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Silver Lakes Garden Club Meeting Minutes

March 24th, 2018

The annual meeting of the Silver Lakes Garden Club began with 18
members attending The Naples Flower Show and Garden Market held at the
Naples Botanical Gardens. The theme of this year's show was “Naples Style”
with many juried designs and horticultural exhibits. Members spent three and
a half hours enjoying the show and wandering the gardens.
At 2 PM we gathered at Sam Snead's Restaurant where we were joined by
two more members to enjoy fellowship and a delicious lunch. Many thanks to
Jolene Smith for arranging the activities of this day.
Peggy Shereda called a short meeting to order at the restaurant and
passed out a report of our 2017/2018 season in review. At the time of this
meeting the balance in our treasury is $7568.38.
Peggy thanked Kathy Bisonic for her development of the “New Member
Packet and Welcome letter.” We are pleased to recognize four new members:

Linda Smith
Cheryl Walter
Dee Vito
Jo Baum
Well wishes and God speed were voiced to Maggie Spiers as she is taking
a “leave of absence” from the garden club to travel with her husband, John.
Gratitude was expressed to Gail Miller and Jane Barry for the excellent
planning and work their education committee put in for our third educational
event this year,”Silver Lakes Garden Walk.” The event was well attended and
most appreciated by all who participated.
Pat Bradley with her co-chair, Gloria Padula, gave us an update on the
status of our event for 2018, scheduled for January 19th. Carrabbas has been
secured to cater the evening with a Chicken Marsala dinner. Garden club
members will provide dessert. Chair people are in place for all areas needed
to host this event and Pat circulated a sign up sheet for members to help on
these committees.
Suggestions were offered for garden club projects next season: (keeping
in mind that we are already committed to two payments of $3,750 for the
enhancement of the island entry to Silver Lakes)
 Four seasonal arrangements for the credenza by the front
door at the Diamond Club House
 Wall décor for the Happy Valley Pool
 Awnings for the Guard Shack

Peggy Shereda and Margaret Weber were presented with thank you gifts
from the membership in appreciation of their efforts, leadership and devotion
to this organization.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Jo Kolde

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