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What is love? Love is more than ͚a-butterfly-flutters-in-your stomach͛ or ͚flying-to-the-sky͛ feeling. It is

more than a psychological event when your body holds a strong affection emotion. Have you ever
wonder where do those feelings come from? Those ͚stomach-fluttering͛ and sudden nervous are called

What is love? What does it do with infatuation? Why does it make you do foolish admiration?

Love is complicated. It is something more than just an L-O-V-E. It is more than a feeling. It is also more
than a verb. It is all about chemical reaction events on your body.

people that fall in love is cannot control their brain. When we attracted to somebody, with an irresistible
of chemicals, our brain makes us to fall in love. Psychologists have shown it takes between 90 seconds
and 4 minutes to decide if a person fancies someone.

There are many researches of love and its effects to our body. To make the observation easier, a Rutgers
University scientist named Helen Fisher has divided the stages of love. Every stage has different
hormone chemicals that produced in our brain. The stages are lust, attraction, and attachment. The
hormones are serotonin, dopamine, estrogen, testosterone, oxytocin, and vasopressin. Each of them
affects different part of brain too.


Lust is the first stage of love. According to u  

lust is also known as the desire of love.

This experiment is common to be found when human reaches puberty. It plays important role in our life.

According to an article by Lisa Diamond, lust and romantic love are two different things caused by

different things. Lust evolved for the purpose of sexual mating, while romantic love evolved because of

the need for infant/child bonding. Love relationships usually begin with a strong physical and emotional

attraction that produces consciousness.

Beside works based on estrogen and testosterone (sexual hormones that cause puberty in human

development), the brain also saturated with a hormone called endorphin. According to
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endorphin creates the feeling of pleasure that accompany love infatuation.

The feeling is same with a person after they eat something pleasurable like chocolate and after they

have a strong exercise.


If the relationship keeps continue, the next stage is attraction or romantic passion. In this stage, both

the woman and man are reeling with romance and passion until they finally find out the true side of

each person. The attraction stage can be felt when the person feels the heart is making more sense than

his or her brain. ͞Love is blind͟ saying is really accurate in this stage.

According to Ruth D. Kerce, attraction stage works both in emotion and physics. The physical area is

when the body reacts to another͛s. It affects the heartbeat systolic rate, temperature rises, palms get

sweaty, stomachache, and the throat tightens. Usually, this is called the love symptoms.

The emotion affects usually when the couple starts to give interest to each other and do some shares

each other about their career, family, etc. It is usually happening when the couple doesn͛t do physical

activities. The feeling is also usually stronger than physical.

According to = 
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scientists believe that attraction stage has three neurotransmitters

involved. Neurotransmitter is a chemical that transmits a message between nerve cells in the brain.

They are dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin. Dopamine stimulates the rush of pleasure so it makes

human become over-excited, adrenaline is increasing human heartbeat rate so it makes them sweat and

asphyxiated, and serotonin which makes human can͛t stop thinking about their lover in their head. In

addition, norepinephrine also produced in this stage. It is similar to adrenaline which is producing bliss

and excitement.









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