
setting the prisoners free and giving sight to the blind.

Celebration of Republic day with 150 women and Cancer
awareness Seminar by Dr. Sr. Rachita
On 26 January 2018, Holy Cross Dispensary
invited women to celebrate the Republic day at
Mariampur. During the Programme Sr. Mukta enlightened
the participants on the Constitution of India and the
important values such as liberty, brotherhood, equality,
justice, human dignity and the unity and integrity of the
We were happy to have Dr. Sr. Rachita from
Dayasagar Hospital Amravati, who took a class for the
women on breast cancer and other different types of
cancer and health issues. She explained how to detect
breast cancer and the need to go for further treatment in
case of any doubt. Women were very happy to learn about
their physical body through the detailed power point presentation. Around 150 women were present for
the Programme.
Sr. Mukta Parkhe HC

`wdmAm| H$s H$br{g`m _o ^mJrXmar

`wdm AdñWm Š`m h¡ ?
`wdm AdñWm h_mao OrdZ H$mb H$s EH$ _hÎdnyU© Ed§ ZmOwH$ dm H$mo_b AdñWm h¡, {Og AdñWm _o `wdm n[anŠdVm H$s
Amoa ~T>Vm h¡& h_ `h ^r H$h gH$Vo h¡ H$s, dh EH$ Eogo KS>r go JwOaVo h¡ Omo C°MmB© H$s Amoa bo MbVm h¡, dh AmemAm|§ Am¡a Cå_rXm| Ho$
ghmao EH$ Z`m Omoe d ZB© C_§J Ho$ gmW dh AnZo àË`oH$ ZE H$X_ Ho$ gmW AmJo ~T>Vm h¡&
gwerbm amohVJr Ho$ AZwgma `wdm Omoe Am¡a CËgd H$m à{VH$ h¡& `h EH$ {~Obr Ho$ Vma Ho$ O¡gm h¡& `Xr Cgo gmdYmZr go
g§^mbm VWm ghr _mJ©Xe©Z, à{VjU d {Z[ajU {_bo Vmo dh EH$ {demb òmoV ~Z gH$Vm h¡&
O¡gm H$s h_ H$hVo h¡ Am¡a `h$ H$WZ gË` ^r h¡ H$s, AmO Ho$ `wdm hr H$b Ho$ ^{dî` h¡& na§Vw g_mO _o EH$ JbV YmaU
AnZo _o nmb br h¡ H$s, `wdm dJ© h_oem CZHo$ {bE KmVH$ h¡& Am¡a Bg ~mV H$s Jdmh AmO Ho$ n{ÌH$mE±, g_mMma nÌ, no«og AmXr h¡&
{OgHo$ _mÜ`_ go h_o ha àH$ma H$s I~a {_bVr h¡ & O~ H$s AmO H$s OmJê$H$ `wdm {nT>r AZoH$ {dMmam§o H$mo gmW gm_Zo C^a Am
aho h¡& na§Vw dhr na AmO Ho$ H$B© `wdm AnZo OrdZ Ho$ ghr MwZmd Zm H$a gH$Zo go do qhgm Ho$ {eH$ma ~Z OmVo h¡&
`wdm Vmo Xoe H$s epŠV h¡, {OZH$s VmH$V H$m A§XmOm h_ {H$gr ^r `§Ì go bJm Zhr gH$Vo& Bg{bE AmO Ho$ `wdm hr h¡ Omo
H$br{g`m± _o ^mJrXma {gÕ hmoVo ZOa Am aho h¡, Am¡a OrZH$m `moJXmZ H$br{g`m Ho$ {bE, H$br{g`m Ho$ H$m`©H$Vm©Am| Ho$ {bE ~hþV
_hÎdnyU© h¡& `o `wdm ^r nwamo{hVm| Am¡a Y_©~hZm| Ho$ g_mZ H$br{g`m Ho$ A§J h¡&
na§Vw Hw$N> `wdm ^mB© ~hZ `h gmoMVo h¡ H$s, h_ H$br{g`m Ho$ A§J Zhr h¡ dm CZH$m H$moB© _hËd Zhr h¡& {à` XmoñVmo Amn hr
Vmo h¡, {OZH$s AmO H$br{g`m H$mo Amdí`H$Vm h¡ Am¡a Amn hr h¡, {OÝho H$br{g`m Ho$ joÌ H$mo {d{óV ~ZmZm h¡& O¡go H$s à^w `oew Zo
H$hm h¡, g§gma Ho$ H$moZo H$moZo _o OmH$a gwg_mMma H$m àMma H$amo&
h_mam OrdZ EH$ daXmZ h¡, Bgo Cg à^w Zo {X`m h¡ Omo h_o ß`ma H$aVm h¡& AmAmo h_ g^r ^mB© ~hZ Am¡a `wdm dJ© {_bH$a
H$br{g`m Ho$ {Zd gwÑT> ~ZmE° Am¡a gwg_mMma H$mo OJh OJh nhþMmE&
\$mXa {d{nZ

Parents’ Day Celebration
Vwåhr EH$_oH$m§da àr{V H$amdr,
Oer _r Vwåhmda àr{V Ho$br,
Ver Vwåhrhr EH$_oH$m§da àr{V H$amdr
(`mohmZ 13…34)

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