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Sentence construction

Test on Chapter 6
Verb and Time
Name : Date : Score : 83. %

In the following story, fill it in the blanks with appropriate forms of of the verbs or aux-words indicated
under each blank. In some cases you will also have to use appropriate aux-words along with the verb
forms to indicate the correct time, (Write only verbs and aux-words. Do NOT write articles, adverbs,
adjectives, or other such words.) Pay careful attention to time expressions and punctuation marks.

Several years ago, while some friends and I a cave in the mountains near my hometown,

We the earth After it , we out of the cave.

We we an earthquake. When we outside, we
around to if the earthquake any destruction to the
city in the distance, but every thing fine. Suddenly, we a loud
explosion and the earth again. A few hundred yards away a large cloud of dust
in the air. As soon as dust , we and
several people. Some of them around. Others large
tractors. They up the loose rocks and dirt which the explosion . They
it into big thingks which nearby and within a few minutes
it all way.
Than we other workers higher up on the hill. They holes in
the rock chifs. After they the holes, they sticks of
dynamite into them and wires to the dynamite. When they
, they way, and one worker the dynamite. Once again, we
the earth , and a large dust cloud
up in the art. We so interested in the workers that
we a man who us.
He over to where we . Because he
up from behind, we him, and he us by suddenly
in a loud voice. “Tell me who you and what you here”.
We around and that we the
cave when we the explosions, so we over to
what them.
The man us that they a new highway through the mountains.
He then us to the area. “If you here,” he
explained ,”you in danger. You hurt. “We and
back to where we from.
When we the entrance to the cave we surprised to
that it full of rocks. Apparently, the explosions the
walls and ceilings to . “Wow!” one of my friends exclaimed. “If we
inside the cave instead of out when we we
buried alive by the falling rocks. Or, if we killed immediately, we
trapped inside.”
As we back to town, we a lot about what it
like to to death, slowly, in a cold, dark place. We that we
any more caves in the future.

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