2 Million Years Ago

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2 Oldest Homosapians lived here from 5 - 2 million years ago.

Many articles of
Million stone age are found from different Archeological sites and are displayed at
years different museums of Pakistan.

7000 BC Village culture of Mahar Garh was developed. The site of Mahargarh reveals
3500 BC that people were cultivating crops on rain dependent lands.They were making
Excellency Quality of ceramics from terracotta. Some figurines of women have
been found which are beautifully decorated and are displayed at various
museums of Pakistan

3500 BC Kot DGian Culture . After the Mahargarh people moved eastward for better
3000 BC alluvial land and in search of a place less vulnerable of the dangers of river.
They built fortified villages with mud & stone houses. They built tools of metal
and were more learnt in the making of ceramics.

3300 BC The people left the small villages and built a big city with all the civic facilities
1700 BC and planning. Emergence of prosperous Indus civilization. Moen Jo Daro was
one of the main cities of this most advanced civilization of the world There are
buildings made of baked bricks a rich treasure of ceramics covered drainage,
grid system of the streets are few of the things of Indus civilization you can

1700 BC Indus civilization was buried in time and Aryans arrive. There is no factual
reason how Indus civilization was destroyed but it was certainly missing from
the records after 1700BC

1200 BC Earliest hyms of Ragveda were written in the Indus valley (Pakistan) ragveda is
the oldest writings

1000 BC Post Indus civilization culture decline in art and architecture is seen. There are
600 BC numerous un excavated sites of this period in Pakistan.

516 BC The Achiminidians of Persia ruled the Northern part as the eastern most
486 BC province of Persia ( Gandhara ) King Darius made a map of the world and
described the land beyond Indus as Deserta enconita (Unknown Desert) .
Taxila the famous archeological site was established as the Capital of Gandhara
326 BC Alexander the great entered through Khyber pass and Chitral conquered the
Kabul valley. The king of Taxila submitted before the Alexander and the whole
region was conquered by Alexander. From the south of Indus he continued to
Iran via Baluchistan desert (In Pakistan)

324 BC Land was governed by Philip one of the men of Alexander who was later
assassinated ; Eudaamus was took his place as the ruler.

323 BC Alexander dies, the country remains in the hands of Eudamus

317 BC Chandragupta the founder of Maurya empire takes over Punjab.

208 BC Chandragupta dies Asoka then Governor of Taxila accesses and unites the
274 BC small kingdoms.

262 BC Asoka is impressed with a Buddhist monk and accepts Buddhism as his
religion. The Ashes of Buddha are collected and are distributed into 8 different
Stupas. Asoka propagates the teachings of Buddha and develops new rules for
the religion.

Foundation of Bactria & Parthia Kingdoms in Afghanistan & North of Iran , by

250 BC
the greeks

Death of Asoka the Maurya empire is badly disturbed and eventually breaks
232 BC
into small kingdoms.

Bactrians take over Gandhara followed by Maurian descendents and later

189 BC

Sakas Parthians from central Asia after conquering Iran, Bactria etc take over
90 BC

40 AD Visit of St. Thomas at Taxila his cathedral is still alive in Taxila.

Kushans from central Asia take over Gandhara and propagate Buddhism
60 AD
Gandhara art is patronized and reaches at its peak

300 AD Kushans are slowly replaces by Sassanians from Iran

400 AD Kidar Kushans unite the country and take hold

White Huns invade Gandhara and are converted to Hinduism They Destroy all
455 AD
Buddhist Monasteries Stupas and did mass killing. Buddhism declines

Sassanians & Turks overthrow Huns Buddhism could not recover but emerges
565 AD
in China

Huan Tsang travels in the northeran Pakistan & describes the state of
buddhisam. Buddhisam falls

Turks Shahis in North and Hindu Rajas in the south ruling as smaller states.

Mohammed Bin Qasim (First Muslim ) Conquers The south eastern par of Sindh
711 AD
Banbhore and later many cities in Sindh & Southern Punjab are conquered

870AD Hindu Shahi from central Asia arrive .

1001- Mahmood of Ghazni came Islam becomes the state religion and a lot of
26 population is converted to Islam.

1034 Local dynasties rule the In Sindh Sumrah rule until 1337

Ghourids replace Ghaznavis

The consolidation of Muslim Sultanate in North India

Ghengis Khan invades and takes over Punjab from Muslims

Sammahs overthrow Sumrahs in Sindh

Temurlane of Uzbekistan arrives via Khyber pass

1400 + Decline of the Delhi Sultanate. Separation into small kingdoms. Founding of the
+ Sikh religion

1506 Babur, the first Moghul arrives after conquering central Asia & Afghanistan

Shah Beg Arghun Rules Sindh Local Rinds also help to overthrow Sammahs

1526 Babur ( Moghul) Overthrown the last Sultan of Delhi. India is reunited under
AD the banner of Moghul empire

1530- Sher Shah Suri attacks the Moghul empire and puts Emperor Humayoon Son of
56 AD Babur in Exile in Persia

Death of Sher Shah Suri. Tarkhans take over Sindh Thatta is the capital

1605 Akbar the Great son of Humayoon is the emperor Moghul empire is at boom

Shah Jehan the greatest patron of architecture becomes the emperor.Taj Mahal
, Lahore fort's Nolakha Mahal Shahjehan Mosque and many other wonderful
buildings wee built

1658- Aurangzeb Alamgir becomes the emperor. Sikhs organize themselves as a

1707 warrior tribe

Hyderabad becomes the capital of Sindh and Kalhoras rule it

Nadir Shah of Persia Invades

1747- Ahmed Shah Durrani founds Kingdom of Afghanistan. Some territories of The
1773 Subcontinent Including NWFP , Kashmir & Punjab

Sikhs become the dominant in Punjab . Ruling from Lahore

Talpurs Mirs Rule Sindh From Hyderabad
Ranjit Singh Rules Punjab and conquers Peshawar valley

British annex Sindh Karachi is taken by Lord Napair. First British Afghan War

First British Sikh War

1848- British take Punjab from Sikhs in the second Sikh war. A big part of India is
1849 under British

1857 First War of Independence or Mutiny as called by the British

1876 Mohammed Ali Jinnah Founder of Pakistan born in Karachi

1887 Baluchistan is also taken by the British

1889 Gilgit Agency made by the British in Gilgit

1891 Hunza & Nagar valleys also become part of British empire

1906 All India Muslim was founded

Allama Iqbal awakens Muslims with his poetry and suggests creation of a
separate Muslim country

Muslim League under the Leadership of Jinnah passes the resolution of

Pakistan in Lahore

6th June Referendum is held In India by the British 14th August India is
1947 divided into two and British leave. Quid e Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah becomes
the first governor General of Pakistan.

Demise of Jinnah First War between Pakistan & India over Kashmir & Gilgit

1949 UN sponsors cease-fire in Kashmir

1958 First Marshal Law (Military Government ) of Ayub Khan

1965 2nd India Pakistan war UN declares cease-fire

1969 General Yahya Khan becomes the Leader of Pakistan

3rd India Pakistan war results the break of Bangladesh which becomes a
separate country.

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto governs the country

1977 Gen. Ziaaul Haq takes over the Country as the Marshal Law administrator

Non Party Elections in Pakistan Mohammed Khan Junejo becomes the Prime

17th August Gen. Zia Ul Haq killed in a Plane crash. Party based Elections held
Banazir Bhutto becomes the prime minister

Banazir dismissed from office New Elections held and Nawaz Sharief becomes
the prime minister

1992 Nawaz Sharief's resigns and Banazir takes over in the new elections

Banazir was dismissed again and Nawaz Sharief takes the office in the new
elections & Continues to rule

Musharaf the then Chief of Army Staff coups the Nawaz Sharief Government
and Musharaf becomes the president of Pakistan

General Elections hold by the CEO General Musharraf a faction of Pakistan

muslim legue wins and Mr. Jamali becomes the Prime minister of Pakistan

Prime minister Mr. Jamali  resigns and Mr. Chaudhry becomes interim prime
2004 minister for 3 months and Mr. Shoukat Aziz became the Prime minister of

2004 -
Shoukat Aziz was selected by the parliament as the prime minister

2007 Benazir Bhutoo was assisinated by a gunfire

2008 New Elections were held and Pakistan peoples won the elections.

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