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Howard Harawitz shared his album.

March 25 at 11:54am


Howard Harawitz
March 24 at 5:21pm

March in Alameda supporting the march in Washington DC led by high school students.

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6 Shares 12 Comments

Luke Burke-Seawolf

Angry · 1d

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Karen Wellman You're a fool.
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Luke Burke-Seawolf I'm safe fool who controls his own life and destiny.1
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Kelly Conley Are you protecting yourself from guns or black kids? Or is this a troll post? I really
can't tell. 4
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Not a troll post. The skin on the kids could have just as well been white,
brown, yellow or green. Just the meme that was found. 1
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Rosalyn Moya This is a racist post. This post is disgusting.

Your racist irrational fears will not be my fears. We will rise above your hate.
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Rosalyn Moya

Read post above. Not racist.
Like · 1d

Rhea Butler Wisherop Luke Burke-Seawolf and you conveniently just found and posted the most
racist meme you could find despite the fact that this movement was started because of young
WHITE MALES, probably not unlike yourself, who terrorize schools through mass shootings. That is
not the image you chose to post. 8
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Rosalyn Moya Rhea Butler Wisherop mic drop

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Luke Burke-Seawolf Rhea Butler Wisherop

Merely a meme. Not mine. Read post above; still not racist.1
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Rhea Butler Wisherop Luke Burke-Seawolf your intentions are obvious and the sky is blue
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Fine. If it makes you feel better.

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Rhea Butler Wisherop Luke Burke-Seawolf here’s a freebie for your next troll post. You’re

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Luke Burke-Seawolf Thank you, I'll use it. Doesn't make the previous one less true. Could've been
an MS13 pic.
Still not a troll post and still not racist. Please stop trying to attribute to me qualities I do not possess.
And FTR; I do blame Cruz. 2
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Rhea Butler Wisherop Fine. If it makes you feel better.

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Stephanie Piper Totally racist—and your “explaining” that it’s not racist doesn’t make it not so.2
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Rhea Butler Wisherop

Btw, you sent a meme featuring a latino mass murderer. You're not racist, are you? 1
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Stephanie Piper

And you saying it's so doesn't make it true either.
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Chip Johnson Luke has a point, those kids definitely do need guns to protect themselves from
people like him. 2
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Chip Johnson

From firefighters? If that's the case, everyone's screwed!
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Dominic Darrimon

The Bleeding of Chicago


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Rhea Butler Wisherop Luke Burke-Seawolf I sent you a meme of the person who was the catalyst.
I don’t know what his race is.
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Dominic Darrimon Look at chicago some the strictest gun laws. Have the worst murder rates and
crime 2
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Rhea Butler Wisherop Luke Burke-Seawolf in what city are you a firefighter?
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Started at AFD. Dad was Oakland PD.

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Luke Burke-Seawolf Rhea Butler Wisherop

That's fair.
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Rhea Butler Wisherop Luke Burke-Seawolf it is disheartening to know that my local public servant
has such an extreme view of black males. As the mom of a black son, this is concerning to me, yet
sadly not surprising. Thanks for revealing your location so I can continue to arm my son with the
knowledge he needs to navigate this. 3
Like · 1d

Luke Burke-Seawolf You keep going back to race. Why? Is everything you think, hear, feel or see
need to be viewed through this lens?
I believe we are all human. Skin color doesn't matter. Try to get past the meme; it seems to be
ruining your life. 1
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Rhea Butler Wisherop Luke Burke-Seawolf all that you just said right there..? #privilege2
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Rhea Butler Wisherop Now would be a good time to #STFU

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Luke Burke-Seawolf Rhea Butler Wisherop

Where might I get that? Do they have it at Walmart?
Everything I have is earned. 1
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Rhea Butler Wisherop

Logic and reason finally overwhelmed you?... See More1
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Rhea Butler Wisherop Luke Burke-Seawolf you are the poster boy of privilege. You should just let
it go before someone makes a meme out of you. 2
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Rosalyn Moya Luke- The fact that you saw this meme and your racist red flags didn’t alarm you,
shows your ignorance, bias and privilege. The fact that you posted it, makes you a perpetuator of
racist ideas. The fact that you are a firefighter makes you part of a ra... See More 6
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Kas Kasem He's lying. He's not a firefighter for APD. He's from Colorado. Here's a pic of him
attending Sax in the City to get a date back in '04. (Post #1)

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Kas Kasem Here's more info. Even though he doesn't use a profile pic, he chose to use his real
name. Real genius here.

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Kas Kasem And if you go to his FB profile, you'll see in the reviews that he recently left a negative
review for a Colorado paint company that left too many ads on his Colorado home.

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Stephanie Piper To be fair, he said he "started off" with APD. In any case, I'm relieved he's not
currently with our Fire Department. 1
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Kas Kasem Shows over - stop feeding the trolls. The initial post was meant to be positive and
spiraled into something entirely negative due to these comments that really should be ignored. 1
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Kas Kasem

I started in Alameda. I'm 6th generation. Transferred for a promotional opportunity. Dad retired OPD.
You researched me! . You spent more time than it deserved. 2
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Kas Kasem Luke Burke-Seawolf It took a minute to copy and paste your name, buddy.
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Kas Kasem

My profile pic is a "seawolf". Get it? Cool, right?
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Kas Kasem

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Dominic Darrimon This is funny Luke Burke-Seawolf ...

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Dominic Darrimon Try to prove your not from alameda and all your professions . Like any one and
everyone wants to be in an alameda forum..... cause alameda is that special 1
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Dominic. I don't understand. Prove I'm NOT from Alameda? Or prove I WAS
from Alameda?
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Luke Burke-Seawolf Dom, Do you need a picture of me in uniform?

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Dominic Darrimon No i was saying its funny she was trying to prove your not an alamedian ...
saying your from colorado ... lol its just funny
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Dominic Darrimon I dont need you to prove anything ....

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Dominic Darrimon There are 30,000 gun related deaths per year by firearms, and this number is
not disputed. U.S. population 324,059,091 as of Wednesday, June 22, 2016. Do the math:
0.000000925% of the population dies from gun related actions each year. Statistically speaking, this
is insignificant! What is never told, however, is a breakdown of those 30,000 deaths, to put them in
perspective as compared to other causes of death:

• 65% of those deaths are by suicide which would never be prevented by gun laws
• 15% are by law enforcement in the line of duty and justified
• 17% are through criminal activity, gang and drug related or mentally ill persons – gun violence
• 3% are accidental discharge deaths
So technically, "gun violence" is not 30,000 annually, but drops to 5,100. Still too many? Well, first,
how are those deaths spanned across the nation?
• 480 homicides (9.4%) were in Chicago
• 344 homicides (6.7%) were in Baltimore
• 333 homicides (6.5%) were in Detroit
• 119 homicides (2.3%) were in Washington D.C. (a 54% increase over prior years)

So basically, 25% of all gun crime happens in just 4 cities. All 4 of those cities have strict gun laws,
so it is not the lack of law that is the root cause.

This basically leaves 3,825 for the entire rest of the nation, or about 75 deaths per state. That is an
average because some States have much higher rates than others. For example, California had
1,169 and Alabama had 1.

Now, who has the strictest gun laws by far? California, of course, but understand, so it is not guns
causing this. It is a crime rate spawned by the number of criminal persons residing in those cities
and states. So if all cities and states are not created equally, then there must be something other
than the tool causing the gun deaths.

Are 5,100 deaths per year horrific? How about in comparison to other deaths? All death is sad and
especially so when it is in the commission of a crime but that is the nature of crime. Robbery, death,
rape, assault all is done by criminals and thinking that criminals will obey laws is ludicrous. That's
why they are criminals.

But what about other deaths each year?

• 40,000+ die from a drug overdose–THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THAT!
• 36,000 people die per year from the flu, far exceeding the criminal gun deaths
• 34,000 people die per year in traffic fatalities(exceeding gun deaths even if you include suicide)

Now it gets good:

• 200,000+ people die each year (and growing) from preventable medical errors. You are safer in
Chicago than when you are in a hospital!

• 710,000 people die per year from heart disease. It’s time to stop the double cheeseburgers! So
what is the point? If Obama and the anti-gun movement focused their attention on heart disease,
even a 10% decrease in cardiac deaths would save twice the number of lives annually of all gun-
related deaths (including suicide, law enforcement, etc.). A 10% reduction in medical errors would
be 66% of the total gun deaths or 4 times the number of criminal homicides......Simple, easily
preventable 10% reductions!

So you have to ask yourself, in the grand scheme of things, why the focus on guns? It's pretty
Taking away guns gives control to governments.

The founders of this nation knew that regardless of the form of government, those in power may
become corrupt and seek to rule as the British did by trying to disarm the populace of the colonies. It
is not difficult to understand that a disarmed populace is a controlled populace.

Thus, the second amendment was proudly and boldly included in the U.S. Constitution. It must be
preserved at all costs.

So the next time someone tries to tell you that gun control is about saving lives, look at these facts
and remember these words from Noah Webster: "Before a standing army can rule, the people must
be disarmed, as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America
cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed and
constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the
United States. A military force at the command of Congress can execute no laws, but such as the
people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power."

Remember, when it comes to "gun control," the important word is “control," not “gun." 1
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Ryan Christifer LaLonde Luke Burke-Seawolf who is Latino?

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Ryan Christifer LaLonde Rhea Butler Wisherop his race is white.

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Dana Constance Luke Burke-Seawolf it’s racist, dude - whether you meant it or not...
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Luke Burke-Seawolf

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Mary Nelson replied · 2 Replies

Tahd Frentzel Many gun enthusiasts are addicted to weaponry and in their addiction can’t tell the
difference between a gun made for personal protection and a gun made for mass casualties. They think of
them in the same terms and have no problem with mentally ill people having easy access to them. 6
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Rosalyn Moya Agreed.

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Josh Bister Wrong sir, I own no guns. Could care less about them. But I will defend the constitution
and the amendments with my bare fists for the safety and freedom that I have in this country.
Mentally ill people should not be entitled to any weapons. Sounds like there should be checks and
balances in order for that to happen. But disarming law abiding citizens s a very bad idea. 2
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Rosalyn Moya Josh Bister then defend a gun-control bill asking for the restriction of guns from
persons with mental illness. 1
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Chad Freitas Rosalyn Moya it's a fallacy to think gun owners want mentally ill to own guns. If you're
on some sort of mood altering medication then you shouldn't own a gun. 1
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Rosalyn Moya I didn’t say gun owners don’t want it, but The NRA and gun owners were pretty quiet
when Trump revoked an Obama-era rule that keeps guns away from people with mental illness.

Trump Undid Obama Rule That

Added Mentally Ill People to Gun…

Like · 1d

John Cuellar Rosalyn Moya this is a great example of someone talking about guns that has no idea
what they are talking about. If you have ever been arrested for a mental illness you can NOT legally
buy a firearm. We need to find a way to keep firearms out of residences of people who are on
psychotropic drugs .
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Rosalyn Moya John Cuellar there needs to be a psychiatric background check and psychiatric test
for people who are purchasing guns. In addition to seamless universal national background check in
general with a 4 week waiting period.

Many persons with mental illness have been able to get guns because they have not been arrested.
Like, Stephen Paddock, Cruz, and Dyllan Roof, who all LEGALLY purchased their gun.
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Carina Brown Here's the thing though. In not listening to gun control advocates, you are effectively
turning a blind eye to ALL the aspects they're asking for. It's not an attempt to disarm the entire
country... but right now, we're being blocked from even RESEARCH... See More 2
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Josh Bister Carina Brown your political party wants to disarm America. Look into it. Not one sign
they carry has anything to do with let’s discuss solutions. It’s get rid of guns. Solutions have been
presented. Having a armed guard or volunteer teachers that are trained to carry. There are armed
guards at the bank to protect your money. Shouldn’t they be at schools to protect your kids. 1
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Carina Brown Signs need to be short and to the point, and while there are ppl who want to do away
with guns entirely, it's because they've been fighting for common sense gun control for yeeaaars
and been unheard and kids keep dying in increasing numbers, so they're... See More
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Nannette Hamaker Carina Brown

I am a gun owner and I agree, let’s fix what is broken and improve and fix the laws1
Like · 20h

Rosalyn Moya Josh Bister no we don’t need armed guards in school. Resource Officers have been
more hurtful than helpful. This is a solution that only works for white bodies, unlike black and brown
bodies that get shot for holding skittles, pens and phones. This will also only increase the school to
prison pipeline, of sending kids to juvenile hall for minor teenager things like wearing a halter top. 1
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Victor Early John Cuellar so are cannabis and alcohol considered psychotropic?
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Josh Bister Rosalyn Moya wow. Here we go with the racist stuff again.
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Rosalyn Moya Josh Bister yup, happens about just as often as “here we go with People being
ignorant again”
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Chad Freitas

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Chad Freitas

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Chad Freitas

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Chad Freitas
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Chad Freitas

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John Cuellar I don’t think anyone in their right mind is comfortable with mentally ill people having
access to any firearms, and unfortunately that is a large part of the problem. I think it’s time for us to
give up a little personal privacy if you desire to own a firearm. That privacy would be a federal
clearing house where if you have ever been on psychotropic drugs your name is on file and you can
NOT own a firearm, nor can a firearm be stored at the residence until you have completed an in
depth psychological evaluation and are cleared by a judge. There are far, far to many people out
there that are in possession of firearms who should not have them. 1
Like · 15h

Josh Bister

21,745,637 ViewsProducts shown:

Stop Bullying V-Neck tee

STOP Bullying

STOP Bullying Like Page

March 25 at 9:40am ·

We dont have a gun problem, we have a Generation Brat, poor

parenting problem.
Leave the 2nd A. alone and do your job as a parent! Kids will
march for gun control, but cheer on and provoke bullying to the
point the bullied kid breaks. How about March For Bully
Control......Children..... #Stopbullying #nomorebullies

Like · 15h

John Cuellar Rosalyn Moya exactly, and that why a federal clearing house with the names of
everyone who has been treated with psychotropic drugs is necessary.....because there a lot of nut
cases out there who have NOT been arrested but own guns.
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John Cuellar Victor Early yes they are.

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Victor Early So anyone who uses alcohol or cannabis shouldn't be allowed to own a gun?
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Victor Early So anyone who uses alcohol or cannabis shouldn't be allowed to own a gun?
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John Cuellar Victor Early I have yet to run into someone using the wacky weed who was violent or
hostile, can’t say the same about alcohol.
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Victor Early So people that use alcohol shouldn't be allowed to own guns?
Like · 15h

John Cuellar Victor Early , considering caffeine, benedryl and other common products are
considered a psychotropic drug there are some areas that need to be looked at. With regards to
alcohol you can find articles daily where someone somewhere under the influenc... See More 1
Like · 15h

Scott Kiddy Common sense is not so common, I guess. If the shooters had been unable to get their hands
on assault-style weapons, then they would not have been able to commit these crimes. It's sickening to me
that the only response some people have is "What about my rights?" The moment some people think that
something is being taken away from them (which is not even the case here) their ability to have a rational
or intelligent conversation about the topic goes out the window. 5
Like · 1d

Josh Bister replied · 17 Replies · 45 mins

Dominic Darrimon

Angry · 1d

Rosalyn Moya These children from Florida are speaking on their behalf based on their horrifying
experiences. 3
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Tahd Frentzel Seriously... you may not like their message, but at least give them the dignity of
owning their own minds. Comparing that to Hitler just makes you look like a silly billy.
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Dominic Darrimon

Angry · 1d

Rosalyn Moya replied · 1 Reply

Brian Kennedy I didn’t know that illegal alien gangbangers got their guns at our local Big Five. Nice work
Alameda progressives. 1
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Dominic Darrimon They get their guns in oakland1

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Dominic Darrimon Half the price of bug 5

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Chip Johnson Since the Parkland shooting, the NRA has increased their online ad budget by about
$35,000 per day, to almost $50,000 per day.

These posters are coming out of the woodwork because they’re scared. ... See More
New data show the NRA increased online
ad spending aggressively after Parkland…

Like · 1d · Edited

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Chad Freitas Yeah working to sell guns.

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Rosalyn Moya Chad Freitas this happens after every shooting, irregardless of children speaking for
themselves. That is because gun owners are cowards living with their irrational fear, so they buy
guns after every shooting.

These awesome kids are will change our country so that it never happens again. 1
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Josh Bister Chad Freitas working to save your constitutional rights. Without the second
amendment you wouldn’t have the freedom you have today.
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Rosalyn Moya Josh Bister there are many things that guns have done, but giving me my freedom is
not one of them. The right to life, liberty, equality and pursuit of happiness was given to me, as a
person of color, by Martin Luther King. MLK, a person who used powerful words and people power,
and did not need to use a gun. A white male with a sniper gun took him away. 1
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Chip Johnson Chad & Josh, proving my point! They’re desperate for you to stop. Keep it up, kids!
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Chad Freitas Desperate for me to stop what exactly?

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Josh Bister Rosalyn Moya you really need to think about that. If we didn’t have the civil war with
GUNS there still would be slaves today. But thanks to the REPUBLICANS. We took that away from
the Democrats. Since you brought up race an all with a White guy shooting MLK. Remember when
a illegal Mexican killed a White girl in SanFrancisco with a gun he stole. Then you guys defended
him because he was illegal. Yeah that happened.
Like · 1d

Chad Freitas And now he's suing.... Let that sink in... An illegal alien who killed a girl with a stolen
gun is now suing the United States.

Illegal Alien Acquitted of Murdering

Kate Steinle Sues Feds for…


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Chad Freitas

Kate Steinle death: Illegal
immigrant accuses federal…

Like · 1d

Chip Johnson Look at how scared Chad is!

With every additional post he just proves the effectiveness of these marches!... See More
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Rosalyn Moya Josh Bister if the ranger had a gun with a finger-print requirement so that no one
can shoot the gun but him, then the person wouldn’t have been able to accidentally fire a ranger’s
gun....yea, gun control can prevent that easy.

Ranger's stolen gun used in SF Pier

14 shooting

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Chad Freitas Scared about what Chip Johnson? I'm not scared of anything.
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Chad Freitas Rosalyn and if the illegal immigrant who had been deported multiple times for various
felonies didn't make his way back illegally into San Francisco and illegally steal a gun he wouldn't
have been able to kill her. How does a gun accidently fire by the way? Just curious...
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Rosalyn Moya Chad Freitas many different ways, you tube has many videos of it. But “The U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 74 minors died from accidental discharges
of firearms in 2014, the latest year for which comparable data are available. “

A lot more kids killed in gun

accidents than gov't says, study…

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Chad Freitas I see you like these statistics. Here's a good statistic for ya. Nearly 1.3 million people
die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day. An additional 20-50 million are
injured or disabled. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44. 1
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Chad Freitas I don't know what to tell you? Maybe the gun shoulda been locked up? Maybe the
parents should have taught him. About gun safety. Maybe he shouldn't have put a loaded gun to his
and pulled the trigger?
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Josh Bister Chad Freitas I mentioned the phone tragedy in another post and there still pissed at
me. Lol. But the sad thing it’s true.
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Rosalyn Moya Chad Freitas these are statistics on misdirection from gun control. This is what the
NRA wants. It won’t work.
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Chad Freitas You're full of misdirection. The NRA doesn't own me. I don't agree with some of what
the NRA stands for. Millions and millions of guns are sitting in gun safe right this very moment, and
not one of them is hurting anybody. 1
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Rosalyn Moya Chad Freitas NRA may not own you, but you are supporting it by echoing their
talking points, which is what the NRA wants. Misdirection is a classic NRA tactic.
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Chad Freitas I'm free to think for myself Rosalyn. You're echoing the same talking as every other
anti gun person says as well. I've seen the same exact response of blaming the ranger for getting
his gun stolen by a felon and not the felon himself. I mean really? You honestly don't blame the guy
who killed Kate steinle? You blame the gun and the ranger who had it stolen? 1
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Rosalyn Moya Chad Freitas I support responsible gun ownership, I support only guns with low
capacity magazines and finger-print security features. I support responsible gun owners who lock up
their guns. And I support gun owners who are patient enough to wait 2-4 ... See More 1
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Josh Bister Rosalyn Moya I agree. Be careful you are starting to sound like a conservative. You
present reasonable solutions. Your party will not approve of what you are saying.
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Rosalyn Moya Josh Bister I have no particular party, though I consider myself liberal and I’m not
offended by you calling me conservative sounding.

But Gun control doesn’t really have to be a Democrat Vs. Republican thing or a conservative vs.
liberal thing. It’s ... See More
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Chad Freitas Rosalyn since you quoted a CDC statistic of the 74 minors annual accidental deaths
by firearms. I'd like to point out the CDC states there are over 5000 cases of suicide from the 15-24
range a year...from bullying. Why not March for those lives? Maybe because it doesn't fit a political
agenda? Wheres the outrage on those lives lost from being bullied?
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Rosalyn Moya Chad- this person said it best.

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Josh Bister Rosalyn Moya that’s not what the NRA is really about. There there to support the 2nd
Amendment and educate people on gun safety. But every organization does need money to
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Chad Freitas Says what best? That's not about suicide and bullying.
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Rosalyn Moya Josh Bister if that were true about the NRA, where were they when Philando Castille
was shot? The NRA didn’t say anything about his second amendment rights.

But the NRA has been there to reject all and any gun control policy. NRA doesn’t care about your
second amendment rights, they care about profiting the gun industry.

“the group has lobbied against laws intended to prevent children from getting their hands on
unsecured guns. RAND's researchers uncovered strong evidence that these laws prevent
unintentional firearm injuries among adults and children, and that they're effective at preventing
suicides, as well.

The NRA also opposes expanding background checks for gun purchases because “background
checks don’t stop criminals from getting firearms.” “

Analysis | The best available

evidence suggests NRA-backed…

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Christopher Morris People want to be socialist until it's time to do socialist stuff. Even the socialists
populations are under a tyranical government and therefore expendable for the greater good. Becareful
what you ask for, because you Just might get it. 2
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Rosalyn Moya This has nothing to do with socialism. This is misdirection and mislabeling. Please
look up what socialist means.

“a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of
production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a
whole.”... See More
Like · 1d

David Griest These people know that ASSAULT RIFLES are already Illegal. Also you have to buy ammo
through a dealer. Also we have background checks and do NOT allow people with mental health diagnoses
to get or have guns in CALIFORNIA already?
Like · 1d

David Griest These people know that ASSAULT RIFLES are already Illegal. Also you have to buy ammo
through a dealer. Also we have background checks and do NOT allow people with mental health diagnoses
to get or have guns in CALIFORNIA already?
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Hide 21 Replies

Rosalyn Moya A common sense National gun control policy.

It’s not in every state. It’s too easy to bring these things to California.
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Chip Johnson Pity you’re too stupid to use google, what they’re asking for is right there on the

How We Save Lives - March For

Our Lives

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Josh Bister Rosalyn Moya there coming from next door. Build the Wall!!1
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David Griest Rosalyn Moya They can’t bring them into California. That ILLEGAL.1
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Rosalyn Moya David Griest and yet it’s easy to bring it across states, but not across countries.
That’s why a national law is needed.

It’s also easy to get around the California gun control loopholes. Ie. I know a Californian that sold his
Assault rifle from the military online easy...I was too young and too late to do anything about
it.... See More
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Rosalyn Moya Josh Bister you’re using misdirection with a wall. “What about kids learn CPR”....
introduce Any cockamamie solution, but gun control is the NRA mantra.
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Chad Freitas Chip is a real scholar. He dun knowd how to use a groogle. Those are real vague
request. Limit fire power on the streets? Give me a break. Just admit it you, want to take away all
guns and ban everything.
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David Griest Rosalyn Moya You are basing your decision on Hear say instead of facts. What is the
loop hole? And how long ago was that. Tell me how a Californian got to keep his Military issued
rifle? That has not happened since WW 1.
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Chad Freitas I'm basing my decision on the interviews I've seen on TV and the emotional
outpouring on these posts. What loophole are you talking about? What are you even talking about
you lost me.
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Rosalyn Moya David Griest it was my cousin who was in the iraq war army ranger. I don’t know
how he did it, but he did it because I saw the gun and told me where he got it. He had it a while and
sold it around 2007 via internet, plus or minus 5 years, I’m not reall... See More
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David Griest Rosalyn Moya Well, I would ask that you do a little more research on current gun laws
and not operate and form an opinion on an assumption from a second hand story over a decade
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Rosalyn Moya David Griest maybe it’s not all true. But the fact remains that he was in California
with that gun, because I saw it.
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David Griest Chad Freitas I would suggest you check with stats from reputable sources (NOT
News outlets) and not make decisions on people emotions. Think for yourself and make WELL
informed decision. This seems to becoming a lost art.
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David Griest Rosalyn Moya That is not a fact. It is an assumption of a 2nd hand story you heard 11
years ago. No factual basis at all. Could have been some youngster bragging about something to
impress someone.
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Rosalyn Moya I don’t tout to know everything, but I know enough.

It is a fact that our gun control laws nationwide is too lax and is a patchwork mess. ... See More
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Rosalyn Moya David Griest yea, it was my older army ranger cousin bragging to me about his gun
and showing it to my face. I held it, but I didn’t get to shoot it.

This isn’t even to mention how we would go shooting and I’d see people bring their M4 and M16 or
whatever. They can’t even shoot a non-moving soda can on the ground, but they sure shot
everything around it.
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David Griest Rosalyn Moya They keep point to places like Cali and Chicago because they have the
toughest gun laws in the country. Yet it does not stop these incidents. Cali has had mass shootings
and Chicago has an embarrassingly high homicide rate. Yet nobody want... See More 2
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Chad Freitas David Griest you're people are very hypocrital... is that kid thinking for himself? Or is
his mommy and daddy making wittle Johnny March with a sign he has no idea the meaning of?
Yeah let's let him, who can't even own a gun for another 10 years, make the decisions for me. Get a
life you're intolerance and unwillingness to accept the fact that you're trying to manipulate kids
minds into thinking the big bad nra is the problem, when it's your intolerance and hatred for people
who have a different viewpoint that you.

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David Griest Chad Freitas I think you are responding to the wrong person. I am on your side.1
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Chad Freitas David Griest my bad David

Like · 23h

Alex Vinson The same in AZ, so someone can't just bring in anything on the I-10.
Like · 22h

Jeanne Lahaie So proud of Alamedans of all ages who protested this weekend. You are awesome!4
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