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Partly sunny 47/32 • Tomorrow: Rain 48/31 B8 Democracy Dies in Darkness FRIDAY, MARCH 16 , 2018
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New sanctions
target Russians
Lawmakers: Not enough to punish election interference
BY A NNE G EARAN a narrow list of targets rather
AND E LLEN N AKASHIMA than the broader range of indi-
viduals and entities believed to
The Trump administration on have played a role in Russia’s
Thursday took its strongest ac- efforts to interfere in the elec-
tion to date to punish Moscow for tion.
interfering in the 2016 election, In both cases, pressure from
imposing fresh financial sanc- Congress and allies helped nudge
tions on Russian government the White House toward a stron-
hackers and spy agencies. ger response. Republicans have
The administration also for- joined Democrats in urging the
mally backed Britain’s claims administration to penalize Rus-
that Moscow is almost certainly sia more strongly, while suggest-
to blame for a chemical toxin ing that President Trump set
attack against a former Russian aside concerns about examining
spy living in England who was the election interference that he
found comatose along with his initially dismissed as a “hoax.”
daughter earlier this month. Lawmakers have been telling
The sanctions were the first the White House for months that
such actions taken under legisla- RUSSIA CONTINUED ON A12
tion passed nearly unanimously
last year by Congress and follow Trump stands by remarks
months of criticism that the President defends his sharp words
JOE RAEDLE/GETTY IMAGES about U.S. trade partners. A13
White House has been slow to
Vehicles are trapped under a bridge that was installed just days ago to connect Sweetwater with Florida International University. counter Russian aggression. But
the steps taken Thursday fell well Allies support U.K. in spy case
short of the full penalties Con- U.S., France and Germany say

New bridge collapses at Fla. college gress authorized and focused on Russia likely source of attack. A12

At least 4 killed as cars

Fatal failure
The 960-ton pedestrian bridge that collapsed Thursday near Florida
and to make it safer for students
to cross a frenetic roadway.
Trump plans to replace
crushed under Miami
pedestrian span
International University was part of a construction project to connect
the bustling Miami college with the city of Sweetwater.
“It was going to be a signifi-
cant project,” Sen. Marco Rubio
(R-Fla.) said Thursday night. “To
McMaster, maybe others
Planned bridge
see it on the ground and under-
neath it those who died and who A SHLEY P ARKER,
BY both that the three-star Army gen-
were injured is a tragedy.” J OSH D AWSEY, eral is not humiliated and that
BY F RANCISCO A LVARADO, Florida Int’l University Sweetwater He said the cause of the col- P HILIP R UCKER there is a strong successor lined
S USAN S VRLUGA, lapse will be fully investigated. AND C AROL D . L EONNIG up, these people said.
F AIZ S IDDIQUI Collapsed section of bridge “The victims and their families The turbulence is part of a
AND A ARON C . D AVIS deserve to know what went President Trump has decided to broader potential shake-up under
wrong. There will be an extraor- remove H.R. McMaster as his na- consideration by Trump that is
miami — At least four people Road Road Water dinary review into what the er- tional security adviser and is ac- likely to include senior officials at
were killed when a pedestrian rors were and what led to this tively discussing potential re- the White House, where staffers
bridge hailed for a novel con- Note: Illustration based on project models and pictures of the bridge catastrophic collapse,” Rubio placements, according to five peo- are gripped by fear and un-
struction method collapsed Sources: FIU, Munilla Construction Management, said. ple with knowledge of the plans, certainty as they await the next
Thursday over a busy road west FIGG Bridge Engineers THE WASHINGTON POST Juan Perez, director of the preparing to deliver yet another move from an impulsive president
of Miami, crushing eight vehi- Miami-Dade Police Depart- jolt to the senior ranks of his ad- who enjoys stoking conflict.
cles and leaving rescue workers hospitals, a fire department offi- 1:30 p.m. ment, said Thursday night that a ministration. For all of the evident disorder,
racing to free victims from cial said. Vehicles were stopped The bridge was designed to number of families would face Trump is now comfortable with TRUMP CONTINUED ON A14
chunks of concrete and snapped at a red light when the bridge, connect the city of Sweetwater “a sad outcome” and that a ousting McMaster, with whom he
metal. which weighed more than with the sprawling campus of homicide unit would investi- never personally gelled, but is will- Trump’s new firing style
Nine survivors were taken to 950 tons, crashed down about Florida International University BRIDGE CONTINUED ON A10 ing to take time executing the He says he thrives on conflict, but
move because he wants to ensure avoids personal confrontation. A14

After a mass shooting, the Syrians flee Damascus suburb amid onslaught
torment of motive lingers BY L IZ S LY
BY W ILLIAM W AN This week, prosecutors said
AND M ARK B ERMAN they would seek a death sentence beirut — Thousands of people
for 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, say- streamed out of the Eastern
Long after the sirens, vigils ing the rampage “was committed Ghouta suburb of Damascus on
and cable news debates, the in a cold, calculated, and pre- Thursday in the first exodus from
question remains. meditated manner.” that besieged enclave, after Syr-
It nags at survivors and their In coming months, Cruz — ian forces stormed a town in the
families. It haunts investigators who police say confessed to the biggest remaining rebel strong-
as they comb through the gun- Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory hold near the capital.
man’s belongings, text messages Stoneman Douglas High School The throngs swarming out of
and the scattered pieces of his — will be scrutinized in granular the town of Hammouriya fore-
life. detail by detectives, lawyers and shadowed the chaos that may lie
Even as our attention as a forensic psychiatrists. All of ahead as loyalist forces advance
society fades, the mystery of them will try to answer some into the remaining rebel-held ar-
motive lingers like an open, for- form of this question: Why? eas, home to an estimated
gotten wound until the next “You want to do everything 393,000 people, according to the
shooting, the next cycle of grief, you can for the families, and United Nations.
outrage and desperate search for that’s the question that is being The departures came after an
answers. asked. Why my son? Why my overnight blitz of airstrikes that
In Parkland, Fla., investigators daughter? Why was this person left civilians and fighters scram-
have an unusual opportunity to ripped from me for this senseless bling to escape, residents and
answer that question after a high act?” said Daniel J. Oates, who human rights monitors reported.
school massacre left 17 dead, was police chief in Aurora, Colo., Syrian state television said
because the suspected shooter when a shooter in 2012 tossed 10,000 people had fled to
remains alive — a rarity in these tear-gas grenades into a movie government-held territory by
kinds of mass shootings. SHOOTER CONTINUED ON A11 People leave the town of Hammouriya in Eastern Ghouta, outside the Syrian capital. SYRIA CONTINUED ON A8

In THE NEWS Trump’s charges that al-

lies aren’t contributing
painkillers, citing the
costs in services and Inside
enough. A8 human lives. B1
THE NATION Congress has one week The D.C. Council’s WEEKEND
Republicans are not to pass a $1.3 trillion THE ECONOMY chairman said that, de-
ready to concede defeat spending bill and avoid Toys R Us’s failure can Happier hours
spite his objections, he The D.C. spots that pair
in a House special elec- a government shut- be explained simply: won’t try to block a
tion in Pennsylvania. A2 down. Here’s what you Not enough babies discounts with cheffy food
Metro funding deal. B1 and high-quality drinks.
The ACLU filed a class- need to know. A4 were being born in the
countries where it District officials faced
action lawsuit in Wash- ST YLE
THE WORLD operated. A15 questions from advo-
ington alleging that the 2, with a publicist
cates concerned that ac-
Trump administration Peru’s Congress voted Saudi Arabia’s crown A toddler’s viral moment
celerated closure plans
is illegally detaining to reopen impeachment prince aims to lure with Michelle Obama puts
for a shelter will put
nine asylum seekers. A2 proceedings against American investors, but a mom to the test. C1
some homeless families
The FDA took the first President Pedro Pablo the location may not at risk. B5
TONI L. SANDYS/THE WASHINGTON POST concrete action to re- Kuczynski. A6 charm them. A16
duce nicotine in ciga- In Brazil, nostalgia is OBITUARIES
Hello, goodbye The Redskins introduced Alex rettes and make them growing for the law and THE REGION
Michael Getler, a Post BUSINESS NEWS ........................ A16

Smith, above, as their new quarterback, as the less addictive. A3 order, but not the bru- A small town in Mary- correspondent and edi-
OPINION PAGES ......................... A20
Progressive Austin tality, of dictatorship. A6 land enacted an eight- tor who later led the DAILY CODE, DETAILS, B2
Vikings did the same with Kirk Cousins. D1 fold property tax in-
LOTTERIES ................................... B3
wonders: Would more NATO members in- International Herald OBITUARIES ................................. B5
1 8 0 3
have been done if the creased defense spend- crease, and business Tribune and served as
Pledge to parents Mayor Muriel E. Bowser owners are suing. B1
WORLD NEWS .............................. A6
first bomb had exploded ing for a third straight an in-house media critic
promised to rebuild trust in public schools in the white part of year, but that’s unlikely Alexandria is suing at The Post and PBS, CONTENT © 2018
during her State of the District address. B1 town? A3 to allay President sellers of prescription died March 15 at 82. B5 The Washington Post / Year 141, No. 101

ACLU lawsuit says Trump administration is illegally jailing asylum seekers

BY M ARIA S ACCHETTI by a gang in Haiti that beat him, also said it wants to slash the Obama also detained asylum said he fled to the United States
set his motorcycle ablaze and immigration court docket of seekers — including Damus, the after receiving death threats and
A lawsuit filed in U.S. District threatened to kill him for criticiz-
Group wants president to 600,000 cases in half by 2020. Haitian teacher who is a plaintiff having a gun pointed at his head,
Court in Washington on Thurs- ing a politician. He won his asy- follow policy permitting The ACLU lawsuit is filed in the lawsuit — the ACLU said spent three months in U.S. deten-
day alleges the Trump adminis- lum case — twice — but has spent against the Department of Home- the number who are released tion — which he described as
tration is illegally jailing asylum 16 months in detention, most
pre-hearing release land Security and its sub-agency, while their cases are pending has “hell” — before he gave up and
seekers with credible cases for recently in Ohio, while the gov- Immigration and Customs En- plunged under the Trump admin- went home.
months on end in an attempt to ernment appeals. forcement, which detains immi- istration. Beyond detaining immigrants,
deter them and others from seek- Other plaintiffs are Alexi Mon- immigration judge, lawyers said. grants, and the Justice Depart- The lawsuit said 96 percent of Sessions also recently issued a
ing refuge in the United States. tes, an 18-year-old gay man ha- While awaiting those hearings, ment, which runs the immigra- release requests at five U.S. Immi- decision that eliminated a re-
The American Civil Liberties rassed and beaten in Honduras they have been jailed for months. tion courts where immigrants gration and Customs Enforce- quirement that asylum seekers
Union and other groups filed the and who has a relative in Vir- “The fact that we are doing this can seek bond hearings. ment field offices — Detroit, El get a full hearing before an immi-
class-action lawsuit on behalf of ginia; Abelardo Asensio Callol, a to people . . . is really outrageous,” ICE spokeswoman Sarah Ro- Paso, Los Angeles, Newark and gration judge. He is considering a
nine detained asylum seekers 30-year-old software engineer said Michael Tan, a New York- driguez said the agency does not Philadelphia — were denied dur- separate matter that could affect
from Haiti, Venezuela and other from Cuba who refused to join the based staff attorney for the ACLU. comment on pending litigation. ing President Trump’s first eight asylum applications from people
countries. They are asking a judge Communist Party or rally for the “What they’re doing here is using The Justice Department also de- months in office. The ACLU esti- fleeing criminal gangs.
to order the administration to now-deceased Cuban leader Fidel detention to send a message that clined to comment. mates that more than 1,000 asy- Based on the 2009 directive,
follow a 2009 policy that allows Castro; and, an unnamed father asylum seekers need not apply Asylum is a provision in federal lum seekers were detained in the Obama administration re-
officials to release foreigners of two from Mexico who said a and they’re not welcome here in law that allows foreign nationals 2017 in those field offices. leased thousands of asylum seek-
while they await their immigra- drug cartel kidnapped his two the United States.” to seek permanent residency and The ACLU says it is not at- ers who had passed their credi-
tion court hearings, a process that brothers and threatened to kill The legal challenge comes as eventually, citizenship, if they tempting to interfere with the ble-fear interviews. But in re-
can take years. him and his family. the Trump administration engi- have a fear of persecution based government’s right to detain peo- sponse to a surge of border cross-
Among the plaintiffs are Ansly All were initially deemed to neers a wide-ranging review of on their race, religion, nationali- ple who are flight risks or who ings in his second term, the
Damus, a 41-year-old ethics have had credible stories and are the nation’s immigration policies ty, political opinion or “member- pose a danger to society. Instead, administration began locking up
teacher who said he was attacked entitled to a hearing before an and asylum fraud, which it ship in a particular social group,” they said, they want the govern- women and children from Cen-
blames in part for a backlog in the a broad category that has includ- ment to consider each case indi- tral America who illegally crossed
immigration courts of more than ed people fleeing gang activity, vidually and release people who the border, prompting a lawsuit
600,000 cases, triple the number domestic violence or other cir- do not pose a risk while their from the ACLU.
H A P P ENI NG TO D A Y in 2009. cumstances. cases are pending. A federal judge in that case,
For the latest updates all day, visit Attorney General Jeff Sessions The process often starts at an Lawyers argue the Trump ad- which was also filed in the Dis-
said last year that the asylum airport or a land border when a ministration’s approach is endan- trict, issued a preliminary injunc-
system is being “gamed” by for- person requests asylum and is gering lives by forcing people to tion, saying it was likely unlawful
All day Group of 20 finance ministers and central eigners and “dirty immigration interviewed by a federal officer choose between staying and risk- to jail the women and children in
bankers meet through Tuesday in Buenos Aires. Visit lawyers.” Instead of a lifeline to who decides whether the claim ing danger or fleeing and endur- the civil immigration system to for developments. people in peril, he said, it had seems credible and then refers ing severe conditions while jailed prevent others from crossing.
become an “easy ticket to illegal the case to an immigration judge. in the United States. The Obama administration
8:30 a.m. Housing starts are expected to have declined to entry into the United States.” Although the federal govern- Last year, Martín Méndez Pine- then relaxed its policy.
1.284 million in February, down from 1.326 million the The Justice Department has ment under President Barack da, a journalist from Mexico who
previous month. For details, visit

7 p.m. The Washington Capitals host the New York Islanders at DIGEST
Capital One Arena. Follow the game at
SOUTH CAROLINA according to a statement from
the Delano Police Department.
Sister of church The SUV raced away when the
shooter arrested agents exited their vehicle, and
minutes later veered onto a dirt
On a day when tens of shoulder, overturned and
NEWSPAPER DELIVERY thousands of students across the crashed into a power pole, killing
For home delivery comments The Washington Post is committed to county walked out of classes to the couple, the statement said.
or concerns contact us at correcting errors that appear in the protest gun violence, the sister of The victims were identified as or newspaper. Those interested in notorious mass killer Dylann Santos Garcia, 35, and Marcelina
send us an email at contacting the paper for that purpose Roof was arrested in South Garcia, 33. Diana Tellefson, or call can:
Carolina after authorities said executive director of the United
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679
Call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be they found her carrying a knife Farm Workers Foundation, said
TO SUBSCRIBE connected to the desk involved — and pepper spray on school they were farmworkers living in
800-753-POST (7678) National, Foreign, Metro, Style, Sports, property. Delano, about 140 miles north of
TO ADVERTISE Business or any of the weekly sections. Morgan Roof, 18, a student at Los Angeles. Comments can be directed to The A.C. Flora High School in The couple, originally from
Classified: 202-334-6200 Post’s reader advocate, who can be Columbia, was charged the southern Mexican state of
Display: 202-334-7642 reached at 202-334-7582 or Wednesday with two counts of Guerrero, mainly spoke Mixtec, carrying weapons on school an indigenous language.
property and possession of RICHARD VOGEL/ASSOCIATED PRESS
202-334-6000 Tellefson said the couple left
marijuana, according to records Meerkats warm themselves in the morning sun in their enclosure behind six children, ages 8 to 18,
Metro: 202-334-7300;
at Alvin S. Glenn Detention at the Los Angeles Zoo on Thursday. Since September, the zoo has and a 1-year-old granddaughter. Center, where she was taken. A added four males and three females to its meerkat habitat. — Associated Press
judge set her bond at $5,000 and
National: 202-334-7410; said she could not return to Two killed as Navy fighter jet
school, the Associated Press crashes: A U.S. Navy fighter jet
Business: 202-334-7320;
reported. Feb. 14, the AP reported. officials in a California farm crashed Wednesday off the coast
Students at her school became Dylann Roof fatally shot nine town died after losing control of of Key West, Fla., killing its two
Sports: 202-334-7350;
alarmed Wednesday at her black members of a Charleston their sport utility vehicle and crew members. The F/A-18 Super
Snapchat post disparaging church during a Bible study in crashing into a power pole, Hornet was on approach to land
Reader Advocate: 202-334-7582; National Walkout Day, which 2015. In December 2016, a jury police said. at a naval air station around 4:30
Washington Post was being held in response to a convicted Roof on 33 federal The deaths on Tuesday p.m. when it crashed into
TO REACH THE OPINION PAGES mass shooting at a high school in hate crime charges in connection happened as advocates for shallow water about a mile east
Letters to the editor:
iPad app Parkland, Fla., that left 17 dead. with the killings at Emanuel immigrants say U.S. immigration of the runway. The pilot and or call We bring you a richly designed Roof’s post said she hoped “it’s a African Methodist Episcopal agents are increasingly using weapons-system officer ejected
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Opinion: know it’s fixing to be nothing but death in January 2017. farmworkers in the state’s Air Forces reported late
the printed newspaper, along with black people walkin out anyway,” — Susan Hogan agricultural areas as part of the Wednesday night that both had
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a 14-day archive, more than 40
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to comic strips, all Post blogs and authorities told local news Trump administration’s died. Their names were being
The Washington Post, 1301 K St. NW, Washington,
real-time social media. The app outlets. CALIFORNIA heightened immigration withheld until their families
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out to remember the 17 killed on A couple fleeing immigration to pull over the couple’s SUV, — From news services

Tentative steps toward recount in tight Pa. race

They sent letters to election offic- candidates file in the new districts
es in Allegheny and the district’s created by a court ruling that
For now, Republicans other counties requesting that struck down a Republican-drawn
await tally of provisional ballots and voting machines be electoral map. The state’s GOP
preserved, a step often taken be- legislative majority is also waiting
and overseas ballots fore a recount or challenge. for the Supreme Court and a
“We are waiting for provisional three-judge panel on a lower court
ballots to be counted,” said Jesse to rule on their challenges to the
BY D AVID W EIGEL Hunt, a spokesman for the Na- new map, which was drawn by
AND M IKE D E B ONIS tional Republican Congressional Pennsylvania judges who were Rick Saccone Conor Lamb
Committee. “We are not ruling out elected as Democrats.
Democrats have declared victo- a recount.” The map issues may be resolved outlets — although not the Associ-
ry in the race for Pennsylvania’s On Thursday, House Minority before the winner of the race in ated Press — have declared him
18th Congressional District, but Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) be- the 18th District is official. Ac- the winner. Fewer than 500 mili-
GOP nominee Rick Saccone has gan her weekly news conference cording to Wanda Murren, a tary, overseas and provisional bal-
not conceded — and Republicans by congratulating Lamb, but hint- spokesman for the Pennsylvania lots are left to be counted, leaving
have taken some tentative steps ed at the Republican recount Department of State, the state will Saccone with no path to victory
toward seeking a recount. threat. not certify the election until unless a substantial human error
Attorneys for Saccone have “We’re very excited about wel- March 26 at the earliest, after all was made in the unofficial vote
asked for “immediate injunctive coming a new member to the military, overseas and provisional count.
relief” in federal court after a caucus,” she said. “Hopefully that ballots are counted. The new con- Bob Branstetter, a spokesman
campaign lawyer was not allowed will be very soon.” gressman from the 18th District for the Saccone campaign, said
to observe the counting of ballots Pennsylvania’s postgame dra- will have little to do until the that there had been no further
in Allegheny County, where Dem- ma is one of several roiling the second week of April, after the legal action taken Thursday, and
ocrat Conor Lamb won massively. state’s politics, just days before House returns from its Easter re- that the candidate was gathering
cess. signatures to run in the new dis-
There is no automatic recount trict.
provision for federal elections in “We are letting the election

Pennsylvania, and Republicans process play out, as we expect
would have to pay for any new Conor would do if the positions
request to count votes. A party were reversed,” Branstetter said.
must first gather signatures to “There are still things that need to
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Politics & the Nation

Exploding packages tap into old tensions over Austin’s racial segregation
BY E LI R OSENBERG Austin’s complicated racial legacy.
City planners encouraged ra-
austin — Interstate 35 runs cial segregation in 1928, with the
north through the heart of Austin, creation of a “Negro District,” a
an informal but symbolically po- policy later compounded by
tent line that divides the thriving redlining, the practice of denying
city. services to residents based on
The wide swath of concrete, six race.
lanes thick at many points, demar- Despite its reputation as a pro-
cates the separation between af- gressive haven, the city has some
fluent and predominantly white of the highest rates of income
neighborhoods on the city’s west segregation in the country, ac-
side — including its downtown cording to a series by the Austin
and the University of Texas cam- American-Statesman newspaper.
pus — and the east, which has Those old tensions are in-
been home to black and Latino flamed by gentrification: Amid
residents historically. rising rents and property taxes,
The three package bombs that the black population has declined
have exploded in the city this in recent years, even as the city has
month, killing two people and in- grown larger.
juring two others in attacks that Still, there are positive signs in
police say are linked, share at least the city, activists say.
one other thing in common: They Mayor Steve Adler created a
hit black and Latino families east task force in 2016 to work with
of I-35. community leaders to address
Police have said they are inves- racism, and the reports it has pro-
tigating whether the incidents duced have not pulled punches.
were racially motivated. But an Chas Moore, the executive di-
uncomfortable question has rector of Austin Justice Coalition,
emerged that touches on deep and said Manley called him twice this
long-standing racial wounds in a week — first about the bombings
city that prides itself on its pro- and then to let him know that
gressivism: Would authorities three officers had been indicted
have taken the first bomb — which on use-of-force charges in a sepa-
exploded March 2, 10 days before rate case.
the other two — more seriously SERGIO FLORES/REUTERS
Still, there is a disconnect be-
had it exploded on the west side? Police Chief Brian Manley speaks to reporters near where a package bomb injured 75-year-old Esperanza Herrera on Monday. Police are tween the peripheral neighbor-
“A lot of us are just kind of tired investigating whether race was a motive in three bombings this month, all on the east side of town, which is mostly made up of minorities. hoods where the bombings hap-
of the discrepancies,” said Fatima pened and the hedonistic world of
Mann, the executive director of the perpetrator is still at large. self and accidentally detonate it, put that out there because that investigation into the bombing. the South by Southwest festival
Counter Balance: ATX, an activist “If this happened in West Aus- in which case it would be an acci- was not appropriate,” he said, add- Police have since moved away downtown, where big-name con-
organization that works with low- tin, then they would know by dental death,” Assistant Chief Jo- ing that he had apologized to from those theories, though they certs, talks, exclusive parties and
income and minority groups in now,” said T.L. Wyatt, publisher of seph Chacon said at the time. House’s family, as well. “It may have yet to name a suspect or a bars packed with revelers churn
the city. “We know that if these the Villager, a weekly newspaper “How messed up is it that police have been something that needed motivation for the bombings. every day.
bombings would have happened in East Austin. “They didn’t give can make it seem like the person to have been evaluated, but it’s not Susana Almanza, the director On Thursday, police opened
on the west side, there would have much attention to it.” did it themself?” Mann said. “It’s something that needed to be said of Poder, a nonprofit that works the block where 75-year-old Es-
only been one. They would have The Austin Police Department insulting and offensive and tir- publicly.” on urban issues in East Austin, peranza Herrera had been in-
locked down the community and took days to tell the public the ing.” In another line of inquiry with said those early steps were a sign jured while caring for her moth-
made sure it wouldn’t happen March 2 explosion that killed a At a forum hosted by the Austin potential racial undertones, po- of bias. er on Thursday for the first time
again.” 39-year-old construction worker, Justice Coalition and Black Lives lice sought to determine whether “It’s still the racism that exists since the explosion. Orange
Others have echoed the point, Anthony Stephan House, had Matter Austin on Thursday night House’s death was cartel-related. here, the social structure, that spray-painted circles, what in-
wondering why a week and a half been caused by a package. And to discuss the explosions, one at- Mark McCrimmon, a defense at- makes them want to think this is a vestigators often use to mark
passed — and two other attacks police initially classified it as a tendee asked Police Chief Brian torney, said a client who had been drug deal gone bad,” she said dur- evidence, dotted the street,
occurred — before police said peo- suspicious death, not a homicide. Manley about his assistant chief’s arrested in a drug raid in the ing the forum Thursday, to ap- stretching far down the block
ple should be wary of suspicious “We can’t rule out that Mr. earlier statement. neighborhood weeks before was plause. from where the bomb went off.
packages. And they wonder why House didn’t construct this him- “I apologize the department interviewed by police during their Those feelings are informed by

FDA moves ahead with ‘historic’

effort to reduce nicotine in cigarettes

The Food and Drug Administra-

tion on Thursday took the first
concrete action to reduce nicotine
in cigarettes to make them much
less addictive, opening a regulatory
process described by the agency’s
top official as a “historic first step.”
Commissioner Scott Gottlieb
unveiled an “advance notice of pro-
posed rulemaking,” the earliest
step in what is likely to be a long,
complicated effort to lower nico-
tine levels to be minimally addic-
tive or nonaddictive.
The notice, to be published Fri- DANIEL ACKER/BLOOMBERG NEWS

day in the Federal Register, in- An FDA-funded analysis found that slashing nicotine levels could
cludes new data published in the lower the adult smoking rate to 1.4 percent from today’s 15 percent.
New England Journal of Medicine
on Thursday. That FDA-funded proposal. In discussing his comprehen-
analysis found that slashing nico- Thursday’s action follows Gott- sive tobacco strategy on Thursday,
tine levels could push the smoking lieb’s announcement last summer Gottlieb said he sees “a historic
rate down to 1.4 percent from the that the agency would pursue a opportunity” to use nicotine reduc-
current 15 percent of adults. That comprehensive plan on tobacco tion as a way to move smokers from
in turn would result in 8 million and nicotine regulation in an effort conventional cigarettes to prod-
fewer tobacco-related deaths to avert millions of tobacco-related ucts that provide nicotine without
through the end of the century — deaths. Smoking is at an all-time the serious health hazards posed
which Gottlieb termed “an undeni- low in the United States, and tobac- by burning tobacco. Those alterna-
able public health benefit.” co use among young people is also tive nicotine-delivery products in-
The evaluation was based on a at historically low rates. Still, smok- clude e-cigarettes or nicotine re-
nicotine level of 0.4 milligrams per ing causes 480,000 deaths annual- placement therapies.
cigarette, FDA officials told report- ly in this country. A spokesman for cigarette mak-
ers during a teleconference. The
standard cigarette has about 10 to
14 milligrams of nicotine.
The 2009 Tobacco Control Act
gave the FDA the power to regulate
tobacco, though not to ban it.
er Philip Morris International said
the company was still reviewing
the agency’s advance notice. The
Many adults try to quit smoking
each year but fail because nicotine
is such an addictive substance, said
Matthew Myers, president of the
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids,
an antismoking group, said that
firm previously had expressed
support for Gottlieb’s nicotine reg-
ulation plan, which he said “en-
Mitch Zeller, director of the FDA’s Thursday’s action will have “enor- courages the development of in-
Center for Tobacco Products. Cut- mous significance” — provided novative new tobacco products Visit one of our area stores or to
ting the nicotine level would not that quick FDA action follows to that may be less harmful than schedule your free design consultation.
only help aspiring quitters to suc- develop and adopt a final rule. cigarettes.”
ceed, it also could keep young peo- “It would be the most significant James Figlar, executive vice
ple who may be experimenting public health proposal we have president of research and develop-
with cigarettes from becoming ad- seen from the U.S. government in ment for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco,
dicted, he said. the last 20 years,” he said. No regu- said in a statement that he looks
The nicotine notice will be open latory agency in the world has seri- forward “to working with FDA on WASHINGTON, DC MANASSAS SPRINGFIELD
for public comment for 90 days. ously proposed reducing nicotine its science-based review of nico- 4530 Wisconsin Ave NW 7344 Stream Walk Ln 6715 Spring Mall Road
FDA officials are seeking input on in cigarettes, he said. tine levels in cigarettes and to
what the maximum nicotine level “While this issue has been dis- build on the opportunity of estab- Washington, DC 20016 Manassas, VA 20109 "rubm]C;Ѵ7ķ(ƑƑƐƔƏ
in cigarettes should be and wheth- cussed conceptually for years, this lishing a regulatory framework
er such a limit should be imple- is first time we have a government that is based on tobacco harm STERLING VIENNA COLUMBIA
mented all at once or gradually. agency saying it is achievable, feasi- reduction and recognizes the con-
Nicotine levels can be manipulated ble and can be implemented in a tinuum of risk.” 46301 Potomac Run Plaza 8520 Leeesburg Pike 6925 Oakland Mills Road
by leaf blending, chemical extrac- way that doesn’t cause serious neg- The FDA also said Thursday Sterling, VA 20164 Vienna, VA 22182 Columbia, MD 21045
tion and genetic engineering. ative consequences,” Myers said. that it plans soon to issue two
Other critical issues that will Robin Koval, chief executive other advance notices: one on the
need to be addressed, according to and president of Truth Initiative, role that flavors, including men-
officials, include the potential for another anti-tobacco group, also thol, play in the use and cessation GLEN BURNIE ROCKVILLE TIMONIUM
an illicit trade in high-nicotine cig- praised the effort, calling it a “a of use of tobacco products, and the 78 Mountain Road 15142 Frederick Road 2301 York Rd
arettes and whether addicted serious, strong response.” But it other on the regulation of premi- Glen Burnie, MD 21060 Rockville, MD 20850 Timonium, MD 21093
smokers would compensate for will be important for the FDA also um cigars.
lower nicotine levels by smoking to move forward on other fronts,
more. After the comment period she said, including on new
ends, officials will decide whether e-cigarette rules that were delayed  More at W W W . T I L E S H O P . C O M
to move forward with a formal last summer by Gottlieb. news/to-your-health
N329 6x.75A

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Trump considering Fox News co-host to replace Shulkin as head of VA

BY L ISA R EIN The secretary said that he remains
focused and that the only pressure
Fox News personality Pete Heg- he faces is “to fix this system.”
seth, a conservative voice on vet- It’s unclear how long Shulkin
erans’ policy, has emerged as a plans to stay in the job, though.
leading candidate to replace em- His allies say he is focused on
battled Veterans Affairs Secretary moving the Choice legislation
David Shulkin, who has fallen through Congress and on signing
from favor with the Trump admin- the first phase of a massive con-
istration, according to people tract to overhaul VA’s outdated
with knowledge of the matter. electronic health records system.
Hegseth, 37, is co-host of “Fox & A sticking point has been how a
Friends Weekend,” a platform he new system would connect veter-
has used to push his vision of a ans’ medical records with those of
health-care system with a drasti- private doctors.
cally smaller government foot- Hegseth has been critical of
print and a larger share of private some senators whose votes he
care. He has railed against would need for confirmation. As
Shulkin and members of Congress the Senate debated legislation to
in both political parties for their expand the Choice program in
moderate approach to offering November, he tweeted about Sen-
veterans access to private doctors. ate Veterans’ Affairs Committee
Hegseth is an Iraq War veteran chairman Johnny Isakson
who was previously executive di- (R-Ga.): “Worst part about this is
rector of the conservative advoca- that so-called Republican @Sena-
cy groups Vets for Freedom and torIsakson voted WITH socialist
Concerned Veterans for America, @SenSanders to block MORE
which is backed by the billionaire health care choice for veterans.
industrialists Charles and David Sanders wants to trap vets in
Koch. @DeptVetAffairs and so do
Concerned Veterans has Swamp creature ‘Republicans’
proved to be an influential force in like Isakson.”
the administration. But Hegseth’s Asked to comment on a possi-
views on reforming the troubled ble Hegseth nomination, Isakson
agency are considered extreme spokeswoman Amanda Maddox
even by some Republicans in Con- said, “We don’t comment on hypo-
gress, and it is unclear if he could EVAN VUCCI/ASSOCIATED PRESS theticals.”
win Senate confirmation if Presi- Pete Hegseth, former executive director of Vets for Freedom and now co-host of “Fox & Friends Weekend,” gets on an elevator for a The Koch political network has
dent Trump decides to fire meeting with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in December 2016. announced plans to spend sub-
Shulkin. stantial money to target incum-
Hegseth has been a confidant of broader shake-up that began day, declined to comment. A for- by traditional veterans’ advocacy should be able to seek private care bent Democrats in the 2018 mid-
Trump’s. The president watches Tuesday with his firing of Secre- mer infantry soldier, he told The groups, which fear a downsized at government expense. About 30 term elections, among them Sen.
his Fox News show and frequently tary of State Rex Tillerson. Washington Post last week that VA and a privatized system, and percent of VA’s medical appoint- Jon Tester (Mont.), the commit-
calls him to discuss veterans’ pol- Other possible candidates to Shulkin “has talked a good game which would probably mount a ments are now handled by private tee’s ranking Democrat.
icy. Hegseth has dined at the run VA include Jeff Miller, a re- on Choice,” referring to an exist- strong campaign against his nom- doctors. Tester, a Shulkin supporter,
White House and, during an Oval tired Republican congressman ing program that allows veterans ination. The tensions spilled into public said in a recent statement, “Right
Office meeting between Trump from Florida who was chairman to see private doctors, but with Shulkin, 58, a physician and view in February following an in- now, what the veterans of this
and Shulkin last week, the presi- of the House Veterans’ Affairs restrictions. “But he’s sided with former hospital executive who ran vestigation by the agency’s inspec- country need is a leadership team
dent called Hegseth to seek his Committee and now works as a the permanent bureaucracy, the the Veterans Health Administra- tor general, who admonished the at VA and in the White House who
counsel on pending legislation lobbyist, according to sources traditional veterans’ groups and tion under President Barack secretary for a business trip he will help us . . . improve access to
that would expand private care. close to the administration. While the unions.” Obama, won unanimous Senate took to Europe with his wife and quality VA health care. That
Trump has not met with Heg- the president discussed the tur- A Minnesota native, Hegseth confirmation last year. He has top staff. means we need a Secretary who
seth about the job. But the presi- moil at VA in a meeting Monday was vetted to run the sprawling racked up a number of bipartisan Shulkin could not be reached works for our veterans, not for the
dent has soured on Shulkin, the with Energy Secretary Rick Perry, veterans’ agency after Trump was wins for the administration in for comment. During testimony Koch brothers.”
only Obama-era holdover in his Perry told reporters Wednesday elected in 2016. But he was consid- Congress but has clashed with Thursday on Capitol Hill, he was
Cabinet, amid widely reported that he is not interested in the job ered too inexperienced to run the VA’s senior political appointees asked by lawmakers whether he’s
turmoil within VA’s senior ranks. and that he is not considered a government’s second-largest bu- installed by the White House. The become distracted by the feud or Josh Dawsey, Philip Rucker and
The president has told aides he candidate. reaucracy, which employs core issue on which they disagree faced pressure from the adminis- Ashley Parker contributed to this
may replace Shulkin as part of a Hegseth, reached late Wednes- 360,000 people. He also is disliked is the degree to which veterans tration to privatize veterans’ care. report.

A briefing rent funding levels.

Q: What does immigration
have to do with federal spending?
A: A very expensive tunnel un-
der the Hudson River. Key con-
gressional leaders — especially
Despite Trump’s vow to curb donors’
on the A: Even though it’s only March,
the omnibus is likely to be the last
must-pass bill Congress takes up
House Appropriations Committee
Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen
(R-N.J.) — are pushing to have the
influence, vacancies remain on FEC
$1.3 trillion before the November midterm
elections, so lawmakers are ex-
ploring attaching all sorts of pet
bill direct $900 million to the
Gateway Program meant to im-
prove rail travel between New Jer- BY M ICHELLE Y E H EE L EE sioners can resign at any time. FEC general counsel.

budget bill priorities to it. Even though at-

tempts to address the cancellation
of the Deferred Action for Child-
sey and Manhattan. But the fund-
ing appears to have a fierce oppo-
nent in Trump, who sees the proj-
More than a year into his
presidency, President Trump has
Already, the shorthanded pan-
el — split between two Republi-
can members, one Democrat and
The last time that happened
was in 2008, when only two of
the six seats were filled at the
hood Arrivals (DACA) program ect as a Democratic priority — shown little interest in beefing an independent who caucuses start of a presidential election
and Trump’s demands for a border particularly for political rival up the Federal Election Commis- with Democrats — struggles to year.
Some answers on what wall have so far fizzled, the issue Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), the sion, the agency that could serve come to decisions. The law re- The two commissioners still
Congress plans to do continues to be litigated as part of Senate minority leader — and is in as a key player in his avowed quires four votes for any action, held meetings, but there was a
the spending negotiations. The no mood to rubber-stamp it. agenda to reduce the influence of and members are often dead- backlog of complaints, Norton
to avoid a shutdown Trump administration has floated Trump has told House Speaker moneyed interests on politics. locked along party lines. said. Then, once new commis-
attaching a short-term DACA ex- Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) that he So far, Trump has nominated FEC Chairwoman Caroline sioners were confirmed, there
tension for young immigrants would veto the omnibus if the just one new commissioner to fill Hunter, a Republican who was was a “ramp-up time” as they got
BY M IKE D E B ONIS paired with border wall funding, Gateway funding is included, and the two open spots on the panel. appointed in 2008 and whose adjusted to their new roles,
but there seems to be little enthu- Ryan told a group of GOP lawmak- He has the opportunity to name term has expired, declined to which led to further delays, he
Here we are, once again: Feder- siasm for the deal on Capitol Hill ers from New Jersey and New York an entirely new slate. The re- answer whether the vacancies said.
al spending is set to expire on — especially since Trump’s DACA on Wednesday that the president’s maining four commissioners are have affected the operations of “It’s certainly foreseeable that
March 23, leaving Congress a cancellation is tied up in court. opposition could derail the spend- serving on expired terms, two of the commission. we could be in the same position
week to negotiate and pass a bill to But other immigration-related ing bill. which ended as long as a decade As a presidential candidate, soon once again in an election
keep the government open for issues are at play: Liberal Demo- One key Republican advocate of ago. Trump expressed his disgust with year,” Norton said.
business. crats do not want any additional the project, Rep. Peter T. King If one more leaves without the power of big donors, calling GOP election law lawyer Char-
As of Thursday, Republicans money for immigration enforce- (R-N.Y.), buttonholed Trump on being replaced, the FEC will lack super PACs that can take unlimit- lie Spies, who served as counsel
and Democrats had yet to agree on ment included in the spending Thursday at a St. Patrick’s Day a quorum and be effectively para- ed donations a “total scam.” In for Mitt Romney’s 2008 presi-
what is expected to be a massive bill, while conservative Republi- lyzed. 2016, he said super PACs backing dential campaign, said he hopes
$1.3 trillion piece of legislation, cans are pushing for language that As a presidential candidate, his primary opponents amount- to see Trump appoint “rule of
leaving Americans with more would allow the Trump adminis- Trump blasted the influence of ed to “buying an election,” calling law” commissioners with the
questions than answers about tration to pull federal money from The crucial flash points wealthy donors, criticized oppo- it a “broken system.” same fervor with which he has
what Congress plans to do to avoid “sanctuary cities” that do not co- nents for skirting limits on coor- “He is somewhat unique in appointed conservative judges.
a third government shutdown this operate with federal immigration on the massive spending dinating with their super PACs that he was elected as a Republi- Trump demonstrated the pow-
year. Here are a few: authorities. and said he would overhaul the can presidential candidate while er of small donors in his cam-
Q: Why are we doing this again? Q: What about health care? And
bill are border security, “rigged” campaign finance sys- talking about money in politics paign, Spies said, by hauling in
Didn’t Congress just pass a mas- why is abortion at issue? tem. issues,” said Matthew Sanderson, impressive amounts of low-
sive budget deal? A: Congressional leaders are ex-
immigration policy and A chorus of advocates — both who served as a campaign dollar campaign contributions
A: Your memory is not failing ploring whether to attach funding liberal and conservative — is finance lawyer for the 2008 and using social and earned me-
you. On Feb. 9, President Trump that would help health insurers abortion rights. urging Trump to fulfill his cam- McCain-Palin ticket. “I thought dia rather than paid advertising.
signed the Bipartisan Budget Act lower premiums on the plans they paign pledge by appointing new there might be some opportunity “On a wide range of campaign
of 2018, which increased federal sell on the exchanges set up under commissioners. for him to do something.” finance issues, I think President
spending by roughly $300 billion the Affordable Care Act. Those “A weak FEC really contributes Last year, Trump nominated Trump comes out looking very
over the next two years and ended payments have been controversial luncheon on Capitol Hill, and ar- to filling the swamp, not draining conservative Texas lawyer James good compared to the competi-
a brief shutdown. But in Congress, among conservatives, who consid- gued on behalf of the project. He it,” said John Pudner, executive E. “Trey” Trainor III to the panel, tion,” Spies said, referring to
there is a distinction between bud- er them unfair subsidies used to would not tell reporters afterward director of the group Take Back but the Senate has not scheduled Democrats.
geting and appropriating — that prop up former president Barack whether his lobbying had suc- Our Republic, which aims to a confirmation hearing. It’s un- A week after his inauguration,
is, setting top-line levels of overall Obama’s health-care law. But with ceeded in preserving the funding. build conservative support for clear when more nominations Trump signed a far-reaching eth-
spending and actually directing Republicans unable to pass an “It was a very friendly conversa- reducing the influence of wealthy will be made. ics policy on lobbying. Several
the money to specific agencies and alternative of their own, there is tion,” King said. “He heard how interests in politics. Per tradition, the president campaign finance experts said
programs are two different mat- growing desire in the GOP to move important it is, and that’s as far as I The White House declined to defers to the opposition party’s they viewed it as a sign that
ters. So as part of the budget deal, forward with the payments. can go.” comment. leader in the Senate to make Trump was preparing to make
Congress gave itself another six There is a catch: Republicans Q: What other goodies might Trump’s opportunity to re- recommendations for nominees broader changes to the financing
weeks to work out microscopic want expansive restrictions to en- get thrown into the bill? make the FEC comes as two from his party. Advocates say of elections.
details of spending taxpayer mon- sure the money is not used to A: A number of tax provisions high-profile matters involving Trump and Senate Minority After he became president,
ey and write an “omnibus” appro- subsidize plans that offer abor- could find their way into the bill, the president are pending before Leader Charles E. Schumer Trump continued to criticize the
priations bill, which packages tions, and Democrats are balking including fixes to the Republican the commission. (D-N.Y.) could be taking a more role of donors: “I used to be a
smaller regular appropriations at their proposed language, argu- tax overhaul that passed in De- The agency is working on new active role if they wanted to move donor. Used to get everything I
bills into one larger bill, funding ing that it goes beyond an abortion cember. One closely watched fix rules that would require greater the process along. wanted,” he said during a May
the whole of the federal govern- compromise struck when the ACA involves a drafting error that has transparency about the sponsor The last Democratic commis- 2017 speech.
ment. was passed. left some agricultural businesses of online ads, a response to sioner resigned a year ago, but But last week, he reportedly
Q: What are the major out- There are other disputes rooted eligible for a key tax break while Russian interference in the 2016 aides to Schumer declined to say dined with wealthy donors at the
standing issues? in abortion politics, as well: House others are exempt. A bipartisan elections. And the FEC must whether he has suggested a re- home of a prominent Washing-
A: There are a lot of differences Republicans are pushing for lan- group of lawmakers led by Rep. decide how to handle a recently placement. Schumer’s spokes- ton lawyer, a sign that he is
between Republicans and Demo- guage that would allow the Trump Kristi L. Noem (R-S.D.) is pushing lodged complaint alleging that a man Justin Goodman said the hewing more closely to his pred-
crats at this point, though they administration to direct federal to attach legislation that would payment to an adult-film star senator is working with the ad- ecessors in his attitude toward
should be resolved in the coming family planning and teen preg- require online retailers to collect who claims to have had an affair ministration to make recommen- major contributors.
days. The crucial flash points are nancy prevention grants to groups sales tax based on the location of with Trump broke campaign fi- dations for all the open minority Trevor Potter, a former Repub-
border security, immigration pol- that promote sexual abstinence. their customers, but there is fierce nance rules. seats on regulatory bodies. lican FEC commissioner and
icy and abortion rights, with a few Democrats are opposed to that opposition in some corners. The stakes are high because Don Stewart, spokesman for founder of campaign-finance ad-
other issues at play — including provision, as well as policy Meanwhile, a handful of lawmak- the FEC is responsible for enforc- Senate Majority Leader Mitch vocacy group Campaign Legal
health care and one major infra- “riders” that would block funding ers are pushing for a provision ing federal election regulations. McConnell (R-Ky.), said McCon- Center, said he hopes that things
structure project. for health-care providers that per- that would allow the Export- It audits reports submitted by nell “is looking forward to con- will change under Trump this
To move the bill through the form abortions, allow health-care Import Bank of the United States, campaigns of their spending and firming FEC commissioners who year.
House and Senate before the gov- providers to opt not to perform which has been hamstrung by po- fundraising and investigates will protect the First Amend- “I am hopeful that he will turn
ernment shuts down at 12:01 a.m. procedures they find morally ob- litical fights that have left it with- complaints filed against federal ment in the important arena of to those issues in the second year
next Saturday, a deal will have to jectionable and bar funding for out a functioning board, to return candidates and their campaigns. political speech.” of his term, now that he has dealt
be reached and a bill released by scientific research using fetal tis- to full operations, but congres- Commissioners serve six-year It may take the resignation of with tax cuts and health care and
early next week. Otherwise Con- sue. sional leaders appear unlikely to terms but can continue serving one more commissioner and loss substantive legislative issues in
gress could be forced to pass an- Q: What else could cause prob- add the measure. until a replacement is named. of quorum to prompt urgency, the first year,” Potter said.
other short-term extension of cur- lems? But these “holdover” commis- said Lawrence Norton, a former

The World
Nostalgia grows for dictatorship in Brazil Legislators
In a nation wearied by crime and widespread political corruption, some advocate for temporary military control back move
BY M ARINA L OPES to impeach
sao paulo, brazil — The mili-
tary dictatorship that ruled Brazil
four decades ago maintained law
Peru leader
and order through systematic
brutality. Nearly 500 people were BY F RANKLIN B RICENO
killed or simply disappeared. But
at a political rally outside Sao lima, peru — Peru’s Congress
Paulo last week, the air was thick has voted by a wide margin to
with nostalgia for that era of reopen impeachment proceed-
terror. ings against President Pedro Pab-
Several hundred people in lo Kuczynski, thrusting the Ande-
army camouflage and police an nation into renewed political
T-shirts shouted their admiration turmoil as it prepares to host
for the soldiers who carried out President Trump at a regional
the kidnappings and murders au- summit less than a month away.
thorized by the regime. It’s the second time lawmakers
“Thanks to you, Brazil did not have threatened to remove the
become Cuba!” they chanted, former Wall Street investor over
some snapping salutes. “Brazil his ties to the Brazilian construc-
first, God above all.” tion giant Odebrecht, which is at
The dictatorship-era generals the center of Latin America’s big-
were also accused of deploying gest corruption scandal.
electric shocks, beatings and psy- In December, Kuczynski nar-
chological torture in their two- rowly avoided being voted out of
decade-long effort to cement office after a small opposition
power and ward off communism. faction, including the son of then-
But as a crime wave rocks some of jailed former president Alberto
the country’s largest cities and a Fujimori, abstained from voting.
corruption scandal engulfs its po- Days later, Kuczynski pardoned
litical elite, some Brazilians see Fujimori from a 25-year jail sen-
them as the last champions of tence for human rights abuses
public order. during his decade-long rule.
“During the dictatorship, there But analysts say Kuczynski’s
was safety. That doesn’t exist to- chances of survival look slimmer
day,” said Marcelo Freitas, a now. The deeply unpopular presi-
42-year-old former army officer dent has become increasingly iso-
at the rally who said he was shot lated as onetime allies abandon
in the eye 10 years ago during a him and polls show a majority of
mugging. “If we want to clean up Peruvians want him out.
the country, we need the mili- UESLEI MARCELINO/REUTERS “He’s going to have a lot more
tary.” difficulty,” said Eduardo Dargent,
On average, seven people are a political-science professor at
violently killed every hour in Bra- Pontifical Catholic University of
zil, according to government fig- Peru.
ures. In 2016, the country regis- The measure adopted Thurs-
tered a record rate of 29.9 homi- day asks Kuczynski to go before
cides for every 100,000 people, Congress next week. It had the
nearly six times that of the United support of 87 lawmakers — the
States. same number needed to oust the
Freitas, who wore a leather president on grounds of “moral
patch over his blinded eye and a incapacity.” Fifteen lawmakers
camouflage T-shirt, said he opposed, and 15 abstained.
dreams of safer streets for his At the heart of the president’s
5-year-old son and would support troubles is $782,000 in payments
a return to a military regime. that Odebrecht made to Kucyzns-
He is not alone. Nostalgia for ki’s private consulting firm more
the dictatorship is growing. An than a decade ago. For months,
estimated 43 percent of the popu- Kuczynski had denied having any
lation supports a temporary re- political or business ties with
vival of military control, accord- Odebrecht, even as three of his
ing to a 2017 poll, up from 35 per- UESLEI MARCELINO/REUTERS MARINA LOPES/THE WASHINGTON POST predecessors were under probe
cent in 2016. The figure is espe- CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: An inflatable figure of Jair Bolsonaro, who is running for president of Brazil; Bolsonaro supporters at a rally for allegedly taking bribes from
cially high among young people, for him; the candidate, who has made public statements of admiration for the dictatorship era, speaks during a ceremony this month. the company.
many of whom say they are disil- Odebrecht has admitted to
lusioned with democracy and Carnival celebrations. The move destroyed by corruption, so what gized the late Col. Carlos Alberto cused of torturing and murdering paying $800 million in bribes to
with Brazil’s scandal-tainted poli- was widely denounced as a dan- is the alternative?” Lima said. Brilhante Ustra, a convicted tor- prisoners during the dictatorship officials across Latin America, in-
ticians. gerous precedent — although it Four years into a corruption turer, as he cast his vote to im- era. More than 1,600 people re- cluding $29 million to politicians
Brazil isn’t the only country was also seen as a smart response investigation that has traced a peach then-President Dilma sponded with interest on Face- in Peru, as part of a 2016 plea deal
where democracy is losing its to the growing base of voters local carwash kickback scheme Rousseff, who was jailed and tor- book before a local judge shut the with the U.S. Justice Department.
glow. In the United States, just calling for law and order. up to the highest echelons of tured during the dictatorship. event down. The scandal has jolted Peru,
30 percent of people born in the “This sentiment is in the air government, Brazilian democra- According to the latest polls, he For Garcia, the parade did not where two former presidents
1980s say they believe it is “essen- and is being exploited. The inter- cy is facing its worst legitimacy has the backing of 18 percent of represent a call for a new military stand accused of accepting mon-
tial” to live in a democracy, as vention in Rio is an attempt by crisis since the dictatorship. The prospective voters, trailing only dictatorship but a celebration of ey from the construction empire.
opposed to 72 percent of people the president to explore that feel- scandal has tarnished more than former president Luiz Inácio Lula standards of behavior that have Analysts say this latest chapter
born before World War II, accord- ing — the nostalgia, the feeling 100 of the country’s top politi- da Silva, who is at 37 percent but been lost. “I recognize that under could hurt the nation’s economy.
ing to a study published in the that the military is an anti-politi- cians, including the current pres- may be barred from running be- the military regime there was less In less than a month, Peru is
Journal of Democracy in 2016. cal, tough, external body,” said ident and two former ones, and cause of a corruption conviction. impunity, more security,” he said. scheduled to host Trump and
Fear of violence, whether it be Pablo Ortellado, a public policy left few viable candidates for the Bolsonaro has since made Some supporters of Bolsonaro other leaders for the Summit of
terrorism or street crime, has professor at the University of Sao presidential elections in six headlines for other brash state- cite that same distinction, saying the Americas, whose main theme
fueled support for authoritarian Paulo. “Depending on how the months. ments, including calling a fellow they see in him an opportunity to is how to combat corruption in
parties and bolstered populist intervention goes, if it succeeds in Jair Bolsonaro, an outspoken senator not worthy of being raped elect a military-style leader with- the Western Hemisphere.
leaders with tough-on-crime, even appearing to reduce crime, senator from a fringe party, has and saying he could not love a gay out an actual military interven- After Thursday’s vote, Prime
anti-immigrant platforms it could generate a dangerous emerged as one of the only aspir- son. tion. Minister Mercedes Aráoz said the
around the world, from President wave of militarism.” ing contenders with both charis- The similarities to the style of “These kids hear their parents attempt to oust Kuczynski “de-
Rodrigo Duterte in the Philip- For many of Brazil’s millenni- ma and a clean record. A former the U.S. president are not lost on talking about the dictatorship stroys Peru’s image as a country
pines to Chancellor Sebastian als, disillusionment with democ- soldier, he became famous for Bolsonaro, a self-proclaimed and claim to support it, but they built on clear, democratic rules.”
Kurz in Austria. racy has resulted in a rejection of challenging his rivals and the Trump supporter, or his fans. don’t know what they are saying,” Kuczynski has denied wrong-
But the flirtation with authori- the leftist groups that governed media to find proof that he has “They fought a crooked media said Maria Aparecida Carvalho, doing and says he won’t step
tarianism may be especially omi- Latin America for the past two been involved in corruption. in the United States and got 67, who remembers the era well. down. If removed, he would be
nous in Brazil, where wobbly decades, according to Renato Sér- Bolsonaro has paired his un- Trump elected. We can do the “We’ve already been through that. replaced by Vice President Mar-
democratic institutions are still gio de Lima, president of the blemished record with a tough- same here!” Douglas Garcia, a I don’t miss it.” tín Vizcarra, a former governor
recovering from the dictatorship Brazilian Forum on Public Secu- on-crime platform and public 24-year-old international rela- The retired mechanical engi- serving as ambassador to Canada.
that held the country in its grip rity. statements of admiration for the tions student, yelled into a mega- neer woke up at 5 a.m. to go and “As I’ve said from the begin-
from 1964 to 1985. “The left is the only reference dictatorship era. He is not calling phone at the rally. The crowd see Bolsonaro at last week’s rally. ning, I don’t have anything to
Last month, President Michel that [millennials] have for politi- for a return to military dictator- cheered. “He supports Brazil’s tradition- hide,” Kuczynski tweeted Thurs-
Temer ordered the military to cal power, because it has ruled for ship, but he has done so in the In February, Garcia planned a al values,” she said. “The Judeo- day. “And I am willing to testify
take over security in Rio de Janei- most of their politically conscious past and talks up its law-and- Carnival parade in honor of Ser- Christian values of our people.” with absolute transparency.”
ro after a spike in crime soured life. That government is being order values. In 2016, he eulo- gio Fleury, a police officer ac- — Associated Press


BRAZIL poor, marginalized communities plans to leave politics. “I want to adopted unanimously, also removal as a “disgrace.” In a Wednesday, the French
and outspokenness against be an active chairman of a expressed the council’s intention program aired Thursday, government backed a bill to fast-
Rio councilwoman, police violence. political party,” he said. to consider sanctions “against Mugabe, 94, told South African track through parliament a
driver shot to death Protests were planned in His resignation came after those who take actions that broadcaster SABC that he was shake-up of the debt-ridden
several cities later Thursday, and tens of thousands of Slovaks undermine the peace, stability, pushed out by the military, SNCF, including ending the right
A popular Rio de Janeiro Franco’s party called for a march joined protests across the and security of South Sudan.” which staged a takeover that led to jobs for life and cutting early-
councilwoman was shot in the in Rio de Janeiro on Friday. country last week to demand the The resolution extends the to his resignation after 37 years retirement provisions.
head four times by assassins, — Associated Press government’s resignation and an mandate of the U.N. in power. “It was a coup d’état,”
police said Thursday, a brazen investigation into the shooting peacekeeping force in South he said. “We must undo this U.N. calls on Yemen to ensure
killing that shocked Brazil. SLOVAKIA deaths of Jan Kuciak and Sudan until March 15, 2019, and disgrace.” Mugabe spoke at his aid: Responding to what it calls
A police official said Marielle Martina Kusnirova. Kuciak was maintains the 17,000-troop mansion in a suburb of the the world’s worst humanitarian
Franco, 38, and her driver, Prime minister resigns writing about ties between the ceiling, including a regional capital, Harare. The military crisis, the U.N. Security Council
Anderson Pedro Gomes, were in wake of slayings Italian mafia and people close to protection force of up to 4,000 intervention was hugely popular on Thursday urged the warring
killed Wednesday night while Fico when he was killed. troops and 2,101 international in Zimbabwe and led to parties in Yemen to ensure that
sitting in a car with tinted Slovak Prime Minister Robert — Associated Press police personnel. impeachment proceedings by the aid gets to all affected areas,
windows. The official spoke on Fico and his government In 2013, two years after South ruling party against Mugabe. He citing U.N. estimates that over
the condition of anonymity resigned Thursday amid a SOUTH SUDAN Sudan gained independence was replaced by ex-confidant 22 million people need food,
because he was not authorized to political crisis triggered by the from Sudan, the country plunged Emmerson Mnangagwa. medicine and other help. A
discuss the case publicly. slayings of an investigative U.N. threatens arms into ethnic violence when forces statement approved by the 15
Press officer Fernanda Chaves journalist and his fiancee. embargo, sanctions loyal to President Salva Kiir, a Unions plan rail strikes: French council members expressed
also was wounded in the attack President Andrej Kiska Dinka, started battling those rail unions said Thursday they “grave concern at the continued
in the Rio neighborhood of accepted the resignation and The U.N. Security Council loyal to Riek Machar, his former had agreed to call a wave of humanitarian impact of the
Estacio de Sa. Earlier, Franco had asked Deputy Prime Minister demanded an immediate end to vice president who is a Nuer. rolling strikes starting April 3, conflict on civilians,” which has
attended an event focused on Peter Pellegrini to form a new fighting in South Sudan on — Associated Press affecting 36 days over three led to outbreaks of cholera and
empowering young black government. The move is meant Thursday and threatened to months, to protest the diphtheria and the threat of
women. to keep the three-party coalition consider an arms embargo and Mugabe calls ouster a “coup”: government’s bid to reform the famine. It said the number of
Elected in 2016, Franco was a in power and avoid the sanctions to prevent warring In his first interview since being state-run rail operator SNCF. The Yemenis needing assistance has
member of the left-leaning possibility of an early election. parties from violating a forced from power in November, strikes will be held on two risen by 3.4 million since last
Socialism and Liberty Party Fico, who has led three Slovak December cease-fire deal. former Zimbabwean leader consecutive days out of every year.
known for her social work in governments, said he had no A U.S.-drafted resolution, Robert Mugabe described his five, the unions said. On — From news services



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NATO members boost defense spending, but that’s unlikely to satisfy Trump
BY M ICHAEL B IRNBAUM to chemical attacks of the type Leaders of countries that do
unleashed in Salisbury, which not meet the goals sometimes say
brussels — NATO Secretary targeted a Russian who had spied the raw numbers fail to fully
General Jens Stoltenberg said for Britain. capture defense commitments.
Thursday that alliance members This year, eight countries are Efficient spending and a willing-
increased their defense spending expected to meet NATO’s 2 per- ness to contribute troops to
in 2017 for a third consecutive cent goal: Britain, Estonia, NATO missions are also an im-
year, amid complaints from Pres- Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Po- portant measure, some of them
ident Trump that only a handful land, Romania and the United say. In Germany, which lags on
of the 29 allies are meeting their States. In 2017, Poland narrowly hard military spending, leaders
pledges. missed the cut — at 1.99 percent say their extensive development
The numbers were unlikely to of its annual economic output — aid commitments contribute to
allay Trump’s anger over his per- after its economy grew faster global security.
ception that Europe is taking the than it had expected when it The United States still spends
U.S. defense umbrella for grant- made its defense spending plans. the lion’s share on defense in the
ed. No additional countries met Under pressure from the Unit- alliance — 68.7 percent of the
NATO’s defense spending goals ed States, NATO members have total in 2017. That reflects its
last year, and only four — the pledged to create road maps of role as the foremost global super-
United States, Britain, Estonia how they will meet the goals by power. The United States spent
and Greece — reached the mark, 2024. 3.57 percent of its overall eco-
although more are expected to Policymakers who were in- nomic output on defense last
get there in 2018. volved in the 2014 negotiations year.
Lagging European defense that ended with the spending Other countries have dramati-
spending has frustrated U.S. offi- commitments said that the 2 per- cally ramped up their spending, a
cials for years, but in the Trump cent figure was chosen in part to reflection of U.S. pressure that
era, the numbers have taken on galvanize public discussion, not started well before Trump was
outsize importance. because it was a magic number elected and a sense of vulnerabili-
Countries registering short- that would signal NATO had ty after the annexation of Crimea.
falls face threats from Washing- reached a state of readiness. Romania poured an extra
ton, including the prospect that “It was a judgment about what 34.8 percent into its spending last
the United States might not come NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg speaks Thursday in Brussels. He joined the condemnation level could be set that was politi- year. Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania,
to their defense. Some of Trump’s of a nerve-agent attack this month in England that British officials believe was carried out by Russia. cally at least somewhat credible Spain and Luxembourg also re-
economic advisers have said that and at least somewhat achievable corded significant jumps.
exemptions to new steel and alu- nomic output on defense last says it believes Russia carried out triggering a formal alliance re- and therefore had some mobiliz- Although most countries have
minum tariffs might be grant- year, still short of the 2 percent a nerve-agent attack on its soil sponse. ing power about it,” said Adam boosted their spending, a handful
ed only to countries that spend at agreed to by national leaders in this month, a case the alliance “The substance used is one of Thomson, who was British am- have made cuts. Belgium, a na-
least 2 percent on defense. 2014 as a 10-year target. described as the first instance of the most toxic ever developed,” bassador to NATO until 2016 and tion of 11 million that hosts NATO
“All allies are stepping up, do- That was the year Russia’s chemical weapons being used Stoltenberg said. “The attack was is now director of the European headquarters, cut defense spend-
ing more in more places in more annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean offensively against a member na- a breach of international norms Leadership Network, a security- ing by 0.73 percent last year,
ways,” Stoltenberg said as he Peninsula sparked fears in Eu- tion since its founding after and agreements. This attack was focused think tank. reducing its outlay in the area to
unveiled NATO’s annual report. rope that the continent was badly World War II. unacceptable. It has no place in a “Nobody could quite have ex- 0.9 percent of its economic out-
NATO countries — not includ- prepared for a traditional ground British diplomats on Wednes- civilized world.” pected the way it has been taken put. Greece and Britain also reg-
ing the United States — collec- war with Russia, once NATO’s day outlined their concerns He added that the higher up in such an unsophisticated istered declines, although both
tively spent an estimated reason for being. about the attack to their NATO spending will help alliance mem- fashion by Trump, but that, too, are still meeting their pledges.
1.45 percent of their annual eco- The report comes as Britain peers, but they stopped short of bers defend against and respond has had a real impact,” he said.


A child sleeps in a bag in Eastern Ghouta, Syria. By midafternoon Thursday, state television said, 10,000 people had fled to government-held territory. An equal number of people moved in the other direction.

Syrians flee in first major exodus from besieged enclave

SYRIA FROM A1 counts only civilian casualties, international community and A few carried portraits of As- Hammouriya had been one of a so dangerous,” he said. “There
said in a report Thursday that warnings from the Trump admin- sad, declaring their allegiance to handful of towns in Eastern Gh- were so many people. Women,
midafternoon. An equal number 217,764 civilians have been killed istration that the United States is the government. Some walked outa that had staged pro-Assad children, young men, civil de-
of people fled in the other direc- since the first peaceful protests in prepared to take unilateral mili- silently past the camera, while demonstrations in recent days, fense workers — they were all
tion, racing across fields to re- March 2011. Huge numbers of tary action to enforce the truce. others paused to speak, thanking calling on the government to moving through the fields. Then
main behind rebel lines because men also have died fighting for Throughout the day, state tele- the Syrian army and denouncing reclaim the area, the rebels to one by one, we moved through
they feared being detained by the both sides in a conflict that has vision broadcast live coverage of the rebels. leave and the bombing to stop. destroyed buildings to escape.”
government, residents said. drawn foreign powers into a columns of families leaving Ham- “Thank God, this is because of But the government continued Residents sent desperate pleas
This latest government ad- scramble for influence over the mouriya, clutching luggage and the Syrian army and our leader, to advance. Activists said they for help over social media as the
vance came as Syria marked the strategic country, located at the sacks of flour. The first people to Doctor Bashar. May God save him counted more than 300 airstrikes bombs fell, saying ambulances
seventh anniversary of the upris- heart of the Middle East. leave limped out on foot, men and destroy the terrorists,” one on Eastern Ghouta on Wednes- were unable to reach the wound-
ing against President Bashar al- Although Assad loyalists have bowed under heavy suitcases, man said. day, with most of them concen- ed.
Assad, which began with peaceful recaptured much of the area they women carrying children and A woman said the rebels had trated on Hammouriya. “Whole families are killed.
protests before quickly mutating lost to the rebels, the opposition torn plastic bags of clothes. shot her son because her husband A man who escaped behind Their bodies are in the streets. No
into a raging war. still controls about a fifth of the An injured, blood-soaked man and other son worked for the rebel lines described in a Skype one can help due to the bombing,
The fight for Eastern Ghouta is country. The mostly Islamist reb- was carried by relatives on a Syrian military. “May God not call a desperate scramble to flee and the shelters are burning with
turning into one of the bloodiest els have controlled the Eastern stretcher. An elderly man pushed forgive them,” she said. toward those areas for people children and women and fami-
battles yet, with at least 1,540 Ghouta cluster of towns and vil- his wife in a wheelchair; another Several said that they had who feared being detained by the lies,” according to a message post-
people killed and nearly 6,000 lages since the earliest days of the herded a dozen cows, another a wanted to leave earlier but that government for their association ed on a social media group by
injured since the U.N. Security revolt. Although loyalist forces flock of sheep. the rebels had prevented them with the revolt against Assad’s Nour Adam, an activist in Eastern
Council adopted a resolution have now seized more than half of By midafternoon, the trickle from doing so. “They made our rule. Ghouta who said he had received
mandating a 30-day cease-fire the enclave, the main population swelled to a flood as buses, pick- veins run dry with fear,” said one “I escaped through some fields. the description from a friend
nearly three weeks ago, according centers remain with the rebels, up trucks and Syrian army vehi- woman. “We are talking from our There was intense bombing inside Hammouriya. Two hours
to figures provided by the Eastern raising fears of even worse blood- cles showed up in the town, and hearts, and we thank President around me. I saw six helicopters later, he said, his friend stopped
Ghouta health directorate. shed ahead. people piled on board, now bring- Bashar for ridding us of the around me, and they were bomb- answering the phone.
As the scenes on Thursday Far from halting the violence, ing furniture and mattresses. terrorists.” ing,” said the man, who works as a
demonstrated, the war that al- the cease-fire resolution has They were joined by others flee- The live broadcast was punctu- journalist in the area and spoke
ready has claimed the lives of as seemed only to intensify the gov- ing in their cars, creating a crush ated by the roar of warplanes on the condition of anonymity
many as half a million people is ernment push to recapture the of people, vehicles and animals overhead and the crashing thuds because he fears for his safety. Zakaria Zakaria in Istanbul and Heba
far from over. The Syrian Net- enclave. The offensive has accel- that clogged the road leading out of explosions as the bombing of “The escape was like being Habib in Stockholm contributed to
work for Human Rights, which erated despite appeals from the of the enclave. the enclave continued elsewhere. born again because the ordeal felt this report.

Iran nuclear deal may be first casualty of Tillerson’s ouster at State Dept.
BY C AROL M ORELLO Pompeo has frequently ex- to go. drawing at any time before then. it could step up its production of from now.
pressed scorn for Iran, which he After Trump named Pompeo as A U.S. pullback probably would enriched uranium within two Those periodic conclaves often
The nomination of Mike once characterized as “a thuggish Tillerson’s replacement, Mark kill the deal outright, even if the days. Ali Khorram, a former Ira- are used for sideline meetings
Pompeo to be the next secretary police state” and a “despotic the- Dubowitz, head of the Founda- Europeans and other parties to nian diplomat, writing in his between delegations from the
of state signals President Trump’s ocracy.” Just before Trump named tion for Defense of Democracies, the agreement strive to keep it column in the daily newspaper United States and Iran.
determination to quit the land- him to head the CIA, Pompeo tweeted that Pompeo is “Exhibit alive. That is because other coun- Arman, called Pompeo “cowboy- Some analysts say that Pompeo
mark Iran nuclear deal, which tweeted that he looked forward to A” of Trump’s seriousness about tries, businesses and financial ish in character and eager to start may moderate some of his criti-
could cause it to unravel, accord- “rolling back” the nuclear deal, walking away from the deal if institutions would be inclined to a war similar to the war with cisms of the nuclear deal if he
ing to national security and arms- which he called “disastrous.” there is no agreement to amend curb their interactions with Iran, Iraq.” becomes secretary of state and
control experts. As secretary of state, Pompeo it. eroding any motivation for Iran One potential lifeline for the slips into the role. As a member of
If Pompeo is confirmed, Trump will have to certify whether Iran “Now he has a secretary of to stay in it. Iran deal comes Friday in Vienna. Congress and then head of the
will have at his side an adviser is meeting its nuclear commit- state who 100 percent shares his Russia, another signatory to Britain, China, the European CIA, he never carried the respon-
who is equally as hard line on ments under the deal, as required views on the nature and gravity of the deal, has said the agreement Union, France, Germany, Russia sibility of coming up with solu-
Iran and a harsh critic of the 2015 every 90 days under U.S. law. the Iranian threat and the fatal would collapse if one party with- and the United States will meet tions to his criticisms.
multilateral agreement between Rex Tillerson, who was fired flaws of the JCPOA,” Dubowitz draws. Some Iranian officials there at the International Atomic “The logic of the situation re-
the United States and other world Tuesday as secretary of state, said in an interview, using the have said the same, although Energy Agency headquarters for mains the same, no matter what
powers. always concluded that Iran was initialism for the deal’s official others hope to stick with it be- a meeting of a committee tasked Mr. Pompeo may want to do or
“Now you have the appoint- complying as international moni- name. “Now there is no daylight cause it has ended the country’s with settling issues that arise. Mr. Trump would like to do,” said
ment of someone who has made it tors have reported, although not between the president and the economic isolation. The United States will be rep- Daryl G. Kimball, head of the
an article of faith that the Iran in its “spirit.” He had urged the secretary of state.” But Deputy Foreign Minister resented by Brian Hook, the State Arms Control Association. “It
deal is a bad deal that needs to be president to stay in the agree- Pompeo is expected to have his Abbas Araghchi, who was a mem- Department’s head of policy plan- makes no sense for America to
ripped up,” said Robert Malley, ment to preserve leverage over confirmation hearing in April, ber of the Iranian negotiating ning. Hook has been negotiating blow up the Iran nuclear deal,
who is president of the Interna- Iran’s ballistic missile testing and the month before a May 12 dead- team, said that “if America with- with Europeans on possible create a new nuclear crisis and
tional Crisis Group and helped other actions not covered under line for Trump to decide whether draws from the nuclear deal, Iran “fixes” to the deal, primarily in- undermine the president’s new
broker the Iran negotiations un- the agreement. Although they to reimpose sanctions that were will follow suit,” Iranian media volving Iran’s ballistic missile diplomatic initiative to start
der the Obama administration. disagreed on many foreign policy suspended in exchange for Iran’s reported. program, support for militant North Korea on the path to denu-
“It may well be the first casualty issues, Trump mentioned only acceptance of limits on its nu- On Monday, Behrouz Kamalva- groups such as Hezbollah and clearize. If Mike Pompeo is worth
of Tillerson’s ousting will be the the Iran deal in explaining why he clear program. However, nothing ndi, a spokesman for the Atomic sunset clauses that cause various his salt, he will point this out.”
end of the Iran deal.” thought it was time for Tillerson would prevent Trump from with- Energy Organization of Iran, said limitations on Iran to expire years

Trump comments unsettle S. Korea Gambling habit said to lead to firing

BY J OHN H UDSON U.S. workers. goods trade gap was $23 billion. BY C AROL D . L EONNIG being let go. McEntee was “very When he joined the White House,
U.S. defense officials and dip- Differences over economic is- AND J OSH D AWSEY upset” to learn he was being termi- he reported in his personal finan-
South Korean officials placed a lomats fielded direct calls from sues has put a strain on the nated, according to one person, cial disclosure two primary assets:
volley of phone calls to the State the Korean Embassy in Washing- U.S.-South Korea relationship President Trump’s personal as- and complained he had done a bank account containing
Department and Pentagon in re- ton, but their agencies struggled just as the White House plans to sistant, John McEntee, lost his nothing improper. $100,000 to $250,000 and an-
sponse to a suggestion by Presi- to form a public response to organize a historic summit be- White House job this week be- White House press secretary other containing $15,000 to
dent Trump that he might link Trump’s comments, which carry tween Trump and North Korean cause an investigation found he Sarah Huckabee Sanders earlier $50,000.
U.S. military support for South significant political and security leader Kim Jong Un, the first was a frequent gambler whose this week declined to offer an ex- McEntee’s cousin, Zac McEn-
Korea to the outcome of trade consequences for South Korea. such leadership meeting of the habit posed a security risk, accord- planation for his departure, say- tee, serves as personal assistant to
negotiations with its longtime “We refer you to the White two countries, which are long- ing to two people familiar with his ing, “We don’t comment on per- Treasury Secretary Steven
ally. House for comment,” said a State time adversaries. departure. sonnel issues.” Mnuchin. John McEntee’s firing
“We have a very big trade Department spokesman. In response to Trump’s deci- A background investigation McEntee was a starting quar- came as White House Chief of Staff
deficit with them, and we protect Pentagon spokeswoman Dana sion to impose tariffs on steel found that McEntee bet tens of terback at the University of Con- John F. Kelly has sought to speed
them,” Trump said at a private W. White also referred questions and aluminum imports, South thousands of dollars at a time, necticut and then worked as a up the background investigations
fundraiser in Missouri on to the White House. “Our focus is Korea pledged to “deploy all making him unsuitable for a sensi- production assistant at Fox News. of staffers still awaiting security
Wednesday, according to an au- that our relationship with South possible means” to forestall the tive position close to the presi- He joined the Trump campaign as clearances.
dio recording obtained by The Korea is the strongest it has ever action. dent, according to a person with a volunteer in July 2015 after dog- Two White House advisers said
Washington Post. “So we lose been,” White said. “There is no Harry J. Kazianis, an Asia knowledge of the situation. There gedly writing to the campaign’s they learned about McEntee’s
money on trade, and we lose space between Washington and expert at the Center for the was no indication his gambling website asking for a job. When no gambling habit after his dismissal.
money on the military. We have Seoul, and we’ll continue to sup- National Interest, said South Ko- was illegal, but there was concern one responded, he offered to take a His hasty exit from the White
right now 32,000 soldiers on the port them and work together.” rea is highly sensitive to any that the 27-year-old could be vul- position responding to website House upset a number of staffers
border between North and South Trump’s remarks came as ne- threats, implicit or not, to alter nerable to outside influence, the email, according to Trump advis- in the building, who described
Korea. Let’s see what happens.” gotiators from the United States its military relationship with the person said. ers. He eventually was hired as trip him as a loyal aide who deserved a
In an effort to dispel confusion and South Korea were set to meet United States. McEntee declined to comment. director, overseeing preparations more ceremonious departure.
over the comments, a White Thursday in Washington to dis- “For Seoul, any challenge to The Wall Street Journal first for campaign events. “I bought On Tuesday, Trump’s reelection
House official said that the presi- cuss a revision of the U.S.-Korea the U.S.-South Korea alliance is reported the concerns about into the message,” McEntee told committee announced that McEn-
dent “did not suggest removing Free Trade Agreement, also an existential threat to their McEntee’s gambling. Bloomberg News in 2015 of his tee would join the campaign as a
American forces from South Ko- known as KORUS. In the past, security — period,” he said. McEntee who served as the decision to join Trump. “I was sick senior adviser for operations.
rea” but that his administration Trump has vowed to cancel the president’s “body man” after of the career politicians.”
remained committed to improv- deal if Seoul refuses to help Trump’s election, was escorted off After Trump’s victory, McEntee
ing the U.S.-South Korea trade reduce the U.S. trade deficit be- Missy Ryan and Paul Sonne the White House grounds Monday was named as the president’s spe-
relationship for the benefit of tween the two. Last year, the U.S. contributed to this report. after being notified that he was cial assistant and personal aide. Alice Crites contributed to this report.

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Collapse of bridge installed just days ago kills at least four and injures nine
BRIDGE FROM A1 “They’re in a fact-finding
mode” along with authorities, he
gate. said of the company. “They’re
Perez declined at an earlier stunned and certainly in mourn-
news conference to discuss ing.”
whether stress tests had been con- Sachs said he believed there
ducted on the bridge, which would be a comprehensive inves-
crossed Southwest Eighth Street. tigation involving authorities, in-
“It will be days before we have cluding the federal Occupational
answers,” he said. “This will be an Safety and Health Administra-
intensive investigation. Right tion.
now, we are still in search-and- “We’re going to cooperate with
rescue mode.” any and all of those,” he said.
On Thursday evening, Robert Experts say the Accelerated
Sumwalt, chairman of the Nation- Bridge Construction method in-
al Transportation Safety Board, volves an integrated system of
said at a news conference in pieces designed to stand as a com-
Washington that a team was head- plete structure, but must be sup-
ed immediately to Miami to inves- ported during construction.
tigate. Asked if the agency knew of Amjad Aref, a researcher at the
deficiencies with this type of University at Buffalo’s Institute of
bridge, he said he did not know of Bridge Engineering, said failures
any. But he said if investigators can be catastrophic.
determined there were problems, “The loss of stability is a sudden
they have the ability to issue ur- thing, it doesn’t give a warning,”
gent recommendations. said Aref, whose work involves
He said the agency had been designing Accelerated Bridge
told construction workers were Construction projects.
on the bridge at the time of the Aref said the construction
collapse. “There’s a lot we don’t method has become popular over
know,” he said, and much they the past decade. He would not
intend to find out. “We will be speculate about the cause of the
there tonight, and we will start collapse. In general he said, the
talking to people tonight.” process works this way:
A news release from Florida “You bring three pieces, three
International University on Sat- blocks, each block is really strong
urday had touted the bridge’s and [does] their job but if they are
“first-of-its-kind” construction not connected properly, they
method, and hailed the perma- PEDRO PORTAL/MIAMI HERALD/ASSOCIATED PRESS might not stand,” he said. “The
nent installation of the bridge’s idea is in every design you want to
main span. It stretched 174 feet take the load from the superstruc-
and weighed 960 tons, according ture, the bridge surface, all the
to the release, and was built using way to the ground safely.”
what are called “Accelerated A collapse, he said, would indi-
Bridge Construction” methods cate “the system was not com-
being worked on at the university. pletely connected or supported.”
“This method of construction Before the structure is finished,
reduces potential risks to work- Aref said, crews should ensure
ers, commuters and pedestrians that each of its components is
and minimizes traffic interrup- secured by cabling or other sup-
tions,” the release said. porting mechanisms.
When the bridge was installed, He said self-propelled modular
crews using an automated proc- transportation, the method of in-
ess lifted the span from its sup- stalling the bridge section, is com-
ports, turned it 90 degrees across mon in Europe. The mechanism
eight lanes and lowered it in place, would typically involve loading
the release said. The university the span onto wheeled heavy ma-
said it was the largest pedestrian chinery that places the main span
bridge moved by that method, between the supports, turns and
known as self-propelled modular hydraulically lifts it into place.
transportation, in U.S. history. The bridge was funded through
“This project is an outstanding a federal TIGER grant, according
example of the ABC method,” to the university, a recession-era
Atorod Azizinamini, chairman of program created under the
FIU’s civil and environmental en- Obama administration that pays
gineering department, said in the for road, rail and other projects.
release. “Building the major el- The role of FIU’s Accelerated
ement of the bridge — its main Bridge Construction University
span superstructure — outside of Transportation Center in its con-
the traveled way and away from struction was unclear. The lab
busy Eighth Street is a milestone.” says on its website that it received
Last year, the Miami Herald federal funding in September
reported that an FIU student was 2013 after the U.S. Department of
killed while crossing Southwest Transportation recognized a joint
Eighth Street. funding proposal submitted by
The university, a major state FIU, Iowa State University and the
school that has experienced bur- University of Nevada at Reno. The
geoning enrollment in recent DRONEBASE/ASSOCIATED PRESS funding enabled the schools to
years, had announced Wednesday BEFORE, TOP: The main span of the pedestrian bridge is positioned Saturday to connect Sweetwater to Florida International University. “dive further into their mission
it would begin issuing fines as AFTER, ABOVE: The 960-ton bridge’s collapse Thursday crushed eight vehicles and sent rescue workers racing to free victims. of ” researching Accelerated
part of a pedestrian safety cam-  To view a video, go to  To view a photo gallery, go to Bridge construction, the site says.
paign to help protect students The center received a second
walking to campus. The new round of U.S. DOT funding in
bridge was scheduled to be com- shoulder and wrist, according to cluding the Penobscot Narrows December 2016, the site says.
pleted in early 2019. court records. N
Bridge in Maine and the Bob The sudden collapse of the
Little Havana
The main builder of the bridge, MCM has up-to-date business Graham Sunshine Skyway Bridge bridge caused alarm in the sur-
Munilla Construction Manage- licenses and no recent code- Sweetwater 95
that crosses Tampa Bay. rounding neighborhood.
ment (MCM), is a major South enforcement violations reported Florida FIGG released a statement Alexander Concha, 36, and Ivy
International Miami
Florida construction firm that has to state authorities. Recent in- University West Miami Thursday afternoon saying it was Polanco, 23, were about to have
been hired to rebuild express- spection reports for the site of “stunned by today’s tragic col- lunch at Panther’s Boulevard
ways, update part of Miami Inter- Thursday’s collapse were not im- lapse of a pedestrian bridge that Cafe, about a block away from the
national Airport and construct a mediately available. was under construction over bridge. Suddenly, they heard wail-
new test track for Miami’s Metro- The company could not im- Southwest Eighth Street in Mi- ing sirens and helicopters buzzing
rail system. mediately be reached for com- Sweetwater ami. Our deepest sympathies are overhead. “Our first reaction was,
Increasingly, MCM also has ment Thursday evening. In a with all those affected by this acci- we hope it’s not the bridge,” Con-
successfully bid on federal con- statement on its Facebook page, SOUTHWEST 8TH STREET dent. cha said. “On the side where it

tracts, winning almost $130 mil- MCM said: “Our family’s thoughts Site of bridge “We will fully cooperate with collapsed, it didn’t seem very se-
lion in work since 2013. The larg- and prayers go out to everyone every appropriate authority in re- cure. It seemed very unsafe.”
est contract is for building a affected by this terrible tragedy. viewing what happened and why,” The bridge collapse happened
school at Guantanamo Bay Naval The new UniversityCity Bridge, the engineering firm said. “In our during Florida International’s
Station. which was under construction, 40-year history, nothing like this spring break.
MCM is a major contributor to experienced a catastrophic col- Florida has ever happened before. Our “It’s very lucky that we are on
politicians in Miami-Dade County lapse causing injuries and loss of International entire team mourns the loss of life spring break and that this didn’t
and has been involved in dozens life. MCM is a family business and University and injuries associated with this happen during rush hour,” said
of lawsuits over the past decade, we are all devastated and doing devastating tragedy, and our Polanco, who is an FIU student. “It
but often for much smaller issues. everything we can to assist. We prayers go out to all involved.” could have been so much worse.”
This month, the firm was sued for will conduct a full investigation to 1/4 MILE Asked if the construction meth-
damages when a “makeshift determine exactly what went ods might have factored into the
Source: Maps4News/HERE, Google Earth THE WASHINGTON POST
bridge” collapsed under the wrong and will cooperate with collapse, Ron Sachs, a spokesman
weight of a security worker using investigators on scene in every for FIGG Engineering, said he
it to access a restroom at Miami way.” of Tallahassee-based FIGG Engi- The firm is behind dozens of could not provide any details on Mark Berman, Alice Crites and
International Airport. The man According to the university, neering Group, designed the suspension, arch and beam bridg- the collapse beyond the statement Michael Laris contributed to this
suffered injuries to his elbow, FIGG Bridge Engineers, a division walkway. es across the United States, in- issued by the company. report.

House Democrats say they have proof State Dept. staff ousted for disloyalty
BY K AROUN D EMIRJIAN conduct a ‘cleaning’ of employ- appears to confirm a report from sonnel matters. approved or knew of the email to Trump-appointed State De-
AND C AROL M ORELLO ees they believed were not suffi- last year in Politico that Sahar The aide said several such exchanges between his aides as- partment officials, another
ciently ‘supportive’ of President Nowrouzzadeh, a State Depart- employees had been temporarily sessing the politics and loyalties booster, David Wurmser, sug-
Two top House Democrats Trump’s agenda.” ment staffer who worked on the assigned to the National Secu- of these State Department staff. gested “cleaning house” at the
said Thursday that they have In the letter, they asked for Iran deal, was reassigned after rity Council, where some com- In their letter, Cummings and State Department.
proof the Trump administration additional documents and com- critical stories about her ap- plained to national security ad- Engel detailed some of the ex- On Thursday, State Depart-
engaged in an intentional effort munications about staffing deci- peared in conservative media. viser H.R. McMaster that they changes from the whistleblow- ment spokeswoman Heather
to rid the State Department of sions and for interviews with a “Over the past year, we have were being set up for their jobs er’s documents, including emails Nauert denied that any career
career officials they suspected of number of senior White House heard many reports of political to be terminated. in which Trump-appointed sen- officials had been targeted for
being “disloyal” to President and State Department officials attacks on career employees at Most of the targeted employ- ior staff referred to certain de- their views.
Trump, citing documents a whis- appointed by Trump. the State Department, but we ees had worked on Obama ad- partment employees as “turn- “Those on staff who have been
tleblower gave to the panel. The list of officials they want had not seen evidence of how ministration initiatives no lon- coat,” “associated with previous here for many years, I have
The ranking Democrats on the to speak with includes the de- extensive, blunt, and inappro- ger supported in the Trump policy,” “Obama/Clinton loyal- found them almost blind to
House Foreign Affairs and Over- partment’s chief and deputy priate these attacks were until administration, such as the Iran ists not at all supportive of politics,” Nauert said. “They may
sight and Government Reform chief of staff, director and depu- now,” Reps. Elijah E. Cummings deal, or were considered insuffi- President Trump’s foreign policy not always like the policy that
committees sent a letter to ty director of policy planning, (D-Md.) and Eliot L. Engel ciently loyal to Trump and his agenda,” and “a leaker and a they are asked to advance on
White House Chief of Staff John and White House adviser and (D-N.Y.) wrote in the letter. agenda. troublemaker.” behalf of this administration
F. Kelly and Deputy Secretary of liaison. The committee also There is also evidence that After McMaster intervened to The documents they cited also and the American people, but
State John Sullivan, writing that wants to interview the presi- several more career staffers be- stop the inquiries, the aide said, contain communications be- my personal experience has been
they received documents “indi- dent’s deputy assistant for presi- yond Nowrouzzadeh were tar- a White House official contacted tween administration officials that people have done that and
cating that high-level officials at dential personnel, Sean Doocey, geted, according to a congres- the State Department to press and Trump supporters outside handled it in a very professional
the White House and State De- and deputy White House counsel sional aide who spoke on the his suspicions with senior aides the White House, such as former manner.”
partment worked with a net- Makan Delrahim. condition of anonymity to dis- to Secretary of State Rex Tiller- House speaker Newt Gingrich.
work of conservative activists to The whistleblower’s evidence cuss complaints involving per- son. It is not clear that Tillerson In one email Gingrich forwarded

‘I’m constantly asking: Why? What kind of person would do this?’

SHOOTER FROM A1 that would bring them fame
coupled with the aura of power
theater and began firing indis- and evil.
criminately into the fleeing “When we engage in an obses-
crowd, killing 12. “We’re all hu- sive questioning of why a shooter
man beings; we strive for expla- did it, we are granting their exact
nation.” wish,” said Park Dietz, one of the
Cruz was indicted last week on country’s foremost forensic psy-
17 counts of premeditated mur- chiatrists.
der and 17 counts of attempted Over the past three decades,
murder. As he appeared in court Dietz has evaluated more than a
Wednesday for arraignment, dozen mass murderers, includ-
tens of thousands of students ing the Charleston shooter
were marching out of classrooms Dylann Roof. And for Dietz, there
to decry gun violence, and far is no mystery surrounding their
more are expected to gather next motives.
week for a protest in Washing- The specifics may vary from
ton. case to case, he said, but the
Officials, however, have been broad strokes always boil down
unable to explain the motive to two elements: “First is the
behind last month’s shooting. A blaming of others for their own
portrait has emerged of Cruz as a suffering or the suffering of
troubled young man with a pat- someone they care about. The
tern of alleged violence and un- second is their quest for immor-
nerving behavior. But when tality.”
asked what may have driven him While sitting through the Au-
to violence, Broward County rora shooter’s trial, Caren Teves
Sheriff Scott Israel has simply heard one comment from her
responded: “Pure evil. Pure evil.” son’s killer that became seared
Of the long list of mass shoot- into her memory: “He said he
ings in recent years, Aurora’s didn’t think he could make a
offers the best hints for what will mark on the world with science,
come next in Florida. but he could become famous by
Like Parkland’s accused blowing up people.”
school shooter, the Aurora gun- COLORADO JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT/ASSOCIATED PRESS In the years since, the couple
man, James Holmes, had no clear In his diary presented as evidence in his 2015 trial in Colorado, James Holmes asks a question perhaps even he couldn’t answer: “Why?” have formed a group called
motive, showed signs of mental- No Notoriety, to persuade news
health problems before his at- media not to overpublicize mass
tack and, perhaps most relevant, shooters. While the debates on
he also survived to stand trial. gun control and mental health
In 2014, after two years of legal after such shootings are impor-
motions and delays, a court as- tant, Caren Teves said, “This one
signed a forensic psychiatrist factor is the easiest one to fix. It
named William H. Reid to meet doesn’t take an act of Congress.
with Holmes for a series of We just stop saying his name.”
interviews over the course of two In recent years, she has
months. The interviews were in- stopped searching for a defini-
tended to assess Holmes’s sanity tive motive. “You come to realize
and his state of mind leading up that the ‘why’ is not going to
to and during the shooting, but bring your son or mother or
they also presented perhaps the brother back,” she said.
best chance anyone would have Instead, she focuses on the last
to figure out what exactly drove moments of her son’s life. Five
him — and what drives others — years ago, when the Aurora gun-
to commit such senseless, devas- man began his massacre, Alex
tating rampages. Teves, 24, lunged toward his
“The why isn’t always a legal girlfriend, shielded her from the
interview. “But of course, it’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Isaah Jean, 14, James Holmes, sentenced to life without parole for killing 12 For Caren Teves, it is her son’s
what everyone wants to know.” was injured during the Feb. 14 shooting at the school. Officials have people in an Aurora, Colo., theater, expressed an aversion to other motives in the movie theater that
not been able to explain the motive of alleged shooter Nikolas Cruz. people, a feeling akin to the way some people hate broccoli. night — and not the killer’s —
The killer’s own words that now matter most.
Reid asked to have Holmes it would prevent his suicide, and pathologists at Stanford Univer- Over time, the search for mo- spoke chillingly of their desire
transferred to a quiet, empty unit 10 percent by his broccoli-like sity. But they found nothing tive, the couple argue, becomes for fame, with one saying he was
of the Colorado Mental Health hatred. unusual aside from high blood the motive. “going for the record” in his
Institute for their first meeting. Reid, however, said he found pressure and bad teeth. In Mullen’s 2004 Australia violence. The men, Mullen con- Katie Zezima contributed to this
There would be no shackles or those answers lacking. In the absence of definitive study, for example, mass killers cluded, craved a manner of death report.
handcuffs on him. Nor any “You could call them excuses answers, experts who research
guards in the room. Reid said he in a way, because they don’t make mass shootings talk instead in
arranged the furniture to sit sense,” he said. “People break up terms of patterns.
slightly off-center across from with their girlfriends every day; In a 2004 study, a psychiatrist
Holmes so that Holmes could that doesn’t mean they become named Paul E. Mullen conducted
look him in the eye but also look killers. They struggle with de- in-depth interviews with five

away if he chose. pression and impulses; that Australian mass shooters, who
“I got you some juice,” Reid doesn’t mean they become kill- had killed more than 50 people
told him as they sat down. “They ers. These things are associated among them. He found several

said you like juice.” with the action, but they are not overlapping characteristics: All
Over the course of nine meet- predictive.” described feeling that the world
ings — more than 22 hours Oates, the former Aurora po- was persecuting them. They
locked in with the accused killer lice chief, said he, too, thinks were rigid, socially isolated and
— Reid probed Holmes on his
childhood, his studies as a PhD
authorities never got a real ex-
planation. In 2015, Holmes was
obsessive. They tended to be
bullied as children and fascinat-
E x p l o r e o u r N a t i o n ’s P a s t
student and virtually every as- found guilty and sentenced to ed with guns. All also exhibited
pect of Holmes’s life leading up life in prison without parole. signs of general depression, but
to the shooting. After all those grueling ses- not diagnosable clinical depres-
In videos of those interviews, sions with Holmes, after writing sion.
Holmes said he had thought of an entire book on the matter to “Often these are people who
killing others for months, even be published this year, Reid said have personality traits like anger,
years before. He said that as a he understands the public frus- but they don’t have diagnosable
child, he resented his family’s tration with the lack of answers. conditions that would allow you
move to San Diego — becoming “We want to settle the ques- to commit them to a hospital,”
so upset that he tried to cut his tion in our minds,” he said. “We said Phillip Resnick, who served
wrist with cardboard. He said he want to be able to explain this as a forensic psychiatrist in cases
chose to study neuroscience world because that makes it including the Oklahoma City
partly in the hope of understand- somehow safer, and we don’t bomber, Timothy McVeigh, and
ing his own struggles. have to be afraid every time the the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski.
A breakup with his then-girl- lights go down in a theater, every In the wake of such killings,
friend months before the shoot- morning that our kids leave for there is often a rush to point to
ing upset him, Holmes said. He school. But the truth is that the mental illness as an explanation,
was worried he might commit answers aren’t easy.” but Resnick and almost all psy-
suicide and believed he could chiatrists say that knee-jerk reac-
prevent that by taking other Looking for patterns tion is wrong.
people’s lives. Megan Greene has found her- In a 2015 study that examined
He talked of a strange belief self searching online at all hours 235 people who committed or
that took shape in his mind, in for new clues since the Las Vegas tried to commit mass killings,
which he could earn a point for shooting. only 22 percent of them could be
every person he killed. He want- She hid behind a truck when considered mentally ill. A differ-
ed to gather those points, but he the first shots rang out on Oct. 1. ent study two years ago, pub-
said he wanted to avoid earning As a survivor, she struggles with lished in the journal Annals of
points by killing children. (At the guilt and panics at the sound of Epidemiology, found that “the
movie theater, he ended up kill- fireworks and school bells. Ther- large majority of people with
ing one child and wounding apy and anxiety medication have mental disorders do not engage
others.) helped. But the unanswered in violence against others, and
He described feeling an aver- question has continued eating that most violent behavior is due
sion to other people. Not a mur- away at her. to factors other than mental
derous rage, but a cold, dismis- “I’m constantly asking: Why? illness.”
sive hate. He hated others, he What kind of person would do “We like to think that anyone
explained, the way some people this?” said Greene, who lives in who kills others is somehow
hate broccoli. Simi Valley, Calif. mentally ill,” Resnick said. “But
Before he opened fire on She found herself asking that you have to remember, people
July 20, 2012, Holmes had in moments of silence, sitting kill for all sorts of reasons. They
sketched out in chilling detail his alone in her house. For a while, kill for profit or love or greed.”
plan of attack, Reid noted. Writ- she was obsessed with reading
ing in a brown wire-bound note- every account of the shooting, Common motive: Infamy
book, he ruled out using bombs believing something hidden be- More than almost anyone, 48 hours every weekend of unique programming featuring:
or biological agents as too com- tween the lines might explain the Tom and Caren Teves under-
plicated. He mapped out differ-
ent theaters and decided to lock
horror she witnessed.
Some mass killers leave little
stand obsessions with the “why.”
But after seeing the face of
American Artifacts® Reel America®
the doors to maximize casualties. doubt to motive. their son’s killer — the Aurora Historical treasures reveal America’s past History through the lens of archival footage
The notebook — much of it The avowed white suprema- theater gunman — paraded on
written in cold, calculating lan- cist who killed nine black parish- TV and in the pages of newspa-
guage — includes seven consecu- ioners inside a Charleston, S.C., pers for five years, they’ve come Lectures in History® 1968: America in Turmoil
tive pages in which a single word church in 2015 bluntly laid out to resent the endless focus on the
is written over and over, growing his racist reasons in writings and gunmen and the minute dissec- Lectures from campuses nationwide A year that looms in national memory
larger and larger until the loopy a confession. tions of their lives. More than
cursive practically screams off But in many shootings, like that, they fear the powerful force
the page: “WHY?” “WHY?” the one in Las Vegas, answers are such attention exerts on future Plus: The Civil War, The Presidency and more
“WHY?” elusive. mass shooters.
Toward the end of their inter- Authorities say they still have “People always talk about how
views, Reid asked Holmes what no idea, after months of exhaus- we have to figure out what drives
he believed caused him to kill tive investigation, what drove these guys so we can stop the created by cable
others. Holmes boiled it down to the Las Vegas gunman to kill next one,” said Tom Teves. “But
hard numbers: 45 percent was 58 people. In desperation, police one motivation every scientific
caused by his belief in the point even sent the shooter’s body and study has found in common with
system, another 45 by the feeling brain in recent weeks to neuro- them is their desire for infamy.”

U.S. pairs sanctions, firmer condemnation of Moscow for nerve-agent attack

RUSSIA FROM A1 this kind of abhorrent attack
does not happen again.”
Russia will surely try to expand The United States and two
its interference in the upcoming major European allies on Thurs-
congressional midterm elections. day called the toxin attack the
Sen. Robert Menendez (N.J.), “first offensive use of a nerve
the senior Democrat on the Sen- agent” in Europe since World
ate Foreign Relations Commit- War II.
tee, called the sanctions an- The joint statement from the
nouncement a “long overdue re- leaders of France, Germany, the
sponse” but noted that the ad- United States and Britain sig-
ministration has failed to naled a further ratcheting of
implement six other mandatory international pressure on Russia
provisions of the law enacted last that has been mounting since
year, including penalties affect- former double agent Sergei Skri-
ing Russian defense and other pal and his daughter, Yulia, were
industries. found comatose on March 4.
“I expect to see additional In the statement, the four
sanctions in short order against leaders said they shared the view
specific Russian entities respon- of British investigators that
sible for undermining our de- “there is no plausible alternative
mocracy,” he said in a statement. explanation” for the attack. They
“The longer we wait, we know the added that “Russia’s failure to
Russian government will contin- address the legitimate request by
ue to shift resources to other the U.K. government further un-
propaganda factories that spew derlines its responsibility.”
disinformation and lies.” Trump had said at the outset of
Menendez also said the Obama his administration that he want-
administration had already im- ed to improve the disastrous U.S.
posed sanctions on many of those relationship with Russia that he
on the Trump administration’s inherited from the Obama ad-
list. The White House also faced ministration, a foreign policy
criticism that it muddied its re- goal that could help the United
sponse to the election interfer- States achieve its own objectives
ence by saying the penalties were in the Middle East and else-
also in response to Russia’s where.
cyberattack last year against Russia’s role in the election
Ukraine and other countries, JABIN BOTSFORD/THE WASHINGTON POST quickly overshadowed the rela-
which officials have character- President Trump in the Oval Office on Thursday during his talks with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar. tionship. Trump claims there was
ized as “the most destructive and never any collusion between
costly” in history. prepare the sanctions and the trated the networks of key indus- Ambassador Nikki Haley blasted ident Bashar al-Assad, but her Moscow and his campaign, but
White House press secretary collective desire among the Unit- trial sites in the United States Russia during a Security Council criticism rarely seemed part of a critics say his anger over what he
Sarah Huckabee Sanders would ed States and allies to respond and Europe, suggesting they session Wednesday. Her remarks concerted administration policy has called a “witch hunt” has
not say Thursday whether the quickly to the “atrocious hostile could shut down or disrupt those were approved by White House to address what Secretary of colored the administration’s larg-
administration considers Russia act” against the former spy in systems with relative ease. officials but went further than State Rex Tillerson said was a er approach to Russia.
a friend or foe, instead turning England. It repeated the key findings other officials had gone at that deliberate Russian effort to ex- Max Bergmann, a former
the onus on Moscow. Separately on Thursday, the shared by the agencies in July, point. pand its influence at U.S. ex- Obama administration official
“Russia’s going to have to Department of Homeland Secu- when they said that there was no “The United States believes pense. who heads the investigative Mos-
make that determination. rity and the FBI issued a report evidence the hackers penetrated that Russia is responsible for the Sanders also issued a pointed cow Project at the Center for
They’re going to have to decide describing sophisticated Russian or damaged the core systems that attack on two people in the statement Wednesday that en- American Progress, called Thurs-
whether or not they want to be a government attempts to target control operations at the infra- United Kingdom using a mili- dorsed Britain’s expulsion of Rus- day’s sanctions “a baby step” that
good actor or a bad actor,” Sand- U.S. and European power plants, structure sites and that public tary-grade nerve agent,” Haley sian diplomats. does not suggest the administra-
ers said. “I think you can see from nuclear facilities, airports and safety was never in jeopardy. said, accusing Russia of violating “This latest action by Russia tion intends to use much of the
the actions that we’ve taken up other critical infrastructure for While the administration international law. fits into a pattern of behavior in authority it has to go after Rus-
until this point, we’re going to be cyberattacks. joined Britain and other allies “If we don’t take immediate which Russia disregards the in- sian interference.
tough on Russia until they decide It characterized the activity as Thursday in condemning Russia concrete measures to address ternational rules-based order, “Actually, this is not even a
to change their behavior.” “a multi-stage intrusion cam- for the attack in Salisbury, Eng- this now, Salisbury will not be the undermines the sovereignty and baby step,” Bergmann amended.
The penalties on 19 Russians paign by Russian government land, that left the former spy and last place we see chemical weap- security of countries worldwide, “This is a mirage to make it look
were expected after a top admin- cyber actors,” while describing in his daughter comatose, it has not ons used,” Haley said. “They and attempts to subvert and like they have implemented sanc-
istration official had pledged, minute detail how the digital said whether it plans any retalia- could be used here in New York discredit Western democratic in- tions.”
under critical congressional assailants “staged malware, con- tion against Moscow. Britain has or in cities of any country that stitutions and processes,” Sand- Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) com-
questioning last week, that the ducted spear phishing, and expelled Russian diplomats in sits on this council.” ers said in one of the administra- mended the sanctions announce-
administration would act within gained remote access into energy protest. Haley has been among the tion’s most comprehensive cri- ment, but like other lawmakers
a week to use the mandate Con- sector networks.” After days in which the admin- administration’s toughest voices tiques to date. “The United States he urged the administration to go
gress had approved last summer. The report indicated that the istration had not fully affixed about Russia, especially over its is working together with our further.
The penalties also partly mir- attackers appear to have pene- blame over the incident, U.N. actions in support of Syrian Pres- allies and partners to ensure that “Russia’s continued attempts
ror the investigation pursued by to undermine international or-
special counsel Robert S. Mueller der and to create destabilizing
III. Thursday’s list included 13 conditions must fail,” Banks said.
people who had been indicted by “I will continue to support the
Mueller, meaning they were al- robust use of all elements of U.S.
ready subject to legal jeopardy “I expect to see additional sanctions in short order against specific Russian entities responsible national power to counter Rus-
that is more serious than the sian aggression.”
sanctions. for undermining our democracy. The longer we wait, we know the Russian government will
A senior administration offi-
cial said the timing of Thursday’s continue to shift resources to other propaganda factories that spew disinformation and lies.”
announcements reflected the Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), the senior Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Nick Miroff contributed to this
completion of months of work to report.

U.S., France and Germany join U.K. in pointing to Russia for toxin attack
BY K ARLA A DAM Lavrov reiterated that the alle- General Jens Stoltenberg said the
AND M ATTHEW B ODNER gations were “boorish and un- defense alliance stands ready to
founded.” The actions taken by provide support to Britain. Rus-
london — The United States the British “go beyond the limits sia is responsible for a “blurring
and two major European allies of elementary rules of decency,” of the line between peace, crisis
on Thursday formally backed he said, while asserting that Rus- and war,” Stoltenberg said, call-
Britain’s claims that Russia likely sia has attempted to handle the ing the Kremlin’s behavior “de-
was responsible for a chemical matter in a civilized manner. stabilizing and dangerous.”
toxin attack against a former spy Russia’s deputy foreign minis- So far, Britain has held back
living in England, calling it the ter, Sergei Ryabkov, told the In- from triggering NATO’s one-for-
“first offensive use of a nerve terfax news agency later Thurs- all, all-for-one collective defense
agent” in Europe since World day that Russia ceased develop- clause that would activate a coor-
War II. ment of new chemical weapons dinated military response from
The joint statement from the immediately after joining the the 29 member nations. NATO
leaders of France, Germany, the Chemical Weapons Convention, officials have suggested that the
United States and Britain sig- which was signed in 1993. He also nerve-agent attack probably does
naled a further ratcheting of insisted that neither Russia nor not rise to that level. But the
international pressure on Russia its predecessor, the Soviet Union, alliance is engaged, Stoltenberg
that has been mounting since developed a nerve agent called said.
former double agent Sergei Skri- Novichok, and he dismissed the British national security advis-
pal and his daughter, Yulia, were accusations as a pretext for the er Mark Sedwill briefed NATO
found comatose on March 4. United States to delay the final ambassadors on Thursday.
In the statement, the four lead- destruction of its chemical weap- “What happened in Salisbury
ers said they shared the view of ons stockpiles. was the latest in a clear pattern of
British investigators that “there Russia declared last year that reckless and unlawful behavior
is no plausible alternative expla- it had finished destroying its by the Russian state and con-
nation” for the attack. They add- chemical weapons stockpiles and cerns the whole alliance,” he said
ed that “Russia’s failure to ad- chided the United States for lag- afterward.
dress the legitimate request by ging behind. A 2012 deadline Stoltenberg will meet Monday
the U.K. government further un- called for complete destruction with British Foreign Secretary
derlines its responsibility.” TOBY MELVILLE/POOL/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES of the weapons, but both sides Boris Johnson.
Prime Minister Theresa May British Prime Minister Theresa May, center, talks with dignitaries Thursday in Salisbury, where Sergei failed to meet it. The United Writing in The Washington
had asked Moscow to explain Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, were found comatose after an apparent nerve agent attack on March 4. States has said it intends to finish Post on Thursday, Johnson said
how Novichok, a military-grade the process by 2023. Novichok that “all responsible nations
nerve agent developed by Russia, “I spoke with the prime minis- between British and Russian offi- “We do hold Russia culpable was believed to have been devel- share an obligation to take a
came to be used in the town of ter, and we are in deep discus- cials. The left-leaning Guardian for this brazen, brazen act and oped in the late 1980s, as the principled stance against this be-
Salisbury. She posited that either sions — a very sad situation,” wrote in an editorial that May despicable act that’s taken place Soviet Union was negotiating the havior,” which he characterized
Russia was directly involved or it Trump said. “It certainly looks was right to set out a “measured on the streets of what is such a convention, to skirt the agree- as part of a larger pattern of
had lost control of a chemical like the Russians are behind it, retaliatory response.” The right- remarkable city,” she told the ment’s requirements. “reckless behavior” by Putin. The
weapon. Moscow responded to something that should never, leaning Daily Telegraph said the BBC after viewing the site where Russia has also asked Britain nerve agent, Novichok, was se-
the ultimatum with scorn and ever happen.” He added that his prime minister could have gone the Skripals were found slumped for access to the poison and its lected for a reason, he said.
sarcasm, ultimately blowing off administration was taking the further, but nonetheless praised over on a park bench — one of victims, 66-year-old Skripal and “In its blatant Russian-ness,
May’s demands. attack “very seriously.” her response as “commendably several areas that remain cor- his 33-year-old daughter. Both the nerve agent sends a signal to
“It is an assault on U.K. sover- The next move could come robust.” doned off as police continue their are reported to remain in comas. all who may be thinking of dis-
eignty and any such use by a state from Moscow, which is expected Analysts said that while May investigation. Skripal was jailed in Russia in sent in the intensifying repres-
party is a clear violation of the to respond to Britain’s retaliatory did announce concrete measures, Officials and pundits in Mos- 2006 for selling state secrets to sion of Putin’s Russia,” Johnson
Chemical Weapons Convention expulsion of 23 Russian diplo- she was also holding back in the cow have issued a steady stream British intelligence but he was wrote. “The message is clear: We
and a breach of international mats. event that Britain wanted to esca- of denials and counterclaims, a released in 2010 as part of a will find you, we will catch you,
law,” the four leaders said in their “The answer will come very late its response later on. tactic that continued Thursday. high-profile spy swap. we will kill you — and though we
statement, released by May’s of- soon, I assure you,” Foreign Min- The British government will Kremlin spokesman Dmitry When asked how Britain will deny it with lip-curling
fice. ister Sergei Lavrov said Thurs- want to have “weapons in the Peskov said that President Vladi- might respond to any retaliation, scorn, the world will know be-
“It threatens the security of us day. “You know that we, as polite armory,” said James Nixey, head mir Putin met with members of British Defense Secretary Gavin yond doubt that Russia did it.”
all,” they added, without spelling people, will first communicate of the Russia and Eurasia pro- his national security council Williamson said that Russia
out any possible further reprisals this response to our British col- gram at Chatham House, a Lon- Thursday for a “detailed discus- “should go away; it should shut
by the United Kingdom and its leagues.” don-based think tank. sion” on the situation with Brit- up.” Bodner reported from Moscow.
allies. In Britain, May received wide- On Thursday afternoon, May ain. “Extreme concern was ex- He was taking questions after Michael Birnbaum in Brussels,
Asked by reporters Thursday spread support for her decision made her first appearance in pressed in connection with the a speech announcing a $67 mil- James McAuley in Paris and Philip
whether Russia was behind the to expel the 23 Russians believed Salisbury since the attack, speak- destructive and provocative posi- lion investment in a new chemi- Rucker and Brian Murphy in
attack, President Trump said, “It to be involved in espionage and ing there with officials and resi- tion taken by the British side,” he cal weapons defense center. Washington contributed to this
looks like it.” to suspend high-level meetings dents. said. In Brussels, NATO Secretary report.

Assailed for remarks on trade, Trump doubles down on claim about Canada
BY J OSH D AWSEY held a rally for Saccone over the
AND D AMIAN P ALETTA weekend. And he said the Demo-
crat, Conor Lamb, won the seat
The Trump administration because he was “like Trump” but
came under fire Thursday after that Lamb would vote with House
President Trump delivered a Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-
fundraising speech in which he Calif.).
railed against U.S. allies as un- Trump also portrayed his deci-
trustworthy and boasted that he sion to meet with North Korea’s
had made up information about leader in coming months as mak-
the U.S. trade deficit in a meeting ing history and besting his pred-
with Canadian Prime Minister ecessors while lamenting his me-
Justin Trudeau. dia coverage.
In a 30-minute speech to do- “They couldn’t have met” with
nors in Missouri, Trump made a Kim, he said, after mocking presi-
blistering attack against the Eu- dents Barack Obama and George
ropean Union, China, Japan and W. Bush. “Nobody would have
South Korea, accusing them of done what I did.”
ripping off the United States for “They say, ‘Maybe he’s not the
decades and pillaging the U.S. one to negotiate,’ ” he said, mock-
workforce, according to a record- ing the voice of a news anchor.
ing of the private event obtained “He’s got very little knowledge of
by The Washington Post. He also the Korean Peninsula. Maybe he’s
seemed to threaten to withdraw not the one. . . . Maybe we should
U.S. troops stationed in South send in the people that have been
Korea if he didn’t get what he playing games and didn’t know
wanted on trade with Seoul, an what the hell they’ve been doing
ally. for 25 years.”
Trump and White House offi- He also railed against China’s
cials on Thursday defended the trade practices and, in one puz-
off-the-cuff remarks, which come zling anecdote, accused Japan of
as the administration seeks to using gimmicks to deny U.S. auto
renegotiate major trade agree- companies access to its consum-
ments, impose tariffs on steel and ers.
aluminum imports and engage in “It’s called the bowling ball
high-stakes negotiations with test; do you know what that is?
North Korean dictator Kim Jong That’s where they take a bowling
ball from 20 feet up in the air and
“The president was accurate President Trump has come under fire for remarks he made about trade partners during a fundraiser in Missouri on Wednesday. Trump they drop it on the hood of the
because there is a trade deficit said that he made up information about the U.S. trade deficit in a 2017 meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, above. car,” Trump said in reference to
and that was the point he was Japan. “And if the hood dents,
making,” said White House press ‘Wrong, Justin, you do.’ I didn’t countries (some of them mas- Bruce Heyman, U.S. ambassa- ten rich but that U.S. politicians then the car doesn’t qualify. Well,
secretary Sarah Huckabee Sand- even know . . . . I had no idea. I sive),” he tweeted. “P.M. Justin dor to Canada under President never negotiated better deals. guess what, the roof dented a
ers, who later referred to a figure just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ You Trudeau of Canada, a very good Obama, wasn’t as charitable. “We have a very big trade deficit little bit, and they said, nope, this
that includes only goods and not know why? Because we’re so stu- guy, doesn’t like saying that Cana- The president was in Missouri with them, and we protect them,” car doesn’t qualify. It’s horrible,
services. “He didn’t have to look at pid.” da has a Surplus vs. the U.S. on Wednesday night to raise mon- Trump said. “We lose money on the way we’re treated. It’s horri-
the specific figures.” Then, Trump claimed that a (negotiating), but they do . . . they ey for Josh Hawley, who is taking trade, and we lose money on the ble.” It was unclear what he was
Some of Trump’s most pointed staffer told him he was correct. almost all do . . . and that’s how I on Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) in military. We have right now talking about.
remarks were aimed at Trudeau, ‘Well, sir, you’re actually right. We know!” November’s midterm election. He 32,000 soldiers on the border His comments were among his
saying he insisted to the Cana- have no deficit, but that doesn’t In Ottawa, Canadian govern- called McCaskill “bad for Mis- between North and South Korea. most protectionist to date and
dian leader that the United States include energy and timber . . . . ment spokesmen repeated U.S. souri and bad for the country,” but Let’s see what happens.” didn’t identify a single benefit the
runs a trade deficit with its neigh- And when you do, we lose $17 bil- government statistics pointing he barely spoke about Hawley. “Our allies care about them- United States receives from its
bor to the north without knowing lion a year.’ It’s incredible.” out that Canada has a trade sur- Instead, he talked about himself selves,” he added. “They don’t trading relationships.
whether it was true. In fact, the Office of the United plus with its American neighbor. — bragging about his 2016 elec- care about us.” The “free-trade globalists,” he
“Trudeau came to see me. He’s a States Trade Representative says “Canada and the United States tion win and lavishing praise on Trump spoke as his White said, are against his trade moves
good guy, Justin. He said, ‘No, no, the United States has a trade have a balanced and mutually himself while ticking through a House tried to pick up the pieces because “they’re worldly people,
we have no trade deficit with you, surplus with Canada. It reports beneficial trading relationship,” list of U.S. allies that he said are after a special election in a west- they have stuff on the other side.”
we have none. Donald, please,’ ” that in 2016, the United States said Adam Austen, a spokesman taking advantage of the United ern Pennsylvania congressional Gary Cohn, the president’s top
Trump said, mimicking Trudeau, exported $12.5 billion more in for Canadian Foreign Minister States. district that Trump won by 20 economic adviser, recently quit
according to audio of the private goods and services than it import- Chrystia Freeland, pointing to of- He described the North Ameri- points in 2016. Pollsters said the over the tariffs and was derisively
event in Missouri obtained by The ed from Canada, leading to a ficial U.S. statistics. can Free Trade Agreement as a results showed how Trump was labeled by his critics as a globalist.
Washington Post. “Nice guy, good- trade surplus, not a deficit. The Canadian ambassador to disaster and heaped blame on the dragging down the Republican
looking guy, comes in — ‘Donald, In response to this article, Washington, David McNaughton, World Trade Organization for al- Party, but the president took none
we have no trade deficit.’ He’s very Trump on Thursday went on Twit- tweeted a similar message, add- lowing other countries to take of the blame. He said the Republi-
proud because everybody else, ter to reiterate his assertion. “We ing that the figure included en- advantage of the United States on can candidate, Rick Saccone, Alan Freeman in Ottawa and Erica
you know, we’re getting killed. do have a Trade Deficit with Cana- ergy and lumber — countering trade. would have lost by a wider margin Werner in Washington contributed to
“. . . So, he’s proud. I said, da, as we do with almost all Trump’s insistence otherwise. He said South Korea had got- without his support — Trump this report.

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For Trump, ‘You’re fired’ moments just a TV memory

strength, they could sometimes get
their way.
As president, the many “The funny thing was that if you
ousters have been played him right, you could often
win,” said Barbara Res, who ran
carried out in other ways Trump’s construction operations in
the 1980s. “He needed to be stroked
all the time and told how smart he
BY M ARC F ISHER was. Every decision process was
clouded by his sense that he knows
Before the wall, before “Crooked more than anybody else. But you
Hillary,” before “I alone can fix it,” could work with that: The way we
what many Americans knew about got things done was to approach
Donald Trump was summed up in him with an idea and make him
one blunt catchphrase: “You’re think it was his. It was so easy.”
fired.” While he built his reputation as a
Trump’s signature line from his savvy dealmaker who relished con-
NBC reality show, “The Appren- flict, Trump has rarely tolerated
tice,” was, in quintessential Trump open dissent. Rather, he tells his
style, improvised. He blurted it out executives that he expects them to
during the taping of his first show, rally around and defend him
and the crew instantly knew it had against reactions stirred up by his
a winner. various provocations.
Now, Trump is again being From his stunning dismissal of
viewed as a leader given to fre- Comey last May through the flurry
quent, dramatic sackings, this time of recent firings, Trump has sought
with far more than ratings at stake. to define his brand as leadership
From national security adviser Mi- that moves swiftly and unilaterally,
chael Flynn’s departure less than a embracing controversy because it’s
month into the new administration a surefire way to dominate the
to this week’s firing of Secretary of news.
State Rex Tillerson, the parade of He has called himself a “ratings
departures has become a different machine,” and he has always re-
kind of prime-time drama, raising warded those who enhanced that
questions about whether Trump is role and punished those who
draining the swamp or creating sought to share the limelight.
Since the 1970s, Trump has been
Although the number of depar- President Trump’s Cabinet looks on during the State of the Union speech early this year. Many of the president’s appointees who have left quick to push out people who spoke
tures is unusual, the biggest change or been pushed out departed not because of policy differences, but because Trump did not connect with them or did not trust them. out against him, contradicted him
in how Washington operates is the in public, claimed credit for some-
way in which Trump has gone ence” and in part from the presi- dispatching underlings in public, al way, as Rex did. And the presi- suffered embarrassing endings to thing his company had achieved or
about swapping out personnel. dent’s tendency to “value loyalty humiliating fashion. But those dent is a very untraditional disrupt- their short tenures over the past behaved in ways he considered dis-
Tillerson learned that he was over qualifications,” Tenpas said. were the exceptions. At the Trump er. But even after you’re gone, he’s year had the great disadvantage of loyal.
being fired via a presidential tweet. She has calculated that first-year Organization, he didn’t fire many very helpful and looks after people not having spent much time The hierarchical structure of the
FBI Director James B. Comey staff turnover in the Trump White people and, when he did, he only who’ve been part of the team.” around their boss before this job. federal bureaucracy was never go-
found out he was sacked last year House is more than triple that of rarely took the action himself, gen- Tenpas’s study of turnover in the They therefore lacked the skills ing to be a comfortable place for
by seeing a headline on cable news. Barack Obama’s administration erally leaving the dirty work to his Trump White House concluded honed by executives who worked Trump. Before taking office, Trump
Last summer, Chief of Staff Reince and double that of Ronald Rea- deputies. that the staff volatility is so high in for Trump for decades. Most of his told a group of visiting Silicon Val-
Priebus’s White House career end- gan’s. Trump has frequently explained part because the president dis- inner circle in the Trump Organiza- ley executives that it would be sim-
ed when other top officials hopped Trump’s approach to manage- the turnover in his operations by dained people with government ex- tion had, contrary to popular im- ple to work with him: “You’ll call
out of the black Suburban SUV that ment may be new to the White saying that he thrives on chaos and perience and was unwilling to hire pressions of the president, devoted my people, you’ll call me,” he said.
was carrying them from Air Force House, but it’s not surprising to controversy. He has been quick to those who had opposed him during most of their working careers to “It doesn’t make any difference. We
One back to Washington, leaving those who have worked for him for criticize or humiliate members of the campaign. what was often portrayed to the have no formal chain of command
Priebus the lone passenger in a decades. his administration in public — he Trump promised a break with public as a virtual one-man show. here.”
vehicle that then peeled out of the Longtime executives in Trump’s peppered Tillerson with disdainful business as usual, a government- Those who stayed with Trump But once he got to Washington,
president’s motorcade. business empire say that although tweets and leaks, just as he had wide housecleaning that would en- say they learned how to let him vent Trump found himself without close
In these and many other cases he successfully constructed a popu- with Comey, Priebus and Jeff Ses- tail plenty of departures. But his when he was angry. They knew how aides who knew when to yield to
over the first 14 months of Trump’s lar conception of himself as a sions, who remains in the role of time in the White House has been to appeal to his delight in appear- him and how to push him without
administration, there was no tough, blunt truth-teller, the attorney general. notable for the number of sackings ing to be unpredictable. They knew sending him over the edge.
“You’re fired” moment, at least not “You’re fired” image was always a Yet some of those who have been from within his own roster of ap- not to challenge him in public but And as his presidency has faced
from the president. Presidents of- caricature. subjected to harsh public critiques pointments. Many of those who rather to master the art of hanging pressure from low popularity rat-
ten outsource the unseemly busi- On “The Apprentice,” the deci- stay on in their jobs. And many of have left or been pushed out de- out in his office long enough to ings, dangers around the world and
ness of firing people to their chief of sions about which contestant to those who have left nonetheless parted not because of policy differ- subtly make their case and, most a constant drumbeat of an investi-
staff, but “what’s really unusual jettison came not from the mercuri- remain loyal to Trump both public- ences, but because Trump did not crucially, get him to believe that gation into allegations of wrongdo-
about this president is the public al chief executive at the big, gleam- ly and privately — a pattern that has connect with them or did not trust some alternative to his stated view ing by his campaign, he has gotten
humiliations,” said Kathryn Dunn ing desk, but from the program’s continued throughout his career, as them. was also his idea. rid of or threatened people for fail-
Tenpas, who studies presidential producers, according to people fired staffers come back to work for “There’ll always be some degree “At some point, you have to un- ing to embrace his policies, embar-
transitions at the Brookings Insti- who worked on the show. Trump him years later. of turnover because that’s who he derstand your boss,” Spicer said. rassing him, or being what he con-
tution. “I’ve never seen a president got his instructions on whom to “Some people just haven’t is,” Spicer said. “But it will be less “You either cut against the grain or sidered weak or insufficiently sup-
criticize his staff so publicly and sack via a prompter on his desk that synced well with him, but they still over time because he’s really start- you understand how he operates.” portive.
individually.” was made to look like a phone. support his goals and philoso- ing to get a handle on the type of Those who have enjoyed long “I listen to people,” Trump wrote
The high-velocity spin on the And in real life, in more than four phies,” said Sean Spicer, Trump’s people he needs to push his agen- tenures with Trump say they in one of his books, “Think Like a
White House’s revolving door decades at the helm of his family first press secretary, who quit after da.” learned early on that if they could Billionaire,” “but my vision is my
stems in part from “an insurgent business, Trump did sometimes six months in the position. “I ap- Like the contestants on “The Ap- balance his craving for respect and vision.”
campaign that shunned experi- make a show of taking charge by proached my job in a very tradition- prentice,” many of those who have loyalty against his desire to project

Trump planning to replace McMaster, and perhaps other White House aides
TRUMP FROM A1 aides struggle to determine the derides for recusing himself from there was not room on the plane
gradations between rumor and the investigation of Russian inter- for Shulkin’s wife, and officials
Trump feels emboldened, advisers truth. At times, they say, they are ference in the 2016 election. said the secretary was unpleasant
said — buoyed by what he views as anxious and nervous, wondering White House officials have during the trip.
triumphant decisions last week to what each new headline may grown agitated that Pruitt and his Shulkin said in an email sent by
impose tariffs on steel and alumi- mean for them personally. allies are privately pushing for the a spokeswoman: “These allega-
num and to agree to meet with But in other moments, they ap- EPA chief to replace Sessions, a job tions are simply untrue. I was hon-
North Korean leader Kim Jong pear almost as characters in an Pruitt has told people he wants. ored to attend the Invictus Games
Un. The president is enjoying the absurdist farce — openly joking On Wednesday night, Kelly called with the First Lady and under-
process of assessing his team and about whose career might end Pruitt and told him the president stood fully when I was told that
making changes, tightening his with the next presidential tweet. was happy with his performance there wasn’t any more room for
inner circle to those he considers White House officials have begun at EPA and that he did not need to guests to attend.”
survivors and who respect his un- betting about which staffer will be worry about the Justice Depart- A leading contender to replace
conventional style, one senior ousted next, though few, if any, ment, according to two people fa- Shulkin is Pete Hegseth, an Iraq
White House official said. have much reliable information miliar with the conversation. War veteran and Fox News per-
White House press secretary about what is actually going on. With Hope Hicks resigning her sonality who is a conservative
Sarah Huckabee Sanders pushed Many aides were particularly post as communications director, voice on veterans policy, officials
back late Thursday on Twitter: unsettled by the firing of the presi- the internal jockeying to replace said.
“Just spoke @POTUS and Gen dent’s longtime personal aide, JABIN BOTSFORD/THE WASHINGTON POST
her has been especially intense White House officials said there
H.R. McMaster. Contrary to re- John McEntee, who was marched President Trump reportedly considers national security adviser between Mercedes Schlapp, who are several reasons Trump has not
ports they have a good working out of the White House on Tuesday H.R. McMaster too rigid and feels his briefings go on too long. oversees the White House’s long- axed Cabinet members with
relationship and there are no after his security clearance was term communications planning, whom he has grown disenchant-
changes at the NSC.” abruptly revoked. out suffering severe damage to DeVos’s sit-down with Lesley Stahl and Tony Sayegh, Treasury Secre- ed: the absence of consensus picks
Before The Washington Post re- “Everybody fears the perp their reputation. of CBS’s “60 Minutes” with frustra- tary Steven Mnuchin’s top com- to replace them; concern that
port was published, a White walk,” one senior White House There has been a death watch tion and complained about the munications adviser. their nominated successors may
House spokesperson checked with official said. “If it could happen to for McMaster for several weeks. secretary’s apparent lack of prepa- Trump enjoys watching his sub- not get confirmed in the divided
several senior White House offi- Johnny, the president’s body guy, After NBC reported on March 1 ration, officials said. Other Trump ordinates compete for his approv- Senate; and reluctance to pick al-
cials and did not dispute that the it could happen to anybody.” that Trump was preparing to re- advisers mocked DeVos’s shaky al. Many of the rumors are fueled lied senators or House members
president had made a decision. Trump recently told Kelly that place him, the White House dis- appearance with Savannah Guth- by Trump himself because he com- for fear of losing Republican seats
White House Chief of Staff John F. he wants McMaster out and asked missed that report as “fake news” rie on NBC’s “Today” show. plains to aides and friends about in special elections, as happened
Kelly — who has personally been for help weighing replacement op- — but over the past 48 hours, Kelly’s own ouster has been other staffers, or muses about who last year in Alabama.
eager to see McMaster go —has tions, according to two people fa- officials told The Post that Trump widely speculated about for might make good replacements. Amid the disarray, White House
also told White House staff in re- miliar with their conversa- has now made a clear decision and weeks. But two top officials said “I like conflict. I like having two staff are training Cabinet secretar-
cent days that Trump had made up tions. The president has com- the replacement search is more Trump on Thursday morning ex- people with different points of ies and their staffs on ethics rules
his mind about ousting McMaster. plained that McMaster is too rigid active. pressed disbelief to Vice President view,” Trump said last week, rap- and discussing new processes to
Just days ago, Trump used Twit- and that his briefings go on too McMaster is not the only senior Pence, senior advisers and Kelly ping his fists toward one another prevent mistakes. William J.
ter to fire Rex Tillerson, the secre- long and seem irrelevant. official on thin ice with the presi- himself that Kelly’s name was sur- to simulate a clash. “I like watch- McGinley, who runs the White
tary of state whom he disliked, and Several candidates have dent. Veterans Affairs Secretary facing on media watch lists be- ing it, I like seeing it, and I think House Office of Cabinet Affairs,
moved to install his close ally, CIA emerged as possible McMaster re- David Shulkin has attracted cause his job is secure. Trump and it’s the best way to go.” and Stefan C. Passantino, a deputy
Director Mike Pompeo, in the job. placements, including John Bol- Trump’s ire for his spending deci- Kelly then laughed about it, the Shulkin, meanwhile, is facing White House counsel, have met
On Wednesday, he named con- ton, a former U.S. ambassador to sions as well as for general disor- officials said. mounting trouble after The Post individually and in groups with
servative TV analyst Larry Kud- the United Nations, and Keith Kel- der in the senior leadership of his But others in the West Wing say first reported that he and his wife Carson, Pruitt, Shulkin, Zinke and
low to replace his top economic logg, the chief of staff of the Na- agency. Kelly’s departure could be immi- took a sightseeing-filled trip to other Cabinet secretaries to im-
adviser, Gary Cohn, who quit over tional Security Council. Others considered at risk for nent, and Mick Mulvaney, director Europe on taxpayer funds, includ- press upon them the importance
trade disagreements. Kellogg travels with Trump on being fired or reprimanded in- of the Office of Management and ing watching tennis at Wimble- of changing behavior.
And Trump signaled Thursday many domestic trips, in part be- clude Housing and Urban Devel- Budget, has been mentioned as a don. Shulkin is now facing an in- Simply following the letter of
that more personnel moves were cause the president likes his com- opment Secretary Ben Carson, possible new chief of staff. surrection at his own agency, with the law is not enough, administra-
likely. “There will always be pany and thinks he is fun. Bolton who has generated bad headlines The widespread uncertainty tensions so high that an armed tion officials said. Trump and Kel-
change,” he told reporters. “And I has met with Trump several times for ordering a $31,000 dining has created power vacuums that guard stands outside his office. ly demand that their Cabinet sec-
think you want to see change. I and often agrees with the presi- room set for his office; Environ- could play to the advantage of Another episode haunting retaries be mindful of political op-
want to also see different ideas.” dent’s instincts. Trump also thinks mental Protection Agency Admin- some administration aides. Shulkin was a trip to the Invictus tics and the bad headlines that
This portrait of the Trump ad- Bolton, who regularly praises the istrator Scott Pruitt, who has been Pompeo, who carefully cultivat- Games in Canada last September come with misbehavior.
ministration in turmoil is based president on Fox News Channel, is under fire for his first-class travel ed a personal relationship with with first lady Melania Trump’s “Even if the legal guys sign off
on interviews with 19 presidential good on television. at taxpayer expense; and Interior the president, had positioned entourage. Shulkin fought with on it,” one official said, “you still
advisers and administration offi- Some in the White House have Secretary Ryan Zinke, whose himself as the heir apparent to East Wing aides over his request step back and say, ‘Does this make
cials, many of whom spoke on the been reluctant to oust McMaster agency spent $139,000 to renovate Tillerson, whom Trump had long that his wife accompany him on sense optically?’ ”
condition of anonymity to offer from his national security perch his office doors. disliked. the trip because he was eager for
candid perspectives. until he has a promotion to four- Meanwhile, Education Secre- Similarly, Pruitt has made no her to meet Britain’s Prince Harry,
The mood inside the White star rank or other comfortable tary Betsy DeVos drew attention secret inside the West Wing of his who founded the games, accord-
House in recent days has verged landing spot. They are eager to this week when she stumbled ambition to become attorney gen- ing to multiple officials familiar
on mania, as Trump increasingly show that someone can serve in through a pair of high-profile tele- eral should Trump decide to fire with the dispute.
keeps his own counsel and senior the Trump administration with- vision interviews. Kelly watched Jeff Sessions, who he frequently The first lady’s office explained Greg Jaffe contributed to this report.

If not for enormous debt, Toys R Us might have survived, analysts say
carry that kind of debt.” market was hot, sales were boom- realistic — assumption, and that’s
After private-equity Ever since, the company has ing and the housing market was what we’re seeing again with Toys
struggled to repay the debt, hand- taking off. But all of those things R Us.”
takeover, retailer starved ing over $400 million a year, often have since come crashing down in In 2005, though, executives
itself to pay off $5 billion at the expense of turning a profit. various ways.” were hopeful that the Toys R Us’s
Recently, it had begun burning Perhaps the first domino to new owners would help breathe
through $50 million to $100 mil- fall, analysts say, was the depart- life into the childhood staple that
lion in cash each month as it tried ment store chain Mervyn’s, spanned generations, which was
BY A BHA B HATTARAI to dig its way out, according to which went out of business and just beginning to deal with in-
court documents filed Thursday. closed all of its stores in 2008, creased competition from Wal-
When Toys R Us announced Toys R Us is owned by three com- just four years after it was pur- mart and its rivals.
Thursday it would be closing or panies — the private-equity firms chased by a group of investors “These new owners have em-
selling all of its 800 U.S. stores, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Bain including private-equity firms braced our strategy,” John H. Eyler
analysts offered many reasons for Capital, and the real estate firm Sun Capital Partners and Cer- Jr., the company’s chief executive
the company’s demise: stale Vornado Realty Trust. The firms berus Capital Management. (In at the time, told The Washington
stores, a hard-to-navigate website did not immediately respond to 2012, the firms agreed to pay Post in 2005. “Toys R Us is going to
and increasing competition from calls and emails seeking com- $166 million to Mervyn’s credi- be around for a long time.” (Eyler
the likes of Walmart, Target and ment. tors to settle a lawsuit alleging received $65.3 million on the
online retailers. The big-box chain is just the that the private-equity compa- completion of the deal.)
But it encountered perhaps its latest example of a private-equity- nies fraudulently profited from But analysts say Toys R Us did
biggest challenge, bankruptcy backed retailer that is paying the the retailer’s demise.) little to reverse its fortunes. It
lawyers and retail experts say, price for debt-laden deals dating Toys R Us joins a string of retailers that were taken over by private- A year later, KB Toys — which continued to lose customers to
when two private-equity firms back years, if not decades. Among equity firms and then collapsed in part because of their debt load. was also purchased in a leveraged big-box chains that promised low-
and a real estate investment trust those that have recently filed for buyout by Bain Capital — closed er prices and more convenience,
bought the company in 2005 as bankruptcy are Gymboree, BCBG all of its stores after two bankrupt- as well as to neighborhood bou-
part of a leveraged buyout and Max Azria, Limited Stores, Rue21, cy filings. A number of other re- tiques where children could get
took it private. In the process, they Sports Authority and Wet Seal, all “They had solid results, but not the tailers, including Linens N Things personalized attention and
loaded the toy store chain with of which had large debt loads. and Steve & Barry’s, also had a hands-on experience.
roughly $5 billion in debt. Also on Thursday, iHeartMe- kind of substantial growth necessary similar fate. “There has been no strategy at
“It was a heavy load that was dia, the country’s largest radio “It’s a perfect storm that’s led to Toys R Us,” Silver said. “They
ultimately too much to overcome, company — purchased 10 years to carry that kind of debt.” one bankruptcy after another,” talked about making stores small-
especially as they began to fall ago in a leveraged buyout by Bain Jim Silver, chief executive of the toy review website TTPM said Craig Barbarosh, an attorney er, about making them bigger,
behind in other ways,” said Jim Capital — filed for bankruptcy, at Katten Muchin Rosenman who about adding more experiences,
Silver, chief executive of the toy citing $20 billion in debt. specializes in corporate bank- or combining toys with Babies R
review website TTPM. “They had “Those deals might have made ruptcies. “These deals from that Us. But nobody ever had a plan to
solid results, but not the kind of sense at the time, but the world an analyst for Debtwire. “Toys R retailers that went private at the era were made under extremely make it work.”
substantial growth necessary to has evolved,” said Philip Emma, Us . . . [was] part of that wave of peak of the market. The real estate aggressive — perhaps not even

Company’s failure had roots not only in falling sales but also falling births
There are endless customers are newborns and have fallen steadily since the U.S. birthrate factors at play. The same Geoffrey the Giraffe will be
Wonkblog reasons a big-box children and, as a result, our Great Recession. They hit their economic forces that encourage adults soon.
toy store would revenue are dependent on the lowest point on record in 2016 Live births per 1,000 residents people to have children may They’ll become the prime-age
VAN DAM collapse during a birthrates in countries where we — the most recent year for also encourage them to splurge consumer spenders that drive
retail apocalypse operate. In recent years, many which the Centers for Disease 30 on toys, for example. U.S. economic growth.
— and Toys R Us countries’ birthrates have Control and Prevention has But it’s nonetheless apparent And the generation after
acknowledged a number of dropped or stagnated as their comparable data. that Toys R Us’s fortunes rise them will be smaller still, after
them in its most recent annual population ages, and education Even adjusted for the aging 20 and fall with the population of accounting for a slight bump
filing: the teetering tower of and income levels increase. A population and declining share its target market. from the generational fallout of
debt incurred by its private- continued and significant of women of childbearing age, 12.2 And that’s why the company’s the baby boom.
equity owners, competition decline in the number of U.S. fertility rates are at all-time 10 demise should worry the rest of Eventually, unless the country
from, Walmart newborns and children in these lows. us. does something significant to
and Target. countries could have a material That’s problematic for Toys R Toys R Us focuses on kids, so encourage larger families or
They even wrung their hands adverse effect on our operating Us, which also operates the 0 it’s feeling the crunch from immigration, that narrowing
about app stores, labor costs and results.” Babies R Us stores. The 1909 2016 declining birthrates long before base of the population pyramid
potential tariffs raising the costs It may not have been the company claims in its annual the rest of the economy. will crawl upward.
of the imported goods they sell. biggest existential threat report that income is linked to Source: Centers for Disease Control But it’s just a matter of time In the end, Toys R Us will just
But one risk stood out. Toys R confronting Geoffrey the Giraffe birthrates, and it appears to be and Prevention before the trends that toppled have been the first of many
Us said there just weren’t (the store’s mascot), but it’s the right. THE WASHINGTON POST the troubled toymaker put the businesses of all descriptions
enough babies: one with the broadest The change in the number of squeeze on businesses that cater facing the same hard
“The decrease of birthrates in implications outside of the children born in the previous 12 to consumers of all ages. demographic truth: Economic
countries where we operate worlds of toys and malls. years (and thus sitting right with the company’s changing The smaller generation of growth is extremely difficult
could negatively affect our Measured as a share of within the Toys R Us annual revenue. children whose lackluster toy without population growth.
business. Most of our end- overall population, U.S. births demographic) tracks closely There are, to be sure, other consumption brought down

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Apple has tips for parents wrestling with screen time, but still no new tools
BY H AYLEY T SUKAYAMA to address concerns about prob- work or for teens behind the smartphones and tablets. Com- Other companies have made features except calls, texts, map-
lematic tech use — a response to wheel. mon Sense Media, which has small steps to curb excessive ping apps and photos.
Shareholders and parents investors asking for more “choic- It also tries to make a case for done extensive research on chil- smartphone use. Samsung part- “This isn’t just an Apple issue,
have been asking Apple for es and tools to help [parents] how iPhone and iPads can help dren’s media use, estimates the nered with publisher Arianna but among Silicon Valley compa-
months to address how addictive ensure that young consumers are parents, including information average teen spends nearly seven Huffington on a project to cut nies, Apple is [in] the best posi-
smartphones are and to offer using your products in an opti- on how they can use mobile hours in front of screens each back phone use that will message tion to address it,” protester Di-
tools to deal with the problem. mal manner.” devices to track children or use day, and even children 8 and people on your behalf that you vyahans Gupta told Business In-
Late Wednesday, Apple posted a Instead, the page lists a num- them to quickly access medical under average about two hours have unplugged for a moment. sider.
new resource page outlining ber of Apple settings, including information. per day in front of screens. But iPhone users of all ages The company has not offered
what parents can do now to parental controls that let grown- The new page does not directly The medical definition of what have asked Apple to take the lead any details on what new features
monitor their children's’ iPad ups choose which apps kids can address the issue of how long constitutes a “technology addic- and offer new features to help may be coming down the road.
and iPhone use. use and prevent children from children spend on screens. tion” is in flux, and researchers them unplug. Students at Stan- Apple is expected to show off its
There are no new features on buying items without permis- Children’s advocates for years are still debating how much ford University this month pro- next mobile operating system at
the resource page, although Ap- sion. Apple also outlines how to have called for parents and tech screen time — and which activi- tested outside an Apple Store, its Worldwide Developers Con-
ple in January said that it is use do-not-disturb modes for use, companies to think more critical- ties done during that time — can asking the company to design a ference, which starts June 4.
working on “new enhancements” for instance, while doing home- ly about how kids are using cause problems for children. new mode that blocks all iPhone

Landing U.S. investors a tall order for Saudi crown prince

BY S TEVEN M UFSON He aims to energize deals still dormant after Trump touted them last year dom’s power, health care, energy
and mining sectors, as well as
Saudi Crown Prince Moham- skills training and digital analytics
med bin Salman arrives in the running on Predix, GE’s software
United States next week to kick off platform for the “industrial Inter-
a tour of the pillars of the U.S. net.”
economy — including meetings The package also was to include
with Silicon Valley technology a partnership with Saudi Aramco,
leaders, Los Angeles entertain- the national oil and gas company,
ment executives, oil industry fig- to generate $4 billion in efficiency
ures in Houston and captains of savings by digitizing its opera-
finance in New York. tions.
Mohammed, who will see Presi- But few of GE’s agreements
dent Trump on Tuesday, is striving have gelled. One exception: In
to woo foreign investment and June 2017, the company signed a
know-how to Saudi Arabia to cre- joint-venture agreement worth
ate jobs and diversify an economy $270 million with the Saudi firm
that relies almost entirely on ex- Dussur to move some turbine re-
ports of oil. Those initiatives are pair operations to the kingdom.
key parts of his reformist Vision Another: GE software to put medi-
2030. cal records online is being intro-
Selling American investors on duced at three hospitals around
Saudi Arabia is a tough business. the kingdom.
During a visit to Riyadh in May, Companies focusing on the en-
Trump touted what he described ergy industry have been waiting
as nearly $200 billion of commer- for the construction of a King Sal-
cial and military agreements with man “energy park.”
the kingdom. They included sales Schlumberger, one of the
of equipment and investment go- world’s leading oil-field services
ing in both directions. Nine companies, said it would become a
months later, only a tiny number “key anchor tenant” in the devel-
of the vaunted deals have come to opment and would manufacture
fruition. products for land drilling rigs. It
Investors may be even more said the first phase of the project
skittish because of a recent crack- was planned to be completed by
down on Saudi Arabia’s business the end of the month.
elite orchestrated by the crown But the biggest items on the
prince. Though Mohammed has Trump administration’s list of
portrayed the crackdown as an TOLGA AKMEN/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES “deals” were, in fact, investment
attack on corruption, Western in- Prince Mohammed bin Salman arrives at the British prime minister’s residence at 10 Downing Street, London, on March 7. funds looking at projects in the
vestors are concerned about United States and other parts of
whether it demonstrates weak- the world. The funds had been in
ness in the rule of law. The Saudi the United States, the kingdom specific deals,” Gause said. “There of Trump’s visit. The Saudis have issued a blanket hold on sales of the works since before Trump took
government extracted billions of over the years has signed up a raft was a formal announcement to expressed interest in the system military equipment to countries in office.
dollars and in some cases entire of lobbyists, lawyers and consult- Congress of a $500 million deal for several years, and President the six-member Gulf Cooperation In one, the Saudi Public Invest-
enterprises in exchange for the ing firms, including Akin Gump, earlier this year, but that is a small Barack Obama approved the sale Council over a dispute between ment Fund pledged to invest
business executives’ release from the Podesta Group, BGR Group, percentage of the amount an- — in principle — at a summit at Qatar and other GCC members. $20 billion in a $40 billion private-
detention in Riyadh’s Ritz Carlton the Hohlt Group, Squire Patton nounced during the visit.” Camp David in 2015. Saudi Arabia is a GCC member. equity fund run by the Blackstone
hotel. Boggs, Qorvis, Hogan Lovells and The biggest deal was $28 billion Other parts of the Lockheed But on Feb. 8, Corker wrote to Group and focusing on U.S. infra-
“The crown prince needs to do King & Spalding. But many of for integrated air and missile de- Martin package are even further then-Secretary of State Rex Tiller- structure. The Trump administra-
some reassuring of the interna- those lobbyists privately express fense, combat ship, tactical air- off. There was to be a joint venture son that he was lifting his objec- tion inflated the deal list by count-
tional business and financial com- frustration at the challenges of craft and rotary wing technologies to finish building 150 S-70 Black tion to weapon sales to countries ing this commitment as a $40 bil-
munities in the wake of the Ritz working with Saudi officials. and programs from Lockheed Hawk helicopters for Saudi Ara- engaged in anti-terrorism activi- lion “deal.” But the Saudi share is
Carlton detentions of last year,” F. Restrictions on films could Martin. So far, nothing has been bia, an arrangement that was fore- ties. only half of the $40 billion and will
Gregory Gause, a professor of in- dampen Hollywood’s appetite for delivered, and the agreements cast to generate 450 jobs in Saudi An aide to Corker who spoke on not be drawn down until the fund
ternational affairs at Texas A&M engagement. Hotel chains might “are currently working their way Arabia. the condition of anonymity to has a pipeline of projects. So far,
University, said in an email. be intimidated by the difficulty of through the approval processes in But the venture has not ad- comment freely said Corker had Blackstone has recruited some in-
Other people familiar with Sau- doing business in the kingdom. both governments,” said Maureen vanced past a letter of intent, made exceptions for a wide variety vestors, including senior execu-
di Arabia expect that episode to Trump’s list of U.S.-Saudi trans- Schumann, a spokeswoman at Schumann said. of commercial and defensive non- tives to manage the fund, but it has
fade away. actions included $110 billion of Lockheed Martin. “What the Saudis and the ad- lethal military sales. The aide said yet to make the first investment.
Maybe. Even before the crack- military deals and $80 billion of The State Department notified ministration did is put together a that just four proposed sales total- The Saudi PIF has also pledged
down, the World Bank ranked commercial sales, according to a Congress on Oct. 6 that it had notional package of the Saudi wish ing $2.9 billion to Saudi Arabia to invest up to $45 billion in Soft-
Saudi Arabia 92nd in the world for spreadsheet a White House offi- approved a possible sale to the list of possible deals and portray were subject to the hold and have Bank’s $100 billion technology-fo-
the ease of doing business. Permits cial provided to The Washington government of Saudi Arabia of an that as a deal,” Bruce Riedel, a since been cleared. That amounts cused Vision Fund, which is ex-
and paperwork are burdensome. Post at the time. But some of those anti-ballistic missile system, the senior fellow at the Brookings In- to less than 3 percent of the pected to invest heavily in the
Cross-border trade is practically were not solid deals to begin with; Terminal High Altitude Area De- stitution, said in a blog post. “Even $110 billion in sales announced United States. SoftBank is a Japa-
impossible. And the kingdom the list included memorandums of fense (THAAD), for an estimated then the numbers don’t add up. It’s last May in Riyadh. nese company. The Trump admin-
lacks a clear bankruptcy law, mak- understanding and letters of in- $15 billion, but there is no solid fake news.” At the time of Trump’s visit to istration included the entire
ing it hard to recover money if a tent. Some were first floated dur- contract. A State Department represen- the kingdom, General Electric also amount of the $100 billion fund in
weak local partner goes out of ing the Obama administration. If the past is any indication, that tative said the delay in military announced $15 billion in “new listing the commercial deals
business. “There seems to have been very could take a while. The THAAD sales was linked to Sen. Bob Cork- agreements” with Saudi Arabia. signed during the president’s trip.
Seeking advice and influence in little progress on implementing sale was not a new idea at the time er (R-S.C.), who nine months ago The projects would span the king-



Thursday that it will invest Blue Apron plans to start selling
Ford to focus on SUVs, $100 million in two suburban iHeartMedia files its meal kits in stores later this
hybrids in overhaul Detroit factories to begin bankruptcy plan year, part of an effort to reach
commercial production of self- more customers as growth stalls.
Ford executives on Thursday driving versions of Chevrolet Bolt IHeartMedia, one of the The New York-based pioneer of
disclosed ambitious plans to shift electric cars for use as robo-taxis. world’s largest radio companies, boxed meals is still focused on its
the struggling automaker’s Jim Farley, Ford’s president of is seeking bankruptcy protection core online-subscription model,
product portfolio from passenger global markets, said the as part of an agreement with its but it is also considering selling
cars to SUVs, add more hybrid automaker plans to shift lenders to reduce debt it took on single kits on its website and is in
and pure electric vehicles, and $7 billion of investment to sport- to become a privately held “active conversations” with
reduce development and utility vehicles from cars and, by company. retailers to put its meals on store
manufacturing costs — moves 2020, field a North American The company formerly known shelves in 2018, a spokesman said.
aimed at boosting Ford’s profit lineup of eight SUVs. as Clear Channel
and share price. Coming out of the 2008 Communications said Thursday Long-term U.S. mortgage rates
At a news briefing near the financial crisis, Ford pushed fuel- that it will operate its businesses fell this week for the first time this
company’s Dearborn, Mich., efficient cars for the U.S. market. as usual while it restructures its year as the spring home-buying
headquarters, CEO Jim Hackett Now, the automaker is driving finances under Chapter 11 season begins. The decline comes
said Ford’s previously stated toward a near-term future in protection to reduce debt by more after nine straight weeks of
margin target of 8 percent “now which cars account for only than $10 billion. The chief of the Yawanawa ethnic group in Brazil is preparing for increases that pushed borrowing
has upside.” But company 14 percent of its volume, with IHeartMedia, based in San the World Economic Forum on Latin America in São Paulo, where costs higher. Mortgage buyer
executives targeted 2020 as when SUVs and trucks growing to about Antonio, operates 858 broadcast leaders from government, business and civil society will gather. Freddie Mac said the average rate
the overhaul of its product lineup 86 percent of North American radio stations in more than 150 on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages
and engineering systems will fully sales. markets in the country. It also slipped to 4.44 percent from 4.46
take hold. Ford also plans to take on Tesla runs big live events such as the percent last week. The
Ford is overhauling itself for with a performance-oriented iHeartRadio Music Awards. services. Spotify, which recently massive debt, which it amassed benchmark rate averaged 4.30
the second time in a decade at a battery electric utility vehicle in Though iHeartMedia has a filed for an initial public offering, when private equity firms percent a year ago. The average
time when rivals are telling 2020 — the first of six new pure large online presence and its said Thursday that its shares will Thomas H. Lee Partners and Bain rate on 15-year, fixed-rate loans
investors they are ready to move electric vehicles due by 2022 as iHeartRadio app is popular for begin trading on the New York Capital led a buyback of publicly declined to 3.90 percent from
aggressively into new, part of Ford’s planned $11 billion streaming music, it faces stiff Stock Exchange around April 3. held shares to take the company 3.94 percent last week.
technology-driven markets such investment in electrification. competition from Spotify, Apple The reason for iHeartMedia’s private in 2008.
as robo-taxi services and electric — Reuters Music and other online streaming financial problems is primarily its — Associated Press — From news services

A year on, president has yet to pick science and technology adviser
BY T ONY R OMM dent on science and technology, a mer aide to venture capitalist Pe- work and make sure they are lis-
title that is supposed to afford its ter Thiel who joined the adminis- tened to.”
More than a year after entering bearer access to the person occu- tration in its early days to serve as If the White House proceeds
the White House, President pying the Oval Office. Often, those deputy chief technology officer. with Droegemeier, it would add to
Trump still has not selected his top roles are held by the same person, The White House has retained its ranks a highly experienced me-
science and technology adviser, and under Obama, the responsi- other policy staffers recently who teorologist with government ex-
leaving unfilled a critical policy bilities fell to John P. Holdren for focus on artificial intelligence and perience. He has served as Okla-
post that guides the administra- eight years. education, and at the OSTP, they homa’s secretary of science and
tion on issues as varied as artificial Since Holdren’s departure, the have advanced early initiatives technology, and he aided the U.S.
intelligence, climate change and posts have remained vacant. But that have satisfied tech giants in government’s National Science
cancer research. Trump’s aides have actively sought Silicon Valley and beyond. That Board under presidents George W.
Although the White House new leadership for months. One of includes efforts to speed up the Bush and Obama.
maintains that it is unconstrained the candidates under consider- arrival of 5G, the next generation Publicly, Droegemeier has ad-
in its work — and has staffed up to ation is Kelvin Droegemeier, an of ultra-fast, wireless Internet vocated for sustained federal re-
tackle such challenges as closing expert in extreme weather and service for smartphones and other search spending, even as Trump at
the country’s Internet-access gaps meteorology from the University devices. times has pursued cuts. Mean-
— the vacancy still troubles policy of Oklahoma, according to three At the same time, critics have while, Droegemeier has come to
experts, who say they believe that people familiar with the presi- bristled as the president has pro- the defense of at least one of
Trump would be best served by dent’s thinking but not authorized posed budgets that would slash Trump’s current nominees, Rep.
someone who could double as an to speak publicly. The people said federal programs that seek to com- Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), whose
emissary to the academic and en- others are in the running. bat global warming, which Trump views on climate change prompt-
gineering worlds. The White House and the OSTP described in 2013 as a “hoax.” And ed Democrats to block his nomina-
“Symbolically, it signals science declined to comment. Reached Trump’s decision last year to with- tion to lead NASA.
and technology is at the table in this week by email, Droegemeier draw the United States from a Droegemeier could be nominat-
the administration’s policymak- declined to comment. worldwide carbon-reduction trea- ed to run the OSTP, or he could be
ing,” said Kumar Garg, who was an Under Trump, the White House ty, the Paris climate accord, drew appointed to serve solely as assis-
innovation policy aide under Pres- generally has operated with a outrage from hundreds of busi- tant to the president for science
ident Barack Obama. “But also much smaller complement of sci- ness leaders in technology and and technology. The latter post, if
substantively, because the science ence and technology staffers than other industries. it is uncoupled from the OSTP,
adviser is the principal who gets it did under Obama. The OSTP For that reason, veterans of the doesn’t require Senate confirma-
invited to senior strategy meet- counts about 50 aides today, com- White House maintain that tion. In that case, Trump might be
ings . . . on critical topics like bios- pared with the roughly 130 Obama Trump needs a full-time, senior spared periodic, high-profile
ecurity, cybersecurity, how do we had tapped before leaving office. expert with the same sort of access showdowns with his Democratic
make sure America remains com- Some of that is by design, as Trump afforded to his top aides in defense critics on Capitol Hill, who are
petitive against China and Russia has sought to scale back the size of and economics. itching to challenge him on global
in emerging technology?” government. But some of it is the “I’m happy they are staffing up,” warming and related debates.
Technically, the White House result of the president’s at-times said Kei Koizumi, an assistant di- Previously, the White House
has two major science and tech- icy relationship with liberal-lean- rector at the OSTP under Obama considered turning the OSTP over
nology posts. The first is the direc- ing Silicon Valley, where top tech- who is a visiting scholar at the to Jim O’Neill, a Silicon Valley
tor of the Office of Science and nology executives and engineers American Association for the Ad- investor who also has ties to Thiel,
Technology Policy (OSTP), which — experts who could have formed vancement of Science. according to two of the three peo-
has a broad remit that includes his policy ranks — have become But, Koizumi added: “I remain ple who spoke on the condition of
coordinating the country’s vast SUE OGROCKI/ASSOCIATED PRESS some of his biggest public critics. concerned for them to be fully anonymity. O’Neill is no longer in
federal research budget. The sec- Kelvin Droegemeier, a meteorology expert from the University of Among Trump’s tech policy ad- effective. There’s no substitute for the running, they said.
ond is the assistant to the presi- Oklahoma, is reportedly a candidate for the White House position. visers is Michael Kratsios, a for- leadership that can back their

DJ D-Sol is the electronic music artist who might soon be leading Goldman Sachs
BY R ACHEL S IEGEL personality. Having a side hustle lights reflect off his bald head. announced his retirement. Solo-
as a DJ certainly didn’t hurt, based In another post, DJ D-Sol sports mon’s path to one of the most
Before closing out his radio on the comments from some of his a pink hat and a gray T-shirt, focus- coveted jobs on Wall Street seems
show on SiriusXM, a DJ named 4,212 followers on DJ D-Sol’s Ins- ing intently on the screens and all the more definite given that
Liquid Todd gave a shout-out to tagram account. dials churning out the beat. He days before news of Schwartz’s
another artist whose remix of “Good to see that even though seems wholly unfazed by the scene retirement, the Wall Street Jour-
Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop” was you have an intense career you still right below him: a glistening Ba- nal reported that Blankfein could
about to debut. find time to hit the decks and play hamas beach and a patio filled step down as soon as the end of the
“This is actually a New York the tunes!” wrote one commenter. with tan, bikini-clad tourists hoist- year.
City-based DJ named D-Sol. It’s a “Good luck on your new role at ing drinks and selfie sticks. Solomon, dubbed by some to be
side gig, as well,” Liquid Todd said, Goldman too!!” wrote another. Solomon has also started exper- Goldman’s “culture guy, ” has pro-
before breaking into a laugh. Solomon’s job moonlighting be- imenting with vinyl, which he de- moted gender diversity at the firm,
“Look him up.” neath the strobe lights was report- scribed in a post as “old school . . . pushed to improve working hours
DJ D-Sol turns out to be David ed earlier by the New York Times. but very cool.” He recently per- of young employees and empha-
Solomon, the president and co- His public Instagram account formed at a New Year’s Eve party in sized work-life balance.
chief operating officer of the in- gives some lens into DJ D-Sol’s the Bahamas and at the hip Man- “David’s always believed that
vestment banking giant Goldman stage life. In one post from Sep- hattan nightclub Up&Down, having a wide range of outside
Sachs. He also happens to be the tember 2017 at the Electronic Mu- where he came on stage at 11 p.m. interests leads to a balanced life
recently christened front-runner sic Awards in Los Angeles, DJ D- Sebastian Norena, director of David Solomon, who moonlights as a disc jockey, is the front- and makes for a better career,” Jake
to succeed Lloyd Blankfein as Sol is dressed in all black, save for special events at the Butter Group, runner to become Goldman Sachs’s next chief executive. Siewert, the global head of corpo-
Goldman Sachs’s next chief execu- thick white headphones and white which owns Up&Down, said Solo- rate communications at Goldman
tive. sneakers. He taps his right leg to mon doesn’t just stick to one music people together and make them Sachs as a partner in 1999. He was Sachs, told The Washington Post.
Associates say Solomon, 56, the beat of his electronic dance format — like hip-hop, Top 40 or have a good time with his music, named to be the firm’s sole presi- “He’s preached that regularly to
claimed the inside track to be the music remix as his right hand gen- EDM — but uniquely mixes songs no matter who they are or how old dent and chief operating officer younger employees in the firm and
public face of the Wall Street icon tly manipulates a board of sound across formats and release dates. they are,” Norena said. after Solomon’s other co-COO and tries to lead by example.”
in part because of his outgoing dials and cables. Orange strobe “David has the ability to bring Solomon joined Goldman co-president, Harvey Schwartz,

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Index Close % Chg % Chg Industry Group % Chg –2.5% 0 +2.5% Futures Close % Chg Close % Chg
Dow Jones Industrial Average 24,873.66 +0.5 +0.6 Power Prodct & Enrgy Trdr 1.03 Copper $3.1275 –1.0 Orange Juice $1.3880 –0.4
27,250 Multiline Retail 1.00 Corn $3.8675 –0.5 Silver $16.42 –0.7
Hotels Restaurants & Leis 0.83 Crude Oil $61.19 +0.4 Soybeans $10.4075 +0.8
25,500 Gold $1,317.80 –0.6 Sugar $0.1274 –0.2
Machinery 0.69
23,750 Industrial Conglomerates 0.62 Natural Gas $2.68 –1.8 Wheat $4.7875 –2.0
Construction Materials –1.43
22,000 Value of $1000 invested for the past: day month
Chemicals –1.45
20,250 Biotechnology –1.54 Exchange-Traded (Ticker) % Chg $900 $1000 $1100
Food Products –1.78 Coffee (COFF.L) –1.8
Nasdaq Composite Index 7481.74 –0.2 +8.4 Energy Equipment & Svcs –2.05 Copper (COPA.L) –0.9
7700 Corn (CORN.L) –0.5
International Stock Markets Cotton (COTN.L) 0.7
7200 Crude Oil (CRUD.L) 0.8
Daily YTD % Chg
6700 Americas Close % Chg –15% 0% +15% Gasoline (UGAS.L) 0.8
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6200 Natural Gas (NGAS.L) –1.6
Canada (S&P/TSX Comp.) 15,670.62 0.1
5700 Silver (SLVR.L) –0.7
Mexico (Bolsa) 47,827.83 –0.7
S&P 500 Index 2747.33 –0.1 +2.8 Eurozone (DJ Stoxx 600) 376.88 0.5
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2300 Hong Kong (Hang Seng) 31,541.10 0.3 Dollar General Corp $93.44 4.8 Hawkins Inc $32.95 –6.4
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AR Best $35.30 2.9 NOW Inc $10.13 –5.1
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Exxon Mobil 74.42 1.1 –11.0 United Tech 129.25 –0.3 1.3
Brazil R$ per 3.2853 4.0427 0.0308 4.5787 2.5159 0.1758 DHI Group Inc $1.80 2.9 Office Depot Inc $2.33 –4.9
GE 14.36 0.6 –17.7 UnitedHealth 229.48 1.8 4.1 Canada $ per 1.3058 1.6063 0.0122 1.8195 0.3974 0.0698 Broadcom Ltd $267.76 2.8 Monsanto Co $117.20 –4.8
GoldmnSchs 266.61 0.8 4.7 Verizon 48.29 –0.3 –8.8 RR Donnelley $8.66 2.7 Post Holdings Inc $76.05 –4.7
Home Depot 178.07 0.4 –6.0 Visa Inc 123.41 0.7 8.2 Mexico $ per 18.6956 23.0011 0.1760 26.0508 5.6890 14.3182
IBM 159.61 0.9 4.0 WalMart 87.51 –0.2 –11.4
Intel Corp 50.88 –1.9 10.2 Walt Disney 103.24 –0.6 –4.0 Treasury Performance Over Past Three Months
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Other Measures Consumer Rates Yield: 2.82 Yield: 2.28
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Index Close Daily % Chg YTD % Chg 30-Year fixed mortgage 5-year note 6-month bill
6-Month CDs 0.51 Yield: 2.62 Yield: 1.94
DJ Total Stock Market Index 28,438.08 –0.1 2.8
1-Year CDs 0.80 1.50% 3.71%
Russell 2000 1576.62 –0.5 2.7 5-Year CDs 1.64
Federal Funds 15-Year fixed mortgage
Post-Bloomberg DC Area Index 561.52 0.2 3.3 Note: Bank prime is from 10 major banks. Federal Funds rate is the market rate, which can vary from the federal
New car loan 3.37 2.15% 3.65% target rate. LIBOR is the London Interbank Offered Rate. Consumer rates are from Bankrate. All figures as of
CBOE Volatility (VIX) 16.59 –3.7 50.3 Home-equity loan 5.90 LIBOR 3-Month 1-Year ARM 4:30 p.m. New York time.


Interior agency touts oil rigs, cowboys on ‘vision cards’

agement,” Zinke told the Senate
Staff at Bureau of Land Energy and Natural Resources
Committee during a budget hear-
Management is asked to ing Tuesday. “When you see a
wear them as goals shift BLM light go on behind you, I
would like the public to think
about maybe there’s a lost kid out
there [and] not get a ticket on a
BY D INO G RANDONI county road.”
AND J ULIET E ILPERIN “It’s about public trust,” Zinke
said, adding that “heavy-handed-
The Bureau of Land Manage- ness has led to a breach of trust,
ment has distributed an unusual especially out West.”
new accessory for some of its Two former Obama adminis-
employees to wear: A card with an tration officials — Kornze and
image of an oil rig on one side and David J. Hayes, Interior’s deputy
cattle ranching on the other. secretary in the Obama and Clin-
The cards, which feature art- ton administrations — both said
work then-acting director Mike they were not aware of any simi-
Nedd commissioned after Presi- lar display cards during their time
dent Trump took office, reflect the in office.
bureau’s renewed focus on energy “The oil rig says it all,” said
and agricultural development on Hayes, who has become a fre-
public lands. quent critic of Trump’s environ-
Under the Obama administra- mental policies.
tion, the bureau had promoted Since Trump entered the White
recreation and conservation on House and installed Zinke to head
public lands, but this imagery has Interior, the bureau has sought to
receded from the agency’s official loosen regulations on oil and gas
messaging over the past year. drilling on lands it manages and
On the side with the oil rig, the reduce the cost and complexity of
cards state the agency’s mission is domestic energy production.
to “sustain the health, diversity, DANIEL ACKER/BLOOMBERG NEWS
In December, for example, the
and productivity of the public An oil drilling rig operates in Williston, N.D. The Interior Department has begun promoting the oil and gas industry under President Trump. bureau said it will suspend a rule
lands for the use and enjoyment meant to limit the leaking of
of present and future genera- States and Alaska, where bureau ebrate national monuments on ing, as they are designed to reduce as they distributed the cards,” methane, a powerful greenhouse
tions.” On the other side, above employees often encounter mem- agency land. Several of those public servants to walking talking Ruch said, “advising that employ- gas, from oil and gas rigs on
two men riding horses with herd- bers of the public. Critics, particu- posters have since been removed points,” PEER Executive Director ees must clip them to their lan- federal lands.
ing dogs and cattle in the back- larly in Western states, say the and replaced with the images Jeff Ruch said in a statement. yards or otherwise display.” This is not the first change in
ground, the bureau says its goal is agency has unduly limited access Nedd ordered. The new work is While the bureau said wearing Barret, the bureau spokeswom- the bureau’s public image under
to “improve accountability to our and development on publicly “part of an ongoing series that the cards was not mandatory, an, stressed that “no order has Trump. In April, the agency up-
stakeholders, and deliver better owned land. focuses on the BLM’s multiple- some employees said they felt been given by the Washington dated its website, which had been
service to our customers.” Nedd commissioned artwork use mission,” Barret said, adding pressured to do so. office that employees have to redesigned at the end of the
In an email Thursday, bureau last year that would highlight oil the artwork was done in-house. The manager of at least one wear these.” If managers or super- Obama administration, to change
spokeswoman Michelle Barret and natural gas drilling, mining The advocacy group Public office outside Washington gave a visors are telling employees that the main image from a picture of
said “employees have been given and grazing on public lands, ac- Employees for Environmental “directive” to workers to wear the they must wear these, she contin- backpackers looking at a scenic
vision cards, which the BLM has cording to an Interior official who Responsibility (PEER) obtained cards, according to a bureau em- ued, “they are mistaken.” bluff to a man gazing at a strip of
had off and on over the years.” spoke on the condition of ano- images of the cards from bureau ployee who also spoke with The The cards appear to fit in with coal.
Wearing the cards, she said, is nymity out of fear of retaliation. employees and provided them to Post on the condition of anonym- Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s The current site has a slide
voluntary. The official noted that Neil The Washington Post, which in- ity to avoid reprisal. goal of improving the reputation show at the top that features
The sprawling division of the Kornze, the bureau’s director dependently confirmed their dis- Ruch said his organization of the bureau out West. pictures illustrating various func-
Interior Department oversees from 2014 to 2017, had put up tribution. learned of the cards from people “When you see a BLM truck, tions of the department.
245 million acres of public land, posters in the hallways at Interi- “These mandatory vision cards at two bureau field offices. “Su- the first thing that I would like the
mostly in the Western United or’s main headquarters to cel- are both hokey and disempower- pervisors gave the orders verbally public to think about is land man-

During Sunshine Week, shining a light on Trump’s information darkness

If sunshine is the access to government officials — Trump’s approach to To mark Sunshine Week, information about foreign that President Trump required
best disinfectant, especially those in agencies transparency was defined before examples of darkness have been payments to the business. The each agency to create.”
President Trump dealing with science and defense he became president. Unlike catalogued by Rep. Elijah E. White House, the Office of Withholding documents about
must pray for issues — has continued, and Obama, Trump refused to release Cummings (Md.), the top Management and Budget, and the October ambush in Niger
rain. some forward-looking programs his tax returns. That violated Democrat on the House the Trump Organization also did that killed four U.S. service
He and his designed to improve the flow of decades of custom and tradition Oversight and Government not respond to requests for members. Cummings requested
Federal administration information to the public that that his predecessors followed. Reform Committee, in “a broad comment. a briefing, “but the White House
Insider have a gloomy were created by prior The refusal to release his tax review of the unprecedented Other items on Cummings’s has refused to even talk about the
JOE record when it administrations have been returns remains Trump’s most secrecy of the Trump list of “secrecy in the Trump incident.”
DAVIDSON comes to discontinued.” notable example of opaqueness, administration.” administration” include: Withholding information about
transparency, a “Transparency is in danger,” he but it certainly is not alone. The “The Trump Administration is Trump’s decision to keep White private jet travel by
particularly added by email, “when it is current restraining order shrouded in secrecy — hiding House visitor logs secret, administration officials.
lamentable situation during needed most.” preventing porn actress Stormy foreign meetings, conflicts of “reversing the Obama Cummings and Gowdy requested
Sunshine Week, which ends Before he ran for president, Daniels, who received $130,000 interest, and self-dealing that Administration’s policy of documents, “but the White
Saturday. Started by the Trump sounded like a champion in hush money from a Trump benefit President Trump and his voluntarily disclosing logs of House has stonewalled the
American Society of News of transparency, declaring in a attorney, from talking about her family,” Cummings said by email. visitors to the White House. A Committee.”
Editors (ASNE), the observance 2012 tweet that Barack Obama alleged decade-old affair with the “The American people deserve to lawsuit forced President Trump While all administrations have
began in 2005 to celebrate was “the least transparent president is another. know how the President and his to release at least some of those issues with transparency, Trump
openness and transparency in President — ever — and he ran on “While every administration businesses are profiting from the records.” is vying to be the champion of
government. transparency.” has erred on the side of secrecy, presidency. Unfortunately, A “dramatic increase in opacity.
But what’s to celebrate under Setting aside the dubiousness under the current administration congressional Republicans Freedom of Information Act “The growing culture of
Trump? of that declaration, the current we have witnessed a rapid continue to wall off the lawsuits.” There were 671 unwarranted secrecy is
ASNE has “significant president is beating Obama on erosion of openness, the Administration from real lawsuits in 2017 after Trump was increasingly the rule rather than
concerns with the level of the transparency-deficit front. crumbling of norms, frequent oversight.” inaugurated that January, the exception,” said Lisa
transparency demonstrated by “It’s President Trump who, in and ongoing disparagement of Committee Chairman Trey compared with 448 in 2016, Rosenberg, executive director of
the Trump administration,” said the first 400 days of his the media, as well as efforts to Gowdy (R-S.C.) did not respond Obama’s last full year in office, Open the Government. “At the
Kevin M. Goldberg, the Administration, has instituted a stonewall information requests, to a request for comment. according to Justice Department White House and in many
organization’s legal counsel. culture of secrecy in the manipulate data, and suppress Cummings released his review data. agencies, transparency seems to
“Public data that was once Executive Branch and the White facts,” said “Closing Democracy’s on Monday, the same day he sent Secret regulatory task force be perceived as an enemy rather
available even without a House,” said a report issued by Window,” a report issued Friday letters to the Treasury members. “Many agencies have than an indispensable ally in the
Freedom of Information Act Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.), by Open the Government, a Department and the Trump refused to disclose the identities service of safeguarding our
request has disappeared from chairman of the Democracy coalition of groups favoring open Organization, the conglomerate of individuals serving on democracy.”
public view, a trend of restricting Reform Task Force. government. owned by the president, seeking Regulatory Reform Task Forces

HYATT HOUSE Feinstein asks CIA for Haspel records
HOTEL CONTENTS BY K AROUN D EMIRJIAN in charge of a “black site” prison — tacks. The 6,000-page report was
6NLGPRUH%OYG‡*DLWKHUVEXUJ0' a facility where detainees were the product of a five-year investi-
2SHQ'DLO\0RQ6DW$030 6XQ30 The Democrat who wrote the
Senate’s seminal report on the
interrogated using methods such
as waterboarding. She also was
gation, a summary of which was
publicly released in 2014.
2SHQLQJ1HZ%XLOGLQJV0RUH6XLWHV CIA’s use of enhanced interroga-
tion techniques criticized as tor-
among those officials involved in
the decision to destroy video of
But on Tuesday, Feinstein ap-
peared to stress that when Haspel
ture wants the agency to declassify interrogation sessions. was implicated in such practices,
‡ )ODW6FUHHQ79V ..............$89 ‡ /DPSV ........................................$22 documents detailing the role Gina As a candidate, Trump suggest- the laws against them were not as
‡ .LQJVL]H%HGVSLOORZWRS .........$99 ‡ :ULWLQJ'HVNV ...........................$18 Haspel, President Trump’s nomi- ed the United States reinstate wa- clear.
‡ 6HFWLRQDO6OHHSHU ‡ :DOO6FRQFHV .............................$15 nee to take over as director, played terboarding and other enhanced “The difficult problem is intelli-
in overseeing the practice and at- interrogation techniques, a pro- gence agencies work aside from
6RIDVSLHFH .........................$145 ‡ 3ULQWVPDQ\VL]HV.............. NOW $8 tempts to destroy evidence of it. posal he has not followed through the law. So our job doing oversight
‡ 5HIULJHUDWRUVIXOOVL]H ‡ 0LUURUVIUDPHG ......................$25 Sen. Dianne Feinstein on as president. But several sena- is really to do our level best to keep
VWDLQOHVVVWHHO................... NOW $125 ‡ 0LFURZDYH2YHQV ............. NOW  (D-Calif.), a senior member of the tors pointed to Haspel’s history as them within the law,” Feinstein
Intelligence Committee, wrote in a reason to be concerned about said on Tuesday. “And fortunately
‡ *('LVKZDVKHUV .......................$65 ‡ 'LQHWWH6HWVSFVHW ..... NOW  a letter Thursday that senators her nomination, including Sen. the law, thanks to Senator McCain,
‡ (QG7DEOHVRYDOJODVV ............. ‡ 7DQN7RLOHWV ............................... need “the complete picture” of John McCain (R-Ariz.), himself a has been changed. And torture is
Haspel’s involvement to “fully and victim of torture during the Viet- now illegal in the United States.
3/86&RPPHUFLDO.LWFKHQ(TXLS‡.LWFKHQ&RXQWHUV &DELQHWVZLWK fairly” review her fitness for the nam War. That’s with specificity. And I think
VLQN GLVSRVDO JUDQLWHWRS‡3LOORZV‡&RPIRUWHUV‡&ORFN5DGLRV‡ job. The letter was sent to current “Ms. Haspel needs to explain that’s important. So it’s a different
V0RUH CIA director Mike Pompeo, who the nature and extent of her in- day.”
has been nominated to become volvement in the CIA’s interroga- On Wednesday, Senate candi-
For more info: or call 240-306-5731 Trump’s secretary of state, and tion program,” McCain said in a date Kevin de Leon, a Democrat
7(506$OOLWHPV7DJJHG3ULFHG 6ROGDVLVZKHUHLVRQD¿UVWFRPHEDVLV Haspel, who serves as the agency’s statement this week, noting that who is vying for Feinstein’s seat
DQGVXEMHFWWRSULRUVDOHRZQHUUHWDLQPHQW%X\HUUHPRYHVSXUFKDVHV%X\HU deputy director. her career dovetailed with the questioned why the senator did
“The American people deserve harsh interrogation program “on not more strongly condemn Has-
3UHPLXPRQDOOSXUFKDVHV3D\PHQWE\&DVK9LVD0DVWHU&DUG$PH[RQO\ to know the actual role the person a number of occasions.” pel. The Senate, he wrote in a
nominated to the director of the Feinstein, however, was notice- tweet, “should not equivocate on
CIA played in what I consider to be ably reserved when the announce- rejecting Trump’s pro-torture CIA
NATIONAL CONTENT LIQUIDATORS, INC. one of the darkest chapters in ment was made, nodding to her nominee. John McCain under-
American history,” Feinstein past concerns with Haspel’s rec- stands that. Why doesn’t Dianne
wrote. ord but telling reporters that she Feinstein?”
Haspel, who if confirmed would has been “a good deputy director.” The Intelligence Committee is
Home delivery is convenient. 1-800-753-POST be the first woman to lead the Feinstein is credited with shin- scheduled to begin considering
agency, is a longtime CIA em- ing a light on the interrogation Haspel’s nomination in April.
ployee. During her tenure, she was techniques used after the 9/11 at-

washington forum

Putin can’t talk his way out Housing and Urban Development
Before: HUD’s mission is to create strong, Proposed: HUD’s mission is to ensure Americans

ussian President Vladimir Pu- cultivated a relationship with Moscow
tin told NBC’s Megyn Kelly as well as Washington. The UAE’s sustainable, inclusive communities and quality have access to fair, affordable housing and opportu-
this month that in using pow- military leader, Crown Prince Moham-
er, you “must be ready to go all med bin Zayed, should stand with his affordable homes for all. HUD is working to nities to achieve self-sufficiency, thereby strengthen-
the way to achieve the goals.” Now, it American friends now. And Qatar, strengthen the housing market to bolster the ing our communities and nation.
seems, Putin has gone all the way too with one of the world’s biggest gas
far. reserves, can appease Trump and economy and protect consumers; meet the need for
Putin’s aggressive use of covert ac- show the West that it’s a reliable friend quality affordable rental homes; utilize housing as a
tion to settle scores hit an internation- by playing the energy card as well —
al tripwire after the poisoning of a offering Russia’s gas customers deals platform for improving quality of life; build
former Russian spy and his daughter that are too good to refuse. inclusive and sustainable communities free from
in the quiet British cathedral town of Russia’s outrageous behavior in Syr-
Salisbury. An outraged Britain was ia should be on the table, too. Moscow discrimination, and transform the way HUD does
joined Thursday by France, Germany betrayed the Syrian Kurds, its long- business.
and the United States in condemning time allies, when it withdrew its forces
the use of the banned Soviet-era toxin in January from the Afrin enclave and
known as Novichok. allowed Turkey to attack Kurdish forc- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
A joint statement denounced the es there. The slaughter of civilians in
attack as “the first offensive use of a Afrin has been almost as grim as in Before: USCIS secures America’s promise as a na- Now: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
nerve agent in Europe since the Second Ghouta, east of Damascus. Incredibly,
World War” and called it “a breach of when asked about chemical weapons tion of immigrants by uniting families, administers the nation’s lawful immigration
international law” that comes “against use in Syria, Putin told Kelly: “One providing refuge, fostering economic prosperity, system, safeguarding its integrity and promise by ef-
the background of a pattern of earlier wants to say, ‘Boring.’ ”
irresponsible Russian behavior.” That Russia has been getting a pass for promoting citizenship, and protecting our nation ficiently and fairly adjudicating requests for
strong language warrants action by the Syria carnage, thanks partly to its immigration benefits while protecting
NATO and the United Nations. manipulation of Turkey and its quiet
The Trump administration, after a liaison with Israel. But this back- Americans, securing the homeland, and
year of mealy-mouthed, temporizing channel hedging of bets needs to stop. honoring our values.
statements, also announced sanctions If the United States is serious about
Thursday against Russia’s “malicious altering Russian behavior, it must or-
cyberattacks.” The sanctions, target- ganize a new coalition of the willing.
ing five Russian organizations and For NATO allies and Israel, participa- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
19 people, will have little practical tion should be mandatory.
effect beyond those already in place. Putin seems to think he has found Before: The Consumer Financial Protection Now: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is
What matters is that President Trump the sweet spot of deniability. Kelly Bureau is a 21st century agency that helps a 21st century agency that helps consumer
finally seems to have eased, at least for pressed him about last month’s indict-
the moment, his dubious defense of ment of 13 Russians, led by Putin’s consumer finance markets work by making rules finance markets work by regularly identifying and
Putin. “It certainly looks like the Rus- oligarch pal Yevgeniy Prigozhin, for more effective, by consistently and fairly enforcing addressing outdated, unnecessary, or
sians were behind it,” he said of the meddling in the U.S. election. Putin
poisoning. “. . . We’re taking it very responded contemptuously: “I have those rules, and by empowering consumers to take unduly burdensome regulations, by making rules
seriously.” heard about some of them . . . but they more control over their economic lives. more effective, by consistently enforcing
So how can the United States and its are just individuals, they do not repre-
closest allies alter Putin’s behavior, if sent the Russian government. . . . federal consumer financial law, and by
they’re truly serious about holding There are some names, so what?” empowering consumers to take more control
Russia to account? The answer, say Putin used the phrase “so what”
several former senior CIA officials, is nine times during the interview. That’s over their economic lives.
to use America’s network of alliances his tell. He thinks he can get away with
to put Russia under strain. Putin has it, based on his experience over the
been playing a weak hand well, but the past 18 years in power. He hacks CHRISTINE EMBA
high cards remain in Western hands. political campaigns around the world
Russia’s greatest vulnerability is its
dependence on sales of oil and gas.
Here, the United States is uniquely
positioned for payback. Consider the
and insists he’s blameless because, as
he told Kelly, “the Internet is yours.”
He cynically manipulates the battle-
field in Syria, causing thousands of
Editing out democracy
ways in which Trump could stress civilian deaths there, and pretends he

Russia on the energy front. has a peace plan. When he gets caught pare a moment to think of HUD. dramatic break with its predecessors, of rule enforcement.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed cheating, he throws up his hands in What comes to mind? If it’s afford- there are a few paths it can take to shift the But these shifts matter for the rest of us,
bin Salman visits Washington next mock innocence. able housing or anti-discrimina- machinery of government. The bluntest too.
week. “MBS,” as he’s known, has a By his reckless actions, Putin has tion policy, Ben Carson would like options are to fire existing personnel and Mission statements can seem like cor-
quiet deal with Moscow to limit oil sharply raised the price of his admis- to redirect your attention — and that of cut the budgets of the operations it dis- porate pabulum, but there’s a reason or-
production sufficiently to keep prices sion to the club he needs to join if his the department itself. agrees with. More insidiously, political ganizations have them — they clarify in-
above $60. If MBS truly wants to dreams of a revived Russia aren’t come A memo leaked to HuffPost last week leaders can slowly reorient the priorities ternal perspective and communicate it to
reciprocate Trump’s friendship, he crashing down around him. Putin says revealed that the housing secretary has of organizations under their purview. In the world. As HUD’s own assistant secre-
should suspend this oil deal to punish he wants to talk. Okay, let’s talk. But plans to change the mission statement of the first year of his presidency, Trump has tary for public affairs put it in announcing
Russia for its unacceptable actions. first, Putin needs to start cleaning up the Department of Housing and Urban tried all of the above, yet his administra- the proposed revision, “A mission state-
A united front should include the the mess he has created. Development, by stripping out the phrase tion’s work in the last category has man- ment describes an organization’s purpose,
United Arab Emirates, which has also Twitter: @IgnatiusPost “free from discrimination” and cutting aged to fly largely under the radar. what it intends to do, and whom it intends
references to “quality homes” and “inclu- How many of us have noticed? Let’s be to serve.” Changing missions has real-
sive communities.” A new, shorter state- honest. As a single offering within the world ramifications. What does it mean
ment will emphasize “self-sufficiency” smorgasbord of outrages that make up the when the State Department is no longer in

North Korean lessons and “opportunity,” in line with Carson’s

stated distaste for desegregation initia-
tives and intense fear that someone might
Trumpian news cycle — Trade war! Nu-
clear threats! Russian interference! Sur-
prise firings! — the prospect of bureau-
the business of democracy promotion?
When the federal consumer protection
bureau privileges cutting regulations for
accidentally feel comfortable in public crats changing some agency boilerplate companies over protecting citizens? The
BY W ILLIAM J . P ERRY But suppose my skepticism is mis- housing. seems minor. One can understand why answers are important.
placed and we can actually negotiate It’s not the first such change to take these quiet shifts in phraseology have rare- In a press briefing this past summer,

n 1994, former president Jimmy denuclearization. How will we verify place under the watchful eyes of President ly made front-page news, especially when Trump senior policy adviser Stephen Mil-
Carter met with officials in Pyong- it? Verification is critical in any arms- Trump’s agency appointees. Last month, there are porn-star payoffs to cover. ler sparred with a reporter over the mean-
yang to negotiate the denuclear- control agreement, but particularly so U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Ser- So it makes sense that many of the ing of the Statue of Liberty, noting that the
ization of North Korea. In 1999, I with North Korea, given its history of vices eliminated the phrase “America’s alarms were first sounded on small blogs famous poem on its base — “give me your
met in Pyongyang to negotiate the breaking agreements. We do not know promise as a nation of immigrants” from or over email, by industry watchers and tired, your poor, your huddled masses” —
denuclearization of North Korea. Now, how many nuclear weapons are opera- its mission statement; in the new version, concerned career employees. Devex, a me- was a late addition and implying that it
nearly 20 years later, it seems possible tional or under construction. We do CIS is focused on “securing the home- dia site for aid workers, first flagged was not representative of America’s true
that President Trump could meet with not know where all the nuclear facili- land.” This past summer, officials at the changes to the U.S. Agency for Interna- position on immigration. The outrage that
Kim Jong Un to negotiate the denucle- ties are located. And counting war- State Department scrubbed the word “de- tional Development’s mission statement, followed demonstrated how much even
arization of North Korea. There are a heads is fundamentally difficult, par- mocracy” from theirs. which reorients the agency’s ambitions symbolic language matters, that the rhet-
few lessons that this administration ticularly in a country rightly called the They’re just words, you might be tempt- away from ending extreme poverty to oric and meaning we embrace as a country
can learn from the successes and fail- “Hermit Kingdom.” ed to say. Talk is cheap in the Trump pushing countries off aid. An alert former define who we are.
ures of those previous attempts. Our nuclear treaties with the Soviet administration, especially when it comes advisory board member tweeted that the The redefinitions within federal agen-
The first and most fundamental is Union counted operational missiles, to actual policy. But these mission modifi- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau cies are happening more quietly than this,
that North Korea, at a very high cost, is which we could verify, and inferred the cations are actually significant interven- had added a line to its mission statement but many are just as radical. Words mat-
pursuing a nuclear program to ensure number of warheads, which we could tions. We shouldn’t let them sneak past. making “identifying and addressing out- ter. Trump’s appointees haven’t forgotten
the survival of its regime. Second, not directly verify. To this day, the When a new political regime comes into dated, unnecessary, or unduly burden- that — and neither should we.
North Korean leaders are not crazy. United States does not know how power, especially one wishing to make a some regulations” its top priority, instead
They are despotic, they are ruthless, many nuclear warheads Russia has in
they are cruel to their own people — reserve or storage, and the error in our
but they are not irrational. Their intent estimates could be in the thousands.
is to stay in power. So it would be a fundamental mistake JOE SCARBOROUGH
Third, the regime is not driven by to believe that we can reliably verify a
ideology. Basically, North Korea can-
not afford an ideology that does not
support the overarching goal of sus-
treaty by which North Korea agrees to
dismantle all of its nuclear weapons
and not build more.
We will survive this fire drill
taining its regime. As a result, its However, just because we can’t ver-

leaders are quite flexible in the means ify a denuclearization agreement he American experiment has sur- with titles such as “How Democracies Die” that appears to have just elected Conor
they use to achieve that goal. A corol- doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have any vived slavery, the Civil War, a Great and Hannah Arendt’s classic “The Origins of Lamb to Congress. When asked how he
lary of this is that they are not bound by agreement. Given that North Korea Depressions, 32 recessions, two Totalitarianism.” would vote, the GOP leader said for the
ethical or moral standards, so an has a nuclear arsenal, we must con- world wars, a ghastly flu pandemic, In a political culture defined by tribalism Democrat, because “we need a good man in
agreement is not really binding for tain and deter that arsenal. We can the global rise of communism, the horrors and paranoia, harsh partisan reactions to a Congress.” That interview brought to mind
them. If they see some advantage in strengthen our containment by reach- of Hitlerism, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Viet- disruptive president are hardly surprising. Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jon Mea-
breaking an agreement, they will, par- ing an agreement with North Korea nam, Watergate and 9/11. Yet many of my Last year, 51 percent of Republicans told cham’s praise of George H.W. Bush’s leader-
ticularly if they can do so clandestinely. on a testing ban and a ban on any friends still fear that our resilient republic pollsters that former president Barack ship style:
Fourth, while they do value eco- transfer of nuclear technology or will not survive the malevolent reign of an Obama was born outside the United States. “There is greatness in political lives dedi-
nomic incentives and will bargain for components. Such an agreement inept reality TV star. During George W. Bush’s presidency, more cated more to steadiness than to boldness,
them, they will never trade regime would not be as desirable as denucle- They are wrong. than half of Democrats said they believed more to reform than to revolution, more to
survivability for economic benefits. arization, but it could be negotiated, That is not to say that those fears are Bush was complicit in al-Qaeda’s 9/11 at- the management of complexity than to the
These lessons call into question and, once negotiated, it could be veri- unfounded. President Trump has repeated- tacks. And though I’ve spent my adult life making of mass movements. Bush’s life
whether the United States can ever fied. Even with this lesser agreement, ly shown contempt for the rule of law, assuring Republican and Democratic code, as he once put it in a letter to his
achieve its stated goal of denucleariza- verification is not simple, especially disrespected strategic alliances, smeared friends alike that American democracy will mother, was ‘Tell the truth. Don’t blame
tion, now that North Korea has a with the ban on transfer. With this the free press, dismissed democratic tradi- survive their chosen party’s defeat, the past people. Be strong. Do your best. Try hard.
nuclear arsenal. What could we offer ban, we would need to negotiate in- tions and disregarded common decencies. two years have challenged even my own Forgive. Stay the course.’ ”
the country that would persuade it to trusive inspection features, such as The language he uses while attacking feder- sanguine views. That is not the course Americans find
give up its nuclear arsenal and remain we negotiated years ago with the al judges and political reporters borrows Still, I remain resolute in my faith that the themselves on today. But if the past decade
confident of staying in power? Would Soviet Union. more from Benito Mussolini than Benjamin dysfunctional presidency of Donald Trump has taught us anything, it is that voters
American security assurances do that? Useful results can be obtained from Franklin. And although the United States’ will eventually prove that no man is above quickly correct the country’s direction
I offered them such assurances in negotiations but not the results being democratic institutions have shown their the law and that no president is beyond the when events demand change. Just as voters
1999, and they were very interested. But advertised. My fear is that the negotia- resilience over the past year, Trump’s disre- reach of James Madison’s Constitution. checked George W. Bush’s power by putting
at that time, they did not have a nuclear tions will be a failure because we will gard for constitutional norms has come at a Robert S. Mueller III, Rod J. Rosenstein, the Democrats in charge of Congress, Obama
arsenal and could not have been sure enter into them with unrealistic ex- cost. federal judiciary, America’s free press, white spent his last six years in the White House
they would be able to build one. So they pectations. Even so, I believe that a One college student home for spring voters in suburban Pittsburgh, black voters vexed by Republican majorities in both
were not considering giving up a nu- deal can be had that will significantly break this week passionately argued to her in rural Alabama, determined women in chambers.
clear arsenal but rather were consider- improve our security. We should not parents and me that “Trump proves democ- Northern Virginia and millions of other While those checks and balances have
ing giving up the right to try to build let the best be the enemy of the good. racy doesn’t work anymore.” That suburban citizens organizing for November’s momen- long frustrated presidents in both parties,
one. Even so, it was a hard sale. So I have insight lines up neatly with recent polls tous midterms can best explain to our disil- that is exactly how the Founders envisioned
a high degree of skepticism that North The writer was U.S. defense secretary from showing that younger Americans are more lusioned daughters and sons why we will their American experiment working. It is
Korea will really negotiate away the 1994 to 1997. This column was produced skeptical of democracy’s staying power than survive this democratic fire drill. also why a shortsighted political day trader
nuclear arsenal it now has, even though by The WorldPost, a partnership of the their parents. But even older Americans This week, NBC News’ Vaughn Hillyard such as Trump is doomed to fail in Washing-
South Korean officials have claimed Berggruen Institute and The Washington have their doubts. Maybe that’s why Ama- interviewed a former Republican mayor ton.
Pyongyang is open to it. Post. zon’s bestseller lists have been peppered from the conservative Pennsylvania district



The March 10 editorial “Another painful truth
about opioids” cited a Veterans Affairs study showing
EDITORIALS that opioids are not effective for managing long-term
back pain as evidence that “the opioid epidemic’s

Homeland Security fails the decency test roots lie in a wave of permissive prescribing of
opioids that turns out . . . to have been unjustified
even as good pain management practice.”
Such a broad inference was challenged by Anne
Fuqua’s March 11 Outlook essay, “Which is the bigger
For no reason, a 7-year-old girl is taken from her mother — for four months. crisis: Addiction or pain?” Ms. Fuqua, a former nurse
who was diagnosed with a severe neurological disor-

HO KNOWS why Homeland Security may be a human-trafficking victim. “If we are unable account of having fled what the lawsuit, filed by the der that responded only to opioids, saw her doctor
agents in Southern California forcibly to confirm this relationship [between adult and American Civil Liberties Union, said was “near increasingly frightened by the anti-opioid campaign
separated a 7-year-old Congolese girl child],” said the spokesman, Tyler Houlton, “we must certain death” in Congo. Despite that, she was to the point that he left pain management altogether.
from her mother last fall, flew her take steps to protect the child,” including placing her detained until the lawsuit and ensuing publicity It was extremely hard for her to find another doctor
2,000 miles to Chicago, where she was placed at a in a facility for unaccompanied children. prompted her sudden release last week. willing to prescribe opioids for her pain. She keeps
facility for unaccompanied minors, and kept her In this case, DHS’s effort to establish Ms. L’s guilt In a class-action suit, the ACLU asserts that the track of reports of pain sufferers who have killed
there for more than four months? Who knows why by insinuation failed, and its stated concern for the Trump administration has separated children from themselves because they were not able to tolerate
the girl, who is credibly reported to have been child’s protection and well-being has been exposed their parents in more than 100 cases, even though their pain, now more than 100: “Just a few years ago,
traumatized, has been permitted to speak with her as phony. For four months, no testing was performed the department says it does not “currently” have a discussion of suicide was rare in the community of
mother, only recently released from a detention to establish the woman’s maternity. And when, policy on the matter. If it seems unthinkable that the pain patients. Now I see it on online bulletin boards,
center near San Diego, just a handful of times in the following a lawsuit filed on their behalf, the two were administration and Homeland Security Secretary in article comments and in online groups dedicated
intervening four months? And in the absence of any finally subjected to DNA testing this month, the Kirstjen Nielsen would carry out a practice so cruel, to the subject.”
evidence of wrongdoing by the mother, who present- result was unequivocal: Ms. L is the mother of S.S. one likely to inflict long-term harm on children, Perhaps there are two crises: addiction and pain.
ed herself to U.S. officials when she crossed the That finding has been met with silence by DHS. think again: DHS officials, including Ms. Nielsen’s Trading fewer addicts for more pain patients or
border from Mexico, who knows why the govern- The department, having originally expressed indig- predecessor, John F. Kelly, now the White House trading fewer pain patients for more addicts are false
ment has continued to keep parent and child apart? nation at the idea that it would separate children chief of staff, have said they believe it would be an choices. We should advocate solutions that address
The Department of Homeland Security has de- from their parents for any reason other than the effective means of deterring asylum seekers. both crises.
clined to comment on the case of the two asylum child’s welfare, has been rendered speechless. If DHS has subjected this small girl to trauma as a Michael Yaphe, Vienna
seekers, known in court filings as Ms. L and S.S. But a U.S. officials who interviewed Ms. L when she warning to other asylum seekers, it is an unconscio-
spokesman said in a statement that agents may crossed the border made a preliminary finding that nable means to an end. If that is not the reason, then Regarding Megan McArdle’s March 9 Wash-
separate children and adults if they suspect the child she had a plausible claim for asylum, based on her what is? ington Forum essay, “The ‘moral hazard’ in the
opioid crisis”:
Naloxone saves lives, but it does not treat addic-
tion. On its own, it cannot prevent overdoses or

Mr. Putin’s TOM TOLES addiction-related crime, nor can it resolve the opioid
epidemic. The problem highlighted by the working
paper Ms. McArdle mentioned is not that naloxone

punishment encourages people suffering from addiction to take

risks; it is the lack of good treatment options
available to individuals with opioid addiction. Medi-
cation- assisted treatment is lifesaving for opioid
New sanctions on Russia are good, addiction, yet few receive it following an overdose.
but it will take a lot more than that Most are simply released upon revival and medical
to protect U.S. elections. Pervasive stigma against addiction is responsible
for the lack of available treatment. As a society, we

OR A presidency marked by reticence to criti- continually fail to treat addiction as we treat other
cize Russia, Thursday offered a change of tone. diseases. Naloxone is akin to a defibrillator, which
The White House signed on to a multinational can restart a patient’s heart but won’t cure underly-
statement condemning Russia for poisoning ing heart disease. It is difficult to imagine that
people on British soil with a military-grade nerve defibrillators would be described as a moral hazard
agent. Meanwhile, the Treasury Department unveiled for individuals who do not make lifestyle changes to
sanctions against five Russian organizations and reduce their risk of heart disease.
19 Russian nationals in response to Kremlin-backed We must stop searching for a “silver bullet” to
meddling in the 2016 presidential election. address this crisis and recognize that a comprehen-
Both moves are welcome — but, unless they hint at sive approach is needed. If we don’t provide effective
much bigger things to come, and soon, they also are treatment to individuals who suffer an overdose, we
inadequate. These measures alone will not deter are not using naloxone to its full potential.
Russian President Vladimir Putin from interfering in Lindsey Vuolo, New York
America’s 2018 elections, nor from engaging in the The writer is associate director of
variety of aggressive attacks on the West that Russia health law and policy at the
continues to perpetrate. National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse.
The statement, co-signed by France, Germany and
Britain, concluded that it is “highly likely that Russia
was responsible” for the chilling nerve-agent attack Well done, Mr. Scott
against Sergei and Yulia Skripal in southern England,
which put them in the hospital in critical condition Regarding the March 11 Politics & the Nation
and sickened others nearby. “There is no plausible article “Fla. governor breaks with NRA, signs new
alternative explanation,” the allies insisted, noting gun law in response to Parkland”:
that Russia’s refusal to cooperate with British author- Hurrah for Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) for signing
ities underlines the Kremlin’s probable guilt. This the gun legislation. Hurrah that he threw off the
honesty is good. It must be followed by action. chains of slavery to the National Rifle Association.
In announcing the sanctions, Treasury Secretary May all governors and lawmakers do the same.
Steven Mnuchin cited the “ongoing nefarious attacks Down with the tyranny of the NRA!
emanating from Russia,” including election interfer- Carla Galiano, Burke
ence and cyberattacks. The Treasury Department Special Counsel.” In other words, the sanctions do not harder to obtain funding, intelligence and other
targeted the sanctions at the Internet Research Agen- represent a dramatic change in U.S. policy. “With the support for states seeking to secure their election
cy, a Russian troll farm responsible for much of the midterm elections fast approaching,” Mr. Warner systems. And the president should express full ‘Good news’ only for some
Russia-backed 2016 election interference, and at added, “the Administration needs to step it up, now, if support for the special counsel investigation into
Russian spy agencies, freezing their assets and block- we have any hope of deterring Russian meddling in Russian actions. The production workers and distribution agents
ing Americans from doing business with them. There 2018.” Encouragingly, Mr. Mnuchin said Thursday that he who hustled to make sure that Robert J. Samuelson’s
is no doubt the sanctions are well-deserved. The Trump administration could start by slap- intends to impose additional sanctions “to hold Rus- op-ed made its appearance on readers’ doorsteps
Yet, as Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) noted Thurs- ping more sanctions on Russian oligarchs and oth- sian government officials and oligarchs accountable well before dawn might offer insight into “today’s
day, “Nearly all of the entities and individuals who ers in Mr. Putin’s inner circle. Treasury released a list for their destabilizing activities by severing their pessimism,” which Mr. Samuelson regards as over-
were sanctioned today were either previously under of potential targets in January. It should finally access to the U.S. financial system.” With U.S. primary blown [“Good news! The optimists are striking
sanction during the Obama Administration, or had make better use of it. The Russian threat also races already underway, time is fast running out to back,” op-ed, March 12]. Manufacturing and circula-
already been charged with federal crimes by the demands that the Trump administration push much deter Russian interference. tion jobs are demanding but incredibly satisfying.
They offer the people who hold them a lucrative
living and a sense of participating in an important
enterprise. But the majority of those positions are

A half-step toward fixing the GOP tax law gone, eliminated by the rise of digital news and
operational efficiencies.
While there is a strong case to be made that the
world is economically better off as a result of the past
Democrats’ plan would raise $1 trillion by undoing giveaways — but then spend it all. few decades of innovation, we cannot afford to
dismiss the strain on those whose livelihoods were

HE REPUBLICAN tax plan enacted into law would raise $139 billion of the $1 trillion total. It ble, the Republican tax plan could have been without ended, often midcareer, by these same forces.
in December accomplished some useful re- would repeal the Republican bill’s near-elimination sacrificing its most important reform goals. That is, Mr. Samuelson listed as challenging “costly welfare
forms — limiting housing subsidies; a more of the alternative minimum tax (AMT) for high until you consider what Democrats propose to do states.” I would submit that the real challenge is our
competitive top corporate tax rate — at the earners (raising $429 billion), restore the previous with this additional revenue: spend it, all of it, on a failure to harness the enormous productive power
expense of disproportionately benefiting upper- estate tax law ($83 billion), raise the corporate rate massive new infrastructure program that would that Mr. Samuelson rightly celebrated to make sure
income Americans and blowing a large hole in the from 21 percent to 25 percent ($359 billion) and end cover everything from roads to veterans’ hospitals. that no one’s life is irrevocably ruptured and that no
federal deficit. Over the next decade, the legislation the carried-interest loophole for investment firms The Democratic plan, therefore, is not a true one is left behind.
will leave the U.S. government $1.5 trillion more ($12 billion). All of this would hit rich individuals infrastructure “pay for”; it just shifts about $1 tril- Victor A. Capece, Bowie
deeply in debt than it would have been otherwise. and corporations yet would not significantly undo lion in federal borrowing from the tax cuts to
Democrats quite rightly condemned this, but mostly the growth-enhancing impact of the Republican bill. spending. The federal deficit would still be $1.5 tril-
without offering a specific alternative. Now the A 25 percent corporate rate is internationally com- lion more 10 years from now than it would have been Cheaper, cleaner energy
Senate’s Democratic caucus has come forward with a petitive and not much higher than the 22 percent before the passage of the GOP bill.
plan to correct the inequities of the Republican plan that Republican Sens. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Mike No doubt the Democrats would argue that infra- Regarding the March 9 front-page article “From
and to recoup roughly two-thirds of the lost revenue. Lee (Utah) were willing to accept at a certain point in structure spending spurs economic growth, and scorn to payday: Dominion’s big play”:
Obviously, it has no chance of passage. As a conversa- the debate. Indeed, the Democrats could save several there’s some truth to that, just as there’s some truth Dominion Energy may indeed wield too much
tion-starter, though, it has its virtues — with one hundred billion dollars more, and reduce complexi- to GOP claims that corporate tax cuts spur private- clout in Richmond for a regulated monopoly, but a
large caveat. ty, by repealing the new breaks for “pass-through” sector investment. Yet the case for a massive new close examination of the final bill passed by the
The Democrats’ proposal would raise roughly entities. That might even be preferable to Demo- fiscal stimulus is weak with the economy at full Virginia General Assembly and sent to the
$1 trillion over the next 10 years by restoring the top crats’ restoration of the AMT. employment, whether it’s done through tax cuts or governor reveals sweeping changes to Virginia’s
marginal rate on individual income to 39.6 percent, In any case, the Democrats’ plan reminds every- infrastructure spending. Democrats should adjust costly and polluting status quo. That includes
which it was before the GOP cut it to 37 percent; this one how much more fiscally responsible, and equita- their proposals accordingly. significant energy efficiency investment to lower
emissions and Virginia electric bills, currently the
10th-highest in America, especially helpful to low-
L O CA L O P I N I O N S ABCDE income Virginians struggling to pay energy costs;
solar and wind investments to catch up with and
FREDERICK J. RYAN JR., Publisher and Chief Executive Officer possibly exceed much of the country in clean
Names can change. History can’t. News pages:
Editorial and opinion pages:
energy; and the types of 21st-century grid technol-
Executive Editor Editorial Page Editor ogies that ensure cleaner, cheaper energy delivery.
The March 12 Metro article “Confederates divid- Education, the case that the Supreme Court decided CAMERON BARR JACKSON DIEHL These improvements were not in the unaccept-
Managing Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor
ed” missed one of the most significant facts in the in 1954, and was an intentional slap in the face to EMILIO GARCIA-RUIZ RUTH MARCUS able form Dominion originally proposed, but they
Managing Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor
history of education in Virginia: those who supported integration. TRACY GRANT JO-ANN ARMAO now are, thanks to the hard work of stakeholders
Managing Editor Associate Editorial Page Editor
Virginia public schools were shut Changing the name of Lee- SCOTT VANCE
and lawmakers who will continue to keep a
down in fall 1958 to avoid integra- Davis High School does not erase watchful eye on Dominion to ensure the page
tion. In the Northern Virginia Andrew Johnson did not history. It simply acknowledges
Deputy Managing Editor
Deputy Managing Editor keeps turning toward a better and cleaner
counties, schools were reopened that Confederate Gen. Robert Virginia. And that’s not a special interest. That’s in
in a few days using local and glorify Robert E. Lee E. Lee and President of the Con-
Vice Presidents:
JAMES W. COLEY JR......................................................................................Production
L. WAYNE CONNELL..........................................................................Human Resources everyone’s interest.
federal money. Public schools in at federacy Jefferson Davis may have Dawone Robinson, Washington
least one county were closed for as and Jefferson Davis, used the reasoning that they were
KATE M. DAVEY..................................................................................Revenue Strategy
ELIZABETH H. DIAZ ................................................. Audience Development & Insights
GREGG J. FERNANDES........................................................Customer Care & Logistics The writer is Northeast/Mid-Atlantic director
long as five years. White students defending their homeland when of energy affordability for the
went to “academies,” often located and neither should we. they were, in fact, traitors to their
STEPHEN P. GIBSON...................................................................Finance & Operations
SCOT GILLESPIE .......................................................................................... Engineering
JED HARTMAN.......................................................................................Client Solutions Natural Resources Defense Council.
in church basements, and many country. President Andrew John- KRISTINE CORATTI KELLY...................................................Communications & Events
JOHN B. KENNEDY.................................................................General Counsel & Labor
black students received no educa- son pardoned them. He did not MIKI TOLIVER KING........................................................................................Marketing
tion at all from 1959 to 1964. The fact that glorify them, and neither should we. We should let SHAILESH PRAKASH...............................Digital Product Development & Engineering

“Lee-Davis opened as an all-white high school . . . in the past stay buried with them. The Washington Post
 Letters and Local Opinions:
1959” flew directly in the face of Brown v. Board of Carla Dean Day, Potomac Falls 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 (202) 334-6000 Op-eds:


Russia’s The reign of

war against randomness
the West
t is a natural tendency to examine
presidential decisions for what
ideological content or policy direc-

hat if they had a war and only tion they indicate. What does the
one side showed up? Russia removal of Secretary of State Rex Tiller-
has been waging war on the son signal about President Trump’s view
West for at least 10 years, and of U.S.-Russia relations? What does the
the West hasn’t bothered to notice. This is sudden acceptance of a summit with
not, to be sure, a conventional war, with Kim Jong Un reveal about Trump’s
Russian tanks invading Poland or Rus- approach to diplomacy and military
sian missiles hitting Pittsburgh. Mos- force?
cow’s kind of war is more subtle and yet The answer to these and similar
all the more effective — precisely because questions: Not much. They assume a
it does not compel an overwhelming process of reflection and planning for
response. which there is no evidence. Trump
The war arguably began in 2008 when seems to fire people when they defy him,
Russia invaded Georgia, a pro-Western displease him or look bad on television.
country that sent troops to Iraq and “This guy never gets a good story about
Afghanistan and was anxious to join him,” Trump is reported to have com-
NATO. Rather than punishing Vladimir plained of Tillerson. Trump’s shift in
Putin for his aggression, the Obama ad- North Korean policy was, by all ac-
ministration later responded with a “re- counts, a spur-of-the-moment sort of
set” of relations. Putin was emboldened thing — less like a high-stakes diplomat-
to aggress again: In 2014, his “little green ic gambit with nuclear implications and
men” — uniformed Russian soldiers with more like, hey, what the hell, let’s have
their insignia removed — invaded breakfast for dinner. The decisive White
Ukraine. He annexed Crimea and turned House meeting with South Korea’s na-
eastern Ukraine into a Russian proxy Students march toward the state Capitol in Madison, Wis., on Wednesday, as part of the National School Walkout. tional security adviser Chung Eui-yong
state. This time the United States and began with flattery of the president
Europe did respond with sanctions — but
not strongly enough to dissuade him.
In 2014, a Russian antiaircraft missile
shot down a Malaysian airliner over
A second-grader pointed a gun (what White House meeting doesn’t?)
and included an assurance from Chung
that Kim was “frank and sincere.” This
was enough for Trump to accept a
Ukraine, killing 298 people. Instead of
apologizing and paying restitution, Putin
spread crazy conspiracy theories blaming
the shoot-down on Ukraine, the CIA or
at me. I’m glad I wasn’t armed. summit on the spot.
We should hope that Mike Pompeo is
wonderful at his new job and that a new
approach to North Korea ends up suc-
some other culprit. In 2015, Putin entered ceeding. But it is difficult to view either
the Syrian civil war to help a criminal BY J ENNIFER R ICH I walked up to the student, a boy I some will need extra attention for no change as evidence of something bigger.
regime commit war crimes against its liked who often wore an impish grin diagnosable reason. Each child is Trump’s guiding principles are a disdain

own people. Not satisfied with killing hen I began teaching, I along with his pressed school uni- part of a family, and that family might for precedent, a preference for institu-
Syrians, last month Russian mercenaries taught second grade. form, whose hair was always gelled need extra support, as well. tional chaos and an invincible trust in
attacked a base that held U.S. forces in an Pokémon cards were pop- carefully, who had a sweet sense of I encourage my students to debate, his own instincts.
apparent attempt to drive the United ular then, and children humor, put one hand on his face to to learn, to engage whatever strate-
States out of Syria. often brought them to school to trade distract him, and said, “Oh, you don’t gies work so that each child in their
To prevent an effective response from at recess. One day, a boy kept playing want to do that, sweetie.” With my care knows that he or she is valued,
the West, Putin brazenly intervened in with his cards during class time. After other hand, I reached out and took and that he or she is safe. I will never, The best interpretive
the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help two warnings, I told him that I was the gun by the barrel, and pulled it ever advocate that my students arm
defeat Hillary Clinton, a critic, and elect going to hold his Pokémon cards until away from him. I called the office. themselves. framework to understand
Donald Trump, a fan. He has also med- the end of the day. His response? “I Help came. I found out three things Teachers are not soldiers or police
dled in European elections to help pro- don’t care. I have a gun, and I’ll shoot later: The gun belonged to his dad. It officers. Schools are not battle- Trump’s leadership is
Russian candidates. The Russians even you.” He calmly pulled a gun out of was not loaded. He’d learned his grounds.
fomented an unsuccessful coup to try to his desk and pointed it at me. behavior by watching his dad threat- The tools I give my students will psychological, not ideological.
prevent Montenegro from joining NATO. I have tried to imagine what might en his mom. not solve all their problems, but they
While helping his supporters, Putin happen in this scenario under Presi- Now, I teach the teachers — that is, are a start. I encourage them to use
has not hesitated to eliminate his critics, dent Trump’s “arm the teachers” college undergraduates planning a their gut, to teach with empathy and This means that the best interpretive
both at home and abroad. BuzzFeed re- proposal. I can spin out two possibili- career in education. Each semester, it heart. I remind them that it is more framework through which to under-
ported last year that Putin may have ties. In the first, I’d be one of the seems, there has been a school shoot- important to be kind than to be right, stand Trump’s leadership is psychologi-
killed 14 people in Britain and at least one 20 percent of teachers who would be ing, and I tell them this story. I also and a little bit of extra time goes a cal rather than ideological. One would
in the United States. In 2006, according to trained and armed. I would pull out tell them that I have had to talk to long way. think that a president with historically
a British inquiry, two Russian agents my previously concealed weapon and elementary school classes, as well as There is so much that teachers low poll numbers, facing an investiga-
murdered former Russian intelligence aim at a child. In the tension of the my own young children, about school need to keep a school safe. We need tion by special counsel Robert S. Mueller
officer Alexander Litvinenko by spiking moment, I would, perhaps, shoot shootings. I give them guidelines for time to focus on students, to listen to III of growing seriousness, heading (in
his tea with radioactive polonium-210. him. those discussions. They take notes. I them and to help them listen all likelihood) toward a disastrous mid-
Last week, another Russian turncoat, Alternatively, another adult in my have become very good at having this thoughtfully to one another. We need term repudiation that could lead to his
Sergei Skripal, and his daughter, Yulia, school would be armed. I would send conversation with my college stu- books to engage student imagina- impeachment, and presiding over an
were poisoned in Britain with another up an alert, and a grown-up with a dents; it is my least favorite skill. tions, to teach them about the better administration run on the management
exotic weapon — a Russian nerve agent gun would enter my classroom with- My students are hopeful and brave worlds that they can create. We need principles of Maximilien Robespierre
known as Novichok. That Putin is taking in moments. He or she would see a and funny and smart and caring, paper, pencils and crayons. We need might be acting out of desperation. On
so little care to conceal his “wet work” young Hispanic child pointing a gun eager to be the best teachers they can music, theater and history, as well as the contrary, White House insiders indi-
suggests that he wants to send a message: at a white, female teacher, with a be. These young men and women will science, math and technology. We cate that Trump’s increasingly flailing
This is what happens when you cross me. room full of terrified, cowering chil- have students coming to them hun- need the tools to talk about the fear decisions are the function of a president
Putin has little reason to fear retribu- dren. The student holding the gun gry, homeless and abused. They will our children feel when they learn of gaining in confidence. Having decided
tion because he has suffered so little to would, perhaps, be shot. have students who have parents di- another school shooting. that he has gotten the hang of the job,
date. After Russia’s assault on U.S. democ- Let’s say, in either of these scenar- vorcing, who are adjusting to new There is one thing we do not need, Trump has lost patience with opposition
racy, President Barack Obama expelled ios, this young boy escapes with his siblings, and who experience bless- both because we are horribly and constraints. He seems not fright-
35 Russian diplomats. Putin responded life. In both, I would have lost the ings and disasters, illnesses and bul- ill-equipped to handle the awesome ened but giddy.
by eliminating more than 750 positions at trust of my students. I would have lying. These young teachers will also, responsibility of taking a life, and What does this mean for Trump’s
U.S. diplomatic outposts in Russia. Now become another source of fear. of course, have to help 25 students because it would shatter the culture presidency? Paradoxically, the man with
British Prime Minister Theresa May has What happened, instead, is some- each year learn to read, to add, and to of trust within a classroom, and that complete trust in his own instincts is
expelled 23 Russian diplomats. Putin will thing that could only have happened understand how flowers grow and is a gun. easily manipulated. Because Trump
retaliate in kind. But he couldn’t care less. 18 years ago. It was the post- what it means to be a part of a lacks historical and ideological ground-
What might get his attention is an over- Columbine era, certainly, but it was a community. Some children in their The writer is an assistant professor in the ing for his views, the content of his
whelming response led by the United world before school shootings felt . . . classes will have mental-health College of Education at Rowan University instincts often seems determined by the
States. commonplace. needs, some will have physical needs, in Glassboro, N.J. last person who captures his attention.
The Trump administration has now This was true of Chung, who could
joined Britain, France and Germany in quickly sell a massive change in U.S.
decrying the “first offensive use of a nerve diplomatic strategy in East Asia to a
agent” in Europe since World War II, leader who knows little about diploma-
while the Treasury Department has sanc- CATHERINE RAMPELL cy, strategy or East Asia. But Trump
tioned the Russian hackers accused by came away from the meeting convinced,
special counsel Robert S. Mueller III of
having taken part in the subversion of the
2016 U.S. election and other cyberattacks.
Governing is more than just cutting taxes I imagine, that the whole thing was his
idea. The rootless are easily shifted, as
everyone from the leaders of China to
It’s a start, but not much more than that. the hosts of “Fox & Friends” has discov-

President Trump still has not personal- ust months ago, Republicans got especially if they target capital gains, are approval ratings have leveled off since ered.
ly called out Putin in the way he has away with a massive upward redis- likely to be similarly plutocratic: House- January, with only about 4 in 10 Ameri- The most damaging implication of all
assailed everyone from Alec Baldwin to tribution of wealth, raiding holds making more than $1 million ac- cans saying they like it. this is obvious. The world is a complex
New York Times reporter Maggie $1.5 trillion from the Treasury and count for about two-thirds of all capital- The GOP’s likely loss in Tuesday’s Penn- and chaotic place. People in the White
Haberman. Trump has begrudgingly al- sticking future generations with the gains income, according to IRS data. sylvania special congressional election, in House, including the president, need to
lowed the sale of weapons to Ukraine but bill. This scheme is also coming from a party a district Trump carried by nearly control what limited amount is under
won’t enforce the sanctions passed by Now, they’re going for more. that once upon a time — way back in 2016, 20 points in 2016, should also temper their control. And this requires a work-
Congress. In 2012, Congress enacted the On Wednesday, President Trump tout- when a Democrat held the White House — Republicans’ enthusiasm for further tax ing White House policy process, giving
Magnitsky Act to sanction Russians in- ed his ginormous, sloppily drafted, decried out-of-control deficits. cuts. the most serious possible scrutiny to
volved in human rights abuses. Obama deficit-financed tax cuts, written under Yet somehow we are already on track to The tax bill was the party’s only major presidential decisions. The failure of
sanctioned 44 individuals under the law; cover of night without benefit of hearings have a trillion-dollar deficit this year, legislative achievement last year, and so, past decisions is not an excuse for the
Trump only five. or experts. The whole thing was so much thanks to the recently passed tax law and understandably, Republican ads in the reign of randomness. It is absurd to
Trump’s unwillingness to criticize fun, he said, that he hopes to do it all again. additional spending increases. This fiscal Pennsylvania race showcased the new argue that, because the past 30 years of
Putin makes you wonder what hold the This year. flip-flop is astonishingly ill-timed, espe- policy. Korean policy haven’t succeeded, a new
Kremlin has over him; the Steele dossier “We're actually going for a phase two cially when you consider where we are in At least at first. policy should be chosen by throwing a
looks more credible all the time. But no which will help — in addition to middle the business cycle. For most of the past For the first two weeks of February, dart at a dartboard.
one is alleging that May has been compro- class, it will help companies and it's going 70 years, deficits fell when unemployment two-thirds of broadcast TV ads promoting Trump unbound is having one further
mised, and her actions are just as pusil- to be something I think very special,” improved; today, with unemployment at a Republican candidate Rick Saccone high- effect. It is adding to a squalid atmos-
lanimous. Trump said in Missouri. “Kevin Brady is mere 4.1 percent, we’re engaging in huge lighted the GOP tax plan, a Politico analy- phere of autocracy from which the
What would the West do if it were to get working on it with me, Congress is work- deficit-financed stimulus. sis found. But over subsequent weeks, United States has traditionally been
serious about Russian aggression? Putin ing, the Senate's working.” Meanwhile, precisely because the econ- fewer and fewer ads even mentioned tax- exempt. The president insists on humili-
and his cronies have billions of dollars Brady (R-Tex.), the chairman of the omy has been improving, the Fed is rais- es, and by early March they were virtually ating those who displease him. And
stashed in the West. London is a particu- House Ways and Means Committee, con- ing interest rates. This is yet another nonexistent. everyone, eventually, displeases him.
lar favorite of Russian exiles. Freeze the firmed another tax-cut bill was in the factor that makes swelling our debt so Apparently even in the reddest of red Those who delay this fate the longest are
money. Seize the properties. Hurt them works. dangerous right now. districts, tax cuts for rich people and bootlicking mediocrities — the survival
where it counts. The United States can “We think even more can be done,” he Rising debt, paired with rising interest corporations just didn’t resonate. of the sycophants. The surest path to
also designate Russia a state sponsor of gushed on Fox Business News. rates on that debt, means that interest The problem for Republicans, of political advancement is to be a member
terrorism, just like North Korea, which Larry Kudlow, Trump’s incoming Na- costs — that is, what the government course, is that at this point, tax cuts are the of the ruling family or to praise the
also used a nerve agent for an assassina- tional Economic Council director, has spends servicing our debt — will be the only thing they stand for. As conservative president on television. Loyalty matters
tion abroad. Stop treating Russia like a likewise declared his excitement to be fastest-growing part of the federal budget commentator Robert Novak once put it, far more than competence or character.
legitimate state: Putin has already been slashing taxes further. During a CNBC over the next decade. We are on track to “God put the Republicans on Earth to cut And even that, in the end, is never
kicked out of the Group of 8 gatherings; interview, he said the next round should incur trillion-dollar interest payments taxes. If they don't cut taxes, they have no enough.
he can be removed from the G-20, too. make the individual cuts permanent and soon, according to a recent projection by overriding rationale for existence.” At the center of the presidency is a
Kick Russia out of the SWIFT system, add a cut to taxes on capital gains. Capital the Committee for a Responsible Federal It’s true. They can toss some red meat to total vacuum of idealism. And always
denying Russian banks access to interna- gains, which refer to profits on sales of Budget. the base — Saccone’s closing argument in there is a cloud of chaos surrounding the
tional monetary transfers. Invoke NATO’s capital assets such as stocks or land, had Bafflingly, the party of fiscal conserva- Pennsylvania was that liberals hate God — president, who revels in the kind of
Article 5 collective-defense clause. gone untouched in the law that passed in tism has looked at all these factors and but the only actual policy they can reliably power demonstrated by breaking and
There is a rich menu of retaliatory December (though they already receive decided: Yup, now is definitely the time to line up behind is cutting taxes. Especially mocking.
options — none of which would risk a preferential treatment, mind you). dump even more tax cuts on the federal with a president whose views on virtually Republicans can no longer dismiss
nuclear war in spite of Putin’s saber- This is all pretty rich. In all senses of the tab. everything else (including guns, immigra- this as evidence of inexperience. It is
rattling. Empty words aren’t enough. word. The question is: Why? Why gorge on tion, health care) change from minute to getting worse as a failing president
Stronger action is needed to make the Nearly two-thirds of the tax cuts Re- more tax cuts, especially now? minute. becomes more confident of his own
Russian strongman realize he can’t win publicans passed in December will go to Sure, public perception of the new tax The only thing left is to throw more judgment. And more disconnected from
this undeclared war without a fight. the top income quintile this year, accord- law has improved from the bottom-of-the- good money after bad. reality. ing to the Tax Policy Center. Further cuts, barrel ratings it received in December. But

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Support businesses that support

approx. 4 p.m.
Under a proposed budget, Gov. Ralph Northam has Michael Getler served as
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
47° Montgomery County’s endorsed state Sen. an in-house media critic at
Precip: 0% property tax rate would Jennifer T. Wexton for The Washington Post and
34 42 47 42°
° ° ° Wind: NW
12-25 mph drop by 2 cents. B3 Congress. B8 PBS. B5

Alexandria Store owners on the D.C. border say Seat Pleasant Dissent
sues drug is pushing them out to make way for development

sellers for to Metro

opioid woe funding
The city of Alexandria, Va., is
suing sellers of prescription
painkillers, saying drug addic- D.C. COUNCIL CHAIR
tion has killed scores of residents ACCEPTS VA. PLAN
and overwhelmed city services.
Alexandria is asking $100 mil-
lion from the companies, which Top city officials support
include manufacturers, distribu- $178.5 million allocation
tors and pharmaceutical provid-
The city joins dozens of state, BY R OBERT M C C ARTNEY
county and city governments
across the country that have A threat to derail a regionwide
taken opioid providers to court Metro funding plan dissolved in
to argue that the companies that less than 24 hours as D.C. Council
profited so much from the drugs Chairman Phil Mendelson said
should help pay for their destruc- Thursday that he wouldn’t let his
tive effects. Montgomery and objections to the deal prevent it
Prince George’s counties in from being approved.
Maryland are among those who Mendelson (D) and five other
have sued opioid manufacturers council members sent a letter to
and distributors. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) late
Hundreds of federal lawsuits Wednesday saying the city should
have been consolidated before give Metro only $167 million a
U.S. District Judge Dan Polster in year in new, permanent funding.
Ohio, who is trying to reach a That was at odds with Bowser’s
settlement between the two support of a Virginia plan, ap-
sides. The Department of Justice proved in a historic vote Saturday,
recently intervened, demanding PHOTOS BY BONNIE JO MOUNT/THE WASHINGTON POST
calling for the District to contrib-
its own reimbursement for the Steven Franco speaks with customers Wednesday at his Discount Mart in Seat Pleasant, Md. His city property taxes last ute $178.5 million as its share of a
money the federal government year jumped from $5,991 to $55,019. He says business owners didn’t know about a hearing before the tax was approved. total of $500 million.
has spent dealing with opioid Mendelson’s position triggered
abuse. a quick backlash from Metro sup-
But many more suits, includ-
ing Alexandria’s and another
filed on behalf of Dickenson
County in rural Southwest Vir-
After their taxes skyrocketed, porters, including business, labor
and church groups, and he
backed off Thursday morning.
“The District will support Met-
ginia, are being pursued in local
courts. It’s one of two lawsuits
against pharmaceutical firms
filed in Virginia on Wednesday,
business owners sue Md. town ro funding,” Mendelson said in a
tweet responding to a Washing-
ton Post story that disclosed the
dispute. “I regret that a better
the first ones in a state where deal for our taxpayers was not
overdose deaths have been on met. . . . There is nothing wrong
the rise. In 2016, 1,138 people with fighting for a better deal for
died of opioid overdoses in Vir- BY R ACHEL C HASON “All of these dollars are neces- taxpayers, but there will not be a
ginia, and 1,217 deaths are esti- sary for us to provide efficient and fight in the Council.”

mated in 2017. everal business owners are effective services for the residents Two council members who
The Alexandria lawsuit argues suing the small town of of Seat Pleasant,” Grant said in an signed the letter — Mary M. Cheh
that pharmaceutical companies Seat Pleasant, Md., for an October interview with NBC4 (D-Ward 3) and Brianne K. Na-
lied about the addictiveness of approximately eightfold Washington. deau (D-Ward 1) — said they also
prescription narcotics while dis- property tax increase they allege But according to the city’s char- would support fulfilling the en-
tributors ignored the flow of pain is unlawful and designed to shut ter, special assessments can be tire $178 million obligation.
pills onto the black market. It down their businesses. levied on properties only if the Following the council’s shift,
also alleges that managers of The owners of a discount mar- The businesses affected by the funds will specifically benefit Bowser pledged in her State of the
health-care benefits encouraged ket, a Chinese takeout restaurant tax are in an area that has long those properties — for purposes District speech Thursday evening
cheap opioid prescriptions while and a liquor store say officials struggled with crime and such as building curbs or paving that the District would go along
discouraging addiction treat- violated the city’s charter and poverty. sidewalks — and if property own- with the Virginia plan.
ment or the sale of drugs that are state and federal laws when they ers are given advance notice and “Along with the mayor of Met-
harder to misuse. created an ordinance that sent to Prince George’s County. “It’s the right to appeal. ro, [board chairman] Jack Evans,
Several companies named as the property taxes of certain busi- backward economic thinking.” “They’re violating their own we’re going all-in and fully fund-
defendants denied the allega- nesses soaring. Mayor Eugene W. Grant, a law,” Franco said. ing Metro at $178 million — the
tions and said they have worked Steven Franco, who owns the fierce and at times controversial A pretrial hearing is scheduled amount the District needs to con-
closely with the Drug Enforce- discount market, said the “special politician who made headlines for April 2. tribute to finally solve the dedi-
ment Administration, doctors revitalization” tax is a part of an two years ago for governing from In court filings, Seat Pleasant cated revenue problem that has
and prosecutors to combat opi- attempt by Seat Pleasant’s leaders a pop-up tent after he was ousted officials maintain that they fol- held the system back for years
oid abuse. to lower the value of the proper- from City Hall, declined to com- lowed proper procedure in enact- and years,” Bowser said.
The flood of prescription opi- ties so the city can buy the build- ment through a spokeswoman, ing the ordinance and did not With the District’s top leaders
oids across the country led to an ings for its own use. citing the pending litigation. violate the city’s charter. City at- now backing the Virginia plan,
increase in illegal heroin use, the “You can’t attract business like His 2018 budget says the spe- torney Jason DeLoach said attention turns to whether Mary-
lawsuit alleges, that has put a this,” said Franco, whose city cial revitalization tax on five busi- Thursday that Seat Pleasant is land will go along. The Democrat-
burden on police, courts, jails property taxes last year jumped ness owners will “benefit the en- drafting a proposed settlement ic-dominated House of Delegates
and social services. from $5,991 to $55,019, dwarfing tire city” by generating more than agreement, but he added: “We has passed a bill that would give
There were nine fatal overdos- the $18,269 property tax he pays $250,000 in new revenue a year. LAWSUIT CONTINUED ON B2 Metro $150 million a year, and
es in Alexandria last year in a city Gov. Larry Hogan (R) has en-
of about 160,000 people, accord- dorsed it. But the Virginia plan
ing to officials. At least 44 city calls for Maryland to contribute

A Washington tradition Mayor promises to rebuild trust in public schools

of putting children last BY P ETER J AMISON
Bowser said the schools had
made progress over the decade
since former mayor Adrian Fenty
You’ve got to about a massive asbestos Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) and his chancellor, Michelle Rhee,
admit, we do an removal project that began last pledged to strengthen oversight of set out to overhaul the school sys-
excellent job of month next to the city’s largest the District’s public schools dur- tem by rewarding teachers and
putting kids last family homeless shelter at the ing her State of the District speech administrators based on test
in the nation’s former D.C. General Hospital. Thursday night, saying that trust scores, graduation rates and other
capital. There will not be a march for in the education system “needs to metrics. But she acknowledged
Petula I am not even these kids. Heck, there will not be rebuilt” after debilitating scan- that project needs renewed atten-
Dvorak talking about the even be a shelter when this dals. tion.
hundreds of project is done. Bowser’s remarks during her “I recognize that there is trust
teens, regularly drilled in how to The asbestos abatement, right annual address were perhaps her that needs to be rebuilt between
hide from an active shooter, who around the corner from the most candid and wide-reaching our school system and parents,
joined a national student children’s only playground, acknowledgment of problems and systems of accountability and
walkout Wednesday. They happens to be on a building that that over the past three months oversight that need to be rein-
converged on the Mall to beg the city is offering to Amazon for have shaken the public schools in forced and reviewed,” she said, a
policymakers to finally do a proposed and much coveted the nation’s capital and tarnished line that brought a scattering of
something to keep murderous second headquarters. the city’s national image as a lead- disruptive shouts from the audi-
gunmen out of their schools. But Of course, city officials swear ing laboratory of education re- ence.
the craven bunch on Capitol Hill the Amazon bid (Jeffrey P. form. However, she described no spe-
are too busy kowtowing to the Bezos, founder and chief Those problems have included Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) delivers her State of the District cific new policies or initiatives to
NRA to do much of anything. executive of, owns a federal investigation into inflat- address at the University of the District of Columbia. fix the problems that have rocked
No, this is about the city The Washington Post) has ed graduation rates, allegations of the school system.
officials at a hearing down the absolutely nothing to do with enrollment fraud at a marquee properly enrolled his daughter at a some pretty significant bumps,” The mayor’s remarks on educa-
street who spent the day talking the rush to get rid of the public high school and the forced high school with a waiting list of Bowser said. “But now the Band- tion came toward the end of an
asbestos then get rid of about resignation of Bowser’s hand- more than 600 students. Aid has been ripped off, and we address that announced no major
Wariness over shelter closure: 250 families — including picked schools chancellor, Ant- “There have been bumps in the understand better than ever the legislation and was largely vale-
Some say it is moving too fast. B5 DVORAK CONTINUED ON B2 wan Wilson, after his family im- road. Frankly, there have been challenges we face.” ADDRESS CONTINUED ON B8

Lawsuit alleges racial, religious discrimination


Homes are

think we’re on solid legal footing

what these
The Seat Pleasant council in-
troduced the tax ordinance on
kids deserve
May 8 and adopted it a week later,
after a public hearing that Franco DVORAK FROM B1
says he and other property own-
ers didn’t know about. None of hundreds of children — living in
the council’s seven members re- the shelter.
sponded to interview requests. To be fair, the effort to close
The buildings involved in the the shelter actually predates the
lawsuit are clustered near the effort to lure Amazon to D.C. It
intersection of was a campaign promise made
Martin Luther by D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser
King Jr. High- (D). God knows, it is long
way and East- overdue. The place, situated
ern Avenue, next to the jail, a methadone
which strad- treatment clinic and the former
dles the Dis- morgue, is a total dump, still
trict line in an haunted by the ghost of Relisha
area that has Rudd. Relisha was 8 when she
Mayor Eugene long struggled disappeared in 2014 in the
W. Grant with crime and company of a shelter janitor.
poverty. Her body has never been found.
Franco — whose crowded store The plan to spread the
sells a wide variety of things families experiencing
including clothes, snacks and homelessness across the city
computers — said prostitutes and among six smaller, more
drug users often stand in his intimate shelters is humane and
parking lot. A store manager reasonable.
wears a gun on his hip and a But only three of those six
badge showing he is a special planned shelters, which will
police officer. house about 130 families, will be
“I’m all for improvement. . . . ready by the end of the year. The
Based on its geography, this area other three shelters will not be
could be a powerhouse,” said finished until next summer.
Franco, whose family has been in Meanwhile, the city is
the discount-store business for spending about $80,000 a day —
decades and had a store in the around $30 million a year — on
Skyland area of Southeast Wash- motel rooms for families who do
ington that closed to make way not fit into the shelter. That is
for new development. “But this is bound to grow exponentially if
not how you do it.” D.C. General shuts down before
Franco is white and Jewish. Si BONNIE JO MOUNT/THE WASHINGTON POST the smaller shelters are ready.
Qiang and Chang Lin Chen, who Owner Jerry Chen prepares food at Jerry’s Carryout. The 64-year-old said he has been at the location for 35 years. His daughter said the We have been here before.
own Jerry’s Carryout and the li- tax could “destroy everything my family has built.” “Why did they pick on us?” she asked. “Why?” In 2006, about 130 families
quor store, are Chinese. Their were crammed into D.C. Village
lawsuit raises the question of discrimination “ridiculous.” 30 years.” — alleges the city has violated funds, but he is prepared to fork — an abandoned nursing home
whether the leaders of Seat Pleas- “We take offense to that — it is Her 64-year-old father is so state and federal laws by depriv- over his money if needed to avoid near the city’s sewer plant.
ant, which is 86 percent black, are not what the city is doing,” he worried that he is having trouble ing the property owners of their his business being sold. It was filled with vermin, and
discriminating against them on said. sleeping, she said. “We love this right to due process and equal “The last thing I would do now none of the things that made it
the basis of religion and race. An The Chens’ city property tax community, and that’s why we’ve protection under the law. is consider the city to buy this,” an inhumane nursing home had
African-American-owned barber- increased from $1,705 to $14,033 never left,” she said. “Why did The properties will be sold in a said Franco, whose family also changed before it became a
shop in the cluster of buildings on at one property and from $2,137 they pick on us? Why?” county auction in May if the busi- owns a Discount Mart in Langley family shelter.
MLK Highway was not asked to to $17,147 at the other. Their The lawsuit filed by Franco and ness owners do not pay the tax. Park. “They should have sat down It finally closed in 2007, and
pay the special tax, Franco said in daughter, Kathy Chen, said the the Chens — and another filed Franco said he so far has declined and talked to me, and we could attorneys at the Washington
an interview. tax could “destroy everything my later by MLK LLC, which owns a to pay because he did not want have worked something out.” Legal Clinic for the Homeless
DeLoach called allegations of family has built over more than vacant building across the street the city to have the additional said they were thrilled.
“But solving the homelessness
problem is not as simple as
draining the swamp that is
D.C. Village. Homelessness is

Mendelson drops funding objection Ralph Northam (D) has signaled

he will sign the Metro bill ap-
proved by the General Assembly,
Mendelson provided more de-
tail about his position in his
tweets, saying that over 10 years,
more like a stream,” warned
Sczerina Perot, who ran the
although he plans to propose the District would pay $245 mil- At the time, Perot told The
FUNDING FROM B1 amendments to change the lion more than Virginia, and Washington Post that until more
sources of funding. $115 million more than Maryland. affordable housing was created
$167 million. In addition to Mendelson, “This is money that could go to in Washington’s real estate
Many Democratic legislators Cheh and Nadeau, the letter was critical D.C. services,” he tweeted. market, “more people will
and Metro supporters in Annapo- signed by council members Ken- Within hours, Mendelson’s let- become homeless every day and
lis are pushing for the Senate to yan R. McDuffie (D-Ward 5), Vin- ter had drawn strong criticism
raise Maryland’s contribution cent C. Gray (D-Ward 7) and Da- from Metro supporters who have
and then persuade the House and vid Grosso (I-At Large). been advocating more funding.
Hogan to support it. Cheh, who chairs the council’s Clergy from the Washington
The short-lived disagreement transportation committee, said Interfaith Network phoned and It is the kids
in the District sprang from the she signed it in hope of encourag- texted D.C. Council members to
city’s longtime dissatisfaction ing Bowser to open negotiations urge them to support full funding we need to think of.
with a Metro cost-sharing formu- with Hogan and Northam to get a at $178 million.
la under which the city pays a better deal for the city. “The idea Metro’s largest union, Amal- The kids did not
larger share of the region’s subsi- behind the letter was to give gamated Transit Union Local 689,
dies than Maryland and Virginia.
[Bowser] some basis to at least said Mendelson’s letter “will de- ask for any of this.
The formula is based on factors open the door to talking to the rail dedicated funding negotia-
that include population, rider- A plan from Virginia’s legislature calls for the commonwealth other jurisdictions,” Cheh said. tions and is a disservice to riders
ship and number of Metro sta- to provide $154 million in dedicated funding to Metro each year. “Now that the mayor has said and the taxpaying public who
tions. It is a primary basis for the we’re going to pay the higher deserve a safe, affordable and
plan approved in Richmond, un- lion annually — to reach the tion of the second phase of the amount, I’m not going to frustrate reliable Metro.” will need help from the District
der which Virginia would give $500 million target Metro says is Silver Line, which will extend that. I do wish we had taken the The Federal City Council, an government to keep their kids
Metro $154 million a year on needed to ensure safety and reli- Metro to Dulles International Air- opportunity to at least open the influential business and civic safe and to keep from living in
condition that Maryland provides ability. port and into Loudoun County. conversation about a fair alloca- group, faulted Mendelson for his cars and in abandoned
$167 million and the District com- The letter also confirmed pub- Bowser and council member tion.” position Wednesday and wel- buildings.”
mits to $178 million. licly that some of the new money Evans (D-Ward 2), who chairs Nadeau echoed that point, say- comed the shift Thursday. Instead of subsidized
The Mendelson letter reiterat- would come from increases in the both the council’s Finance and ing, “At the time I joined the letter, “The [D.C. Council] Chair- apartments, most of those
ed previous arguments that the city’s sales and property taxes, Revenue Committee and the Met- it seemed there was an opportu- man’s willingness to support pro- families ended up at another
formula is unfair to the city, partly and possibly other taxes. ro board, have supported the nity to get a better deal for Dis- viding the District’s share, at the abandoned health-care facility
because the District has fewer Virginia and Maryland have $178 million amount — although trict taxpayers, but that window $178 million level, is a construc- — D.C. General.
residents than Northern Virginia defended the cost-sharing formu- Bowser’s office did not confirm has closed.” tive step towards achieving true Why were they moved out of
and the Maryland suburbs and la, noting that the District has 40 that publicly until late Wednes- Grosso, Gray and McDuffie de- reform for Metro and sends a D.C. Village in 2007?
only about a third of Metro’s track Metro stations, compared with 26 day. clined to comment. strong signal to prospective em- WMATA needed that space as
miles and ridership. in Maryland and 25 in Virginia. They want to avoid scuttling a Mendelson said in an inter- ployers that D.C. is committed to a bus shelter.
The council members who The formula will become more regional accord to provide Metro view, “Once the mayor said she its economic future,” said W. Ed- Sound familiar?
signed the letter said the three favorable for the District, and with dedicated funding for the was going with the higher num- ward Walter, the organization’s Unless the smaller shelters
jurisdictions should each contrib- more costly for Virginia, when first time since the subway ber publicly, that’s the end of the chairman. are really ready, pushing
ute the same amount — $167 mil- new stations open with comple- opened in 1976. Virginia Gov. debate.” homeless families out of D.C.
General may lead to disaster
The kids do not deserve this.
MARYLAND They do not deserve mice and
rats. They do not deserve to live

Montgomery police swarm area in response to a likely hoax with no hot water or fixed
address. And they do not
deserve to play next door to a
jail, a morgue and a methadone
BY D AN M ORSE Still, what if two people for police said, probably was a “swat- said of the response. “We have no identity.” clinic.
some reason had gotten into their ting,” when prank callers fake an choice.” By 2 p.m., Charlie Chalfant was As usual, I will get scores of
Elementary school administra- family’s home? emergency that draws a SWAT He ticked off the dangers and back at Murch Elementary in comments from people
tor Charlie Chalfant was at his That was the police concern as team response to storm a house or resources the hoax calls consume: Northwest Washington, where is impatient with these family’s
desk in the District on Thursday well, Chalfant learned after talk- building. officers and hostage negotiators dean of students. situations. They will excoriate
when his wife Rachel, who teach- ing to them. Swatters use different call- speeding to the scene, heavily In a previous career, from 2008 single moms, they will explain
es at the same school, walked in As it turned out, more than 40 routing methods to make it ap- armed SWAT members taking po- to 2011, he worked as a deputy for that D.C. is just too expensive
with an odd message: officers swarmed the Chalfants’ pear they’re calling in a legitimate sitions, officers entering a house the Norfolk Sheriff’s Office. He and these families need to move
Police in Montgomery County neighborhood on Ferrara Drive in emergency while trying to avoid not knowing fully what awaits said he understood why the police out to the suburbs.
had just called her. They said a the Wheaton area. Chalfant drove being detected later as a fraud. them. “You’re putting a lot of responded so strongly and empa- They will say these people all
man had called them to say he there to give officers a front-door On Thursday, the caller called a people in harm’s way,” Starks said. thized with them about being made bad choices.
was in a home, where he’d shot key. A SWAT team went in and district police station, not the He said investigators are work- misled. But it is the kids we need to
someone. The address he had giv- found no one, leading police to county’s central 911 line where ing to find the caller: “We’ll be “I gave them my keys,” Chalfant think of. The kids did not ask for
en was the Chalfants’ townhouse. say the incident appears to have calls can be more easily traced. backtracking, electronically de- said, “and they took care of busi- any of this.
Chalfant knew their only child been a hoax. “We took it seriously,” Capt. termining how this call came in — ness.”
was at day care. The call at about 10:30 a.m., Paul Starks, a police spokesman, in an attempt to determine the Twitter: @petulad


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Senate budget adds education money THE DISTRICT

Synthetic drug sickens
found mortally wounded late
Wednesday in Beltsville.
Police say Antonio Barnes was
studying how to make education effort of bipartisanship,” said Sen. curity cameras. Hogan offered a D.C. jail workers found outside about 10:30 p.m.
Approved plan also aims in the state more equitable. George C. Edwards (R-Garrett), a similar proposal in a separate bill near his home in the 11200 block
“This fund demonstrates our member of the Senate Budget and that has not moved out of com- More than a dozen employees of Evans Trail. Officers,
to cut burden caused by commitment to education excel- Taxation Committee. “It’s one of mittee. at the D.C. jail complex fell ill responding to call for a welfare
changed federal tax code lence now and in the future,” the best budgets I’ve seen in the The Senate rejected the Thursday after a package check, found Barnes, 27, suffering
Kasemeyer said. long time I’ve been here.” amendment, with some senators addressed to an inmate was from “trauma to the body.”
The Senate bill restored more When Edwards thanked Kase- saying that adding the idea to a opened containing a synthetic He was taken to a hospital, where
than $110 million that was cut by meyer, who is retiring at the end bill that requires a constitutional drug, according to District he was later pronounced dead.
BY R ACHEL C HASON Hogan, including $10 million for of the year, the Senate gave him a amendment did not make sense. officials. Investigators are trying to determine
AND O VETTA W IGGINS school safety grants, $5 million standing ovation. Madaleno said the state has Four workers in the mail a motive and possible suspects in the
for violence-prevention initia- Maryland lawmakers also ad- already added millions of dollars room were immediately taken to case.
The Maryland Senate unani- tives and more than $20 million vanced bills Thursday that would to improve school safety. Other MedStar Washington Hospital — Dana Hedgpeth
mously approved a $44.5 billion for providers serving the elderly address sexual harassment in the measures that specifically ad- Center, and three decided to go
budget Thursday that allocates and children in foster care. General Assembly, require casino dress school safety are awaiting later. Nine others were treated VIRGINIA
$200 million in new education “The budget passed today has revenue to be spent on public action by legislative committees. at the jail site in the 1900 block
funding, using additional tax rev- its priorities in the right place,” education and put questions The Senate blocked a late-filed of E Street SE. Officials Body found inside
enue that state residents are ex- said state Sen. Richard S. Madale- about sports betting and educa- bill from Sen. William C. Smith described the symptoms as burning vehicle
pected to pay as a result of no Jr. (D-Montgomery), vice- tion funding before the voters in (D-Montgomery) that would pro- relatively minor.
changes in the federal tax code. chair of the budget and tax com- November. hibit certain weapons on college Officials had said at an Authorities are investigating
Gov. Larry Hogan (R) had pro- mittee. The House gave final passage campuses. A similar bill was afternoon news conference that “a suspicious death” after a body
posed changing state law to fully The spending proposal now to a bill that would put a referen- heard in a House committee ear- the substance initially tested was found in a burning vehicle
offset an estimated $400 million goes to the House of Delegates. dum on the November ballot to lier this week. positive for fentanyl. Thursday at a Prince William
in additional state taxes Mary- The Senate budget bill, which legalize sports betting at Mary- A bill designed to strengthen But Doug Buchanan, the fire County park.
landers would have to pay as a eliminates the state’s structural land casinos and racetracks if the the legislature’s policy on sexual department’s spokesman, said A citizen called 911 and
result of changes on the federal deficit, also proposes allocating Supreme Court lifts the ban on harassment cleared a key hurdle, more comprehensive tests reported a vehicle on fire at
level affecting which state tax nearly $40 million to address sports betting in most states. The winning unanimous approval in Thursday night determined it Veterans Memorial Park, in the
deductions residents can claim. Maryland’s opioid epidemic. It Senate has not acted on the bill. the House Rules Committee. The was a synthetic cannabinoid 14300 block of Veterans Drive in
But lawmakers opted for an would provide a 2 percent salary The Senate gave preliminary measure is expected to be taken known as K2. Woodbridge.
increase in standard deductions increase for state employees be- approval to a bill that asks voters up by the full House on Friday. That drug, much of it When firefighters arrived just
that would reduce the extra tax ginning Jan. 1, 2019. to decide whether the state con- The bill would make numerous produced in labs in China, has before 8 a.m., they extinguished
burden to $200 million, rather “We are encouraged to see the stitution should be amended to changes to the General Assem- been a cheap way to get high the fire and found a body inside.
than eliminating it altogether. Senate take this important first create a “lock box” on casino bly’s anti-harassment policy, in- and resulted two years ago in a An autopsy will be done,
Maryland Senate Budget and step,” said Hogan spokeswoman revenue. Such a change would cluding requiring an independ- spike in overdoses. according to Prince William
Taxation Committee Chair Ed- Amelia Chasse. She said the require the state’s share of casino ent investigator to handle certain — Peter Hermann County police.
ward J. Kasemeyer (D-Baltimore spending proposal would be money to be spent on public sexual harassment complaints, and Clarence Williams Firefighters in Montgomery
County) said fewer than 10 per- Maryland’s fourth consecutive education starting in 2020. requiring the state Ethics Com- County, responding to a
cent of residents would see a net balanced budget with no tax in- That vote came after a long mission to provide anti-sexual- reported brush fire Wednesday
increase in their overall taxes as a creases, one for each year Hogan debate over an amendment of- harassment training to lobbyists Man who apparently morning, found a burning
result of the changes approved by has been in office. fered by Sen. Gale H. Bates (R- and requiring the Department of shot himself is ID’d vehicle in the 13700 block of
the Senate. On the Senate floor, where the Howard), a former teacher, which Legislative Services to list on its Wisteria Drive in Germantown,
Committee members viewed it budget proposal was approved would set aside $125 million to website the names of lawmakers A man who authorities said Md.
as their job to make “sound fiscal 45-0, its passage was celebrated spend on security enhancements who attend such required train- fatally shot himself Wednesday — Dana Hedgpeth
decisions,” he said, including to as a bipartisan success. in schools. Bates said the money ing. near the National Postal
fund proposals expected from the “Not everybody likes every- would be used to add metal Museum has been identified as a
Kirwan Commission, which is thing that’s in it, but it was an detectors, panic buttons and se- 57-year-old from Falls Church, Woman dies in fire
Va., according to D.C. police. at motel on U.S. 50
Charles Scott Berridge was
pronounced dead at the scene of A woman died Thursday in a
MARYLAND the 1:30 p.m. shooting in the fire at a motel in Fairfax City,
first block of Massachusetts according to an official with the

Cummings is recovering at home from an infection Avenue NE, between North

Capitol and First streets near
Union Station.
city fire department.
About 60 firefighters from the
City of Fairfax fought the two-
Police said a gun was alarm blaze at the Lee High Inn
BY J ENNA P ORTNOY Reps. Gerald E. Connolly recovered from the scene and along U.S. 50. The fire broke out
(D-Va.) and Carolyn B. Maloney the death is being investigated about 7:20 a.m. at the hotel in
Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-N.Y.) are fulfilling Cummings’s as an apparent suicide. the 9800 block of Fairfax
(D-Md.) is recovering at home in committee duties in the mean- Authorities did not comment on Boulevard, which is about a half-
Baltimore after a 10-week absence time, and the congressman has why the man may have shot mile west of Old Lee Highway.
from Capitol Hill for treatment of participated in a few meetings via himself. In addition to having The victim was identified as
a knee infection. Aides do not conference call. lived in Northern Virginia, Megan Shuman, 35, of Sterling,
know when he will return. Cummings’s wife, Maya Rock- public records show that Va. No other injuries were
Cummings, the senior Demo- eymoore Cummings, ended her Berridge, who often went by reported.
crat on the House Oversight and campaign for governor in early Scott, once lived in an The cause of the fire is under
Government Reform Committee, January, citing “personal consid- apartment building a few blocks investigation. Twenty-five guests
has been missing from the day-to- erations.” from Union Station. were relocated to other
day action on the Hill even as his The congressman was away — Peter Hermann properties.
staff pressures the GOP- from Washington for about three John O’Neal, chief of the
controlled House to hold Presi- months last summer and fall after MARYLAND Fairfax City fire department,
dent Trump accountable. surgery to repair a heart valve, said the fire appears to have
Last month Cummings, 67, followed by an infection and com- Man who was fatally started in the room where the
filed paperwork to seek a 13th plications from surgery. wounded is identified woman was found, and there
term in Congress. Four Democrats Upon his return to Capitol Hill were smaller fires in parts of an
and five Republicans are running in September, he told his staff that Prince George’s County police attic.
in the 7th Congressional District, he was more motivated than ever released the name of a man — Dana Hedgpeth
which includes much of the city of to take on the White House.
Baltimore and parts of Baltimore ALEX BRANDON/ASSOCIATED PRESS “I’ve often said, don’t ask the LOTTE R I E S
and Howard counties. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) has been absent from Capitol Hill question, ‘Why did it happen to
Cummings was admitted to for the past 10 weeks because of health problems. me?’ but, ‘Why did it happen for Results from March 15 VIRGINIA
Johns Hopkins Hospital on me?’ ” he said about his heart Day/Pick-3: 0-5-9
Dec. 29 with a bacterial infection meetings by phone and is in con- have assured the Congressman surgery and recuperation. “I am DISTRICT Pick-4: 7-1-8-2
in his knee. Within a few weeks, he stant contact with Members and that they expect his full recovery. thoroughly convinced, and you Mid-Day Lucky Numbers: 6-3-2 Cash-5: 8-12-30-33-34
moved to an inpatient rehabilita- staff,” according to a statement He will adhere strictly to his doc- will never convince me otherwise, Mid-Day DC-4: 4-3-2-3 Night/Pick-3 (Wed.): 5-8-2
tion facility associated with Hop- from his office. tors’ direction as to when he will that what I have gone through was Mid-Day DC-5: 1-3-5-8-5 Pick-3 (Thu.): 4-1-8
kins, and then returned home. “He is continuing with in-home return to the Hill,” the statement for a purpose.” Lucky Numbers (Wed.): 6-2-8 Pick-4 (Wed.): 8-8-0-1
The congressman is “taking physical therapy and his doctors said. Lucky Numbers (Thu.): 4-3-5 Pick-4 (Thu.): 3-9-1-3
DC-4 (Wed.): 7-6-9-4 Cash-5 (Wed.): 15-22-26-29-34
DC-4 (Thu.): 6-1-3-4 Cash-5 (Thu.): 2-6-18-24-26
DC-5 (Wed.): 2-7-8-8-9 Bank a Million: 8-12-16-20-27-28 *11
MARYLAND DC-5 (Thu.): 5-5-9-6-5

Proposed Montgomery budget keeps taxes steady MARYLAND

Mid-Day Pick 3:
Mid-Day Pick 4:
Cash 4 Life:
Lucky for Life:
11-12-31-49-59 ¶1
10-16-17-40-47 ‡5
6-12-24-41-68 **9
Night/Pick 3 (Wed.): 9-4-8 Power Play: 3x
tax hike the council approved two The recommended budget posal. Pick 3 (Thu.): 1-5-2 *Bonus Ball **Powerball
years ago. would increase the county’s re- The county council, which ulti- Pick 4 (Wed.): 6-6-5-7 ¶Cash Ball ‡Lucky Ball
Schools would also get The county’s school system serve fund to $492.6 million, with mately sets the budget, will hold Pick 4 (Thu.): 2-0-5-8
a boost under outgoing would receive $2.59 billion under the goal of reaching 10 percent of hearings on it next month and Multi-Match: 8-9-16-25-26-35 For late drawings and other results, check
the proposal — $19 million more the county’s budget in reserves by must pass a final budget by Match 5 (Wed.): 1-6-14-29-34 *24
county executive’s plan than what is required by the state 2020. June 1. Match 5 (Thu.): 1-2-14-18-36 *28
and the full amount of funding the “As we learned in the depths of 5 Card Cash: 4S-6S-5H-AS-KS
Board of Education had requested. the Great Recession, a substantial
BY J ENNIFER B ARRIOS The money would go to increased reserve is essential to weathering
services, such as more prekinder- unexpected economic down-
Montgomery County property garten slots, extra extended-year turns,” Leggett wrote.
taxes would largely remain programs at “highly impacted” el- But the budget does not reflect
steady and schools would receive a ementary and middle schools, and the local impact of the Tax Cuts
bump in funding under County more summer and extended-day and Jobs Act, the federal tax bill
Executive Isiah Leggett’s proposed programming, among other mea- that Congress passed in December.
operating budget — his last as sures. “It is likely that income tax
he finishes his third and final Montgomery College would re- revenues will remain volatile as
term. ceive an additional $2 million over the effects of federal tax reform
Leggett (D) presented the the state requirement — the same unfold over the next one to two
$5.56 billion spending proposal to increase Leggett had proposed in years,” Leggett wrote, adding that
the Montgomery County Council 2017. his budget “includes no adjust-
at a meeting Thursday morning, The election-year budget cycle ments to anticipate the effects” of
noting that the county continues — three sitting council members tax restructuring.
to grapple with the uncertainties are running for Leggett’s seat, The council in January ap-
in tax revenue posed by federal tax while five are running for reelec- proved a savings plan that includ-
restructuring. tion — is being watched closely, ed $53.3 million in cuts to the 2018
“This budget is not the easiest especially by the Montgomery budget after the county received a
one we’ve had,” Leggett said at a County Education Association. lower amount of income taxes in
news conference. “There are some The teachers’ union last week November than expected.
challenges in our midst.” issued a partial set of council But that plan doesn’t go far
Under the proposal, the proper- endorsements in its politically in- enough, Leggett said, adding that
ty tax rate would decrease by fluential “Apple Ballot” but said it he is recommending that the coun-
2 cents, to 98 cents per $100 of would delay endorsements in sev- ty reduce its contribution to the
assessed value. Increased property eral races that include candidates employee retirement trust funds
values in the county mean taxes who are sitting county council by about $21 million “as a one-time
would increase by $27 for the members — the county executive measure to strengthen reserves
owner of a home valued at the contest among them — until the and for temporary budget relief.”
county’s median price of budget process is complete. “The current fiscal situation is
$400,000. Leggett proposed increasing not the result of a declining econo-
In a letter to Council President grants to three health and human my, but likely a one-time event
Hans Riemer (D-At Large) accom- services nonprofit organizations driven by speculation on changes
panying the budget, Leggett wrote by $2.2 million to accommodate a to tax law,” he wrote.
that keeping tax revenue at the minimum-wage increase the The budget proposal also in-
county’s charter limit — the county council approved last year. cludes a 4.5 percent increase in
amount the county is allowed to “This total will continue to rise water and sewer rates included in
collect each year — is “appropri- as the County minimum wage con- the Washington Suburban Sani-
ate,” referencing the 8.7 percent tinues to increase,” Leggett wrote. tary Commission’s spending pro-


Ship’s disappearance 100 years ago remains a mystery

Beverly Jones and Herbert Price, Barrash said. “I want the 309 to
Baltimore-bound naval two city boys just 17 years old. be at rest, as well as the families.
Today, only scattered remind- It’s something everybody needs:
vessel carried 309 men ers speak of them. At Baltimore’s some resolution.”
and an unfamiliar cargo Loudon Park Cemetery, one Underwater explorers have
gravestone reads: “T. Vernon Lee, dived for the prized wreck for
lost on the U.S.S. Cyclops.” In decades, but a succession of re-
Baltimore’s War Memorial, their cent, splashy discoveries brings
BY T IM P RUDENTE names are inscribed in marble renewed hope to the hunt. To-
with those of other Marylanders day’s crews employ devices that
There should have been a clue: killed during WWI. And in can detect the magnetic field of a
a distress call on the radio, a Halethorpe, an American Legion washing machine buried in sea
shard of wooden lifeboat, even a post bears the name and photo of mud. Their sonar can sweep the
sailor’s cap. How could 309 men one sailor, Dewey Lowman. depths like a flashlight. Year after
and their ship, a naval vessel Little is known about the year, the number of shipwrecks
bigger than a football field, just 19-year-old from Arbutus, a fire- still lost dwindles.
vanish? fighter aboard the Cyclops. “The shortlist keeps getting
One hundred years ago Tues- “People have asked me over the shorter these days as technology
day, the USS Cyclops was due to years; I can’t really tell them steps in,” said Delgado, the ex-
steam up the Chesapeake Bay much,” said Edgar Lowman, of plorer. “Things can be found. It’s
and dock in Baltimore at what is Halethorpe, his 86-year-old just a question of time and mon-
now Port Covington. nephew. ey.”
The ship still hasn’t shown up. Fifteen Marylanders disap- Delgado and researchers from
Its eerie absence is an endur- peared with the ship, most of the National Oceanic and Atmos-
ing mystery, fueling fantastical them young men without wives pheric Administration an-
theories of the Bermuda Triangle, or children. nounced two years ago that they
giant squids and German spies. The loss became a discomfit- had found the Baltimore-built
The truth is, no one knows what ing episode for the Navy, says tug USS Conestoga, missing since
became of the Cyclops or its crew Marvin Barrash of Kent Island, 1921, outside San Francisco Bay. A
— sailors such as Thomas Lee of the great-nephew of another ship research crew led by Microsoft
West Baltimore; Adam Siewierski firefighter. co-founder Paul Allen said last
of Canton; and Burt Asper, a “The whole existence of the August that it had found the USS
doctor who practiced at Shep- TIM PRUDENTE/BALTIMORE SUN ship has been swept under a rug,” Indianapolis, a Navy cruiser tor-
pard Pratt. Marvin Barrash of Kent Island, Md., the great-nephew of a firefighter aboard the lost USS Cyclops. He he said. “It wasn’t like it was lost pedoed in the Pacific late in
There was no ceremony for spent years researching the ship, amassing Navy records, ship logs, dispatches and photos. in a glorious battle. It just kind of World War II. Last week, Allen’s
them Tuesday. Memories of the fell off the face of the Earth.” crew said it had found another
Proteus-class collier — it hauled buckets could lift two tons of coal then steamed off for the steel- heavy ore have ruptured the hull, Barrash spent more than a vessel beneath the Coral Sea: the
coal — have faded. The only in a single mouthful. yards of Baltimore. It was March sinking the ship instantly? Did decade researching the Cyclops, World War II aircraft carrier USS
known monument to the ship is a “A monster collier,” newspa- 4, 1918. the unfamiliar cargo leak fumes amassing Navy records, ship logs, Lexington.
plaque that hangs in France. pers called it. “A floating coal The Cyclops was never seen that poisoned the crew? U-boat dispatches, photos, even a sooty These deep-pocketed, well-
And yet, in this era of high-tech mine.” again. torpedoes could have sunk the bag of manganese ore. In 2010, he equipped research crews haven’t
discovery — when explorers have Launched in May 1910, the The search was exhaustive: ship, but where was the debris? published a 700-page history of taken on the hunt for the Cyclops
found a World War II cruiser ship was designed to refuel the Navy cruisers scoured the trade Rough seas could have swamped the ship. Now, he’s working with — at least, not publicly. But solo
sunk in the Philippine Sea and an Navy fleet — grueling and dan- routes, scouted the beaches, in- it, but there was no storm, and no the office of U.S. Rep. Andy Harris explorers sometimes write Bar-
aircraft carrier lost in the Coral gerous work. The coal in the spected remote bays. Crews radi- distress call. German raiders (R-Md.) to erect the Cyclops’s first rash, believing they have found
Sea, when forensic anthropolo- cargo hold was prone to catching oed the lost ship day after day, but could have captured the ship, monument. the ship.
gists conclude that bones found fire. Cables snapped. Bucketfuls nothing — no reply, no debris, not taken the crew hostage and “As a Navy veteran, I feel I have A Navy diver thought he locat-
on a Pacific island probably be- tumbled to the deck. even an oil slick. Out in the West steamed home with their prize, a duty to honor the crew mem- ed it off Virginia’s coast in the late
longed to the missing aviatrix The sailors steamed out of Indies, the ship had vanished. but the Cyclops lacked fuel for a bers on the USS Cyclops who 1960s. Bad weather forced him
Amelia Earhart — the old hope Norfolk and down the Atlantic In June 1918, then-Assistant transatlantic voyage. never returned home to Balti- up, and crews never found the
returns that the Cyclops might be Coast to U.S. bases in Cuba, Haiti Navy Secretary Franklin D. Wilder theories emerged of sea more, and the families they left wreck. Excitement grew over a
found. and Puerto Rico. Roosevelt announced the ship monsters, mutinies and meteor- behind,” the Baltimore County wreck upside down off Florida’s
“In terms of loss of life and size With U.S. entry into World War and its 309 men were presumed ites. The loss of the Cyclops — Republican said in a statement. coast, but it turned out to be a
of ship, it’s probably the last great I in April 1917, the Cyclops, outfit- lost at sea. It was the greatest loss along with the later disappear- Barrash believes a cascade of German fuel ship from World
mystery left unresolved,” said ted with 50-caliber guns, deliv- of life unrelated to combat in U.S. ance of five Navy torpedo bomb- failures doomed the Cyclops. One War II.
James Delgado, the renowned ered doctors and medical sup- naval history. ers known as “Flight 19” — gave of two engines broke. The ship A treasure hunter in the Do-
underwater explorer. plies from Johns Hopkins Hospi- “There has been no more baf- rise to the ship-swallowing lore of was unbalanced by the heavy ore. minican Republic sent Barrash
Built in Philadelphia, steel- tal to Saint-Nazaire, France. fling mystery in the annals of the the Bermuda Triangle, a myth At night, with the deck battened photos last year of a newly dis-
hulled and immense, the Cyclops Months later, the ship arrived Navy than the disappearance last roundly debunked today. down and crew asleep, a big wave covered shipwreck. The Cyclops
splashed in as the Navy’s biggest, in Brazil to load 10,000 tons of March of the U.S.S. Cyclops,” Still, there were no answers for rolled the Cyclops. The huge col- was found, this diver declared.
fastest fuel ship. About 540 feet manganese ore. Denser and Navy Secretary Josephus Daniels the families of the Baltimore lier, Barrash figures, eludes ex- Barrash noticed the doorknobs
long, 65 feet wide, the ship could heavier than coal, the ore for wrote. “There has not been a sailors — seamen such as Charles plorers because it sank into the bore markings from Glasgow and
haul 12,500 tons of coal and steelmaking was unfamiliar car- trace of the vessel, and long-con- Holmes, who left behind a wife Puerto Rico Trench, the deepest the dishes showed European
steam 15 knots. Its winches could go for the crew. The heavily laden tinued and vigilant search of the and infant son on Presbury part of the Atlantic. The trench crowns.
send 800-pound bags of anthra- vessel voyaged to Barbados, re- entire region proved utterly fu- Street; Edward Dresbach, who cleaves the ocean floor across Out there, somewhere, the
cite along cables. Huge clamshell supplied for nine days at sea, tile.” wrote cheerful letters to his nearly 1,000 miles. great collier remains.
Speculation swirled. Could the mother on Harlem Avenue; and “I just want her to be found,” — Baltimore Sun

Rural county joins Alexandria in Va. opioid suits

OPIOID SUITS FROM B1 legations and look forward to the sales force in half. and pay for their role in a devas-
opportunity to present our de- John Parker, senior vice presi- tating wave of addiction.
residents died of opioid overdos- fense,” a spokesman for OxyCon- dent at the Healthcare Distribu- Sharp, along with the Cicala
es in the previous four years. tin manufacturer Purdue Phar- tion Alliance, another defendant, Law Firm, is also suing on behalf
Alexandria has one of only ma said in a statement. said in a statement that “ the idea of Dickenson County, for $30
four drug treatment programs In 2007, Purdue and three of that distributors are responsible million in damages. Home to
run by a local government in its executives pleaded guilty to for the number of opioid prescrip- about 16,000 people on the Ken-
The Magazine Virginia, according to officials,
and is now struggling to keep it
falsely marketing OxyContin as
less addictive than other opioids
tions written defies common
sense and lacks understanding of
tucky border, Dickenson is among
the places in Virginia hardest hit
running. The city is also consid- and paid more than $600 million how the pharmaceutical supply by the opioid crisis and at high
Journeys in ering forming a Drug Treatment in fines. chain actually works.” risk of an HIV or hepatitis C
Trump World Court to deal with addicts but it Kentucky’s attorney general Allergan, another defendant, outbreak because of shared nee-
says such a move would be costly. sued Purdue in 2007 on similar said the company stopped pro- dle use, according to the CDC.
The companies are accused in grounds; the company settled in moting opioids in 2013. “It’s in everybody’s interest to
What one writer Alexandria Circuit Court of 2015 for $24 million. But Kevin Sharp, one of the find a solution here,” Sharp said.
glimpses about fraud, negligence, conspiracy Purdue announced last month attorneys representing Alexan- “The country can’t go on like this.”
and causing a public nuisance. that it is no longer promoting dria, said these companies have
America’s future “We vigorously deny these al- opioids to doctors and has cut its yet to fully come to terms with shira.
from visits to
Trump-branded MARYLAND
properties in
four countries. 1 dead, several injured when car hits bus in Montgomery
BY M ARISSA J . L ANG back of a Ride On bus in Rock- Although he was not immedi- driver was an adult man.
ville died late Thursday, police ately identified by Montgomery At least five people were hos-
Arts & Style The driver of a car that hit the said. County Police, officials said the pitalized after a car struck the
back of the passenger bus, police
Magic money machine: The epic stage production
“Harry Potter and the Cursed Child” is heading for The collision, which involved
Broadway. That’s great news for fans of the boy wizard, multiple vehicles, happened near
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Avery roads about 8 p.m., accord-
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Advocates for homeless are wary
of sped-up plans to close shelter MICHAEL GETLER, 82

Editor turned ombudsman delivered
Advocates for the homeless
agree with Mayor Muriel E. Bows-
tough-love critiques of Post, PBS
er that D.C. General, the city’s
mega-shelter for homeless fami- BY B ART B ARNES
lies, is hazardous and needs to be
replaced with smaller, modern fa- Michael Getler, a Washington
cilities in neighborhoods across Post foreign correspondent and
the District. editor who later led the Paris-
But they say the mayor’s plan to based International Herald Tri-
close D.C. General this year and bune and served as an incisive
start demolishing some nearby in-house media critic at The Post
buildings next month — before and PBS, died March 15 at a hos-
replacement shelters are ready — pice center in Washington. He
poses even greater risks to home- was 82.
less families. The cause was complications
At a hearing Wednesday, advo- from bile duct cancer, said his
cates said they feared that home- wife, Sandra Getler.
less families would be rushed into A former Navy aviator and
substandard housing or denied defense-magazine writer, Mr.
shelter so that Bowser (D) — who Getler joined The Post as a mili-
is seeking reelection — could BILL O'LEARY/THE WASHINGTON POST
tary affairs reporter in 1970 dur-
make good on a 2014 campaign ing the waning years of the Viet- BILL O'LEARY/THE WASHINGTON POST
The D.C. General shelter in Southeast Washington, shown in 2014.
promise to shutter the notorious District officials hope to close the converted hospital this year. nam War. He later chronicled Washington Post ombudsman Michael Getler in 2001. Getler held
D.C. General. Cold War tensions from Bonn, the that role for five years at The Post and then for 12 years at PBS.
“If D.C. General is closed in a will stop taking new residents in round D.C. General would expose capital of West Germany. In sub-
way that risks the health and safe- May. The city, which already children and families to lead, as- sequent editing roles, including was a reporter and editor for guy, for him the news event was
ty of the families who live there spends about $30 million a year bestos and other dangerous sub- as assistant managing editor for trade publications specializing in just the beginning, not the end, of
and other families who need shel- on motel rooms for homeless fam- stances. They pressed administra- foreign news, he directed cover- defense, aviation and space. his intellectual interest.”
ter in D.C., then the injustice of ilies when there is no space at the tion officials to explain why demo- age that resulted in two Pulitzer Mr. Getler said his favorite sto- In 1993, Mr. Getler headed an
placing families there in the first shelter, will increase its use of lition could not wait until the fam- Prizes for international reporting. ry at The Post was covering the internal Post newsroom task
place will be compounded, not motel rooms while waiting for the ilies left. But he achieved his greatest 1979 visit of Pope John Paul II to force that criticized the newspa-
alleviated,” said Amber Harding, a remaining shelters to open next City officials said that they public renown as an ombudsman, his native Poland, the pontiff’s per as having a “confrontational
lawyer with the Washington Legal year. would be vigilant to protect resi- a sensitive and often thankless first such visit since his election to and male-dominated” environ-
Clinic for the Homeless. That is better than keeping fam- dents during demolition and that role that entails critiquing col- the papacy a year before. The trip, ment in which minority journal-
Several lawmakers also seemed ilies in a partially occupied, dilapi- razing the entire campus at once leagues for the tone, tastefulness Mr. Getler later told PBS talk- ists “do not seem to rise through
skeptical that the administration dated shelter, Zeilinger said. could also be dangerous. and fairness of their stories — show host Charlie Rose, felt pal- the ranks.”
was acting in the best interest of But some questioned that as- “Small, bite-size chunks is the while seldom satisfying the most pably momentous, “the begin- The 90-page report made sev-
homeless families. And they ques- sumption. “Hotels where we safest way to do a demo of this vehement outside critics. ning of a sense that something eral recommendations, including
tioned why the Bowser adminis- house homeless families are not size,” said Brian Butler of the De- His time as Post ombudsman, was really happening” to loosen the appointment of a deputy man-
tration is now moving to shut well connected to transportation partment of General Services, from 2000 to 2005, coincided the communist grip on Eastern aging editor to direct recruit-
down D.C. General, when it has or services,” said council member which manages city real estate. with intense scrutiny of the media Europe. ment, training and career devel-
maintained for years that the Robert C. White Jr. (D-At Large). “We are confident this can be done for their coverage of the dead- After a stint covering national opment. Mr. Getler was appoint-
mega-shelter could not be closed “That’s likely to cause even more safely.” locked 2000 presidential election, security and a year as a reporter in ed to fill that job in 1993. It was the
until the replacement sites were unstability for families, particu- Some advocates questioned the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist at- London, Mr. Getler was named No. 3 position in the newsroom.
built. larly children who already have whether the administration is tacks, and the polarizing wars in foreign editor in 1985 and subse- “I’d like to make sure that the
Only three of the six replace- gone through too much.” closing D.C. General to help bol- Afghanistan and Iraq. quently assistant managing edi- next Woodward and Bernstein in
ment shelters, in Wards 4, 7 and 8, City officials stressed that the ster the city’s bid to lure Ama- Mr. Getler became known for tor for foreign news. American journalism come to The
are scheduled to open this fall. goal was to get homeless families, which is searching for a sharp observations that became During his tenure, Glenn Fran- Washington Post, whether they’re
The city official who oversees into permanent housing, not mo- location to build a second national the talk of the newsroom — and kel’s reportage of the first Pales- white or African American or La-
homeless services said that the tels. Caseworkers are ramping up headquarters. Part of the D.C. other newsrooms. The New York tinian uprising and Caryle Mur- tino,” he told the paper at the
mayor always wanted to close D.C. efforts to help residents find General campus is among the sites Times reported that work virtual- phy’s dispatches from Kuwait time.
General by 2018 and that it was apartments using rapid-rehous- offered by the city for a portion of ly came to a standstill when Mr. during the Persian Gulf War won After leaving The Post in 1996,
now possible because of a recent ing vouchers, which are good for a the headquarters. Getler’s criticism — “lobbed like Pulitzers. Mr. Getler served four years as
dip in the number homeless fami- year to give recipients time to get “If this rush to close D.C. Gener- hand grenades” — became avail- Two of the entries in Frankel’s executive editor of the Interna-
lies and the creation of more op- jobs and become self-sufficient. al without any regard for those able internally before it ran in the Pulitzer package stemmed direct- tional Herald Tribune, which was
tions to house families elsewhere. Many landlords will not accept black families, without any regard Sunday paper. ly from questions raised by Mr. then owned jointly by The Post
“We have been able to create a the vouchers, but the city is hoping for black children, is to make way “Like an Old Testament proph- Getler. One was about Palestinian and the New York Times. The
plan that will work, that will serve to entice them to participate, by for yet another white billionaire, et,” read a Times profile of Mr. children throwing rocks at Israeli Times obtained sole ownership in
families better and serves that ini- offering to pay the cost of missed you can expect to be held account- Getler, “this respected journalist soldiers; the other was an account 2003 and has since integrated the
tial goal within that initial time- rent payments and any damage to able,” said Aja Taylor of Bread for has come back . . . to thunder at of Israel’s secret military opera- paper into its other products.
line,” said Laura Zeilinger, direc- units. the City, referring to Amazon his people about their wayward tion in Tunis to assassinate a In 2013, The Post replaced the
tor of the D.C. Department of Hu- But advocates are also con- founder Jeffrey P. Bezos (who also ways.” leader in the Palestinian Fatah role of independent ombudsman
man Services. cerned that the city will steer shel- owns The Washington Post). The article cited his displea- movement. with a reader representative, a
The plight of residents at D.C. ter residents toward unscrupu- Administration officials have sure with a piece in The Post’s “Mike was innately curious,” staff member who fields ques-
General captured the city’s atten- lous landlords who allow their denied any link between Amazon Style section on Florida Secretary Frankel wrote in an email. “He tions and complaints. Mr. Getler
tion after the disappearance of units to fall into disrepair. “I want and closing D.C. General. Council of State Katherine Harris, a Re- saw very young Palestinian kids — was named to the City College
8-year-old Relisha Rudd in 2014. It to ensure families are not pres- member Brianne K. Nadeau (D- publican who played a decisive 4 or 5 years old — throwing stones Communications Alumni Group’s
highlighted long-standing prob- sured into housing that does not Ward 1), who chairs the Commit- role in the 2000 election recount, on a CNN report and wanted to Hall of Fame in 2014.
lems at the converted hospital, meet their needs in order to meet tee on Human Services, which that opined, “One of the reasons know what it was about: Who, if Survivors include his wife of
where residents complained the deadline,” said council mem- held the meeting, said she did not Harris is so easy to mock is be- anyone, was directing them, what 59 years, the former Sandra
about a lack of privacy, unsanitary ber Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8). think Amazon was a factor. cause she, to be honest, seems to did it say about the depth of anger Curhan of Washington; two chil-
conditions and concerns about “These are our residents, and “My sense is if that site is used have applied her makeup with a in the West Bank and the creation dren, Warren Getler of Washing-
personal safety. Earlier this these are our family members.” for Amazon, it’s not for years down trowel.” of a new generation of resistance ton and Belinda Getler of San
month, the main building lost hot Lawmakers said they were also the road. D.C. General would have Mr. Getler called the cutting to occupation?” Francisco; a sister; and four
water for a weekend. concerned that the mayor’s plan to already closed,” Nadeau said. “I’m quip “a classic example of the “He read the day-to-day piece- grandchildren.
D.C. General — which currently start in April the demolition of just not sure it’s the point today.” arrogance of journalists that un- meal coverage of the assassina- Dan Morgan, a retired Post re-
houses more than 200 families — smaller, vacant buildings that sur- dermines people’s confidence in tion and aftermath — with Israeli porter and editor, described Mr.
the media.” officials applauding the deed but Getler as someone who “believed
After his contract at The Post refusing to confirm they were journalism is a calling, almost a
expired, Mr. Getler moved to PBS responsible — and wanted some- priesthood,” and did not have
THE DISTRICT as the broadcasting system’s first thing deeper and more authorita- “much tolerance for people who
ombudsman. His appointment tive,” Frankel added. “Although he are not doing their best.”

A partial picture of harassment costs followed complaints that PBS

newscasts displayed a liberal bias.
During his 12 years on the job, Mr.
had a reputation as a hard news

Getler drew periodic attention for

Owned and Operated by
BY F ENIT N IRAPPIL ting up a system to track new employment that is fair to all challenging powerful forces in-
sexual harassment complaints people, where all people can excel side and outside the media. Professional Engineers since 1993
D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser in and settlements. and be rewarded for their talents He denounced the PBS Kids
December ordered 30,000 city Seven of the D.C. Council’s 11 and skills and that is free of sexual Sprout network’s 2006 firing of
employees to undergo training to committees ask agencies under harassment,” Bowser said in an Melanie Martinez, host of “The
prevent sexual harassment, but their purview to list sexual ha- interview this month. Good Night Show,” for having ap-
her administration could not say rassment complaints and settle- Kumin said the city should be peared years earlier in videos lam-
how many misconduct allega- ments as part of annual oversight. paying close attention to which pooning public service announce-
tions had been made against gov- A review of those documents by agencies attract the most harass- ments for teen sexual abstinence.
ernment employees and how The Washington Post identified ment complaints and which su- The firing, Mr. Getler wrote,
much taxpayers had paid in relat- at least 28 sexual harassment pervisors are repeatedly accused had “too much of a whiff of after-
ed settlements. complaints made in the past two of turning a blind eye. the-fact loyalty oaths and purity
Since then, 94 percent of city years reported by agencies, which “Maybe the online, one-size-fit- checks on performers.”
workers have completed the deemed at least four of them to be all training is not going to do the In forceful commentaries in
training, and the mayor’s office unfounded. trick,” Kumin said. 2011 about Chevron, the primary
and the D.C. Council have been Comprehensive data is crucial Agencies provided a varying corporate underwriter of “The
able to offer a partial accounting to curbing misconduct, experts level of details about sexual ha- PBS NewsHour,” Mr. Getler
of the costs of sexual harassment on sexual harassment say. rassment complaints to lawmak- plowed through company finan-
in the past two years. “Unless you know the scope of ers. cial reports and spoke to experts
The Bowser administration the problem, it’s very difficult to D.C. Public Schools said it has to argue that the oil conglomerate
says the city has spent $295,000 know whether your approach to received eight sexual harassment made misleading and “trouble-
since 2015 to resolve three law- sexual harassment prevention complaints in the past two years. some” statements in its sponsor-
suits — two against the D.C. police and correction is working,” said The school system said it investi- ship messages touting its role as a
force and one involving female Avi Kumin, a Washington lawyer gated the complaints and took force for good in the community.
Department of Corrections em- who has represented plaintiffs in “appropriate action,” with no “I support their basic right to EVERY TIME IT RAINS
ployees alleging that male co- sexual harassment cases against elaboration. advertise or help sponsor pro-
workers exposed themselves, of-
fered promotions for sex and mis-
treated women who complained
the District.
D.C. officials are hoping sexual
harassment will decline since the
D.C. police reported settling
two sexual harassment cases last
year for $525,000 and receiving
grams, and I have no green-
eyeshade credentials that make
me certain their statement is in-
about harassment. workforce underwent training five complaints. One allegation is accurate,” Mr. Getler wrote. “But I
The list did not include one of
the most high-profile sexual ha-
dealing with inappropriate con-
duct. At a cost of $71,800 to the
still under internal investigation,
and the department deemed an-
have to say that the words in that
spot, especially the ones that state BASEMENTS.
rassment cases against the city, a city, the vast majority of the Dis- other to be unfounded. In other with such force and certainty
A wet basement is a real nuisance, smelling musty and
27-year complaint that the city trict’s 1,500 supervisors went cases, two people accused of ha- that, ‘Every penny and more went ruining furniture, appliances, and important valuables.
settled last year for $90,000. It through in-person training, while rassment left the department be- into bringing energy to the world,’ It can also present a health hazard as a breeding ground
also did not include several cases rank-and-file workers completed fore they could be punished and it also sound implausible, at best, to for mold and other destructive conditions that effect
disclosed by city agencies to the an online course. was unclear whether the accused my layman’s ears and then up the the structural integrity of your home, and your health!
D.C. Council, including a Since December, 28,652 out of in another case faced disciplinary scale to misleading.”
$350,000 settlement in October 30,411 employees under the may- action. Michael Getler was born in the NO PAYMENT OR INTEREST FOR 18 MONTHS!*
involving the D.C. police depart- or’s authority have received train- The D.C. Public Library system Bronx on Nov. 13, 1935. His father
ment. ing, according to the city officials. disclosed a pending lawsuit and a was an advertising salesman, and Call JES Foundation Repair for a Free
Aides to Bowser (D) acknowl- Most of the stragglers had a sexual harassment complaint his mother was a homemaker Foundation Inspection, Consultation, and Estimate.
edge they do not have a full grasp valid reason for not completing from December still under inves- who later in life sold high-end
of the sexual harassment prob-
lem. “We operate under a decen-
the training, such as going on
medical leave or quitting their
tigation. A library employee also
complained in August that a co-
In elementary school, Mr. MD: VA:
tralized system where agencies
receive and process these types of
But 539 workers face discipline
worker showed a nude photo she
shared with him to others. He
Getler’s teachers handed out cop-
ies of the Times, sparking a preco-
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actions, among others,” Bowser if they do not finish the sexual denied doing so, and the com- cious interest in world news. Af- *Financing offer good at time of Free Inspection. Subject to qualifying credit approval. Interest accrues during the promotional period but
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Going forward, the city is set- as a government and a place of in Quonset Point, R.I., and then


Happy 41st Birthday Kim!
I love and miss you more and more every day.
Lovingly, Mom, your cousin, Michael
On Thursday, March 15, 2018,
Raton, FL, formerly of Silver
On Friday, March 9, 2018. Survived by family
and friends. Visitation 9 a.m., Service 11 a.m.
on Monday, March 19, 2018 at Trinidad Baptist
Spring, MD. Beloved husband Church (New Location), 6611 Walker Mill Rd.,
and your cat, Demetrie of Sylvia Grace Dorfman; Capitol Heights, MD 20743. Services entrusted
devoted father of Harold and to Henry S. Washington and Sons.
BERNARD ‘LEFTY’ KREH, 93 Berel Dorfman and father-in-law of Michal
Dorfman; dear brother of Bea (Moe) Rosen-
berg; cherished grandfather of Fiona, Rabbi
Yonatan (Elisheva), Moshe and Chana; and HUGHES
CLAVIJO great-grandfather of Akiva and Miriam.
Graveside funeral services will be held EUGENE HUGHES "Thunder"
ADEN XAVIER CLAVIJO on Friday, March 16, 2018, 2 p.m. at Mt. The Washington DC Boxing Hall of
3/16/05-3/16/05 Lebanon Cemetery, Adelphi, MD. Shiva will Fame members regret the passing of
be observed at the home of Berel Dorfman. inductee Eugene Hughes.
Memorial contributions may be made to Ken Sprouse, President
Young Israel Shomrai Emunah. Arrange- Bobby Magruder, Treasurer
ments entrusted to TORCHINSKY HEBREW
FUNERAL HOME, Washington, DC, 202-541-
Happy 13th Birthday Kathleen Louise "KiKi" McCarthy Coderre, 69, JAMES
Love, Your Family passed away on March 7, 2018 in Jacksonville,
Florida. She grew up in Rockford, Illinois and
resided in both Virginia and Florida. Kiki retired ECK
from Xerox Corporation after 25 years working
as a systems analyst in both Richmond, Vir- ETTA K. ECK
COKAS ginia and Jacksonville, Florida. Prior to that
she taught Social Studies and English. During
On Sunday, March 11, 2018,
Etta Kimche Eck of Chevy
her career and retirement, she generously Chase, MD and Glenview,
EVELYN COKAS IL. Beloved wife of the late
In loving memory of my dear sister, Evelyn devoted her considerable energies and skills
volunteering with Pohick Church, Gunston Gerry Eck; devoted mother
Cokas, who passed away six years ago today, of Susan Eck Perlman, and
March 16, 2012. You are and always will be in Hall and Mount Vernon in Virginia and with
the Jacksonville Symphony Guild, Food Bank Melvin Eck; loving sister of
my thoughts and prayers. Estelle Kay, the late Aaron
A wonderful sister, and Alzheimer's Association in Florida.
Kathleen was the daughter of Robert and Kimche, the late Jeanette
with a smile as the sun shines, Cohen. Also beloved grandmother to
and a heart of pure gold, Dorothy McCarthy of Rockford, Illinois. She is
survived by her loving husband of 34 years, Matthew (Virginia) Perlman, Cassie Perl-
your memory will never grow old. man, Marissa Perlman, Dimitri Eck, Brynna
Caring and kind in all your ways. David; a sister, Patricia Williams of Iowa City,
Iowa and nephews, Jonathan Williams of O'Fal- Eck; great-grandmother ("GG" ) to Asher
Sincere and just in all your days. Van Perlman; many beloved nieces,
Evelyn, I love you and miss you very much. lon, Missouri and Michael Williams of Iowa
City, Iowa. The viewing will be held on Monday, nephews, grand-nieces and grand-
Your sister, Mary nephews. Private graveside service on Fri-
March 19 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Mountcastle
Turch Funeral Home, 4143 Dale Blvd., Wood- day, March 16, 2018. Family will be receiv-
bridge, Virginia 22193. Funeral services will ing friends on March 16 at 12 noon at JESSE JAMES "Boe Boe"
WOODARD be held on Tuesday, March 20 at 1:30 p.m.
at Pohick Church in Lorton, Virginia. Burial
the residence of Joann and Jim DiMeglio.
Memorial contributions may be made to
Passed away Friday, March 9, 2018. He
leaves to cherish his memories, brothers,
The Rev. GEORGE H. JACK WOODARD will follow at the Pohick Church cemetery. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. sisters, nephews, nieces, cousins and
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made Services entrusted to Sagel Bloomfield Dan- friends. Funeral services will be held on
August 16, 1926 - March 16, 2013 zansky Goldberg Funeral Care. Saturday, March 17, 2018 at Marshall-
The passage of time has only slightly dimmed to Pohick Church ( or the
Jacksonville Humane Society (www.jax- March Funeral Homes, 4217 9th Street, NW
my sorrow. My love and admiration remain
Bernard “Lefty” Kreh holds up one of the 126 species of fish he unchanged. or the Sulzbacher Center Washington, DC 20011, Viewing held from
( for the homeless 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Funeral held at 11 a.m.
caught in his lifetime in this undated photo. Your devoted wife, Lucila
also in Jacksonville. Interment Washington National Cemetery,
EDWARDS Suitland, MD.

World-renowned angler DEATH NOTICE

and outdoors writer HELEN SCROGGINS BARNES
September 23, 1942 – February 14, 2018
Helen Scroggins Barnes was the oldest child
(Age 92)
Of Aldie, VA, completed her earthly jour-
ney on March 13, 2018. Marjorie was pre-
of the late Audrey Curtis Scroggins and Amy deceased by her husband, Wallace Cook,
stamp by the U.S. Postal Service Carney Scroggins, of Fayetteville, NC. She and sons, Wallace Cook, Jr., an infant,
earned degrees from St. Andrew’s Presby- and Timothy Cook. Surviving Marjorie are
in 1991.
Fisherman also was Each March, for 18 years,
terian College, Presbyterian Hospital School
of Nursing in Charlotte and Texas Woman’s
her daughters, Barbara Stiverson, Debbie
Cook, and Linda (Mark) Albimino; grand-
known for inventing Maryland has hosted the Lefty University. She worked as a nursing instructor
and most recently as a nurse working on
children, Michael and David Stiverson,
Brittany and Garrett Cook; and great-
Kreh Tie Fest, a popular fly- issues related to the elderly in Prince George’s
a revolutionary fly fishing exhibition. In 2012, the
County. She was known across the region
for her work on elder abuse, hoarding, and
grandchildren, Amanda, Abby, Livi, and
Luke Stiverson.
Born on May 5, 1925 in Shadyside, Ohio,
state christened the Lefty Kreh dementia. She was always an advocate for the Marjorie moved to Washington, DC after
vulnerable in society. high school graduation and took a job
Fishing Trail, a seven-mile She is survived by her husband of over 51 with Western Union sending and receiving MILDRED EDWARDS
BY M IKE K LINGAMAN stretch along a pristine trout years, James A. Barnes; by two children, Mary
A. Barnes and Curtis C. Barnes, College Park,
messages. She met and then married Entered into eternal rest on Saturday, March
10, 2018. She is survived by five grandchildren,
Wallace and lived briefly in South Carolina
stream in Gunpowder Falls State MD; by her sister, brother, in-laws and multiple before settling in northern Virginia. Sheelena, Alicia, Mildred, Robert and Nuertey;
nieces, nephews, and honorary grandchildren Marjorie’s most cherished role was being six great-grandchildren and a host of other
He fished with U.S. presidents, Park, northwest of Baltimore. all of whom held a special place in her heart. a Mom. In addition, she helped her hus- relatives and friends. Mrs. Edwards will lie in
business executives and com- Mr. Kreh was Will Rogers in A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. at band with his moving and storage busi- state at The Sanctuary at Kingdom Square,
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church,, 4512 College nesses, and later was a legal secretary for 9033 Central Ave., Capitol Heights, MD on
mon folks, cast his line on every waders, fellow anglers said. Ave., College Park, MD 20740 on Saturday the Army JAG Corps. Tuesday, March 20 from 10 a.m. until service at Dr. JOSEPH F. KENKEL
continent but Antarctica, and “Watching him cast, with that March 17. In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made A memorial service will be held on Sat- 11 a.m., officiating minister, Pastor Anthony G. Dr. Joseph F. Kenkel of Bladensburg, MD died
to the church or to a charity of your choice, urday, March 17 at 2 p.m. at Centreville Maclin. Interment at Harmony Memorial Park. peacefully on March 12, 2018, one month from
cranked out 32 books revered by fluid, flowing motion, evoked a especially those who work with the aging and Baptist Church, 15100 Lee Highway, Cen- his 88th birthday. He is lovingly remembered
anglers all over the globe. To the sense of relaxed power,” said Joe vulnerable. The family may be reached at 4611 treville, VA 20120. The family will greet by his wife, Lois Kenkel (Reeves); his brother,
Drexel Rd., College Park, MD 20740. visitors beginning at 1 p.m. Interment will Hon. James Kenkel (Janice Kenkel); his son,
end, Bernard “Lefty” Kreh was Evans, editor of Chesapeake Bay be held at a later date and will be private. Hon. Joseph Kenkel (Ann Klug) and grand-
recruiting new sportsmen, reel- magazine. “Lefty always said, BLANE In lieu of flowers, please consider a dona-
tion in Marjorie’s memory to Centreville
FIGARD daughters, Ursula, Heidi and Anneliese of
Toronto; his daughter, Eileen Kenkel (Ed Lee)
ing them in as he did the 126 ‘Most people cast so hard they Baptist Church or First Christian Church, MARY ELLEN KNOX FIGARD and grandson, Michael of Vancouver; his
species of fish that he landed in look like monkeys hoeing cab- 75 east 39th Street Shadyside, OH 43947. daughter and daughter-in-law, Lisa Kenkel and
MARY JANE BLANE (Age 95) The last of the beautiful Knox girls has passed Melanie Mahtani of Palo Alto, CA; his step-
his lifetime, from the Monocacy bage.’ He’d tell you, ‘Cast any Passed away peacefully Friday, January 26, away on Sunday, March 11, 2018. Mary Ellen son, Don Wiggins (Suzanne Wiggins) and
2018. Born Elgin, Illinois, January 13, 1923. Knox Figard was born on August 27, 1923 to grandsons, Sebastian and Tobias of German-
River in Maryland to the Amazon harder and you’ll tear your un- Loving wife to the late Robert Blane; mother Samuel Lee Knox and Elsie Irona Corley in town MD; his step-son, John Wiggins (Kath-
of Valerie Blane of Silver Spring, MD; sister Groesbeck, Texas.
watershed. derwear.’ ” of Gwen Sevier of Irvine, CA. Also as well as She was preceded in death by her parents,
leen Moriarty) of Bloomery, WV; and by his
Mr. Kreh died March 14 at his Bernard Victor Kreh was born many nephews and nieces.
A Celebration of Life will be held on Sunday,
D'ABADIE 10 siblings; and her beloved husband, Ross.
She is survived by her four children, D’ann
grand nieces and nephews and extended
family across the US, Canada and Israel.
home in Cockeysville, Md. He Feb. 26, 1925, in Frederick, Md. March 18, 2 p.m., Ebinger Chapel, Wilson ERIC J. D'ABADIE Atkinson (Steve), Reginald Figard (Deborah), A funeral for family and friends will be held
was 93. He was 6 when his father died, Health Care Center, Asbury Methodist Vil- Ocotber 18, 1962 - March 3, 2018 Linda Showers (Roy-deceased), and Janet at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 17 at St.
lage, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Brutcher (Samuel); two granddaughters, Tara
The cause was congestive and he helped pay family bills by In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to
Officers and members of Local and Kelly Figard.
Matthews's Episcopal Church, 5901 36th
#26 are hereby notified of the Avenue, Hyattsville MD. A celebration of life
heart failure, his family said. selling catfish he’d caught at Music Department, North Bethesda United death of Eric J. D'Abadie. Friends
Graveside services will be held 1 p.m., Sat- for extended family will be held later in the
Methodist Church, 10100 Old Georgetown urday, March 17, 2018 at Mount Comfort spring.
World-renowned and a mem- night, by lantern light, on the Rd., Bethesda, MD 20814.
may call at Pierce Funeral Home, Cemetery, Alexandria, Virginia. Mrs. Figard is
9609 Center St., Manassas, VA, entrusted to Valley Funeral Home, 1609 Peters
ber of three fishing halls of fame, Monocacy. where viewing will be held on Creek Road, Roanoke, Virginia, 540-562-1182.
Memories and Directions: Saturday, March 27, 2018 from 2 to 3 p.m.
Mr. Kreh baited hooks with Pres- After graduating from Freder- J.F. Dabbs, F.S.
idents Jimmy Carter and George ick High, he joined the Army KOLKER
H.W. Bush, writer Ernest Hem- during World War II and fought
ingway, golfer Jack Nicklaus and in the Battle of the Bulge. FRIEDMAN IRENE S. KOLKER
On Thursday, March 15, 2018,
IRENE S. KOLKER of Rockville,
baseball player Ted Williams. He worked for 18 years at Fort ANNETTE S. FRIEDMAN MD. Beloved wife of the late
He fished for marlin in Cuba Detrick, where he was acciden- Of Chevy Chase, MD, passed Morris H. Kolker; devoted
with Fidel Castro and, at 90, tally exposed to anthrax and, as a BUC away peacefully on March
14. “Cookie” was born Jan-
mother of Elaine (the late
Michael) Horwitz and Allan
fished in the Bahamas with result, had a strain of the virus VIVIAN EMILY BUC
uary 26, 1933 in Wash- Kolker; dear grandmother of Deborah
ington, DC. Beloved wife of (Jason Goldberg) and Jeremy Horwitz and
newscaster Tom Brokaw, actor named for him. In 1947, Mr. Kreh Of Alexandria, VA. Died peacefully March the late Robert B. Friedman, great-grandmother of Meirah. Graveside
11, 2018 at age 62 after a battle with funeral services will be held on Sunday,
Michael Keaton and rock star purchased his first fly rod and lymphoma. Much-loved sister of Nancy L.
beloved mother of Lisa
March 18, 2018, 11 a.m. at Mt. Lebanon
Twigg (Roger), Debra Bernhardt (David)
Huey Lewis. Mr. Kreh was also a reel — a Pflueger Medalist — at Buc and Lawrence G. Buc (Leigh Houck); and Mark Friedman (Shari). Devoted Gram Cemetery, Adelphi, MD. Shiva will be
aunt of Jason S. Buc (Hannah Murphy Buc), to Jay, Joshua, Brooke and Kayla. Beloved observed, Monday and Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
former outdoors writer at the Tochterman’s. That reel is now Alexander D. Buc, and Leo C. Buc (Megan sister to the late Betty Wolf, cherished at Congregation Har Tzeon Agudath-Achim.
Baltimore Sun. on display at the American Mu- Watson); and great-aunt of Samantha, aunt to her many nieces and nephews. Memorial contributions may be made to
Michaela, and Ari. Memorial service will She will be missed by many dear friends. Congregation Har Tzeon-Agudath Achim,
“Lefty was one of the greats seum of Fly Fishing in Man- be held on Saturday, March 17 at 11 a.m. Services on Sunday, March 18, 11 a.m. 1840 University Blvd., West, Silver Spring,
who, no matter how far up the chester, Vt. at Joseph Gawler’s Sons, 5130 Wisconsin at Ohr Kodesh, 8300 Meadowbrook Lane, MD 20902. Arrangements entrusted to
Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016. In lieu Chevy Chase, MD, 20815. Burial to follow TORCHINSKY HEBREW FUNERAL HOME,
food chain he went, would an- “He could cast a fly line into a of flowers, please send contributions in at King David Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, 202-541-1001.
swer your questions whether you paper cup at 25 yards, but he’d Vivian’s memory to Washington Nationals the family requests donations be made
were Jimmy Carter or John never boast about it,” said Candy
Youth Baseball Academy or the ACLU.
DEATH NOTICE to Montgomery Hospice or the Edward J.
Friedman Foundation, Inc. The family will
Smith off the street,” said Tony Thomson, public information of- be sitting Shiva through Monday night at PAID DEATH NOTICES
Tochterman, co-owner of the ficer for the Maryland Natural DONAHUE the home of Mark and Shari Friedman. MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Resources Police and former out- To place a notice, call:
doors writer for the Sun. 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
Eventually, Mr. Kreh moved to GILBERT FAX:
“Watching him cast, Florida, where he ran the Miami CARR FRANK GILBERT
Metropolitan Fishing Tourna- JOHN FISHER CARR The Washington DC Boxing Hall of
with that fluid flowing ment and covered the beat for (Age 96)
Fame members regret the passing of
inductee Frank Gilbert.
Email and faxes MUST include
name, home address & home phone #
the Miami Herald. In 1972, he Passed away on March 14, 2018. Loving Ken Sprouse, President of the responsible billing party.
motion, evoked a sense returned to Maryland as out- husband of Ruth, father of Douglas (Julie),
Jeffrey, and Elizabeth (Denis), and grandfather
Bobby Magruder, Treasurer Fax & email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
Phone-In deadline
doors columnist for the Sun, a of Spencer, Stefan, and Chloe. Graduated from 4 p.m. M-F
of relaxed power. job he held for 18 years.
Williams College and Harvard Law, served in
WW II as a navy fighter pilot, surviving a night
3 p.m. Sa-Su

Retired Baltimore Orioles star crash water landing and long swim. Retired

Lefty always said, Boog Powell remembers fishing

in 1986 from Grumman, (now Northrop Grum-
man) as Vice Chair. Served on various boards in
New York and District of Columbia. JOHN THEO GILLIAM

with Mr. Kreh at a tournament in Services will be held at Maplewood Park Place Passed away on March 1, 2018.

‘Most people cast so Miami 40 years ago. at a later date. Donations can be made to the
Sierra Club Foundation, Sierra Memorials, 2101
Thomas Reilly Donahue, III passed away on
Services on Saturday, March 17,
10 a.m. viewing, 11 a.m., service
Black & White
1" - $135 (text only)
2" - $306 (text only)
“We were on a boat, pitching Webster St, Suite 1300 Oakland, CA 94612 March 11, 2018 in Arlington, VA at the age at 6503 Old Branch Ave., Temple 3" - $441
hard they look like up and down in 30-mile-an-hour of 58. Hills, MD 20748. Services by Reese
Funeral Professionals.
4" - $482
5" - $611
winds, when Lefty spotted a CARSON Tom leaves behind his adored daughters, ------
monkeys hoeing school of mackerel 20 yards Erin (Richmond, VA), Megan (Peachtree City,
GA), Mary Clare (Peachtree City, GA) and
Black & White
1"- $161 (text only)
away,” Powell said. “Within two his former wife, Emily Donahue (Peachtree GRIESER
cabbage.’ He’d tell you, minutes, he had his fly rod out City, GA); his father and stepmother Tom
and Rachelle Donahue (Washington, DC)
2" - $339 (text only)
3" - $489
4" - $515
and had hooked a 12-pounder. I and his sister and brother-in-law, Nancy 5" - $665
‘Cast any harder and couldn’t even stand up on the Donahue and Tom Fogarty (Annandale, VA),
as well as his nieces and nephews and 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
boat, but Lefty was like a rock; many friends. He is preceded in death by $135 each additional inch wkday
you’ll tear your nothing could move him.” his mother, Natalie Donahue. $161 each additional inch Sunday
Mr. Kreh appeared on TV Tom was born on July 17, 1959 in Paris, Color
underwear.’ ” shows and in videos, and gave France. He graduated from Gonzaga Col-
lege High School in 1977 and Fairfield
3" - $566
4" - $609
countless clinics and lectures to University in 1983 with a degree in Politics. 5" - $744
Joe Evans, editor of He married Emily Donahue in 1990. ------
spellbound crowds, large and SUNDAY
Chesapeake Bay magazine
small. His goal was environmen- Early in his career, Tom served as an aide Color
to Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Tom was a 3" - $599
tal at heart. highly respected public relations executive 4" - $685
“The more people we can get with a specialty in crisis communications. 5" - $834
Over the course of his career, he worked
out there to fish, the better this GERALDINE CARSON (Age 71) for Ogilvy, Delta Air Lines, Porter Novelli, 6"+ for ALL color notices
Peacefully transitioned on Saturday, Mach 10, $224 each additional inch wkday
Fells Point tackle shop where Mr. world will be,” he’d say. “If they’re Matlock Advertising, AIM Sports Reputation $250 each additional inch Sunday
2018. Loving mother of James Bradner (Kristal), Management, BlinkNow and founded Don-
Kreh bought his first fly rod. “He not there, they won’t care.” Stacy Bradner, Lisa Cusaac (Marc) and ahue & Associates. ROBERT CHARLES GRIESER Notices with photos begin at 3"
Chrishaun Fitzgerald (James); devoted sister
lived to expand his knowledge of His wife of 65 years, Evelyn of Vivian Goodman. Also survived by a host of A funeral is scheduled for noon on Saturday,
(Age 63) (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
fishing to the next generation.” Kreh, died in 2011. Survivors other relatives and friends. Family will receive March 17, 2018 at Our Lady Queen of Peace Of Alexandria, VA passed away unexpectedly
friends on Monday, March 19, wake, 10 a.m.; Catholic Church in Arlington, VA. All are from sudden complications of the flu on March
In 2015, at a ceremony at include two children, Larry Kreh Celebration of Life, 11 a.m. at the Galilee welcome to attend and celebrate Tom’s life. 12, 2018. Robert was born in Brooklyn, NY on MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
which he received the American of Glen Arm, Md., and Victoria Baptist Church, 2101 Shadyside Ave., Suitland, In lieu of flowers, please send donations to January 3, 1955 to Alfred and Mary Grieser, All notices over 2" include
MD. Interment Harmony Memorial Park. Ser- BlinkNow or The Flax Trust. who preceded him in death. Devoted father complimentary memorial plaque
Museum of Fly Fishing Heritage Huffman of Athens, Ga.; five vices by FREEMAN. and husband and a loyal friend to many, Robert
dedicated more than 30 years of service to the Additional plaques start at $26 each
Award in New York, Brokaw paid grandchildren; five great-grand- Federal Bureau of Prisons at the Department and may be ordered.
homage to Mr. Kreh, who was in children; and a great-great- of Justice, where he served as Chief Adminis-
All Paid Death Notices
trative Officer and most recently as Chief of
the crowd.
“In all the years that I have
If he slowed with age, few POST YOUR Federal Prison Industries’ Recycling Business
Group. Robert was a pioneer in correctional
industries and helped build the National Cor-
appear on our website through

been watching great athletes,

everybody from Michael Jordan
noticed. Several years ago, Mr.
Kreh told Evans that he’d just CONDOLENCES rectional Industries Association from its early
days as a volunteer organization, where he
served as president in the late 1990s.
Included in all death notices
Optional for In Memoriams
to . . . Sandy Koufax and others, attended his last high school
who were at the top of their reunion. The reason? Now death notices on An avid traveler, Robert had a special love PLEASE NOTE:
for the Austrian Alps, where he met his wife,
game, we are in the presence of a “Too awkward,” Mr. Kreh said. allow you Martina, nearly 40 years ago. Robert is survived Notices must be placed via phone, fax or
master of his craft,” Brokaw said. “Everyone talked about life in the to express your sympathy with greater ease. by his wife, his two sons, Justin and Benjamin,
his sister, Carol Fischer (Warren), and many
email. Photos must be emailed. You can
no longer place notices, drop off photos
Inventive to a fault, Mr. Kreh rest home or playing shuffle- Visit today. loving relatives and friends. The family will
receive friends at Everly Wheatley Funeral
and make payment in person.
Payment must be made via phone with
often thought outside the tackle board. When they asked what I Home, 1500 W Braddock Rd., Alexandria, VA, debit/credit card.
box. He designed a fly, “Lefty’s
Deceiver,” so revolutionary that
was doing, I said, ‘I just got back
from fishing in the Amazon.’ ” GHI from 10:30 to 12:30 p.m., Saturday, March 17,
followed by a 1:30 p.m. celebratory mass at
the Basilica of Saint Mary, 310 S Royal St.,
it was celebrated on a first-class — Baltimore Sun Alexandria, VA. Burial at Ivy Hill Cemetery.

Passed away on Sunday, March 11, 2018. On Monday, March 12, 2018, Entered into eternal rest on Monday, March 5,
Mother of Turkieta Mathis and Shanté DOUGLAS NEIL PLATT of 2018. She is survived by her mother, Evelyn
Lawrence. Memorial Service, Saturday, March Rockville, MD. Loving brother Williamson; two sons, Joseph Walker and
17, 1:30 p.m. at HENRY S. WASHINGTON & of Marc Platt and the late Ellen Lukiya Walker; sister, Jackie Fletcher and a host
SONS FUNERAL HOME, 4927 Nannie Helen Bur- (surviving, Charlie) Hudson; of other relatives and friends. Ms. Williamson
roughs Ave., NE, Washington, DC. cherished uncle of Ian and Jen- will lie in state at Craig Memorial Community
nifer Hudson. Graveside services will be Church, 5305 Farmingdale Pl., Capitol Heights,
held on Monday, March 19, 2018, 11 a.m. at MD, Saturday, March 17 from 10 a.m. until
King David Memorial Garden, Falls Church, service at 11 a.m. Interment private.
VA. Memorial contributions may be made
to the Revitz House or to the Jewish Foun-
LOUISON dation for Group Homes. Arrangements
AL HOME, 202-541-1001.
Jerome Francis Louison passed away March
9, 2018 after a long battle with cancer. He
was born November 14, 1944 in Austin,
MN to Ruth and Clifford Louison. He spent
most of his childhood in Rapid City, SD. ROBINSON DEATH NOTICE MARJORIE F. HUGHES, M.D.
Marjorie F. Hughes, M.D. died peacefully on MAREIKE KAREN PETRUZEL MARION (née Malloy) SALTSMAN
He was in the Navy from 1964-71 and
served on the USS Long Beach during the
Vietnam War. He worked in the nuclear
GERTRUDE ROBINSON (Age 97) BOYCE March 3, 2018 at the age of 92. She was
a longtime resident of Arlington County,
Passed away peacefully March 2, 2018 fol-
lowing an extended illness surrounded by
Of Chevy Chase, Maryland, died on February
1, 2018, at age 87. Born in Rye, New York, on
Entered eternal rest February 28, 2018. She her beloved husband of 44 years, Bill, and June 30, 1930, Marion’s passion for languages
power industry after the Navy until 1993 will be greatly missed. On March 17, 2018 where she raised her six children and
served as the Chief of School Health Ser- their son, Oliver. She is also survived by her led her to earn degrees in French literature
when he pursued his woodworking passion viewing 10 a.m. and service 11 a.m. at St. Paul nine-year old granddaughter, Addison Petruzel. from Mount Holyoke College and Middlebury
full time opening Louison Woodworks in Temple Church of God in Christ, 3420 16th St. vices for 35 years. She was born in Sch-
enectady, NY in 1925 and is survived by Mareike was born on January 9, 1950, and College. Her 55-year marriage to the late
MD. He built custom furniture, collaborated NE, Washington, DC. Interment, March 19 at raised in Wildflecken, Germany, along with nine Joseph Irl Saltsman, a foreign service officer,
with other furniture makers and taught Cheltenham Veterans Cemetery. her sister, Charlotte Elbert of Hillsborough,
NJ and her children, Michael Hughes of brothers and sisters. It is there that she met her was an adventure that took her around the
classes until his illness. He was an avid husband to be in 1972, married in 1973, and globe to Iran, Morocco, France and Switzer-
golfer and loved to play the saxophone. Chicago, IL, Eric and Louise Hughes of
Atlanta, GA, Christine and George Wysor welcomed their son, Oliver, in 1974. land. She is survived by a sister, Frances
He is survived by his loving wife of 16 Kiehnle, of Seabeck, Washington; two daugh-
years, Lynn Yasny Louison, his beloved of Winchester, VA, Jeffrey and Roseanne
Hughes of Manassas, VA, Paul and Colleen Between 1974 and 1999, Mareike worked ters, Karen Price, of Thornton, Colorado, and
children Randy Louison and Elyse Schry, his as an accountant for several companies in Kirstie Saltsman, of Kensington, Maryland; and
Hughes of Arlington, VA, and Marjorie Lam-
beloved stepchildren Sarah Coupe, Anita
Coupe, Julie Adamson, Brenda Pokorny, SEARCY oso of Virginia Beach, VA. She is also Virginia and New Jersey -- eventually becoming
the Financial Controller for a technology firm
two granddaughters. She was buried alongside
her husband at Arlington National Cemetery.
Holly Murphy, and Kristina Fauntleroy, and survived by her 12 grandchildren.
DEBORAH R. SEARCY based in Arlington, Virginia.
12 grandchildren. Memorial Service for
Jerome will be Saturday, March 17 at 2 p.m. Members of the Association of Family services will be private. A public
Retired Police Officers of DC. are remembrance gathering will be held on Following her retirement, Mareike’s lifelong
at the Paint Branch Unitarian Universalist love for animals led to her and Bill fostering
Church, 3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, notified of the March 13, 2018 Sunday, April 8, 2018 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the
MD 20783.
In lieu of flowers donations can be made
death of Deborah R. Searcy. She
was an OFF with MPD-COMM when
Knights of Columbus in Arlington. In lieu of
flowers the family requests that donations
more than 40 pitbull puppies, as well as per-
manently adopting several dogs of their own. SCHMIDT
retired on November 30, 1994. be made to the Marjorie F. Hughes Fund She dedicated most of her free time to working
to the church or Holy Cross Home Care with dog rescues and pet owners throughout
and Hospice in Silver Spring https://trinity- for Children and sent to the Arlington Com-
munity Foundation, c/o Marjorie F. Hughes the area – to include the design of many WALTER BOYCE, JR. memorial websites for owners whose pets had
"Bud" Fund for Children, 818 N. Quincy St. Suite
103, Arlington, VA 22203. passed away. It was during this time that she
Peacefully on Sunday, March 11, 2018, resident became affectionately known as “Magicwolf”
of Lanham, MD. Loving husband of 74 years to
SINGLETON Joretta Boyce; father of Janet M. Petway, the
throughout many communities dedicated to
animal rescue. Also renowned for her home
late Walter W. Boyce, Roland Boyce and Joan repair abilities, Mareike could fix almost any-
M. Lewis. Also survived by nine grandchildren; thing.
McKOY 16 great-grandchildren and one great-great-
grandchild and a host of other relatives and A celebration of Mareike’s life will be held
GAYLORD V. McKOY friends. on Saturday, March 24, at Jefferson Funeral
The officers and members of Chapel in Alexandria, Virginia, from 2 to 4 p.m.
Pythagoras Lodge #9, F& AM PHA, Visitation will be held 10 a.m.; service, 11 a.m., EST. In lieu of flowers Mareike's wishes were
are notified of the death of Brother Saturday, March 17, 2018 at Corinthian Baptist that donations be made in her name to Bob-
Gaylord V. McKoy. Wake Saturday, Church, 6705 Good Luck Rd., Lanham, MD. bie's Pit Bull Rescue, Fredricksburg, VA.
March 17, 9 a.m. until time of Interment Washington National Cemetery.
service at 10:30 a.m., when
Masonic services will be performed at KENNEDY
Epiphany Episcopal Church, 3111 Ritchie Rd.,
Forestville, MD. Brothers are to assemble at 10
Donald A. Tapp, W.M. Died peacefully March 11, 2018. Born in
Alonzo Wannamaker, Secy. Australia, she was an accomplished classical
pianist and artist who traveled extensively
and had a zest for life. After jobs in London
and Montreal, she settled in Washington and
CABIGAS worked at the Indian Embassy and Williams and
Connolly. Yvonne was joyfully reunited later in
Reverend ISRAEL B. SINGLETON life with Susan Jaquet, the daughter she had
McNAMARA "Benni" given up for adoption. Survivors also include
son-in-law, Philippe Marciniak; grandchildren,
On the evening of Sunday, March 11, 2018,
surrounded by family and friends, Benni Alexandra and Christopher Marciniak, and
entered into eternity. He was the devoted devoted friends, Kim Truitt and Marcia Jovine.
husband of Dr. Carole Singleton and the dedi- A Celebration of Life will be held Saturday,
cated sire of two offspring, Cheryl and Darryl. March 17, 3:30 p.m. at Forest Hills of DC, 4901
After having outlived his older sisters, Vyvyan Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20008,
where memorial donations may be made in
and Eugenia, he is additionally survived by
his six grandchildren. Services will be held DEATH NOTICE Yvonne’s name.
Friday, March 16, 2018. Viewing beginning
at 9 a.m. until time of service 11 a.m. at WILLIAM MARSHALL KENNEDY, SR. de CASANOVA
Nineteenth Street Baptist Church, 4606 16th On March 11, 2018, in Springfield, Virginia.
Street NW, Washington, DC. Interment George Born September 29, 1917, in Butler, Penn-
Washington Memorial Cemetery. Arrange- sylvania. Bill was preceded in death by his distinction during the Cuban war of indepen-
ments by McGuire. wife of 70 years, Barbara Flick Kennedy. Bill dence, known here as the Spanish American attended Penn State for two years before war. Carlos showed great personal courage
transferring to Allegheny College, where he in marrying, without first getting permission,
met Barbara, the love of his life. He received Diego's favorite daughter and then coming
an A.B. from Allegheny College(1941) and back to Cuba to present himself and his new
an MBA from Case Western Reserve Uni- wife to his impressive father-in-law.
EMERITA ALANSALON CABIGAS versity in the early '50s. A self-employed
On Monday, March 12, 2018, of
CPA, he also taught accounting at Case
Western Reserve University and Baldwin
Once Castro took over Cuba, Carlos and
Berta dedicated countless hours and funds
James “Mac” Joseph McNamara, 77, of Wallace College. He was active in church assisting Cuban refugees in acquiring visas,
LaPlata, MD passed away on March 9, 2018
DOROTHY SHIRLEY SUTTON (Age 92) Silver Spring, MD. Beloved wife
and civic organizations throughout his life. shelter and jobs. He also consistently con-
Entered into eternal rest on Sunday, March 4, of the late Osmundo Cabigas; tributed to numerous charities benefiting
at the Washington Hospital Center in Wash- daughter of the late Jose and He enjoyed golfing, bridge and swimming.
2018. She was preceded in death by her son, He swam regularly until he was almost 99 Native Americans, Veterans, and many
ington, DC. Born on May 6, 1940 in Pitts- Steven and daughter, Vanessa. She leaves to Balbina Alansalon; mother of
burgh, PA to the late James J. McNamara, Sr. years old. others.
cherish her precious memory, her four sons, Juanita Linda Allen and Joseph
and the late Agnes (Joyce) McNamara, Mac Frederick, Emerson, Timothy and Donald; two (Jennifer) Cabigas; step-mother of Corazon
is also predeceased by his brother, Patrick Bill was a World War II veteran, serving in Carlos always believed that caring for his
daughters, Donna and Patricia; eight grand- (John) Landicho; grandmother of Saman- family was his most important mission in life.
McNamara. He is survived by his son, tha, Nicole, and Theodore Allan, Soledad the MPs and then the accounting office in
children, 11 great-grandchildren, one sister, Italy. He kept a diary of his war experiences He is survived by his children, Nancy, Arthur
James J. McNamara, III (Marina); daughter, Mauline Jordan; a daughter-in-law, Pamela; a Cabigas, Thomas (Lisa), James (Kathlyn),
Bridget McNamara; brothers, Steve McNa- which he self-published in 2010, Sergeant (Cornelia), Albert and Alejandro (Eve) and
son-in-law, Samuel; nieces, nephews, great- Ann, Edward (Joan), and Theresa Landicho; many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
mara (Linda) and John McNamara nieces, great-nephews and a host of many rela- great-grandmother of Marc, Alex, Carmen, Kennedy's World War II Diary. The diary CARLOS MANUEL SERA He will be greatly missed by family and
(Antoinette); companion Sabrina Givens; Sean, Gregory, John, and Carolyn Landicho. captures his lifelong enthusiasm for new de CASANOVA
tives and friends. Family will receive friends on experiences, and the love of his bride. Bar- friends.
two nieces; two nephews and three grand- Saturday, March 17 at FORT LINCOLN FUNERAL Also survived by many loving family and Died peacefully at his home on Sunday,
children. Mac was employed as a police friends. bara and Bill shared that love and optimism March 11, 2018. He was born on May 16,
HOME, 3401 Bladensburg Rd., Brentwood, MD for life with their growing family. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made
officer (47 years) with the Metropolitan from 12:30 p.m. until time of service at 1:30 Relatives and friends may call at Holy 1919, in Holguin, Cuba. He immigrated to
Police Department. He loved being a police in his name to Wounded Warrior Project, PO
p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Redeemer Catholic Church, 9705 Summit the U.S. in 1940 looking for adventure, new Box 758517, Topeka, Kansas 66675-8517 or
officer and enjoyed spending time with his Ave, Kensington, MD on Saturday, March 24 He is survived by his loving children, William opportunities and most of all, to become an M. Kennedy, Jr. (Jane) and Jean Kennedy Friends of the National World War II Memorial,
family and friends and taking long drives. from 9 to 10 a.m., where Memorial Mass American. He served in the Army Air Corp
Visitation will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. and Wheelock (Stephen), his grandchildren 921 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Suite 316,
will follow at 10 a.m. Interment private. in the European Theater of operations during Washington, DC 20003.
from 6 to 9 p.m. on Sunday March 18, Memorial contributions may be made to Judith A. Kennedy (Jonathan Osmundsen), WWII.
2018 at Arehart-Echols Funeral Home, PA, the Little Sisters of the Poor, Jeanne Jugan Douglas W. Kennedy (Tara), Jennifer B.
211 St. Mary’s Ave., LaPlata, MD. A Funeral Wheelock (Dylan Cockell), Emily J. Whee- Services will be held at St. Patrick's Catholic
House, 4200 Harewood Road, NE, Washing- After the War, he returned safely to Wash- Church, 4101 Norbeck Rd. Rockville, MD on
Mass will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Monday lock-Davis (John A. Davis, Jr.), four great-
March 19, 2018 at the Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, 201 St. Mary’s Ave., LaPlata, MD.
TAYLOR ton, DC 20017. grandchildren. and half-brothers Ralph M.
Kennedy and Paul Kennedy. A memorial
ington, DC and met, courted and married
his lovely sweetheart, Berta Ramona (Mona)
Friday, March 16 at 11 a.m. Inurnment will
be at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 3809 Georgia
Fernandez. She was also from Holguin and Ave. Silver Spring, MD and a meal of mercy
Interment to be held in Pittsburgh, PA. service will be held at Greenspring Village just happened to be visiting Washington. She
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Chapel in Springfield on Saturday, March will be held at 1 p.m. at Glen View Mansion at
was the daughter of Diego Fernandez, a Rockville Civic Center Park, 603 Edmund Dr.
Mac’s memory to HEROES, Inc. 1200 29th 17, 2018, at 2 p.m. Memorial contributions formidable man who had served with
St. N.W. Washington, DC 20007. may be made to Little River Endowment Rockville, MD.
Online condolences to the family can be left Fund, 8410 Little River Turnpike, Annandale,
at Virginia 22003, or Greenspring Scholar
Fund, 7410 Spring Village Drive, Springfield
22150, or a charity of your choice. FERGUSON
DUMAS Like her siblings before her Mrs. Ferguson
attended university and earned her degree.
Following graduation she migrated north
with her brother to Washington, D.C. where
PIERCE she eventually met her husband. The couple
eventually settled in Fairfax to raise their two
sons while she worked for the United States
Postal Service as an EEO claims investigator.

Upon retirement Mrs. Ferguson became very

active with various organizations. She held
KIM MARIE TAYLOR KIRK offices in the Ancient Order of Hibernians
at St. Mary’s of Sorrows and the National
Suddenly on Friday, February 23, 2018. She Association of Retired Federal Employees
was a lifelong resident of Washington, DC and (NARFE). Her and her late husband were
a proud graduate of Ballou Senior High School, active in the Meals on Wheels organization
Class of 1980. She is survived by her daughter, and multiple other charitable activities.
Crystal J. Taylor; parents, Henry L. and Sarah
F. Taylor; brothers, Henry L. (Marcia) Taylor and After moving to North Carolina Mrs. Fergu-
Michael A. Taylor; and many other relatives. son loved to go to her grandsons’ sporting
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, ELISABETH CARLTON events where she could definitely be heard
March 17, 2018 at Stewart Funeral Home, cheering them on. She lived her life with
4001 Benning Rd., NE, Washington, DC 20019. HART FERGUSON an infectious energy and enthusiasm. She
Visitation at 1 p.m. until time of service at 2 September 2, 1930 - March 12, 2018 was always ready for an adventure and had a
p.m. Interment private.
WILLA RAWLS DUMAS Elisabeth Carlton Hart Ferguson (Nina), 87,
On Wednesday, March 7, 2018 in Fairfax, VA. fantastic sense of humor that could light up a
of Fairfax died peacefully Monday, March 12, room.
Willa Dumas is survived by her sister, Geneva 2018 in Concord, NC.
J. Arrington and a host of other relatives and
DANIEL JOHN PIERCE many, many friends. Services will be held Elisabeth was an original. A woman with a
Daniel John Pierce, age 75, of Dale City, VA On Sunday, March 18 the family will receive tremendous heart who loved deeply and was
on Monday, March 19 at Metropolitan AME visitors at the Fairfax Memorial Funeral
passed away peacefully on March 14, 2018. Church, 1518 M Street, NW, Washington, DC. loved in return. She was the product of a
Daniel was born to the late Charles and Ruth Home from 3 to 6 p.m. The celebration generation that valued responsibility, honor,
AKA "Ivy Beyond The Wall Service will be
Pierce in Washington, DC on October 30,
1942. After serving our country in the US
WADE at 9 a.m., The Links Incorporated Memorial
Service at 9:30 a.m. Viewing begins at 10
of her life will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday,
March 19 at the Historic St. Mary’s Church,
faith and family. Virtues which she passed
along and will not soon be forgotten. She
Navy, Daniel continued his service as a civilian 11095 Fairfax Station Road, Fairfax, VA, with had an unique ability to make everyone she
a.m., followed by a funeral service at 11 a.m. interment at the church cemetery to follow
working for the Navy for 50 years. Daniel LENA WADE Interment in Arlington National Cemetery at a EVELYN KIRK (nee Hodges) (Age 102) met feel like they mattered, because to her,
is survived by his loving wife of 46 years, On Wednesday, March 7, 2018, Lena S. immediately. they truly did.
later date. Rev. William H. Lamar, IV, officiating. Born in Rocky Mount, Virginia on September
Catherine "Cathy" (Downer) Pierce; cherished Wade of Washington, DC. Beloved mother Arrangements by Greene Funeral Home, 27, 1915 and grew up in Roanoke, Virginia.
daughters, Heather (Damian) Breland and Jen- of Robert Lee, Giovanni P. Wade (Juanita), Mrs. Ferguson is survived by her two sons Dr. A special thanks to the caregivers at The
Alexandria, VA. Married John Harrison Kirk (deceased) October Michael R. B. Ferguson, DDS and Dr. Sean C.
nifer (Jay) Jordan; his five dear grandchil- Gervanni P. Wade (Teresa), Selena Connor Gardens of Taylor Glenn for their compas-
22, 1942. She has been a resident of Alexan- N. Ferguson, DDS ; and grandchildren Ryan sion, care and love for both Elisabeth and
dren, Colin, Pierce, Tyler, Summer Hope; and (Darrin), Mary Brown (Allen), Richelle Brown dria, VA since 1947. Died February 28, 2018.
beloved brothers, Donald (Christine) Pierce (Mark), and the late Gary Wade and Gwen- T. R. Ferguson, Colin M. C. Ferguson, Evan her family. All of you provided years of
She is survived by her two daughters, Kathy J. P. Ferguson, Matthew G. Ferguson and warmth, care and comfort for both Robert
and Joseph Timothy Pierce. Daniel joins in rest dolyn McCannon; and the Caring sister Richards (Harold) of Purcellville, Virginia, Mary
his brother, Charles "Dicky", who predeceased of Mary Lee and Leon Stewart. She also Nicholas H. Ferguson. and Elisabeth. Thank you.
Kirk of Annapolis, Maryland, five grandchildren
him. Daniel was a devout Catholic and long- leaves to cherish her memory a host of and eight great grandchildren. She was much
time active member of both Holy Family grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, Born September 2, 1930 to the late Henry G. Condolences may be offered at
loved by family and friends. Hart and Elisabeth C. Roop, she is preceded
Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus nephews, family and friends. Lena was
in the third and fourth degree. One of Danny's very loving, giving, funny, and full of life. in death by her husband Robert A. Ferguson.
many gifts was that he never met a stranger, She had a heart of gold and touched the
he was everybody's friend. He was an avid
sports fan of the Redskins and Nationals, loved
hearts of all those she came into contact
with. Visitation will be held on Saturday,
woodworking, gardening, and most of all he
loved spending time with his grandchildren.
March 17, 2018 from 10 a.m. until the time
of service, 11 a.m. at Faith Presbyterian
The family will receive guests on Sunday, Church, 4161 South Capitol Street, SE,
March 18, 2018 at Mountcastle Turch Funeral Washington, DC. Interment will follow at At the time of his death, David was working
Home, 4143 Dale Blvd., Dale City, VA 22192 Washington National Cemetery, Suitland, as the business development manager for
from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. The funeral Destination DC and loved being part of the
Mass will be held on Monday, March 19, Destination DC team. He also taught religious
2018 at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Family Catholic school at Temple Sinai. David was a huge fan
Church 14160 Ferndale Rd., Woodbridge,
VA 22193. Interment to follow at Quantico
MD. MOORE of The Tony Kornheiser Show.
David faced much adversity in his short life.
National Cemetery. He suffered from Crohn’s disease and a
rare kidney ailment. David faced his health
challenges with courage and good spirit. He
never let his ailments get him down and
APPEL he maintained an optimistic and cheerful
attitude. He persevered and was always a
STEVEN APPEL wonderful son and big brother as well as
a loyal friend. Always thoughtful of others
1949 - 2018 and mindful of his own health issues, David
On Friday, March 2, 2018, Steven Appel Steve did his undergraduate work at Brook- donated his organs to those in need.
of Washington, DC and Chestertown, MD, lyn College and received his MBA from Rens- In 2016, David met his soulmate, Abby Him-
formerly of Niskayuna, NY, died suddenly. selaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. His melrich. Abby and David were a perfect fit,
Steve was born on June 29, 1949 in Brooklyn, work on political campaigns while in high TERRY SCOTT DUNCAN and her family welcomed David with open
NY to Ralph Appel and Rose Drogin Appel. He school and college led to a multi-year career MARY JO DUNCAN arms. David and Abby were busy planning
was 68 years old. in public policy, polling, and qualitative Terry Scott Duncan passed June 17, 2017 from their future together even on the day that
research. cancer. Mary Jo Drozdowski Duncan passed DAVID FACHER ISELIN David died. Abby’s family welcomed David
Steve’s abiding passion was music. During March 13, 2018 due to bleeding in the brain. The world lost a loving and courageous soul
when David Facher Iselin died unexpectedly into their family and he loved being part of it.
the past few years, Steve started taking jazz Steve has left behind his beloved wife of They attended the Air Force Academy and David is survived by his parents, Lauren and
guitar lessons from a masterful musician, over 38 years, Kathryn Kuhmerker Appel, each served for eight years obtaining the rank from cardiac arrest on March 3, 2018. David
was born on March 10, 1989, the first son of Harold; his loving brothers, Alex and Michael;
attended jazz guitar camps, and had an arch his “wonderful daughter,” Carolyn Appel, his of captain. Terry later ended his career at the his grandfather, Alan Iselin; his loving aunts
top guitar made to his specifications. He sister Susan Honeyman (Len), many nieces, National Reconnaissance Office where he was his loving parents, Lauren and Harold. David
was a native of Albany, NY and attended and uncles, Gayle, Joanne (Don) and Marcy
wrote his first song this year, and enjoyed a nephews and cousins, and untold numbers the Director of Communications. Mary Jo went GINGEREE M. MOORE (Mark); his cousins Sam, Max, Corey (Jamie),
guitar lesson on his last full day before his of life-long and newly-made friends. He is on to finish her career at Orbital ATK as an (Age 95) Bethlehem Central schools and spent many
summers at Camp Skylemar in Maine. David Justin (Maggie) Dana, Julia, Jacob, Evan (Chris-
death. already missed. electrical and flight software engineer. Their Resident of Washington, DC departed this sy), Glenn (Jenn) and Dana (Rob), his great
passing is bitter sweet because they were was active in the Congregation Beth Emeth
life peacefully on March 13, 2018. Leaving youth group and served as an officer. In 2011, nieces, Isla, Ellie and Zoe as well as by Abby
Steve was also an avid hockey player, and A service was held on Thursday, March 8, the most loving and supportive people you behind five devoted children. Charles and her loving family. David was adored by
started the Brooklyn College club hockey 2018 at 11 a.m. at Fellows, Helfenbein & could ever meet but the love that they shared Moore III, Lagretta Moore, Bernadette Wil- David graduated from Vassar College. While
there, he was a member of his house team his grandparents, Barbara Iselin and Lois and
team. Newnam Funeral Home, 130 Speer Road, between one another was so great it was hard son, Monica Abdul Saleem (Anwar), Grace Marvin Facher and his aunt, Linda Richards,
Chestertown, MD. Interment was in Crump- to imagine them being apart. Moore-Keys (Will). One deceased daughter and co-chaired the senior gift campaign. As
a co-chair, David was privileged to speak at and his uncle, John Engel, who predeceased
He was a patient teacher, a daily reader of ton Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contribu- Mary Jo's viewing will be March 16 from 6 Sylvia Lee. 10 grandchildren, eight great- him.
the New York Times, knew something about tions may be made to radio station WAMC to 8 p.m. at Money and King's funeral home grandchildren. And a host of relatives and the commencement – an honor of which he
was quite proud. Following graduation, David There will be a memorial service for David
almost everything, and felt that family was of in Albany, NY or to the Jewish Federation of in Vienna, VA. They will both be interned in friends. The service will be held Saturday, at Temple Sinai on March 18th at 2:30 p.m.
the utmost importance. He was also a strong Northeastern New York. Arlington National Cemetery at a later date. March 17, 2018 at Universal Mortuary, 411 worked in a series of jobs in Washington, DC
before attending American University Busi- In lieu of flowers, the family asks that con-
supporter of Israel. They are survived by their four children, Katy, Kennedy St, NW, Washington, DC 20011. tributions be made in memory of David to
Grace, Michael and Joseph Duncan as well Visitation with the family 10 a.m. until timer ness School from which he graduated in
2017. the Congregation Beth Emeth CBEYG Fund, as their parents, Terry and Dean Duncan and of funeral service 11 a.m. Albany, NY.
Joseph and Kathryn Drozdowski.

The Weather

Another wintry day Today Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday OFFICIAL RECORD
Partly sunny, Afternoon Partly sunny Partly sunny Rain Showers
A shot of chilly air brings another breezy shower possible Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

wintry day. Skies are partly cloudy as

highs reach up to the mid-40s.
Winds crank up again, with
sustained levels rising to the 20- to
25-mph range, and gusts near or past 30 mph.

47° 32 ° 48° 31 ° 55° 32 ° 54° 38 ° 46° 36 ° 43° 33 °

FEELS*: 39° FEELS: 44° FEELS: 53° FEELS: 51° FEELS: 38° FEELS: 35°
CHNCE PRECIP: 0% P: 45% P: 0% P: 15% P: 30% P: 30%
WIND: NW 12–25 mph W: WSW 6–12 mph W: NW 6–12 mph W: E 7–14 mph W: ENE 8–16 mph W: NNE 8–16 mph
Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su

through 5 p.m.
Reagan Dulles BWI yesterday

REGION NATION Weather map features for noon today. High 55° 3:03 p.m. 53° 4:00 p.m. 50° 5:00 p.m.
Low 31° 6:00 a.m. 26° 6:26 a.m. 31° 8:00 a.m.
Philadelphia Normal 56°/37° 55°/33° 53°/33°
42/27 Record high 82° 2012 84° 2012 82° 1990
Record low 15° 1993 –1° 1993 10° 1993
Baltimore Difference from 30–yr. avg. (Reagan): this month: –2.0° yr. to date: +1.9°
45/26 Dover
Davis Washington Cape May
33/17 Annapolis 42/30
47/32 45/28 OCEAN: 43°

Charlottesville Ocean City

51/29 44/28
OCEAN: 39°
53/29 Virginia Beach Reagan Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 40° Past 24 hours 0.00" 0.00" Trace
53/33 Total this month 0.44" 0.24" 1.03"
Kitty Hawk Normal 1.53" 1.47" 1.77"
51/35 Total this year 6.17" 6.63" 7.33"
OCEAN: 43° Normal 6.96" 6.89" 7.72"
Snow, past 24 hours 0.0" 0.0" Trace
Pollen: Moderate Air Quality: Good Totals for season 3.7" 6.6" 10.5"
Grass Low Dominant cause: Particulates
Trees Moderate
Moon Phases Solar system
Weeds Low UV: Moderate
Mold Low 5 out of 11+ Rise Set
Sun 7:18 a.m. 7:16 p.m.
Moon 7:03 a.m. 6:32 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, mostly sunny south, partly sunny north. Mar 17 Mar 24 Mar 31 Apr 8
Venus 8:02 a.m. 8:33 p.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front New First Full Last
High 33–37. Wind northwest 8–16 mph. Tonight, partly Yesterday's National World
Quarter Quarter
Mars 2:47 a.m. 12:11 p.m.
cloudy. Low 25–30. Wind west 6–12 mph. Saturday, mostly High: Perryton, TX 84° High: Matam, Senegal 112° Jupiter 11:52 p.m. 10:01 a.m.
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Ely, MN 0° Low: Summit Station, Greenland –66° Saturn 3:22 a.m. 12:54 p.m.
cloudy, spotty shower. High 40–45. Wind southwest 8–16 for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 36/31/i 45/35/c Oklahoma City 77/41/s 68/46/pc WORLD Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 76/64/pc 73/68/pc Rio de Janeiro 91/79/t 86/77/t
Atlantic beaches: Today, mostly sunny, windy. High 42–52. Detroit 39/25/s 47/26/s Omaha 42/31/r 48/32/c Islamabad 78/49/s 80/53/s Riyadh 84/65/pc 84/59/s
Wind northwest 12–25 mph. Tonight, mostly clear. Low Albany, NY 31/22/pc 32/11/s El Paso 71/52/c 71/51/c Orlando 78/54/s 84/58/pc Addis Ababa 74/54/pc 73/54/pc Istanbul 58/53/pc 65/59/c Rome 61/49/c 57/47/t
28–33. Wind northwest 7–14 mph. Saturday, increasingly Albuquerque 61/39/s 63/38/pc Fairbanks, AK 29/19/pc 34/21/s Philadelphia 42/27/pc 49/26/s Amsterdam 43/26/sh 32/24/c Jerusalem 61/44/pc 64/50/s San Salvador 90/69/pc 88/70/pc
cloudy, spotty afternoon shower. High 41–52. Wind Anchorage 40/29/c 37/32/pc Fargo, ND 38/16/pc 40/21/s Phoenix 74/53/pc 71/50/pc Athens 66/56/c 69/60/pc Johannesburg 82/55/pc 68/53/c Santiago 81/44/s 78/49/pc
southwest 6–12 mph. Atlanta 70/55/pc 74/54/t Hartford, CT 37/22/pc 38/13/pc Pittsburgh 37/21/pc 43/22/c Auckland 71/61/c 72/61/c Kabul 62/34/s 66/38/s Sarajevo 57/45/t 58/38/t
Austin 88/64/pc 86/64/t Honolulu 84/72/pc 85/72/pc Portland, ME 37/17/c 28/9/s Baghdad 77/52/pc 73/52/s Kingston, Jam. 84/75/pc 85/74/pc Seoul 52/31/s 53/39/pc
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, partly sunny, breezy. Wind Baltimore 45/26/pc 48/26/pc Houston 84/68/c 84/68/t Portland, OR 53/40/c 53/40/c Bangkok 91/74/s 92/78/pc Kolkata 90/74/c 93/71/s Shanghai 54/44/c 58/51/c
northwest 10–20 knots. Waves a foot or so. Visibility unrestricted. Billings, MT 39/25/sn 38/26/pc Indianapolis 46/35/c 45/26/sh Providence, RI 39/24/pc 40/16/pc Beijing 50/30/c 38/30/pc Lagos 91/78/t 90/79/t Singapore 89/76/t 90/78/pc
• Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, mostly sunny, breezy. Birmingham 70/58/c 76/53/t Jackson, MS 70/62/t 80/59/t Raleigh, NC 62/39/s 62/40/sh Berlin 37/21/sf 31/19/c Lima 78/69/pc 78/69/pc Stockholm 26/14/pc 29/13/pc
Wind northwest 15–25 knots, gusts to 30 knots. Waves a foot or two Bismarck, ND 37/20/c 42/20/pc Jacksonville, FL 75/47/s 81/58/pc Reno, NV 42/27/sn 42/20/sf Bogota 68/47/pc 68/48/pc Lisbon 56/50/sh 58/49/r Sydney 77/70/c 86/73/s
Boise 51/34/c 49/34/c Kansas City, MO 57/37/t 51/34/c Richmond 53/29/s 47/31/c Brussels 52/28/sh 32/25/sn London 54/33/sh 37/31/c Taipei City 76/63/pc 73/64/c
on the Potomac, 2–4 feet on the Chesapeake.• River Stages: Today,
Boston 37/24/pc 34/16/s Las Vegas 65/48/pc 60/45/c Sacramento 56/40/sh 56/35/c Buenos Aires 77/57/s 82/66/t Madrid 51/39/sh 51/40/sh Tehran 71/52/c 65/43/pc
the Little Falls stage will be 3.6 feet, holding nearly steady during the Buffalo 31/23/sf 35/18/s Little Rock 73/54/t 78/48/c St. Louis 45/41/r 51/38/c Cairo 76/56/s 78/61/s Manila 90/76/t 90/77/s Tokyo 63/40/c 50/44/s
day on Saturday. Flood stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 29/20/c 22/9/pc Los Angeles 60/49/c 60/44/pc St. Thomas, VI 81/73/s 81/72/s Caracas 74/64/s 74/65/s Mexico City 80/53/pc 81/54/pc Toronto 34/23/pc 37/20/s
Charleston, SC 76/50/s 76/59/c Louisville 50/44/c 57/34/r Salt Lake City 58/47/pc 52/34/r Copenhagen 32/24/c 31/24/sf Montreal 28/16/pc 21/8/s Vienna 50/33/r 38/23/sn
Charleston, WV 46/31/s 44/26/r Memphis 65/58/t 75/48/t San Diego 63/56/c 63/52/sh Dakar 76/66/pc 76/67/s Moscow 18/0/c 17/0/pc Warsaw 34/20/sn 28/16/c
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 69/46/pc 69/48/sh Miami 79/65/s 81/65/s San Francisco 55/46/sh 57/44/c Dublin 49/36/r 38/29/sh Mumbai 90/77/pc 91/81/pc
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 2:56 a.m. 8:20 a.m. 3:12 p.m. 8:38 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 46/21/c 55/27/s Milwaukee 37/29/pc 44/31/s San Juan, PR 85/72/s 85/73/pc Edinburgh 42/30/r 36/29/sn Nairobi 77/60/t 78/62/pc sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 39/31/pc 45/28/pc Minneapolis 42/24/s 50/30/s Seattle 56/38/pc 53/40/c Frankfurt 52/31/sh 36/25/c New Delhi 90/62/pc 90/60/s sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 5:10 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 5:48 p.m. 11:54 p.m.
Cincinnati 45/34/pc 45/26/r Nashville 66/57/r 74/45/sh Spokane, WA 51/33/pc 49/33/c Geneva 55/39/sh 45/34/r Oslo 27/8/s 26/11/pc Sources:; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 1:23 a.m. 7:40 a.m. 1:54 p.m. 7:54 p.m. Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 33/24/pc 40/23/c New Orleans 74/65/t 79/65/t Syracuse 28/23/sf 29/10/s Ham., Bermuda 69/57/pc 63/60/pc Ottawa 26/14/pc 19/7/s quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 3:30 a.m. 9:47 a.m. 3:54 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Dallas 86/57/pc 81/64/pc New York City 39/28/pc 46/26/s Tampa 74/53/s 77/61/pc Helsinki 24/7/pc 27/14/pc Paris 55/41/sh 44/32/sh * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 1:14 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 1:50 p.m. 8:08 p.m. Denver 59/31/pc 66/32/s Norfolk 53/33/s 51/37/pc Wichita 74/35/s 66/40/pc Ho Chi Minh City 89/76/t 92/76/s Prague 40/23/r 29/18/c measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

Bowser pledges to strengthen oversight of public schools

ADDRESS FROM B1 the mayor who passes up on the sign last month amid public out-
opportunity to demolish it,” she rage that his family skirted the
dictory. Bowser is approaching said. notoriously competitive citywide
the end of her first term in office The mayor vowed to close the school lottery to enroll his daugh-
with secure prospects for reelec- shelter during her 2014 campaign, ter at a high school with a waiting
tion: She has raised more than replacing it with smaller neigh- list of more than 600 students.
$2 million in campaign funds and borhood shelters throughout the After stepping down, Wilson as-
so far has no serious challengers. city. That plan is underway, with serted that he had informed Bows-
By many measures, the District three of the six planned shelters er of the transfer in October, con-
is thriving. The city has money to expected to open this year. tradicting the mayor’s statements
give away — and it has, converting Bowser originally planned to that she was unaware of it.
excess revenue into tax breaks for give the address at Duke Ellington Ivonne Johnson, a retired D.C.
its residents. Its population has School of the Arts, an acclaimed public schools employee who
grown by roughly 15 percent in the magnet school in Northwest that joined the protesters before the
past seven years, according to cen- recently underwent a $170 million speech, said she sees the gradua-
sus estimates, and hit a milestone renovation — $100 million over tion scandal as an outgrowth of a
of 700,000 last month. Crime has budget. But after recent revela- school system that has been overly
dropped dramatically in many tions of suspected enrollment focused on juicing its numbers to
neighborhoods. fraud at the school, the mayor show progress.
Bowser highlighted those suc- relocated her speech to the Uni- “Just like the mayor has done
cesses in her speech but also ad- versity of the District of Columbia. nothing about housing, I don’t
dressed less welcome facts of life A Bowser spokeswoman said think she has done anything about
in the city she leads, such as stub- the venue had been changed be- education,” said Johnson, a 74-
bornly high homelessness, gentri- cause of better parking and year-old Northeast resident who
fication that has squeezed out public-transit access at the univer- lives with her daughter and grand-
poor and middle-class families, sity, which hosted the State of the son. “She has all the responsibility,
and high rates of infant and ma- District address last year. But the and I would like to see the school
ternal mortality. abrupt change of plans under- board back, because you are ask-
Immediately before Bowser’s scored the extent to which the ing someone to run a school sys-
speech, a group of about 50 pro- mayor is maneuvering to cope tem who has never taught . . . nev-
testers gathered outside to decry with scandals in the city’s school er been a principal and doesn’t
what they said is growing income MARVIN JOSEPH/THE WASHINGTON POST system. have degrees in education.”
inequality on the mayor’s watch. Protester Aja Taylor speaks to a crowd gathered Wednesday outside the University of the District of The enrollment scandal came Eugene Puryear, a 32-year-old
The demonstrators — a mix of Columbia to protest Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) as she gave her State of the District speech inside. after an investigation, commis- activist and frequent critic of the
young progressives, older black sioned by the Office of the State mayor, said the school troubles
residents and clergy members — In her address, the mayor said District’s only public hospital was said she will announce a “partner- Superintendent of Education, only hardened his view that the
had a variety of complaints, in- she plans to introduce legislation forced by regulators to close its ship” this year to build a hospital showing that more than one-third mayor’s priorities are misplaced.
cluding increased water bills and this year that would ensure better nursery and delivery rooms after for Southeast Washington on the of last year’s high school graduates “It’s very problematic when you
cuts in bus routes. “It’s in a state of prenatal and neonatal care. She medical errors in the treatment of campus of St. Elizabeths Hospital. should not have received diplo- see almost all of the mayor’s top
inequity,” said Akela Crawford, a said the bill would put more mon- a pregnant woman who died, The mayor also highlighted her mas because of chronic truancy aides without much thought to it
33-year-old advocate for the ey into programs that reduce pre- along with her baby. The closure plan — which has recently drawn and other problems. With more abusing the placement system,”
homeless who lives in Southeast term births, set up a system for left women east of the Anacostia criticism from some council mem- rigid enforcement of academic Puryear said. “You start to think
Washington and came for the pro- tracking health outcomes for new- River without a hospital in which bers and advocates — to demolish standards in place, less than half it’s not so much about improving
test. “You can’t talk about D.C. borns, and establish an advisory to give birth or seek prenatal care. the city’s main family homeless of the class of 2018 is on track to education, but making the num-
without talking about that. But body that will suggest policies for That hospital, United Medical shelter at the former site of D.C. graduate, according to D.C. public bers look good so you can claim
the focus is always on Amazon and improving the health of mothers Center, has also struggled through General Hospital. schools officials. you are improving education for
the Wharf and all the nice, new and babies in the District. financial problems and allega- “That shelter is an embarrass- Wilson, the former schools your reelection campaign.”
things going up.” That proposal comes after the tions of mismanagement. Bowser ment to our city, and I will not be chancellor, was also forced to re-


Northam backs Wexton for Congress ning it by six.

Northam presided over the
state Senate as lieutenant gover-
Wexton, the only elected official
running in the Democratic pri-
mary, is a former prosecutor with
ning. Deep Sran, an educator,
dropped out of the race last
nor during Wexton’s Senate serv- roots in Loudoun County, where In addition to Northam, Wex-
BY J ENNA P ORTNOY trict is expected to be among the publican in the House, despite con- ice. most Democrats in the district ton was endorsed by Democratic
most competitive in the nation. sistently being won by Democrats “I saw her tenacity on the Sen- live. Reps. Gerald E. Connolly and A.
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam The district includes Loudoun in statewide and national races. ate floor where we fought together Her biggest competition in the Donald McEachin.
on Thursday endorsed state Sen. County and parts of Fairfax and Northam’s support could give to expand Medicaid and stood up primary comes from anti-human- “I have seen firsthand the dedi-
Jennifer T. Wexton, one of seven Prince William counties, as well as Wexton (Loudoun) a boost in the to the gun lobby,” Northam said in trafficking activist Alison Fried- cation the Governor has to the
Democrats running for the party’s Clarke and Frederick counties to district, which he won easily in a statement. “From the Virginia man, Army veteran Dan Helmer, people of Virginia,” Wexton said in
nomination to challenge Rep. Bar- the west. As the closest thing to a last year’s gubernatorial election Senate to my campaign for Gover- former federal prosecutor Paul a statement, “and I look forward to
bara Comstock (R) in a congres- battleground district in the region, — widely seen as a referendum on nor, Jennifer Wexton has always Pelletier and communications continuing our partnership to bet-
sional race targeted by both major it attracts more than its share of President Trump. In the 2016 elec- had my back and I know she will strategist Lindsey Davis Stover. ter serve Virginia families when I
parties. activists and donors. It’s a swing tions, Trump lost in the district by fight even harder for Northern Physician Shadi Ayyas and sci- am in Congress.”
Northern Virginia’s 10th Dis- district long represented by a Re- 10 points, despite Comstock win- Virginia families.” entist Julia Biggins are also run-



 7 Days in Entebbe A famed 1976 hostage-rescue mission, with a metaphor for Israeli foreign policy. 26
 Tomb Raider Heroine Lara Croft and the graphics surrounding her evolved, not all for the better. 27

 Foxtrot A portrait of a soldier’s mourning family, with a metaphor for Israeli foreign policy. Deja vu? 28


2-year-old Parker appeared awestruck by a painting of is missing
Michelle Obama. Her mom is awestruck by the attention.
link in roles
of heroines
In “Tomb Raider,”
which opens
Friday, Alicia
Vikander channels
her inner Indiana
Jones, with a dash
Ann of Rambo thrown
Hornaday in: affecting just
the right number
of scrapes and cuts and a no-
nonsense gaze, she vanquishes
small armies of men with just her
wits, physical strength and a
quiver full of arrows.
Vikander presents an earthier,
more realistic version of Angelina
Jolie’s impossibly voluptuous
video-game heroine Lara Croft —
a character that launched a
hugely successful franchise
around the same time Milla
Jovovich started kicking tush in
the “Resident Evil” spinoffs. As
the daughters of such action
heroines as Sarah Conner in “The
Terminator” and Ellen Ripley in
“Alien,” and the godmothers of
Charlize Theron’s Furiosa in “Mad
Max: Fury Road,” these hard-
bodied heroines have become
familiar cinematic tropes, one
side of a coin that includes the
unapologetic bitch, most recently
personified by Frances
McDormand in “Three Billboards
Outside Ebbing, Missouri” and
Allison Janney in “I, Tonya.”
It’s telling that both
performances earned an Oscar
this year: Each seemed to tap
into the same vein of inchoate
anger that propelled both the
outcome of the 2016 election and
CAROLYN VAN HOUTEN/THE WASHINGTON POST the response to it. And there’s no
denying the subversive frisson
inspired by watching actresses go
full harridan, especially when it

A brush with viral fame comes to traditional ideas about

female agency and the approving
male gaze. Next to McDormand’s
literal bomb-thrower, Meryl
Streep’s aristocratic Katharine
Graham, who came into her own
BY H ELENA A NDREWS- D YER of her daughter’s face online. So what was in “The Post” and claimed her
After Jessica Curry took her gut reaction to the photo with thou- due far more quietly, had nary a
Jessica Curry is still processing. The 2-year-old Parker to see sands upon thousands of likes from strang- chance.
mom of two, whose daughter Parker be- the new painting of ers? To be honest, she was bothered. As cathartic as badasses and
came an online sensation after a photo of Michelle Obama at the “We’re talking about a picture of my bitches can be as expressions of
the toddler — awestruck by Michelle National Portrait Gallery, daughter who’s just 2,” said Curry, whose female power on screen, both for
Obama’s portrait — went very, very viral, a photo of Parker gazing soft Sunday-school-teacher voice belies actors and audiences, that
has spent the past two weeks juggling juice at the artwork went viral. her fierceness. “So when I see this picture paradigm feels just as played out
boxes and giant expectations. floating around with my kid, I’m like, as the damsels in distress and
“When I go into my phone and I look at ‘Whoa. This is a lot.’ ” HORNADAY CONTINUED ON C6
pictures of Michelle Obama carrying my A lot — that’s a common refrain for
little girl around on her hip as if she were kid whisperer Ellen DeGeneres. Curry these days. The media attention? A
her own, I’m like, ‘What is going on?’ ” And there’s that word again — viral. It lot. The emotions? A lot. The pressure? A
Curry, 29, said during a recent phone inter- sounds ominous and clinical, like some- lot.
view. thing catchy, something you protect your Just over 24 hours after the museum visit,
Since Parker’s photo began orbiting the littles from as Curry did for the early part of the photo began racking up more shares
social media globe on March 1, mother and Parker’s young life. and likes and hearts. Curry decided to reach
daughter have spent 45 minutes with the In those pre-toddler years, Curry — a out to a friend who works in public rela-
former first lady in her downtown D.C. stay-at-home mom in Washington who tions. She told the mom of two not to worry.
office, appeared on CNN and flew to Los writes a parenting blog called Happy That this would all probably blow over in a
Angeles on Wednesday to chat with viral- Mama Happy Babies — didn’t post photos VIRAL CONTINUED ON C2


Wilma Mankiller is the subject

of a PBS documentary.

Another gutting of a big-city newspaper
Heart and swagger in this family saga Jesse Aaron Paul cutbacks in recent years at the drop from a time not much
could hardly hands of its hedge-fund owners, more than a decade ago when
BY M ICHAEL L INDGREN pressive element of this spiraling believe his good the staff thought there might be the Post and its rival, the Rocky
THE HOUSE group narrative is how the story fortune when he a small number of buyouts Mountain News, together had
Luis Alberto Urrea’s “The OF BROKEN rotates among the various family started his offered. There wasn’t much left more than 600 journalists.
House of Broken Angels” is a ANGELS members, weaving their dispa- internship at the to cut, after all. (The papers were in a joint
big, sprawling, messy, sexy, rau- By Luis Alberto rate voices, with effortless com- Margaret Denver Post in Top editor Lee Ann operating agreement until the
cous house party of a book, a Urrea mand, into a kind of Hispanic Sullivan 2014 not long Colacioppo, who has been at the Rocky went out of business in
pan-generational family saga Little, Brown. fugue of memory and desire. after he paper for almost 20 years, gave 2009.)
with an enormous, bounding 326 pp. $27 More than once while reading graduated from Colorado it to them straight — and the “It’s painful — there’s a knot
heart, a poetic delivery and plen- “House,” I thought of James College. news was far worse than in my gut to see what we built
ty of swagger. It’s not perfect — in Joyce’s “The Dead,” another ka- “I felt like I had reached the expected. up over time torn down in this
fact, even its flaws are big — but leidoscopic fable of family life end of the yellow brick road,” The Post, already a shadow of relentless way,” Moore told me.
it stays with you, and it stands as that skillfully mixes perspec- Paul, now 25, said, describing its once-robust self, would be He was the paper’s top editor
a vital reminder of the value of of feuds, slights, alliances, re- tives. his first day at the paper with its making deep layoffs: another 30 from 2002 to 2016, when he
fiction in defining the immigrant sentments, flirtations and mem- I cannot remember a recent history of Pulitzer Prizes, its jobs. stepped away, disheartened by
experience. ories. “Every man dies with se- novel that was so energetically beautiful downtown building “Sobs, gasps, expletives,” was what he called the “harvesting
The noisy swirl of Urrea’s crets,” Big Angel thinks to him- promiscuous in its embrace of (“like a beacon”), and its how Paul, who covers politics, strategy” by the paper’s parent,
novel revolves around the dying self, nearing his epiphany. He the senses, one that brought nationally regarded top editor, described the stunned reaction. Digital First Media, which in
patriarch Miguel Angel “Big An- might have added that every forth such a riot of sounds and Greg Moore, who hired him at “The room went silent — we turn is owned by a hedge fund,
gel” de la Cruz when three gener- man’s death brings forth secrets smells and tastes, of butterscotch summer’s end and who dubbed were blindsided by the Alden Global Capital — one of
ations gather over the course of a in others. and pounding “Tijuana mariachi him “Super Jesse.” numbers,” said AAron the most ruthless of the
weekend for a final valedictory This is hardly a fresh setup — techno” and “the white-with- That all came crashing down Ontiveroz, a 33-year-old corporate strip-miners
celebration. His mother recently the big ethnic gathering as plot heat horizon.” A bravura passage on Wednesday when newsroom photographer who has been on seemingly intent on destroying
dead, Big Angel himself is on the engine is a fairly tired device — about halfway through is practi- employees were summoned to that award-winning staff for local journalism.
way out after an outsize life of but Urrea’s embrace of it is so cally a little aria of scents re- an all-staff meeting at the seven years, watching its ranks I tried to talk to someone in
danger, romance and striving. ardent, and his execution of it so membered from a long-ago mo- paper’s headquarters, no longer drop from 16 photographers to Alden’s New York headquarters
Orbiting him is a proliferating energetic, that he blows right torcycle ride. And the frequent downtown but at the printing six. on Wednesday to ask about the
solar system of children and past any reservations about orig- interjections of colloquial Span- plant in an outlying county. The newsroom would be apparently counterproductive
relatives, and with them a galaxy inality. The most technically im- BOOK WORLD CONTINUED ON C6 After round after round of below 70 positions: a startling SULLIVAN CONTINUED ON C2

The Reliable Source

Helena Andrews-Dyer and Emily Heil


Scott Stewart was in the final

stages of purchasing a house
when a pal sent him a February
Washington Post article about a
new listing on Q Street NW.
A history buff with a special
fondness for the Kennedy clan,
Stewart couldn’t pass up the house
where John F. Kennedy met Anthony Scaramucci
Jacqueline Bouvier in May 1951, at
a small garden party held by
Charles and Martha Bartlett, the
home’s renters at the time. Stewart, ‘The Art of
a managing partner in a senior
living investment and development
firm, put in an offer the day the
the Mooch’?
house hit the market.
“I like to think that the first In July, former Goldman Sachs
couple . . . talked longingly about guy Anthony Scaramucci exited the
their first date and the house,” White House after a record week and
Stewart said. “It’s neat to be a half as communications director.
woven into that fabric.” In the months since, “the Mooch”
According to Stewart, the has entertained several odd post-
sellers, who had owned the house 1600 Penn jobs. He was scheduled to
since 1987, were looking for a host “TMZ on TV” for a day (did
buyer who would be a steward of anyone catch that?), he floated the
the home’s unique past. idea of his own media outlet (the
“My mom had a deep Scaramucci Post) and showed up on
appreciation for the Kennedys, “Dr. Phil.” Talk about stretching your
and that certainly rubbed off on 15 minutes (or 11 days).
me,” he said. Somewhere in all that media
The empty-nester, who is ROBYN BECK/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES blitzing, Scaramucci was also
downsizing from a McLean shopping a book about his blink-
residence, plans to incorporate a LOVE, ETC. and-you’ll-miss-it time in the
midcentury motif into the decor White House, but his proposal
and embrace historic elements,
including a rotary-dial phone that
he’ll display near the entry.
But the focus will be the patio
Don Jr., wife Vanessa to split never got off the ground.
That was four months ago.
Now, a book is now on the
horizon. “The Blue Collar
area, site of the fateful meeting President” is set to hit shelves in

between the future first couple. ivorcing: Donald Trump Jr., remain our top priority. We ask for father-in-law’s State of the Union September, according to the New
“I envision having a lot of Rob 39, the eldest son of your privacy during this time.” address, an occasion that drew York Post. “It’s an entrepreneur
Roys and Old Fashioneds out President Trump, and his Just Wednesday, the New York Trump Jr.’s younger brother Eric , writing about an entrepreneur
there,” Stewart said. wife, Vanessa, 40. Post reported that the Trumps and his wife, Lara , as well as their who has now ascended into the
— Sarah Polus “After 12 years of marriage, we were on the rocks. A separation half sister, Tiffany Trump . In a presidency,” Scaramucci told the
have decided to go our separate had long been speculated about — video posted to Instagram stories, paper. Don’t expect fresh dirt or a
ways,” the couple said in a joint Don Jr., a prolific user of social the siblings and their spouses — peek into the chaos of the Trump
statement emailed from a media, had lately been posting sans Vanessa — gathered at the White House. Scaramucci is still
spokeswoman. “We will always have pictures of family life in which his Kalorama home of Ivanka Trump firmly Team Trump, and the book
tremendous respect for each other wife was notably absent. and Jared Kushner before plans to lay out the commander
and our families. We have five Fueling the idea of a rift, heading to the Capitol to listen to in chief’s managerial style.
beautiful children together and they Vanessa was a no-show to her their father’s speech. “I have seen him up-close and
personal and I know he has very
good intentions and, being an
Donald Trump Jr. and his wife, Vanessa, attend the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July 2016. entrepreneur, I am actually very
SOTHEBY’S Speculation about a marital rift between the two had been growing. comfortable with his operating
The Q Street NW home where style,” Scaramucci said, “despite
JFK met Jacqueline Bouvier. the fact that I’m a casualty of it.”


Mom sees “I get to spend all my time with

my family making high-quality

exposure as
memories,” Justin said. “So enjoy
your day job.”
A hedge fund strips
ngagement, branding, influ-

‘an honor’ ence are all vocabulary

words in households such as
the McClures’. But there is one that
is banned: fame.
its papers for parts
VIRAL FROM C1 “We don’t even use that word,”
Ami said. SULLIVAN FROM C1 serving the metro area, where
day or two. No need to panic. Life The Kellys have a similar stance she grew up reading the Post.
would be back to normal soon. on the notion of fame, mainly be- strategy of endless cuts but was Investigative stories such as
“I was like, ‘Okay, if you say so.’ cause life, for the most part, has told no one was there to speak this past Sunday’s exposé of
Tomorrow we can go back to our returned to their version of normal. to the news media. When I abuses at Colorado’s “sober-
regular scheduled programming,” “She has no sense that she’s asked to be connected to living homes” — which already
Curry said. Then Obama’s office some weird global celebrity,” Kelly managing director Heath has the state legislature
called. said of Marion, who just turned 5 Freeman’s office, the promising reform — will
In the meantime, Curry connect- and could be heard squealing in receptionist hung up on me. become even more important in
ed with Ben Hines, the man who the background as Mom and Dad Digital First is wreaking the pecking order.
snapped Parker’s photo. He sent tried to conduct an interview they similar havoc all over the And routine coverage will
Curry a heartfelt explanation/apol- hope will be their last. country. take a further back seat — “it’s
ogy via Facebook. He hadn’t meant “I hope it can be some happy Its ownership of Bay Area been a long time since we sat
to invade the Currys’ privacy. memory,” Kim said of the entire papers in California has through every City Council
That same day, the media re- viral experience. brought the staff of 16 regional meeting,” she said.
quests rolled in. “Not, like, one or Parker is just getting started. papers (including the San Jose But as every journalist
two,” Curry said, “but 10 or 15.” While Curry and her fiance nev- Mercury News) from a knows, it’s often normal beat
A candid moment caught on er planned to have Parker and her combined 1,000 editorial reporting and apparently
someone else’s camera suddenly 1-year-old sister, Ava, in “any spot- employees to about 150 — and unexciting meetings that can
thrusting your tiny human under light of any kind,” the fact remains that was before recently generate the most important
a potentially harsh spotlight that’s that the kids are cute. Parker is announced cutbacks of an leads. And that kind of
nearly impossible to control? Most bubbly, being trumpeted online as additional one-third, according coverage also has the
parents don’t plan for that. Curry an IRL embodiment of black girl to the East Bay Express. immeasurable benefit of letting
certainly didn’t, but now that it’s magic. So yes, the kid has a publi- The Boston Herald was just public officials know that
here, the self-described “millenni- BEN HINES cist now, Aba Kwawu, a woman of bought out of bankruptcy by someone is watching.
al mama” is trying to wade This photo of Parker Curry, 2, staring at the painting of Michelle color and mom of two whom Cur- Digital First, causing Joshua Someone is still watching in
through the surreal to get to some- Obama at the National Portrait Gallery was an Internet hit. ry contacted after being over- Benton, writing in the Boston Denver. In Boston. In San Jose.
thing concrete. whelmed by “the unbelievable Globe, to offer a stark analysis: But for how much longer?
san National University in South McClure twins among its Top In- amount of attention.” “Just short of setting the “I don’t understand the

urry could take notes from oth- Korea, where Kelly works. fluencers of 2017. They recently For now, Curry chooses to see all place on fire, being bought by business plan,” said Paul, the
er parents who’ve gone before The “family blooper” reel seen closed a deal with Walmart. Now of this as “a blessing, an honor.” Digital First is about the worst once-starry-eyed Denver Post
her and Parker, who has been round the world celebrated its an- Justin, a filmmaker and photogra- “At the end of the day, if she is outcome possible,” he writes. intern, who is awaiting word
dubbed “Portrait Girl.” Remember niversary this week. During that pher, works on the family brand inspiring people, I am glad to “It’s less the Herald being saved on his fate. “How does cutting
Robert E. Kelly? No? How about time, they got some “offers,” most full time. Ami, a comptroller on share her,” Curry said. “She amaz- than the Herald being stripped off a leg help you keep
“BBC Dad”? Exactly. Kelly and clan of which never panned out. The maternity leave after the birth of es me and inspires me every day, for parts.” running?”
unwittingly struck Internet gold Kellys have appeared on a few their son, Jersey, is considering and who am I to keep that from Colacioppo, the editor in
last year when his then-4-year-old South Korean family shows and leaving her job as well. They won’t other people?” Denver, choked up as she told
daughter, Marion, and 9-month- were paid to do an ad for Johnson talk specific numbers, but on the If any financial boost comes me by phone that she will do  For more by Margaret Sullivan,
old son, James, crashed an inter- & Johnson. Their daughter, Mari- low end, when the family began from Parker’s online fame, the her best to keep her paper visit
view that dad, a foreign affairs ex- on, whose general cuteness (those monetizing their channel with ads family would be open to it, she
pert, was conducting with the BBC. glasses!) started it all, will star in and branded content, the Mc- said, “for the sole purpose of secur-
The Kellys, completely uninter- her own children’s book out this Clures pulled in $15,000 a month. ing Parker’s financial future.”
ested in fame, were overwhelmed year. But there was no major fi- New York talent agent Keith In the meantime, there is one
by the avalanche of attention nancial windfall. Bielory, who represents the Mc- benefit that Curry discovered
threatening to bury them hours Although the moment might Clures, explained that how much a while diving down the rabbit hole
after that clip went viral. So they seem unreal, the potential to make digital star makes is contingent on of the Internet, usually a no-no in
turned off their phones. money certainly isn’t. Several fam- several “verticals,” including audi- these situations.
“It was just insane,” recalled Kel- ilies have banked on the kind of ence size and engagement. Online “When you become a mom, es-
ly in a phone interview from South viral fame that the Kellys personalities draw income from pecially a first-time mom, there is
Korea. Media requests were coming shunned. Take the McClures, a ads, sponsored content, multi-vid- a lot of self-doubt, like: ‘Uh, am I
from Israel and Brazil. DeGeneres’s family of five from New Jersey eo deals and exclusive campaigns. doing this right? I hope I’m doing
team left multiple messages. Re- whose 4-year-old twins, Alexis and One YouTube video could net its this right.’ ” she recalled, getting
porters were showing up at Kelly’s Ava, have more than 800,000 You- star more than the average Ameri- choked up all over again. So the
job, at his parents’ house in Ohio, at Tube subscribers and 1.3 million can makes in a year. messages she’s received from
his aunt and uncle’s in New York. Instagram followers. All that in- “We’ve seen a single video go for strangers praising Parker (“She’s
After some discussion, Kelly fluence came from a video that six figures,” said Bielory, of amazing!”) and cheering on her
and his wife, Jung-a Kim, made mom Ami shot of the twins getting Abrams Artists. “It’s a lot, but it’s parenting (“Keep it up!”) have
the decision to do a grand total of angry at dad Justin for eating all really good content.” been particularly affirming.
three media appearances: an in- their snacks. Other videos, which Though for the most part they “To have people who don’t
terview with the BBC, the scene of the family says they were docu- steer clear of negative comments know me . . . compliment me on
the crime; one with the Wall Street menting just for fun, followed suit. on their social media posts, they something I take very seriously,”
Journal, because Kelly had a “We’re doing well,” Justin said have an answer to the “What kind Curry said through tears, “it’s just AARON ONTIVEROZ/DENVER POST/GETTY IMAGES

friend there; and one news confer- of the family’s financial situation. of nightmare stage parent makes very touching.” Noelle Phillips consoles fellow reporter Elizabeth Hernandez on
ence for the Korean outlets at Pu- Forbes Magazine named the money off their kids?” question. Wednesday during an announcement of layoffs at the Denver Post.

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Take Your Pills (Netflix
wrong. TCM (6:00) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Movie: Suddenly, Last Summer ★★★ (1959) (10:15) Movie: Reflections in a Golden Eye ★★ (1967)
streaming) A look into the effects
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The Secret Life of Kids of medications such as Adderall
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(USA at 9) A docuseries about on performance and health.
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childhood development, using 5- TruTV (7:15) 2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament: College of Charleston vs Auburn (Live) 2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Aggies vs Tigers
year-olds as subjects. LATE NIGHT
TV Land M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Mom Mom King King
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the 1980s.
LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs ◆ High Definition Movie Ratings (from TMS) ★★★★ Excellent ★★★ Good ★★ Fair ★ Poor No stars: not rated


‘Escape to Margaritaville’ is a beach party that’s sorely missing all the fun
BY P ETER M ARKS The musical, directed (inexpli- artist, singing Jimmy Buffett bal-
cably) by Christopher Ashley, lads and wearing Jimmy Buffett
new york — Yes, Jimmy Buffett, who won a Tony last season for Hawaiian shirts.
it’s your own damn fault. his work on “Come From Away,” is I was about to add: And even-
Oh, I know, you had help in the built around the Buffett song that tually all is right in Margari-
commission of “Escape to Marga- practically everyone knows, the taville. But it isn’t. How could
ritaville,” the lamely antiseptic especially catchy one that Buffett and company, in this fun-
musical that had its official goes, “Wasted away again in Mar- starved beach party, so deleteri-
Broadway opening Thursday garitaville.” It’s deployed as the ously have taken their eye off
night at the Marquis Theatre. Act 1 finale, and the lyrics are the ball? Oh, speaking of, at the
But it’s your songs that book used as such a literal guideline end of the show, hundreds of
writers Greg Garcia and Mike that one of the characters is beach balls are dumped on
O’Malley have spun into this in- actually “nibblin’ on spongecake” the audience. One of them rico-
sufferably dumb show, about a as the number begins. cheted off the top of my head. It
beach bum guitarist who falls “Wasted” was always the oper- was the only thing all afternoon
for an environmental scientist ative word in the song; it put you in the Marquis Theatre that I
while his bartender buddy suf- in mind of a hard-luck guy with didn’t see coming.
fers flashbacks filled with tap- three days’ stubble getting happi-
dancing life insurance agents. ly stoned in some Caribbean dive
(Yup, you read that right.) bar. The prim prescriptions of Escape to Margaritaville, music
“Escape to Margaritaville” also “Escape to Margaritaville” don’t and lyrics by Jimmy Buffett, book by
features, for reasons that won’t allow for any scene that coarsely Greg Garcia and Mike O’Malley.
be parsed here, leggy clouds colorful. The squeaky-clean tale Directed by Christopher Ashley.
sashaying right out of a discard- has the toned playboy, one Tully Choreography, Kelly Devine; sets,
ed Rockettes number; a fe- Mars (Paul Alexander Nolan), Walt Spangler; costumes, Paul
male sidekick who flies on cables falling hard for Alison Luff ’s Tazewell; lighting, Howell Binkley;
to the cheeseburger station at a workaholic Rachel after she ar- sound, Brian Ronan; orchestrations,
Cincinnati wedding rehearsal rives at the Margaritaville Hotel Michael Utley; music supervision,
dinner; and enough bad jokes to with bride-to-be Tammy (Lisa Christopher Jahnke. With Don
stock a late-’60s sitcom. Example: Howard). The usual romantic ups Sparks, Rema Webb, Andre Ward.
“I was addicted to the hokey and downs follow, and pretty About 2 hours 20 minutes. $59-
pokey,” says the bartender, played soon Rachel is back in Ohio and MATTHEW MURPHY $169. At the Marquis Theatre, 210 W.
by Eric Petersen, “but I turned pining for Tully, who meantime Lisa Howard, Eric Petersen and the cast of “Escape to Margaritaville,” now playing on Broadway. As 46th St., New York. Call 877-250-
myself around.” has become a big-time recording one might expect, the musical features plenty of cheeseburgers and Hawaiian shirts. 2929 or visit

MUSIC REVIEW ended up feeling just as long; as something that is not often in
with the movements of the evidence on today’s orchestra pro-

A lithe Brahms in an unexpected NSO debut Brahms, the contrasts were

The compass needle remained
grams. But by the two Slavonic
dances (Op. 46, nos. 2 and 3), the
dancers’ feet, so to speak, had
turned toward Central Europe, grown audibly weary, and things
BY A NNE M IDGETTE cellist, whose long languid if with Hungarian dances by began to drag. And the Dance of
slightly plodding solos set the tone Brahms, Slavonic dances by Dvor- the Seven Veils is far from vintage
Making a debut with a major for the concerto’s third move- ak, “Dances of Galanta” by Kodaly, Strauss. Noseda’s remarks from
orchestra is never easy. Making it ment, to play the Andante from and the Dance of the Seven Veils the podium matched the music: a
as an 11th-hour substitute, in Rachmaninoff’s cello sonata as an from Salome by Strauss to finish it nice thing, but overlong.
Brahms’s epic second piano con- encore. Barnatan, who has long off. The pieces were lovely and I The program repeats Saturday
certo — one of the longest concer- experience as a collaborative pia- enjoy Noseda’s penchant for in- night and Sunday afternoon.
tos in the repertoire — is going to nist, often took a back seat to cluding the light with the heavy,
remain in Inon Barnatan’s mind Hardy, letting the cellist shine as
for a very long time. they gently batted the pretty melo-
When Yefim Bronfman, the dy back and forth, and the result
scheduled soloist for the National was a delight.
Symphony Orchestra’s concert And the curiosities of the
program that opened Thursday Brahms stemmed in no small part
night, was forced to withdraw from the conductor. Noseda is a
“due to side effects from a recent narrator and a dramatist, but not a
dental procedure” (the program ruminator, and while his perform-
note said), the Israeli pianist was ances can be electric, there’s an
tapped to step in, in the same underlying coolness that didn’t
piece, with the same conductor, The pianist Inon Barnatan played Brahms’s second piano concerto bring out Brahms’s ruddy warmth
Gianandrea Noseda. on Thursday when Yefim Bronfman was forced to cancel. — despite the promising opening
It may have been Barnatan’s from Abel Pereira, the principal
NSO debut, but certainly not his and one much welcomed by the ready at short notice, however horn. The piece was certainly fleet
first time at the Kennedy Center, public — but not, to my ear, an often one has played it before, and and brisk, but never quite drew a
much less in Washington; he’s fre- imposing one. This Brahms was Barnatan deserved his ovations. proper breath.
quently appeared here with artists lithe and sinewy, even angular, a It was also fortunate that he got The second half of the program
from Alisa Weilerstein to the Balti- little bouncy in the first move- them, since his encore was a high- was a potpourri of shorter, lighter
more Symphony Orchestra. And ment, a little down-to-earth in the light of the evening. In a rare pieces — dances, to be precise — as
the huge concerto was clearly in ethereal passages of the third. gesture of collegiality from a solo- a counterweight to the massive
his fingers, with a couple of stum- Still, this 50-minute work is not an ist, the pianist teamed up with introduction. However, there
bles. So it was an assured debut, easy thing to get performance- David Hardy, the NSO’s principal were so many of them that they





 10 8 7 3 2  AQ5
 76  A52
 A2  KJ73
 10 9 7 6  K84
 K Q 10 9 4 3
 10 8 5 4

The bidding:
1 NT 2 Pass Pass
Opening lead —  A
T o end the week, go to
work on this defensive
problem. As East you open
1NT, and South bids two
hearts. Players use various
conventional gadgets to
compete over a 1NT opening,
but South’s bid shows hearts.
His hand won’t be too strong
since he did not double 1NT
for penalty.
West leads the ace of
the seven, and he leads the
deuce to your jack. South fol-
lows with the four and five.
How do you continue to
win six tricks?
South seems to have four
diamonds and probably
has six hearts. If he has
two spade losers and the
singleton ace of clubs, you
may take two spades, three
trumps. But if declarer has
just one low spade, you will
need an extra trick — almost
surely in diamonds.
To cash the king and lead
a fourth diamond won’t work.
Lead a low diamond at Trick
Three to let West ruff. If he
is on the ball, he will lead a
trump next, and you will take
the ace and return a trump.
You hold:
 6  K Q 10 9 4 3
 10 8 5 4  A 2
Both sides vulnerable. You
deal and open two hearts
(weak). Your partner raises
to three hearts, and the next
player bids three spades.
What do you say?
ANSWER: Though you
may feel an urge to bid four
hearts, your opening call was
descriptive, and you must
keep silent. Partner’s three
hearts did not invite game; it
was an additional pre-empt.
Pass. He knows about what
you have; let him make the
partnership decisions.
— Frank Stewart







This year you greet
a new beginning,
though you might
not be conscious of
it right away. If you are single,
many admirers surround you.
Choosing the right person
will take talent, but it is a
strong possibility that you
will find him or her. If you are
attached, avoid becoming too
me-oriented, as it can happen
soaring. A fellow Pisces
demonstrates how he or she
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
A new beginning becomes
possible if you are willing to
share more of your thoughts.
You might feel uncomfortable
with some of the changes you
see, but you are convinced
that you need to adapt to
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
It might be difficult to manifest
what you want. How you view a
friendship could change, given
some time. You and another
person do not see eye to eye;
avoid a power play.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Reach out to a loved one.
Sometimes you find yourself
in power plays that you can’t
seem to get out of. Know when
you have had too much of this
type of interaction. Your caring
attitude lights up your day as
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Make it OK to say little right
now, especially if you feel as if
you are wandering from topic
to topic. Allow your creativity
to emerge, and your life will
flow in a more positive way.
Recognize when you have
gone overboard.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
Your need for excitement
marks your plans. Get through
your to-do list, which might be
intimidating to others, but not
to you. You have more energy
than many of those around
you, and it becomes evident
during the day.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
You could be too tired to
continue on your chosen
path. Take a break, defer to
someone else and feel free to
do your thing. A friend might
interfere with your focus, but
you won’t mind his or her


(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
Stay mellow, despite the
pressure you feel from
someone else. You need
to honor your own needs
and desires right now. Your
creativity and unusual ideas
draw more inspired people
toward you.
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
You might want to get past
a problem, yet you’ll need to
make an effort to do so. You
could get caught up in some
negative thoughts that will
Positive thinking helps you to
see the possibilities, as long as
you can relax.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
If you get past an immediate
problem, which could involve
money, you will be able to
be more focused. Trust your
ability to bypass conventional
thinking when you need to.
Investigate what is going on in
your personal life.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
You make a difference by
clearing out an ongoing issue.
You notice how controlling and
challenging you have become.
Know that this attitude won’t
always work in your favor. Your
ability to detach is what makes
you a success.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Stay in control of your financial
situation. You could feel as if
certain parts of your life are
spinning out of control. You
will see life from a clearer
perspective once you focus on
your life.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
You feel in sync with the
moment. Others see you as
a leader. Your response to a
challenging person or financial
matter could be to ignore it
for now. You can do that, but
expect to receive a strong
reaction from others.
— Jacqueline Bigar



More online: Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071;; 202-334-4775. Plus, in Comic Riffs, Michael Cavna blogs about all things comics.

In Urrea’s ‘The House of the Broken Angels,’ a hyper-Latino celebration

BOOK WORLD FROM C1 thread that nearly spoils the desire to prove himself fully a powerfully imagined, fully review, but the problems they
book’s denouement. Hispanic, not just the “culture inhabited set of cliches. Torn suggest are inextricably linked
ish are not just tokens of cross- And for all its flamboyance, thief ” and “fake Mexican” his between his independence and to the novel’s central virtues.
cultural street cred; they add Urrea’s novel has an uncertain family sees. his heritage, Urrea enacts, That’s okay, though. A flawed if
such music and verve to the relation to ethnic identity. The This dichotomy, which has through his creation, a hyper- ambitious and energetic book,
prose that after a while even the book’s secret protagonist is the manifested in Urrea’s fiction Latino celebration so extreme one that troubles and questions
most timid Anglo reader will feel father figure’s half brother, inev- before, finds a paradoxical re- that it erases this painful dis- and confronts, is more admira-
like sneering and tossing off fiery itably named “Little Angel,” who lease in the novel’s full-throated junction. In doing so, the book ble than one that is highly
oaths. brings an outsider’s perspective enactment of a Latinx culture, raises uncomfortable, if fasci- polished but timid. “The House
Urrea’s hand in conjuring this and a measure of ambivalence one so exuberant that it begins nating, questions: Is finding of the Broken Angels” falls em-
family is so sure, and his prose so to the festivities. A self-exiled after a while to feel . . . perfor- parallels between an author and phatically into the former cat-
joyful, that it takes a while for half-American college professor mative, perhaps even to the his characters ever legitimate? egory. It is a book about a
some reservations to surface, but — and proxy, one suspects, for edge of caricature. The women Is there a hierarchy of ethnic celebration that is, itself, a cel-
they do. The pace slackens no- the author — he is distrusted by are all sensual and hot-tem- authenticity? Is it possible to ebration.
ticeably as the book approaches the rest of the family, who don’t pered, the men macho and pro- over-perform identity? Does it
its ending, a situation which is “like his ease with that world of fane; the de la Cruz family is even matter?
made worse by the introduction fancy pale” people up north. poor, but happy. It’s not a Luis Alberto Urrea conjures his These questions may seem Michael Lindgren is a frequent
of an appallingly misplaced plot Little Angel is tormented by a shallow, lazy set of cliches — it’s characters with a sure hand. arcane in this largely positive contributor to The Washington Post.

ANN HORNADAY That you keep your community, supremely Wilma-esque values).
and you keep understanding that We can see evidence of similar

Better way the paradigm of life is a circle,

not a pyramid, not a hierarchy.
That we are linked, not ranked.”
reframing in “Wonder Woman” —
in which Diana’s superpowers of
empathy and direct action are

to bulk up It’s the addiction to ranked-

not-linked thinking that still
informs most cinematic
directly related to Wilma’s
superpower of listening and
ground-level practicality — and

heroines depictions of power, whether it’s

wielded by men or women.
Having been formed by images of
especially “Black Panther,” in
which the ferocity of Danai
Gurira’s Dora Milaje warrior is
Great Men, lone rangers, offset by Lupita Nyong’o’s more
HORNADAY FROM C1 righteous vigilantes and Mr. communicative and collaborative
Smiths going to Washington, diplomat and Letitia Wright’s
helpless love interests of yore. movies habitually reduce history brainy problem-solver, Shuri.
What was once liberating now and heroism to single-person These are all small, one-step-
feels limiting, reducing our “arcs.” For one thing, it’s more forward hints of progress at a
notions of power to hysterically practical, and easy to digest for time when women’s
pitched burlesques or tough-as- an audience. Not incidentally, representation in front of and
males drag. Are these really — linear, zero-sum ethos fits neatly behind the camera promises new
still — our best options? into mythologized American ways of understanding heroism,
One answer to that question ideals of individualism and and at a time when our most
can be found in the documentary rugged self-sufficiency — which ubiquitous images of power are
“Mankiller,” a film about Wilma are just as bogus when they’re collective, whether in the form of
Mankiller, the first woman embodied by a woman as by a the #MeToo movement or
elected principal chief of the man. “Hollywood, like most of the #NeverAgain: Imperator Furiosa,
Cherokee Nation. As a young country, is still defining power as meet Emma González — and the
person who was relocated from power over,” Steinem noted at the thousands of students she has
her ancestral home in Oklahoma WILMA MANKILLER FOUNDATION
“Mankiller” screening. “And helped galvanize.
to California, Mankiller came of Wilma Mankiller, center, in a scene from the documentary “Mankiller,” overcame self-doubt to become a Wilma, and many others, defined “I have never, ever, ever in my
age during the 1960s and 1970s, brilliant community organizer and the first woman elected principal chief of the Cherokee Nation. power as power to.” life seen the degree of organic,
when the Native American, Is it possible to reimagine a self-willed, diverse, not-gonna-
labor, civil rights and women’s on PBS throughout March.) story]. Wilma always considered around,” exemplifying how much new iconography of power, go-away activism that I see now,”
movements were helping Interestingly enough, herself an ordinary person. She can be accomplished simply by untethered to archaic paradigms Steinem noted, “objectively,
millions of Americans find their “Mankiller” was produced by overcame extraordinary letting go of ego and allowing of virility and conquest? Can we quantitatively, energetically [or]
voices. After returning to Gale Anne Hurd, whose movies challenges and found that ability those affected by a problem to make inclusive circles as sexy and spiritually.” The question now is
Oklahoma, Mankiller overcame “The Terminator” and “Aliens” within her to inspire others.” identify and solve it. inherently cinematic as top-down whether Hollywood can turn the
her self-doubt to become a helped make Sarah Conner and In the movie about her life, the It’s just that kind of power pyramids? Some recent screen telescope around and discover a
brilliant community organizer, Ellen Ripley household names. soft-spoken Mankiller, who died that Gloria Steinem said made heroines point the way. In Ava new kind of heroine, capable of
working with often mistrustful Those heroines, she said at a in 2010, credits her success to an her at first a fan and then a close DuVernay’s “A Wrinkle in Time” evolving beyond muscles,
tribe members to help bring February screening of ever-widening set of “reciprocal friend of the Cherokee leader. At the film’s heroine, Meg Murry, machisma and mimicking the
social and economic change, “Mankiller” at the Athena Film relationships” and an instinct for the Athena screening in New embarks on a classic hero’s quest good guy with a gun.
whether in the form of badly Festival, “don’t realize the power resolving difficult issues “in the York, Steinem — who appears in and survives not by brute
needed water lines or and the strength and the least divisive way possible.” As the film — described Wilma’s strength or deploying massive
horticultural businesses. (The leadership abilities they have someone who led by empowering enduring legacy of “representing firepower but through Mankiller will air on MPT at 1 p.m.
film, which was directed by within themselves. And that was others, one observer notes, one’s values, and seeing that they intelligence, intuition and on March 25 and on WHUT at 9 p.m.
Valerie Red-Horse Mohl, is airing very much, I think, [Wilma’s Mankiller “turned the telescope influence every act that you do. embracing her own faults (all on March 27.


1 Fifth pillar
of Islam
5 Puts on a
patch, say
9 Intestinal tract
14 Moises of the
2002-’04 Cubs
15 Card in a
baby straight
16 Playground
17 *Prepares
to pass the
19 Butyl acetate,
20 Graphic novel
21 *Baseball
23 Is connected
25 Water__: dental

27 Word with
idea or luck
28 Gaucho’s
Ugly stereotypes about appearances
31 Schmoozing © 2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 3/16/18
Carolyn Hax is it’s that pretty women develop an “I [heart] globalization!” MBA
sort away. The follow- defenses against relentless student. I don’t mean to
69 Empty 22 Barnyard rooter 40 Mae West 48 Lawyer
33 Hardy heroine persona to avoid ing first appeared attention from guys who judge generalize (there can be naked
70 Pranks 24 Stellar Nov. 12, 2003. them solely on looks. Gets sloppy, business jerks, too!), and it’s not
35 Sweeping 41 Crossed a 50 Clumsy one
71 It may be phenomenon that there battlefield, doesn’t it? as pat as saying his politics are
37 Shocks, payable picket line 52 Big cat
in a way 29 Fellows Dear Carolyn: If you want genuine kindness, different, but there are other
monthly 30 Corporate 42 Capital east of 56 Old hat Carolyn Why are all nice then show genuine kindness, in manifestations — less time and
38 *Strokes in 72 Bodily Lake Victoria Hax girls ugly and all venues where that has some value. consideration to “old” friends
tennis machinery, e.g. 58 Religious leader
passage 32 Caustic remark 43 Requested at a 60 Prefix with the pretty girls not Otherwise, don’t complain when and to me, less caring about
41 Uppity sort drive-thru nice? (Though I you go out and get what you get. issues he used to care about
34 Like racehorses industry
44 Hospital DOWN 46 Primer suppose it’s true of the guys, too, (feminism, environment, etc.).
fluids 36 Went like 61 Unwavering
application but personally I’m less interested Dear Carolyn: Three weeks into Should I be more open-minded?
1 Natural racehorses 62 Salt Lake daily,
45 Hair environment 47 Wagner’s in them.) Someone once explained dating a guy, how do you know if He doesn’t think he’s changed
adornments 39 Modern concert familiarly to me that pretty girls get so much he is after a relationship or just and says I should be more
2 Amino acid conveniences “Die __” 66 Realize attention because of the way they some bedroom fun? understanding.
49 Aerobic regime, used in protein
familiarly look that they never needed to be — D.C. — Bay Area, Calif.
biosynthesis friendly, while the ugly girls know
51 Many a Black 3 Derby VIPs THURSDAY’S LA TIMES SOLUTION the only way they’ll get attention is D.C.: Oh, oh, I know this one! Bay Area, Calif.: So, overboard
Friday worker to be charming. I hate buying into Decline to be a source of bedroom liberal goes overboard stiff? I’d
4 Diner devices,
53 Casual negative familiarly these kinds of generalities, but I fun until you’re confident he say he’s changed . . . not at all.
54 First __ 5 Orch. section must say, as a 20-something on the wants a relationship. If that’s Our choices may define us, but
55 Two-timer 6 Piccadilly Circus front lines of the dating war, there what you want from him. that doesn’t mean you can know
57 100 percent seems to be a certain truth in it. Sound like your granny? someone by parsing each little
statue — Washington Maybe. But only if your granny choice. Step back, and what do
59 *Basketball 7 Turned on the
strategy believed in making choices based you see? I see a guy caught up in
waterworks Washington: So, being female, on immutable human law getting caught up. When the
63 Big haulers 8 Network admin I’m either ugly on the inside or instead of fungible social mores. MBA fury fades, expect some
64 Comedic pianist 9 One of many ugly on the outside. If you want to be treated a certain other extreme will be next.
Victor seen at the Same to you, cowboy. way, which approach makes more NASCAR, perhaps, or the lead in
65 Fair play? ... NCAA’s Frozen Your theory, at least, is both sense: insisting on it and then a drag cabaret.
or the key to Four untrue and ugly throughout, and backing that up with your Look past the surface traits
understanding 10 Mascara target your disclaimer doesn’t impress actions, or putting it entirely in and prevailing breezes, see who
the answers to 11 Puts to rest me. Does attention come more someone else’s hands and hoping he is at his core, and then ask if
starred clues easily to people who are born fretfully for the best? you’re really in love.
12 Cover charge beautiful, and does that stunt their
67 “Sneak Pre- relative
views” co-host character growth? You could Dear Carolyn: How do you know Write to Carolyn Hax at
13 Pestle partners argue that. But if there’s a if someone has “changed”? My Get her column
68 Niagara Falls
source 18 Smidgen generalization to be made (and boyfriend used to belong to a delivered to your inbox each morning
then insincerely lamented), maybe naked hippie co-op, and now he’s at

1 V’nova 87 1 Kansas 76 2 Duke 89 3 Mich. 61 3 T. Tech 70 3 Tenn. 73 4 Ariz. 68 4 Gonz. 68 5 Kent. 78 5 Ohio St.81 6 Miami 62 6 Hou. 67 6 Florida 77 7 URI 83 8 V.a Tech 83 8 S. Hall 94
16 Rad. 61 16 Penn 60 15 Iona 67 14 Mont. 47 14 SFA 60 14 Wright 47 13 Buff. 89 13 UNCG 64 12 Dav. 73 12 S.Da. St.73 11 Loyola 64 11S.D. St. 65 11 St. Bon. 62 10 Okla. 78 9 Ala. 86 9 N.C. St. 83

Mr. Smith o∞cially comes to Washington, eyeing a title

This team just might have some stability Redskins welcome former Chiefs QB
with signal caller for first time in years along with wide receiver Richardson
Less than five quarterback, someone who has BY L IZ C LARKE quarterback. “That’s what we’re
minutes into his more past than future in the all chasing. . . . We’re chasing that
introductory NFL, completely comfortable After 13 NFL seasons and three ultimate dream; we’re trying to
news conference with his present. Pro Bowl selections, quarterback find a way. That’s the challenge
Thursday We can’t yet say how the trade Alex Smith still has what he feels for me.”
afternoon, Alex for Smith — consummated in is a glaring omission on his résu- Looking on from the second
Barry Smith casually late January, completed just this mé — one that challenges and row was Washington Redskins
Svrluga removed his right week because of the NFL’s odd excites him more than ever at age owner Daniel Snyder, who knows
hand from the logistical rules — will work out. 33. a good bit about that challenge.
lectern in front of him, which he Anybody who has drawn “Never won a championship. Smith, whom the Redskins ac-
had been clutching. He slid it conclusions based on news I’ve never won a Super Bowl,” quired in a Jan. 31 trade with
into the pocket of his fit-for-the- conferences held in Ashburn Smith told a packed auditorium Kansas City for a third-round
occasion, I-was-just-guaranteed- understands the risks that lie Thursday at Redskins Park, tack- draft pick and their most promis-
$71 million blue suit. And there within. ling head-on the source of his ing defensive back, Kendall Full-
he stood, in control, the What we can say is that TONI L. SANDYS/THE WASHINGTON POST motivation when he was formally er, will become the 17th quarter-
Washington Redskins’ new SVRLUGA CONTINUED ON D4 Redskins quarterback Alex Smith has a four-year, $94 million deal. introduced as the team’s starting REDSKINS CONTINUED ON D4

For Caps,
Hokies are one and done a rare
third win
in a row
Oshie ends goal drought
as team extends streak


new york — Jaroslav Halak

swung one leg and then the other
over the bench wall as Christo-
pher Gibson skated out of the
New York Islanders’ net. The
Washington Capitals watched
and waited, grateful that it was
the other team swapping goalten-
ders this time as the game started
to get out of hand.
The Capitals picked apart the
NHL’s worst defensive team, scor-
ing five goals on their first 12 shots
en route to a 7-3 win. Goaltender
Philipp Grubauer, making his
fourth straight start as typical
No. 1 Braden Holtby continues his
“reset” period, finished with 35
saves for his third straight win.
It’s the first time Washington has
won three straight games in more
than two months.
“I thought tonight we did a
great job,” forward T.J. Oshie said.
“Obviously, as per usual here late-
ly, it starts with Grubi back there.”
The Capitals host the Islanders
on Friday in the second game of
this home-and-home back-to-
back set, and Holtby is scheduled
to get his first start in more than a
week. The 2016 Vezina Trophy
winner was last in net March 6 in
ROB CARR/GETTY IMAGES Anaheim, Calif., where he allowed
Alabama’s Collin Sexton scored 14 of his 25 points in the final 6:48 against Virginia Tech. The Crimson Tide will challenge top-seeded Villanova on Saturday. three goals on the Ducks’ first
nine shots before being pulled
early in the second period, the
U-Va. can’t let injury stop it NCAA TOURNAMENT
Rise and shine
third time he had been yanked
from the net early in six starts.
from breaking through Mamadi Diakite’s moment is now VIRGINIA TECH 83 The team then turned to Grubau-
er to be the interim top goalie
for No. 1 seed Virginia. D7 while Holtby took some time to
charlotte — The black splint Arizona is out BY R OMAN S TUBBS work on his game.
on De’Andre Hunter’s left wrist Buffalo shoots down that Arizona- But on Thursday night at Bar-
looks like an innocuous thing. It Kentucky second-round game. D7 pittsburgh — Virginia Tech had bullied Ala- CAPITALS CONTINUED ON D5
looks like assistance to heal a bama guard Collin Sexton for much of Thurs-
sprain or to calm down carpal Chicago hope day’s East Region first-round game, forcing the Islanders at Capitals
tunnel syndrome. For certain, it Loyola Chicago stuns No. 6 seed hottest player in college basketball to offer Today, 7 p.m., NBCSW, NHLN
Jerry does not make you immediately Miami at the buzzer. D8 visible demonstrations of frustration. He flailed
Brewer shiver and fear this is a bad omen his arms. He shook his head. He begged for foul
One and not yet done
for another Virginia calls.
For Texas’s Bamba, Mizzou’s Porter,
disappointment in the NCAA tournament. But when the final horn sounded, Sexton was
it’s watch ’em while you can. D8
Nevertheless, Hunter has a broken wrist, a grinning, knowing that he had endured the
crack just painful enough to end the season of U-Md. women open on the road Hokies’ pack-the-lane defense in Alabama’s 86-
the Cavaliers’ versatile ACC sixth man of the For first time since 2007, Terps will 83 win. Sexton finished with 14 of his 25 points in
year, an unwelcome development just not open tournament at home. D10 the final 6:48, including a crucial turnaround
worrisome enough to dredge up depressing jumper with 1:58 remaining that gave the
memories of Justin Anderson’s broken finger Virginia vs. UMBC Crimson Tide a much-needed cushion to hold on
and appendectomy leading up to the 2015 Charlotte against the Hokies.
tournament or Isaiah Wilkins’s illness last year. Today, 9:20 p.m., TNT The Hokies had done enough on the offensive
The next thing you know, you’re pondering all of end to win their first NCAA tournament game
Virginia’s recent NCAA letdowns, and then Full schedule, TV times, D7
since 2007: They shot 56 percent from the field,
dread invades. By the time your mind stops received a combined 36 points from their
twisting, you have almost forgotten that backcourt, hit nine three-pointers and found
Virginia is the No. 1 overall seed — the most countless transition opportunities by forcing 17
unflappable of Coach Tony Bennett’s three No. 1 Alabama turnovers.

The Capitals’ T.J. Oshie, right,

ended a 19-game drought with
two goals against the Islanders.


Chicago and Vancouver opt out of North The Nats’ pitching depth is not what it After clawing back to beat Celtics, the Tiger’s in the hunt: A first-round 68 has
America’s bid for 2026 World Cup. D2 once was. They seem okay with that. D3 Wizards know they still have issues. D4 Woods four off the lead at Bay Hill. D5

Neymar’s ESPN boss

tribute resigned
to Hawking because of
is o≠ mark drug use

The world mourned the death John Skipper cited a years-long

of Stephen Hawking, the British “substance addiction” in an-
theoretical physicist who bravely nouncing his sudden, unexpected
suffered since age 21 from a de- resignation as ESPN president in
generative motor neuron disease December, declining to elaborate
similar to amyotrophic lateral further in the email he sent to the
sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease. network’s employees. But in an
Hawking, who died at the age of interview with ESPN authority
76, was a symbol of courage as he Jim Miller published Thursday by
lived in his wheelchair, his body the Hollywood Reporter, Skipper
contorted by the disease. admitted that he has been a long-
His death did not go unnoticed time yet casual user of cocaine
by one world-famous athlete, al- and said he decided to resign after
though perhaps it should have a person who had sold him the
gone unremarked upon. Neymar, drug threatened to extort him in
who is sidelined as he recovers December.
from foot surgery, tweeted in Por- “They threatened me, and I
tuguese to his nearly 39 million understood immediately that
followers: “You have to have a threat put me and my family at
positive attitude and get the best risk, and this exposure would put
out of the situation you are in. my professional life at risk as
Stephen Hawking” well,” Skipper told Miller. “I fore-
While that certainly is true and closed that possibility by disclos-
is a worthy salute, the photo ac- ing the details to my family, and
companying the message — of then when I discussed it with
Neymar smiling in a wheelchair — [Bob Iger, president of ESPN par-
angered many people. STACY THACKER/ASSOCIATED PRESS ent company Disney], he and I
As several on social media Chicago’s Soldier Field held a viewing party for a U.S. World Cup match in 2014. The city will not be part of the 2026 bid. agreed that I had placed the com-
pointed out, Neymar will recover pany in an untenable position
from his restricted mobility; his and, as a result, I should resign.”
wheelchair confinement is only
temporary. That hardly compares
to Hawking’s decades-long ordeal.
Sports Illustrated’s Grant Wahl
City list shrinks in World Cup bid Skipper, 62, said he never used
cocaine while he was on the clock
at ESPN, nor did he ever use the
drug with a fellow employee. In
pointed out that Neymar is social- fact, he called his cocaine use
media savvy but seemed to miss BY S TEVEN G OFF book of almost 1,000 pages, plus “quite infrequent,” a byproduct of
the mark here. Plenty of people thousands more of contracts and other him growing up “wanting to be
sided with Neymar, though, with The North American campaign to
North America aiming agreements, to FIFA headquarters in countercultural.” Since his resig-
one user replying to Wahl: “I don’t host the 2026 World Cup will submit its to stage the event in 2026; Zurich. nation, Skipper has received ther-
think he necessarily tried to mock formal bid Friday without two high- The committee projects more than apy and treatment and has not
Hawking here.” profile cities, Chicago and Vancouver,
D.C., Baltimore could host 5.8 million tickets would be sold, used the drug “for a long period of
Wahl went on to explain why he which withdrew because of financial generating in excess of $2 billion in time.”
thought Neymar was off-base. “It’s concerns. ticketing revenue. “I never allowed it to interfere
the height of self-centeredness to The effort by the United States, exemptions. The 2026 World Cup will be the with my work, other than a
put Hawking’s death in terms of Canada and Mexico is locked in a tight Washington and Baltimore are largest, with 48 teams instead of 32 and missed plane and a few canceled
yourself,” he tweeted. “Neymar’s race with Morocco ahead of FIFA’s vote among 17 U.S. cities remaining in 80 matches instead of 64. morning appointments. I’ve nev-
temporary wheelchair situation is June 13 in Moscow. contention. Canada and Mexico have The other U.S. metro areas on the er been a daily user. My use over
profoundly minor compared to The number of qualified venues three apiece. FedEx Field in Landover is shortlist are Boston, New York, the past two decades has, in fact,
the lifetime wheelchair situation speaks to the bid’s strengths. But the the suggested D.C. venue, though a Philadelphia, Nashville, Cincinnati, been quite infrequent,” he said. “I
Hawking had. I’m sure Neymar absence of Chicago — the third-largest different stadium would enter the mix if Atlanta, Orlando, Miami, Kansas City, judge that I did a very good job
meant no harm, but come on.” U.S. market and home to the U.S. Soccer the Redskins build a new complex Dallas, Houston, Denver, Los Angeles, and that it did not get in the way of
Neymar, the world’s highest Federation — and Vancouver — before 2026. M&T Bank Stadium, where San Francisco and Seattle. my work. I worked hard. I worked
paid soccer player, is expected to Canada’s Pacific jewel and site of the the NFL’s Ravens play, is the Baltimore Mexico’s representatives are Mexico smart. I worked all the time.”
be out six weeks after having sur- 2015 Women’s World Cup final — stood site. City, Guadalajara and Monterrey. On Dec. 13, a Wednesday, Skip-
gery to repair a fractured metatar- out when the list of potential cities was If the North American bid is Toronto, Montreal and Edmonton are per addressed a large gathering of
sal in Paris Saint-Germain’s trimmed to 23 from 32 on Thursday. successful, 16 cities would stage on Canada’s list. ESPN employees, expressing con-
Feb. 25 match. He is expected to Both were stronger contenders to matches, said John Kristick, executive Minneapolis, Charlotte, Detroit, Las fidence about the network’s fu-
recover fully for World Cup play make the final cut and host matches. director of the United Bid Committee. Vegas, Phoenix, Salt Lake City and ture after a rocky few years. Two
this summer. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s The United States would host 60 games Tampa are no longer under days later, he decided to reveal the office said in a statement that “FIFA and Canada and Mexico 10 apiece. consideration. extortion plot to Iger. The follow-
could not provide a basic level of Mexico probably would get to use three The North American bid was initially ing Monday, he announced his
Excerpted from certainty on some major unknowns that venues and Canada two or three, leaving seen as a heavy favorite to defeat resignation, admitting that he put our city and taxpayers at risk. The the United States with 10 or 11. Morocco, but with U.S. worldwide had put Iger “in an untenable
uncertainty for taxpayers, coupled with “I don’t think there has been a more popularity dropping since the 2016 position.”
FIFA’s inflexibility and unwillingness to comprehensive bid ever submitted for a presidential election, the race has “Look, it was inappropriate for
negotiate, were clear indications that sports event,” Kristick said. tightened. The bid also must persuade the president of ESPN and an
further pursuit of the bid wasn’t in Kristick stressed the strength of the voters that using three countries will officer of the Walt Disney Co. to be
QUOTABLE Chicago’s best interests.” potential venues and the fact that no not result in logistical problems; the associated in any way with any of
Eight years ago, Chicago dropped out new stadiums would need to be built only time more than one country hosted this,” Skipper said.
“I told him he’d look of the United States’ failed 2018/2022 specifically for the World Cup. If the World Cup was 2002 (Japan and Skipper said he had learned to
World Cup bid despite having hosted victorious, Morocco would have to South Korea). become “a master of compart-
good in pinstripes.” the 1994 World Cup opening match and invest in major infrastructure projects. With full support expected from the mentalization” to hide his cocaine
ceremonies at Soldier Field. “This is a bid based on reality and African bloc, FIFA’s largest, Morocco use from friends, family and co-
British Columbia Tourism Minister certainty,” Kristick added. will have a head start in the voting. The workers and that he was “careful”
Yankees slugger, commenting on
Lisa Beare said in a statement the Besides the stadiums, more than North American bid will need to secure in his pursuit of the drug. But the
Orioles infielder Manny Machado
province could not agree with the terms 150 facilities in the three North the Americas, then win over enough person who threatened to extort
after the two teams played in a spring
of the host contract. She cited the “risk American countries would be made countries in Europe and Asia. was not someone Skipper had
training game Wednesday. Major
of shouldering potentially huge and available for use as training centers. previous dealings with.
League Baseball issued a warning to
unpredictable costs.” The United Bid Committee, “It turned out I wasn’t careful
the Yankees, saying Judge’s
FIFA requires host cities to meet a representing the three North American Excerpted from this time,” he said.
comments could be construed as
long set of requirements, including tax soccer federations, will deliver a bid soccerinsider
tampering. Machado is set to be a
free agent after this season.
Excerpted from
(Via Early Lead)


D I G ES T NBA 9:55 p.m. NCAA first round: Clemson vs. New Mexico State » truTV, WTEM (980 AM)

8 p.m. Los Angeles Clippers at Oklahoma City » NBA TV WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL
SOCCER on aggregate, but CSKA advanced 10:30 p.m. Miami at Los Angeles Lakers » NBA TV 12:30 p.m. NCAA first round: Maryland vs. Princeton » ESPN2
on the away goals rule. 2:30 p.m. NCAA first round: whip-around coverage » ESPN2
Welbeck helps Arsenal Marseille, Lazio, Leipzig and
7 p.m. New York Islanders at Washington » NBC Sports Washington,
5:15 p.m. NCAA first round: Virginia vs. California » ESPN2
reach Europa quarters Sporting also advanced. WFED (1500 AM, 820 AM)
7:15 p.m. NCAA first round: whip-around coverage » ESPN2
The draw will be held Friday. SOCCER
Danny Welbeck celebrated MLB SPRING TRAINING
3:50 p.m. French Ligue 1: Lille at AS Monaco » beIN Sports
his England call-up by scoring MISC. 1 p.m. St. Louis at Washington » MASN
twice as host Arsenal defeated In Columbus, Ohio, Stanford 1 p.m. Atlanta at Pittsburgh » MLB Network GOLF
4 p.m. Chicago Cubs at Chicago White Sox » MLB Network
AC Milan, 3-1, on Thursday to sophomore Katie Ledecky, a 2 p.m. PGA Tour: Arnold Palmer Invitational, second round » Golf Channel
cruise into the Europa League Bethesda native and five-time MEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL 6 p.m. LPGA Tour: Founders Cup, second round » Golf Channel
quarterfinals, 5-1, on aggregate. Olympic gold medalist, won the Noon NCAA first round: Texas A&M vs. Providence » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13), TENNIS
Hakan Calhanoglu put Milan 500-meter freestyle for a second WTEM (980 AM) 3 p.m. BNP Paribas Open: men’s quarterfinals » ESPN
in front after 35 minutes at consecutive year at the NCAA 12:30 p.m. NCAA first round: Purdue vs. Cal State Fullerton » truTv 5 p.m. BNP Paribas Open: ATP quarterfinals » Tennis Channel
Emirates Stadium with a long- women’s swimming and diving 1:20 p.m. NCAA first round: Wichita State vs. Marshall » TNT 7 p.m. BNP Paribas Open: ATP doubles semifinal » Tennis Channel
range effort. championships. 1:50 p.m. NCAA first round: Cincinnati vs. Georgia State » TBS 10 p.m. BNP Paribas Open: women’s semifinals » ESPN2
Welbeck, named to England’s Ledecky’s time of 4 minutes 2:30 p.m. NCAA first round: North Carolina vs. Lipscomb » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13)
3 p.m. NCAA first round: Arkansas vs. Butler » truTv, WTEM (980 AM) MEN’S COLLEGE HOCKEY
squad earlier in the day for this 26.57 seconds outpaced the field
3:50 p.m. NCAA first round: West Virginia vs. Murray State » TNT 5 p.m. NCHC semifinal: North Dakota vs. St. Cloud State » CBS Sports Network
month’s friendlies against the by more than eight seconds. . . . 4:20 p.m. NCAA first round: Nevada vs. Texas » TBS 8:30 p.m. NCHC semifinal: Minnesota Duluth vs. Denver » CBS Sports Network
Netherlands and Italy, tied it for Georgia hired former Indiana 6:45 p.m. NCAA first round: Creighton vs. Kansas State » TNT
Arsenal from the penalty spot. coach Tom Crean as its men’s 7 p.m. NCAA first round: Michigan State vs. Bucknell » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13), WOMEN’S COLLEGE HOCKEY
Granit Xhaka then scored in basketball coach, only five days WTEM (980 AM) 5 p.m. NCAA Frozen Four: Ohio State vs. Clarkson » Big Ten Network
the 71st minute before Welbeck after firing Mark Fox. 7:15 p.m. NCAA first round: Xavier vs. Texas Southern » TBS 8 p.m. NCAA Frozen Four: Colgate vs. Wisconsin » Big Ten Network
made the game safe with four Crean was 356-231 in 7:15 p.m. NCAA first round: Auburn vs. Charleston » truTV
9:15 p.m. NCAA first round: Virginia vs. UMBC » TNT COLLEGE WRESTLING
minutes left. 18 seasons at Marquette and
9:30 p.m. NCAA first round: TCU vs. Syracuse » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13), 11 a.m. NCAA championships » ESPNU
In other Europa League play, Indiana from 1999 to 2017. . . .
WTEM (980 AM) 8 p.m. NCAA championships » ESPN
German powerhouse Borussia Venus Williams beat Carla
9:45 p.m. NCAA first round: Missouri vs. Florida State » TBS
Dortmund suffered a surprise exit Suarez Navarro, 6-3, 6-2, to PARALYMPIC GAMES
at the hands of Salzburg, playing reach the semifinals of the BNP 7 p.m. Wheelchair curling, Alpine skiing, biathlon and cross-country skiing »
to a scoreless draw in Austria to Paribas Open in Indian Wells, Angelique Kerber, 6-0, 6-2. Four-time Indianapolis 500 NBC Sports Network
fall, 2-1, on aggregate; Fernando Calif., where she first broke out In the men’s quarterfinals, winner A.J. Foyt, 83, was 11 p.m. Sled hockey (bronze medal game), cross-country skiing,
Torres’s two goals helped Atletico as a 16-year-old qualifier in 1997. Borna Coric of Croatia upset hospitalized after he was Alpine skiing (men’s giant slalom) » NBC Sports Network
Madrid win, 5-1, over host Williams, 37, has never No. 7 seed Kevin Anderson, 2-6, attacked by Africanized killer COLLEGE GYMNASTICS
Lokomotiv Moscow to advance on reached the final of the desert 6-4, 7-6 (7-3). Coric next faces bees while working on his ranch. 10 p.m. Georgia at Utah » ESPNU
aggregate, 8-1; and CSKA Moscow tournament, and to do she will No. 1 Roger Federer, who Foyt was released from a Texas
knocked out Lyon after winning have to get by 20-year-old defeated Chung Hyeon, 7-5, 6-1, hospital once he was stabilized. COLLEGE SWIMMING AND DIVING
the second leg in France, 3-2. Russian Daria Kasatkina, who to equal his career-best start of — From news services 5 p.m. NCAA women’s championships » ESPNU
CSKA Moscow and Lyon tied, 3-3, dispatched former No. 1 16-0 from 2006. . . . and staff reports

Nats still getting feel for future of pitching staff



west palm beach, fla. — One

Young pitchers cannot just throw
and throw and throw. They have
to experience things. They have to
dies at 90;
morning this week, on the back
fields where the sounds of bats
and balls punctuate the slow hum
According to Scialabba, the Na-
tionals’ director of player devel-
Saints face
of cars rolling by, the future of the
Washington Nationals’ pitching
staff populated three fields buzz-
opment, the organization’s gener-
al plan for pitching development
is to hold players back at the
ing with intrasquad activity. lower levels, making sure they
Six teams of Nationals minor understand the fundamentals be- A SSOCIATED P RESS
leaguers faced off on three fields fore they climb to Class AA. Once
as scouts ping-ponged from back- they get there, they are fair game Tom Benson, a successful auto
stop to backstop, looking at ros- for a big league call-up, as the dealer who brought the New Or-
ters that could tell them who they Nationals are willing to rush the leans Saints their only winning
were seeing. Nationals executives higher levels. Ross, Giolito and seasons and the “Benson Boogie,”
moved from field to field, too, others got the call from Class AA. has died. Benson, who also owned
checking with those scouts for Often, those fundamentals mat- the NBA’s New Orleans Pelicans
radar gun readings now and then, ter more at the higher levels than since 2012, was 90.
asking each other exactly who they did at the lower ones. The NFL and NBA teams an-
was pitching where. The future “They would pound ideas like nounced Benson’s death Thurs-
was on display. But right now, in a commanding the fastball inside, day. He had been hospitalized
departure from their organiza- being able to throw all your off- since Feb. 16 with flu symptoms.
tional norm, no one seems to speed pitches for strike. You’re Benson made his mark in pro
know exactly what that future like, ‘Oh, I don’t need to do that,’ ” sports with the Saints, whom he
looks like. said Fedde, who struggled in his bought in 1985 when it appeared
The Nationals have traded first big league stint last season. the club would be sold to out-of-
away more than 20 young pitch- JONATHAN NEWTON/THE WASHINGTON POST
“Then you get to the big leagues state interests and perhaps moved
ers since 2012. They have traded Erick Fedde, shown here with catcher Pedro Severino last month, has been rushed along out of necessity. and you’re like, ‘Whoa, I’m glad out of Louisiana. He paid $70 mil-
eventual big leaguers Felipe Rive- we worked on that for a couple lion for the team, which is now
ro, Robbie Ray, Alex Meyer, Brad guez and Luis Reyes at the upper ing experience, learning the game Auburn, Gabe Klobosits, pound years.’ There’s pitches you can get worth close to $2 billion.
Peacock and Nick Pivetta. They parts of it. We think that other of pro baseball, learning how to the strike zone like a more experi- away with at lower levels that you Benson’s business acumen
have traded prospects Lucas than the national publications pitch every fifth day or every enced pitcher. A promising lefty just can’t here.” helped turn the Saints from a per-
Giolito, Reynaldo Lopez, Dane that don’t have people in their other day. . . . It’s not fair for us to named Taylor Guilbeau, whose Even the top pitching pros- ennial also-ran into a contender —
Dunning and Jesus Luzardo. top 100, we like the guys that are make an assessment on some of in-game glasses recall Tyler Clip- pects, such as Fedde, are no sure and the 2009 NFL champion. Yet
They have traded touted pre- coming, and when they get here, these kids because they’re still pard, has caught the eye of rival things. The Nationals have paid his ownership also was less flatter-
prospects such as McKenzie Mills you guys will like them, too.” dipping their toes in the pool.” scouts. the price for contention, sending ingly marked by the 2012 bounty
and Tyler Watson. They have trad- Rodriguez and Reyes, hard- The Nationals don’t make any Right-hander Sterling Sharp many of their surest pitching scandal and by rumors Benson did
ed all of them over the past six throwing right-handers, are not mechanical alterations to their continues to impress, though he prospects away for surer big not want to bring the team back to
seasons, all while maintaining Giolito and Lopez. Wander Suero pitchers in the months after they is still too slight to say for sure league talent as needed. Most New Orleans after Hurricane Ka-
the second-best ERA among ma- is probably the next homegrown are drafted. When young pitchers what he might be. Right-hander people in the organization talk trina devastated the city in 2005.
jor league pitching staffs in that reliever to get his chance, but he is get back from the offseason, they Joan Baez has the mound pres- about this with a mix of pride and Benson’s death came on the
span. 26. None of them are pinging judge them on whether they com- ence and repetitive delivery of a helplessness. On the one hand, heels of an acrimonious family
But the Nationals are starting around national radars. All of pleted their first professional big leaguer, but that has yet to they have developed enough ma- split that has caused uncertainty
to feel the effects of those deals. them are promising. None of throwing program — not their yield consistent results. Second- jor league pitching to sustain a about the future of his clubs. Ben-
They read about them in publica- them are riveting. results. And for years now, the rounder Crowe has impressed contender for more than half a son made it known in January
tions such as Baseball America, First-rounder Romero would Nationals have made a point of with his polish since he debuted decade — and trade plenty away, 2015 that he wants his third wife,
whose top 100 prospect list did be the one pulling the spotlight letting pitchers be themselves for the organization last summer. too. On the other hand, their Gayle, to inherit control of the
not include a Nationals pitcher his way, but he was sent home for when they get them. Rail-thin Jackson Tetreault hit pitching depth could look a lot Saints and Pelicans. But Benson’s
for the first time in six years. They repeated curfew violations. Rizzo “We aren’t going to change arm the mid-90s all morning and different if it weren’t for those big disowned daughter, Renee, and
feel it as they look at contenders said he will have to prove “he slot. The scouts, who we trust should gain velocity as he gains league deals, though those had to her two children, Rita and Ryan
for their fifth starter’s spot. In an deserves the honor of being here” immensely, drafted these kids. muscle. The list of pitchers with be made, too. LeBlanc — who had long been in
alternate universe, Giolito, Lopez before he can return. We’re going to see what he is,” promise goes on and on. “For me, it’s not very difficult to line to take over his businesses —
and others would be competing, So for those bustling around Menhart said. “We tend not to Ryan Zimmerman came back watch guys go because it’s ulti- have vowed to prove he was ma-
with a healthy Joe Ross as a the back fields, all the can’t-miss overcoach, and I think that’s a from a few at-bats on the back mately helped our big league nipulated against them while in a
favorite and Erick Fedde linger- talent was concentrated in young major part of why we’re so suc- fields and told Rizzo he was im- team get better,” Menhart said. mentally enfeebled state.
ing as still-progressing depth. In position players, while uncertain- cessful in developing quality big pressed, that a few guys he saw “Our job as player development is RAIDERS: Oakland shuffled
this one, A.J. Cole is the current ty and curiosity lingered around leaguers with any round. We treat there had big league stuff. But to give these kids that we get wide receivers, signing free agent
favorite to fill that spot, and after every mound. The Nationals everybody equally. We really do. I asked whether he thought he through the draft value to help Jordy Nelson and releasing Mi-
being rushed to the big leagues spent nine of their first 10 picks in can say that with a straight face, could pinpoint a major leaguer our big league club. That could be chael Crabtree.
out of necessity last season, Fedde last year’s draft on pitchers, the too. We treat everyone as future from the group, the 13-year vet- doing it personally or being a Nelson signed a two-year con-
could be required to handle it first two on Romero and Crowe. big leaguers, whenever they’re eran balked. piece to a very vital trade. That’s tract worth a reported $15 million
sooner than later. They are spending more and drafted.” “Big league pitchers don’t al- our job.” after the Raiders spent more than
“We like our pitching depth at more money internationally on And so, on those back fields, ways have the best stuff. It’s that Recently, they have developed a day meeting with the former
the high, mid- and low levels,” pitchers. They are trying to re- longtime Nationals front-office they learn how to pitch a little as many trade chips as they have Green Bay Packers star.
said General Manager Mike Riz- build their minor league depth, a staples Bob Boone, Spin Wil- bit,” Zimmerman said. “Those future Nationals contributors. Oakland cut ties with Crabtree
zo, who is all but contractually process that requires patience, liams, Mark Scialabba, Doug Har- young guys, so many of them have Now they must rebuild, though after three seasons and also signed
obligated to say so. vigilance and optimism. ris, Menhart and others wan- great fastballs or great sliders. who they will build around re- former Tampa Bay Buccaneers
“You’ve got guys like Seth “We don’t really try to put a tag dered the fields, looking at what You have to be able to pitch.” mains to be seen, and no one can running back Doug Martin to a
Romero and Wil Crowe at the on a guy until they get to Double they might have. And pitching takes practice. say when the next wave will be one-year contract.
bottom of our minor league sys- A,” pitching coordinator Paul They watched a big 6-foot-7 kid But pitching doesn’t lend itself to ready. DOLPHINS: Miami released
tem. But you’ve got Jefry Rodri- Menhart said. “They’re just gain- they took in the 36th round from practice like hitting or fielding. three-time Pro Bowl center Mike
Pouncey, 28, as part of its offensive
line makeover.
The Dolphins also acquired
NATIONALS NOTES center Daniel Kilgore in a trade
with the San Francisco 49ers, and
four-time Pro Bowl guard Josh
Sitton agreed to terms on a two-
Excerpted from We just want to make sure he is Cincinnati temperatures two Taylor singled in his first at- the rotation, a race led by A.J. year deal that could be worth near- 100 percent right.” weeks from Thursday feels a bat, then took off trying to steal Cole, who is trailed closely by ly $18 million including incen-
His general manager struck a step above optimistic and a step second base — an effort Erick Fedde. tives, said his agent, Jack Reale.
similar tone. below ludicrous. rendered futile by a strikeout at Milone had not allowed a run Miami also signed former New
Murphy not ruled out “I think we’re optimistic. Martinez and Rizzo also share the plate but one indicative of in eight innings before England Patriots wide receiver
for Opening Day Those feelings will change when optimism about Adam Eaton’s his comfort. Thursday. He is pitching to a Danny Amendola and former
we see . . . this week will be and Michael A. Taylor’s Opening Ryan Zimmerman, who is not 2.70 ERA in 10 spring innings. Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver
Mike Rizzo wouldn’t do it. Dave important for him,” Rizzo said. Day readiness, and that seems battling any injury as far as he Albert Wilson.
Martinez wouldn’t do it. Daniel “. . . Obviously we’re not going more reasonable. has said, did not hit in those PATRIOTS: The Cleveland
Murphy didn’t talk to reporters to rush him. Opening Day is just Both Taylor (right side games Thursday — though he Strasburg looks sharp Browns traded cornerback Jason
Thursday in West Palm Beach, a day. We’re not going to rush tightness) and Eaton (torn has been taking at-bats there Stephen Strasburg joined Eaton McCourty to New England, reunit-
Fla., but so far he hasn’t been him and force-feed him into anterior cruciate ligament) this spring. and Taylor in the minor league ing him with his twin brother,
willing to do it either. Despite anything.” played in a minor league game None of those three are in the game, in which he threw about Devin. The Browns also sent a
all the indications that Murphy Rizzo said Murphy is running Thursday, and Martinez hinted lineup for Friday’s game. 70 pitches over five innings and seventh-round pick to the Patriots
will need more time to rebuild with his full body weight, that both will be back in the threw 10 more pitches in the to get a sixth-rounder in return.
than the two weeks remaining though he is still using lineup this weekend. bullpen afterward. Jason McCourty, 30, spent one
between now and Opening Day, treadmills as far as anyone has Eaton is scheduled to start Milone roughed up He looked sharp and paired season in Cleveland after eight
no one with the Washington seen. He has been taking playing in big league games next Tommy Milone threw two with Miguel Montero, who is with the Tennessee Titans. He
Nationals will rule him out just groundballs on the field for a week. innings Thursday and allowed being shuffled from starter to started 14 games and led the
yet. week but isn’t moving laterally. “We’re very optimistic for three runs on five hits in what starter as if he needs to get to Browns with three interceptions.
“I’m not going to rule him out He is hitting on the field but not those two guys,” Rizzo said. could be his final Grapefruit know them all for Opening Day. Devin McCourty has spent all
because he’s progressing really quite moving perfectly. “They’ve had plenty of at-bats.” League start of the spring. Montero is not on the 40-man eight years of his NFL career with
well,” said Martinez, the Still, the idea that Murphy Taylor and Eaton both played The veteran left-hander roster. He is a contender for the the Patriots.
Nationals’ manager. “You just will be ready to play in what the field in a minor league game entered camp as a dark-horse backup catcher’s job. PANTHERS: Carolina and
never know with these things. probably will be chilly Thursday. contender for the fifth spot in — Chelsea Janes unrestricted free agent defensive
tackle Dontari Poe agreed on a
three-year, $28 million deal, a per-
son familiar with the situation
SPRING TRAINING NOTES said. The person spoke on the con-
dition of anonymity because the

Yankees’ Judge warned of tampering after recruiting Machado move had not been announced.
The 27-year-old Poe played five
seasons for the Chiefs and went to
two Pro Bowls after being selected
A SSOCIATED P RESS reminder that you can’t do this about the scouting role. 11th overall in the 2012 draft. Poe
and have a good night.” RAYS: Chris Archer was spent last season with the Atlanta
Major League Baseball told “And I said, ‘All right, see you picked as Tampa Bay’s Opening Falcons and had 39 tackles and
New York Yankees slugger Aaron tomorrow,’ ” Judge said. Day starter for a franchise-record 21/2 sacks.
Judge his comments attempting ORIOLES: Baltimore slugger fourth consecutive season. JETS: New York filled two
to recruit Baltimore shortstop Mark Trumbo will start the season Archer is set to pitch against the holes with the signings of running
Manny Machado violate the on the 10-day disabled list with a Red Sox on March 29 at Tropicana back Isaiah Crowell and kicker
sport’s tampering rules, and Judge strained right quad. Field. The 29-year-old right-hand- Cairo Santos.
said he has learned the lesson. Manager Buck Showalter said er is 1-2 with a 3.57 ERA on Open- Crowell, 25, signed for three
When the Yankees played the Trumbo will miss a minimum of ing Day. years and $12 million. He will help
Orioles in Sarasota, Fla., on three weeks. Archer will tie James Shields for replace veteran Matt Forte, who
Wednesday, Judge encountered Trumbo missed a week with the most Opening Day starts for the recently retired. Crowell had
Machado on the field before the quad injury and returned to ac- franchise. 3,118 yards rushing and 21 touch-
game. tion Wednesday against the Yan- RED SOX: David Price made downs with 96 catches for
“Adding him to our lineup that kees. He felt discomfort after the his delayed spring-training debut 770 yards and a score in his four
we’ve already got, it’d be some- game and had an MRI exam. for Boston, allowing one hit over seasons with the Browns.
thing special,” Judge told report- Trumbo, who led the major four scoreless innings in a 7-5 win Santos, the NFL’s first Brazil-
ers. “I told him, ‘You’d look good in leagues in home runs with 47 in over Toronto in Fort Myers, Fla. ian-born player, had been with the
pinstripes.’ ” 2016, hit 23 homers last year. Price struck out five and walked Chiefs since 2014 before being re-
Judge added: “He just kind of REDS: Cincinnati hired for- one. An elbow injury limited to a leased early last season.
laughed it off. Didn’t really say mer Boston Red Sox manager career-low 11 starts last season. JAGUARS: Former Indian-
much.” Yankees slugger Aaron Judge, above, told reporters that he said to John Farrell as an internal scout CUBS: Chicago released vet- apolis Colts wide receiver Donte
Machado is eligible for free the Orioles’ Manny Machado, “You’d look good in pinstripes.” who will evaluate players already eran reliever Justin Grimm. Moncrief signed a one-year,
agency after this season, part of a in the system. The 29-year-old right-hander $7 million contract with AFC
class that includes Bryce Harper appropriate and not authorized by “It just kind of came up in pass- Farrell was fired by the Red Sox was a part of teams that made South rival Jacksonville.
and Josh Donaldson. the club. They will speak to him to ing,” Judge said Thursday. “Now I after they lost in the division series three straight National League BENGALS: Cincinnati
Major League Baseball said in a make sure that this does not hap- know. You learn something new for the second straight year, falling Championship Series appearanc- agreed to a one-year deal with
statement: “We have been in con- pen again.” every day.” to the Houston Astros. Buddy Bell, es and won the World Series in oft-injured tight end Tyler Eifert
tact with the Yankees. They com- Judge and General Manager Judge said the phone call from who was hired by Cincinnati as a 2016. But he struggled last season and a three-year deal with punter
municated to us that Mr. Judge’s Brian Cashman had a brief con- Cashman lasted about 30 seconds vice president and adviser in the with a 1-2 record and 5.53 ERA in Kevin Huber, holding on to two of
off the cuff comments were not versation about the matter. and the GM told him: “Here’s a offseason, reached out to Farrell 50 appearances. its unrestricted free agents.

Redskins welcome Smith, Richardson Morris: Wizards not ready

Forward says team needs to up its intensity with 13 games left before playoffs
back to start a game for the
Redskins since Snyder bought the BY C ANDACE B UCKNER
once-proud franchise 19 years
ago. In that time, Snyder has just boston — Several of the Wash-
six winning seasons, three NFC ington Wizards described their
East titles and nothing remotely 125-124 victory in double over-
resembling a Super Bowl run to time over the Boston Celtics in
show for it. brave terms. They fought back,
Whether Smith can deliver the one said. They battled this one
Super Bowl title that Snyder cov- out, another suggested. But after
ets is far from clear. To his credit, a long Wednesday night that
the veteran quarterback, who required three starters to log at
agreed to a four-year, $94 million least 42 minutes, Markieff Morris
contract extension that runs sat in front of his locker and
through 2002, offered no promis- shunned the hero’s tale.
es or sweeping pronouncements Morris, making eye contact
Thursday when asked what he with the carpet and speaking in
brings to the team — other than his low monotone voice, ex-
hard work and the drive to get plained the Wizards’ motivation.
better in every facet of his play. “We were getting embar-
“There’s certainly no areas rassed,” Morris said. “So basically
where I’m good enough,” said we just had to dig deep and figure
Smith, who is coming off the most out how to get back into the
impressive season of his career — game.”
one in which he set personal bests Less than 24 hours before this
for total yards (4,042), touch- win, Morris was sounding the
down throws (26) and passer alarm. The Wizards had lost to
rating (104.7). “You’re constantly the Minnesota Timberwolves,
trying to work on all of it.” Former Seahawks wide receiver Paul Richardson, with Redskins and their defensive mistakes and
Smith said he was impressed executive Doug Williams, signed a five-year, $40 million deal. poor execution had brought into
by the organization’s “desire to question the team’s preparedness
win from top to bottom” and invited guests, Cousins gave his their first Super Bowl victory for playoff-like basketball with
enthused about the variety of own introductory news confer- under Gibbs, said in a telephone only a few weeks remaining in
Coach Jay Gruden’s offense. “I ence in Minnesota, having signed interview. “It was time for a the regular season.
like to be kind of the Swiss Army a three-year fully guaranteed con- change — time for Kirk, and “The atmosphere is not there
knife, be able to take advantage of tract with the Vikings worth congratulations to him, and time yet,” Morris admitted.
a lot of different things,” Smith $84 million. for the Redskins to be able to Even though the Wizards (39-
said. At the outset of Thursday’s move past the last couple years of 30) clawed out of a 20-point
The 6-foot-2, 217-pound Smith proceedings at Redskins Park, uncertainty. Now you have the deficit and saved face by refusing
appears an ideal fit for Gruden’s senior vice president of personnel most important position on the to bend to a Celtics lineup miss-
pass-heavy scheme — smart, ac- Doug Williams — who earned field solidified.” ing six players, Morris still did
curate, versatile, with the bonus MVP honors for delivering the Also Thursday, the Redskins not feel his team showed it was
of improvisational skill outside second of the team’s three Super introduced former Seattle wide playoff ready.
the pocket and a willingness to Bowls under coach Joe Gibbs — receiver Paul Richardson, their “Not the start of the game. If
throw the deep ball. made clear that the focus was on latest acquisition, who signed a you’re down 20 in the playoffs
Gruden positively glowed the future. five-year, $40 million deal. A and if you don’t got LeBron
when asked about Smith’s attri- “We’re not looking in the friend of former Redskins wide James and Steph Curry and those
butes. rearview mirror,” Williams said. receivers DeSean Jackson and guys, it’s almost locked in for a
“He has all the traits you need,” “We’re going forward.” Pierre Garcon, with whom he [loss], especially on the road,”
said Gruden, the first coach to The hope is that Smith will shares an agent, Richardson said Morris said. “The start of the
earn a fifth season under Snyder. provide the stability the Redskins he sought to reflect elements of game was [expletive]-poor from
“There’s not a trait that [you say], lacked with Cousins, whom they both their games, blending us.” Markieff Morris and the Wizards have won just three of their past
‘Oh, I wish he had this!’ He can were ambivalent about signing breakaway speed with toughness. The postseason is quickly ap- eight games but remain in the running for a top-three seed.
throw the ball down the field — long-term and who showed little Like Richardson, Smith said he proaching, and the Wizards, who
he proved that. He can obviously interest in staying in Washington. was eager to get to work. are waiting on the return of a WIZ ARDS’ NEX T THREE going to help him and help them.
escape pressure when he needs to The hope is also that Smith and a “Certainly as you get older, you healthy John Wall, have just Everybody knows how good they
(Gruden still chafes over a scram- high-powered offense will revive realize the opportunities more,” 13 more games to address their vs. Indiana Pacers are. Everybody knows how much
ble Smith made against the Red- interest among a flagging fan Smith said. “You cherish it more recent rash of turnovers and de- of a challenge they are to play
skins in Kansas City’s 29-20 base, anchoring its most impor- because you realize that there’s an fensive problems. After the win Tomorrow 7 NBCSW against. I think that that stuff — I
come-from-behind victory in tant position for the next three, end for everybody, and that ex- over Boston, just the Wizards’ think we can all write a narrative
Week 4 last season). He’s efficient four or more years. For many, the cites me — that challenge. Can we third in the past eight games, the at San Antonio Spurs that maybe will show itself true,
with the ball. He protects the glory days of the franchise have find a way? Can we find a way to looming playoffs overshadowed Wednesday 9:30 NBCSW, ESPN but oftentimes it resets itself.
football. He’s accurate, and he’s become a distant memory. The come together and get it done?” the glow of victory. “I just think the playoffs are a
tough mentally and physically. team has advanced past the first Note: The team also made a “We need guys to play their vs. Denver Nuggets whole new thing.”
Definitely has all the tools we round of the playoffs just twice in move to address its defense, minutes harder. That’s it. You According to Stevens, the Wiz-
need to work with.” the past 20 years. bringing back interior linebacker know what? It’s time,” Coach March 23 7 NBCSW, NBATV ards won’t necessarily have to go
Smith succeeds Kirk Cousins, Now comes Smith, who repre- Zach Brown with a three-year Scott Brooks said. “It’s time for on a long winning streak to
who played the past two seasons sents an investment in experi- contract worth up to $24 million. guys to come off the bench and Radio: WFED (1500 AM) become playoff ready. Even so,
under the NFL’s franchise tag ence and stability. Brown led the Redskins last sea- play better. It’s time for our start- there are still remaining games
after failing to reach a long-term “The whole situation with Kirk son with 127 tackles despite miss- ers to have better starts, and it’s ning streak — even earning two that could propel them into the
deal with the team. Shortly before had really spiraled out of control,” ing the final three games because also time for our team to play well victories over the Cleveland Cava- postseason.
Smith met reporters and an audi- former quarterback Joe Theis- of injury. together and not just have a first liers, the team it would face in the On Saturday night, the Wiz-
ence of Redskins officials and mann, who led the Redskins to and second unit. It’s a team, but playoffs. Then the first round ards play the Indiana Pacers for
they all have to do their part, and started. the third and final time. Since the
it’s all connected with one an- “And got swept in four,” Ste- teams have split the previous
other.” vens said. matchups, the winner Saturday
BARRY SVRLUGA While the Wizards need to Now in his fifth season, Ste- in Washington will own a tie-
improve — over the past eight vens views the 82 regular season breaker — a significant note con-

QB brings a sense of stability to District games, the team ranks in the

bottom third of the league in
defensive rating and turnovers
games and the playoffs as sepa-
rate challenges.
“Everybody gets a new lease on
sidering Indiana and Washington
are hovering around the four and
five seeds and could meet in the
per game — a strong, late push in life when that regular season first round.
SVRLUGA FROM D1 own future, his commitment to during the season don’t have to March and April may not ensure ends and the playoffs start. The “We got to realize the playoffs
Washington, his intentions in worry about whether our fearless playoff success. key is to be in it, to be as healthy are right around the corner. It’ll
Smith’s arrival kills off the game free agency. Their words were leader’s going to be here next Celtics Coach Brad Stevens as you can be, obviously, but then be here in a snap of a finger,”
we have played in these parts incessantly parsed. It was, year.” needs only to look back a few to maximize the guys that are on Wizards guard Bradley Beal said.
since the turn of the century. frankly, tiresome. We’re just getting to know years to disprove the notion that your roster to play as well as you “Every team that we play is a
Pick a year, and follow the Maybe Smith can relieve us all Smith up close, and a a team that catches fire before the can,” Stevens said. “Clearly, the playoff team. . . . We got to use
timeline. In 2006, Joe Gibbs — of that. There is a place to debate relationship between a city and postseason will stay hot into the Wizards are going to be even that as a trump card, that being
version 2.0 — benched veteran how a quarterback who turns 34 its quarterback needs time to first round. better when John gets back. beneficial to us moving forward
quarterback Mark Brunell in in May will age over the course of develop. This is a feeling-out In Stevens’s second season as When John’s full go and if he gets and we can get better and be
favor of rookie Jason Campbell. his contract, which doesn’t process, and Smith spent his 15- coach, Boston concluded the reg- a couple games under his belt ready to go come playoff time.”
The position in Washington has expire until after the 2022 minute media availability ular season with a six-game win- before the playoffs, that’s really
been in some measure of flux for season. But let’s assign some Thursday saying the right things.
what seems like eternity because meaning to a moment where He praised his new team’s
it was Todd Collins, not none may exist: Standing at that commitment to winning “from
Campbell, who took the lectern Thursday, sliding his top to bottom,” even though he NBA ROUNDUP
following year’s team to the hand into the pocket of that suit, has done far more winning than
playoffs. It was Donovan
McNabb, not Campbell, who first
took snaps when Mike Shanahan
Smith’s entire demeanor said, “I
got this.”
“For quarterbacks, there’s so
his new team during his previous
stops in San Francisco and
Kansas City. He talked up aspects
Toronto extends winning streak to 10
arrived as coach in 2010. It was many different things that of Gruden’s system that he said
Rex Grossman who replaced a happen, that come up in a he would enjoy. He spoke of his 76ERS 118, KNICKS 110:
 20 points while playing only three
benched McNabb and John Beck situation, in a game, over a desire to win a championship, RAPTORS 106, Joel Embiid had 29 points and quarters.
who . . . who cares? At some season, and I think you have to making it clear that is a team PACERS 99 10 rebounds, Ben Simmons fin- SPURS 98, PELICANS 93:

point, it was just too much. be able to handle all of that,” pursuit. ished with a triple-double, and LaMarcus Aldridge scored
It never ended. Maybe it has Smith said. “Some of them are More importantly, though, Philadelphia used a big final peri- 25 points, Dejounte Murray had
now. It’s March. We can hope. physical, some of them are Smith made it clear that he A SSOCIATED P RESS od to rally past New York at Madi- 18 points and 12 rebounds, and
“I certainly feel like, as a mental, and some both.” understands the parameters of son Square Garden. San Antonio overcame another
quarterback, I can do a lot,” With that, there is an his job, that talking means DeMar DeRozan scored The 76ers, who hold the sixth late rally to beat New Orleans at
Smith said in an auditorium at understanding that when things nothing if he doesn’t perform. 24 points, Jonas Valanciunas add- spot in the Eastern Conference home.
Redskins Park that was filled go wrong, the quarterback will Thursday was an exercise, a ed 16 points and 17 rebounds, and playoff race, trailed by 13 points in New Orleans was playing hours
with the team’s staff and have the most questions to necessary one, because he is now the Toronto Raptors rallied late to the third quarter before storming after learning Pelicans owner
sponsors. “I like that. I like to be answer. This is not new territory. this town’s and this team’s focal get past the Indiana Pacers, 106- back in the final period. Tom Benson had died. Benson
kind of the Swiss Army knife.” Nothing’s a surprise. point. But he knows his words 99, on Thursday night in Indian- Simmons finished with was hospitalized with the flu on
One blade that he must pop For now, too, so many are just words, that his apolis for their 10th straight vic- 13 points, 12 assists and 10 re- Feb. 16 and never recovered.
out — in any NFL city but here in questions that have defined commitment and character will tory. bounds. Anthony Davis finished with
particular — will have to be used recent Washington offseasons have to show in other ways. The Raptors need one more HORNETS 129, HAWKS 21 points and 14 rebounds but
as a rudder. He is a 12-year are eliminated. Griffin’s health “There’s nothing I’m going to win to tie the franchise’s longest 117: Dwight Howard scored 20 of fouled out after playing 36 min-
veteran who will begin work in and job security. Cousins’s say, nothing anybody’s going to winning streak. They haven’t lost his season-high 33 points in the utes.
his third market. There’s no development and long-term say that’s going to prove that,” since Feb. 23 and broke a tie with second half, Nicolas Batum had a NUGGETS 120, PISTONS
question he hasn’t faced — not desires. The team’s evaluation of Smith said. “We got to go do it. the 2016-17 squad for longest road triple-double and set a career 113: Nikola Jokic had 23 points,
about his own ability, not about either of them. Killing off those We’ve got to go win games. We’ve winning streak, which is now at high with 16 assists, and Charlotte 12 rebounds and 10 assists for his
his team’s success, not about story lines has an impact, from got to play well.” eight. won in Atlanta. eighth triple-double of the season
anything. That means there’s no the front office to the fan base. Over the course of his career, But it sure wasn’t easy on a Kemba Walker added 24 points as Denver’s playoff hopes received
controversy around which he “You’re not always looking Alex Smith has played well. Last night Darron Collison scored for Charlotte, which kept its slim a much-needed boost with a vic-
hasn’t had to tiptoe. It’s valuable down the road, who’s going to be year, he may have played better 22 points and Al Jefferson had a playoff hopes alive. tory at home.
experience. His immediate our quarterback here next year?” than he ever has. On his first season-high 20 for Indiana. Taurean Prince finished with The fading Pistons dropped
predecessors didn’t really have it. Coach Jay Gruden said. public day as the quarterback in ROCKETS
 101, CLIPPERS 22 points for Atlanta, the worst their 11th straight road game de-
The midweek media There will be a time for that Washington — a day on which he 96: James Harden scored team in the East at 20-49. spite Andre Drummond scoring
availabilities of Robert Griffin again. But for now, enjoy the didn’t take a snap or throw a 24 points, Eric Gordon added 23, BULLS 111, GRIZZLIES 21 points and grabbing 17 re-
III, back in 2012, went from break. pass — the way he carried and Houston outlasted visiting 110: Antonio Blakeney made two bounds.
insightful, must-watch glimpses “I don’t think the fans really himself showed that, at least for Los Angeles. of three free throws with 1.8 sec- JAZZ 116, SUNS 88: In Salt

into the development of a can’t- understand when you talk about a moment, he brings meaningful The Clippers scored six straight onds left as visiting Chicago sent Lake City, Donovan Mitchell
miss star to delicate high-wire stability, when you know the guy experience and reassuring points, with four from Austin Riv- Memphis to its 19th straight loss. scored 23 points and Rudy Gobert
acts, the circus down below, that’s going to be leading your stability to a position that, since ers, to cut the lead to a basket with On the game’s final play, the had 21 points and 13 rebounds to
unrelenting. Griffin had to learn team is going to be in your locker the turn of this century, has less than a minute left. But on the Grizzlies got the ball to Marc lead Utah to its eighth consecu-
all this as a 22-year-old rookie. room for the next three to four to teetered in this town. Enjoy it next possession, Harden stepped Gasol for a baseline fadeaway that tive win.
Kirk Cousins, who replaced five years, that’s a good feeling,” while it lasts. back and knocked down a long was long. JaMychal Green tipped Joe Ingles scored 17 points, in-
Griffin and will be replaced by said Doug Williams, the team’s two-pointer with Rivers in his it in but after the horn, although it cluding four three-pointers, and
Smith, rode shotgun as Griffin senior vice president of player face to make it 100-96. appeared to be basket interfer- Jae Crowder added 12 for the Jazz,
became a sideshow, then had to personnel. “Now [Washington’s For more by Barry Svrluga, visit It was Houston’s third consecu- ence anyway. which has won 20 of its past
navigate questions about his players] can relax and even tive win. Zach LaVine led the Bulls with 22 games.


Atkinson’s hat trick powers Columbus to sixth victory in a row With a 68,
BLUE JACKETS 5, Woods is
and Columbus are one point
ahead of idle New Jersey, which
tals, however, hold the tiebreaker
with two games in hand.
Boston in Sunrise, Fla.
Making his first start in six
nipeg defeated Chicago.
Connor Hellebuyck turned
down four
holds a wild-card spot.
If the playoffs began Friday, the
Flyers would finish third in the
Tristan Jarry made 17 saves for
his 14th win of the season as start-
er Matt Murray remained side-
games, Reimer earned his third
shutout of the season. Nick Bjug-
stad had a goal and an assist, and
away 25 shots in his 36th win,
increasing his franchise record.
Predators lose Jarnkrok

Cam Atkinson scored a hat trick

at Bay Hill
division based on tiebreakers
while the Blue Jackets would get
the first wild card. Both teams
lined with a concussion.
Artturi Lehkonen, Paul Byron
and Nicolas Deslauriers scored for
Vincent Trocheck and Aaron Ek-
blad also scored.
Anton Khudobin stopped
The Nashville Predators an-
nounced that forward Calle Jarn-
to lead the surging Columbus Blue have 11 games remaining. the Canadiens. 25 shots for the Bruins. krok will miss the rest of the regu-
Jackets to their sixth straight vic- Blue Jackets goalie Sergei Bo- MAPLE LEAFS 5, SABRES
 4, BLUES 1: lar season with an upper-body in- A SSOCIATED P RESS
tory, 5-3 over the host Philadel- brovsky made 27 saves. 2: James van Riemsdyk had two Nathan MacKinnon had two goals jury.
phia Flyers on Thursday night. PENGUINS 5, CANADIENS
 goals and an assist to lead Toronto and an assist, Semyon Varlamov Jarnkrok was hurt Tuesday Henrik Stenson had a hot put-
Oliver Bjorkstand and Boone 3: Patric Hornqvist’s second goal to a victory in Buffalo. stopped 44 shots, and Colorado night in a 3-1 win over Winnipeg ter, a much quieter crowd and a
Jenner also scored for the Blue of the game gave Pittsburgh the Connor Carrick, Tyler Bozak prevailed in St. Louis. when he was checked by Jets for- one-shot lead in the Arnold Palm-
Jackets, who tied Philadelphia for lead in the third period, and the and Patrick Marleau also scored Mikko Rantanen also scored ward Andrew Copp during the er Invitational in Orlando.
third place in the Metropolitan visiting Penguins went on to beat for the Maple Leafs, and Curtis twice to help the Avalanche win its third period. Jarnkrok went to the One week after Stenson re-
Division. Montreal. McElhinney stopped 38 shots. third straight to move into the first locker room and was seen wearing turned from his winter break and
Claude Giroux, Andrew Mac- Phil Kessel, Evgeni Malkin and Van Riemsdyk has five goals in wild-card spot in the Western Con- a sling around his right arm leav- spent two days with Tiger Woods
Donald and Shayne Gostisbehere Bryan Rust also scored for Pitts- the past two games. ference, one point ahead of Dallas. ing the arena. and his raucous crowds, he made
scored for the slumping Flyers, burgh, which remain tied with PANTHERS
 6, BLACKHAWKS 2: The forward had tied his career birdie on half of the holes at Bay
who dropped their seventh in the Washington in points atop the James Reimer tied a season high Kyle Connor scored twice to reach high with 16 goals and had a ca- Hill for an 8-under-par 64, his
past eight games. Philadelphia Metropolitan Division. The Capi- with 46 saves to lead Florida past 25 goals this season, and host Win- reer-high 35 points. lowest round ever on the course
the King built.
PGA Tour rookies Aaron Wise
and Talor Gooch each shot a 65.

Capitals C AP I TAL S ’ N E X T TH R E E

vs. New York Islanders

Today 7 NBCSW,
Wise missed a six-foot birdie putt
on the final hole.
Woods again brought out big
crowds in the unseasonable chill

win their at Philadelphia Flyers

NHL Network
Thursday morning and gave them
quite a show. He hit a tee shot that
was out of bounds by inches. He
atoned for that with a 70-foot bird-

third Sunday

vs. Dallas Stars

NHL Network
ie putt. And he wound up with a
68, his best opening round since
he returned this year from a fourth
back surgery.

straight Tuesday

Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM)

“I feel like I’m not really think-
ing as much around the golf
course,” Woods said. “I can just see
and feel it and go.”
Each week has been a little bet-
CAPITALS FROM D1 Capitals 7, Islanders 3 ter for Woods, and Stenson saw
WASHINGTON ......................... 3 2 2 — 7 the progress last week. The 41-
N.Y. ISLANDERS ...................... 2 0 1 — 3
clays Center, the Capitals ben- year-old Swede typically takes a
efited from the opposing team’s month off between the Middle
Scoring: 1, N.Y. Islanders, Nelson 16 (Fritz, Pulock), 2:19.
goaltending struggles. Capitals 2, Washington, Eller 16 (Connolly, Vrana), 10:32. 3, East swing and the Florida swing,
Coach Barry Trotz said he expect- Washington, Oshie 13 (Backstrom, Burakovsky), 11:29. and he returned last week to a
4, N.Y. Islanders, Ladd 10 (Barzal, Eberle), 12:29. 5,
ed the game to have a playoff feel Washington, Orlov 9 (Kuznetsov, Wilson), 17:17. Penal- grouping of Woods and Jordan
ties: Kempny, WSH, (unsportsmanlike conduct), 12:49.
because the Islanders are desper- Spieth. That didn’t bother him as
ate for points, presently on the much as his poor putting.
Scoring: 6, Washington, Burakovsky 9 (Niskanen, Jera-
outside of the postseason picture, bek), 3:12. 7, Washington, Backstrom 18 (Orlov, Kuznet- Bay Hill provided a change in
and the contest was a shootout sov), 10:22 (pp). Penalties: Niskanen, WSH, (interfer-
ence), 0:29; Clutterbuck, NYI, (slashing), 8:35; Wilson,
both areas.
early. Against a New York team WSH, (roughing), 18:08. “It’s great to see him back com-
that has allowed a league-worst THIRD PERIOD peting, but it was a little loud out
3.51 goals per game, Washington Scoring: 8, Washington, Carlson 13 (Ovechkin, Kuznet- there last week,” Stenson said. “But
sov), 15:41. 9, N.Y. Islanders, Pulock 7 (Fritz), 16:33. 10,
scored three goals on nine shots Washington, Oshie 14 (Backstrom, Orlov), 18:06. Penal- that comes with the excitement of
in the first period. ties: None. having him back and seeing him
“The Islanders just gave us a lot SHOTS ON GOAL play well, so I thought it was great.
of room to skate on from the WASHINGTON ......................... 9 8 5 — 22 . . . I guess it’s nice to get a little bit
N.Y. ISLANDERS .................... 12 14 12 — 38
beginning,” forward Andre Bura- Power-play opportunities: Washington 1 of 1; N.Y. of a breather at times, though.”
kovsky said. “I mean, my first Islanders 0 of 3. Goalies: Washington, Grubauer 11-8-3 It really helps to be putting well,
(38 shots-35 saves). N.Y. Islanders, Gibson 1-1-2 (12-7),
three shifts, I was skating around Halak 18-22-6 (9-8). A: 10,740 (15,795). T: 2:27. especially on pure greens at Bay
and around and around with the Hill that already had a yellow hue
puck and making plays. We didn’t a poor angle. to them. He spent the weekend at
really expect that out of them. We Washington didn’t turn back home in Orlando working with
were expecting a little bit harder from there. The Burakovsky- Phil Kenyon, his putting coach,
pressure when we had the puck. T.J. Oshie said of ending his goal drought in the first period, “If that one didn’t go in, I don’t know.” Backstrom-Oshie trio got on the and it seemed to help. Stenson
But, yeah, they just gave us a lot of board once more when Burakov- took only 20 putts, tying his per-
ice to skate on.” New York’s defensive lapses Before this game, Trotz reunit- his first goal. “It was a great play sky deflected a point shot from sonal best.
The Islanders are also one of worked wonders for some of ed Oshie with center Nicklas by him. If that one didn’t go in, I defenseman Jakub Jerabek in the He ran off five straight birdies
the NHL’s most talented offensive Washington’s forwards. Oshie Backstrom and Burakovsky, a trio don’t know. I don’t know what second period. That ended a sev- around the turn, and he followed
teams, and they opened the scor- had gone 19 games without a goal, that had been successful in the would’ve happened.” en-game goal drought for Bura- his lone bogey at the par-3 14th with
ing. New York center Tanner Fritz and his last even-strength goal second round of the playoffs last The Islanders tied the game kovsky and also was the first point two birdies and a 10-foot par save.
skated around the back of the net, was Dec. 22 — 33 games ago. season. Less than a minute after 60 seconds later, when Andrew with Washington for Jerabek, ac- LPGA TOUR: Karine Icher
dishing the puck to the slot, where Oshie had been getting his Eller’s goal, Oshie barreled Ladd scored on a rush with center quired just before the trade dead- and Chella Choi each shot 5-under
Brock Nelson scored with a point- chances lately, finishing with five toward Gibson on a two-on-one Mathew Barzal. In an apparent line. A power-play goal from 67 in chilly and windy conditions
blank shot on Grubauer 2:19 into shots on goal in Washington’s last rush with Burakovsky. His 13th theme for the evening, Ladd Backstrom 10:22 into the second to share the first-round lead in the
the game. But then Washington game, but his drop in production goal of the season lifted the Capi- snapped a 25-game drought with period prompted Halak off the Founders Cup in Phoenix. Ariya
tied the game when Lars Eller from last season, when he scored tals to a 2-1 lead. Oshie also would the goal. But then defenseman bench to relieve Gibson. Jutanugarn was a shot back with
beat Gibson with a wrist shot a career-high 33 goals, has stung score Washington’s seventh goal Dmitry Orlov put the Capitals “I thought it came easy for us Inbee Park, Lizette Salas, Cydney
from the right faceoff circle. That considering the 31-year-old of the game, an empty-net tally. ahead again with his career-high today,” Trotz said. “. . . It was a Clanton, Mariajo Uribe and Hee
was Eller’s 16th goal, matching signed an eight-year deal this past “I actually bobbled [Burakov- ninth tally, turning Ladd inside little bit of luck going our way a Young Park in the event that hon-
his career high set seven years ago summer worth $5.75 million a sky’s] pass a little bit, but it found out as he drove to the net and little bit.” ors the 13 women who founded the
with Montreal. year. the back of the net,” Oshie said of sneaked a puck past Gibson with LPGA Tour in 1950.



NBA 8 p.m. AMA Supercross » Fox Sports 1
Noon NIT second round: Mississippi State at Baylor » ESPN
7 p.m. Indiana at Washington » NBC Sports Washington, WFED (1500 AM, 820 AM) COLLEGE BASEBALL 2:30 p.m. NCAA second round » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13)
8:30 p.m. Minnesota at San Antonio » NBA TV 2 p.m. Georgia at Alabama » SEC Network 4:30 p.m. NIT second round: Oregon at Marquette » ESPN2
7 p.m. Missouri at LSU » SEC Network 5 p.m. NCAA second round » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13)
NHL 6 p.m. NCAA second round » TNT
1 p.m. Chicago at Buffalo » NHL Network COLLEGE SOFTBALL 6:30 p.m. NIT second round: Middle Tennessee at Louisville » ESPN2
7 p.m. Montreal at Toronto » NHL Network 5 p.m. Mississippi State at Missouri » SEC Network 7 p.m. NCAA second round » TBS, WTEM (980 AM)
8 p.m. Alabama at Auburn » SEC Network 7:30 p.m. NCAA second round » truTV
HOCKEY 8:30 p.m. NCAA second round » TNT
3:30 p.m. Canadian Hockey League: Mississauga at Niagara » NHL Network MEN’S COLLEGE LACROSSE 9:30 p.m. NCAA second round » TBS, WTEM (980 AM)
MLB SPRING TRAINING 1:30 p.m. Loyola at Navy » CBS Sports Network
4 p.m. Pennsylvania at Princeton » ESPNU
1 p.m. New York Yankees at Detroit » MLB Network Noon NCAA second round » ESPN2
6 p.m. Virginia at Notre Dame » ESPNU
4 p.m. Los Angeles Dodgers at Chicago White Sox » MLB Network 4 p.m. NCAA second round » ESPN2
7 p.m. Oakland at San Francisco » MLB Network WOMEN’S COLLEGE LACROSSE 7 p.m. NCAA second round » ESPN
11 a.m. Colgate at Navy » CBS Sports Network 7 p.m. NCAA second round » ESPN2
9 p.m. NCAA second round » ESPN
Noon NIT second round: Penn State at Notre Dame » ESPN MEN’S COLLEGE HOCKEY 9 p.m. NCAA second round » ESPN2
12:10 p.m. NCAA second round » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13) 8 p.m. Big Ten championship: Ohio State at Notre Dame » Big Ten Network
2:40 p.m. NCAA second round » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13) 8:30 p.m. National Collegiate Hockey Conference championship » SOCCER
5:15 p.m. NCAA second round » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13) CBS Sports Network 8 a.m. French Ligue 1: Nice vs. Paris Saint-Germain » beIN Sports
6:10 p.m. NCAA second round » TNT 8:30 a.m. German Bundesliga: Borussia Dortmund vs. Hannover 96 » Fox Sports 1
6 p.m. NCAA Division III championship » CBS Sports Network COLLEGE WRESTLING 10:30 a.m. German Bundesliga: Cologne vs. Bayer Leverkusen » Fox Sports 1
7:10 p.m. NCAA second round » TBS, WTEM (980 AM) 11 a.m. NCAA Division I semifinals and medal matches » ESPNU 11 a.m. Spanish La Liga: FC Barcelona vs. Athletic Bilbao » beIN Sports
7:45 p.m. NCAA second round » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13) 8 p.m. NCAA Division I finals » ESPN2 3:35 p.m. Spanish La Liga: Real Madrid vs. Girona FC » beIN Sports
8:40 p.m. NCAA second round » TNT
9:40 p.m. NCAA second round » TBS, WTEM (980 AM) BOXING TENNIS
8 p.m. Amir Imam vs. Jose Ramirez (junior welterweights) » ESPN 2 p.m. BNP Paribas Open: men’s and women’s finals » ESPN
11 a.m. NCAA first round: whip-around coverage » ESPN2 GYMNASTICS GOLF
1 p.m. NCAA first round: George Washington vs. Ohio State » ESPN2 2 p.m. B1G Five Meet at Michigan State » Big Ten Network 12:30 p.m. PGA Tour: Arnold Palmer Invitational, final round » Golf Channel
3:30 p.m. NCAA first round: American vs. UCLA » ESPN2 5:30 p.m. B1G Five Meet at Rutgers » Big Ten Network 2 p.m. PGA Tour: Arnold Palmer Invitational, final round » WRC (Ch. 4),
6 p.m. NCAA first round: whip-around coverage » ESPN2 WBAL (Ch. 11)
SOCCER 8:30 p.m. Cross-country skiing; sled hockey (gold medal game); and wheelchair AUTO RACING
8 a.m. FA Cup: Swansea vs. Tottenham » Fox Sports 1 curling » NBC Sports Network 3:30 p.m. NASCAR Cup Series: Auto Club 400 » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45)
10:55 a.m. English Premier League: Huddersfield vs. Crystal Palace »
11 a.m. English Premier League: Stoke City vs. Everton » CNBC 8:30 a.m. Six Nations: Italy vs. Scotland » NBC Sports Network 1 p.m. Florida at South Carolina » ESPNU
11 a.m. Spanish La Liga: Valencia vs. Alavés » beIN Sports Noon Six Nations: England vs. Ireland » WRC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11) 3 p.m. Georgia at Alabama » SEC Network
1 p.m. MLS: D.C. United at Houston » NewsChannel 8 1 p.m. Six Nations: Wales vs. France » CNBC
1:2 p.m. Spanish La Liga: Leganés vs. Sevilla » beIN Sports
1:25 p.m. Premier League: Liverpool vs. Watford » NBC Sports Network 1 p.m. Mississippi State at Missouri » SEC Network
4:30 p.m. LSU at Kentucky » ESPNU
3:40 p.m. Italian Serie A: SPAL vs. Juventus » beIN Sports
SUNDAY 6 p.m. Alabama at Auburn » SEC Network
2 p.m. BNP Paribas Open: men’s semifinals » ESPN
1 p.m. G League: Lakeland at Maine » NBA TV
6 p.m. BNP Paribas Open: men’s and women’s doubles final » Tennis Channel 7 p.m. Houston at Minnesota » NBA TV 3 p.m. NCAA championship » Big Ten Network
10:30 p.m. Portland at Los Angeles Clippers » NBA TV
12:30 p.m. PGA Tour: Arnold Palmer Invitational, third round » Golf Channel NHL 4 p.m. PBR Ty Murray Invitational » CBS Sports Network
2:30 p.m. PGA Tour: Arnold Palmer Invitational, third round » ESPN 5 p.m. Washington at Philadelphia » NBC Sports Washington,
6 p.m. LPGA Tour: Founders Cup, third round » Golf Channel WFED (1500 AM, 820 AM)
10 a.m. Los Angeles Marathon » WGN
10:30 a.m. SportsCar Championship » Fox Sports 1 1 p.m. Philadelphia at Minnesota » MLB Network



NBA Nuggets 120, Pistons 113 Duke 89, Iona 67 Texas Tech 70, NHL PGA Tour
EASTERN CONFERENCE DETROIT ............................. 29 22 33 29 — 113 Iona (20-14) Stephen F. Austin 60 EASTERN CONFERENCE ARNOLD PALMER INVITATIONAL
DENVER .............................. 33 32 33 22 — 120 Edogi 5-8 1-2 11, Casimir 3-9 1-2 9, McGill 3-7 3-4 10, At Bay Hill Club & Lodge in Orlando
ATLANTIC W L Pct GB Lewis 4-9 0-0 10, Crawford 0-6 2-2 2, Williams 1-1 0-0 2, Stephen F. Austin (28-7) METROPOLITAN W L OL PTS. GF GA
Gilmore 0-2 2-3 2, Holyfield 4-8 1-3 10, Charles 1-5 0-2 3, Purse: $8.9 million
x-Toronto ...................................51 17 .750 — DETROIT: Ennis III 2-6 0-0 5, Griffin 9-21 3-3 26, Griffin 9-12 3-4 21, Kensmil 0-0 0-0 0, Seaforth 1-2 0-0 2, Washington .................. 40 23 7 87 216 205 Yardage: 7,419; Par 72 (36-36)
x-Boston ....................................46 22 .676 5 Drummond 9-18 3-8 21, Smith 4-7 0-0 8, Bullock 7-12 0-0 Much 0-4 0-0 0, Svandrlik 0-2 0-0 0. 26-60 Totals 10-14 Canete 5-8 6-6 17, Harris 4-12 3-4 12, Nieminen 0-0 2-2 2, Pittsburgh ..................... 41 26 5 87 237 218
Bain 0-0 0-0 0, Bogues 4-11 5-8 14, Comeaux 0-1 0-0 0, First Round
Philadelphia ...............................37 30 .552 131/2 17, Johnson 1-4 0-0 3, Tolliver 3-4 0-0 9, Moreland 0-2 67. Columbus ...................... 38 28 5 81 198 198 Henrik Stenson .................................. 33 31 — 64 -8
New York ...................................24 45 .348 271/2 0-0 0, Buycks 8-15 5-6 22, Kennard 1-3 0-0 2. Totals Augustin 0-0 0-0 0. 18-47 Totals 19-28 60. Philadelphia .................. 35 25 11 81 208 210
Duke (27-7) Aaron Wise ........................................ 31 34 — 65 -7
Brooklyn.....................................21 47 .309 30 44-92 11-17 113. Texas Tech (25-9) New Jersey ................... 36 26 8 80 212 211 Talor Gooch ........................................ 33 32 — 65 -7
Carter 4-8 1-1 9, Bagley 10-15 1-2 22, Allen 6-14 0-1 16,
DENVER: Chandler 0-6 0-0 0, Millsap 6-12 0-0 14, Jokic Gray 2-5 0-2 4, Odiase 0-0 0-0 0, Evans 6-10 10-10 23, Carolina ......................... 30 29 11 71 188 218 Jimmy Walker ................................... 35 32 — 67 -5
Duval 7-11 1-1 19, Trent 6-12 0-0 16, DeLaurier 0-0 0-0 0,
SOUTHEAST W L Pct GB 8-15 5-6 23, Murray 9-17 3-5 26, G.Harris 5-7 1-1 11, Zh.Smith 4-8 1-2 10, Culver 2-5 2-2 6, Hamilton 1-4 0-2 2, N.Y. Rangers ................. 32 32 7 71 205 227 Rickie Fowler ..................................... 34 33 — 67 -5
Robinson 1-2 0-2 2, White 0-0 0-0 0, Bolden 2-2 1-1 5,
Washington ...............................39 30 .565 — Lyles 3-4 2-2 9, Plumlee 1-2 0-1 2, D.Harris 3-6 5-5 12, Za.Smith 4-5 1-2 9, Francis 2-4 0-0 5, Stevenson 2-9 2-4 N.Y. Islanders ............... 30 30 10 70 225 252 Bryson DeChambeau ......................... 34 33 — 67 -5
Vrankovic 0-0 0-0 0, O’Connell 0-2 0-0 0, Goldwire 0-1 0-0
Miami.........................................36 33 .522 3 Barton 8-16 6-8 23, Beasley 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 43-85 22-28 0. Totals 36-67 4-8 89. 6, Webster 0-0 0-0 0, Moretti 2-4 0-0 5. Totals 25-54 Patrick Reed ....................................... 33 35 — 68 -4
Charlotte....................................30 39 .435 9 120. 16-24 70. ATLANTIC W L OL PTS. GF GA Tiger Woods ...................................... 35 33 — 68 -4
Orlando ......................................21 48 .304 18 Halftime: Duke 53-39. Three-point goals: Iona 5-24 Tampa Bay .................... 48 18 4 100 257 198 Byeong Hun An .................................. 34 34 — 68 -4
Three-point Goals: Detroit 14-27 (Griffin 5-8, Tolliver (Lewis 2-4, Casimir 2-6, McGill 1-3, Seaforth 0-1, Halftime: Stephen F. Austin 30-27. Three-point goals:
Atlanta.......................................20 49 .290 19 Stephen F. Austin 5-14 (Charles 1-1, Holyfield 1-2, Boston ........................... 44 17 8 96 232 179 Billy Horschel ..................................... 35 33 — 68 -4
3-4, Bullock 3-5, Johnson 1-2, Buycks 1-3, Ennis III 1-4, Svandrlik 0-2, Much 0-3, Crawford 0-5), Duke 13-30 Toronto ......................... 42 22 7 91 239 204 Brian Harman .................................... 35 33 — 68 -4
Kennard 0-1), Denver 12-28 (Murray 5-8, Millsap 2-4, (Duval 4-5, Trent 4-9, Allen 4-10, Bagley 1-1, O’Connell Canete 1-3, Bogues 1-4, Harris 1-4), Texas Tech 4-16
CENTRAL W L Pct GB (Francis 1-2, Evans 1-2, Zh.Smith 1-2, Moretti 1-3, Gray Florida ........................... 35 26 7 77 208 212 J.B. Holmes ........................................ 34 34 — 68 -4
Jokic 2-5, Lyles 1-1, D.Harris 1-3, Barton 1-5, G.Harris 0-1, Goldwire 0-1, Robinson 0-1, Carter 0-2). Fouled out: Montreal ....................... 26 33 12 64 182 226 Brandon Harkins ................................ 34 35 — 69 -3
Indiana .......................................40 29 .580 — 0-1, Chandler 0-1). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Detroit None. Rebounds: Iona 26 (Edogi 9), Duke 37 (Carter 8). 0-1, Hamilton 0-2, Stevenson 0-2, Culver 0-2). Fouled
Cleveland ...................................39 29 .574 1/
2 out: Charles, Holyfield. Rebounds: Stephen F. Austin 31 Detroit .......................... 26 32 11 63 180 211 Justin Rose ........................................ 31 38 — 69 -3
41 (Drummond 17), Denver 45 (Jokic 12). Assists: Assists: Iona 16 (Casimir 6), Duke 24 (Allen 9). Total Ottawa .......................... 25 33 11 61 193 240 Graeme McDowell ............................. 35 34 — 69 -3
Milwaukee .................................36 32 .529 31/2 Detroit 30 (Griffin 9), Denver 26 (Jokic 10). Total Fouls: fouls: Iona 16, Duke 12. A: 18,757 (19,758). (Harris 8), Texas Tech 40 (Zh.Smith 8). Assists: Stephen
Detroit .......................................30 38 .441 91/2 F. Austin 9 (Charles, Harris 3), Texas Tech 14 (Evans 5). Buffalo .......................... 22 36 12 56 167 229 Zach Johnson ..................................... 35 34 — 69 -3
Detroit 20, Denver 15. Technicals: Drummond. A: 18,697 Tommy Fleetwood ............................. 34 35 — 69 -3
Chicago ......................................24 44 .353 151/2 (19,155). Total fouls: Stephen F. Austin 23, Texas Tech 21. WESTERN CONFERENCE
Technical fouls: Nieminen. Rory McIlroy ...................................... 32 37 — 69 -3
WESTERN CONFERENCE Emiliano Grillo ................................... 35 34 — 69 -3
Kansas 76, Penn 60 CENTRAL W L OL PTS. GF GA
Ernie Els ............................................. 36 33 — 69 -3
SOUTHWEST W L Pct GB Nashville ....................... 45 14 10 100 225 174
Jazz 116, Suns 88 Penn (24-9) Winnipeg ...................... 42 19 10 94 236 187
Sam Burns ......................................... 34 35 — 69 -3
x-Houston ..................................54 14 .794 — Bubba Watson ................................... 35 35 — 70 -2
Brodeur 6-16 1-4 14, Rothschild 0-1 1-2 1, Betley 3-9 0-0 Minnesota ..................... 39 24 7 85 217 203
New Orleans ..............................39 29 .574 15 PHOENIX ............................ 23 20 23 22 — 88
8, Woods 4-6 0-2 10, Foreman 4-9 1-4 10, Jones 1-2 0-0 3, Houston 67, San Diego St. 65 Colorado ........................ 38 24 8 84 224 204
William McGirt .................................. 35 35 — 70 -2
San Antonio ...............................39 30 .565 151/2 UTAH .................................. 20 36 25 35 — 116 Hideki Matsuyama ............................ 36 34 — 70 -2
Dallas .........................................22 46 .324 32 McManus 0-0 0-0 0, Goodman 0-1 0-0 0, Silpe 0-0 0-0 0, San Diego St. (22-11) Dallas ............................ 38 26 7 83 205 190
Donahue 0-0 0-0 0, Wood 4-12 2-2 14, MacDonald 0-0 0-0 Ryan Armour ...................................... 37 33 — 70 -2
Memphis ....................................18 50 .265 36 PHOENIX: Warren 8-18 3-3 19, Bender 2-5 2-2 7, Len 1-3 McDaniels 4-11 9-12 18, Pope 4-8 3-8 11, Kell 4-14 4-5 12, St. Louis ........................ 37 28 5 79 192 186
0. 22-56 Totals 5-14 60. Paul Goydos ....................................... 36 34 — 70 -2
1-2 3, Payton 2-3 0-0 4, Booker 3-18 5-5 12, Dudley 2-2 Watson 3-10 1-4 9, Mitchell 1-2 1-2 3, Montana 2-4 0-0 5, Chicago ......................... 30 33 8 68 201 213
Marc Leishman .................................. 35 35 — 70 -2
0-0 6, Jackson 6-11 4-6 17, Chriss 2-5 0-0 4, Peters 0-2 Kansas (28-7) Rooks 0-0 1-2 1, Schakel 0-0 2-2 2, Hemsley 2-5 0-0 4. Matt Every ......................................... 35 35 — 70 -2
0-0 0, Ulis 3-8 0-0 8, Daniels 1-1 0-0 2, Harrison 2-6 2-6 6, Lightfoot 3-5 3-4 9, Mykhailiuk 3-8 2-2 10, Vick 5-7 2-2 20-54 Totals 21-35 65. PACIFIC W L OL PTS. GF GA Tyrrell Hatton .................................... 36 34 — 70 -2
Portland .....................................42 26 .618 —
Reed 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 32-83 17-24 88. 14, Graham 9-24 8-9 29, Newman 5-12 0-0 10, De Sousa Vegas ............................ 45 20 5 95 238 195 Kevin Chappell ................................... 34 36 — 70 -2
Oklahoma City ...........................41 29 .586 2 Houston (27-7)
Minnesota..................................40 29 .580 21/2 UTAH: Ingles 6-13 1-2 17, Favors 2-8 1-2 5, Gobert 8-11 1-2 0-0 2, Sosinski 0-0 0-0 0, Azubuike 0-0 0-0 0, Garrett Brady 0-0 0-0 0, D.Davis 4-14 1-2 9, Robinson 2-3 0-0 5, San Jose ........................ 38 23 9 85 207 192 Sam Horsfield .................................... 37 33 — 70 -2
Utah ...........................................39 30 .565 31/2 5-6 21, Rubio 5-15 0-2 12, Mitchell 10-21 1-4 23, O’Neale 1-3 0-0 2, Teahan 0-0 0-0 0, Young 0-0 0-0 0, Cunliffe 0-0 Gray 12-25 11-15 39, C.Davis 2-10 5-5 9, Grant 0-0 0-0 0, Los Angeles .................. 38 26 6 82 203 177 Beau Hossler ...................................... 36 35 — 71 -1
Denver........................................38 31 .551 41/2 1-6 4-4 7, Crowder 5-10 3-4 15, Niang 0-1 0-0 0, Jerebko 0-0 0. Totals 27-61 15-17 76. White 1-1 0-0 2, Zanna 0-1 1-2 1, Harris 1-1 0-0 2, Brooks Anaheim ....................... 35 24 12 82 198 193 Kyle Stanley ....................................... 36 35 — 71 -1
2-5 1-2 6, Udoh 0-0 0-0 0, Exum 3-7 4-6 10, Burks 0-0 0-0 0-4 0-0 0. Totals 22-59 18-24 67. Calgary .......................... 35 26 10 80 198 206 Padraig Harrington ............................ 37 34 — 71 -1
Halftime: Kansas 33-26. Three-point goals: Penn 11-29 Edmonton ..................... 30 35 5 65 196 226
PACIFIC W L Pct GB 0. Totals 42-97 20-32 116. (Wood 4-12, Woods 2-3, Betley 2-4, Jones 1-2, Brodeur Grayson Murray ................................. 36 35 — 71 -1
Halftime: Houston 39-29. Three-point goals: San Diego Vancouver ..................... 25 37 9 59 183 231 Tyler Duncan ...................................... 37 34 — 71 -1
x-Golden State...........................52 16 .765 — Three-point Goals: Phoenix 7-16 (Dudley 2-2, Ulis 2-2, 1-3, Foreman 1-5), Kansas 7-17 (Graham 3-8, Mykhailiuk St. 4-16 (Watson 2-4, McDaniels 1-2, Montana 1-3, Arizona ......................... 23 35 11 57 167 222
L.A. Clippers...............................37 30 .552 141/2 2-3, Vick 2-4, Newman 0-2). Fouled out: None. Rebounds: Ryan Moore ........................................ 34 37 — 71 -1
Jackson 1-1, Bender 1-4, Booker 1-4, Chriss 0-1, Harrison Mitchell 0-1, Pope 0-1, Hemsley 0-2, Kell 0-3), Houston Charley Hoffman ............................... 36 35 — 71 -1
L.A. Lakers .................................31 37 .456 21 0-1, Peters 0-1), Utah 12-36 (Ingles 4-9, Crowder 2-5, Penn 30 (Brodeur 9), Kansas 38 (Lightfoot 11). Assists: 5-13 (Gray 4-6, Robinson 1-1, Brooks 0-1, C.Davis 0-5). x-late game
Sacramento ...............................22 47 .319 301/2 Penn 16 (Brodeur, Rothschild, Foreman 3), Kansas 11 Alex Noren ......................................... 35 36 — 71 -1
Rubio 2-6, Mitchell 2-7, O’Neale 1-2, Jerebko 1-4, Exum Fouled out: White, D.Davis. Rebounds: San Diego St. 39 Jason Kokrak ..................................... 36 35 — 71 -1
Phoenix ......................................19 51 .271 34 0-1, Favors 0-2). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Phoenix (Graham 6). Total fouls: Penn 13, Kansas 14. (Pope 11), Houston 36 (D.Davis 9). Assists: San Diego WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS
Tom Hoge ........................................... 35 36 — 71 -1
51 (Len, Jackson 9), Utah 53 (Gobert 13). Assists: St. 11 (Kell 4), Houston 5 (Robinson, C.Davis 2). Total Toronto 6, Dallas 5 (SO) Curtis Luck ......................................... 34 37 — 71 -1
x-clinched playoff spot Phoenix 14 (Harrison, Ulis 3), Utah 29 (Rubio 11). Total fouls: San Diego St. 19, Houston 25. N.Y. Rangers 4, Pittsburgh 3 (OT) Kevin Na ............................................. 35 36 — 71 -1
WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS Fouls: Phoenix 25, Utah 20. Technicals: Chriss, Mitchell, Ollie Schniederjans ............................ 36 35 — 71 -1
Ingles. Ejected: Chriss, Dudley. A: 18,306 (19,911). San Jose 4, Edmonton 3 (OT)
Gonzaga 68, New Jersey 8, Vegas 3 James Hahn ....................................... 36 35 — 71 -1
Orlando 126, Milwaukee 117
Anaheim 3, Vancouver 0 Chris Kirk ........................................... 36 35 — 71 -1
Washington 125, Boston 124, 2OT North Carolina Greensboro 64 Alabama 86, Virginia Tech 83 Luke List ............................................ 34 37 — 71 -1
Sacramento 123, Miami 119, OT THURSDAY’S RESULTS Nick Taylor ......................................... 36 36 — 72 E
Bulls 111, Grizzlies 110 UNC Greensboro (27-8) Alabama (20-15)
Golden State 117, L.A. Lakers 106 Robert Gamez .................................... 35 37 — 72 E
Dickey 5-10 0-2 10, Smith 2-10 0-0 4, Kuiper 3-9 0-1 7, Hall 5-5 0-0 10, Key 0-2 0-0 0, Ingram 2-5 4-8 9, Sexton Washington 7, N.Y. Islanders 3
7-14 10-14 25, Jones 3-4 0-0 6, Reese 0-1 0-0 0, Smith 4-5 Hunter Mahan .................................... 36 36 — 72 E
THURSDAY’S RESULTS CHICAGO ............................ 22 30 26 33 — 111 Alonso 6-17 3-4 16, Troy 8-11 0-0 16, Galloway 1-3 0-0 3, Columbus 5, Philadelphia 3 Tyrone Van Aswegen ........................ 34 38 — 72 E
MEMPHIS ........................... 29 23 23 35 — 110 Collins 0-0 0-0 0, Massey 1-2 2-2 4, Miller 2-5 0-1 4, 0-0 8, Petty 6-9 2-2 20, Johnson 3-5 2-3 8. 30-50 Totals
Toronto 106, Indiana 99 18-27 86. Toronto 5, Buffalo 2 John Huh ............................................ 36 36 — 72 E
Sykes 0-0 0-0 0. 28-67 Totals 5-10 64.
Charlotte 129, Atlanta 117 CHICAGO: Nwaba 3-6 4-5 10, Vonleh 3-10 0-0 7, Lopez Pittsburgh 5, Montreal 3 Whee Kim .......................................... 36 36 — 72 E
Gonzaga (31-4) Virginia Tech (21-12) Florida 3, Boston 0 Billy Hurley III .................................... 38 34 — 72 E
Philadelphia 118, New York 110 2-3 0-0 5, Dunn 3-7 0-0 6, LaVine 4-12 10-10 20, Zipser Blackshear 3-5 2-4 8, Wilson 0-1 0-0 0, Robinson 6-8 6-6
1-3 2-2 4, Valentine 5-8 0-0 15, Portis 6-11 2-2 17, Felicio Williams 8-12 3-9 19, Tillie 1-6 0-0 2, Melson 2-5 0-1 4, Winnipeg 6, Chicago 2 Martin Laird ....................................... 36 36 — 72 E
Chicago 111, Memphis 110 Norvell 3-12 7-8 15, Perkins 7-14 0-0 16, Hachimura 1-6 19, Bibbs 6-12 2-2 17, Alexander-Walker 5-12 2-4 15, Sean O'Hair ........................................ 35 37 — 72 E
Houston 101, L.A. Clippers 96 3-4 3-6 9, Payne 3-9 0-0 8, Blakeney 2-7 5-8 10. Totals Horne 2-6 1-2 5, Hill 2-3 0-0 4, Bede 4-5 0-0 9, Jackson 1-1 Colorado 4, St. Louis 1
35-80 26-33 111. 2-4 4, Kispert 3-4 1-3 8, Jones 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 25-59 Patrick Rodgers ................................. 36 36 — 72 E
San Antonio 98, New Orleans 93 13-25 68. 0-0 2, Clarke 1-1 1-2 4. Totals 30-54 14-20 83. Detroit at Los Angeles, Late Keegan Bradley .................................. 36 36 — 72 E
Denver 120, Detroit 113 MEMPHIS: Martin 6-12 3-4 16, Green 7-13 0-0 15, Gasol Nashville at Arizona, Late Francesco Molinari ............................ 38 34 — 72 E
Halftime: Gonzaga 32-23. Three-point goals: UNC Halftime: Virginia Tech 43-41. Three-point goals: Ala-
Utah 116, Phoenix 88 7-14 5-7 21, Evans 8-18 4-5 25, Brooks 4-12 5-5 15, bama 8-18 (Petty 6-8, Ingram 1-2, Sexton 1-5, Key 0-1, Harris English .................................... 39 33 — 72 E
Parsons 0-3 0-0 0, Davis 3-6 0-0 6, Weber 1-2 0-0 2, Greensboro 3-22 (Galloway 1-2, Kuiper 1-4, Alonso 1-7, FRIDAY’S GAMES
Portland 113, Cleveland 105 Johnson 0-2), Virginia Tech 9-18 (Bibbs 3-5, Alexander- Charles Howell III .............................. 37 35 — 72 E
Simmons 0-1 2-2 2, Selden 2-5 2-2 8, McLemore 0-1 0-0 Troy 0-2, Smith 0-7), Gonzaga 5-23 (Perkins 2-7, Norvell
Walker 3-8, Bede 1-1, Clarke 1-1, Robinson 1-3). Fouled N.Y. Islanders at Washington, 7 Austin Cook ....................................... 37 35 — 72 E
FRIDAY’S GAMES 0. Totals 38-87 21-25 110. 2-8, Kispert 1-2, Hachimura 0-1, Tillie 0-2, Melson 0-3).
out: Blackshear, Robinson, Bede. Rebounds: Alabama 25 Dallas at Ottawa, 7:30 Danny Willett .................................... 36 36 — 72 E
Fouled out: Dickey. Rebounds: UNC Greensboro 39
Three-point Goals: Chicago 15-41 (Valentine 5-7, Portis (Ingram 7), Virginia Tech 19 (Horne 4). Assists: Alabama Nashville at Colorado, 9 Stewart Cink ...................................... 36 36 — 72 E
Boston at Orlando, 7 (Dickey 11), Gonzaga 33 (Williams 13). Assists: UNC
3-6, Payne 2-5, LaVine 2-7, Lopez 1-1, Blakeney 1-4, 19 (Sexton 6), Virginia Tech 14 (Robinson 7). Total fouls: San Jose at Calgary, 9 Bud Cauley ......................................... 34 38 — 72 E
Brooklyn at Philadelphia, 7 Greensboro 7 (Alonso, Troy, Massey 2), Gonzaga 7
Vonleh 1-6, Zipser 0-1, Nwaba 0-1, Dunn 0-3), Memphis Alabama 18, Virginia Tech 22. Technical fouls: Virginia Lucas Glover ...................................... 39 33 — 72 E
Dallas at Toronto, 7:30 (Perkins, Tillie 2). Total fouls: UNC Greensboro 22, Detroit at Anaheim, 10
13-35 (Evans 5-9, Selden 2-5, Brooks 2-6, Gasol 2-6, Tech coach Buzz Williams. Doc Redman ....................................... 38 34 — 72 E
L.A. Clippers at Oklahoma City, 8 Gonzaga 14. Minnesota at Vegas, 10:30
Green 1-3, Martin 1-5, Parsons 0-1). Fouled Out: None. Collin Morikawa ................................. 36 36 — 72 E
Miami at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 Rebounds: Chicago 42 (Vonleh 10), Memphis 47 (Green, SATURDAY’S GAMES Alex Cejka .......................................... 36 37 — 73 +1
Sacramento at Golden State, 10:30 Gasol 10). Assists: Chicago 23 (Payne 5), Memphis 27 Kevin Streelman ................................ 39 34 — 73 +1
(Evans 9). Total Fouls: Chicago 23, Memphis 22. A: Buffalo 89, Arizona 68 Chicago at Buffalo, 1 Ian Poulter ......................................... 36 37 — 73 +1
SATURDAY’S GAMES 16,511 (18,119). Rhode Island 83, Edmonton at Florida, 2 HaoTong Li ......................................... 34 39 — 73 +1
Buffalo (27-8) New Jersey at Los Angeles, 4
Atlanta at Milwaukee, 6 Oklahoma 78 (OT) Smart 2-3 0-0 4, Harris 10-20 0-0 23, Clark 10-14 2-2 25, Montreal at Toronto, 7
Houston at New Orleans, 7 Massinburg 6-11 2-2 19, Jordan 1-1 0-0 2, McRae 1-1 0-0
Oklahoma (18-14) Philadelphia at Carolina, 7
Indiana at Washington, 7
Blazers 113, Cavaliers 105 Doolittle 3-7 2-2 8, McNeace 5-8 4-7 14, Young 9-18 7-8 3, Agorioge 0-0 0-0 0, Johnson 0-0 0-0 0, Perkins 4-9 2-3
Ottawa at Columbus, 7
Charlotte at New York, 7:30 13, Bertram 0-0 0-0 0, Moultrie 0-1 0-0 0, Reese 0-0 0-0 0,
28, McGusty 4-9 1-2 9, James 2-7 0-0 5, Manek 2-10 0-0 Boston at Tampa Bay, 7
Dallas at Brooklyn, 7:30 CLEVELAND ....................... 29 25 23 28 — 105 4, Lattin 1-3 0-0 2, Odomes 1-5 2-4 4, Lazenby 0-0 0-0 0, Graves 0-1 0-0 0, Caruthers 0-1 0-0 0. 34-62 Totals 6-7
Cleveland at Chicago, 8 PORTLAND ......................... 29 30 29 25 — 113 Shepherd 2-2 0-1 4. 29-69 Totals 16-24 78. 89. N.Y. Rangers at St. Louis, 8 Astros 12, Nationals 3
Denver at Memphis, 8 Minnesota at Arizona, 9
Rhode Island (26-7) Arizona (27-8) HOUSTON AB R H BI WASHINGTON AB R H BI
Minnesota at San Antonio, 8:30 CLEVELAND: James 15-25 4-9 35, Hood 2-6 0-0 5, Green Ayton 6-13 2-5 14, Ristic 7-8 2-2 16, Alkins 4-9 0-0 8, San Jose at Vancouver, 10
5-12 5-6 16, Hill 3-5 0-0 8, Korver 7-13 2-2 19, Zizic 0-1 Berry 2-6 1-2 5, Terrell 4-15 2-2 13, Robinson 3-8 1-4 8, Sprnger dh 3 0 0 0 T.Trner ss 2 0 1 0
Sacramento at Utah, 9 Dowtin 4-9 0-1 8, Matthews 6-14 1-1 16, Langevine 5-8 Trier 4-15 2-2 10, Jackson-Cartwright 3-9 0-0 7, Lee 1-1
0-0 0, Holland 2-3 0-0 5, Clarkson 6-12 1-2 14, Smith 1-3 2-2 4, Pinder 3-3 0-0 6, Smith 0-1 0-0 0, Randolph 1-2 0-0 G.Stbbs ph 2 0 0 0 Stvnson lf 3 0 0 0
Detroit at Portland, 10 4-6 14, Garrett 1-5 1-2 4, Russell 5-12 2-2 15. Totals
0-2 3. Totals 41-80 12-21 105. 3, Akot 0-3 0-0 0. Totals 29-64 8-11 68. Bregman 3b 2 2 2 0 Kndrick 2b 2 0 1 0
Golden State at Phoenix, 10 30-77 12-20 83. Avalanche 4, Blues 1 Trompiz ph 1 0 0 1 Rynolds 3b 1 1 0 0
PORTLAND: Harkless 6-10 3-4 17, Aminu 4-8 0-0 11, Halftime: Buffalo 40-38. Three-point goals: Buffalo
Nurkic 3-9 1-4 7, Lillard 7-20 9-9 24, McCollum 12-24 2-2 Halftime: Oklahoma 35-31. End Of Regulation_Tied 69. COLORADO .............................. 2 1 1 — 4 C.Crrea ss 3 2 1 0 B.Hrper rf 2 0 0 0
Three-point goals: Oklahoma 4-20 (Young 3-9, James 15-30 (Massinburg 5-8, Clark 3-5, Perkins 3-6, Harris 3-9, J.Arauz ss 2 1 1 1 M.Serra rf 2 0 0 0
29, Davis 0-1 0-0 0, Collins 1-3 0-0 2, Napier 3-7 0-0 7, McRae 1-1, Moultrie 0-1), Arizona 2-18 (Randolph 1-1, ST. LOUIS ................................. 0 1 0 — 1
Turner 5-10 0-0 11, Connaughton 2-4 0-0 5. Totals 43-96 1-3, Odomes 0-1, Manek 0-3, McGusty 0-4), Rhode Island Gnzalez 2b 3 2 2 2 A.Rndon 3b 1 0 1 0
Raptors 106, Pacers 99 15-19 113. 11-28 (Terrell 3-5, Russell 3-6, Matthews 3-8, Garrett Jackson-Cartwright 1-4, Ristic 0-1, Smith 0-1, Alkins FIRST PERIOD Ry.Birk 2b 1 1 1 0 Dmnguez 1b 2 1 1 1
1-3, Robinson 1-4, Dowtin 0-2). Fouled out: James. 0-2, Ayton 0-2, Akot 0-2, Trier 0-5). Fouled out: None. Reddick rf 3 0 2 2 Wieters c 2 0 0 0
TORONTO ........................... 25 24 28 29 — 106 Three-point Goals: Cleveland 11-33 (Korver 3-8, Hill 2-4, Rebounds: Buffalo 30 (Harris 7), Arizona 30 (Ayton 12). Scoring: 1, Colorado, MacKinnon 34 (Landeskog, Rant- K.Tcker pr 2 1 2 1 Brignac 2b 1 1 0 0
Rebounds: Oklahoma 50 (Doolittle 12), Rhode Island 37
INDIANA ............................. 27 30 22 20 — 99 Holland 1-2, Smith 1-2, Hood 1-4, Green 1-4, James 1-4, Assists: Buffalo 13 (Clark 7), Arizona 13 (Alkins 5). Total anen), 10:11. 2, Colorado, MacKinnon 35 (Barrie, Rant- T.White 1b 3 1 1 1 M.Adams 1b 2 0 0 0
(Langevine 10). Assists: Oklahoma 13 (Young 8), Rhode
Clarkson 1-5), Portland 12-35 (Aminu 3-6, McCollum fouls: Buffalo 15, Arizona 11. anen), 13:03. A..Reed ph 3 0 1 1 Sverino c 1 0 0 0
TORONTO: Miller 1-2 2-2 4, Ibaka 5-13 0-0 13, Valanciu- Island 16 (Terrell 5). Total fouls: Oklahoma 18, Rhode
3-10, Harkless 2-4, Napier 1-2, Connaughton 1-2, Turner Island 17. SECOND PERIOD Mrsnick cf 2 0 0 1 V.Rbles cf 2 0 0 0
nas 5-14 5-5 16, Lowry 3-10 4-4 13, DeRozan 8-15 6-7 24, 1-3, Lillard 1-8). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Cleveland D.Fsher cf 1 0 0 0 Sanchez ss 2 0 0 0
Miles 3-9 1-2 10, Siakam 5-7 2-2 12, Poeltl 1-1 2-2 4, 34 (James 14), Portland 50 (Nurkic 10). Assists: Scoring: 3, St. Louis, Edmundson 7 (Jaskin, Parayko), L.Pyano cf 1 0 1 1 R.Rburn lf 2 0 0 0
VanVleet 1-4 0-0 2, Wright 3-5 2-4 8. Totals 35-80 24-28 Cleveland 17 (James 6), Portland 26 (Lillard 9). Total Florida 77, St. Bonaventure 62 9:15. 4, Colorado, Rantanen 24 (Landeskog), 16:29. M.Stssi c 2 0 0 0 Perkins cf 1 0 0 1
106. Fouls: Cleveland 21, Portland 15. Technicals: Cleveland Ohio St. 81, South Dakota St. 73 E.Gttis ph 2 1 1 0 Wi.Difo dh 2 0 1 0
coach Cavaliers (Delay of game), Portland coach Trail St. Bonaventure (26-8) THIRD PERIOD
INDIANA: Bogdanovic 1-10 3-3 6, T.Young 6-13 0-0 13, To.Kemp lf 3 0 1 1 Kieboom ph 1 0 0 1
Blazers (Defensive three second) 2. A: 19,806 (19,393). S. Dakota St. (28-7) Stockard 5-12 4-5 14, Ikpeze 1-2 1-2 3, Taqqee 1-3 2-3 4, Scoring: 5, Colorado, Rantanen 25 (MacKinnon,
Turner 1-2 0-0 2, Joseph 2-7 1-2 6, Oladipo 8-19 1-1 18, J.Kmmer lf 2 1 1 0
Daum 9-20 4-6 27, Flatten 0-3 0-0 0, King 2-5 0-0 4, Adams 2-6 7-8 11, Mobley 3-13 3-4 10, Griffin 2-5 4-6 9, Landeskog), 19:18.
Robinson III 1-2 0-0 2, Booker 0-5 0-0 0, Jefferson 9-15 TOTALS 41 12 17 12 TOTALS 31 3 5 3
Jenkins 4-17 6-6 16, Tellinghuisen 3-7 2-2 10, Theisen Ngalakulondi 1-2 0-0 2, Lee 0-0 0-0 0, Brockington 1-1 3-4
2-3 20, Collison 8-11 3-6 22, Stephenson 4-9 2-2 10.
0-0 0-0 0, Key 6-10 0-0 16, Severyn 0-1 0-0 0. 24-63 5, Galatio 0-0 0-0 0, Kaputo 1-4 1-2 4. 17-48 Totals 25-34 SHOTS ON GOAL
Totals 40-93 12-17 99. HOUSTON 300 040 005 — 12
Totals 12-14 73. 62.
Three-point Goals: Toronto 12-32 (Lowry 3-7, Miles 3-7, Warriors 117, Lakers 106 COLORADO .............................. 8 9 6 — 23 WASHINGTON 000 000 003 — 3
Ohio St. (25-8) Florida (21-12) ST. LOUIS ............................... 13 10 22 — 45
Ibaka 3-8, DeRozan 2-5, Valanciunas 1-1, VanVleet 0-1, Late Wednesday E: Arauz (1), Harper (1). DP: Houston 0, Washington 2.
Tate 3-4 1-2 8, Bates-Diop 7-19 6-6 24, K.Wesson 0-1 0-0 Hayes 1-2 0-0 2, Chiozza 3-9 2-2 8, Koulechov 8-17 0-0 Power-play opportunities: Colorado 0 of 1; St. Louis 0 of
Siakam 0-1, Wright 0-2), Indiana 7-24 (Collison 3-4, LOB: Houston 14, Washington 7. 2B: Arauz (1), Gonzalez
L.A. LAKERS ....................... 23 32 27 24 — 106 0, Williams 8-15 4-4 22, Jackson 8-19 0-3 20, A.Wesson 20, Hudson 6-14 2-4 16, Allen 2-8 2-2 7, Bassett 2-3 0-0 4, 2. Goalies: Colorado, Varlamov 19-13-6 (45 shots-44
T.Young 1-4, Oladipo 1-4, Bogdanovic 1-4, Joseph 1-4, (3), Reddick (1), Kemmer (1), Dominguez (3). SB:
GOLDEN STATE .................. 26 29 34 28 — 117 0-6 2-2 2, Potter 0-0 0-0 0, Dakich 1-7 2-2 5, Jallow 0-1 Stone 2-8 3-4 9, Gak 0-0 1-2 1, Okauru 2-3 2-2 7, Fava 0-0 saves). St. Louis, Allen 21-20-2 (22-19).
Turner 0-1, Booker 0-1, Stephenson 0-1, Robinson III Dominguez (2). CS: Kemp (2). SF: Trompiz (1), Marisnick
0-0 0. Totals 27-72 15-19 81. 0-0 0, Ballard 1-1 1-2 3, Krause 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 27-65
0-1). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds: Toronto 58 (Valanciu- (2).
nas 17), Indiana 35 (Jefferson 12). Assists: Toronto 20 L.A. LAKERS: Caldwell-Pope 4-13 3-4 13, Randle 8-10 6-9 Halftime: 43-43. Three-point goals: S. Dakota St. 13-31 13-18 77.
22, Lopez 8-15 2-3 20, Ball 3-11 1-3 8, Thomas 6-14 3-3 HOUSTON IP H R ER BB SO
(DeRozan 7), Indiana 17 (Collison, Joseph 4). Total (Daum 5-10, Key 4-5, Tellinghuisen 2-4, Jenkins 2-8, Halftime: Florida 27-22. Three-point goals: St. Bonaven- Maple Leafs 5, Sabres 2
Fouls: Toronto 19, Indiana 25. Technicals: DeRozan. 20, Wear 1-6 2-2 5, Williams 1-4 0-0 2, Zubac 0-2 0-2 0, King 0-1, Flatten 0-3), Ohio St. 12-40 (Jackson 4-9, Keuchel (W, 1-0) 5 4 0 0 1 2
ture 3-19 (Griffin 1-1, Kaputo 1-3, Mobley 1-9, Adams
Caruso 2-2 0-0 4, Ennis 5-6 1-2 12. Totals 38-83 18-28 Bates-Diop 4-13, Williams 2-4, Tate 1-1, Dakich 1-7, TORONTO ................................ 2 2 1 — 5 Rondon 1 0 0 0 0 3
0-3, Stockard 0-3), Florida 10-32 (Koulechov 4-10, Stone
106. Jallow 0-1, A.Wesson 0-5). Fouled out: Tate. Rebounds: BUFFALO ................................. 1 1 0 — 2 Smith 1 0 0 0 0 1
2-5, Hudson 2-8, Okauru 1-1, Allen 1-5, Chiozza 0-3).
GOLDEN STATE: Durant 10-19 5-5 26, Looney 4-8 3-4 11, S. Dakota St. 33 (King 9), Ohio St. 44 (Bates-Diop 12). Fouled out: Stockard. Rebounds: St. Bonaventure 37 McHugh 1 0 0 0 0 3
Assists: S. Dakota St. 8 (Key 4), Ohio St. 15 (Jackson 5).
FIRST PERIOD Boshers .1 1 3 3 3 1
Pachulia 4-8 2-3 10, Cook 5-11 2-2 13, Young 6-13 3-3 18, (Taqqee 13), Florida 33 (Stone 8). Assists: St. Bonaven-
Total fouls: S. Dakota St. 15, Ohio St. 15. A: 11,662 Scoring: 1, Toronto, van Riemsdyk 30 (Rielly, Brown), Dorris .2 0 0 0 2 1
Hornets 129, Hawks 117 Casspi 7-8 1-4 15, Boucher 0-1 0-0 0, Bell 1-1 4-4 6,
ture 10 (Brockington, Taqqee, Adams 2), Florida 19
3:39. 2, Toronto, van Riemsdyk 31 (Gardiner, Polak),
McGee 0-2 2-2 2, Jones 0-0 0-0 0, Livingston 6-8 1-1 13, (Chiozza 11). Total fouls: St. Bonaventure 19, Florida 21. WASHINGTON IP H R ER BB SO
CHARLOTTE ....................... 33 30 34 32 — 129 Iguodala 1-1 0-0 3. Totals 44-80 23-28 117. 6:39. 3, Buffalo, Reinhart 18 (Rodrigues, Wilson), 14:29
(pp). Milone (L, 0-1) 2 5 3 3 2 2
ATLANTA ........................... 23 32 24 38 — 117 Three-point Goals: L.A. Lakers 12-37 (Thomas 5-9, Lopez Gott 1 1 0 0 0 2
CHARLOTTE: Kidd-Gilchrist 5-5 1-2 11, Williams 7-9 0-3 2-5, Caldwell-Pope 2-7, Ennis 1-1, Wear 1-4, Ball 1-8, Loyola Chicago 64, Miami 62 Michigan 61, Montana 47 SECOND PERIOD Solis 1 1 0 0 0 1
17, Howard 13-20 7-8 33, Walker 6-14 6-6 24, Batum 4-9 Randle 0-1), Golden State 6-20 (Young 3-8, Iguodala 1-1, Adams 0 0 4 3 4 0
Cook 1-3, Durant 1-7, Boucher 0-1). Rebounds: L.A. Scoring: 4, Toronto, Carrick 4 (Marleau, Nylander), 6:22.
0-1 10, Bacon 0-1 0-0 0, Kaminsky 3-8 3-7 11, Hernan- Loyola Chicago (29-5) Montana (26-8) Grace 2 2 0 0 1 2
Lakers 33 (Randle 10), Golden State 50 (Pachulia 12). 5, Toronto, Bozak 11 (Marner, van Riemsdyk), 14:10
gomez 0-0 0-0 0, Monk 3-8 0-0 7, Stone 0-0 0-0 0, Lamb Krutwig 4-6 3-4 11, Richardson 0-1 0-0 0, Townes 3-7 1-2 Akoh 1-6 0-0 2, Krslovic 2-5 1-2 5, Moorehead 1-5 1-2 3, Doolittle 1 1 0 0 1 1
Assists: L.A. Lakers 25 (Ball 11), Golden State 25 (pp). 6, Buffalo, Pominville 12 (Ristolainen, Rodrigues),
3-8 3-3 11, Graham 2-5 0-0 5. Totals 46-87 20-30 129. 7, Custer 5-10 0-0 14, Ingram 5-14 0-1 13, Jackson 6-12 Oguine 5-11 4-4 15, Rorie 6-17 1-1 15, Pridgett 3-11 1-2 Kintzler 1 2 0 0 0 1
(Durant 6). Total Fouls: L.A. Lakers 19, Golden State 24. 19:01 (pp).
0-0 12, Skokna 1-1 0-0 2, Williamson 2-4 0-2 5, 7, Falls 0-1 0-0 0. 18-56 Totals 8-11 47. Guillon .2 5 5 5 2 0
ATLANTA: Prince 8-18 0-0 22, Collins 7-10 5-7 21, Technicals: L.A. Lakers coach Lakers (Delay of game). Satterwhite 0-0 0-0 0. 26-55 Totals 4-9 64. THIRD PERIOD Romero .1 0 0 0 0 0
Dedmon 2-5 1-2 5, Schroder 7-18 2-2 17, Dorsey 4-9 0-0 Michigan (29-7)
11, White III 0-2 0-0 0, Cavanaugh 3-5 4-4 11, Muscala Miami (22-10) Livers 0-2 0-0 0, Wagner 2-6 0-0 5, Simpson 2-3 0-0 5, Scoring: 7, Toronto, Marleau 23, 19:16. Umpires: Home, Carlos Torres; First, CB Bucknor; Sec-
2-7 1-2 5, Taylor 4-8 3-7 11, Lee 5-8 1-2 14. Totals 42-90 Huell 5-7 1-3 11, Lykes 3-11 3-4 10, Walker 5-12 0-1 12, Abdur-Rahkman 3-11 4-7 11, Matthews 7-13 6-8 20, ond, Paul Nauert; Third, Ben May.
17-26 117. Newton 5-8 1-1 11, Lawrence 2-3 0-0 4, Waardenburg 0-0 Teske 0-2 2-4 2, Poole 1-2 0-0 3, Brooks 1-1 0-0 2, SHOTS ON GOAL
Kings 123, Heat 119 (OT) 0-0 0, Izundu 1-3 3-4 5, Vasiljevic 4-5 0-0 9. Totals 25-49 Simmons 3-3 0-1 6, Robinson 2-4 2-2 7. Totals 21-47 TORONTO .............................. 18 8 13 — 39
Three-point Goals: Charlotte 17-33 (Walker 6-10, Wil- 8-13 62. 14-22 61. BUFFALO ............................... 11 19 10 — 40
liams 3-5, Lamb 2-3, Batum 2-4, Kaminsky 2-4, Monk Late Wednesday
1-3, Graham 1-4), Atlanta 16-36 (Prince 6-12, Lee 3-5, Halftime: 28-28. Three-point goals: Loyola Chicago 8-21 Halftime: Michigan 31-28. Three-point goals: Montana Power-play opportunities: Toronto 1 of 3; Buffalo 2 of 5. S OC C E R
MIAMI ............................ 31 21 27 32 8 — 119 (Custer 4-6, Ingram 3-8, Williamson 1-2, Richardson 0-1, 3-15 (Rorie 2-7, Oguine 1-3, Pridgett 0-1, Falls 0-1, Goalies: Toronto, McElhinney 9-4-1 (40 shots-38 saves).
Dorsey 3-6, Collins 2-3, Cavanaugh 1-2, Schroder 1-4, SACRAMENTO .............. 24 35 32 20 12 — 123
Dedmon 0-2, Muscala 0-2). Rebounds: Charlotte 45 Jackson 0-2, Townes 0-2), Miami 4-9 (Walker 2-6, Moorehead 0-3), Michigan 5-16 (Simpson 1-1, Wagner Buffalo, Lehner 14-25-9 (38-34).
(Howard 12), Atlanta 46 (Prince 10). Assists: Charlotte Vasiljevic 1-1, Lykes 1-2). Fouled out: Lawrence. Re- 1-1, Poole 1-1, Robinson 1-3, Abdur-Rahkman 1-6, Livers MLS
MIAMI: Babbitt 0-3 0-0 0, J.Johnson 7-11 4-4 18,
30 (Batum 16), Atlanta 30 (Schroder 8). Total Fouls: bounds: Loyola Chicago 24 (Ingram 7), Miami 30 (Huell 0-1, Matthews 0-3). Fouled out: Falls. Rebounds: Mon-
Adebayo 2-9 2-2 6, Dragic 11-21 8-9 33, T.Johnson 5-10
Charlotte 21, Atlanta 27. Technicals: Howard. 7). Assists: Loyola Chicago 19 (Richardson 8), Miami 11 tana 33 (Moorehead 9), Michigan 35 (Matthews 11).
0-0 14, Winslow 4-12 0-0 10, Olynyk 4-13 3-4 13, EASTERN W L T PTS GF GA
Ellington 7-19 2-2 22, McGruder 1-1 0-0 3. Totals 41-99
(Waardenburg 4). Total fouls: Loyola Chicago 14, Miami Assists: Montana 7 (Oguine 3), Michigan 11 (Simpson Blue Jackets 5, Flyers 3
13. A: 15,802 (19,200). 4). Total fouls: Montana 21, Michigan 14. Columbus .........................2 0 0 6 5 2
19-21 119. COLUMBUS .............................. 3 1 1 — 5 New York City FC .............2 0 0 6 4 1
76ers 118, Knicks 110 SACRAMENTO: Jackson 4-7 0-0 9, Randolph 9-16 2-4 22, PHILADELPHIA ........................ 1 2 0 — 3 New York .........................1 0 0 3 4 0
Cauley-Stein 3-10 4-4 10, Fox 9-14 2-5 20, Bogdanovic FIRST PERIOD Philadelphia .....................1 0 0 3 2 0
PHILADELPHIA .................. 32 28 23 35 — 118 5-14 2-2 14, Koufos 3-4 0-0 6, Mason 3-6 5-6 11, Temple
TRANSACTIONS New England ....................1 1 0 3 2 3
NEW YORK ......................... 32 36 23 19 — 110 2-3 0-0 5, Hield 9-16 4-4 24, Carter 1-4 0-0 2. Totals 48-94
Seton Hall 94, N.C. State 83 Scoring: 1, Columbus, Bjorkstrand 11 (Milano, Jones), Atlanta United FC ............1 1 0 3 3 5
19-25 123. N.C. State (21-12) 9:41. 2, Columbus, Jenner 9 (Johnson, Vanek), 9:52. 3, Orlando City .....................0 1 1 1 2 3
PHILADELPHIA: Saric 7-13 3-4 21, Covington 5-8 0-0 15, MLB Philadelphia, Giroux 26 (Konecny, MacDonald), 11:34. 4,
Yurtseven 1-4 0-0 2, A.Freeman 12-19 6-7 36, Beverly D.C. United .......................0 1 1 1 2 4
Embiid 11-21 5-7 29, Simmons 5-11 3-8 13, Redick 5-14 Three-point Goals: Miami 18-43 (Ellington 6-17, T.John- Columbus, Atkinson 14 (Panarin, Werenski), 18:08.
0-5 0-0 0, Johnson 5-9 0-1 12, Dorn 5-14 5-8 18, Baltimore Orioles: Named Scott Lewis vice president of Chicago ............................0 1 0 0 3 4
6-9 18, Ilyasova 3-13 1-2 9, Johnson 0-1 1-2 1, McConnell son 4-8, Dragic 3-4, Winslow 2-3, Olynyk 2-6, McGruder
L.Freeman 4-4 5-11 13, Abu 0-2 0-0 0, Batts 1-2 0-0 2, strategy and analytics. Montreal ..........................0 2 0 0 3 5
1-3 0-0 2, Belinelli 4-7 2-2 10. Totals 41-91 21-34 118. 1-1, J.Johnson 0-1, Babbitt 0-3), Sacramento 8-24 SECOND PERIOD Toronto FC .......................0 1 0 0 0 2
(Randolph 2-4, Bogdanovic 2-5, Hield 2-7, Temple 1-1, Hunt 0-2 0-0 0. 28-61 Totals 16-27 83. Boston Red Sox: Reassigned C Oscar Hernandez to minor
NEW YORK: Hardaway Jr. 3-13 2-2 9, Beasley 11-16 1-3 league camp. Scoring: 5, Philadelphia, Gostisbehere 11 (Couturier,
24, Kanter 5-11 4-6 14, Mudiay 5-12 2-2 12, Lee 6-10 3-4 Jackson 1-2, Fox 0-1, Mason 0-1, Cauley-Stein 0-1, Seton Hall (22-11) Provorov), 0:14 (pp). 6, Columbus, Atkinson 15 (Savard),
Carter 0-2). Fouled Out: Winslow. Rebounds: Miami 53 Nzei 1-1 0-0 2, Delgado 4-7 5-8 13, Powell 4-12 10-12 19, New York Yankees: Reassigned RHP Chance Adams to WESTERN W L T PTS GF GA
16, Hicks 0-2 1-2 1, O’Quinn 7-9 1-3 15, Ntilikina 0-1 0-0 minor league camp. 3:23. 7, Philadelphia, MacDonald 6 (Sanheim, Konecny), Los Angeles FC ................2 0 0 6 6 1
0, Burke 7-11 1-2 16, Dotson 1-2 0-0 3. Totals 45-87 (Adebayo 16), Sacramento 43 (Randolph, Cauley-Stein Carrington 6-14 11-13 26, Cale 1-3 2-2 4, Mamukelashvili 12:23.
9). Assists: Miami 26 (J.Johnson 7), Sacramento 23 0-0 0-0 0, Sanogo 4-6 1-2 10, Rodriguez 8-14 2-2 20, Toronto Blue Jays: Optioned OF Dwight Smith Jr., and Vancouver ........................2 0 0 6 4 2
15-24 110. RHP Taylor Guerrieri to Buffalo (IL). Houston ...........................1 1 0 3 5 2
(Randolph 4). Total Fouls: Miami 23, Sacramento 21. Gordon 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 28-58 31-39 94. THIRD PERIOD
Three-point Goals: Philadelphia 15-37 (Covington 5-7, Technicals: Dragic, Koufos. A: 17,583 (17,608). Chicago Cubs: Released RHP Justin Grimm. San Jose ...........................1 0 0 3 3 2
Saric 4-8, Ilyasova 2-5, Embiid 2-5, Redick 2-8, McCon- Halftime: Seton Hall 51-41. Three-point goals: N.C. Cincinnati Reds: Named John Farrell internal scout. Scoring: 8, Columbus, Atkinson 16 (Savard, Panarin), Minnesota United ............1 1 0 3 4 4
nell 0-1, Belinelli 0-3), New York 5-20 (Dotson 1-1, Burke State 11-30 (A.Freeman 6-8, Dorn 3-7, Johnson 2-6, Washington Nationals: Optioned RHP Wander Suero and 19:59. LA Galaxy .........................1 1 0 3 3 3
1-2, Beasley 1-2, Lee 1-3, Hardaway Jr. 1-8, Ntilikina 0-1, Batts 0-1, Abu 0-1, Yurtseven 0-1, Hunt 0-2, Beverly OF Rafael Bautista to Syracuse (IL). Sporting KC ......................1 1 0 3 4 5
0-4), Seton Hall 7-21 (Carrington 3-5, Rodriguez 2-6, SHOTS ON GOAL Dallas ...............................0 0 1 1 1 1
Mudiay 0-1, Hicks 0-2). Fouled Out: Beasley. Rebounds:
Philadelphia 53 (Saric 12), New York 44 (Beasley 13). NBA leaders Sanogo 1-1, Powell 1-7, Cale 0-1, Gordon 0-1). Fouled NFL COLUMBUS .............................. 8 14 7 — 29 Real Salt Lake ..................0 1 1 1 2 6
Assists: Philadelphia 29 (Simmons 12), New York 26 Through Wednesday’s games out: Mamukelashvili, Delgado, Beverly, Johnson, Yurt- Chicago Bears: Signed LB Aaron Lynch to a one-year PHILADELPHIA ........................ 9 9 12 — 30 Colorado ...........................0 1 0 0 1 2
(Beasley 7). Total Fouls: Philadelphia 21, New York 25. seven. Rebounds: N.C. State 33 (Dorn 12), Seton Hall 38 contract. Signed WR Allen Robinson, TE Trey Burton, Power-play opportunities: Columbus 0 of 1; Philadelphia Seattle .............................0 1 0 0 0 1
A: 18,894 (19,812). SCORING G FG FT PTS. AVG. (Sanogo 10). Assists: N.C. State 14 (Johnson 4), Seton WR Taylor Gabriel, K Cody Parkey and QB Chase Daniel. 1 of 3. Goalies: Columbus, Bobrovsky 31-21-5 (30 Portland ...........................0 2 0 0 1 6
Hall 12 (Delgado 4). Total fouls: N.C. State 30, Seton Hall Cincinnati Bengals: Agreed to terms with TE Tyler Eifert shots-27 saves). Philadelphia, Lyon 2-2-0 (18-18),
Harden, HOU ..................... 59 542 515 1831 31.0 23. A: 14,390 (15,000).
Davis, NOR ........................ 60 621 394 1684 28.1 on a one-year contract and P Kevin Huber on a three-year Mrazek 12-12-4 (10-6). A: 19,354 (19,543). T: 2:23. SATURDAY’S MATCHES
Antetokounmpo, MIL ....... 64 641 430 1746 27.3 contract.
Cleveland Browns: Traded DB Jason McCourty and the Houston at D.C. United, 1:30
Rockets 101, Clippers 96 James, CLE ........................ 67 689 302 1802 26.9
219th pick in the 2018 draft to New England for the Chicago at Minnesota United, 2
Lillard, POR ....................... 60 514 390 1613 26.9
Durant, GOL ...................... 60 562 313 1594 26.6 Villanova 87, Radford 61 205th pick in the 2018 draft. Terminated the contract of Penguins 5, Canadiens 3 Columbus at Philadelphia, 2
L.A. CLIPPERS .................... 26 25 23 22 — 96 DB B.W. Webb. Waived DL Ricky Ali’ifua and Collin
Curry, GOL ......................... 50 418 272 1317 26.3 Toronto FC at Montreal, 3
HOUSTON ........................... 28 19 31 23 — 101 Radford (23-13) Blevins, OL Zach Banner and Joseph Cheek, LB Jeremy PITTSBURGH ........................... 2 1 2 — 5
Westbrook, OKC ............... 68 645 350 1721 25.3 Orlando City at New York City FC, 3:30
Polite 3-10 0-0 6, Phillips 1-4 3-4 5, Jones 3-12 5-6 11, Cash, WR Sammie Coates, DB Trevon Hartfield and RB MONTREAL .............................. 2 1 0 — 3
L.A. CLIPPERS: Thornwell 3-9 0-0 6, Harris 13-24 0-0 29, Cousins, NOR .................... 48 406 294 1210 25.2 Vancouver at Atlanta United FC, 7:30
Booker, PHX ...................... 53 452 284 1334 25.2 Bradford 3-5 0-0 9, Hicks 4-8 2-2 13, Owens 0-0 0-0 0, Josh Rounds. Signed DBs T.J. Carrie and Terrance
Jordan 4-9 0-0 8, Rivers 10-18 0-1 20, L.Williams 6-18 2-3
Mitchell, TE Darren Fells, OL Chris Hubbard and Donald
FIRST PERIOD San Jose at Sporting KC, 8:30
14, Dekker 0-2 2-2 2, W.Johnson 0-4 0-0 0, Harrell 5-6 0-2 Irving, BOS ........................ 60 534 232 1466 24.4 Butts 1-3 0-0 2, Holland 0-2 2-2 2, Bolstad 0-0 1-2 1,
Cooper 0-0 0-0 0, Saunders 0-1 0-0 0, Cousin 0-2 0-0 0, Stephenson, RB Carlos Hyde and DL Chris Smith. Traded Scoring: 1, Montreal, Lehkonen 9 (Petry, Galchenyuk), New York at Real Salt Lake, 9
10, Teodosic 1-3 0-0 3, Evans 2-4 0-0 4. Totals 44-97 4-8 DeRozan, TOR ................... 67 555 394 1581 23.6
96. Oladipo, IND ...................... 62 536 254 1461 23.6 Fields 4-11 0-0 9, Tanner 1-1 0-0 3. 20-59 Totals 13-16 DB 3:15. 2, Montreal, Byron 17 (Gallagher, Galchenyuk), SUNDAY’S MATCH
Embiid, PHL ...................... 55 459 317 1292 23.5 61. Detroit Lions: Signed LBs Christian Jones and Devon 6:31 (pp). 3, Pittsburgh, Kessel 29 (Rust, Brassard),
HOUSTON: Ariza 2-10 0-0 5, Tucker 1-7 0-0 3, Capela Kennard. 10:05. 4, Pittsburgh, Hornqvist 21 (Malkin, Letang), Seattle at Dallas, 5
Beal, WAS ......................... 69 593 255 1610 23.3 Villanova (31-4)
9-16 1-2 19, Paul 3-13 5-6 11, Harden 7-16 8-9 24, Mbah a Green Bay Packers: Signed DL Muhammad Wilkerson 14:33.
Williams, L.A.C. ................ 65 485 363 1503 23.1 Spellman 4-8 0-0 10, Paschall 4-7 1-1 11, Booth 3-4 2-2 SATURDAY, MARCH 24
Moute 3-8 3-4 10, Nene 1-3 2-2 4, J.Johnson 1-4 0-0 2, and CB Herb Waters. Traded CB Damarious Randall, a
Walker, CHA ..................... 66 502 302 1500 22.7 10, Brunson 7-9 0-0 16, Bridges 5-10 0-0 13, Samuels 0-1 SECOND PERIOD
Gordon 8-13 0-0 23. Totals 35-90 19-23 101. 2018 fourth-round pick and a 2018 fifth-round pick to the New York City FC at New England, 1:30
Aldridge, SAN ................... 61 533 263 1354 22.2 1-2 1, Leibig 0-0 0-0 0, Cosby-Roundtree 4-4 2-3 10,
Three-point Goals: L.A. Clippers 4-18 (Harris 3-6, Teo- Cleveland Browns for QB DeShone Kizer, a 2018 fourth- Scoring: 5, Pittsburgh, Malkin 40 (Letang, Crosby), 10:30 Portland at Dallas, 3:30
Delaney 0-1 0-0 0, Heck 0-0 0-0 0, Grace 0-0 0-0 0, round pick and a 2018 fifth-round pick.
dosic 1-2, W.Johnson 0-1, Evans 0-1, L.Williams 0-2, FIELD GOALS FG FGA PCT. DiVincenzo 2-4 1-2 7, Kennedy 0-0 0-0 0, Gillespie 2-4 4-4 (pp). 6, Montreal, Deslauriers 8 (Drouin, Carr), 12:57. D.C. United at Columbus, 6
Thornwell 0-2, Rivers 0-4), Houston 12-41 (Gordon 7-9, Jacksonville Jaguars: Signed WR Donte Moncrief to a
Capela, HOU .................................. 366 559 .655 9. Totals 31-52 11-14 87. one-year contract. THIRD PERIOD Minnesota United at New York, 7
Harden 2-8, Ariza 1-4, Tucker 1-5, Mbah a Moute 1-6, Sporting KC at Colorado, 9
Jordan, L.A.C. ................................ 296 456 .649 Halftime: Villanova 44-23. Three-point goals: Radford Kansas City Chiefs: Agreed to terms with P Dustin Scoring: 7, Pittsburgh, Hornqvist 22 (Hagelin, Du-
J.Johnson 0-3, Paul 0-6). Fouled Out: None. Rebounds:
Adams, OKC .................................. 375 591 .635 8-24 (Bradford 3-5, Hicks 3-6, Tanner 1-1, Fields 1-4, Colquitt on a three-year contract. moulin), 12:24. 8, Pittsburgh, Rust 12 (Oleksiak, Horn- LA Galaxy at Vancouver, 10
L.A. Clippers 45 (Jordan 18), Houston 50 (Capela 12).
Harrell, L.A.C. ................................ 253 399 .634 Saunders 0-1, Butts 0-1, Cousin 0-2, Polite 0-2, Jones Miami Dolphins: Signed WR Danny Amendola. Re-signed qvist), 18:07.
Assists: L.A. Clippers 16 (Teodosic 4), Houston 20
Kanter, NYK .................................. 381 632 .603 0-2), Villanova 14-27 (Bridges 3-6, Booth 2-2, Brunson LS John Denney.
(Harden 7). Total Fouls: L.A. Clippers 21, Houston 13.
Gibson, MIN .................................. 367 630 .583 2-3, DiVincenzo 2-3, Paschall 2-4, Spellman 2-5, Gillespie Minnesota Vikings: Signed QB Kirk Cousins to a three- SHOTS ON GOAL
Technicals: L.A. Clippers coach Clippers (Defensive three
Collins, ATL ................................... 259 448 .578 1-2, Samuels 0-1, Delaney 0-1). Fouled out: Hicks. year contract.
second), Thornwell, Paul. A: 18,055 (18,055). PITTSBURGH ......................... 11 18 10 — 39
Randle, L.A.L. ................................ 417 732 .570 Rebounds: Radford 30 (Polite 8), Villanova 31 (Spellman New York Giants: Signed T Nate Solder and LB Kareem TE NNI S
MONTREAL .............................. 9 4 7 — 20
Valanciunas, TOR .......................... 307 545 .563 7). Assists: Radford 10 (Jones 4), Villanova 20 (DiVin- Martin.
Favors, UTA ................................... 324 577 .562 Power-play opportunities: Pittsburgh 1 of 2; Montreal 1
cenzo 8). Total fouls: Radford 17, Villanova 16. New York Jets: Signed RB Isaiah Crowell to a three-year
Howard, CHA ................................. 417 747 .558 of 1. Goalies: Pittsburgh, Jarry 14-6-2 (20 shots-17
contract and K Cairo Santos to a one-year contract. ATP/WTA
Spurs 98, Pelicans 93 Whiteside, MIA ............................. 276 502 .550 Oakland Raiders: Signed RB Doug Martin, WR Jordy
saves). Montreal, Niemi 5-7-4 (38-34). A: 21,302
Towns, MIN ................................... 523 953 .549 (21,288). T: 2:27.
NEW ORLEANS .................. 26 32 15 20 — 93 Nelson, FB Keith Smith, S Marcus Gilchrist, LB Tahir At Indian Wells (Calif.) Tennis Garden
SAN ANTONIO ................... 37 23 18 20 — 98 James, CLE .................................... 689 1269 .543 Whitehead and TE Derek Carrier. Released WR Michael Purse: Men: $7.97 million (Masters 1000)
Simmons, PHL ............................... 447 834 .536 Kentucky 78, Davidson 73 Crabtree. Re-signed TE Lee Smith. Women: $8.65 million (Premier)
NEW ORLEANS: Moore 5-9 0-0 11, Davis 8-19 5-5 21, Davidson (21-12) San Francisco 49Ers: Traded C Daniel Kilgore and a 2018 Panthers 3, Bruins 0 Surface: Hard-Outdoor
Mirotic 3-12 0-0 6, Rondo 2-6 2-2 6, Holiday 9-23 4-5 24, THREE-POINTERS 3FG 3FGA PCT. Aldridge 4-17 3-3 12, Michelsen 2-4 0-0 5, Grady 4-14 7-8 seventh-round draft pick to Miami for a 2018 seventh-
Miller 1-4 0-0 3, Okafor 2-4 2-2 6, Clark 6-11 2-2 16, round draft pick. Signed DL Jeremiah Attaochu to a BOSTON ................................... 0 0 0 — 0 MEN’S SINGLES
Ingles, UTA .................................... 172 381 .451 16, Gudmundsson 6-14 3-4 21, Pritchett 2-2 0-0 6, Jones FLORIDA .................................. 2 1 0 — 3
Liggins 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 36-90 15-16 93. Thompson, GOL ............................. 206 466 .442 0-0 0-0 0, Magarity 5-7 1-2 11, Wynter 0-0 0-0 0, Collins one-year contract. QUARTERFINALS
Korver, CLE .................................... 154 350 .440 0-0 0-0 0, Reigel 1-3 0-0 2. 24-61 Totals 14-17 73. Tennessee Titans: Agreed to terms with RB Dion Lewis FIRST PERIOD
SAN ANTONIO: Green 2-11 0-0 5, Anderson 2-5 2-2 6, on a multiyear contract. Borna Coric, Croatia, def. Kevin Anderson (7), South
Aldridge 11-27 3-3 25, Murray 8-13 1-2 18, Mills 2-12 3-4 Collison, IND ................................... 72 166 .434 Africa, 2-6, 6-4, 7-6 (7-3).
Kentucky (25-10) Washington Redskins: Signed WR Paul Richardson. Scoring: 1, Florida, Ekblad 14 (Bjugstad, Dadonov), 6:25.
8, Gay 2-3 0-0 4, Bertans 0-1 0-0 0, Gasol 3-4 2-2 8, Augustin, ORL ................................. 97 225 .431
Richards 1-1 0-0 2, Knox 8-16 9-11 25, Washington 5-8 Re-signed LB Zach Brown. 2, Florida, Bjugstad 16 (Dadonov, Matheson), 9:06.
Forbes 2-4 0-0 5, Parker 3-12 0-0 8, Ginobili 2-7 6-6 11. Bullock, DET .................................... 97 225 .431 WOMEN’S SINGLES
1-2 11, Gilgeous-Alexander 5-13 9-10 19, Diallo 3-4 2-2 8,
Totals 37-99 17-19 98. Durant, GOL .................................. 157 365 .430 COLLEGES SECOND PERIOD
Killeya-Jones 2-5 4-5 8, Gabriel 0-1 1-2 1, Green 2-3 0-0 4. QUARTERFINALS
Horford, BOS ................................... 85 198 .429
Three-point Goals: New Orleans 6-16 (Clark 2-3, Holiday Totals 26-51 26-32 78. Fordham: Named Mike Burchett offensive coordinator/ Scoring: 3, Florida, Trocheck 27 (Barkov, Yandle), 14:07
Tatum, BOS ..................................... 87 203 .429 Daria Kasatkina (20), Russia, def. Angelique Kerber (10),
2-5, Miller 1-1, Moore 1-2, Rondo 0-1, Mirotic 0-2, Davis Nowitzki, DAL ............................... 123 289 .426 Halftime: Kentucky 34-24. Three-point goals: Davidson quarterbacks coach, James Lenahan outside linebackers (pp). Germany, 6-0, 6-2.
0-2), San Antonio 7-26 (Parker 2-3, Forbes 1-1, Murray Curry, GOL ..................................... 209 493 .424 11-33 (Gudmundsson 6-11, Pritchett 2-2, Michelsen 1-3, coach and Chris Batti wide receivers coach.
1-2, Ginobili 1-3, Mills 1-6, Green 1-8, Gasol 0-1, Aldridge Georgia: Named Tom Crean men’s basketball coach. SHOTS ON GOAL MEN’S DOUBLES
McCollum, POR ............................. 165 390 .423 Grady 1-5, Aldridge 1-9, Magarity 0-1, Reigel 0-2),
0-1, Anderson 0-1). Fouled Out: Davis. Rebounds: New Hill, CLE ........................................... 74 175 .423 Kentucky 0-6 (Green 0-1, Gabriel 0-1, Diallo 0-1, Knox Georgia Tech: G Josh Okogie plans to enter the NBA BOSTON ................................. 14 12 20 — 46
Orleans 53 (Davis 14), San Antonio 52 (Murray 12). draft. FLORIDA ................................ 10 10 8 — 28 QUARTERFINALS
Porter Jr., WAS ............................. 112 265 .423 0-3). Fouled out: Washington, Reigel. Rebounds: David-
Assists: New Orleans 18 (Holiday 7), San Antonio 16 Towns, MIN ..................................... 99 235 .421 son 26 (Magarity 6), Kentucky 34 (Gilgeous-Alexander Illinois: Announced men’s basketball F Leron Black will Power-play opportunities: Boston 0 of 4; Florida 1 of 2. Pablo Cuevas, Uruguay, and Horacio Zeballos, Argentina,
(Parker, Anderson 4). Total Fouls: New Orleans 18, San McDermott, DAL ............................. 76 181 .420 8). Assists: Davidson 12 (Gudmundsson 3), Kentucky 11 not return next season. Goalies: Boston, Khudobin 15-5-4 (28 shots-25 saves). vs. Gilles Muller, Luxembourg, and Sam Querrey, United
Antonio 14. Technicals: New Orleans coach Alvin Gentry, Miller, NOR ................................... 124 297 .418 (Gilgeous-Alexander 8). Total fouls: Davidson 22, Ken- Mississippi: Named Kermit Davis men’s basketball Florida, Reimer 16-13-5 (46-46). A: 16,067 (19,250). T: States; Oliver Marach, Austria, and Mate Pavic (3),
Davis. A: 18,418 (18,418). tucky 19. coach. 2:35. Croatia, vs. Feliciano Lopez and Marc Lopez, Spain.

ncaa tournament

In stunner,
No. 13 seed

Wildcats Midwest Region (in Pittsburgh)

Rhode Island
78 (OT)
15 Iona 67
BUFFALO 89, 2 Duke 89
South Region (in Dallas)
BY T IM B ONTEMPS 14 Wright State 47
3 Tennessee 73
boise, idaho — When this NCAA 11 Loyola Chi. 64
tournament field was announced,
6 Miami 62
there was plenty of talk about how
difficult of a draw the Arizona West Region (in Boise, Idaho)
Wildcats were handed. There was
the potential matchup with Ken- 13 UNCG 64
tucky — a fellow preseason top- 4 Gonzaga 68
five team — in the second round. 12 S. Dakota St. 73
There was a mouthwatering po-
tential meeting in the Sweet 16 5 Ohio State 81
with No. 1 overall seed Virginia.
What wasn’t discussed, howev- Midwest Region (in Wichita)
er, was a first-round loss to Buf- 16 Pennsylvania 60
falo. Yet that’s exactly what hap- 1 Kansas 76
The No. 13 seed Bulls authored PHOTOS BY JOHN MCDONNELL/THE WASHINGTON POST 9 N.C. State 83

the biggest upset of the tourna- “He played great in the ACC tournament, and I expect him to keep playing that way,” Virginia’s De’Andre Hunter said of Mamadi Diakite. 8 Seton Hall 94
ment’s first day, hammering the
fourth-seeded Wildcats, 89-68. East Region (in Pittsburgh)
“I can’t say enough about our
guys,” Buffalo Coach Nate Oats
said. “I thought we had a shot.
“I didn’t think we’d win it like
Diakite’s smooth shot is now a big one 16
that, but I thought we could win 8 Virginia Tech 83
this game.” With Hunter out with a broken wrist, U-Va. reserve and Guinea native will be counted on more
The Bulls (27-8) did it in style, South Region (in Boise, Idaho)
too, getting a combined 67 points BY G ENE W ANG ment. “Guys like Mamadi and 12 Davidson 73
from a trio of guards — senior Wes Marco [Anthony] and Nigel
Clark, who led all scorers with 25, charlotte — A cluster of televi- [Johnson], guys who’ve come off 5 Kentucky 78
as well as 23 from junior Jeremy sion cameras surrounded De’An- the bench for us, and De’Andre 13 Buffalo 89
Harris and 19 from junior C.J. dre Hunter in the locker room before, certainly have to be ready.” 4 Arizona 68
Massinburg. Buffalo, the Mid- Thursday afternoon, shortly be- Diakite’s statistics have been up
American Conference’s regular fore the Virginia men’s basketball virtually across the board from West Region (in Wichita)
season and tournament cham- team was set to practice at Spec- last season, most notably at the
pion, shot 54.8 percent from the trum Center in advance of its free throw line, where he’s 24 11 San Diego St. 65

field and went 15 for 30 from NCAA tournament opener. percentage points better. His 56 6 Houston 67
three-point range — including As Hunter addressed the cir- percent shooting from the field 14 Montana 47
9 for 14 from behind the arc in the cumstances that led to the broken ranks second among the Cavaliers 3 Michigan 61
second half. left wrist that will force him to in the regular rotation, and he has
“It’s simple,” Clark said. “It’s miss the tournament, to his left, increased his scoring and re- East Region (in Dallas)
just making shots no matter who with nary a microphone pointed bounding averages.
is out there. It’s the same as in the at him, sat Mamadi Diakite, the A deceptively smooth shot- 14 SFA 60
MAC. . . . It’s the same three-point 6-foot-9 reserve presumably in maker, Diakite has converted 3 Texas Tech 70
line, so we just have the same line to receive many of Hunter’s more than his share of memorable 11 St. Bona. 62
confidence and not worry about minutes during Friday’s game baskets this season, including a
6 Florida 77
who is on the defensive end.” against No. 16 seed Maryland Bal- handful against Syracuse’s vaunt-
Arizona (27-8), the Pacific-12’s timore County (24-10) in the ed 2-3 zone defense during a 59-
regular season and tournament South Region round of 64. Virginia Coach Tony Bennett said reserves such as Diakite, Marco 44 victory Feb. 3 at the Carrier FRIDAY’S GAMES
champion, fell apart under the Diakite is accustomed to being Anthony and Nigel Johnson have to be ready as the games dictate. Dome. West Region (in Charlotte)
onslaught. After senior center Du- out of the spotlight, yet team- One of his five field goals came
san Ristic scored with 17:22 re- mates and Coach Tony Bennett munication a chore, much less will come. You’ve just got to keep courtesy of an off-balance turn- 10 Providence 12:15 P.M.
maining to give the Wildcats a frequently trumpet just how im- absorbing basketball terminolo- working hard.’ around jumper while falling out 7 Texas A&M CBS
46-45 lead, Buffalo went on a 10-2 portant Diakite has been on the gy. “I kept working on my English of bounds with the shot clock 15 Lipscomb 2:45 P.M.
run to turn a game that had gone way to top-seeded Virginia’s re- But Diakite used every oppor- skills, and I also kept working on expiring. He added another long
back-and-forth throughout the cord-setting 31-2 season, even if tunity to learn the language, all my basketball skills, and I’m able jumper while drifting almost be- 2 N. Carolina CBS
first half. others outside the program are the while working on his game to communicate with people, and hind the backboard that swished
After Arizona cut it to 60-55 not as quick to recognize those and ensuring his grades would be I’m also at the spot where I have to through early the second half. East Region (in Detroit)
with 12:11 remaining, Buffalo contributions. on track to gain acceptance to step up. Not only me but the whole In the ACC tournament semifi- 15 CS Fullerton 12:40 P.M.
went on a 19-5 run over the next “I think he’s going to play Virginia, which he chose after a team, we have to step up together.” nals, Diakite produced a high- 2 Purdue TRUTV
eight minutes to effectively re- great,” Hunter said of the redshirt competitive recruiting process. Diakite has been particularly light-reel moment with a reverse
move any suspense, allowing for sophomore. “He played great in During that transition, he said, efficient recently, scoring at least dunk, part of his six straight 10 Butler 3:10 P.M.

the many post mortems on Ari- the ACC tournament, and I expect the gym provided a comfortable nine points in four of the past five points that opened Virginia’s first 7 Arkansas TRUTV
zona’s season to begin. him to keep playing that way.” space in an unfamiliar land and games and shooting 17 for 28 double-digit lead in a 64-58 win
“With us being a MAC team, it’s Filling the void left by the in- helped ease the transition of be- (61 percent) over that stretch. He against Clemson. East Region (in San Diego)
easy to look at us as a team that jured ACC sixth man of the year is ing thousands of miles from his had consecutive double-figure “I mean, he’s a very skilled big 13 Marshall 1:30 P.M.
can’t compete with a high major manageable for Diakite, who has family members, including three performances in the quarterfinals man,” Virginia starting center
4 Wichita State TNT
with four NBA prospects,” Clark faced far greater challenges. younger brothers who still live in and semifinals of the ACC tourna- Jack Salt said. “You don’t see that
said. “But we watched enough Four years ago, he elected to Guinea. ment while providing a comple- with guys that are 6-9, 6-10, to 12 Murray State 4 P.M.
film and got our confidence up move to the United States from “Coming here without being mentary interior defensive pres- have that kind of touch. He defi- 5 West Virginia TNT
overnight. We knew we could play Guinea, where he first developed able to speak the local language ence to senior forward Isaiah nitely can make those kind of
with these guys and came out and an interest in basketball. Through was a hard thing to do for me,” Wilkins, the ACC defensive player shots, and we see that in pickup South Region (in Nashville)
played hard.” mutual contacts in Africa and the Diakite said. “Communication of the year. and one-on-one when we go 15 Georgia State 2 P.M.
Buffalo will now move on to United States, Diakite arrived at was the biggest part, but I’ve put- “The game will dictate what against him.
face fifth-seeded Kentucky here Blue Ridge High, roughly 20 miles ting in the work, and the coaches you do,” Bennett said about Di- “Yeah, he can definitely do 2 Cincinnati TBS
Saturday. from Charlottesville, speaking no have been leading me through the akite’s projected playing time that.” 10 Texas 4:30 P.M. English, thus making basic com- up and downs, saying, ‘Your day throughout the NCAA tourna- 7 Nevada TBS

South Region (in Charlotte)

JERRY BREWER 9 Kansas State 6:50 P.M.
8 Creighton TNT

Virginia can’t let one broken wrist keep it from breaking through 16
9:20 P.M.

Midwest Region (in Detroit)

BREWER FROM D1 the hunt for championships for weeks ago that completed an regular season was no fluke. one in the locker room since he
as long as he’s in Charlottesville. improbable 67-66 victory in Virginia looks to have a difficult first became a head coach at 14 Bucknell 7:10 P.M.
seeds — and all of a sudden, the But to break through and which the Cavaliers scored five path to the Final Four, but you Washington State. He still 3 Michigan St. CBS
Final Four again seems so finally get to the Final Four? To points in the final nine-tenths can nearly guarantee one thing receives text messages from 11 Syracuse 9:40 P.M.
remote. go beyond and hoist the trophy? of a second. about this team: If the Cavaliers former players who tell him,
What’s the truth? Well, there’s The Cavaliers have to be ready It was one of those victories don’t win the South Region, it “Keep knocking, Coach.” The 6 TCU CBS

no doubt that the Cavaliers’ for anything, and when that makes you believe a team is won’t be because they beat point is that you don’t change
West Region (in Nashville)
championship quest became anything has happened in the destined to do something themselves. Someone has to fundamentally. You just evolve
significantly more complicated past to Bennett and Co., the special. So what happens when beat them. Someone has to and remain persistent. That’s 16 Tex. Southern 7:20 P.M.
because Hunter’s impact is unknown has won. But this is a destiny breaks its wrist? outlast them. Someone has to the only way Bennett will get to 1 Xavier TBS
greater than his averages of 9.2 different squad, and the coach “I don’t think of it that way,” grind and probably play its best a Final Four because that’s the
9 Florida State 9:50 P.M.
points and 3.5 rebounds has only become more Hunter said. “There’s no ‘Why’d game. only way he knows.
suggest. But if Virginia is truly seasoned. Another opportunity this happen to me?’ or ‘Here we If Virginia wants to maximize “You keep knocking, and 8 Missouri TBS
the best team in college for the program to show its go again.’ I was really its potential without Hunter, it sometimes the door gets
basketball and not merely a growth begins Friday against disappointed, but there’s must be an agile version of slammed in your face,” Bennett Midwest Region (in San Diego)
regular season wonder, it UMBC. nothing I can really do about it itself. This is the best-planned said. “Sometimes you knock, 13 Charleston 7:27 P.M.
should take more than this “You can’t control the right now. So I’m going to be the team in America. But at some and it opens an inch, and you 4 Auburn TRUTV
injury to ruin what it has timing,” Bennett said of biggest cheerleader in the point, it will have to do try to put your foot and
established this season. Hunter’s injury. “Those things games, and I just try to something off script. The shoulder in there and keep 12 N.M. State 9:57 P.M.
Bennett’s methodical team happen. I think there’s enough encourage them and be positive. Cavaliers’ challenge isn’t to knocking and trying to bust 5 Clemson TRUTV
enters the tournament with an in that room.” “I think we’re really prepared, handle the pressure of being a through that door. That’s the
unforeseen hole to either fill or Even Hunter would agree. even without me. We played No. 1 seed or the burden of mentality.” All times Eastern
hide, but if it wants to finally He’s disappointed that he won’t against great competition in the needing a Final Four Here’s the thing, though: Online: Check out our
ace March Madness, this should play in the tournament for a ACC and out of conference. I breakthrough. They need to be Most homes have windows, too.
interactive bracket for a
be considered just the first test second straight season, but he think we’re ready. We played comfortable when the And they have multiple doors
of whether it has the flexibility won’t let himself or his team some tough home and road tournament makes them that can be knocked down. full breakdown of all the
to survive. feel defeated. Last year, he games. We’ve been down late uncomfortable. That’s the subtle variation that matchups:
Here’s the difference between redshirted as a freshman. This and come back. We experienced “I’m a huge believer that Virginia’s consistent program
dominating the regular season season, he became Virginia’s a lot this season and should be pressure is just a figment of must recognize. It will never
and conquering the ultimate most diverse weapon. At 6-foot- ready.” your imagination,” sophomore change, but it has to possess the
challenge of the wildest single- 7 and 222 pounds, he can play I like the substance behind guard Kyle Guy said. “If you feel flexibility to see multiple points
elimination tournament in four positions. He’s capable of Virginia’s 31-2 record. It has pressure, then pressure exists. of entry. Only one thing
sports: In March, you must be running the offense and been tested and responded with This team is so focused and well matters: breaking through. Just
adaptable. Virginia has perhaps defending in the post. He’s an amazing results, including an prepared and well coached that find a way inside.
the best system and culture in efficient scorer. He’s fearless. He undefeated conference road we just stay humble and we
college basketball, and was the star of Virginia’s play of record, a 17-1 overall mark in the don’t get too high or too low.”
Bennett’s consistent approach the season: a buzzer-beating ACC and a conference Bennett is referencing the For more by Jerry Brewer, visit
means the program will be in three-pointer at Louisville two tournament title to prove the door knocker again. He has kept

ncaa tournament

Worth the wait: Ramblers win on three at buzzer

game prayer from its team chap- Clayton Custer hit a tying three ances in 17 years, with four NCAA
LOYOLA CHICAGO 64, lain, 98-year-old Sister Jean Dolo- in the final two minutes and led wins in the home arena of the
MIAMI 62 res Schmidt. She has held that post Loyola with 14 points on 4-for-6 NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, before
for more than two decades and, shooting from long range. Ingram switching “T’s” and shades of or-
sitting courtside in her wheel- finished with 13 points. ange three years ago.
A SSOCIATED P RESS chair, received hugs from the Walker scored 12 for Miami. Loudon Love led Wright State
Ramblers when it was over. TENNESSEE 73, WRIGHT
 with 12 points and nine rebounds.
Donte Ingram hit a three-point- “I said we wanted to get that big STATE 47: Admiral Schofield had KENTUCKY 78, DAVID-

er from the March Madness logo ‘W’ up there, and we did,” she said 15 points and 12 rebounds as the SON 73: Fifth-seeded Kentucky
just before the buzzer, lifting Loy- in a postgame TV interview. third-seeded Volunteers (26-8) ad- (25-10) topped 12th-seeded David-
ola Chicago over Miami, 64-62, in The sixth-seeded Hurricanes vanced to the second round with a son (21-12) in Boise, Idaho, despite
a Thursday thriller in Dallas to (22-10) led most of the second half victory over the 14th-seeded Raid- failing to make a three-pointer,
celebrate its first NCAA tourna- in their third straight trip to the ers (25-10), with Tennessee Coach snapping a nation-best streak of
ment appearance in 33 years. tournament but couldn’t pull Rick Barnes back in familiar terri- 1,047 games with a three that be-
Ingram’s long shot from well away in the final minutes and lost tory in Dallas. gan in 1988.
above the key came after Lonnie in the first round for the second Lamonte Turner had 19 points The Wildcats went 0 for 6 from
Walker IV missed a free throw straight year. and a career-high nine assists for behind the line.
with a chance to give the Hurri- The buzzer sounded as In- the Vols (26-8), Southeastern Con- UNLV now holds the longest
canes a three-point lead with nine gram’s shot went in, and the Ram- ference co-champions in the regu- streak at 1,040 games.
seconds remaining. blers celebrated wildly in front of lar season. Kevin Knox had 25 points for
The Ramblers (29-5), seeded their raucous fans wearing ma- Tennessee did not have much Kentucky, which pulled away after
11th in the South Region, matched roon-and-gold scarfs in the Ameri- trouble with Wright State, the Ho- Davidson, also nicknamed the
the school record for wins from can Airlines Center sections rizon League tournament cham- Wildcats, tied the score at 54 with
their 1963 national championship across from their bench. pion making its first NCAA ap- 8:01 left.
team in their first NCAA trip since But officials put 0.3 seconds pearance since 2007. Davidson made 11 three-point-
they lost to Patrick Ewing and back on the clock, forcing Loyola Barnes is 5-0 in NCAA tourna- ers, led by six from Jon Axel Gud-
Georgetown in the Sweet 16 in to gather on the bench and post- ment games at American Airlines mundsson, who had 21 points.
1985. They advanced to face Ten- poning the celebration until after Center, about a three-hour drive RONALD MARTINEZ/GETTY IMAGES
Kentucky will next face 13th-
nessee on Saturday. a desperation full-court pass from the University of Texas. He seeded Buffalo, which stunned Clayton Custer and Ben Richardson were in a joyous mood after the
Loyola was boosted by a pre- bounced away harmlessly. led the Longhorns to 16 appear- fourth-seeded Arizona, 89-68. Ramblers prevailed in their first NCAA tournament game in 33 years.

Bamba, Porter not ready

for their one to be done
BY C HUCK C ULPEPPER of the Big 12, in being “kind of like
positionless both offensively and
nashville — In the category of defensively.”
19-year-old human beings being Since jetting to Texas and Coach
savvier than 19-year-old human Shaka Smart last summer, Bamba
beings used to be, two tall test said: “Skill-wise, I think my game
cases have alighted here. They’re is night-and-day from June 1. I’m
peripatetic, polished and at home just playing out there. I’m shoot-
in their own skins. They have been ing with confidence. I’m getting
spotlighted for so long that the into post moves, using my body
idea of 20-odd iPhones extended more. It’s just fun being out there
to pick up the sounds emanating imposing my will.”
from their mouths seems routine. He averaged 30 minutes per
Upon a planet believed to have game, 13 points, 10 rebounds. He
as many as 10,000 mock drafts, blocked 108 shots. Astute observ-
they navigate a mock-draft world ers liken him to a newly hatched
with reasonable aplomb. T-Rex who will need to decide the
“It’s almost impossible to not caliber of his hunt. Teammates
know where you are in the mock liken him to pure joy, as when
draft because people always say, Jacob Young said: “Great person-
‘Mo, they have you projected at ality. Very friendly. Very funny. Mo
so-and-so.’ I’m like, ‘Cool,’ ” said is my guy. I can’t get enough of Mo.
Mohamed Bamba, the charismat- He never pushes you off. He’s al-
ic 6-foot-11 Texas freshman. ways there to help you. . . . A hell of
“I don’t look at them at all, no. I a guy. A hell of a guy.”
mean, I see them, but I don’t go In the doorway of the Missouri
seek them out,” said Michael Por- locker room, the presence of Por-
ter Jr., the personable 6-10 Mis- ter wrought an inconvenient
souri freshman. “People tag you, thicket. Waves of questions came
on my Instagram, people tweet at him as they would if he already
’em at you.” manned the NBA itself. He ad-
The as-yet-undetermined NBA dressed his apparent new haircut.
teams will pick them third and (“It’s not really that new. I just
fifth, seventh and fourth, fourth brushed it down.”) He told of the CHARLES LECLAIRE/USA TODAY SPORTS

and seventh, sixth and fifth, third art of limiting the voices in his Oklahoma’s Trae Young, driving against Rhode Island’s Fatts Russell, scored 28 points Thursday in what could be his final college game.
and fifth, fifth and seventh, de- head. (“I’m pretty good at taking
pending upon which list you study what people say and just putting it
or don’t study. Before that, these
latest titans of the peculiar Ameri-
can habit of one-and-done will get
to the side and focusing on what’s
important for me and the team.”)
He gauged his percentage of re-
Star belonged on big stage, even if Sooners didn’t
their little flicker of NCAA tourna- covery at 70 percent, an increase of
ment half-life in games Friday, five percentage points from his pittsburgh — But teams figured out Russell sneaked up on Young generously at 180 pounds. When
with Texas (19-14) a No. 10 seed in self-diagnosis after the loss to Trae Young’s Oklahoma. They played Young after he took the ensuing he trails his teammates onto the
the South Region against No. 7 Georgia in the SEC tournament. college basketball physically and double-teamed inbound pass and stole the ball court, he looks like a manager
Nevada (27-7) and Missouri (20- He reported about the growth career began him often. All of a sudden he was from him. Then, without a who has been allowed to suit up
12) a No. 8 seed in the West Region of his teammate and brother, Jon- quietly Nov. 12, human, and the Sooners went teammate in sight, he buried a as a special treat. But when the
against No. 9 Florida State (20-11). tay Porter, the SEC’s co-sixth man when he scored 4-11 to enter the NCAA three for a 55-50 lead, forcing ball gets into his hands, it is like
Bamba semi-famously missed of the year. (“Sometimes he thinks John 15 points in a 108- tournament. Kruger to call a timeout. watching a basketball magic
three late-season games with an he knows better than everybody Feinstein 89 Oklahoma If he has a weakness, it is that “Coach always tells me to be show.
injured toe; Porter famously else. But that’s a thing he’s really victory over he sometimes tries to make too myself when I go in,” Russell Hurley, who grew up in the
missed 30 to have a microdiscecto- grown in. I knew if anybody was Omaha. It almost certainly much happen, the product of said, grinning. “Myself is very shadow of older brother Bobby,
my procedure on his L3 and L4 going to get that out of him, it was ended Thursday afternoon at having a less-than-great team confident.” watching him win two national
spinal disks. Bamba returned in going to be Coach Cuonzo.”) He PPG Paints Arena, 2.5 seconds around him. That’s why the The Sooners scored the first championships at Duke while
the Big 12 tournament to play reported about his regular texts after he slipped the ball to Sooners, even with the best three points of overtime, but becoming the NCAA’s all-time
14 minutes with 10 points and four from Curry during his yawningly teammate Jamuni McNeace for player in the country, faded. with Rhode Island closing off the assists leader, found himself
rebounds; Porter returned in the long recovery. (“Be patient. Don’t one final, futile assist. Young’s numbers Thursday lane and daring Young to shoot flashing back 25 years watching
Southeastern Conference tourna- worry about what people say It was too little, too late, were typical for him: 28 points, from way beyond the arc or put Young.
ment to play 23 minutes and shoot about you.”) He told of scoring Rhode Island walking away with seven assists, five rebounds and the ball in the hands of his “He wears number 11 like Bob
5 for 17. There’s a sense either of 65 points in a game at age 7. an 83-78 overtime victory in the six turnovers. He played 39 of the teammates, the Rams went on a did,” he said. “At times it was
them could pull a Stephen Curry He updated listeners on his shot opening game of the NCAA game’s 45 minutes, limited only 7-0 run that proved decisive, almost eerie out there because
turn and help send their teams after the 5-for-17 showing, of the tournament’s first round. by two first-half offensive fouls — with Matthews’s three-pointer he’s so quick with the ball and so
Davidson-ing through a few importance of “shooting in the And so, barring a miracle, the second being the type of silly being the most critical moment. daring like Bob.” He smiled. “Of
rounds, as happened in 2008, and gym until I’m tired so that when ended the remarkable journey of touch fouls the NCAA has fallen Young missed two heaved three- course Bob could never shoot the
there’s a sense that sense might I’m tired in the game it’s still a one of the most gifted basketball in love with the past two years — pointers — the kind he often ball like that.”
prove unrealistic, even if sports consistent jumper. Really just on players to put on a college that forced Coach Lon Kruger to made this season — and then Hurley played in an era when
fans would never be unrealistic. my balance on my jumper. I uniform. sit him for six minutes. tried to find his teammates. But almost all college players stuck
“It’s too late in the game for the watched a film of the last game. I When the draining game was “We didn’t talk before the with the season on the line, they around for four years. Young
guy to . . . change it to fit him,” was fading a lot. Everything was finally over, Young went to the game about holding him under a couldn’t finish. Young was 9 for plays at a time when any star
Missouri Coach Cuonzo Martin short. I’ve just got to stay in my end of the handshake line, head certain number of points,” 18 from the field; the rest of the who sticks around for a
said of Porter. “He has to fit in to shot, especially right now when I down, staring for a moment at Hurley said. “We talked about Sooners were 20 for 51, including sophomore season is seen by his
what the guys are doing. I think don’t have my full power, got to the scoreboard as if he could limiting his shots. Our goal was 1 for 11 from three-point range. peers as some sort of failure.
he’ll do a good job with that.” stay in those shots and knock somehow will the result away. to hold him to 15 shots. He had When it was over, Young Young said all the right things
What’s established already, them down.” The first person he encountered 18 for the game, including accepted all the hugs from the after the game about how proud
though, is that their presences ra- At one point, he even advised, from Rhode Island was Coach overtime, so that’s pretty good.” Rhode Island players, then he was of his teammates, about
diate — for a guy who joined the “Fruit’s a natural anti-inflamma- Dan Hurley, who wrapped him in E.C. Matthews, the Rams’ headed for the tunnel. His how much he looked forward to
world in May 1998 (Bamba) and a tory, so it’s going to help you recov- a hug and whispered in his ear fifth-year senior, hit the three- coaches all waited for him, next season with only one senior
guy who joined the world in June er real quick.” That’s when he, a for several seconds. point shot with 1:52 left in perhaps to thank him for the — Khadeem Lattin —
1998 (Porter). It’s partly the polish vegetarian “trying to go more ve- “I just told him it was a overtime to give Rhode Island season he had given them. The graduating. Understandably, he
formed by confidence forged by gan,” raised in a family with seven pleasure to compete against the lead for good at 74-72, but the network TV camera never left was thinking only of his team in
mastering frontiers, as when Bam- siblings and zero meat, started him,” Hurley said. “I’ve been on real hero was freshman point him as he jogged to the tunnel. the aftermath of the loss.
ba, born to Ivorian immigrants in delving into the details of his ba- the court as a player and a coach guard Fatts Russell, who came Young grew up in Norman, Then he added, “I’ll sit down
Harlem, went to high school in nana smoothies, a knack he against some great players, but off the bench and played most of Okla., so Kruger saw him play with my parents in the next
New Hampshire and then in Penn- gleaned from a physician, Doug he’s unique.” He smiled. “He’s the second half, scoring 13 of his throughout his high school week, and we’ll talk the whole
sylvania, and Porter, born to two Graham, a friend-of-a-family- like Barry Sanders. Every time he 15 points while making life as years. He knew he had thing over.”
former college basketball players friend who actually came from gets the ball you think he’s going difficult as possible for Young. something special on his hands There isn’t much doubt about
in Missouri, went to high school in England and cooked for the Por- to score a touchdown.” “I told him when I recruited by the time Young committed to the decision the Young family
Missouri and then in Seattle. ters last summer. Young took the college game him that when I went to the OU. He just didn’t know how will reach. Which is why it was
On a dais in front of reporters “I try to get, like, 10 bananas a by storm early this season, Peach Jam [an elite AAU special. sad to see Young leave the
Thursday, Bamba, famed for a day, and I drink bananas, just leading the nation in scoring tournament] two summers ago, “I knew he was exceptional,” building Thursday. Oklahoma
wingspan said to approach eight straight bananas and water. And it (27.4 points per game) and the only point guard I had seen Kruger said. “But I don’t think I may not have belonged in the
feet, replied to a Nevadan reporter just helps me stay energized, so assists (8.8), making shots and who was better than him was could have anticipated what this NCAA tournament, but Trae
by beginning, “I’m not taking any shout-out to Dr. Graham.” passes that left opponents Trae Young,” Hurley said. “He season would be like.” He paused Young certainly did.
questions from Nevada natives, Is there enough time for a col- gasping as Oklahoma raced to a told me I was wrong.” and smiled. “After all, there’s It’s a shame for all of us that
sorry.” While this joke landed lege legacy, for players such as 14-2 start after finishing 11-20 a Russell isn’t as good as Young, never been a season quite like his college career lasted just four
somewhere between a raging suc- Porter and Bamba, in this tourna- year ago. but Thursday he was good the one he just had. I think months.
cess and a thud, it was the charm- ment flicker? “I made the mistake of enough, most notably with the considering everything that
ing attempt that mattered. Reasoned Porter, “It depends watching some of their early score 52-50 after Matthews hit a happened, he handled himself
He went on to answer that Ne- on how we do in the tournament.” game tapes first,” Hurley said. “I three-pointer to give the Rams remarkably well.” For more by John Feinstein, visit
vada sort of resembled Texas Tech didn’t sleep for a day-and-a-half.” their first lead since 19-18. Young is 6-foot-2 and is listed

ncaa tournament


Zach Norvell Jr. (15 points), Rui Hachimura and No. 4 seed Gonzaga will face Ohio State on Saturday. Virginia Tech’s Justin Robinson was despondent after fouling out. He tallied a team-high 19 points.

Experience carries Bulldogs Hokies can’t slow down Tide’s Sexton

HOKIES FROM D1 first back-to-back trip to the field his head on the sideline.
BY T IM B ONTEMPS to come out swinging.” since the 1985-86 season. Virginia Tech got a final
GONZAGA 68, And while UNC Greensboro But defense became this Petty tied the game at 52 with chance with less than a minute
boise, idaho — The Gonzaga UNC GREENSBORO 64 certainly did that, that aggres- team’s identity late in the season, five straight points, first on a left, trailing 78-74, when Robin-
Bulldogs long ago shed the label sion cost the Spartans multiple and it was part of their downfall three-pointer assisted by Sexton, son came up with a steal out of a
of being a small-time program. times. After Perkins made the at PPG Paints Arena. Virginia followed by a pair of free throws. timeout. But he was called for a
That will happen when a team for the game — Greensboro was game-tying jumper, Miller opted Tech simply didn’t have an an- Then Sexton got redemption charge on a drive to basket, and
reaches the NCAA tournament able to hang around. to have his team attempt to score swer down the stretch for Sexton against Robinson, drawing an Williams was slapped with a
20 consecutive times and when it That almost entirely was due quickly to set up a potential final or his ability to facilitate. He offensive foul call and stalking on technical for protesting the call.
holds the nation’s longest streak to the Spartans’ ability to relent- shot. But junior guard Francis finished with six assists, and his the court after it appeared he was Sexton went to free throw line,
for advancing past the tourna- lessly attack the paint and score Alonso wound up getting stuck patience helped set up a number hit in the mouth on the play. But made 1 of 2, then flashed a smile
ment’s opening round. — which they did repeatedly in and launched an ugly shot off the of opportunities for teammates, he still looked out of sorts offen- at a section of Crimson Tide fans,
For large stretches of Thurs- the second half as the teams side of the backboard. including John Petty (20 points). sively, uncharacteristically miss- as if he were telling them every-
day’s game between the fourth- traded baskets in what was a Then, after Gonzaga redshirt Alabama, which shot 60 per- ing a pair of free throws on the thing would be okay.
seeded Bulldogs and No. 13 seed highly entertaining game. freshman Zach Norvell Jr. buried cent from the field, will meet No. ensuing possession.
North Carolina Greensboro, “We’re a spread team,” said what proved to be the game-win- 1 seed Villanova on Saturday. The Williams was also worried
however, it looked as if that UNC Greensboro Coach Wes Mil- ning three-pointer with 20.8 sec- Wildcats easily handled No. 16 about the number of broken Villanova rolls over Radford
streak might come to an end — ler, a 35-year-old who is already onds remaining, Alonso was seed Radford earlier Thursday. plays in this game, about giving Jalen Brunson scored
never more so than when Spar- in his seventh season and who called for an offensive foul on the Virginia Tech Coach Buzz Wil- Alabama second and third op- 16 points, and the top-seeded
tans senior forward Jordy Kuiper probably will be a hot name on ensuing possession. liams had tinkered with his portunities. His concerns were Wildcats hit 14 three-pointers in
cleaned up a missed shot and the coaching carousel this spring. “We didn’t execute in the last team’s defensive approach in ear- justified — Alabama finished an 87-61 romp over the No. 16
scored with 1:46 remaining to “We try to open the floor up and minute and a half,” Miller said. ly February, and it paid off with with 10 second-chance points on Highlanders in Pittsburgh.
give UNC Greensboro a two- let the guys go.” “We’ll have to go through the film low-scoring wins over Clemson, 10 offensive rebounds. Perhaps The Highlanders (23-13) posed
point lead. That was the strategy that left and look at that.” Virginia and Duke in the final six the Crimson Tide’s most impor- no threat at becoming the first
But just when it looked as if the Spartans on the verge of a It is precisely because Miller’s weeks of the season. But Wil- tant broken play came with just 16 seed to knock off a No. 1 in the
the Bulldogs were about to suffer major upset. But it also wound up team didn’t execute in those final liams also knew Sexton, who under 10 minutes remaining tournament.
the kind of upset that put them being their undoing. 90 seconds that the Spartans are entered Thursday averaging 25.5 when Sexton lost control of the Villanova (31-4) played to
on the map in 1999, the experi- The play of the game unfolded headed back to Greensboro and points on 52 percent shooting ball in the lane, only to watch it near-perfection for the first
ence that comes with being a with 1:05 remaining. After Gonzaga will remain here to face over his previous four games, fall into the hands of his team- 30 minutes, and everyone played
fixture in March Madness — and Kuiper’s putback was followed by No. 5 seed Ohio State — which could stretch that defense like mate, Avery Johnson Jr., who tied a role. Mikal Bridges had
the ability to cope with the stress Gonzaga’s Silas Melson missing outlasted No. 12 seed South Da- few other players. the game at 61 with a short 13 points, Eric Paschall scored 11,
that it brings — made all the the front end of a one-and-one kota State. Gonzaga is seeking its The Hokies looked more than jumper. and Omari Spellman had
difference. with 1:21 remaining, UNC fourth consecutive trip to the prepared, throwing multiple Sexton muscled his way into 10 points and seven rebounds.
So while UNC Greensboro Greensboro had a golden oppor- Sweet 16. players at Sexton from the outset. the lane for a layup on the next Radford, out of rural south-
made a series of mistakes in the tunity to take a two-possession That’s not to say that Gonzaga It helped that Sexton also became possession, and gave Alabama a western Virginia, must have felt
final 1:40 that determined its lead and put the game away. was perfect. It missed four a little erratic early — over one 68-64 lead with 6:48 left with a as if it were playing against ace
fate, Gonzaga kept its decade- Instead, the Spartans failed to straight shots in the paint in the 90-second stretch, he committed pair of free throws. A couple pop-a-shot players. Villanova led
long streak of advancing intact get a shot off. Junior guard Dem- final 90 seconds that nearly cost two offensive fouls on push-offs, minutes later, he knocked in a 69-37 with 11:45 left and was
with a 68-64 victory at Taco Bell etrius Troy tried to deliver an it the game, and the Bulldogs including a shove to Virginia lucky jumper that first bricked shooting 75 percent (25 for 34)
Arena. ambitious alley-oop to a cutting needed a dose of luck when a Tech guard Justin Robinson that off the back of the iron to extend overall and 60 percent (12 for 20)
“No, it doesn’t get any easier,” James Dickey on the baseline. potential game-tying three- sent Sexton to bench with 12:22 the lead to six. from three-point range.
Gonzaga Coach Mark Few said But when Dickey couldn’t corral pointer by Marvin Smith went remaining before halftime. Even as Virginia Tech pulled At one point, Brunson had
afterward. “These first-round it, the ball went out of bounds halfway down before rattling out. Sexton came back onto the back within two on a layup by 12 points on 5-for-6 shooting.
games are hard. They’re really and back to Gonzaga. And after But when a team has been in floor nearly four minutes later to Nickell Alexander-Walker, even Radford? Just 10 points on 4 for
hard. And I think people get a the Bulldogs answered with a these positions so many times find his team trailing against the as it swarmed Sexton at every 20 from the floor.
little misled when they see the jumper from redshirt junior before, it knows what it needs to hot-shooting Hokies, who hit 17 turn in the final minutes, its Villanova started the game
seed numbers up there. . . . That’s guard Josh Perkins with 54 sec- do to survive and advance. And of 25 from the field in the first defense couldn’t come up with shooting 13 of 16. For those who
a really good team that we were onds left to tie it at 64, UNC for the next 12 months, the UNC half and 7 of 9 from three-point the critical stops that had been struggle with math, that’s a crisp
fortunate enough to beat.” Greensboro never led again. Greensboro Spartans will be range in the first 20 minutes. Yet the centerpieces of its February 81 percent. Phil Booth, Bridges,
For 38 minutes, the Spartans “I don’t think any of our [play- forced to sit and think about even as Sexton went 1 for 4 from run. Sexton helped set up a dunk Brunson and Donte DiVincenzo
(27-8) looked as if they had every- calls] were bad calls, but you what could have been if they had the field in the first half for just for Donta Hall, then assisted on all hit three-pointers in succes-
thing it took to become the first think, ‘What if ?’ ” Miller said. “I handled those final moments three points, he did record four another three-pointer by Petty on sion to blow open the game.
Cinderella story of this year’s think that’s what you do in this better. assists, including a dump-off the next possession. And it “They are a No. 1 seed for a
tournament. Despite Gonzaga situation as a player and coach. “I looked at Coach and said, pass to forward Petty for a three- seemed as if he was rewarded reason. But this team right here
(31-4) doing precisely what it “People say, ‘Man, you were ‘We’ve got this. I trust you, and pointer that beat the buzzer and with an isolation on the left is special,” Radford’s Christian
hoped by forcing UNC Greens- pretty gutsy when you threw that we’re trusting each other,’ ” Per- cut Virginia Tech’s lead at the perimeter with just over two Bradford said. “We’re a champi-
boro into a long game from lob.’ Demetrius and James, kins said. break to 43-41. minutes remaining and his team onship team for a reason. We
behind the three-point arc — it they’ve connected on a lot of lobs “I’m glad I’m here with this A year after making the NCAA clinging to a five-point lead. He never thought in our mind that
went 0 for 13 from three-point this year, and we weren’t going to guy, and we’re not done yet.” tournament for the first time in knocked down the turnaround we couldn’t come back.”
range in the first half and 3 for 22 be afraid tonight. We were going 10 years, Virginia Tech made its jumper as Williams just shook — Associated Press


Foul ending helps Buckeyes advance Evans leads Red Raiders’ late surge
A SSOCIATED P RESS game for the Aztecs with a turn- A SSOCIATED P RESS by Smith on a pass from Justin
OHIO STATE 81, around three-pointer, his second TEXAS TECH 70, Gray and a three-pointer from the
Ohio State is not a three-point SOUTH DAKOTA ST. 73 in a matter of seconds, when Gray Keenan Evans scored 19 of his S.F. AUSTIN 60 right corner in front of the Texas
shooting team. The Buckeyes dribbled up floor with 29 seconds 23 points after halftime, and third- Tech bench by Florida transfer
don’t take a lot, don’t make a lot. left. He allowed the clock to tick seeded Texas Tech surged late to Brandone Francis.
Back in the NCAA tournament ing 10 straight points to tie it at 70. down to six seconds before cross- top No. 14 seed Stephen F. Austin, spin in the air while completing The Red Raiders got their first
for the first time in three years, Ohio State, which was tied for ing over, scooting under two de- 70-60, on Thursday night in Dallas the dunk. NCAA tournament win since
the Buckeyes went all-in on the 287th nationally with 612 three- fenders and scooping up his shot. in the first round of the NCAA Texas Tech will play Florida on 2005, when they advanced to the
three, casting it up 40 times. The point attempts, went 12 for 40 The layup gave him 39 points tournament. Saturday after the Gators ousted Sweet 16 under then-coach Bob
last couple they tried, both by from the arc. and the Cougars (27-7) their first The Big 12 runner-up Red Raid- St. Bonaventure late Thursday Knight.
Kam Williams, helped push Ohio Keita Bates-Diop had 24 points tournament win since 1984. ers (25-9) closed the game on a night. FLORIDA 77, ST. BO-

State into the round of 32. for the Buckeyes, who will face Jalen McDaniels had 18 points 13-2 run. Evans drove for a layup Stephen F. Austin (28-7), the NAVENTURE 62: In Dallas, Egor
Williams made a tiebreaking Gonzaga in the round of 32 on to lead San Diego State (22-11). with 3:58 left, putting Texas Tech Southland Conference tourna- Koulechov scored 20 points, and
four-point play with 1:36 left, Saturday. The Bulldogs steam- MICHIGAN
 61, MONTANA ahead to stay. ment champion, led by eight the Gators ended the Bonnies’
then added three free throws af- rolled Ohio State, 86-59, at the 47: Charles Matthews had When Evans split through de- points early in the second half and postseason run two days after
ter being fouled on another three- PK80 Invitational in November. 20 points and 11 rebounds, the fenders with just over a minute was trying to take down a Big 12 their first NCAA tournament vic-
point attempt, lifting Ohio State HOUSTON 67, SAN DIEGO
 Wolverines locked down on de- left, he paused briefly to give a opponent in an NCAA opener for tory in 48 years.
to an 81-73 victory over South STATE 65: Rob Gray drove for a fense, and third-seeded Michigan quick pose to the camera under the second time in three seasons. Jalen Hudson scored 16 points
Dakota State in the West Region wind-milling layup that just trick- beat the Grizzlies in Wichita. the basket. The Lumberjacks beat West Vir- and Chris Chiozza had 11 assists
on Thursday in Boise, Idaho. led over the rim with 1.1 seconds Michigan (29-7) trailed by 10 in Evans had only four points in ginia in their last tournament ap- for the sixth-seeded Gators (21-12),
Fifth-seeded Ohio State (25-8) left, and Trey Kell’s off-balance the opening minutes, struggled to the first half, all on free throws pearance two years ago before los- who have reached the Elite Eight
traded three-point attempts with three-pointer at the buzzer was get into rhythm until late in the while going 0 for 4 from the field. ing to Notre Dame. the past five times they have been
South Dakota State — 71 com- no good, giving the sixth-seeded first half and never really went on But he also ignited the highlight Ivan Canete had 17 points to in the tournament.
bined in all — before reeling off Cougars a victory over the 11th- a big run to seize control of the play of the night, chasing down an lead Stephen F. Austin, while A whirlwind week finally
16 straight points to build a 13- seeded Aztecs in the first round of game. offensive rebound past midcourt Shannon Bougues had 14, Kevon caught up with the Bonnies (26-8),
point second-half lead. the NCAA tournament in Wichi- The Wolverines advanced to and then throwing an alley-oop Harris 12 and TJ Hoyfield 10. who finished at 35 percent shoot-
The scrappy Jackrabbits ta. face No. 6 seed Houston on Satur- pass to 6-foot-5 freshman Zhaire Evans’s go-ahead basket began ing. Courtney Stockard led St. Bo-
fought back with a late run, scor- Devin Watson had just tied the day in the round of 32. Smith, who made a 360-degree a run that included another dunk naventure with 14 points.

ncaa tournament

For first time in a while, Terps start this show on the road
Fifth-seeded Maryland alters its mind-set as it prepares to face the Tigers in its first NCAA opener outside of College Park since 2007

Maryland women’s basketball

Coach Brenda Frese has a mantra
she likes to repeat to her team
before away games.
“Anytime you go play on the
road, Coach’s big thing is you have
to be 10 points better,” senior
guard Kristen Confroy said
Wednesday afternoon at Xfinity
Center, wearing a ball cap and
sweats instead of her practice uni-
form as the team prepared to load
a charter bus for a ride to Raleigh,
“Whether it’s playing against
home-court officials or the crowd,
whatever it may be, you’ve got to
be better on the road.”
That’s the state the Terrapins
hope to be in as they open the NCAA
tournament away from College
Park for the first time since 2007.
No. 5 seed Maryland hit the
road for the 300-mile bus ride to
North Carolina State’s Reynolds
Coliseum to play No. 12 seed
Princeton in the first round at
12:30 p.m. on Friday. The winner
will face the winner of Friday’s
second game between No. 13 Elon
and the host, fourth-seeded North
Carolina State, on Sunday.
The Terps are hoping the rare
tournament-opening road trip
makes them a sharper team on
“It’s the environment, obvious-
ly. The crowd’s going to be rooting
for the home team, whatever it
may be, so it really is your staff,
your team, and that’s it,” Confroy
said. “That’s who’s rooting for you,
and I think it’s an added element
of a mind-set that we’re on the
road — it’s us against everybody.
And in many ways, that helps you
come out with more fire and KATHERINE FREY/THE WASHINGTON POST

spark.” “Going into my last [tournament] has given me a unique perspective that I haven’t had in the past. I’m looking forward to it,” senior guard Kristen Confroy said.
Maryland (25-7) is in the habit of
playing on the road at this point; six
of its past seven games have been the team confidence before an- Park. tally sound, hyper-disciplined working it in a little bit, but they ing forward to a long bus ride with
on road or neutral courts, and three other road trip, and Frese is happy Tigers Coach Courtney Bang- team with a crafty offense. didn’t tell us anything,” Confroy her teammates to get her mind
ended in defeat. The worst of the that Raleigh is within driving dis- hart won national coach of the “They’re a really high IQ, really said. “They’re really fundamental, right. She didn’t want to take the
bunch was a 19-point loss at Min- tance for fans and family members year that season. This year, she smart passing team,” Frese said. so for us, it’s staying disciplined trip for granted.
nesota on Feb. 18 in which the of several of her players. comes to Raleigh with the Ivy “We’re going to have to defend the and staying within Maryland bas- “Really, for me, it’s my last tour-
Terps committed 14 turnovers and Still, with just three full days to League tournament champion- three; they can score the ball really ketball, which I think is why we nament. This could be one of the
caught the Golden Gophers toward prepare for Princeton, Frese ship, a team that shoots 43.3 per- well.” did practice the way we did yester- last times I pack my bag,” Confroy
the end of a seven-game winning hasn’t spent too much time fret- cent from the field and a few famil- Maryland’s focus will be match- day. If we play our standard, we’ll said. “You do it so often that you
streak at home. ting about location. Maryland has iar faces in Maryland natives Bella ing that discipline Friday after- be all right, but if we start to play forget how much you should be
But Maryland has gained plen- played the Tigers twice in pro- Alarie (National Cathedral noon, which is partly why, as of into their hand a little bit, that excited for it, you know what I
ty of road experience since then, gram history, in November 2007 School), Abby Meyers (Whitman Wednesday, the team hadn’t ex- could bring us some trouble.” mean? Going into my last one has
and Frese is pleased with how her and in the second round of the High) and Qalea Ismail (Patterson plicitly started incorporating any The team planned to go over given me a unique perspective
team has played. 2015 NCAA tournament, when the Mill in Bel Air). of Princeton’s offense or defense Princeton’s film Wednesday night that I haven’t had in the past. I’m
Their overall record away from Terps beat the previously unde- Frese and Confroy described into practice. after it settled in Raleigh. looking forward to it.”
Xfinity Center is 13-4. That gives feated Tigers, 85-70, in College Princeton (24-5) as a fundamen- “I think the coaches started Before then, Confroy was look-

For Princeton’s Alarie, playing U-Md. means more
Bagley-led Blue Devils BY A VA W ALLACE

cruise into second round raleigh, n.c. — Bella Alarie felt

a wave of emotions when she
learned that her 12th-seeded
unselfish play by the Blue Devils Princeton women’s basketball
DUKE 89, backcourt trio of Grayson Allen, team would be playing No. 5 seed
IONA 67 Trevon Duval and Gary Trent Maryland in the opening round of
took care of the rest. the NCAA tournament Friday. She
Allen and his two freshmen was proud of Princeton for beat-
A SSOCIATED P RESS teammates combined for ing Penn in the Ivy League tourna-
51 points and 18 of Duke’s 24 as- ment championship game and
Mike Krzyzewski keeps wring- sists. Each of them made four earning an automatic bid to the
ing his hands about his team’s three-pointers, and when the NCAA tournament, and she was
youth. And then Duke and its Gaels came out to challenge, excited to play on the biggest stage
roster of NBA-bound freshmen Bagley and Wendell Carter Jr. of her career as a sophomore, after
get on the floor against a more had plenty of room to go to work the Tigers went to the women’s
experienced opponent and the inside. The Blue Devils out- NIT last year.
Hall of Fame coach’s fears largely rebounded Iona 39-29 and out- But more than anything, the
vanish. scored the Gaels in the paint Bethesda native and daughter of
Having Marvin Bagley III cer- 46-30. former Washington Bullets for-
tainly helps. Roland Griffin led Iona with ward Mark Alarie was looking for-
The ACC player of the year did 21 points off the bench. ward to proving herself to all those
whatever he wanted against SETON HALL 94, NORTH
 who would be watching back
game but overmatched Iona, CAROLINA STATE 83: home.
pouring in 22 points to go with Khadeen Carrington scored Because of her father and her CHRIS SZAGOLA/ASSOCIATED PRESS

seven rebounds in his NCAA 26 points and Desi Rodriguez success in high school playing for Bella Alarie, daughter of former Washington Bullet Mark Alarie, was the Ivy League player of the year.
tournament debut as the Blue added 20 as the eighth-seeded National Cathedral, where she
Devils pulled away for an 89-67 Pirates won a foul-filled first- was a first-team All-Met, Alarie is guard, not wanting his daughter “She’s a funny kid to talk about team’s second-leading scorer, Les-
victory on Thursday in Pitts- round matchup in Wichita. fairly well-known in basketball to be thought of as nothing more because a lot of coaches in the lie Robinson (who happens to be
burgh. Myles Powell added 19 points circles throughout the Washing- than a post player because of her country are asking how I got Bella, Barack and Michelle Obama’s
The 6-foot-11 freshman for- and Angel Delgado scored 13 for ton region. But for those who ha- height. and I say, ‘Well, she was 20 pounds niece), pointed at her teammate
ward made 10 of 14 shots in Seton Hall (22-11), which will play ven’t followed her career at His foresight paid off. At Prince- lighter, and you all thought she and simply replied, “Bella.”
32 minutes — even making his top-seeded Kansas on Saturday. Princeton, the lanky, 6-foot-4 ton, Alarie has added 20 pounds, was a toddler,’ ” Banghart said be- The Terps will have a few play-
lone three-point attempt — as Allerik Freeman hit six three- wing has become a star. Last sea- which helps her be more assertive fore the Tigers’ practice Thursday. ers to watch in addition to Alarie,
Duke rolled into a second-round pointers and had 36 points to son, she became one of four fresh- on the court, and studied defense. “So she’s gotten a lot physically such as Robinson; freshman Abby
Midwest Region matchup with lead the Wolfpack (21-12), which men in program history to start The result is a skilled defender stronger. Her body is more pre- Meyers, another former All-Met
seventh-seeded Rhode Island on made the tournament for the every game and ended the season who shoots 49.2 percent from the pared for the rigors of the high- from Whitman High who averag-
Saturday. first time in three years. Torin earning the Ivy League’s rookie of field and is a three-point threat. level competitive game that this is. es 9.3 points in 17.1 minutes for the
This is “what we’ve had to go Dorn added 18 points and 12 the year honor. When Maryland Coach Brenda “When she came to us, she was Tigers; and junior guard Qalea
through the whole year, you rebounds. For her encore, she was recently Frese was asked whether the Terps really a guard. A very long guard, Ismail, another Maryland native.
know, the first road game, the The only thing that slowed named conference player of the had faced a player like Alarie all but now she’s becoming a ’tween- Frese is preparing for a little
first conference game, the — you down the high-scoring, up-and- year after averaging a team-high season, Frese drew a blank. er, and I think with two more extra fire on court from the three
know, the first 10 minutes of down matchup was the whistles. 13.3 points and 9.6 rebounds She couldn’t think of any player years’ development, I think there local players in particular. She
game, you know, all of those The teams combined for 53 fouls, while blocking 75 shots this sea- she knew of in women’s basketball will be a lot of people at the next knows playing against the Terps in
things,” Krzyzewski said. “So this resulting in 66 total free throws. son. who has a skill set and natural level that are going to be hoping to front of family and friends and a
is a first for them.” Seton Hall had two players foul “Because we are playing Mary- ability quite like Alarie’s. The first get her.” local audience watching on televi-
Bagley included. out, and N.C. State had three. land, I think a lot more people name she thought of — though she Against Maryland, Banghart is sion back home adds extra mean-
“I woke up and felt a little KANSAS 76, PENNSYLVA-
 back home are going to be watch- acknowledged the level of play depending on Alarie to embrace ing. She expects a fight from Alarie
anxious,” Bagley said. “I was just NIA 60: Devonte Graham ignit- ing the game,” Alarie said Wednes- was dramatically different — was the role of go-to scorer as she has and the Tigers.
anxious to play. When the first ed the sluggish Jayhawks, pour- day after the team landed in Ra- Candace Parker. all season. In practice Thursday, “To work so hard all year to even
game came on, I was watching it ing in 29 points for the region’s leigh. “That does really give me an Washington Mystics Coach Banghart directed play after play make it to the NCAA tournament,
a little bit until we left the hotel. top seed in a first-round victory extra boost. I really do want to Mike Thibault, in Raleigh to call to run through the sophomore, we’re just so proud of ourselves
From there it was time to lock in.” in Wichita. prove myself and show that I have this weekend’s game for ESPN, encouraging Alarie to shoot that we made it this far,” Alarie
After some early issues with Lagerald Vick added 14 points gotten better since high school. said Alarie and her father came by layups higher to give herself a said. “For me, coming in I didn’t
the Gaels, that wasn’t a problem. for Kansas (28-7), which trailed I’m so proud to be on this team Mystics practices sometimes dur- better chance of outreaching op- really expect to start or really even
Duke allowed seasoned if un- the Ivy League champion by 10 in and wear the Princeton uniform ing the summer to watch Elena ponents for a rebound. She re- know what to expect at all out of
dersized Iona (20-14) to hang the early stages before going on a but also be able to represent my Delle Donne and Emma Meesse- minded the team that it has a my basketball career here. But the
around for most of the first half, 19-2 run late in the first half to home town at the same time.” man, two other versatile players special weapon in a trained guard stars kind of aligned for me. It
then tweaked its zone defense take control. Coming out of high school, Ala- with games similar to Alarie’s. who stands a head taller than the worked out really well. . . . We’ve
enough to disrupt the Metro A.J. Brodeur had 14 points to rie had natural talent but was thin For Princeton Coach Courtney rest of her teammates. gotten this far. I don’t think we’re
Atlantic Athletic Conference lead the Quakers (24-9), but he and timid, unsure even of which Banghart, getting that type of raw “Who’s the tallest girl on the nervous. We’re just excited for the
tournament champions. Bagley was just 6 for 16 from the field position she would play in college. ability out of high school made court?” Banghart asked when Ala- opportunity.”
and some solid shooting and and committed five turnovers. Her father had raised her to be a Alarie a steal of a recruit. rie was passed up for a shot. The

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1 of the upcoming fiscal year to each fee set under Executive
Regulations 11-17, 26-16, 20-07AM, 15-16 12-12, and County
By virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain Deed of Trust AT 11:00 A.M. dated December 23, 2009, and recorded in Liber 31396 at
from Shereen Jaouni to G. Michael Dufour, Trustee, dated September 28,
great the material desire may be. I
want to be with you and my loved American Akita—Puppies! $700 each
Council Resolution 18-317. The EFSF is the factor by which the fee 2005 and recorded in Liber 31059 at Folio 161 among the Land Records In execution of a certain Deed of Trust dated June 1, 2009 executed Page 247 among the land records of the COUNTY OF PRINCE
3males/2females, 6weeks old, dark calculation is adjusted, up or down, to cover DPS labor and operating for Montgomery County, Maryland, the undersigned substituted trustees by Metropolitan Washington Orthopaedic Association Chartered 1975 GEORGE'S, in the original principal amount of $194,596.00.
ones in your perpetual Glory. Amen costs and to manage the DPS reserve policy under the 2002 Principles
Love you Holy Spirit brindles. vet checked & healthy (by virtue of Deed of Appointment between Housing Opportunities Employees’ Pension Plan, formerly known as Rida N. Azer, M.D., P.A.,
Anna M. Anderson 540-521-1944 of the Fiscal Management of the Permitting Services Fund. The Commission of Montgomery County, Maryland, successor in interest to Employees Pension Plan and recorded June 8, 2009 among the land Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees
Enterprise Fund Stabilization Factor proposed for Fiscal Year 19 is to Weichert Financial Services (the "Beneficiary"), and said trustees recorded records of Prince George’s County, Maryland in Liber 30684, folio 137 will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the
205 APBT—Friendly Blue Nose Puppies. be 1.03 which is an upward adjustment of 3%.” among the Land Records of Montgomery County) will, on (the "Deed of Trust") securing John Marshall Bank (the “Noteholder”),
Antiques To right homes. Socialised, loving,
Written comments, and questions may be directed to Barbara Suter, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 2018 at 9:05 O'Clock, A.M.
default having occurred in the payment of the debt secured thereby, and COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, at the front of the Duval Wing
I BUY RECORD COLLECTIONS!—1 I gentle. Mum is here, stud owned being instructed to do so by the Noteholder, the undersigned Substitute of the Courthouse Complex located at 14735 Main Street, Upper
by friend. $500. Both. 571-494-8982 DPS 255 Rockville Pike, 2nd Floor, Rockville, MD, 20850. Telephone offer for sale at public auction at the front door of the Montgomery County Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at the Circuit Court for
drive to you, pay CASH, and haul
them away. Call 571-830-5871
240-777-6244, or email Judicial Center, 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20850, all of Prince George’s County, Duval Wing Entrance, 14735 Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on March 27, 2018 at 2:00 PM, all
BERNESE MTN DOG PUPS - Marlboro, Maryland, 20772, on March 19, 2018 beginning at 11:00 a.m.,
208 Ready now, dewormed 820 850
the property and improvements thereon conveyed by said deed of trust,
described as 25910 Ridge Manor Drive, Unit 1000-M, Damascus, Maryland the real estate (and improvements thereon) known as 5211 Lansing Drive,
that property described in said Deed of Trust including but not
Appliances 301-223-8702 or 301-366-5542 Official Notices Montgomery County 20872, Tax Identification No. 12-03232532 (the "Property") and more fully Temple Hills, Maryland 20748 and designated as Property Tax ID No. 09- limited to:
Public Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR described in the Deed of Trust. 0859967 and more particularly described as follows:
HVAC—Weather King Air Conditioner Bichon Frise Puppy, Tax ID# 06-0565309
and Heat Pump, 1.5 Ton,$1000, Call Howard University Hospital is apply- MONTGOMERY COUNTY, TERMS OF SALE: The Property, which is improved by a dwelling, will All that certain lot or parcel of land situate in the County of Prince
AKC reg, available 4/09, MARYLAND
for more information 443-739-6338 ing for a Certificate of Need to be offered for sale, subject to matters known and unknown, in an "AS George’s, State of Maryland, and being more particularly described
female, hypo allergenic. acquire and utilize a DaVinci Robot James E. Clarke IS, WHERE IS" condition with no warranty of any kind and will be sold as follows: Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and
Kirby Sentria G10 Vacuum Cleaner & in the operating rooms. A Letter of and conveyed by the Substitute Trustees subject to all encumbrances, is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants,
Shampooer—$249 Like New-Cost Call 540-348-4212 Renee Dyson Lot Numbered Three (3), Block Lettered “P”, Section Numbered
Intent will be filed with the District Beth Thomas rights, reservations, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, and
$1800 . 571-606-0319 Boxer—CKC. $850, M &F, 8 wks, fawn of Columbia State Health Planning Erin M. August statutory liens, if any, having priority over the Deed of Trust, as they
Seven (7), in the subdivision known as “WESTCHESTER ESTATES”, as conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may
per Plat recorded in Plat Book WWW-71, Plat No. 4, among the land
& white, beautiful markings, family and Development Agency (SHPDA). Hugh J. Green may lawfully affect the Property. The risk of loss or damage to the records of Prince George’s County, Maryland. affect same, if any.
Collectibles raised indoors, parents on premises
540-222-9388, 540-222-9388
The DaVinci Robot will be housed
at Howard University Hospital. For
Patrick M. A. Decker Property shall be borne by the successful bidder from and after the
date and time of the sale. Obtaining possession of the Property shall AND BEING the same property conveyed to Rida N. Azer, M.D., P.A., TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash
AURORA SLOT CARS Wanted—$100 Substitute Trustees
additional information contact the Plaintiffs be the sole responsibility of the successful bidder. A deposit of Eight Employees Pension Plan by Deed from Edward H. Murray and Sara
& up, cars/sets. +Atlas, AFX, Tyco, Cavachons & more—puppies for sale SHPDA at 202 442-5875. Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00), in the form of certified check or cashier's L. Murray, his wife, dated August 23, 1979, recorded August 27, or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
Cox, Revell, AMT. 703-960-3594 304-904-6289, Cash, CC, Easy V.
Finance,, 825 check, (the "Deposit") at the time of sale will be required at the time of 1979, in Liber 5146, at folio 639, among the land records of Prince balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum
Postage Stamps—$10, McLean, VA, 59 East Rd, Martinsburg WV, exit 16E Bids & Proposals Robin M. Hudspeth and
Stuart L. Hudspeth
sale. The Beneficiary is not required to make a Deposit. The balance
of the purchase price for the Property, together with interest at 5.625%
George’s County, Maryland. Rida N. Azer, M.D., P.A. Employees
Pension Plan changed its name in 1984 to Metropolitan Washington from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within
703-356-0170, Old US Postage Defendant(s)
Stamps Uncut sheets Cocker Spaniel—AKC Champion Capitol Paving of D.C., Inc. per annum from the date of sale to the date of settlement, shall be Orthopaedic Association Chartered 1975, a Maryland corporation. TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments
lines. $900, M/F, 7 weeks old, Capitol Paving is soliciting qualified Civil No. 426988V paid in cash within fifteen (15) days after final ratification of the sale of Sale shall also be made subject to all encumbrances, rights, reservations,
Transpotation Misc—$10, McLean, 703-586-5661. Parents on site. MBE/WBE subcontractors to per- the Property by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE WITH conveyances, leases, conditions, easements, restrictive covenants, and
on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments
VA, 703-356-0170, Air and Rail form DDOT - DC PLUG Feeder 308 NOTICE PURSUANT
Memoribilia Doberman Pinscher—$600, Female, – Undergrounding of Power Line, TO MD RULE 14-215 (A)
ground rent, condominium fees, and/or homeowners association dues, if
all recorded and unrecorded liens, if any, having priority over the Deed will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed
4 months old, 571-316-6427 shots of Trust, as they may lawfully affect the property. All loss or damage to by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners
DCKA-2018-B- 0025. email – ORDERED, by the Circuit Court applicable, will be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed thereafter by the property sold from and after the time of sale and before settlement
Wash Post Old Newspapers—$5, and dewormed blk/tan akc ; call – the purchaser. All other public charges and assessments payable on an
McLean, VA, 703-356-0170, Presi- 571.277.1022 or fax – 202.832.5126
for Montgomery County, Mary-
land, this 28th day of February, annual basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges will
shall be at the risk of the successful bidder. Real estate taxes and all association dues and assessments that may become due after
dential Elections, 911, Issues English Cream Golden Retrievers— other public charges and assessments shall be adjusted for the current
AKC. $1200, M& F, 6wks. Great per-
– Bid Opening 3/19/2018 2018, that the foreclosure sale be adjusted for the current year to date of sale and assumed thereafter year to the date of sale and the purchaser shall be responsible for the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
233 of the property described in the by the purchaser. All costs of conveyance, including transfer taxes and Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer
Computers sonalities, beautiful coloring. Mom is
OFA hip & elbow cert. 804-839-3258 SAK Construction, LLC is seeking deed of trust docketed herein and recordation taxes will be paid by the purchaser. If any successful bidder
payment of such taxes and charges beginning on the date of sale. All
income and expenses to be adjusted for the month of settlement to
I BUY RECORD COLLECTIONS!—1 I Minority Business Enterprises located at 2817 Kingswell Drive, fails for any reason to complete settlement as provided above, the Deposit date of settlement, and purchaser to assume all expenses thereafter. taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement
Silver Spring, Maryland 20902, shall be forfeited and applied to the costs of the sale, including Substitute
drive to you, pay CASH, and haul FRENCH BULLDOG PUPPIES-Black (MBE), and Women Business Enter-
prise (WBE) for the St Mary’s Coun- made and reported by James E. Trustees' fees, and the balance, if any, shall be delivered to the Beneficiary
The Substitute Trustee shall be liable for only those security deposits, if are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for
them away. Call 571-830-5871 any, and such income, if any, as the Substitute Trustee may have in his
& Fawn, Ready now. Champ
bloodlines, Starting at $3,000 240-
ty-Patuxent Park Water Sewer Rehab Clarke, Renee Dyson, Brian to be applied by the Beneficiary against the indebtedness secured by, actual possession on the date of settlement. Cost of all documentary the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the
240 and other amounts due under, the Deed of Trust in accordance with the
Crafts & Hobbies 793-7503
Phase 4. Thomas, Erin M. August, Hugh J.
Green and Patrick M. A. Decker, Deed of Trust or applicable law or otherwise as the Beneficiary shall elect.
stamps, grantor, recordation and transfer taxes, notary and examination
of title fees will be paid by the purchaser. If the Substitute Trustee is
property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting
STAMPS- Old US Postage stamps The project bids on March 21th at Substitute Trustees, Be RATIFIED Forfeiture of the Deposit shall not limit any rights or remedies of the unable to convey the property as described above, the Purchaser's sole purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees
Uncut Sheets—$10, McLean, VA, 2:00 PM local time. All negotiations and CONFIRMED, unless cause to Substitute Trustees or the Beneficiary with respect to any such default.
703-356-0170 must be completed by March 20th. the contrary be shown on or If the Property is resold after any such default, such re-sale shall be at
remedy at law or in equity shall be limited to a refund of its deposit.
Upon such refund of the deposit to the purchaser, the sale shall be void
are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms
245 before the 30th day of MARCH, the risk and the cost of the failing bidder, and the failing bidder shall and of no effect, and the purchaser shall have no further claim against of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit.
Electronics Subcontracting opportunities
include but are not limited to: The
2018; provided a copy of this
Order be inserted in The Wash-
be liable for any deficiency between its bid and the successful bid at
the resale as well as the costs of conducting such re-sale. In the event
the Substitute Trustee, the lender or the other Beneficiaries (as defined
Trustee's File No. 17-270165.
Therapy Lamp—$29 NatureBright work includes but is not limited to ington Post, once in each of three the Substitute Trustees do not execute a deed of conveyance or other
Light and Ion Therapy Lamp $29, the following: (3) successive weeks before the necessary settlement documents, the purchaser’s sole remedy shall be The property will be sold (i) together with any and all furniture, fixtures Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees.
Alexandria, VA, 571-431-1501 30th day of MARCH, 2018. the refund of the Deposit. In the event the Substitute Trustees are unable and equipment located on the property and not owned by any tenant
260 The project consists of water and to convey marketable title or in the event the borrower entered into a thereof; (ii) subject to and together with all recorded easements, SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200,
The Report of Sale states the
Furniture sewer system rehabilitation. Water
rehabilitation consists of construc-
amount of the sale at $307,700.00
repayment plan, reinstated or paid the loan off prior to the sale, or if for
any other reason, the undersigned did not have the right to sell, the sale
agreements, rights of way, charges, liens, mechanic's and materialmen's
liens, reservations, and other encumbrances, covenants, restrictions and Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797
Car Seats—$29 Generic infant or BY THE COURT: is null and void and the purchaser is not entitled to any legal or equitable conditions affecting the property and not subordinate to said Deed
Graco child car seat $44 (70 both) tion of approximately 5,700 linear
feet of 8-inch DIP water main, 25 Barbara H. Meiklejohn remedy other than return of the Deposit without interest and any and all of Trust, if any, including without limitation, environmental conditions
Alexandria, VA 571431-1501 Clerk of the Circuit Court other claims of the purchaser are hereby released. Additional terms and (including wetlands, riparian rights, protected species), all applicable
FRENCH BULLDOGS - 10 weeks, 8-inch gate valves, approximately
120 water house connections, 11 Montgomery County, Md. conditions to be announced at the time of sale. All inquiries regarding federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations affecting the
Student Desk & Chair—$45 Metal 2 Males, brindle & white, property, and other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate
24x40 top with 2 drawers, v/good black & white. $2,500 each. fire hydrants and appurtenances, the sale should be directed to Stephen B. Jackson, Substituted Trustee.
MATL558470 survey or inspection of the property; and (iii) subject to rights of tenants
cond. roller chair, 301-345-1693 301-252-9213 or visit: abandonment of the existing 8-inch Orlans PC STEPHEN B. JACKSON and STEVEN P. HENNE
water line and associated water not subordinate to said Deed of Trust, if any. No representation or PO Box 2548 Substitute Trustees warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to whether any tenants,
265 service connections. Sewer rehabil-
Home & Garden French Bulldog—pups, Purebred, itation includes the installation of
Leesburg, Virginia 20177 March 9, 16, 23, 2018 12168677 subtenants or other parties in possession are actually in possession
and/or paying rent.
BRICKS—$249 553 New 10 Hole Bldg 150 linear feet of new 12-inch PVC March 9, 16, 23, 2018 12169615 850 851
Size, less or more if need (apprx
2 BOYS, 1 GIRL, 10 wks, shots,
gravity sewer, rehabilitating approx- Montgomery County Prince Georges County The property will be sold in "AS IS, WHERE IS" condition, without recourse.
MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12165553
$800each, PayPal is accepted,
2000) .45 each, 301-345-1693 202-526-6703 imately 5,075 linear feet of 8-inch IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT The information contained herein as to the nature and description
sanitary sewer using cured-in-place MONTGOMERY COUNTY, FOR THE COUNTY OF FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY or use of the property have been obtained from sources deemed TRUSTEE'S SALE
House cleaning services—1 $1, Ger- German Shepherd pups- 6 F, 3M, liner, and replacement of approx- MARYLAND MONTGOMERY, MARYLAND MARYLAND reliable and believed to be accurate when given; provided, however,
mantown, MD, 240-498-1596 black & sable $700 , S/W, par. on imately 110 sewer house connec-
James E. Clarke neither the Substitute Trustee nor the Noteholder, nor their respective 15020 Newcomb Lane, Bowie, MD 20716
prem. AKC reg. rdy 3/15 240-606- tions. The work is located primari- KRISTINE D. BROWN, et al. JOHN E. DRISCOLL, III, et al agents, successors and assigns (collectively, the "Beneficiaries") make
Solid Hardwood Brazilian ly on Franklin Road, Midway Drive, Hugh J. Green Trustee(s) Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by
3815 Shannon Menapace any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to
Cherry Flooring - 3600 S.F., and Essex Drive (west of Saratoga Plaintiff(s) the property, or any tenancies or parties in possession, including without
$2.50 per SF. 301-860-1190 GERMAN SHEPHERD- AKC Pups, Drive); and Ranger Road, Enterprise Christine M. Drexel v.
limitation, the descriptions, use, dimensions, quantities, square footage,
premises known as 15020 Newcomb Lane, Bowie, MD 20716.
excellent health and temperament, Road and Hancock Road in the Beth Thomas vs. ANDREA HILL A/K/A By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of
Substitute Trustees parking, tenancies, structural integrity, physical condition, construction,
gorgeous black and tan. $1800. Patuxent Park Subdivision, Lexing- MARIE COLETTE AHOU ANDREA D. HILL extent of construction, workmanship, materials, habitability, zoning,
Ready 03/19. Call 410-294-6465 ton Park, Maryland. Plaintiffs Defendant(s) CURTIS HILL environmental condition, or fitness for a particular use or merchantability
Trust, dated October 10, 2006, and recorded in Liber 27377 at
V. Mortgagor(s) Defendant(s) of all or any part of the property or the improvements located thereon. Page 101 among the land records of the COUNTY OF PRINCE
Valet Self Storage—Let us do the LAB PUPS- AKC, OFA, top champ Please advise if your firm is inter- Constance Robinson CIVIL NO. 418965V
work. Storage starting at $99.00. lines, S/W, written warr, yellow, ested in seeking this opportunity. Randi A. Robinson and
Civil Action No. CAEF17-39087 TERMS OF SALE GEORGE'S, in the original principal amount of $382,950.00.
Pickup, storage and delivery. parents on site. Ready 4/6. $850. NOTICE NOTICE 877-433-9636 301-246-9116 or 301-751-6846
Walden W. Robinson
CASH. A bidder’s deposit of up to ten percent (10%) of the sale price Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees
Please contact Lawrence Smith at Defendant(s) Notice is hereby given this 12th (the “Deposit”) by certified or cashier’s check may be required by the
275 (443) 297-1935 27th day of February, 2018 by the day of March 2018, by the Circuit Trustees for such bid to be accepted. The Trustees reserve the right to will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the
Merchandise Wanted LAB PUPS - Black & yellow, males
& females, champion line, 3 rounds
or by fax at (433) 297-1901 to dis-
cuss this subcontracting opportuni-
Civil No. 440975V
Circuit Court for the COUNTY OF
MONTGOMERY, Maryland, and by
Court for Prince George's County, prequalify any bidder prior to the sale and/or waive the requirement of the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, at the front of the Duval Wing
Maryland, that the sale of the prop- Deposit. Immediately after the sale, the successful bidder shall execute
of worming, first 2 shots. AKC ty. TO MD RULE 14-215 (A) the authority thereof, that the sale erty mentioned in these proceed- and deliver a memorandum of sale with the Trustees, copies of which of the Courthouse Complex located at 14735 Main Street, Upper
registered, vet certified, family made by Kristine D. Brown, Wil- ings and described as 14304 Kath- shall be available for inspection immediately prior to the sale, and shall Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on March 27, 2018 at 2:00 PM,
TOSH MOST CASH 410-740-5222 raised. Ready 3/5. Call 443-952-0338 835 ORDERED, by the Circuit Court liam M. Savage, Gregory N. Britto,
Freon R12 WANTED—Certified buyer Labradoodle—wavy, curly and cute!
Public Sale Notices for Montgomery County, Mary-
land, this 28th day of February,
R. Kip Stone, Trustees, of the Real
leen Lane, Brandywine, MD 20613,
will be ratified and confirmed
deliver to the Trustees the Deposit and the memorandum of sale. The
balance of the purchase price, together with interest at eight percent per all that property described in said Deed of Trust including but
Property designated as 14522 annum from the date of sale to the date of settlement, shall be paid by
will pick up, pay CASH. Cylinders and f1b S&W Hlth. guar. Goldendoodle 2018, that the foreclosure sale Wexhall Drive, Burtonsville, MD,
unless cause to the contrary there-
the Purchaser. Settlement shall occur within thirty (30) days after the
not limited to:
cans. 312-291-9169 pups rdy 4/18 $1200 540-729-6365 IN ORDER TO ENFORCE ITS LIEN of the property described in the of be shown on or before the
20866, and reported in the above sale date, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE with regard to the Purchaser’s
GOVT SURPLUS TUBES—1 JOINT FOR UNPAID RENT, AMERICAN deed of trust docketed herein entitled cause, will be finally rati-
12th day of April, 2018, provided a
Tax ID# 07-0745810
and located at 18441 Crownsgate copy of this NOTICE be published
410-740-5222 50's 60's 70's PUBLIC AUCTION ON Thursday Circle, Germantown, Maryland to the contrary thereof be shown
at least once a week in each of Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and
20874, made and reported three successive weeks in some /s/ Joseph F. Jackson
I BUY RECORD COLLECTIONS!—1 I 03/22/18 AT 12:00PM NOON, by James E. Clarke, Hugh J. Green,
on or before the 29th day of newspaper of general circulation Substitute Trustee
is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants,
FOR CASH, THE CONTENTS OF March, 2018, next; provided a
drive to you, pay CASH, and haul shannon Menapace, Christine M. copy of this order be inserted
published in said County before
the 12th day of April, 2018.
/s/ Genevieve C. Bradley conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may
them away. Call 571-830-5871 THE FOLLOWING Drexel and Brian Thomas, Substi- Substitute Trustee
UNITS/SPACES tute Trustees, Be RATIFIED and
The Report of Sale states the
affect same, if any.
Old Bottles Of Bourbon—50 Seeking 15th Street, Washington DC, MD FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
full bottles of vintage bourbon and
002- M.Byrd contrary be shown on or before
published in said COUNTY OF
MONTGOMERY once a week for
amount of the sale to be
Joseph F. Jackson, TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash
rye. Alex 443-223-7669. Substitute Trustee
033- P.Moore the 30th day of MARCH, 2018; three successive weeks before Sydney J. Harrison #619 (703) 485-3535 or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
provided a copy of this Order be the 29th day of March, 2018.
LABRADOR RETRIEVERS FOR SALE 110- M.Davenport inserted in The Washington Post, Clerk of the Circuit Court For 8200 Greensboro Drive, Suite 820 balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum
PUREBRED $1800 AKC REGISTERED 118-N.Krakora The report states the amount of Prince George's County, Maryland McLean, Virginia 22102
THANK YOU 410-740-5222 BORN 1-9-2018. 917-627-4881 262- C.Brown
once in each of three (3) succes-
the sale to be $177,790.10
from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within
sive weeks before the 30th day of March 16, 23, 30, 2018 12170905 March 2, 9, 16, 2018 12168414
Radio tubes—249 WANTED ham 280- R.Dumar / D. Dumar MARCH, 2018. Barbara H. Meiklejohn TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments
851 851
radios huge speakers tube hifi amp-
351- R.Williams The Report of Sale states the Clerk of the Circuit Court For
Montgomery County, Maryland
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Prince Georges County Prince Georges County on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments
356- R.Williams amount of the sale at $394,715.30 FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed
387- J.Jackson Feb19, 26, March 5, 2018 12169010 MARYLAND
by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners
Call 1-800-296-3626 X3 453- C.Dill / R.Kinard Barbara H. Meiklejohn 851 JOHN E. DRISCOLL, III, et al MARYLAND MARYLAND
535- A.Rimmer Clerk of the Circuit Court Prince Georges County Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees JOHN E. DRISCOLL, III, et al JOHN E. DRISCOLL, III, et al association dues and assessments that may become due after
Sporting Goods 651- B.Bigelow
928- R.Dumar / D.Dumar
Montgomery County, Md.
v. Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
MATL578593 Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer
& Services 2309- J.Mariotti Orlans PC
v. v.
FOLDING BIKE—$65 20" Silver Unis 2312- C.Pollard PO Box 2548 Defendant(s)
JOHN C. STEWART CAROL MCKENZIE taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement
2517- P.Willhite Leesburg, Virginia 20177 JOHN E. DRISCOLL, III, et al Defendant(s) Defendant(s)
folding bike in good shape, lv mes-
sage, 301-345-1693
2519- P.Deak Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees Civil Action No. CAEF17-26168 Civil Action No. CAEF15-32505 Civil Action No. CAEF14-22347
are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for
AKC, Health guarantee, March 9, 16, 23, 2018 12169613
Vet checked, ALL shots v. NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE
the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the
Nordic Track Exercise Skier—$195
Exc.Cond-Folds up easy to fit in (540) 879-9911 Sale to be held at IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
IN RE: 9216 CRANDALL ROAD Notice is hereby given this 12th Notice is hereby given this 12th Notice is hereby given this 13th
property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting
car. Cost $800 new. 571-606-0319 American Self Storage LANHAM, MD 20706 day of March 2018, by the Circuit day of March 2018, by the Circuit day of March 2018, by the Circuit purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees
PUG PUPS - 3 black M, up to date MARYLAND
4551 Eisenhower Ave Court for Prince George's County, Court for Prince George's County, Court for Prince George's County,
SCUBAGEAR Large—$249 Wet- on vaccines & worming, has been Alexandria, VA 22304 DIANE S. ROSENBERG AND Maryland, that the sale of the prop- Maryland, that the sale of the prop- Maryland, that the sale of the prop-
are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms
suit,Fins,Gloves,Boots,Mask/Snrkl, vet check with health records. Short MARK D. MEYER ALL OCCUPANTS erty mentioned in these proceed-
Wght belt/wghts 301-345-1693 stocky built, 10 wks. 540-778-5658 (703)-823-2300 JOHN A. ANSELL, III Defendant(s) ings and described as 5028 Leland
erty mentioned in these proceed- erty mentioned in these proceed- of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit.
03/22/2018 at 12:00pm. KENNETH SAVITZ Drive, Oxon Hill, MD 20745, will
ings and described as 9225 Fowler ings and described as 15940 Trustee's File No. 17-269744.
Garage Sales, MD Rottweiler—Beautiful puppies just in
time for your Easter gift! M & F, 6 wks. 850
JENNIFER ROCHINO Civil Action No. CAEF17-35958
be ratified and confirmed unless
Lane, Lanham, MD 20706, will be Alameda Drive, Bowie, MD 20716,

Clarksburg—Former Model Tails docked, dew claws removed! Montgomery County SYDNEY ROBERSON
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
NOTICE cause to the contrary thereof be
ratified and confirmed unless
cause to the contrary thereof be
will be ratified and confirmed
unless cause to the contrary there-
Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees.
Great parents! $1250, 540-830-2640 Notice is hereby given this 13th shown on or before the 12th day of shown on or before the 12th day of of be shown on or before the
Home. 12743 York Mill Ln, 03/17, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR 4340 East West Highway
day of March 2018, by the Circuit April, 2018, provided a copy of this April, 2018, provided a copy of this 13th day of April, 2018, provided a SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200,
9:00-3:00, 202-247-6457 Standard Poodle Puppies - Males & MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Suite 600 NOTICE be published at least once
females, AKC reg, black, red, MARYLAND Bethesda, MD 20814 Court for Prince George's County,
a week in each of three successive
NOTICE be published at least once copy of this NOTICE be published Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797
355 a week in each of three successive at least once a week in each of
Garage Sales, VA chocolate, taking deposits. Ready James E. Clarke Substitute Trustees
Maryland, that the sale of the prop-
erty mentioned in these proceed- weeks in some newspaper of gen-
eral circulation published in said
weeks in some newspaper of gen- three successive weeks in some
May 5th Call 703-408-6027 Renee Dyson ings and described as 9216 Cran- eral circulation published in said newspaper of general circulation
Brian Thomas v. County before the 12th day of County before the 12th day of published in said County before
Ilda—HUGE CHURCH WIDE dall Road, Lanham, MD 20706, will April, 2018.
RUMMAGE SALE Hugh J. Green be ratified and confirmed unless April, 2018. the 13th day of April, 2018.
Patrick M. A. Decker Wilson Sauceda cause to the contrary thereof be The Report of Sale states the
The youth of Providence Pres- Sandra J. Cole The Report of Sale states the The Report of Sale states the
byterian Church will be holding WEST HIGHLAND TERRIER PUPPIES- Substitute Trustees shown on or before the 13th day of amount of the sale to be
Plaintiffs a/k/a Sandra J. Sauceda amount of the sale to be amount of the sale to be
a Rummage Sale and Pancake AKC registered, M & F, white, S/W, April, 2018, provided a copy of this $184,000.00. $182,000.00. $290,000.00.
13656 Harvest Glen Way NOTICE be published at least once
Breakfast on Saturday, March vet checked. 8 weeks. $900 V. Germantown, MD 20874 Sydney J. Harrison #619
17 from 8 am to 12 pm at Call Ruby 540-645-1962 The Estate of Edward Moriarty a week in each of three successive Sydney J. Harrison #619 Sydney J. Harrison #619
Defendant(s) Clerk of the Circuit Court For Clerk of the Circuit Court For Clerk of the Circuit Court For
Providence Presbyterian Church Defendant(s) weeks in some newspaper of gen- Prince George's County, Maryland MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12167907
9019 Little River Turnpike, Fair- Whoodles—$1000, Males & Females, Case No. 436969V eral circulation published in said Prince George's County, Maryland Prince George's County, Maryland
fax, VA 22031. All proceeds 10 Weeks old, 3 Females and 2 Males Civil No. 432733V NOTICE County before the 13th day of March 16, 23, 30, 2018 12170904 852 857
will support Providence youth Registered Papers Included Updated NOTICE PURSUANT
Notice is hereby given this 27th
April, 2018.
March 16, 23, 30, 2018 12170798 March 16, 23, 30, 2018 12170935 Anne Arundel County Howard County
day of February, 2018, by the Cir- The Report of Sale states the FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY
622 ORDERED, by the Circuit Court cuit Court for Montgomery Coun-
from 12-3 pm for a small
entrance fee. Contact Mary
Adopt Cats for Montgomery County, Mary- ty, Maryland, that the sale of $365,250.00. MARYLAND FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY
Robert E. Frazier, et al.
land, this 27th day of February, 13656 Harvest Glen Way, German- JOHN E. DRISCOLL, III, et al JOHN E. DRISCOLL, III, et al BENJAMIN P. SMITH, et al.
Ellen Moss at Providence Pres- Sydney J. Harrison #619 Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
2018, that the foreclosure sale town, MD 20874, made and report- Clerk of the Circuit Court For Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees JOHN E. DRISCOLL, III, et al
byterian Church 703-978-3934 Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees Plaintiff(s)
with any questions. of the property described in the ed, will be ratified and confirmed, Prince George's County, Maryland v. v.
deed of trust docketed herein unless cause to the contrary Versus vs.
March 16, 23, 30, 2018 12170947 GORDON A. TROTZ v. FRANK A. CARDASCIA
4Paws—Adopt fr 20+ cat/ and located at 11222 Valley View thereof be shown on or before the
North Arlington — 3851/3855 kitten $v Sat 1-5 Fairfax Avenue, Kensington, Maryland 29th day of March, 2018, provided
North Upland Street, Arlington, VA, 20895, made and reported a copy of this notice be inserted Defendant(s) Defendant(s) Civil Action No. CAEF17-06325 Defendant(s)
Petco by James E. Clarke, Renee Dyson, in a daily newspaper printed in IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
03/17/2018, 8:00-12:00, 703-352-3300 CFC#34517 FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY Civil Action No. CAEF15-00433 Civil Action No. CAEF17-33834 No. C-02-CV-16-001307 Civil No. 13-C-17-111771
Two Households Moving Sale!!! Brian Thomas, Hugh J. Green, and said County, once in each of three NOTICE
Patrick M. A. Decker, Substitute successive weeks before the 29th MARYLAND NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE PURSUANT
Notice is hereby given this 13th NOTICE TO RULE 14-305(c)
Estate Sales 815
Legal Notices
Trustees, Be RATIFIED and CON-
FIRMED, unless cause to the con-
day of March 2018. The Report
of Sale states the amount of the
James E. Clarke
Hugh J. Green
Notice is hereby given this 12th
day of March 2018, by the Circuit
Notice is hereby given this 12th
day of March 2018, by the Circuit
day of March 2018, by the Circuit
Court for Prince George's County, Notice is hereby issued this Thurs-
118 S FAYETTE ST, ALEXANDRIA, VA trary be shown on or before the foreclosure sale price to be Shannon Menapace day, March 1, 2018 that the sale Pursuant to Rule 14-305(c),
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Court for Prince George's County, Court for Prince George's County, Maryland, that the sale of the prop- Notice is hereby given this 8th
Old Town Alexandria Estate Sale! 29th day of MARCH, 2018; pro- $76,000.00. Christine M. Drexel Maryland, that the sale of the prop- Maryland, that the sale of the prop- erty mentioned in these proceed- of the property in the proceed-
DIR: S Fayette St b/w King St & DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ings mentioned, made and report- day of March 2018 by the Circuit
vided a copy of this Order be Barbara H. Meiklejohn Brian Thomas erty mentioned in these proceed- erty mentioned in these proceed- ings and described as 6414 Fair-
Prince St. Fri/Sat 9-3; Sun 9-1. Reverse Mortgage Solutions, Inc. inserted in The Washington Post, Substitute Trustees ed by Thomas W Hodge, Substitute Court for Howard County, Mary-
Clerk of the Circuit Court ings and described as 10607 Terra- ings and described as 9805 Lake born Terrace, Hyattsville, MD land, that the sale of the property Plaintiff once in each of three (3) succes-
sive weeks before the 29th day of
Montgomery County, MD Plaintiffs co Terrace, Cheltenham, MD 20623, Pointe Court, Unit 204, Largo, MD 20784, will be ratified and con- Trustee.
mentioned in these proceedings,
will be ratified and confirmed 20774, will be ratified and con- firmed unless cause to the con- BE RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED,
Need a Quality Sale? 703-256-8300 v. MARCH, 2018. March 9, 16, 23, 2018 12169607 v.
trary thereof be shown on or
made and reported by Benjamin
unless cause to the contrary there- firmed unless cause to the con- unless cause to the contrary there- P. Smith, of the the trustees here-
Estate of Walter Riley The Estate of Melecio S. Soriano, of be shown on or before the trary thereof be shown on or before the 13th day of April, 2018, of be shown on or before the 2nd
The Report of Sale states the
Bethesda 5318 Blackistone Rd Sean Riley, Personal Representative amount of the sale at $679,500.00 You, too, could have surviving tenant by the entirety of 12th day of April, 2018, provided a before the 12th day of April, 2018, provided a copy of this NOTICE be day of April 2018 next; provided,
in, will be ratified and confirmed,
unless cause to the contrary
HADLEY AND ASSOCIATES Defendant Filomena Soriano, and Florence C.
ESTATE SERVICES BY THE COURT: home delivery. Kogok and Michael E. Kogok as
copy of this NOTICE be published
at least once a week in each of
provided a copy of this NOTICE be
published at least once a week in
published at least once a week in
each of three successive weeks
a copy of this Notice be inserted
in some newspaper published in
thereof be shown on or before
Case No. 2016 CA 002723 R(RP) the 16th day of April, 2018, pro-
March 16 & 17 10-3 pm Barbara H. Meiklejohn Trustee of the Melecia S. Soriano
Reagan Era political memorabilia; By Oral Ruling Granting Plaintiff’s Clerk of the Circuit Court 1-800-753-POST Revocable Living Trust created by
three successive weeks in some
newspaper of general circulation
each of three successive weeks
in some newspaper of general cir-
in some newspaper of general cir-
culation published in said County
Anne Arundel County, once in each
of three successive weeks before
vided a copy of this Notice be
inserted in some newspaper pub-
18th c to mid-cent furniture; fine art; Motion for Service of Process by Montgomery County, Md. SF Declaration of Trust dated Novem- before the 13th day of April, 2018.
published in said County before culation published in said County the 2nd day of April 2018 next. The lished in said County once in
designer clothes; thousands of Publication entered in the above MATL558132 ber 13, 2007 the 12th day of April, 2018. before the 12th day of April, 2018. report states that the amount of
books incl signed books; Fine & cos- referenced case on February 13, Defendant(s) The Report of Sale states the each of theree successive weeks
Orlans PC The Report of Sale states the The Report of Sale states the amount of the sale to be sale of the property at 1484 Snug before the 9th day of April, 2018.
tume jewelry incl Chanel necklace; 2018 the Plaintiff, by undersigned PO Box 2548 Harbor Road, Shady Side, MD 20764
Civil No. CAEF17-40895 amount of the sale to be $355,162.51.
outdoor items; electronics; camera
incl Rolleiflex; So much more. See
counsel, hereby inform interested
parties as follows:
Leesburg, Virginia 20177 Home delivery NOTICE PURSUANT $258,700.00.
amount of the sale to be
$96,000.00. to be $250,750.00. The report states the amount of
the sale to be $7,000,000.00. The
Sydney J. Harrison #619 Tkts ½ prior.
There is now pending before the
March 9, 16, 23, 2018 12169014 is convenient. TO MD RULE 14-215 (A) Sydney J. Harrison #619 Sydney J. Harrison #619 Clerk of the Circuit Court For /S/Robert P Duckworth property sold has the following
Clerk of the Circuit Court For Clerk of the Circuit Court For Prince George's County, Maryland Circuit Court for street address: 5565 STERRETT
District of Columbia Superior Court ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, MD PLACE, COLUMBIA, MD 21044.
an action case number 2016 CA Prince George's County, Maryland, Prince George's County, Maryland Prince George's County, Maryland March 16, 23, 30, 2018 12170945
002723 R(RP) seeking to affect title
Home delivery 1-800-753-POST this 9th day of March 2018, that March 16, 23, 30, 2018 12170901 March 16, 23, 30, 2018 12170907 Mar 9, 16, 23, 2018 12169903 Wayne A Robey
to the property now or formerly the foreclosure sale of the proper- Clerk of the Circuit Court
owned by Walter Riley located at is convenient. ty described in the deed of trust Howard County, MD
805 Floral Place, NW, Washington, docketed herein and located at
Home delivery Wake up Ballard Spahr LLP
DC 20012. A copy of the action is 5602 Galloway Drive, Oxon Hill, Home delivery is convenient. to home delivery. Home delivery 300 E. Lombard St. 18th Flr.
available in the Clerk's office of the
1-800-753-POST Maryland 20745, made and report- Baltimore, MD 21202
Court. A written answer, including Home delivery ed by James E. Clarke, Hugh J. makes good is convenient. March 16, 23, 30, 2018 12171019
any claims or defenses must be SF Green, Shannon Menapace, Chris- 1-800-753-POST
filed with the District of Columbia
Superior Court Civil Branch, 500
is convenient. tine M. Drexel and Brian Thomas,
Substitute Trustees, be RATIFIED
sense. SF
Indiana Ave. Washington DC 20001 Wake up to and CONFIRMED, unless cause to 1-800-753-POST
on or before the 1st day of May, the contrary be shown on or 1-800-753-POST SF
1390 Capital Wanted
2018. home delivery. before the 9th day of April, 2018,
provided a copy of this Order be 1-800-753-POST SF
Samuel I White PC
600 Rockville Pike, Suite 100 1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST inserted in The Washington Post
SF Home delivery Home delivery
SF once in each of three (3) succes-
Rockville MD 20852
Attorney for Plaintiff SF sive weeks before the 9th day of makes good How about some is convenient.
Partner needed for startup in 301-804-3400 Home delivery is so easy.
April, 2018.
Wake up to home delivery. sense. Home delivery starts
NOVA that should net over 23217/Riley 1-800-753-POST SF
The Report of Sale states the
1-800-753-POST SF home delivery? your day off right.
three million a year.
Mar 2, 9, 16, 2018 12167987
Home delivery amount of the sale at $133,100.00.
Qualified investors only. is convenient. Sydney J. Harrison #619
Text 757-325-7794
Home delivery is so easy. If only you had home delivery. Clerk of the Circuit Court For
Home delivery is so easy. 1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST
1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST SF 1-800-753-POST Prince George's County, Maryland
1-800-753-POST SF
SF SF March 16, 23, 30, 2018 12170933 SF SF SF SF
851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 852 852
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County
310 Rollins Ave, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 11701 CAROL ANN CT, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 14215 LUSBY RIDGE ROAD, Accokeek, MD 20607 860 NEPTUNE AVENUE, Oxon Hill, MD 20745 1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, SUITE 310
Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by 703-777-7101
premises known as 310 Rollins Ave, Capitol Heights, MD premises known as 11701 CAROL ANN CT, Upper Marlboro, premises known as 14215 LUSBY RIDGE ROAD, Accokeek, premises known as 860 NEPTUNE AVENUE, Oxon Hill, MD
20743. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a MD 20774. By virtue of the power and authority contained MD 20607. By virtue of the power and authority contained 20745. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE
Deed of Trust, dated July 9, 2007, and recorded in Liber 28349 in a Deed of Trust, dated April 30, 2007, and recorded in in a Deed of Trust, dated October 27, 2010, and recorded of Trust, dated October 6, 2004, and recorded in Liber 20898 OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY
at Page 510 among the land records of the COUNTY OF PRINCE Liber 28421 at Page 368 among the land records of the in Liber 32168 at Page 271 among the land records of the at Page 533 among the land records of the County of Prince 5903 Lynbrook Road
GEORGE'S, in the original principal amount of $352,500.00. COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, in the original principal COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE, in the original principal amount George's, in the original principal amount of $49,970.00. Baltimore, MD 21225
Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees amount of $436,800.00. Upon default and request for sale, the of $304,415.00. Upon default and request for sale, the Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from
will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the MELISSA QUINLAN, dated April 3, 2015 and recorded in
COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, at the front of the Duval Wing Courthouse for the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, at the front Courthouse for the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE, at the front COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, at the front of the Duval Wing Liber 28238, folio 098 among the Land Records of ANNE
of the Courthouse Complex located at 14735 Main Street, Upper of the Duval Wing of the Courthouse Complex located at 14735 of the Duval Wing of the Courthouse Complex located at 14735 of the Courthouse Complex located at 14735 Main Street, Upper ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD, default having occurred thereunder
Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on March 27, 2018 at 2:00 PM, Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on March 27, Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on March 27, Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on March 27, 2018 at 2:00 PM, (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case No.C-02-CV-17-003610;
all that property described in said Deed of Trust including but 2018 at 2:00 PM, all that property described in said Deed of 2018 at 2:00 PM, all that property described in said Deed of all that property described in said Deed of Trust including but Tax ID No.502203033200 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at
not limited to: Trust including but not limited to: Trust including but not limited to: not limited to: public auction at the ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURTHOUSE,
Tax ID# 18-2048049 Tax ID# 15-1767789 Tax ID# 05-3681210 Tax ID# 12-1291160 located at 8 CHURCH CIR, ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401, on
Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and MARCH 28, 2018 at 11:15 AM
is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements
conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may thereon situated in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD and more
affect same, if any. affect same, if any. affect same, if any. affect same, if any. fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust.
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to
or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the
balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum same, if any and with no warranty of any kind.
from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within
TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments Terms of Sale: A deposit $16,500.00 will be required at the
on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR
will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed BY CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten
association dues and assessments that may become due after association dues and assessments that may become due after association dues and assessments that may become due after association dues and assessments that may become due after days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for ANNE
the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. ARUNDEL COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser.
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the
taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement property shall be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense.
are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for The purchaser waives personal service and accepts service by
the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the first class mail and certified mail addressed to the address
property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting provided by said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum
purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees of Sale for any Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this
are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of
of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. the Property.In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
Trustee's File No. 17-270970. Trustee's File No. 17-266521. Trustee's File No. 17-263988. Trustee's File No. 17-267996. shall not be entitled to receive any benefit from the resale,
including, but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus
Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. which may arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid
SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note
Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797 Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797 Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797 Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797 from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the
Substitute Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in
the event additional funds are tendered at the time of sale or
any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed
for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes
a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the
above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to
MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12167905 MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12167491 MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12166384 MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12167901 execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan,
prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior
Anne Arundel County 852 Anne Arundel County knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect,
TRUSTEE'S SALE and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit
1191 Hammond Lane, Odenton, MD 21113 without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps,
TRUSTEE'S SALE TRUSTEE'S SALE TRUSTEE'S SALE transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent,
Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association
8524 Paragon Ct, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 7724 Fishing Creek Way, Clinton, MD 20735 1727 Village Green Dr, Unit Z-40, Landover, MD 20785 premises known as 1191 Hammond Lane, Odenton, MD 21113. dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual
Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if
premises known as 8524 Paragon Ct, Upper Marlboro, MD premises known as 7724 Fishing Creek Way, Clinton, MD premises known as 1727 Village Green Dr, Unit Z-40, Trust, dated October 17, 2006, and recorded in Liber 18430 applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed
20772. By virtue of the power and authority contained in 20735. By virtue of the power and authority contained in Landover, MD 20785. By virtue of the power and authority at Page 669 among the land records of the COUNTY OF ANNE thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible
a Deed of Trust, dated September 28, 2006, and recorded a Deed of Trust, dated December 16, 2005, and recorded contained in a Deed of Trust, dated August 29, 2007, and ARUNDEL, in the original principal amount of $400,000.00. for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser
in Liber 26196 at Page 062 among the land records of the in Liber 24372 at Page 696 among the land records of recorded in Liber 28598 at Page 710 among the land records Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees will assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date
COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, in the original principal the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, in the original principal of the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, in the original principal offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the COUNTY of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey
amount of $260,000.00. Upon default and request for sale, the amount of $252,000.00. Upon default and request for sale, the amount of $119,200.00. Upon default and request for sale, the OF ANNE ARUNDEL, at 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, Maryland, insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in
undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the on March 27, 2018 at 4:00 PM, all that property described in law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned
Courthouse for the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, at the front Courthouse for the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, at the front Courthouse for the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, at the front said Deed of Trust including but not limited to: deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified
of the Duval Wing of the Courthouse Complex located at 14735 of the Duval Wing of the Courthouse Complex located at 14735 of the Duval Wing of the Courthouse Complex located at 14735 Tax ID# 04-403-02768450 for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity,
Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on March 27, Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on March 27, Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on March 27,
2018 at 2:00 PM, all that property described in said Deed of 2018 at 2:00 PM, all that property described in said Deed of 2018 at 2:00 PM, all that property described in said Deed of Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and is the return of the deposit without interest. (File # 573988)
Trust including but not limited to: Trust including but not limited to: Trust including but not limited to: is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, JAMES E. CLARKE,
conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may HUGH J. GREEN,
Tax ID# 15-1745421 Tax ID# 09-3037702 Tax ID# 13-1459593 affect same, if any. SHANNON MENAPACE,
Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash CHRISTINE M. DREXEL,
is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The BRIAN THOMAS,
conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES
affect same, if any. affect same, if any. affect same, if any. from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments
or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments
balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed
from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners
TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments association dues and assessments that may become due after
on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. A181, A316, A311, A182, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463
will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12169110
by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement
association dues and assessments that may become due after association dues and assessments that may become due after association dues and assessments that may become due after are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for HEISE JORGENSEN & STEFANELLI P.A.
18310 Montgomery Village Avenue, Suite 400
the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting (301) 977-8400
taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE
are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms Known as
the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. 5711 PHILLIPS STREET, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21225
property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting Trustee's File No. 17-266053. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain Deed
of Trust from Francis P. Gunde to Thomas F. McDonough and Robert
purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. S. Handzo, Trustees, dated December 4, 2007 and recorded in Book
are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms 20184 at Page 614 among the Land Records for Anne Arundel County,
of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, Maryland, the undersigned substituted trustees (by virtue of Deed of
Appointment between Maryland Department of Housing and Community
Trustee's File No. 17-267187. Trustee's File No. 17-268971. Trustee's File No. 17-265174. Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797 Development, Community Development Administration, as successor in
interest to Southern Trust Mortgage, LLC (the "Beneficiary") and said
trustees recorded among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County) will,
Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. on
SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 2018 at 11:30 O'Clock, A.M.
Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797 Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797 Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797 offer for sale at public auction at the Anne Arundel County Circuit Court,
located at 7 Church Circle, Annapolis, Maryland 21401, all of the property
and improvements thereon conveyed by said deed of trust, described as
5711 Phillips Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21225, Tax Identification No. 05- 693-16857430 (the "Property") and more fully described in the Deed of
A181, A316, A311, A182, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463
TERMS OF SALE: The Property, which is improved by a dwelling, will
MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12165746 be offered for sale, subject to matters known and unknown, in an "AS
IS, WHERE IS" condition with no warranty of any kind and will be sold
TRUSTEE'S SALE and conveyed by the Substitute Trustees subject to all encumbrances,
rights, reservations, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, and
MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12167697 MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12166789 MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12165561 1520 WINTERBERRY DRIVE, Arnold, MD 21012 statutory liens, if any, having priority over the Deed of Trust, as they may
lawfully affect the Property. The risk of loss or damage to the Property
Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by shall be borne by the successful bidder from and after the date and
premises known as 1520 WINTERBERRY DRIVE, Arnold, MD time of the sale. Obtaining possession of the Property shall be the sole
responsibility of the successful bidder. A deposit of Twenty-Five Thousand
TRUSTEE'S SALE TRUSTEE'S SALE TRUSTEE'S SALE 21012. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed Dollars ($25,000.00), in the form of certified check or cashier's check,
(the "Deposit") will be required at the time of sale. The Beneficiary is
4626 21st Street, Mount Rainier, MD 20712 1917 Jennings Mill Drive, Bowie, MD 20721 15804 Buxton Place, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 of Trust, dated February 24, 2006, and recorded in Liber 17592 not required to make a Deposit. The balance of the purchase price for
at Page 429 among the land records of the COUNTY OF ANNE the Property, together with interest at 6.50% per annum from the date
Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by ARUNDEL, in the original principal amount of $272,744.75. of sale to the date of settlement, shall be paid in cash within fifteen (15)
days after final ratification of the sale of the Property by the Circuit Court,
premises known as 4626 21st Street, Mount Rainier, MD premises known as 917 Jennings Mill Drive, Bowie, MD premises known as 15804 Buxton Place, Upper Marlboro, MD Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees will TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE WITH REGARD TO ALL OF PURCHASER'S
20712. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed 20721. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed 20774. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the COUNTY OBLIGATIONS. Taxes, water, sewer, ground rent, condominium fees,
and/or homeowners association dues, if applicable, will be adjusted to the
of Trust, dated March 16, 2005, and recorded in Liber 21923 at of Trust, dated October 25, 2010, and recorded in Liber 32126 of Trust, dated April 4, 2007, and recorded in Liber 28476 at OF ANNE ARUNDEL, at 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, Maryland, date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. All other public
Page 334 among the land records of the COUNTY OF PRINCE at Page 316 among the land records of the COUNTY OF PRINCE Page 393 among the land records of the COUNTY OF PRINCE charges and assessments payable on an annual basis, including sanitary
on March 27, 2018 at 4:00 PM, all that property described in and/or metropolitan district charges will be adjusted for the current year
GEORGE'S, in the original principal amount of $297,000.00. GEORGE'S, in the original principal amount of $680,811.00. GEORGE'S, in the original principal amount of $428,000.00. said Deed of Trust including but not limited to: to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. All costs of
Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees conveyance, including transfer taxes and recordation taxes will be paid by
Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees the purchaser. If any successful bidder fails for any reason to complete
will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the will offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the Tax ID# 03-166-90039085 settlement as provided above, the Deposit shall be forfeited and applied to
Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and the costs of the sale, including Substitute Trustees' fees, and the balance,
COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, at the front of the Duval Wing COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, at the front of the Duval Wing COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE'S, at the front of the Duval Wing if any, shall be delivered to the Beneficiary to be applied by the Beneficiary
of the Courthouse Complex located at 14735 Main Street, Upper of the Courthouse Complex located at 14735 Main Street, Upper of the Courthouse Complex located at 14735 Main Street, Upper is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, against the indebtedness secured by, and other amounts due under, the
Deed of Trust in accordance with the Deed of Trust or applicable law
Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on March 27, 2018 at 2:00 PM, Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on March 27, 2018 at 2:00 PM, Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on March 27, 2018 at 2:00 PM, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may or otherwise as the Beneficiary shall elect. Forfeiture of the Deposit
all that property described in said Deed of Trust including but all that property described in said Deed of Trust including but all that property described in said Deed of Trust including but affect same, if any. shall not limit any rights or remedies of the Substitute Trustees or the
Beneficiary with respect to any such default. If the Property is resold
not limited to: not limited to: not limited to: TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash after any such default, such re-sale shall be at the risk and the cost of
the failing bidder, and the failing bidder shall be liable for any deficiency
Tax ID# 17-1889492 Tax ID# 07-3592334 Tax ID# 03-3654480 or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The between its bid and the successful bid at the resale as well as the costs
Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum of conducting such re-sale. In the event the Substitute Trustees do not
execute a deed of conveyance or other necessary settlement documents,
is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within the purchaser’s sole remedy shall be the refund of the Deposit. In the
conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments event the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title or in
the event the borrower entered into a repayment plan, reinstated or paid
affect same, if any. affect same, if any. affect same, if any. on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments the loan off prior to the sale, or if for any other reason, the undersigned
will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed did not have the right to sell, the sale is null and void and the purchaser
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash is not entitled to any legal or equitable remedy other than return of the
by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners Deposit without interest and any and all other claims of the purchaser are
or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The association dues and assessments that may become due after hereby released. Additional terms and conditions to be announced at the
time of sale. All inquiries regarding the sale should be directed to Stephen
balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. B. Jackson, Substituted Trustee.
from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer STEPHEN B. JACKSON and STEVEN P. HENNE
TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement Substitute Trustees
on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for March 9, 16, 23, 2018 12168674
will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the
by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting TRUSTEE'S SALE
association dues and assessments that may become due after association dues and assessments that may become due after association dues and assessments that may become due after purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees 378 Forest Beach Rd, Annapolis, MD 21409
the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. premises known as 378 Forest Beach Rd, Annapolis, MD
taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement Trustee's File No. 17-269581. 21409. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed
are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for of Trust, dated May 22, 2007, and recorded in Liber 19140
the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees.
SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, at Page 021 among the land records of the COUNTY OF ANNE
property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting
purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797 ARUNDEL, in the original principal amount of $867,000.00.
purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees Upon default and request for sale, the undersigned trustees will
are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms
of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the COUNTY
of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. OF ANNE ARUNDEL, at 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, Maryland,
Trustee's File No. 17-268996. Trustee's File No. 17-268063. Trustee's File No. 17-269749. on March 27, 2018 at 4:00 PM, all that property described in
Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. said Deed of Trust including but not limited to:
SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, Tax ID# 300027379965
Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797 Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797 Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797
A181, A316, A311, A182, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463 Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and
MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12165752 is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants,
872 872 conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may
Fairfax County Fairfax County affect same, if any.
12502 NATHANIEL OAKS DRIVE, 5927 OAKLAND PARK DRIVE, TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash
HERNDON, VA 20171 BURKE, VA 22015 or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
balance of the purchase price with interest at 7.65% per annum
MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12167492 MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12166697 MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12165755 In execution of a Deed of Trust In execution of a Deed of Trust
from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within
in the original principal amount in the original principal amount
of $570,000.00, with an annual of $620,000.00, with an annual TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments

interest rate of 8.875000% dated interest rate of 3.750000% dated


on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments

September 3, 2004, recorded October 17, 2005, recorded
among the land records of the among the land records of the will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed
Circuit Court for the COUNTY OF Circuit Court for the COUNTY OF
FAIRFAX as Deed Book 16513, FAIRFAX as Deed Book 17914, by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners
Page 0741, the undersigned Page 1186, the undersigned


appointed Substitute Trustee will appointed Substitute Trustee will association dues and assessments that may become due after
offer for sale at public auction offer for sale at public auction the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
all that property located in the all that property located in the
COUNTY OF FAIRFAX, on the cour- COUNTY OF FAIRFAX, on the cour- Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer
To place your
EXTRA CASH? legal notice in the MOVING OUT?
thouse steps at the front of the thouse steps at the front of the taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement
Circuit Court building for the Circuit Court building for the
County of Fairfax located at 4110 County of Fairfax located at 4110 are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for
Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Vir-
ginia on April 11, 2018 at 2:30 PM,
Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Vir-
ginia on April 18, 2018 at 2:30 PM,
the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the
the property with improvements the property with improvements property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting
to wit: to wit: purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees
Tax Map No. 0354-15-0013 Tax Map No. 077-3-04-0232 are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms
of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit.
Trustee's File No. 15-247308.
Call: bidder's deposit of 10% of the
sale price, will be required in cash,
certified or cashier's check. Set-
bidder's deposit of 10% of the
sale price, will be required in cash,
certified or cashier's check. Set-
Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees.
tlement within fifteen (15) days tlement within fifteen (15) days
SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200,
Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797
KLMNO 202-334-7007 KLMNO
of sale, otherwise Trustees may of sale, otherwise Trustees may
forfeit deposit. Additional terms forfeit deposit. Additional terms
to be announced at sale. Loan to be announced at sale. Loan
type: Conventional. Reference type: Conventional. Reference
Number 18-272437. Number 18-271922.


stitute Trustees, C/O SHAPIRO &
BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford
stitute Trustees, C/O SHAPIRO &
BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford
Open 24/7 Open 24/7 Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Vir-
ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800.
Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Vir-
ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800.
A181, A316, A311, A182, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463
March 9, 16, 2018 12168872 March 16, 23, 2018 12170565
C054B 2x3 WP 2x3 C054F 2x3 MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12166791
852 852 855 855 872 872 872 872 878 878
Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Charles County Charles County Fairfax County Fairfax County Fairfax County Fairfax County Stafford County Stafford County
3051 Copeland Lane, Oakton, VA 22124 2 Brentwood Lane,
7712 East Classic Court aka 7712 Classic E CT, 102 WHISTLESTOP COURT, La Plata, MD 20646 MARCH 27, 2018 Fredericksburg, VA 22405
Severn, MD 21144 Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by Trustees’ Notice of Sale of valuable residential property commonly known
as 3051 Copeland Lane, Oakton, VA 22124. By virtue of a certain Deed By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated
Trustee's Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by premises known as 102 WHISTLESTOP COURT, La Plata, MD ALEX COOPER AUCTIONEERS, INC. of Trust dated September 16, 2014 and recorded October 14, 2014, in February 21, 2017, and recorded at Instrument Number LR170005357 in
the Clerk’s Office for the Circuit Court for Stafford County, VA, securing
premises known as 7712 East Classic Court aka 7712 Classic 20646. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed 4910 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 100 Deed Book 23829, Page 1004 among the land records of Fairfax County,
a loan which was originally $215,710.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE
Washington, DC 20016 Virginia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the appointed
E CT, Severn, MD 21144. By virtue of the power and authority of Trust, dated July 22, 2016, and recorded in Liber 9468 at (202) 364-0306 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES, Michael L. O’Reilly and Nancy J. O’Reilly will offer TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction
at the front steps of the Judicial Bldg, Circuit Court for Stafford County,
contained in a Deed of Trust, dated July 24, 2004, and recorded Page 396 among the land records of the COUNTY OF CHARLES, for sale, at public auction, at the Fairfax County Circuit Court, 4110 Chain
1300 Courthouse Road, Stafford, VA on:
Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA 22030, on Tuesday, March 27, 2018, at 2:00
in Liber 15664 at Page 234 among the land records of the in the original principal amount of $342,388.00. Upon default HEISE JORGENSEN & STEFANELLI P.A.
18310 Montgomery Village Avenue, Suite 400 p.m., the following-described premises, situated in Oakton, County of May 14, 2018 at 10:00 AM
COUNTY OF ANNE ARUNDEL, in the original principal amount and request for sale, the undersigned trustees will offer for Gaithersburg, MD 20879 Fairfax, Virginia, and designated as and being now known for taxation and
assessment purposes as 3051 Copeland Lane, Oakton, VA 22124, Tax improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of That
of $372,000.00. Upon default and request for sale, the sale at public auction at the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF (301) 977-8400
Map. No. 047-2-49-0001, and more particularly described as: certain tract or parcel of land located in the County of Stafford, Virginia,
and more particularly described as follows:
undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at the CHARLES, at 200 Charles St (in the Breezeway between Circuit SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE
COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Lot One (1), OAK MANOR, as the same appears duly dedicated, platted
and recorded in Deed Book 10576 at Page 1857, among the land records Lot 309, Section 4, Hickory Ridge, at the same is duly dedicated, platted
Courthouse for the COUNTY OF ANNE ARUNDEL, at 8 Church & District Courts), LaPlata, MD, on March 27, 2018 at 12:00 Known as
of Fairfax County, Virginia. and recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 168 among the Land Records of
Circle, Annapolis, Maryland, on March 27, 2018 at 4:00 PM, PM, all that property described in said Deed of Trust including RESIDENCE INN HERNDON Stafford County, Virginia, and as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed
315 ELDEN STREET Terms of Sale: ALL CASH. A Deposit of $20,000.00 or 10% of the sales of Trust.
all that property described in said Deed of Trust including but but not limited to: HERNDON, VIRGINIA 20170 price, whichever is less, will be required at time of sale; such deposit to
TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold “AS IS,” WITHOUT REPRE-
be in cash, certified check, cashier’s check, or such other form as the
not limited to: Tax ID# 01-091263 By virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain Amended
trustees may determine, in their sole discretion. The property will be SENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions,
and Restated Deed of Trust and Security Agreement from Herndon Lodge, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters
sold subject to the first trust held by Wells Fargo Bank N.A. The property
Tax ID# 04-211-90080116 Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and LLC ("Owner") to Lawyers Title Realty Services, Inc., Trustee, dated May
is sold in AS IS condition. All conveyancing, recording, recordation tax, of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the time
8, 2007 and recorded in Book 19319 at Page 0046 in the Clerk's Office of sale. A deposit of $20,000.00, or 10% of the sale price, whichever is
transfer tax, etc., at cost of purchaser. The balance of the purchase price,
Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, of the Circuit Court for Fairfax County, Virginia (the "Deed of Trust"),
due in cash, certified check, or cashier’s check shall accrue interest at lower, in cash or cashier’s check payable to the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE will
the undersigned Substituted Trustee (by virtue of Deed of Appointment be required at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price, with
is sold in "as is condition" and subject to all superior covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may between the secured party, U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee, the rate of 6% per annum from date of sale to the date of receipt of
interest at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note from the date of
the balance of the purchase price. Terms of sale to be complied with
conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-of-way, as may affect same, if any. as successor-in-interest to Bank of America, National Association, as
within fifteen (15) calendar days from date of sale, otherwise trustees sale to the date said funds are received in the office of the SUBSTITUTE
successor-by-merger to Lasalle Bank National Association, as Trustee TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default
affect same, if any. TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash for Morgan Stanley Capital I Inc., Commercial Mortgage Pass-Through reserve the right to forfeit deposit, readvertise and sell the property at
by the successful bidder, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied
Certificates, Series 2007-TOP27 (the "Noteholder") and the Substitute the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser; or without forfeiting deposit,
to the costs and expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee's fee. All other
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The Trustee, which Deed of Appointment was recorded on January 31, 2018, trustees may avail themselves of any legal or equitable rights against the
defaulting purchaser. Time is of the essence. If trustees cannot convey public charges or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether
or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum in Book 25315 at Page 0746. in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for
Fairfax County, Virginia) will, on title, purchaser’s sole remedy is a return of deposit. Further terms and incurred prior to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement
to be paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges
balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 2018
particulars may be announced at the time of sale.
have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted
from the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments at 3:30 O'Clock, P.M. Michael L. O’Reilly, Substitute Trustee from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay
Nancy J. O’Reilly, Substitute Trustee the seller's attorneys at settlement, a fee of $445.00 for review of the
TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments offer for sale at public auction at the front main entrance to the Fairfax
For further information contact Nancy J. O’Reilly, The O’Reilly Law Firm, settlement documents.
on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed County Judicial Center, 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030,
all of the fee simple interest of Owner in the property and improvements 761-C Monroe St., Suite 200, Herndon, VA 20170. 703-766-1991 Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful
will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners conveyed by said Deed of Trust and described therein as follows: March 16, 23, 2018 12167630 bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees
a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding.
by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association dues and assessments that may become due after Beginning at a point on the northerly right-of-way line of 877 C JOBS
association dues and assessments that may become due after the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. Grove Street, said point marking the southwesterly corner Spotsylvania County FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
of Agro Sevilla USA, Inc.; thence with the northerly right-of- Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer way line of Grove Street S89°10'35"W, 127.89 feet to a point (Attorney for the Secured Party)
marking the most easterly corner of Outlot "A," New Dominion 5900 Woodberry Farm Road, 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement Technology Park; thence with the northeasterly line of said Orange, VA 22960 Newspaper Delivery Bethesda, MD 20814
taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for Outlot "A" N65°10'35"W, 267.28 feet to a point marking the Spotsylvania County Carriers are needed 301-907-8000
southeasterly corner of Outlot "B," vacated Buchanan Drive;
are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the thence with the easterly lines of said Outlet "B," 381 Elden In execution of a Deed of Trust to deliver
in the original principal amount of March 16, April13, 20, 2018 12170383
the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting Street LLC and Elden Street LLC Nl4°07'49"E, 744.43 feet
$780,000.00, dated May 11, 2006
property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees
to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Elden Street
(Route 606); thence with the southerly right-of-way lines of recorded in the Clerk's Office of The Washington N JOBS N JOBS
the Circuit Court of the Spotsylva-
purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms Elden Street the following courses: S72°16'04"E, 70.98 feet;
with a curve to the left, whose radius is 5,267.42 feet and nia County, Virginia, in Document Post
are unable to convey marketable title in accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. whose chord is S73°05'06"E, 150.26 feet, an arc distance No. LR200600017701, default hav-
ing occurred in the payment of
of sale, the purchaser's only remedy is the return of the deposit. Trustee's File No. 17-270030. of 150.26 feet; S73°54'08"E, 101.06 feet and Sl9°50'56"E, for the following
31.31 feet to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of the Note thereby secured and
Trustee's File No. 17-269531. Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. Herndon Parkway; thence with the westerly right-of-way lines at the request of the holder of
said Note, the undersigned Sub-
of Herndon Parkway the following courses: S16°04'21"W, 10.00
Kristine D. Brown, et al., Substitute Trustees. feet; with a curve to the left, whose radius is 1,100.00 feet stitute Trustee will offer for sale at
SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, public auction at the entrance to For routes in
SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797
and whose chord is S08°18'26"W, 297.25 feet, an arc distance
of 298.16 feet; N89°27'29"W, 30.00 feet; S01°13'28"E, 69.67 the Spotsylvania County Judicial Newspaper Delivery Carriers
Manassas, Virginia 20109 (410) 769-9797 feet and N87°00'34"E, 30.00 feet to a point marking the most Center, 9107 Judicial Center Lane,
Spotsylvania, on April 3, 2018 at
are needed to deliver
northerly corner of Agro Sevilla USA, Inc.; thence with the
12:00 PM the property described
Suitland, Oxon Hill
westerly line of Agro Sevilla USA, Inc. S14°17'35"W, 348.74
feet to the point of beginning, containing 6.3942 acres of land. in said deed, located at the above
address and briefly described as:
and Temple Hills, MD The Washington Post
Address: 315 Elden Street, Herndon, Virginia 20170
Lot 13, Woodberry Farms, with
for the following areas:
Parcel ID: 017-1-02-0007
improvements thereon. Call Mr. Howard
In addition to the fee simple interest and pursuant to the Deed of Trust
and the financing statement recorded with the Virginia State Corporation Subject to any and all covenants, at 301-627-2408 For Routes in Commission as Instrument No. 0705147105-2, as amended by Instrument conditions, restrictions, ease-
No. 1801163968-5 (collectively, the Financing Statement") there will be ments, and all other matters of College Park, Lanham & Hyattsville, MD MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12165756 record taking priority over the
A181, A316, A311, A182, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463
offered for sale at the same time and under the same terms herein (i)
any and all buildings, structures, improvements or appurtenances now Deed of Trust, if any, affecting the Excellent part-time
873 873 Call Robert Garner
MARCH 9, 16, 23, 2018 12167902 Prince William County Prince William County erected on the above-described land and premises, (ii) all equipment, aforesaid property. income!
apparatus, machinery and fixtures of any kind or character forming a TERMS OF SALE: CASH: A deposit Reliable transportation 301-490-2032
872 872 4205 Kenton Circle part of said buildings, structures, improvements or appurtenances, (iii) of $20,000.00 or 10% of the sales
Fairfax County Fairfax County Dumfries, VA 22025
any furniture, furnishings, equipment, machinery and other personal price, whichever is lower, cash or required.
property owned by Owner, or in which Owner has an interest and certified check will be required Excellent part-time income!
located in, upon or about the above-described land and premises and at the time of sale, but no more
2547 JAMES MONROE CIRCLE, 2375 EMERALD HTS CT, In execution of a Deed of Trust In execution of a Deed of Trust any buildings, structures or improvements thereon, (iv) other customary than $10,000.00 of cash will be Reliable transportation required.
HERNDON, VA 20171 RESTON, VA 20191 in the original principal amount in the original principal amount hotel equipment and other property of every kind and nature, tangible accepted, with settlement within
of $218,776.00, dated April 19,
2012, recorded among the land
of $156,750.00, with an annual or intangible, owned by Owner, or in which Owner has an interest, fifteen (15) days from the date of Newspaper Delivery
In execution of a Deed of Trust In execution of a Deed of Trust interest rate of 5.875000% dated (v) all other rights and interests, located upon the above described sale. Sale is subject to post sale
in the original principal amount in the original principal amount records of the Circuit Court for May 6, 2004, recorded among the real property, or appurtenant thereto, or used in connection with the confirmation that the borrower Carriers are needed
of $368,000.00, with an annual of $135,000.00, with an annual Prince William County on April 19,
2012, as Instrument Number
land records of the Circuit Court
operation, enjoyment and occupancy of the property, including any
leases of any of the foregoing or leases affecting the use, enjoyment or
did not file for protection under to deliver
interest rate of 3.500000% dated interest rate of 8.300000% dated the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to
December 30, 2005, recorded August 28, 2002, recorded among 201204190036754, the under- LIAM as Deed Instrument Num- occupancy of the property and all contracts involving or relating to the the sale which affects the validity
among the land records of the the land records of the Circuit signed appointed Substitute ber 200406100079113, the under- property (collectively defined in the Deed of Trust and referred to herein of the sale, as well as to post-sale The Washington
Circuit Court for the COUNTY OF Court for the COUNTY OF FAIRFAX Trustee will offer for sale at public signed appointed Substitute as the “Property”). confirmation of the status of the
FAIRFAX as Deed Book 18100, as Deed Book 13310, Page 1860, auction, at the main entrance of Trustee will offer for sale at public The Property is improved by twenty-two (22) separate buildings which loan with the loan servicer includ- Post
Page 130, the undersigned the undersigned appointed Sub- the courthouse for the Circuit Court auction all that property located ing, but not limited to, determi-
of Prince William County, 9311 Lee collectively house approximately one hundred sixty-eight (168) hotel
appointed Substitute Trustee will stitute Trustee will offer for sale in the COUNTY OF PRINCE WIL- guest rooms, more or less, associated meeting, banquet, and hotel nation of whether the borrower
offer for sale at public auction at public auction all that property Ave, Manassas, VA on April 20, 2018 LIAM, on the Court House steps facilities, an outdoor swimming pool, an outdoor sports court, and entered into any repayment for the following
at 9:30 AM, the property described in front of Main Entrance for the
all that property located in the
COUNTY OF FAIRFAX, on the cour-
located in the COUNTY OF FAIR-
FAX, on the courthouse steps at in said deed of trust, located at Circuit Court building for the
approximately one hundred eighty-four (184) parking spaces, collectively agreement, reinstated or paid off
the loan prior to the sale. In any
areas: Newspaper Delivery Carriers
the above address and briefly known as the Residence Inn Herndon.
thouse steps at the front of the the front of the Circuit Court build- County of Prince William located such event, the sale shall be null
Circuit Court building for the ing for the County of Fairfax locat- described as: Lot T-3, Section 4-B, at 9311 Lee Avenue, Manassas, The Property shall be offered for sale, subject to, matters known and void, and the Purchaser’s sole For routes in are needed to deliver
County of Fairfax located at 4110 ed at 4110 Chain Bridge Road, MONTCLAIR, as the same appears Virginia on May 1, 2018 at 4:00 PM, and unknown, in “WHERE IS” and in “AS IS” condition without any remedy, in law or equity, shall be
Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Vir- Fairfax, Virginia on April 18, 2018 duly dedicated, platted and the property with improvements covenant, warranty as to condition, express or implied, and without the return of his deposit without Upper NW area The Washington Post
ginia on April 18, 2018 at 2:30 PM, at 2:30 PM, the property with recorded in Deed Book 1372 at to wit: any representations or warranties as to the accuracy of the information interest. Additional terms may be
the property with improvements improvements to wit: Page 1543 and corrected in Deed furnished to the prospective bidders by the Substitute Trustee or any announced at the time of sale.
in D.C. for the following areas:
Book 1407 at page 745, among Tax Map No. 100-17-00-D-9101 other party and without any other representations or warranty of
to wit: Pursuant to the Federal Fair Debt
Tax Map No. 026-1-11-4-A-0091 the land records of Prince William THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A any nature and conveyed by Substitute Trustee's Deed subject to all Collection Practices Act, we
Tax Map No. 0251 20 0031
THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A County, Virginia. Tax ID: 8191-50- DEBT COLLECTOR. encumbrances, rights, reservations, covenants, agreements, conditions, advise you that this firm is a debt Call Dan Santos at For Routes in
easements, restrictions and statutory liens, if any, having priority over the
Deed of Trust, as they may lawfully affect the Property.
collector attempting to collect the 240-912-7978 Crofton/Davidsonville
DEBT COLLECTOR. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bid- indebtedness referred to herein
der’s deposit of $11,000.00 or 10%
bidder's deposit of 10% of the
sale price, will be required in cash, Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Property shall be and any information we obtain Cape St. Claire/Arnold
bidder's deposit of 10% of the
bidder's deposit of 10% of the sale price, will be required in cash, of the sale price, whichever is certified or cashier's check. Set- sold subject to the rights, if any, of parties in possession and without will be used for that purpose. Millersville
sale price, will be required in cash, certified or cashier's check. Set- lower, will be required in the form tlement within fifteen (15) days representation or warranty as to (i) condition of title to the Property, (ii) SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C., Excellent part-time
of a certified or cashier’s check. Substitute Trustee
certified or cashier's check. Set-
tlement within fifteen (15) days
tlement within fifteen (15) days
Cash will not be accepted as a
of sale, otherwise Trustees may
forfeit deposit. Additional terms
the nature, condition, structural integrity, or fitness for a particular use
of any improvements, fixtures or personal property included within the This is a communication from a
income! Call Joe Shojamanesh
of sale, otherwise Trustees may
of sale, otherwise Trustees may forfeit deposit. Additional terms deposit. Settlement within fifteen to be announced at sale. Loan Property and the ability to procure insurance for the Property, (iii) the debt collector. Reliable transportation 410-340-7791
(15) days of sale, otherwise Trustee type: FHA. Reference Number environmental condition of the Property or the compliance of the Property
forfeit deposit. Additional terms to be announced at sale. Loan
may forfeit deposit. Additional 18-272467. with federal, state and local laws and regulations concerning the presence
to be announced at sale. Loan
type: Conventional. Reference
type: Conventional. Reference
Number 18-273073. terms to be announced at sale. or disposal of hazardous substances, (iv) compliance of the Property with SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (30726) Excellent part-time income!
PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE 5040 Corporate Woods Drive #120
Number 16-255842.
This is a communication from a
the Americans with Disabilities Act or any similar law, (v) compliance of
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 Reliable transportation required.
debt collector. This notice is an the Property with any zoning laws or ordinances and any and all applicable
PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, Sub- attempt to collect on a debt and stitute Trustees, C/O SHAPIRO & safety codes. Acceptance by the purchaser of a Substitute Trustee's Deed 757-457-1460 - Call Between
CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, Sub- stitute Trustees, C/O SHAPIRO & any information obtained will be BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford shall constitute a waiver of any claims against the Substitute Trustees or 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Newspaper Delivery
stitute Trustees, C/O SHAPIRO & BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Vir-
BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Vir-
used for that purpose.
ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800.
the Noteholder concerning any of the foregoing matters. The Substitute
Trustees and the Noteholder disclaim all warranties of any kind, either
or visit our website at
Carriers are needed
Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Vir- ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800. (Trustee # 576321)
March 9, 16, 2018 12168873 express or implied, for the Property, including, without limitation, any March 9, 16, 2018 12169251
to deliver
ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800. Substitute Trustee: ALG Trustee, warranty relating to the zoning, structural integrity, physical condition,
March 16, 23, 2018 12170564
LLC, C/O Orlans PC PO Box 2548, 876 condition of the soil, extent of construction, workmanship, materials, Career Training - Emp Svcs
March 16, 23, 2018 12169474
873 Leesburg, VA 20177, (703) 777- Loudoun County habitability, environmental condition, compliance with applicable laws, The Washington
Prince William County 7101, website: fitness for a particular purpose and merchantability. Neither, the Substi- AIRLINES ARE HIRING-Get Post TRUSTEE'S SALE OF tute Trustee, Noteholder, nor any other party makes any warranties or
42365 GREEN MEADOW LANE, FAA approved hands on
ANNANDALE, VA 22003 representations of any kind or nature as to the transferability of the name
TRUSTEE'S SALE OF Towne #: 5000.0733 LEESBURG, VA 20176 "Residence Inn," Residence Inn Marriott” or "Residence Inn Herndon." Aviation training. Financial aid
March 16, 23, 2018 12168684 The purchaser shall be required to sign a Memorandum of Sale (as herein for qualified students – Career for the following
In execution of a Deed of Trust
In execution of a Deed of Trust defined) waiving any cause of action it may have against the Substitute placement assistance. areas:
in the original principal amount CALL Aviation Institute of
of $200,000.00, with an annual In execution of a Deed of Trust TRUSTEE’S SALE OF
in the original principal amount
of $528,000.00, with an annual
Trustee or the Noteholder, and their respective agents, successors and
assigns, for any condition of the Property that may not comply with Maintenance Newspapers carriers
interest rate of 4.750000% dated
October 4, 2007, recorded among
in the original principal amount of 14690 Fox Glove Court interest rate of 6.000000% dated any federal, state or local law, regulation or ruling including, without 888-896-7869 For routes in needed to deliver
$57,400.00, with an annual inter- Woodbridge, VA 22193 February 26, 2003, recorded limitation, any laws, regulations and rulings relating to environmental
the land records of the Circuit est rate of 10.500000% dated Jan- contamination or hazardous wastes. Such agreement also shall provide C JOBS
Court for the COUNTY OF FAIR-
FAX as Deed Book 19646, Page
uary 4, 2005, recorded among the
land records of the Circuit Court
In execution of a Deed of Trust
among the land records of the
Circuit Court for the County of that if, notwithstanding such agreement, a court of competent jurisdiction Olney, Silver Spring The Washington Post
should permit such a claim to be made against the Substitute Trustee
661, the undersigned appointed for the COUNTY OF PRINCE WIL-
in the original principal amount of
$211,105.00, dated November 27,
Loudoun as Deed Instrument
Number 20030303-0018379, the and/or the Noteholder, or their respective agents, successors and assigns, & Rockville, MD in
Substitute Trustee will offer for LIAM as Deed Instrument Number 2013, recorded among the land undersigned appointed Substi- such agreement shall serve as the overwhelming primary factor in any Newspaper Delivery
sale at public auction all that
property located in the COUNTY
200501050002664, the under-
signed appointed Substitute
records of the Circuit Court for tute Trustee will offer for sale
at public auction all that property
equitable apportionment of response costs or other liability. Nothing in
this paragraph shall release, waive or preclude any claims the purchaser Carriers are needed Don Money at DC, MD and VA area.
OF FAIRFAX, on the courthouse Prince William County on Decem-
steps at the front of the Circuit
Trustee will offer for sale at public
auction all that property located
ber 3, 2013, as Instrument Number located in the County of Loudoun, may have against any person in possession or control of the Property. to deliver 301-674-0010
Court building for the County of 201312030115963, the under- on the courthouse steps in front The Property shall be sold subject to all conditions and dedications
Fairfax located at 4110 Chain LIAM, on the Court House steps
signed appointed Substitute
Trustee will offer for sale at public
of the Circuit Court building for
the County of Loudoun located at
contained on the subdivision plats, easements, liens, conditions, restric-
tions, rights of redemption, rights of entry, covenants, encumbrances, and The Washington Excellent part-time Great part-time income opportunity!
Bridge Road, Fairfax, Virginia on in front of Main Entrance for the
April 11, 2018 at 2:30 PM, the
property with improvements to
Circuit Court building for the
County of Prince William located
auction, at the main entrance of
the courthouse for the Circuit Court
18 East Market Street, Leesburg
Virginia on April 11, 2018 at 9:30
any other agreements affecting the same having priority over the Deed
of Trust, and subject to all existing housing, building and zoning code Post income! Transportation required.
wit: at 9311 Lee Avenue, Manassas,
of Prince William County, 9311 Lee AM, the property with improve- violations, all environmental problems and violations which may exist on Reliable transportation
Ave, Manassas, VA on April 13, 2018 ments to wit: or with respect to the Property, and subject to all matters that an accurate
Tax Map No. 0603 18 0091 Virginia on April 17, 2018 at 4:00 at 9:30 AM, the property described survey or physical inspection of the Property might disclose. The risk of for the following required.
PM, the property with improve-
ments to wit:
in said deed of trust, located at
Tax Map No. 185-40-7262-000
loss or damage to the Property shall be borne by the successful bidder areas: To apply, go to
DEBT COLLECTOR. the above address and briefly from and after the date and time of the sale. Obtaining possession of the
Tax Map No. 8392-51-1041 described as: Lot Fifty-Six-A (56- DEBT COLLECTOR. Property shall be the sole responsibility of the successful bidder. Tech Jobs
bidder's deposit of 10% of the THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A
A)(Erroneously known of record as
Lot Fifty Six (56) in Prior Deed),
TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A A deposit of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00), in the For routes in
sale price, will be required in cash, DEBT COLLECTOR. bidder's deposit of 10% of the form of certified check or cashier's check, (the "Deposit") will be required Multiple openings in Hern-
Section T-Six (T-6), Dale City, as sale price, will be required in cash,
certified or cashier's check. Set- the same appears duly dedicat- at the time of sale. The Noteholder, or its subsidiary or affiliate is not don, VA. Travel is not
TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A certified or cashier's check. Set- Arlington, VA

tlement within fifteen (15) days bidder's deposit of 10% of the ed, platted and recorded in Deed required to submit a deposit. The Substitute Trustee reserves the right (i) required but candidates
tlement within fifteen (15) days
of sale, otherwise Trustees may sale price, will be required in cash, Book 942 at Page 533, resubdivi- of sale, otherwise Trustees may
to waive or modify the deposit requirement; (ii) to approve or disapprove
the creditworthiness of any bidder or final purchaser; (iii) to withdraw all
Call must be willing to relocate
forfeit deposit. Additional terms certified or cashier's check. Set- sion in Deed Book 1216 at Page to unanticipated locations
to be announced at sale. Loan tlement within fifteen (15) days 694, among the Land Records of
forfeit deposit. Additional terms or part of the Property from sale at any time prior to the termination of 703-580-7916 across the country.
type: Conventional. Reference to be announced at sale. Loan bidding; (iv) to keep the bidding open for any length of time; (v) to reject
of sale, otherwise Trustees may Prince William County, Virginia. Tax

Number 18-272751. type: Conventional. Reference any or all bids; and (vi) to cancel or postpone the sale, all as the Substitute QA Analyst
forfeit deposit. Additional terms ID: 8291-06-5633.
to be announced at sale. Loan
Number 18-272810. Trustee may determine in its discretion. For routes in (QAA022818ERP): Develop
PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bid- test plan, test scenarios, test
CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, Sub- type: Conventional. Reference PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE The Deposit, without interest, will be applied to the purchase price
der’s deposit of $11,000.00 or 10% documentation, test scripts
stitute Trustees, C/O SHAPIRO & Number 18-272863. of the sale price, whichever is
CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, Sub- at settlement. The balance of the purchase price, with interest at the Alexandria, VA

stitute Trustees, C/O SHAPIRO & current rate of 5.426% per annum from the date of sale to the date said & test cases using Oracle
BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford
Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Vir-
PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE lower, will be required in the form BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford funds are received in the office of the Substitute Trustee, will be due Call tools & utilities like Toad,
CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, Sub- of a certified or cashier’s check.
ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800. stitute Trustees, C/O SHAPIRO & Cash will not be accepted as a
Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Vir-
ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800.
by certified check or immediately available funds within thirty (30) days 703-780-1910 SQL*Loader, XML tech DTD,
deposit. Settlement within fifteen of sale; time being of the essence with regard to all of the purchaser's Schema, DOM, SAX, XSL,
March 9, 16, 2018 12168870 BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford obligations. The Noteholder or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof may
Road, Suite 200, Manassas, Vir- (15) days of sale, otherwise Trustee March 9, 16, 2018 12168694 XPATH & XSLT, C#, Perl, Java,
TRUSTEE'S SALE OF ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800. may forfeit deposit. Additional apply the outstanding amount of the debt due under the Note as a credit Excellent part-time C/C++ & UNIX Shell script
to its bid.
5604 WILLOUGHBY NEWTON DR, March 16, 23, 2018 12170567
terms to be announced at sale.
This is a communication from a TRUSTEE'S SALE OF Taxes, water, sewer, ground rent, association fees, if applicable, will be
income! w/MS deg. in CS ,CIS., Engg.,

Reliable transportation or rltd & 2 yrs exp. or w/
UNIT 18, debt collector. This notice is an 47550 RIPPLING DR,
CENTREVILLE, VA 20120 adjusted to the date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser.
STERLING, VA 20165 BS deg. & 5 yr. of prog.,
attempt to collect on a debt and
any information obtained will be
All other public charges and assessments payable on an annual basis,
including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges will be adjusted for
required. post BS exp., Foreign deg.,
In execution of a Deed of Trust 14606 Featherstone Gate Drive used for that purpose. In execution of a Deed of Trust the current year to date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. equiv., or any suitable combo
in the original principal amount Woodbridge, VA 22191 (Trustee # 573227) in the original principal amount of All costs of settlement and conveyance, including without limitation, of educ, training &/or exp. is
of $244,120.00, with an annual $96,400.00, with an annual inter- examination of title, all recordation taxes and charges, all transfer taxes acceptable.
interest rate of 7.000000% dated Substitute Trustee: ALG Trustee, est rate of 5.250000% dated May and charges (including, but not limited to the grantor's tax), title insurance
April 6, 2006, recorded among In execution of a Deed of Trust LLC, C/O Orlans PC PO Box 2548, 3, 2002, recorded among the land premiums, notary fees, settlement fees and all other costs incident to Newspaper Delivery Sr. Software Developer
the land records of the Circuit in the original principal amount Leesburg, VA 20177, (703) 777- records of the Circuit Court for settlement shall be paid by the purchaser. Carriers are needed (SSD022818ERP): Design, &
Court for the County of Fairfax of $318,995.00, dated April 29, 7101, website: the COUNTY OF LOUDOUN as Deed develop T-SQL procedures,
as Deed Book 18453, Page 0344, 2016, recorded among the land Book 2175, Page 0187, the under-
If the successful bidder fails for any reason to complete settlement as to deliver query performance tunings
records of the Circuit Court for provided above, the Deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs of
the undersigned appointed Sub-
Prince William County on May 3, Towne #: 5000.0946 signed appointed Substitute the sale, including Substitute Trustee's fees, and the balance, if any, shall & develop SSIS packages &
stitute Trustee will offer for sale Trustee will offer for sale at public scheduling them using SQL
at public auction all that property 2016, as Instrument Number March 9, 16, 2018 12167344 auction all that property located
be delivered to the Noteholder to be applied by the Noteholder against The Washington server agent jobs & other
201605030032395, the under- the indebtedness secured by, and other amounts due under, the Deed of
located in the County of Fairfax, in the COUNTY OF LOUDOUN, on Post
on the courthouse steps at the
front of the Circuit Court building
signed appointed Substitute
Trustee will offer for sale at public the courthouse steps in front of
the Circuit Court building for the
Trust in accordance with the Deed of Trust or applicable law or otherwise
as the Noteholder shall elect.
scheduler like JAMS, UAT,
auction, at the main entrance of TRUSTEE'S SALE OF w/MS deg. in CS, Engg.,
for the County of Fairfax located
at 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Fair- the courthouse for the Circuit Court 12595 YARDARM PL,
County of Loudoun located at 18
East Market Street, Leesburg Vir-
Forfeiture of the Deposit shall not limit any rights or remedies of the
Substitute Trustee or the Noteholder with respect to any such default. If
for the following or rltd & 2 yrs exp. or w/
fax, Virginia on April 18, 2018 of Prince William County, 9311 Lee
Ave, Manassas, VA on April 20, 2018
WOODBRIDGE, VA 22192 ginia on April 11, 2018 at 9:30 AM, the Property is resold after any such default, such re-sale shall be at the areas: BS deg. & 5 yr. of prog.,
at 2:30 PM, the property with the property with improvements risk and the cost of the defaulting purchaser, and the defaulting purchaser post BS exp., Foreign deg.,
improvements to wit: at 9:30 AM, the property described shall be liable for any deficiency between its bid and the successful bid at
In execution of a Deed of Trust to wit: equiv., or any suitable combo
Tax Map No. 054411070018
in said deed of trust, located at
the above address and briefly in the original principal amount Tax Map No. 82-E16-56
the resale as well as the costs of conducting such re-sale. For routes in of educ, training &/or exp.,
described as: Unit 26, Phase 3, of $211,450.00, with an annual Immediately upon conveyance by the Substitute Trustee of the Property is acceptable. Mail resume
THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A interest rate of 4.000000% dated THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A to a purchaser at foreclosure, all duties, liabilities, and obligations of the
DEBT COLLECTOR. February 7, 2011, recorded DEBT COLLECTOR. w/ref job code to HR Dept,
MINIUM, as set forth in Declara- Substitute Trustee, if any, with respect to the Property so conveyed shall
TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A tion of Featherstone Station Con- among the land records of the TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A be extinguished. In the event the Substitute Trustee does not execute Riverdale and ERP Cloud Technologies, LLC
bidder's deposit of 10% of the dominium, recorded as Instrument Circuit Court for the County of bidder's deposit of 10% of the a deed of conveyance or other necessary settlement documents, the 2551 Dulles View Dr #350,
sale price, will be required in cash, Number 201505180038236, as Prince William as Deed Instrument sale price, will be required in cash, purchaser's sole remedy shall be the refund of the Deposit. In the event Lanham, MD Herndon, VA 20171 HE MEANS
certified or cashier's check. Set- amended in Instrument Number Number 201102080011359, the certified or cashier's check. Set- the Substitute Trustee is unable to convey marketable title or in the event
tlement within fifteen (15) days
of sale, otherwise Trustees may
201509250080283, as further
amended in Instrument Number
undersigned appointed Substi-
tute Trustee will offer for sale
tlement within fifteen (15) days
of sale, otherwise Trustees may
the borrower entered into a repayment plan, reinstated or paid the loan
off prior to the sale, or if for any other reason, the undersigned did not Call Monique Out-of-Town
forfeit deposit. Additional terms 201603160018364, and any and all at public auction all that property have the right to sell, the sale is null and void and the purchaser is not Reddy at Real Estate
forfeit deposit. Additional terms
to be announced at sale. Loan prior and/or subsequent amend- located in the County of Prince to be announced at sale. Loan entitled to any legal or equitable remedy other than return of the Deposit
type: Conventional. Reference ments thereto, and as set forth William, on the Court House steps type: Conventional. Reference without interest and any and all other claims of the purchaser are hereby 301-728-0459 DELAWARE New Move-In Ready
Number 17-268767. on any plats recorded therewith, in front of Main Entrance for the Number 17-265230. released.
Circuit Court building for the Homes! Low Taxes! Close to
PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE among the land records of Prince At the time of sale, the successful bidder shall be required to execute a Beaches, Gated, Olympic pool. New
William County, Virginia. Tax ID: County of Prince William located PROFESSIONAL FORECLOSURE
stitute Trustees, C/O SHAPIRO & 8391-57-0106.01. at 9311 Lee Avenue, Manassas, CORPORATION OF VIRGINIA, Sub- memorandum of sale (the "Memorandum of Sale") which shall include,
by reference, all the terms and conditions contained herein. The form
Excellent part-time Homes from low $100’s. No HOA
Fees. Brochures Available.
Virginia on April 17, 2018 at 4:00 stitute Trustees, C/O SHAPIRO &
BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bid- PM, the property with improve- BROWN, LLP, 10021 Balls Ford of Memorandum of Sale is available from the Substitute Trustee upon income! 1-866-629-0770 or
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ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800. of the sale price, whichever is ginia 20109 (703) 449-5800. The descriptive information contained herein was obtained from sources
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Raring to go with your NCAA Chicken + Whiskey: Tantalizing “7 Days in Entebbe,” one of
bracket? These bars are open birds on a rotisserie + a “Wizard three Israel-themed films this
all day for ideal game-viewing. 6 of Oz”- like drink experience. 8 week, packs a potent punch. 26


Best Bets Noteworthy events this week

3 restaurant
suggestions St. Patrick’s Day with
from Tom Guinness
Sietsema to a Guinness has become the
couple subbing default beverage on St. Patrick’s
out an Day, so why not spend the 17th
extravagant drinking at the Guinness Open
wedding. 12 Gate Brewery in Halethorpe,
Md.? The flagship Guinness and
sister brands, such Foreign Extra
Stout and Harp Lager, are still
produced in Dublin, but on St.
Patrick’s Day, the five-month-old
brewery will debut a new
Maryland-made stout, brewed in
conjunction with Guinness’s
Irish team. Proceeds from
tickets, which allow entry for a
Music two-hour window, will be
Nils Frahm; donated to charity.
When: Saturday from 11 a.m. to
8:30 p.m.
Billie Eilish;
Brandy; Big Where: Guinness Open Gate
K.R.I.T. 5 Brewery, 5001 Washington
Blvd., Halethorpe, Md.
“Women Tickets: $5. Beers priced
how, for males Performed as scheduled: The Blazen Divaz of Idaho dance at last year’s festival.
and females,
“architecture is
not neutral,” as National Cherry Blossom Festival opening weekend
a curator Earlier this month, the National Park Service predicted that peak bloom of the cherry
says. 24
blossoms — when at least 70 percent of the pink flowers around the Tidal Blossom are
blooming — would be March 17-20. The festival was scheduled to begin March 20, so
organizers moved the start up four days to allow visitors to enjoy the most colorful
weekend of the year. That decision now looks hasty — the Capital Weather Gang is now
A tap room at the Guinness
Brewery in Maryland. predicting that the peak will be at the end of the month, and maybe into April — but it
will allow visitors to celebrate the season at the Tidal Basin this weekend, even if the
trees aren’t cooperating. Rangers will be on duty and hosting informational programs
Movies ‘Sights and Sounds of at 1 and 3 p.m. daily. Live entertainment runs from noon to 6 p.m., and includes big
An improved Ireland Today’ band, blues and rock groups, and Indian, Mexican and hip-hop dance performances.
Lara Croft in Irish arts organization Solas Nua
Families can check out arts and crafts stations and special activities both days.
the newest — Irish for “new light” — has
“Tomb Raider.” organized “Sights and Sounds of
When: Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
27 Ireland Today,” an exhibition of
Where: Tidal Basin Welcome Area, 1501 Maine Ave. SW.
contemporary video works by 21
Admission: Free.
Irish artists in the former trolley
tunnels under Dupont Circle.
Friday’s opening-night reception
features a talk with curator


Jackie Hoysted, Andy Johnson of
the Corcoran School of Art and Hip-Hop at the Kennedy Center Environmental Film Festival
Design and artist Jonah King, The Kennedy Center’s 35th anniversary screening of With its militaristic-sounding theme — “Stories From
whose work is featured. “Wild Style,” the first film to examine hip-hop’s early the Frontlines” — the 26th annual roundup of 100-
Saturday’s St. Patrick’s Day Arts years in New York, is sold out. But there are other plus eco-centric films makes it sound like the
On the cover Festival begins with cartoons opportunities to enjoy hip-hop at the Kennedy natural world is under attack, and maybe it is. Many
Bar Charley and coloring for all ages until Center this weekend: A “Wild Style” dance party of the messages of this year’s films, part of the
general noon. Short films will play on after the movie, in the arts center’s atrium, features largest environmentally themed festival in the world,
manager Chris continuous loop throughout the sets by Grand Wizard Theodore, the DJ credited with are about those on the offensive in the fight against
Donovan day. Stick around for poetry (2 to inventing scratching technique, and Grandmaster such problems as rising sea levels (“Anote’s Ark,”
shakes up his 4 p.m.), a traditional jam session Caz of the Cold Crush Brothers. On Saturday, the Friday at 7 p.m. at National Geographic) and food

bar making a (6:15 to 7:15 p.m.) and indie Millennium Stage welcomes Shabazz Palaces, the waste (“Wasted! The Story of Food Waste,” Saturday
Hunter singer Hannah McPhillimy (8 to eccentric duo featuring Ishmael Butler of Digable at 7 p.m. at the Carnegie Institution for Science).
Gatherer. 9:30 p.m.). Planets and instrumentalist Tendai “Baba” Maraire,
When: Through March 25.
who meld hip-hop, reggae and funk into complex
When: Friday at 7 p.m., Saturday
MARCH 16, 2018

and intricate soundscapes. Where: Theaters, museums and embassies around

from 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
When: Friday at 9 p.m., Saturday at 6 p.m.
Where: Dupont Underground,
Tickets: Prices vary. Some screenings are free.
19 Dupont Cir. NW. Where: Kennedy Center, 2700 F St. NW. kennedy- — Fritz Hahn and Michael O’Sullivan
Tickets: $10 Friday, $15
Saturday. Admission: Free.
EZ Plan Ahead Noteworthy events over the next few weeks

March 23 La Grande Fête

This party has a French accent: D.C.’s annual Francophonie Cultural
Festival ends with an evening event at La Maison Française at the Embassy
of France. At La Grande Fête, you’ll learn more about the culture of French-
speaking countries and regions across the globe, and that includes trying
food and drink from more than 30 embassies. The soundtrack is global,
too, as DJ Princess Slaya plays music from Africa, Europe and the
7 to 11 p.m. La Maison Française at the Embassy of France, 4101 Reservoir Rd.
NW. $40.

April 4-6 Nederlands Dans Theater

The Nederlands Dans Theater, renowned for its boundary-pushing modern
dance, makes its Kennedy Center debut next month. Beyond the avant-
garde aesthetic, the sets for the Dutch company’s performance sound
mind-bending, too. In “Shoot the Moon,” revolving black-and-white walls
form three rooms, each containing its own love story as dancers perform to
music by Philip Glass. Then there’s “Singulière Odyssée,” a reflection on
travel that features music by Max Richter and is set in an art deco train
station as dancers stream in and out.
7:30 p.m. Kennedy Center, 2700 F St. NW. $19-$69. CHRISTOPHER MUELLER/SIGNATURE THEATRE

Nancy Robinette in the play “John,” about a couple’s stay at an increasingly unsettling inn.

April 5-8 Damaged City April 3 ‘John’

D.C.’s sixth annual festival devoted to hardcore punk is scheduled for the If you’re more inclined to think of homey bed-and-breakfasts as creepy rather than relaxing, you might
first weekend in April this year, with shows across the city, including at All be the target audience for Signature Theatre’s “John.” Playwright Annie Baker sets her tale in a B&B in
Souls Unitarian Church, the Black Cat and the Northeast art space Hole in Gettysburg, Pa., where a young couple from Brooklyn heads for what’s supposed to be a romantic
the Sky. Damaged City’s packed lineup draws such punk bands from the weekend — until a few eerie occurrences and a strange innkeeper force them to examine the fissures
region as D.C.’s Guilt Parade and Baltimore’s Turnstile along with artists in their relationship.
from throughout the world. The pre-show and Sunday main shows are sold Through April 29. Signature Theatre, 4200 Campbell Ave., Arlington. $40-$94.
out, but some tickets will be available at the door.
Various times and locations. $5-$35.
— Adele Chapin

— DC Theatre Scene
— Seattle Times

MARCH 16, 2018





Photo of Carlton Byrd for Seattle Repertory
Photo of Ryun Yu by Patrick Weishampel for Portland Center Stage.
Theatre by Nate Watters.


Music 5

4 more concerts to catch


Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake’s first self-
reinvention from boy-band heart-
throb to solo pop star has served
him well for more than a decade.
This year, though, Timberlake de-
cided to write a more rural chap-
ter of his life that would ostensi-
bly trade Hollywood glitz for his
humble Tennessean beginnings. Justin Timberlake at the Brit
The result was the album “Man of Awards last month in London.
the Woods.” Described by Timber- The pop icon brings his folksy
lake as “Americana with 808s,” new sound to town next week.
the fusion of arena pop and funk
with down-home lyrics got luke- ie in the musical “Chicago,” and
warm reviews. The exclamation was said to have been in the
point on his transition was his studio as recently as last year. But
hyped (and some say disappoint- the singer is a draw even when
ing) appearance at the Super she isn’t dropping new music.
Bowl, which ultimately helped Thursday at 9 p.m. at the Howard
him land the No. 1 spot on the Theatre.
Billboard 200. Timberlake is $49.99-$79.99.
nothing if not a well-oiled ma-
chine of infinite star power — no Big K.R.I.T.
matter what output it’s set on. Big K.R.I.T., which stands for
Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at Capital King Remembered in Time,
One Arena. makes it cool to be Southern. Not
capitalonearena.monumental cosmopolitan Atlanta Southern, $160-$344. but down-home, Meridian, Miss.,
Southern. His music is a potent
Billie Eilish mix of soulful, laid-back rap and
At just 16 years old, singer- head-nodding lyrical finesse. In
songwriter Billie Eilish is teeming 2010, after signing a deal with Def
with promise. As is the case of Jam, Big K.R.I.T. seemed poised
many rising young stars, her story to become one of rap’s biggest
began with a song uploaded to the stars, but despite two acclaimed
Internet in 2016. “Ocean Eyes,” a albums, sold-out shows, and
Avant-garde composer Nils Frahm bridges neoclassical composition and techno grooves, and for ballad produced by Eilish’s broth- high-profile co-signs in and out-
his latest album, “All Melody,” he stripped instruments and tunes down to bare snippets. er, was seemingly an overnight side the music industry, that nev-
smash; its ethereal synth lines er fully materialized. In 2016, he
combined with the airy gentle- announced that he had gone in-

ness of her voice sounded like dependent, and last year he re-
something out of a dream. The warded fans with a double fea-
Los Angeles native approaches ture, “4Eva Is a Mighty Long
her music with a flippant self- Time.” The album showcased a
awareness only a teenager could freer artist who is finally ready to

sound bites
have, an “accept me or don’t” claim his crown on his own terms.
attitude that fuels her creatively. Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Fill-
(“If I make music and people hate more.
it, you know, whatever. I’ll die Sold out.
someday, and one day they will,
Nils Frahm too,” she recently told the Los


Show: Friday at 8 p.m. (doors) at the 9:30 Club. 202-265-0930. $25. Angeles Times.) Eilish has been
heralded as the future of pop and
BY C HRIS K ELLY waiting for these magical moments, and I’m pretty the genre’s next It Girl — praise
critical with that,” he says. “I wanted to only pick the that’s not over the top. Tuesday at

cross Nils Frahm’s dozens of albums, col- parts that were special.” The results are, at times, 7:30 p.m. (doors) at the Black Cat.
laborations and soundtracks, there’s of- delicate and intimate; at others, baroque and over- Sold out.
ten a high concept uniting them all. On whelming. Frahm bridges the mythical Bifröst from
“Felt,” the Berlin-based composer, pianist neoclassical composition to minimal techno Brandy
and producer attached felt to the strings of his grooves, finding magic with a choir’s wordless In a sea of incredible singers
piano; on “Screws,” he performed with just nine chant, precise percussion or spare piano pieces in past and present, Brandy has
fingers because there were four screws in his which the listener can hear the mechanics of per- earned the title “Vocal Bible.” Her
broken thumb. formance in virtually three-dimensional detail. signature rasp combined with

True to its title, Frahm’s latest album, “All Those details come alive in concert as Frahm otherworldly techniques makes
Melody,” is his most deceptively high-concept yet: interprets the album, trying to re-create what her voice an instrument unto
He wanted to hear what melodies would sound worked in the last performance while incorporat- itself, praised by peers and critics
like in his expansive new studio at Berlin’s legend- ing new ideas, a tour-long process that he com- alike. Brandy hasn’t released a
MARCH 16, 2018

ary Funkhaus. “I wanted to hear choir, I wanted to pares to opening a bottle of wine. “When you open full album since 2012’s “Two Elev-
hear trumpet, I wanted to hear cello,” he says. But it too early, it doesn’t taste good, and if you open en,” but her influence has reached
along the way, the project became something too late, it doesn’t taste good either,” he says. a wide array of artists, from the
different. “In the end, I treated them in the way I Here’s hoping his concert at the 9:30 Club is Red Hot Chili Peppers and So-
treat my synthesizer.” during the part of the tour when “everything is in lange to Sam Smith and Rihanna. Nineties R&B singer Brandy
That meant reducing whole sessions to snippets full blossom.” Of late, Brandy has taken her and her influence on R&B can
— 2 to 4 percent of what had been recorded. “I was talents to Broadway, playing Rox- still be heard on the airwaves.
EZ On the Town
Where to score a seat to watch March Madness

March Madness tip-off times

are both amazing and frustrating.
Amazing, because who doesn’t
love an excuse to sneak out of the
office at noon to watch a college
basketball game? But frustrating
when the nearest lunch spots
don’t have TVs that will let you
follow a bracket-busting 4-13 up-
Serious basketball fans will be
heading to one of the area’s top
sports bars to follow the action on
dozens of big-screens. These
spots are different: watering
holes from downtown to Tysons
to Annapolis, all of which open
daily before noon for your game-
viewing and day-drinking needs.
They’re organized below, starting
with the earliest riser.

Town Center Market

Need to pick up a growler of
beer at 6 a.m.? Town Center Mar-
ket in Riverdale Park has you
covered, combining early hours
with one of the best craft beer
selections in Prince George’s
County. It also sells five-ounce
samplers and full pints, as well as
wines by the glass. There are TVs
indoors and a large patio seating
area, with food trucks on hand
during major events. (If you’re
sitting outside, head next door to
Dumm’s for pizza and overstuffed
subs.) 4705 Queensbury Rd., Riv-
erdale Park. towncentermarket.
Plenty of bars across the region open early, perfect for cheering your college hoops team. The bar at Barrel and Bushel, for example, which
Barrel & Bushel is inside the Hyatt Regency hotel at Tysons Corner, opens at 6:30 a.m. With happy hour starting at 2, it could make sense to book a room.
Just steps from an entrance to
Tysons Corner Center, Barrel & ten sell more booze during the
Bushel, which has a focus on lunch shift — between 10 a.m. and
Southern cuisine, Virginia craft 1 p.m. — than at happy hour. 331
beer and Kentucky bourbon, Pennsylvania Ave. SE.
opens at 6:30 a.m. on weekdays
and 7 a.m. on weekends. (It helps Old Ebbitt Grill and Clyde’s res-
that it’s attached to a Hyatt Re- taurants
gency hotel.) Another benefit of Clyde’s and its sister restau-
arriving early: Happy hour begins rants, including the Old Ebbitt
MARCH 16, 2018

at 2 p.m. 7901 Tysons One Pl., Grill, are fixtures around the area,
Tysons Corner. barrelandbushel. because you know what you’re
com. going to get: classic bar food,
including burgers and oysters, in
Crystal City Sports Pub an upscale saloon atmosphere.
The three levels packed with All Clyde’s locations are open at 11
more than 100 TVs have made a.m. during the week and earlier
Crystal City Sports Pub a magnet on weekends. The venerable Old

for college alumni groups watch- Ebbitt, a tourist destination near

ing football and basketball, but the White House, beats that by
the sprawling bar’s not just for opening at 7:30 a.m. for breakfast
game days: Doors open at 8 a.m. on weekdays and 8:30 a.m. on

daily. 529 23rd St. S., Arlington. weekends. Old Ebbitt Grill: 675 15th St. NW, Clyde’s:
Locations vary,
Tune Inn
The beloved Capitol Hill dive, Westover Beer Garden
known for its taxidermy as well as The Westover Market is a solid
being a hangout for off-duty con- neighborhood market and deli,
gressional staffers, opens at 8 but the real attraction is the sliver
a.m. with all-day breakfast and, if of a beer garden, which opens at
you choose, cold beer and shots of 11 a.m. Monday through Saturday
whiskey. Bartenders say they of- Bluejacket is the top title contender in Navy Yard owing to its strong lineup of beers on draft. MARCH CONTINUED ON 7
On the Town EZ

MARCH FROM 6 150, Ashburn; 2750 Gallows Rd., before some games. Doors open
Vienna. at 11 a.m. daily. 300 Tingey St. SE.
and at 9 a.m. on Sundays. Stop in
for one of the local craft beers on Blackwall Hitch
tap, sit at a picnic table and watch The nautically themed restau- The Bottom Line
games on the large TVs, or snack rant originated in Annapolis’s This basement-level hole-in-
on sandwiches from the in-house Eastport neighborhood before the-wall has been a downtown
butcher shop. Pro tip: If it rains, opening a second location on the hideaway for almost four dec-
head a few doors down to the Alexandria waterfront. Both have ades, thanks to basic but satisfy-
divey Forest Inn, which opens at 9 great views to go with the seafood ing bar food, rotating daily spe-
a.m. 5863 Washington Blvd., Ar- and drinks — don’t miss the roof- cials and friendly bartenders. It
lington. westovermarketbeer top deck in Annapolis. 400 Sixth opens daily at 11:30 a.m. — the St., Annapolis; 5 Cameron St., barstools are filled quickly after
Alexandria. theblackwallhitch. — and at noon on Sundays. 1716 I
Blackfinn Ameripub com. St. NW.
All three of the chain’s local
outposts — Ashburn, Merrifield Bluejacket
and downtown near Farragut A go-to choice before Nationals
Square — open at 11 a.m. The games, Bluejacket has 20 house- Shuckers prepare oysters at Old
dining room offers views of nu- made beers on draft and up to five Ebbitt Grill, which opens for
merous large TVs, as well as daily more on cask, a large bar with breakfast every day of the week.
lunch specials. 1620 I St. NW; communal tables, and a cool pa- All of the Clyde’s locations set a
43781 Central Station Dr., Suite tio with outdoor TVs and a grill tip-off time of 11 a.m.

Email: Telephone: 202-334-6808 Get listed: Our listings include events in the following categories: pop music, classical music,
museums, theater, dance, comedy and film. We accept events in the District; Montgomery, Prince George’s, Calvert, Charles and St. Mary’s counties in Maryland; and the
area including Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun and Prince William counties and the city of Alexandria in Virginia. If you’d like your event to be considered, please submit the event name, description,
date, time, location and price at Listings are subject to space restrictions. We cannot acknowledge every submission. Advertising: Ron Ulrich,, 202-334-5289

Kennedy Center debut

Dans Theater
Paul Lightfoot, Artistic Director

Shoot the Moon (Glass/León & Lightfoot)

The Statement (Belton/Pite)
Singulière Odyssée (Richter/ León & Lightfoot)


Singulière Odyssée, photo by Rahi Rezvani


April 4–6 | Opera House

MARCH 16, 2018


Tickets also available at the Box Office. Groups call (202) 416-8400.
For all other ticket-related customer service inquiries, call the Advance Sales Box Office at (202) 416-8540.

International Programming at the Kennedy Center is made possible through

the generosity of the Kennedy Center International Committee on the Arts.
Additional support is provided by Performing Arts Fund NL.
EZ $20 Diner


A Peruvian
MARCH 16, 2018

BY T IM C ARMAN breast meat is juicy beyond all

expectation but not flaccid-juicy
If you go

o matter how many times the way overbrined chicken can
you look under a wing, or be. There are suggestions of cum- 1738 14th St. NW, 202-667-2456,
investigate the backside in and garlic, practically dream-

delight gets a of your breast meat, you

won’t find them at Chicken +
Whiskey: The juicy clumps of
like in their fleetingness and
formlessness. The bird is funda-
mentally savory, as if it were
Hours: 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday-
Thursday; 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. Friday

and Saturday.
herbs and spice that hide in the engineered that way, like MSG in
small joints of birds at most pollo poultry form. Nearest Metro: U Street/African-

Venezuelan spin a la brasa outlets are nowhere to

be found here. The only blemish-
It was only after talking to
Limardo that I learned his secret.
American Civil War Memorial/
Cardozo, with a 0.4-mile walk to

es found on these specimens are He doesn’t take herbs, spices and the restaurant.
the browned and bronzed sec- other aromatics and pulverize Prices: $1.50 to $5.99 for sides;
tions of skin produced in the them into a paste to slather onto $7.99 to $21.99 for chicken strips,
kitchen’s charcoal ovens. his birds. Instead, he creates a
Juicy pollo a la brasa benefits from the chef’s Your first instinct is to think paste of aji amarillos — the fruity
sandwiches and chicken.

smooth moves at Chicken + Whiskey that Enrique Limardo, the mag- hot peppers central to Peruvian
nificent chef behind Alma Cocina cooking — and adds it to a brine Chickens on the spit at Chicken
Latina in Baltimore, has gone along with garlic, rosemary, raw + Whiskey, where chef Enrique
minimalist with Peruvian chick- sugar cane, vinegar, cumin, gar- Limardo has borrowed flavors
en. Your first bite won’t immedi- lic, dark beer and no doubt other and dishes from his homeland
ately change your mind: The DINER CONTINUED ON 9 of Venezuela.

chicken shall pass through the

walk-in cooler door that leads to
the whiskey room.
“There are going to be bones
everywhere,” Limardo says, by
way of explanation.
You enter a whole different
world in the back bar, like Doro-
thy in “The Wizard of Oz” but in
reverse. You move from the sun-
ny, Technicolor environs of the
chicken shop to the dark, flicker-
ing domain of small-batch hooch
and bittersweet Boulevardiers.
It’s easy to get drunk on this space
— and in this space, with its
generous stock of whiskies. I’d
suggest a pour of Navazos Palazzi
Spanish Malt Whisky, aged in
Palo Cortado sherry casks, a
smooth sip with a hint of candied
cherry. Knock it back with a lager,
and you may find yourself at peak
tipsiness, happy but not blotto.
Back in the fluorescent side of
the building, the options are
more limited. You can’t go wrong
with Limardo’s chicken, which an
employee will hack up to your
desired portion size and meat
preference. Would I like crispier
skin? Yes, but that’s a matter of
timing: You want birds fresh from
the oven, not held until the skin
sags. Do I miss those little explo-
sions of spice found on standard
Peruvian birds out in the ’burbs? I
confess I do. But I adore (and
respect) Chicken + Whiskey’s
take on hot sauce, which ditches
minced jalapeños for Peruvian
rocoto peppers, making for a
more complex and blistering bite.
Limardo puts chicken to use in
other dishes. The tiritas de pollo
are thick, fried sticks of cassava-
breaded breast meat, better when
dipped in the rocoto hot sauce
than the accompanying Chicken
+ Whiskey barbecue sauce, a con-
diment that reeks of cloves. The
pollo frito, a cassava-breaded pat-
ty slipped into a brioche bun with
aji amarillo mayo and other gar-
nishes, is the far superior way to
enjoy white meat. The chef even
stuffs charcoal chicken and an
avocado spread into a Venezuelan
arepa rarely found in these parts:


a pocket made out of deep-fried
DINER FROM 8 Adam Strasberg, top, chats with a friend at Chicken + Whiskey. The Some are easy to spot (the reina pork crackling. The dish is so
charcoal-chicken joint casts a wide net, including having a secret de chicharron), others are next to wrong — and so good.
flavoring agents. His chickens bar lurking behind a refrigerator door. Tiritas de pollo, left, deep- impossible to detect (the raw True to its approach, Chicken +
luxuriate in this saltwater bath fried chicken strips, go best with the rocoto hot sauce. The reina de cane sugar added to the chicken Whiskey draws inspiration from
for at least 12 hours, and some- chicharron stuffs an arepa with pulled chicken and avocado. brine to help caramelize the skin). a wide range of sources for its
times as long as 24. But either way, the additions are sides. With its sofrito base, the
“It’s a very powerful brine,” ion of Peruvian chicken without tion room. The place has the not a stretch: Venezuela has a black beans are sweet, rich and
Limardo explains. “For me, it’s shattering its inherent delicious- pulse of Latin American grill, long tradition of rotisserie chick- rewarding. The basmati-rice-
better to put everything in the ness. even if it has the budget of the en, Limardo says, though likely based arroz chaufa gets its kick
brine so everything goes into the Yet Chicken + Whiskey doesn’t Star Restaurant Group. (Al- nicked from Peru. from soy sauce and rice vinegar, a
meat.” come across as a twee interpreta- though I do wish the owners had In fact, one reason Limardo nod to the Chinese ingredients in

The technique explains the tion of a strip-center pollo a la invested in a few tables, which decided to join the Chicken + Peruvian chifa cuisine. Even the
chicken’s sleek appearance, free brasa shop, even though it incor- facilitate conversation better Whiskey team was because, back yuca fries here get a dusting of
of the seasoning clusters that porates some of the very elements than the uncomfortable counter in his mother country, the locals Tajin, the invigorating seasoning
cling like barnacles to the pollo a you’d expect of a cheffy charcoal- seats.) will knock back a finger or two of with its roots in Mexican cooking.
MARCH 16, 2018

la brasa found in the Washington chicken joint, including a speak- The 14th Street shop casts a blended Scotch whisky (yes, no Now . . . if only I could have my
suburbs. For a chef who has trans- easy with dozens of whiskeys wider net than your “e” when the bottles come from chicken and sides with a shot of
formed Venezuelan cooking into available in two-ounce pours. The standard-issue Peruvian chicken Scotland) with their rotisserie whiskey. Limardo says that may
grand, impressionistic, Twombly- front space, more or less, mimics outlet. Credit Limardo for Chick- birds. The chef urged the brass at happen with the next Chicken +
like masterworks, it should come the basic layout of its suburban en + Whiskey’s scope. The chef Star to make the pairing more Whiskey, still in the planning
as no surprise that Limardo has counterparts: narrow, counter- borrows a few flavors and dishes explicit with their project, but he stages.
found a way to alter the complex- focused, bright as an interroga- from his Venezuelan homeland. lost the argument. As such, no
EZ On the Town
Prices listed where available

ANDERS OSBORNE (SOLO) The Hamilton. 6:30 p.m. $25-$30.
GILLIOM The Barns at Wolf Trap. 8 p.m. $25-$30. DOC MARTIN
Ten Tigers Parlour. 10 p.m.
1:15 p.m. Free. MAT KEARNEY -
The Fillmore. 8 p.m.
Music Hall. 10 p.m.
$12-$15. NILS FRAHM 9:30 Club.
THE LIGHT TOUR' The Birchmere. 7:30 p.m. $59.50. WHITE
FORD BRONCO Gypsy Sally's. 7 p.m. $25.

Music Hall. 10:30 p.m.
ANTHONY RUSSO DAR Constitution Hall. 7 p.m. $73-$235. JOEL
ROSS The Kennedy Center. kennedy- 7 p.m. $20-$30. SOFT GLAS
GREENSS Songbyrd Music House. 7 p.m. $10. THE BLACK
LOVE EXPERIENCE Anacostia Arts Center. 7 p.m. Through
Sunday. $45. THE FLOOZIES 9:30 Club. 10:30 p.m. $20. THE HUNNA AND
COASTS 9:30 Club. 6 p.m. $17.


capitalonearena.monumentalsportsnetwork. Dave Nada, creator of the genre “moombahton,” at 2010’s Moombahton Massive. He and Matt Nordstrom return to the party this year
com. 7:30 p.m. $79-$275. MOOSE BLOOD
9:30 Club. 7 p.m. $20. p.m. $20. $30. WEIRD AL YANKOVIC Music Center at 7:30 p.m. $15. CURTIS HARDING U St 7 p.m. $20.
NIGHTMARES ON WAX U Street Music Hall. Strathmore. 8 p.m. $49-$79. Music Hall. 7 p.m. 10 p.m. $20. OMAR WILD CHILD WITH THE WILD REEDS 9:30 $20. GOLDEN GATE WINGMEN The
SOSA & SECKOU KEITA 'TRANSPARENT TUESDAY Club. 7 p.m. $20. Hamilton. 6:30 p.m. THURSDAY
WATER' Amp by Strathmore. $25.50-$34.50. ROBIN TROWER The
EARTHLESS Rock & Roll Hotel. AGENT ORANGE Rock & Roll Hotel. 8 p.m. $30. Birchmere. 7:30 p.m. $55. 7 p.m. $20. RONI 7 p.m. $15. BIG
MONDAY 8 p.m. $22. THE LAST BANDOLEROS The BETTY WHO 9:30 Club. 10 p.m. Cat. 7:30 p.m. $18. THE 8 p.m. $32.50-$99.
Barns at Wolf Trap. 8 p.m. $25- $25. BORN RUFFIANS DC9. WEDDING PRESENT Rock & Roll Hotel.

New York City Ballet Red, Rock ’n Blues TONIGHT!

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MARCH 16, 2018

ONE The “Soundtrack of Hawaii”
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Glass Pieces, photo by Paul Kolnik


NY Daily News

March 27–April 1 | Opera House GENERAL ADMISSION
with the Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra


Tickets also available at the Box Office. Groups call (202) 416-8400. T E R R A C E T H E AT E R
For all other ticket-related customer service inquiries, call the Advance Sales Box Office at (202) 416-8540.

Tickets are available at the Kennedy Center Box Office.

Support for Ballet at the Kennedy Center is generously provided by Elizabeth and C. Michael Kojaian. Charge by phone at 202 467 4600 and at 1 6 3 5 T R A P R D, V I E N N A , VA 2 2 1 8 2
On the Town EZ

TOWN FROM 10 Trap Rd., Vienna. 3 p.m.

Through April 22. $35.
FAZIL SAY The Turkish pianist performs.
PORCHES Black Cat. 7:30 International Student House, 1825 R St.
p.m. $16-$18. SQUIRREL NUT ZIPPERS The NW. 4 p.m. $20-$40.
Birchmere. 7:30 p.m. $45. Advance reservations are recommended.
guest Matthew Dirst leads the consort in
Bach’s “St. John Passion.” National
Presbyterian Church, 4101 Nebraska Ave.
NW. 3 p.m. $10-$69.
Prices listed where available TUESDAY
The baritone and pianist perform
selections from Schubert, Fauré, Mahler,
FRIDAY Zemlinksy, Barber, Ives and others.
WASHINGTON NATIONAL OPERA: DON Presented by Vocal Arts DC. The Kennedy
CARLO The opera performs a first Center, 2700 F St. NW.
adaptation of “Don Carlo” in more than 20 7:30 p.m. $50.
years. The Kennedy Center, 2700 F St. NW. 7:30 p.m. Through
Saturday. $45-$280. WEDNESDAY
PUPPET BAND Wu plays a Chinese lute as The Takács Quartet play works by
the Chinese band performs shadow Beethoven, Shostakovich and Mozart. The
puppetry. George Washington University's Kennedy Center, 2700 F St. NW. kennedy-
Lisner Auditorium, 730 21st St. NW. 7:30 p.m. $55. 8 p.m. $25-$45.
NATIONAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA performs selections from Rachmaninoff,
Gianandrea Noseda conducts works by Prokofiev and Scriabin. The Kennedy
Brahms, Strauss, Kodály and Dvorák; soloist Center, 2700 F St. NW.
Yefim Bronfman performs Piano Concerto Storied musical satirist “Weird Al” Yankovic will ditch his usual props and costumes and perform non- 7:30 p.m. $60.
No. 2 in B-flat major. The Kennedy Center,
2700 F St. NW. 8 p.m. parody tunes in a scaled-back setting at the Strathmore next week. Tickets start at $49.
Through Sunday. $15-$89.
BRAHMS Violinist Melissa White performs
Brahms’s Violin Concerto in D major. Music
Center at Strathmore, 5301 Tuckerman
Lane, North Bethesda. 8
p.m. $23-$76.

Sphinx Organization performs Dvorák’s
Bass Quintet. The Barns at Wolf Trap, 1635

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EZ Ask Tom Excerpts from Post Food Critic
Tom Sietsema’s online discussion

Q: I’m a longtime subscriber and inexpensive, quality cooking

I never miss reading your with the bonus of an arty interior
columns and chats, but I’ve been is Daikaya Izakaya, where none
away from D.C. for years. I’m of the popular rice bowls are
bringing my daughter up to the more than $14.
March for Our Lives, and we
need an idea for one more Q: Wife’s 50th birthday is on the
dinner. We’re vegetarian, but horizon. Want to surprise her
otherwise are adventurous with a dinner in a restaurant’s
eaters. I already have private room with another five or
reservations at Bindaas and six couples. What are some of
Zaytinya. The last time we came your favorites?
up you sent us to Zaytinya A: Not sure what your budget or
(wonderful!) and Roofers Union cuisine preferences are, but I
(not impressed). Any ideas? would be thrilled if someone
A: Check out Unconventional toasted me in a private space at
Diner near the convention Arroz (Moroccan-Spanish), Del
center. It’s the handiwork of Mar (Spanish), the just-reviewed
David Deshaies, who worked for Little Pearl (modern American)
the late Michel Richard, and it or Sfoglina (Italian). I’d also be
offers some clever meatless thrilled to be 50 again, but that’s
options, including kale nachos, a subject for another time and
mushroom spring rolls and a space. . . .
vivid chickpea stew.
The jumbo lump crab cakes at Old Maryland Grill in College Park are plump specimens, spiced with Q: My fiance and I have decided
Q: My husband’s birthday is at just a hint of Old Bay Seasoning — a delicious birthday gift for a crab lover. to forgo a traditional wedding
the end of the month. When I ceremony/reception and are
asked him where he wants to go A: Try Old Maryland Grill in equally delicious boardwalk reasonably priced in Chinatown. planning to have a civil
for dinner, he replied, “Any place College Park for plump crab fries. We’re both fairly adventurous ceremony at the D.C. courthouse
with a good crab cake.” Where do cakes, seasoned with just a eaters, so no limitations in that followed by a celebratory dinner
you recommend? suggestion of Old Bay, and Q: Last week, you wrote about regard. for just the two of us that
Noma in Copenhagen. I A: The place you want to go for ASK TOM CONTINUED ON 13

absolutely enjoyed reading the
article, even if my budget might
never let me travel to Denmark

just for dinner. So, for a person
living in the area, where might I
go for a Noma-like experience?
Obviously, not for the whole
experience, but for pieces of it?
A: I guess the idea that comes
closest to what Noma is doing —
hyperlocal food, interesting
presentations, etc. — is chef
Tarver King’s at the Restaurant
at Patowmack Farm in
Lovettsville, Va. I find what he’s
doing with textures and aromas
— animal pelts as table dressing,
smoke to carry you back in time
— very interesting, and in
keeping with the farm property
he’s on.

Q: We are going to be in
Bethesda this weekend and
Metal by Richard Kolb

wanted to know if you had any

recommendation for brunch
beyond the usual suspects (Jaleo
MARCH 16, 2018

and Kapnos Kouzina)?

A: Grilled fish tacos, butternut
squash pizza and quinoa johnny
cakes are part of the mindful
menu at True Food Kitchen.
250+ Except for the noise, the dining
room is inviting.

ARTISTS Q: I need to take a client to

LIVE! MAR 23, 24, 25 dinner but he’s very
Dulles Expo Center conscientious about the cost of
CHANTILLY, VA • RT. 28 AT WILLARD RD things. I’m wondering if you
•Exciting Demos

Admission: $8 online; $10 at the door have a recommendation for

•Tasty Treats Admission good all 3 days something that’s both tasty and
•FREE Painting Class Children under 12 & parking are FREE
•Kids’ Entertainment Fri. & Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-5
Sfoglina, in the Van Ness area,
show info, exhibitor lists, is a true neighborhood Italian
directions and more at: restaurant, featuring
homemade pastas, hearty
mains and gelato in a romantic
setting suited to all sorts of

ASK TOM FROM 12 Head to Lapis in Adams sent out, he explains: “The
Morgan for a spread of Afghan concept was always meant to be
evening. We eat out in D.C. starters, a variety of vegetarian a more intimate and casual grill.
frequently (Estadio and Himitsu dishes or a bowl of stew, I think we can achieve that
are favorites) and are looking for reasonably priced. The vision in another space, which
an extra special restaurant to restaurant offers outdoor I’m actively looking for.” Stay
mark the occasion. Price is a dining and a weekend brunch. tuned, in other words.
nonissue, and our only dietary Meanwhile, yes! to more
restrictions are no dairy and no ASK TOM CONTINUED ON 14
pork. I’m aiming for a fun and both times on a weeknight, and
lively atmosphere and am also it was pretty full and lively. I
hoping to find a restaurant thought the food was very good,
within D.C. proper so we can although it was a little slow
walk or take an Uber to a bar coming out of the kitchen.
afterward. My first thought was A: I was a big fan of Victor
Minibar, but I’d love to hear what Albisu’s cooking at Del Campo,
you think about that choice and too! While he’s turning the space
any other suggestions you might into two Mexican ideas — one
have. casual, one refined and
A: I love Minibar, but it’s such dinner-only — he left open the
an interactive experience, I don’t possibility of relaunching Del
think I’d recommend it for a Campo somewhere else.
wedding dinner. Save it for an In a statement his press rep
anniversary, maybe? Instead,
aim for the intimate alcove table
at Maydan, a table overlooking THE NATIONAL PARKS

the water at Fiola Mare or the {Uplifting indie folk}
spectacle known as A Rake’s
Progress in the Line Hotel.
2018 TONIGHT! FRI, MARch 16

Q: I live in Adams Morgan, and I OMAR SOSA &

feel like one area the D.C. dining
scene struggles with is the
{Latin America + Africa}
existence of go-to, reliable and
well-established neighborhood SUN, MARch 18
dining spots. I live around the
corner from Mintwood Place,
Johnny’s, Tail Up Goat, etc., but
can’t afford to go to any of those
places more than once every
month or two and I usually
reserve them for special
occasions. Are there any spots
you could recommend within
walking distance that don’t STEPHEN JAY
necessarily still have the
new-thing sheen to them, are DIXIE D. VEREEN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST
{“Weird Al” bandmates}
affordable, are easy to get a spot
at and are still good? and Johnny’s Half Shell? You as $11. WED, MARCH 21
A: Have you been to Lapis, the don’t mention the price range
well-received Afghan restaurant you’re after, but the stews, for Q: Do you know why Del Campo
on the same block as Mintwood instance, can be had for as little is closing? I’ve been there twice, KEVIN MCCAFFREY
{Late Show with David
THU, MARch 22


Fri, March 16
THU, MAR 29, 8pm
Immersive, multisensory {Celtic powerhouse}
experience synthesizes FRI, MARch 23
With his soaring voice and
sound and image.
magnetic presence, the great
Spanish–Romani singer has been Presented by Le Théâtre Des Confettis from Canada
In collaboration with Lincoln Center Education
called “the Sinatra of Flamenco”
Written and created by Véronique Côté THE BOSTON POPS With Chelsey Green
Co-presented with Strathmore; Special thanks: Lyn Experience the rare marvel of theater for the
and Barry Chasen
very young in this carefully crafted experience! KEITH LOCKHART, CONDUCTOR {Smooth jazz}
AARON DIEHL TRIO Sun, April 8, Two shows!

Bernstein, Gershwin &


The jazz piano virtuoso and Queen!
musical Renaissance man leads March 24–April 1 Most enjoyed by & THE DELTA SWINGERS
his own trio in an intimate evening 18 mo.–4 yr.
of instrumental brilliance. Family Theater Photo by Louise Le Blanc From top: Niyaz by Jarret Gibbons, {Blues & roots rock}
MARCH 16, 2018

Special thanks: the Susan B. Hepner Family and Great

Keith Lockhart by Marco Borggreve
FRI, APRil 6
Jones Capital; the Abramson Family Foundation
KENNEDY-CENTER.ORG | (202) 467-4600 11810 Grand Park Ave, N. Bethesda, MD
Bank of America is the Presenting Sponsor

Tickets also available at the Box Office.

of Performances for Young Audiences. Red Line–White Flint Metro
TICKETS: (202) 785-9727 Groups call (202) 416-8400. 301.581.5100 For all other ticket-related customer service inquiries,
call the Advance Sales Box Office at (202) 416-8540.
PG Ask Tom Excerpts from Post Food Critic
Tom Sietsema’s online discussion

ASK TOM FROM 13 music? I am a little old lady, and Restaurants tend to be easier on women’s room at a restaurant?
it seems that managers think I the ears on the early side of the Having to change an infant on
Mexican, especially from am trying to spoil everyone’s fun! evening. the bathroom floor is absolutely
someone as creative and I just want to talk to the people disgusting and unsanitary, and I
ambitious as Albisu. at my table. Q: Could you inform restaurant swear the next time I go to a
A: Why not say what you just owners that we’re well past the place like this, I’m changing my
Q: What do you think is the best told me? “I don’t want to spoil point at which it should be daughter on the bar.
way to ask restaurant anyone’s fun, but I’d really like to considered appropriate to only A: Uh, please don’t do that! I like
management to turn down loud hear my companions.” A tip: put changing tables in the the approach at the Tavern at
Rare Steak and Seafood on I
Street NW: Multiple (handsome)
unisex restrooms with changing
tables. Let’s hope the idea
catches on.

Jeff Majors Your official  Tom Sietsema hosts a weekly

Q&A on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. at

Washington Post

Corn dumplings and cheese
Sunday, March 25, 4:00 pm curds topped with flowers at
the Restaurant at Patowmack
Farm in Lovettsville, Va., a
great textural and sensory
$30/person; $25/person experience. DIXIE D. VEREEN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST

for seniors, students, and

groups of 20 or more

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Cheverly, MD 20784
TTY 301-699-2544

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On Stage 15


Breathing new life into Nat Turner’s tale

Nathan Alan Davis revisits the rebellion leader’s guard relates to Nat in a different
way. By having one actor embody
If you go
‘Confessions’ in a play at Forum Theatre NAT TURNER IN JERUSALEM

athan Alan Davis had no these two white men, you’re see-
intention of writing a ing that it’s not their personalities Forum Theatre at the Silver Spring
play when curiosity led (since renamed Courtland), he square. Turner (Jon Hudson that determine how they respond Black Box, 8641 Colesville Rd.,


him to read “The Confes- couldn’t resist the poetic possibil- Odom) receives two visitors: to Nat, but rather their social Silver Spring. 301-588-8279.
sions of Nat Turner” in 2015. This ities. He took advantage of a Gray, who has already sent “The roles and status.”
was not the 1967 novel by William fellowship from the New York Confessions” to the copyright of- Coming on the heels of the Dates: Through April 7.
Styron, but rather the 1831 jail- Theatre Workshop to write “Nat fice but who is back with more 2016 movie about Turner, “The
house confession taken down by Turner in Jerusalem,” which the questions; and an unnamed jail- Birth of a Nation,” and numerous Prices: $18-$38.
Thomas Gray from Turner him- workshop staged in the fall of er, who banters with Turner while references to him in hip-hop
self as he awaited the gallows 2016. Now the show is getting its adjusting his shackles. Both songs, interest in his story seems
after leading the largest slave second production at Forum white men are played by Joseph greater than ever.
rebellion in U.S. history. Davis, Theatre in Silver Spring. Carlson. “Some historians maintain
the 38-year-old playwright of “I was expecting something The white guard is horrified by that Nat’s rebellion radicalized
“Dontrell, Who Kissed the Sea,” along the lines of Nat Turner the violence, but he finds Turner a politics at both extremes,” says
expected a political justification saying, ‘I didn’t want to be a slave, likable, charismatic personality, a Davis, one of 25 playwrights com-

for that bloody, failed effort. so I rebelled,’ ” Davis says. “But description supported by the his- missioned to write a work for
Instead he found a religious what’s actually in the pamphlet is torical record, Davis says. Pulled Arena Stage’s “Power Plays” series
testimony: black angels and very prophetic, claiming that God in one direction and then the examining each decade of Ameri-
white demons wrestling in a wanted him to carry out this other, the jailer becomes a surro- can history. “The slave states be-
MARCH 16, 2018

darkened sky, Egyptian hiero- rebellion. That this all takes place gate for the audience. came more restrictive and more
glyphics inscribed on leaves, and in Jerusalem seemed almost too “I was wondering who else repressive, and the abolitionists
the voice of the Holy Ghost telling perfect, but it was the truth.” might be in Nat’s cell besides became more outspoken. That
Turner he had been chosen for a The entire play takes place in Gray, and I thought, ‘Of course, helped lead to the Civil War. So Nathan Alan Davis, above,
special mission. Turner’s cell on the night of Nov. the guard,’ ” Davis says. “He there’s always room for another brings his play to Silver Spring.
When Davis learned that the 10, 1831. In the morning, he will comes from a different class of look at him.” It takes place the night before
jailhouse was in Jerusalem, Va. be hanged in the courthouse society than Thomas, so the Nat Turner is to be hanged.
EZ On Stage
Prices are for the entire run of the
show; individual shows may vary.

ALABAMA STORY The regional premiere of
Kenneth Jones’s play about a children’s
picture book that sparked a heated civil
rights debate between a Alabama state
senator and a librarian. Washington Stage
Guild at the Undercroft Theatre, 900
Massachusetts Ave., NW. 240 582-0050. Opening Thursday. $20.
HEIGHTS Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Tony Award-
winning musical about Washington Heights.
The Kennedy Center, 2700 F St. NW. 202-
467-4600. Opening
Wednesday at 8 p.m. $69-$175.
BETWEEN This devised-theater series
explores the taboos, assumptions and
stories of black women exploring life and
relationships. Anacostia Arts Center, 1231
Good Hope Rd. SE. 202-631-6291. Opening Friday at
8 p.m. $20.
Frank’s solo cabaret debut looks at romance
and desire in the age of selfies. Capital
Fringe Trinidad Theatre, 1358 Florida Ave.,
NE. 866-811-4111. Opening
Thursday. $20.
MINUET ON THIRD An elderly woman on
the verge of eviction suddenly discovers
she’s the rightful owner of the island of
Manhattan. Best Medicine Rep Theater, 701
Russell Ave., Gaithersburg. Sunday at 3 p.m. Free.
MACHO MENOS Playwright Angel Vázquez
explores the issue of domestic violence from
the various family members’ perspectives.
In Spanish; no English subtitles. GALA
Hispanic Theatre, 3333 14th St NW. 202-
234-7174. Opening
Saturday at 8 p.m. $30.
decorator Della feels conflicted about her
Bible Belt life when she receives a lesbian
wedding cake request. Everyman Theatre,
315 W. Fayette St, Baltimore. 410-752-
2208. Opening
Monday at 6 p.m. $20-$80.
TRANSLATIONS Irish dramatist Brian Friel’s
1980 play about British efforts to impose its
language and customs on the Irish in the early
19th century. Studio Theatre, 1501 14th St.
NW. 202-332-3300. CAMERON WHITMAN
Opening Wednesday. $20-$85.
Kurt Boehm and other cast members perform a number from “Chicago.” The long-running Broadway musical, a satire of crime, fame and
ONGOING fortune in the Roaring Twenties, has songs by John Kander and Fred Ebb (“Cabaret”). At the Andrew Keegan Theatre through April 7.
some porn stars who tire of their profession HOLD THESE TRUTHS Playwright Jeanne BOLLYWOOD TALE A Bollywood spin on bilingual musical for children ages 5-10. LIES A collection of new dances exploring
and enlist a Yale-educated cameraman to Sakata’s drama about Gordon Hirabayashi, Mark Twain’s classic story. Music by Ashwin GALA Hispanic Theatre, 3333 14th St NW. the “little white lies” that shape our thoughts
write a movie script for them. Caos On F, 923 a Japanese-American who was imprisoned Subramanian, directed by Janet Stanford. 202-234-7174. Through and behaviors. Choreographed and
F St NW. 202-215-6993. during World War II for disobeying an Imagination Stage, 4908 Auburn Ave., Saturday. $10-$12. performed by Contradiction Dance Theatre
Through March 31. $25-$75. internment order. Arena Stage, 1101 Sixth Bethesda. 301-280-1660. WILLY WONKA The Roald Dahl musical, and guest performers. Anacostia Arts
ALEXANDER AND THE TERRIBLE, St. SW. 202-488-3300. Through Sunday. $15- presented by VSA Loudoun, is directed by Center, 1231 Good Hope Rd. SE. 202-631-
HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY A Through April 8. $91-$111. $30. Karlah Louis, with musical direction by 6291. Thursday at
play based on the popular book by Judith NAT TURNER IN JERUSALEM An original THE RAID Idris Goodwin’s historical drama Carma Jones and set design by Penny 8 p.m. Through March 24. $20.
Viorst. Directed by Cara Gabriel. work by Nathan Alan Davis that depicts the pits abolitionists John Brown and Frederick Hauffe. Franklin Park Performing and Visual DANCE SALONS A dance inspired by the
Recommended for all ages. Adventure final night of slave rebellion leader Nat Douglas against each other. Anacostia Arts Center, 36441 Blueridge View Lane, National Portrait Gallery exhibition
Theatre MTC, 7300 MacArthur Blvd., Glen Turner. Forum Theatre, 8641 Colesville Rd, Playhouse, 2020 Shannon Pl. SE. 202-290- Purcellville. 540-338-7973. “Portraits of the World: Switzerland” by
Echo. 301-634-2270. adventuretheatre- Silver Spring. 301-588-8279. forum- 2328. Through Through Sunday. Dana Tai Soon Burgess. National Portrait Through March 31. $19.50. Through April 7. $18-$38. Sunday. $15-$40. Free. Gallery, Eighth and F streets NW. 202-633-
BALLOONACY A lonely old man develops an HECHO EN PUELTO RICO A comedy written THE SNOW QUEEN Our Learning Theater 1000. Saturday at 2 p.m. Free.
unexpected friendship with a red balloon. and performed by Ãngel Vázquez. Performed Ensemble performs the fairy tale by Hans MARK MORRIS DANCE GROUP AND SILK
Best for ages 1-5. Imagination Stage, 4908 in Spanish. GALA Hispanic Theatre, 3333 Christian Andersen. Creative Cauldron, 410 COMEDY ROAD ENSEMBLE: LAYLA AND MAJNUN
MARCH 16, 2018

Auburn Ave., Bethesda. 301-280-1660. 14th St NW. 202-234-7174. S. Maple Ave. Falls Church. 703-436-9948. TAKE LAUGHTER WITH YOU! The second Based on an ancient Persian tale, Layla and Through April 8. $12. Through Friday. $30. Through March 25. annual benefit show features family-friendly Majnun tells a story of passion and tragic
BECOMING DR. RUTH Naomi Jacobson RENÉE FLEMING VOICES: UTE LEMPER'S $12-$18. comedy for adults and kids and circus arts. love. The Kennedy Center, 2700 F St. NW.
stars as America’s favorite sex therapist, Dr. PARIS DAYS, BERLIN NIGHTS The German THE TEXAS HOMECOMING REVOLUTION Joe's Movement Emporium, 3309 Bunker 202-467-4600.
Ruth Westheimer. Directed by Holly Twyford. singer and actress renowned for her OF 1995 Best Medicine Rep’s latest play Hill Rd. Mount Rainier. 301-699-1819. Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Through March 24.
Theater J, 1529 16th St. NW. 202-777-3210. interpretations of the work of Kurt Weill takes place at a suburban high school, Opening Saturday at $29-$99. Through Sunday. $30-$69. performs a collection of songs that journey where a student commits an unspeakable 5:30 p.m. $20. SPILLING INK Spilling Ink draws from
CHICAGO The long-running Broadway through Europe and Argentina, featuring the act to the Texas flag during homecoming. FIGHTING IMPROV SMACKDOWN classical South Indian dance forms of
musical about crime, fame and fortune Vogler Quartet. The Kennedy Center, 2700 F Best Medicine Rep Theater, 701 Russell TOURNAMENT (FIST) The 12th annual Bharatanatyam and Kuchipudi to capture
features songs by John Kander and Fred Ebb St. NW. 202-467-4600. Avenue, Gaithersburg. competition pits improv teams against one the creative and destructive forces of the

(“Cabaret”). Andrew Keegan Theatre, 1742 Through Friday. $39-$79. Through March 25. $25. another in a March Madness-style Hindu goddess Durga. Dance Place, 3225
Church St. NW. 202-265-3767. SHE KILLS MONSTERS Playwright Qui THE WINTER'S TALE One of Shakespeare’s tournament. Audience members choose the Eighth St. NE. 202-269-1600. Through April 7. $55. Nguyen presents a story about young Agnes final plays, directed by Aaron Posner. Folger winners. Source Theatre, 1835 14th St. NW. Saturday at 8 p.m. Through
EVERY BRILLIANT THING A boy attempts to Evans, who journeys into an imaginary world Theatre, 201 East Capitol St. SE. 202-544- 202-204-7800. Friday at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Free.
cure his suicidal mother’s depression by of homicidal fairies and nasty ogres. Howard 7077. Through April 22. $35-$79. Through March 25. $15-$18. SWAN LAKE The Moscow Festival Ballet
making her a list of all the best things in the Community College, 10901 Little Patuxent THE WIZ Kent Gash directs the Tony Award- THE SECOND CITY'S LOOK BOTH WAYS showcase the traditions of Russian grand

world. Olney Theatre Center, 2001 Olney- Pkwy., Columbia. 410-772-4800. winning musical adaptation of “The Wizard BEFORE TALKING The Chicago-based ballet in this performance of Tchaikovsky’s
Sandy Spring Rd., Olney. 301-924-3400. Through Sunday. $5-$10. of Oz.” Ford's Theatre, 511 10th St. NW. 202- improv group returns with an evening of balelt. George Mason University Center for Through March 25. $49- THAT PART IS TRUE A psychological thriller 347-4833. Through May 12. $28- sketch comedy and political satire. The the Arts, 4373 Mason Pond Dr., Fairfax. 703-
$74. about a D.C. activists collective. Logan $71. Barns at Wolf Trap, 1635 Trap Rd., Vienna. 993-8888. Saturday at 8 p.m.
FRANKENSTEINSet in 19th-century Fringe Arts Space, 1358 Florida Ave. NE. THE WOLVES Sarah DeLappe’s play about a 877-965-3872. Thursday. $34-$56.
Switzerland, this classic tale of horror details Through Sunday. $15. girls’ teenage indoor soccer team. Part of Through March 25. $27-$32. THREE WORLD PREMIERES The
the ill-fated experiments of young Dr. THE BECKETT TRIO A series of short plays the Women’s Voices Theater Festival. Studio Washington Ballet presents three
Frankenstein. Bowie Playhouse, 16500 White by Irish playwright Samuel Beckett. Atlas Theatre, 1501 14th St. NW. 202-332-3300. commissioned performances, with
Marsh Park Dr., Bowie. Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202- Through Sunday. $20- DANCE performers from the American Ballet
Through March 25. $17-$22. 399-7993. Through April 8. $106. CINDERELLA The Moscow Festival Ballet Theatre and the Alvin Ailey American Dance
GODSPELL NextStop Theatre Company $10-$35. THIS LITTLE LIGHT A comedy from writer- production features 50 dancers performing Theater. Choreography by Clifton
presents Stephen Schwartz’s musical, THE GOSPEL AT COLONUS The Oedipus actor Jennifer Falsetto about time, age and the classic fairy tale. Hylton Performing Arts Brown, Gemma Bond and Marcelo Gomes.
based on parables from the New Testament. tragedy told gospel-style by WSC Avant Bard. technology. Venus Theatre, 21 C St., Laurel. Center, 10960 George Mason Cir., Harman Center for the Arts, 610 F St. NW.
NextStop Theatre Company, 269 Sunset Gunston Arts Center Theater II, 2700 S. Lang 202-236-4078. Through Manassas. 703-993-7759. 202-547-1122. Friday
Park Dr., Herndon. 866-811-4111. Through St., Arlington. Through March 25. Free-$35. April 1. $15-$40. Friday at 8 p.m. Through Sunday. $34-$56. at 7:30 p.m. Through Sunday. $40-$118.

From the cover EZ

Happy hours in D.C. that pair generous discounts with cheffy food and quality drinks




ll happy hours are not created equal. Some bars are content to take $2 off their $13 cocktails or Cocktails at Bar
MARCH 16, 2018

knock a buck off craft beers. Others let you relive your college days with dollar cans of Natural Charley,
Light and shooters you could pay for with pocket change, if that still sounds like a good idea. including two
But if you’re making the effort to travel across town to meet friends or a date after work, you draft Tiki drinks,
want great value. These D.C. happy hours are all worth the trek, no matter where your office is: are $6.
They go above and beyond the usual discounts found at many downtown bars — and some
even last all night.
EZ From the cover




1825 18th St. NW. 1405 T St. NW. 3178 Bladensburg Rd. NE. 3628 Georgia Ave. NW. 415 Eighth St. SE.
WHE N: Monday from 5 p.m. to W H EN : Monday to Friday, WHEN: Friday from 3 to 11 p.m. WHEN: Monday to Saturday, 5 to WHEN: Monday to Thursday, 4 to
12:30 a.m., Tuesday to Thursday 4 to 7 p.m. 9 p.m. 7 p.m.; Friday, noon to 7 p.m.
from 5 to 6:30 p.m., Friday from 4 SPECIALS: Half-price beers.
to 6:30 p.m. SPECIALS: $2 off cocktails, $2 SPECIALS: Buy any drink, get SPECIALS: $4 beers, wine,
empanadas. There is no better place to one free. cocktails and appetizers.
SPECIALS: $6 cocktails, $2 off drink beer than a brewery, be-
wine, $3.50 beers, discounts on Colada Shop’s Cuban cock- cause you’ll never find a fresher D.C. Reynolds didn’t invent Happy hours on Capitol Hill
various bar snacks, from fries to a tails are already some of the best pint anywhere else. Although the idea of BOGO — buy one, get have a reputation: Lobbyists,
butcher’s-cut steak. deals around the bustling 14th the stripped-down tasting room one — but its popularity has congressional staffers and in-
Street strip: On the regular at D.C. Brau doesn’t quite have made it such a staple on Georgia terns flock together for cheap
Dark, cozy and everything menu, most drinks cost $8. But the atmosphere of your favorite Avenue that other bars in the domestic beers and basic bar
you want in a neighborhood bar, its happy hour is even more bar, it does have a deal that’s neighborhood have started of- food. Eatbar, which stocks its
. FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2018

Bar Charley can get a little busy wallet-friendly, with $2 off all better than at most centrally fering the same deal. (I don’t free jukebox with the Clash and
at peak times — especially Mon- cocktails and $2 empanadas. (At located watering holes: Every care about the relationship be- Trouble Funk, is cut from a
days, when happy hour runs all these prices, it’s basically “Buy a Friday, all beers are half-price tween imitation and flattery as different cloth. The rotating
night, and office groups and first drink and get a free empanada.”) from open to close. That means long as we all get cheaper drinks beers come from ultrahip brew-
dates vie for the prime spots in Grab the couch in the vibrantly $2.50 for a pint of Public Pale because of it.) The way it works ers, including the Veil, Aslin and
the bay window. The draw: eight colored backroom, sip a rum- Ale, Brau Pils or even the vaunt- is simple: Settle in at the scruffy Oxbow. Cocktails might feature
classic cocktails for $6, includ- and-apricot Hotel Nacional or ed On the Wings of Armageddon bar or on a stool at the long añejo tequila or house-made ha-
ing a well-made daiquiri and the silky-smooth daiquiri, and double IPA — maybe the cheap- counter on the patio. Order a banero syrup. The snacks, under
Jack Rose, and a pair of Tiki snack on the house-baked spin- est it’s ever been. Some beers are drink — D.C. Reynolds is better the direction of Red Apron
drinks on tap. (The bourbon- ach-and-cheese empanada. Be- more expensive: The Stone of than average with local craft Butcher’s Nate Anda, have in-
heavy Suffering Bastard is a bet- fore long, you’ll be grooving to Arbroath Scotch Ale aged in beers and Kentucky whiskeys — cluded a miniature patty melt
ter bet than the sweet, bolero and son tunes, closing Willett bourbon barrels costs a and the bartender will give you a with Sriracha mayo, a caramel-

too-pineappley Mai Tai.) To keep your eyes and imagining you’re whopping $3.50, which is still ticket that can be redeemed for a ized Angus meatloaf slider, a
happy hour from turning into in warmer climes. less than you’d pay for a Bud second drink when you’re fin- BLT fried chicken slider and
hungover morning, the kitchen Light at a typical sports bar. ished with the first. There are loaded chili cheese fries. It’s
sends out $6 plates of Korean Although there’s no food avail- rules: You can’t mix-and-match definitely worth a detour to Bar-
barbecue wings and $8 bowls of able, you can BYO or have pizza beverages — the free drink has racks Row — especially with the
coconut curry mussels. Note: delivered and purchase growl- to be the same as the first — and extended hours at week’s end.
There’s a reason everyone in this ers or six-packs on your way one member of a pair can’t just
basement bar is ordering Old home. buy one drink and give the free
Fashioneds and Moscow Mules. one to their other half. Still, it’s
Stick to the classics. hard to beat this offer’s value
and long window.

don’t have to
mean stale-
flavored suds
and humdrum
Taco Tuesday.
Places that go
above and
beyond for
happy hour
include Bar
Charley, far
left; Colada
Shop, center,
with cocktails
such as the
mojito and
daiquiri; D.C.
Eatbar, top
left; and Joe’s,
bottom left.



750 15th St. NW. 401 Seventh St. NW. GAME ROOM 1503 17th St. NW. 1940 11th St. NW. 3282 M St. NW. (entrance in the
WHE N: Daily, 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. W H EN : Monday through Friday, back, off Potomac Street NW) WHEN: Monday through Friday, WHEN: Daily from 5 to 7 p.m.
4 to 6 p.m. 5:30 to 7 p.m.
SPECIALS: Half-price cocktails, WHEN: Monday to Thursday, 5 to SPECIALS: $5 glasses of wine,
wine, draft beers and oysters; dis- SPECIALS: $2 tacos, $4 7 p.m. SPECIALS: Half-price regular su- $5 beers, discounted cocktails
counted raw bar, sandwiches and appetizers, $5 beer, $6 wine, $7 shi and most alcoholic drinks. and small plates.
snacks. margaritas. SPECIALS: $3 off draft beers,
$3 off wine by the glass, $7 appe- D.C. foodies are used to lining Wine lovers know the trepi-
If you’re looking to impress a There are plenty of Taco Tues- tizers, $12-$18 pizzas. up outside Bad Saint, Rose’s dation of going to happy hour
date at happy hour, Joe’s fits the day happy hours around town. Luxury or Little Serow before and finding a menu that offers
bill: The landmark Union Trust But when you’re craving some- The basement beer bar at opening time to guarantee a house red or a discounted pinot
Bank, one block from the White thing more original and authen- Pizzeria Paradiso’s Georgetown seat. But lining up early for grigio with no details of vine-
House, has been transformed tic than ground beef and shred- location underwent a signifi- happy hour sounds unusual — yard or vintage. Talk about a roll


into a classy restaurant with ded cheese melted onto a giant cant makeover in January, add- until, that is, you’ve experienced of the dice. That’s not the case at
soaring marble columns, a black flour tortilla, head to José An- ing skee-ball, pinball and video- Sushi Taro. The gem of a Japa- the decade-old Vinoteca, where
granite bar and a mezzanine drés’s Mexican outpost in Penn game machines to become the nese restaurant near Dupont the daily happy hour menu of-
with views of it all. The place Quarter. The weeknight “Hora Game Room. It’s a comfortable Circle is a cut above other sushi fers a selection of 10 to 15 wines
attracts a suited expense-ac- Feliz” features a selection of $2 place to hang out over a few happy hours around town, with from France, Chile, Italy and
count crowd, except at happy tacos — such as shredded beef in rounds of shuffleboard or Big two gleaming pieces of Japanese Spain and lists the vintages (pri-
hour, when the half-price deals a spicy red chile sauce; barbe- Buck Hunter, especially given wild snapper nigiri for $6, or marily 2015 and 2016 on a recent
are the draw. Regional craft cued pork with sour orange and the specials: All eight of the rolls starting at $3.50. (There visit) and grapes used. Non-
beers are $3.50, fancy wines by pickled red onion; and vegetari- rotating craft taps are $3 off, are restrictions about which oenophiles can partake of a pint
the glass range from $4.50 to an refried beans with a chile-to- which means you’ll pay $3 or $4 beverages are half-price, so of Peroni or the “spirit and mix-
$12, and signature cocktails, in- mato salsa — on house-made for choice brews from Dogfish make sure you ask before you er” combo of the day. A menu of
cluding a stellar Old Fashioned corn tortillas. Paired with $4 Head, Ocelot and Union. Pair order.) The catch about this hap- happy hour bites ($7-$16), in-

. FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2018

and full-bodied Moscow Mule, appetizers, including ceviche, your brews with a personal pie py hour: It’s valid only at the cluding $10 arancini, aren’t as
are $6. Complement the drinks free chips and addictive salsa, or appetizers, and you’ll have 11-seat bar. Your best bet is to much of a bargain as the wine.
with half-price oysters or an- and you’ve got an affordable plenty of fuel for one more show up early — some people get When the weather warms up,
other snack, such as an Alaskan dinner to go with the well-made round of Mortal Kombat 3. in line before 5 p.m. — or around the deals are available in the
king crab roll or deviled eggs margaritas and mojitos. The 6:30 p.m. to try your luck for the private courtyard, next to the
topped with lobster (each only downer is that it ends so second seating. It’ll be worth the bocce court.
$4.95). The early start time early. wait.
makes this attractive for sneak-
ing out of the office.

Mar 9,10,16,17, 23 & 24 Noel Coward meets Agathat Christie in Aldersgate Church
Rob Urbinati’s @ 8 pm this delightful and mysterious mash up of Community Theater www.acct
Death By Design Mar 11,18 & 25 @ 2 pm the classic British comedy with murder! 1301 Collingwood Rd. $12 - $15
Come see who done it! Alexandria, VA 22308 for details

Could you name a hundred things that

Now Extended make life wonderful? A thousand? How
thru April 1! Olney Theatre Center "singular and
Every about a million? In this remarkable one-
person show, Every Brilliant Thing elicits 2001 Olney-Sandy Spring Rd Tickets uplifting” – The
Brilliant Thing Wed. – Sat. @ 7:45pm as much laughter as it does tears in 301-924-3400 start at $47 Washington
Sat. & Sun. @ 1:45pm creating its catalogue of gratitude with a Post
unique theatrical style.
Final 2 weeks The Music and Magic of beloved British MetroStage With Michael
George_Don’t Do That! Discount
Must close Mar 25 comedienne Joyce Grenfell. 1201 N. Royal St. Alex. VA Tolaydo and
tix, 3+ tix
starring Catherine Flye Th & Fri at 8, Catie Flye captures with “remarkable 703-548-9044 Joe Walsh at
call theatre.
Sat 3 & 8, Sun 3 & 7 agility and good humor…” -alexnews the piano
Avant Bard presents Gunston Arts Center Pay What You
Now playing to Mar. 25; The legendary African American gospel PWYW to Will Thurs at
The Gospel at Thur-Sat at 7:30 pm; musical returns in all its glory. A story of 2700 S Lang St, Arlington,VA
Tix & info: 703-418-4808 $35 7:30 pm and
Colonus Sat & Sun at 2:00 pm. hope and redemption for our time. Sat at 2:00 pm
Puerto Rico…¡WEPA! As a student prepares to leave Puerto GALA Theatre
Hecho en Rico to escape the economic crisis, he 3333 14th Street, NW In Spanish
Fri, March 16 at 8 pm $30
unearths his roots through noted figures 202-234-7174 Only
Puelto Rico in the island’s history. Last year’s hit!
GALA Theatre
Puerto Rico…¡WEPA! A satirical look at domestic violence 3333 14th Street, NW In Spanish
Sat, March 17 at 8 pm through the eyes of a family. With Ángel $30
Macho Menos Vázquez. 202-234-7174 Only
Based on the Disney movie, this Tony Toby’s Dinner Theatre
Newsies Award winning, high energy musical is of Columbia Call for
March 15- June 10 tickets and
A Disney Musical the rousing tale of a ragged band of 410.730.8311
“newsies” who strike for what’s right. information
The Kennedy Center Added Shows:
This record-breaking interactive solve-
Theater Lab Mon at 8PM
the-crime comedy keeps the audiences
Regular Schedule: Tickets Tue at 5PM
Shear Madness Tuesday–Friday at 8 laughing as they try to outwit the Student Rush Available Wed at 5PM
The Kennedy Center suspects and catch the killer. New clues Tickets Available
Saturday at 6 & 9 at the Thu at 5PM
Theater Lab and up to the minute improvisation Tickets: 202-467-4600
Sunday at 3 & 7 Box Office
deliver “shrieks of laughter night after Groups: 202-416-8400 Great Group
night.” (Washington Post) Rates for 15 +
This soul-stirring love story marries some Tix starting
of Shakespeare’s saddest and darkest at $35
presents moments with his most hopeful. Aaron Folger Theatre Brews &
Shakespeare’s On Stage Through Posner directs this spellbinding tale of 201 East Capitol St., SE, DC Discounts Banter on
April 22 love, loss, and the power of forgiveness 202.544.7077 available Fri., April 6,
The Winter's Tale in the lands of Bohemia and Sicilia. An 6:30pm
- visit
unforgettable staging featuring original website
music performed by the all-star cast.
The cadejos, magic dogs of the GALA Theatre
volcanoes, come to life to protect 3333 14th Street, NW
VolcanO Sat, Mar 17 at 3 pm Salvadorans at home and abroad in 202-234-7174 $10-$12 Bilingual
this fun-filled play with music.
Murder Mystery A murder mystery aboard a 1928 river StageCoach Theatre,
Ashburn + venues in $25-60,
Simple Act of March 17 – April 15 boat cruise goes terribly wrong. Money is
Hillsboro, Leesburg, most incl 571-477-9444 missing and a dead body turns up. The
Murder mob wants some answers. Winchester & Waterford dinner

MARCH 16, 2018

Waterford Old School Great classical

$35 adult music in
Led by violist Miles Hoffman, the 40222 Fairfax St. $15 historic village
American Chamber Players perform a Waterford, VA.
The American Sunday, March 25, sparkling program of music for strings, Info and tickets at
student one hour from
Chamber Players 4 PM children 12 DC. Subscrip-
flute and piano by Pierné, Beethoven, 571-510-0128 or and under tions for all five
Poulenc and Lekeu. www.waterfordconcert free 2018 concerts now on sale.

Chevy Chase Presbyterian Free

Ten leading organists present works by
Church $15 Come when
J.S. Bach in half-hour intervals. Using
Sunday, March 18 German you can;
Bach Marathon from 2 to 7 pm theme of “Desert Island Bach,” each One Chevy Chase Circle NW
dinner Leave when

performer chooses a work with special 202-363-2202

follows; you must
The Guide to the Lively Arts appears: • Sunday in Arts & Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Monday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
• Tuesday in Style. deadline: Mon., 12 noon • Wednesday in Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Thursday in Style. deadline: Wed., 12 noon
• Thursday in Express. deadline: Wed., 12 noon • Friday in Weekend. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Saturday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
For information about advertising, call: Raymond Boyer 202-334-4174 or Nicole Giddens 202-334-4351
To reach a representative, call: 202-334-7006 | 16-2898

Does this page look familiar? The Washington Post is printed using recycled fiber. NF407 5x.25


The Lycum Free and

Please join us for an evening of music for
Chamber Players Tues, Mar 20, 7:30 p.m. Euphonium and Piano featuring Technical 201 South Washington Street open to www.usaf
Series the public.
Sgt. Brandon Jones of the Ceremonial Alexandria, VA No tickets.

John Philip Sousa Band

Hall, Marine Barracks Free parking in
Chamber ensembles from “The
Annex garage at 7th
President’s Own” will perform Medley of
Chamber Music FREE, no & K Sts, SE;
Sunday, March 18 the Traditional Folk Music of Ireland, 7th & K Sts, SE tickets Please allow
Series at 2 p.m. Boydell’s Viking Lip Music, Arnold’s Washington, DC required extra time for
Three Shanties, Field’s Quintet in A-flat, 202-433-4011 ID checks at
and Andriessen’s Worker’s Union. Live streaming at: the gate.

Washington Washington Conservatory Faculty Westmoreland

Conservatory Members--competition winners, soloists, Congregational Church
and chamber musicians--will present a 1 Westmoreland Circle,
Faculty Sun . Mar. 18 at 5 pm
potpourri of musical instruments, Bethesda suggest wine & words
Showcase $20 reception
periods, and styles to raise funds for the 301-320-2770 donation
Concert Conservatory's student scholarship fund. WashingtonConservatory.Org

Unitarian Universalist
Two of the greatest works of music Church of Arlington
Sat, March 24, 2018 featuring the lush sounds of the strings. Guest host:
Strings Fever: 7:30pm 4444 Arlington Blvd. $36 Gen Monique
Arlington, VA 22204
Brahms and Johannes Brahms:String Sextet No. 2
Free Parking
Adm, O'Grady,
Mendelssohn Reception with the in G Major Op.36 $18 Stdnt Arlington
artists to follow Felix Mendelssohn: String Octet in E flat info only: 703-685-7590 School Board
performance. Major, Op.20 Tickets:NationalChamber
Saint Luke Lutheran Church Free-will
Sunday March 18, at Mozart – Coronation Mass 9100 Colesville Rd at Dale Dr. offering for Plenty of free
Lenten Concert 5:00 p.m. Bach – Dona nobis pacem Silver Spring, MD 20910 Meals on parking
Oratorio Choir and Orchestra 301-588-4363 Wheels
Schlesinger Concert Hall
Conducted by Capt. Ryan Nowlin and Northern Virginia
Marine Band special guest 25th Director Col. John Community College
Bourgeois, USMC (ret.), this program FREE, no
Living History: Sunday, March 25
features music written for or premièred by 4915 East Campus Dr. tickets Free parking is
For “The at 2 p.m. Alexandria, VA available.
“The President’s Own” by John Williams, required
President’s Own” Gustav Holst, John Philip Sousa, and Live streaming at:

The Army's premier concert band Bowie Center for

will pay tribute to Medal of Honor Performing Arts
Music of Honor Next weekend! recipients through the years with 15200 Annapolis Rd Free!
Celebrating Medal Sun, March 25 marches by Karl King, symphonic music Bowie, MD No tickets
3:00 p.m. com for full
by James Barnes, film music by John required.
of Honor Day Williams, and modern music by schedule.
Lee Greenwood and Toby Keith.

Sat March 17, 8pm National Philharmonic

Free pre-concert lecture Melissa White, violin The Music Center at For group
6:45pm (Sphinx Competition winner) Strathmore sales of 10+
From $23;
Sun March 18, 3pm Piotr Gajewski, conductor 5301 Tuckerman Lane and special
Spirited Brahms Free pre-concert lecture North Bethesda, MD 20852
Kids 7-17
packages, call
1:45pm Media Sponsor: Washington Informer www.national 301-493-9283,
2-2:30pm: Meet the Sunday Sponsor: Ingleside at King Farm ext. 111.
Instruments 301-581-5100


Bach the musical dramatist at his best.
Washington Bach Consort Featuring: Robert Petillo, Evangelist National Presbyterian $25-$69, Free
St. John Passion, Jason Widney, Christus Church 18 & under pre-concert
Sunday, March 18, 2018 Katelyn G. Aungst, soprano 4101 Nebraska Ave, NW $10, lecture
BWV 245 3:00 p.m. Barbara Hollinshead, mezzo-soprano 202.429.2121 18-38 pay
Matthew Dirst, Conductor Matthew Loyal Smith, tenor your age Free parking
Steven Combs, bass

Vocal Arts DC Presents

Theo Hoffman, Abendphantasie: Songs about nightfall
Kennedy Center
baritone & Tuesday, March 20, at Terrace Theater
by Schubert, Brahms, Mahler, Fauré, Brit- $50 vocalarts

7:30 pm ten, Ives, and Dove

Bradley Moore,
piano in Recital
The Guide to the Lively Arts appears: • Sunday in Arts & Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Monday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
MARCH 16, 2018

• Tuesday in Style. deadline: Mon., 12 noon • Wednesday in Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Thursday in Style. deadline: Wed., 12 noon
• Thursday in Express. deadline: Wed., 12 noon • Friday in Weekend. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Saturday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
For information about advertising, call: Raymond Boyer 202-334-4174 or Nicole Giddens 202-334-4351
To reach a representative, call: 202-334-7006 | 16-2898

Does this page look familiar? The Washington Post is printed using recycled fiber. NF407 5x.25

Dumbarton Concerts
Performing in venues large and small, Dumbarton United
Dumbarton Concerts the trio always delights their audiences. Methodist Church
3/17/18 at 4 p.m. Whether it’s the haunting Danny Boy or $42 Adults
Celtic Tenors 3/17/18 at 8 p.m. exhilarating classics, they are known for
3133 Dumbarton St. NW
$39 Senior
Vocal Trio Washington, DC 20007
their professional, sparkling and good 202-965-2000
humored performances.

National Chamber Players Pendleton Hall

Tuesday, March 20 Episcopal High School Free! 703-933-4135
Dohnanyi and Concert Begins at Dohnanyi: Serenade in C Major No tickets episcopal
7:45pm Shostakovich: Piano Quintet in G Minor 3900 W Braddock Road required
Shostakovich Alexandria, VA 22302
Join the all-star professional choir, The St. Columba’s Church $30 at the
Thirteen, as they explore the music of 4201 Albemarle St. NW door Post Concert
Bach Reflections March 17, 2018 7:30PM Bach, his ancestors and those inspired Washington, DC 20016 $25 in Reception!
by him. advance
Family ties fray and unravel in Verdi's
Verdi's spectacle of forbidden passion, political
"Don Carlo" intrigue, and shattering betrayal set at Kennedy Center Tickets
Tonight at 7:30 the height of the Spanish Empire. More Opera House available
Music by Giuseppe Verdi Tomorrow at 7 than 15 years have passed since WNO at the
Libretto by Joseph Méry last staged this grand masterpiece in four or call (202) 467-4600 Box Office
and Camille du Locle acts, and now a solid-gold cast heralds
its return in this stunning new production.
Rimsky- Sun Mar. 18 at 3:00 Set in 12th Century Novgorod, Russia. Randolph Road Theater
$15 - $40 Tickets online
Performed in Russian with supertitles, 4010 Randolph Rd.
Korsakov’s Fri Mar. 23 at 7:30 with Olney Ballet and Four Seasons Silver Spring
See and at the
Sadko Sun Mar. 25 at 3:00 website door
Ronald Reagan Building Discounts avail-
Orange is the Fridays & Saturdays A musical, political satire. 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW able for groups
at 7:30pm We put the MOCK in Democracy! Tix available at 202.397.SEAT $36 of 10+. Call:
New Barack | Info: 202.312.1555 202-312-1427
The Guide to the Lively Arts appears: • Sunday in Arts & Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Monday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
• Tuesday in Style. deadline: Mon., 12 noon • Wednesday in Style. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Thursday in Style. deadline: Wed., 12 noon
• Thursday in Express. deadline: Wed., 12 noon • Friday in Weekend. deadline: Tues., 12 noon • Saturday in Style. deadline: Friday, 12 noon
For information about advertising, call: Raymond Boyer 202-334-4174 or Nicole Giddens 202-334-4351
To reach a representative, call: 202-334-7006 | 16-2898

Tranquil scenes from everyday life.

Own your favorite
Washington Post photos.
Buy online, where you can
view galleries, search, or just
browse for brilliant news
photography you’ll want for
MARCH 16, 2018

your own.

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M1680-A 5x5
On Exhibit PG

An exhibition that features the work,

M USE U M S “Femme en Extase,” a portrait of the Italian
dancer Giulia Leonardi by the Swiss painter
Ferdinand Hodler. The work embodies the
Swiss modernist approach of emotional
OPENINGS expression through bodily movement — a
DO HO SUH: ALMOST HOME A major theory known as eurythmics — which
installation of the artist’s “Hub” sculptures transformed dance in America. Eighth and F
— representations of thresholds and streets NW.
transitional spaces from places he has lived NATIONAL POSTAL MUSEUM “In Her
— along with a group of semitransparent Words: Women’s Duty and Service in World
copies of household objects called War I,” through Aug. 5. An exhibition of
“Specimens.” Opening Friday. Smithsonian letters and artifacts from World War I of four
American Art Museum, Eighth and F streets women that demonstrate details of their
NW. life, duty and service in the war, where in
great numbers, women officially served in
and alongside the military in ways that
ONGOING revolutionized women’s work. 2
“Palimpsestus: Image and Memory,”
through March 25. An exhibition of 70 NEWSEUM “The Marines and Tet: The
works produced between 1900 and 2014 Battle That Changed the Vietnam War,”
including that of 30 artists from 10 through July 8, 2019. An exhibition of 20
countries of the Colección Memoria, large-format photographs of John Olson, a
Mexico, curated by Alejandro de Villota photographer with Stars and Stripes who
Ruiz, with OAS collection works. “Art of the spent three days with the Marines at the
Americas,” through Oct. 28. Modern and 1968 Battle of Hue in the Vietnam War. Hue
contemporary Latin American and was one of more than 100 cities and
Caribbean permanent collection highlights. villages that North Vietnamese forces
201 18th St. NW. struck with a surprise attack on the holiday
DUMBARTON OAKS MUSEUM “Early known as Tet. 555 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.
Acquisitions: Bliss Collecting in Paris and
London, 1912–1919,” through March 31. An SMITHSONIAN AMERICAN ART MUSEUM
exhibition of the acquisitions of Robert and “Tamayo: The New York Years,” through
Mildred Bliss, collected when they lived in Sunday. An exhibition of 42 paintings
Paris from 1912 to 1919, including artworks portraying modern Mexican subjects that
and unusual, decorative objects that were trace the artist’s development. Eighth and F
newly available via avant-garde art dealers, streets NW.
including medieval, Islamic and pre- SMITHSONIAN ARTHUR M. SACKLER
Columbian artworks. 1703 32nd St. NW. GALLERY “The Prince and the Shah: Royal Portraits from Qajar Iran,” through Aug. 5.
GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY An exhibition of about 30 works from the
MUSEUM AND THE TEXTILE MUSEUM Freer and Sackler collections, including
“Binding the Clouds: The Art of the Central recent gifts and acquisitions, of painted
Asian Ikat,” through July 9. An exhibition portraits and studio photographs from
focused on the complex dyeing technique Qajar-era (19th century) Iran when rulers
from the region that is now Uzbekistan, used portraiture to convey monarchical
known as abrband (binding the clouds). 701 power. 1050 Independence Ave. SW.
21st St. NW.
GARDENS “The Artistic Table,” through NATURAL HISTORY “Objects of Wonder,”
June 10. An exhibition of historic tables through Jan. 1, 2019. The exhibition
designed by Hillwood curators and inspired includes the “Blue Flame,” one of the
by 18th- and 19th-century French and world’s largest and finest pieces of gem-
Russian models, on view in the 44-foot quality lapis lazuli; Martha, the last known
dining room and the adjacent breakfast passenger pigeon; the Pinniped fossil, a
room. 4155 Linnean Ave. NW. fossil of one of the earliest members of the group of animals that includes seals, sea
HIRSHHORN MUSEUM AND SCULPTURE lions and walruses; and the 1875 Tsimshian
GARDEN “Brand New: Art and Commodity House Front, one of the best examples of
in the 1980s,” through May 13. An Native Alaskan design artwork. “Narwhal:
exhibition of about 150 works by 66 artists, Revealing an Arctic Legend,” through Jan. 1,
including Jeff Koons, Barbara Kruger, 2019. An exhibition on the research and
Ashley Bickerton, General Idea, Julia collaboration by Inuit and scientists on the
Wachtel and Peter Halley that explores the narwhal reveals the latest in scientific
pivotal point in the 1980s when art became knowledge on the animal and illuminates
a commodity and artists became brands. the interconnectedness between people
Constitution Avenue NW.
KREEGER MUSEUM “Reinstallation of the
Permanent Collection,” through Dec. 31, “In Her Words: Women’s Duty and Service in World War I” at the National Postal Museum includes THE PHILLIPS COLLECTION “Ten
2019. Guest curated by modern art Army nurse Lulu B. Wolfe’s identification card and ID tag while she was stationed in France circa 1918. Americans: After Paul Klee,” through May 6.
historian Harry Cooper, the reinstallation of An exhibition that explores the role of Swiss
the collection introduces works that have artist Paul Klee (1879–1940) in the
not been on view for several years. Phase I on the First World War. Sixth Street and exhibition of works by Pollock has at its 2020. An ongoing exhibition of some 300 development of mid-20th century American
of the reinstallation comprises the Independence Avenue SW. center a special installation of one of his works of art from more than 30 artists that art, featuring work by Klee in dialogue with
museum’s main floor galleries and focuses murals on loan from the University of Iowa offers a broad spectrum of visual Adolph Gottlieb, Norman Lewis, Robert
on 19th- and early-20th-century paintings NATIONAL BUILDING MUSEUM “Making Museum of Art. Originally commissioned by expression. 950 Independence Ave. SW. Motherwell, Kenneth Noland, Jackson
and works on paper. Phase II of the Room: Housing for a Changing America,” Peggy Guggenheim for her New York City Pollock, Theodoros Stamos, Mark Tobey,
reinstallation, opening in the lower galleries through Sept. 16. An exhibition of townhouse, it is Pollock’s largest work at NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN Bradley Walker Tomlin, William Baziotes
in 2018, will focus on the museum’s developers’, architects’ and interior nearly 20 feet long. 440 Constitution Ave. HISTORY “City of Hope: Resurrection City and Gene Davis. 1600 21st St. NW.
postwar and contemporary art holdings, designers’ answers to the changing housing NW. and the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign,”
including a bold vertical canvas by abstract needs because of shifts in demographics NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MUSEUM “Tomb through Dec. 28. An ongoing exhibition that UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL
expressionist Hans Hofmann, as well as the and lifestyle. At the center of the exhibition of Christ: The Church of the Holy Sepulchre marks the 50th anniversary of the MUSEUM An ongoing exhibition spanning


museum’s collection of West African masks. is a full-scale, flexible dwelling that Experience,” through Dec. 31, 2018. An assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. with three floors offers a chronological narrative
2401 Foxhall Rd. NW. illustrates how a small space can be immersive 3-D experience of the Church of never-before-seen photographs and original of the Holocaust through photographs, films
LIBRARY OF CONGRESS “Echoes of the adapted to meet many needs. It comprises the Holy Sepulchre. Built in the 4th century artifacts from Resurrection City, the small and historical artifacts. 100 Raoul
Great War: American Experiences of World two living spaces that could be used by the Emperor Constantine, the church sits community set up in Washington for the Wallenberg Pl. SW.
War I,” through Jan. 5, 2019. An exhibition independently or combined to form a larger on the site where many scholars believe the nation’s poor. 14th Street and Constitution U.S. BOTANIC GARDEN “Wall Flowers:
that commemorates the centennial of the residence. 401 F St. NW. crucifixion of Christ took place. “Day to Avenue NW. Botanical Murals,” through Oct. 15. An
Great War through depictions of the U.S. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART “Michel Night: In the Field with Stephen Wilkes,” NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE AMERICAN exhibition of botanical murals. “Orchid
involvement in and experience of it — Sittow: Estonian Painter at the Courts of through April 29. An exhibition of more than INDIAN “Americans,” through Sept. 30, Spectrum,” through April 8. An annual
via correspondence, music, film, recordings, Renaissance Europe,” through May 13. An 1,500 time-lapse images taken from a fixed 2022. An exhibition of 350 objects and exhibition of thousands of orchids, including
diaries, posters, photographs, scrapbooks, exhibition of some 20 works representing vantage point over the course of 15 to 30 images that explores the prevalence those unique and rarely seen from the U.S.
medals, maps and materials from the most of Sittow’s oeuvre, including a possible hours from sunrise to sunset of four ancient of American Indian names and images Botanic Gardens’s and Smithsonian
Veterans History Project. 101 Independence collaboration with Juan de Flandes. bird migrations around the globe. 17th and throughout American culture: from the Gardens’s extensive plant collections. 100
Ave. SE. “Outliers and American Vanguard Art,” M streets NW. Tomahawk missile to baking powder cans, Maryland Ave. SW.
MUSEUM OF THE BIBLE Includes five through May 13. An exhibition of some 250 NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN to the stories of Thanksgiving, Pocahontas, U.S. NATIONAL ARBORETUM “Sakura
floors of exhibits of ancient biblical works that explore three distinct periods in AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE the Trail of Tears and the Battle of Little Orihon: Diary of a Cherry Blossom Journey,”
manuscripts, including an array of texts on American history when the art of Ongoing exhibitions, through Jan. 1, 2020. Bighorn. Fourth Street and Independence through April 8. An exhibition of orihon

papyrus, Jewish texts, including the world’s mainstream and outlier artists focusing on a diversity of historical subjects Avenue SW. sketchbooks by Ron Henderson, who
largest private collection of Torah scrolls, intersected. It includes works by Charles including the transatlantic slave trade, the NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WOMEN IN THE recorded his experience following
medieval manuscripts, as well as Sheeler, Christina Ramberg and Matt civil rights movement, the history of African ARTS “Women House,” through May 28. An blossoming cherry trees from south to north
Americana such a Bibles belonging to Mullican and works by self-taught artists American music and other cultural exhibition of photographs, videos, in Japan, celebrating the cherry blossom
celebrities. 400 Fourth St. SW. Horace Pippin, Janet Sobel and Joseph expressions, visual arts, theater, sports and sculptures and room-like installations built culture there. 3501 New York Ave. NE. Yoakum. Sixth Street and Constitution military history. 14th Street and with materials such as felt and rubber
MARCH 16, 2018

NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM Avenue NW. Constitution Avenue NW. bands from more than 30 global artists who VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS “The
“Artist Soldiers,” through Nov. 11. An NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART, EAST NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AFRICAN ART envision the idea of home as a place of Horse in Ancient Greek Art,” through July 8.
exhibition that examines the work of BUILDING “In the Tower: Anne Truitt,” “Healing Arts,” through Jan. 1, 2020. An liberation rather than solely of comfort and An exhibition of Greek vases, sculpture and
professional artists who were recruited by through April 1. An exhibition of works by ongoing exhibition of paintings and nurturing. A sequel to the project coins from the 8th through the 4th
the U.S. Army and were considered the first the postwar-era sculptor who designed sculptures from the permanent collection “Womanhouse,” developed in 1972 by Judy centuries B.C. that explores the significance
true combat artists, along with the artwork simple geometric structures of painted that attempt to counter physical, social and Chicago and Miriam Schapiro. 1250 New of the horse in ancient Greek culture and
of soldiers, including Jeff Gusky’s photos of wood, including seven sculptures, two spiritual problems including global issues York Ave. NW. imagery of the horse in ancient myth, war,
stone carvings made in underground paintings and five drawings. “Jackson such as the HIV/AIDS crisis. “Visionary: NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY “Portraits sport and competition. 200 N Blvd.,
shelters, that provide a unique perspective Pollock’s ‘Mural,’ ” through Oct. 28. This Viewpoints on Africa’s Arts,” through Nov. 4, of the World: Switzerland,” through Nov. 12. Richmond.
EZ On Exhibit

Idyllic — or imprisoning? Look closer.

In time for #MeToo, a
new show explores
spaces women occupy

hen curators were or-
ganizing a show called
“Women House” more
than two years ago,
they didn’t know it would land in
the midst of a national movement
to drive away sexual harassment
and a political moment rooted in
women’s righteous anger. Then
#MeToo went viral, and the show,
which opened this month at the
National Museum of Women in
the Arts, took on additional heft.
The exhibition is about wom-
en’s desire to be recognized, lis-
tened to, respected. But it’s in a
different domain: While #MeToo
arose from an outcry over the way
women are treated in the work-
place, “Women House” focuses on
the home. And a woman’s home
life and work life are inextricably
intertwined. Take Sheryl Sand-
berg’s famous advice from “Lean
In”: “The most important career
choice you’ll make is who you
What “Women House” is really
about is the space women occupy,
and how it can both empower and
entrap them. The home is a sanc-
tuary and a prison — depicted in
some works as a cage that women
are scratching to get out of, or a
wall they have to break down.
It’s about “how architecture is
not neutral, it’s politicized and
gendered,” says Orin Zahra, an
assistant curator at the museum.
“It can apply both in the public
sphere and the private sphere.”
The show is an homage to the
original “Womanhouse,” a land-
mark 1972 Los Angeles exhibition
organized by Judy Chicago and
MARCH 16, 2018

Miriam Schapiro, founders of the

California Institute of the Arts
Feminist Art Program. Female
artists took over a dilapidated
mansion and turned it into an
installation and performance
space. Only women were permit-
ted inside on the first day. The


namesake “Women House” is its
continuation, expanded to repre-
sent a wider demographic of
women artists. It originated at
bears outside the window. It’s not
the only source of danger. A few
“Dollhouse,” by Miriam
Schapiro, was featured
It’s “the idea that the kitchen,
traditionally a woman’s space, is
If you go

the Monnaie de Paris, under cura- feet away is Mona Hatoum’s at a landmark exhibition not nurturing at all. Here, it’s very WOMEN HOUSE
tors Camille Morineau and Lucia “Home,” an installation set be- of feminist art in Los threatening,” Zahra says. National Museum of
Pesapane. hind the kind of steel cables used Angeles 46 years ago, the The work in “Women House” Women in the Arts
Schapiro’s “Dollhouse,” the to keep zoo animals from escap- inspiration for the ranges from the ’60s to the pre- 1250 New York Ave. NW.
only piece on display from the ing their enclosures. It’s a tableau current one at National sent, and some sections feel more 202-783-5000.
original 1972 exhibition, tethers of everyday kitchen items — a Museum of Women in firmly rooted in historical expec- Dates: Through May 28.
this show to its origins. It looks grater, a colander, a potato mash- the Arts. tations of women as homemak-
like the child’s plaything from er — but with a live electrical ers. A part of the show called Prices: $8-$10.
afar, but up close, you can see current running through them, “Desperate Housewives” exam-
hazards lurking throughout the which emits a menacing hum that ines the myth of the idealized
space: spiders and snakes, and fills the room. WOMEN CONTINUED ON 25


homemaker, whose smile and

perfectly coiffed Betty Draper
hair conceal a simmering anger.
It feels more like resignation in
Birgit Jurgenssen’s “Kuchen-
schurze [Housewives — Kitchen
Apron],” a self-portrait of the art-
ist wearing an oven — more like
becoming an oven — with the
open door revealing a bun inside,
and in Karin Mack’s “Bugeltraum
[Iron Dream],” a series of photo-
graphs of a woman ironing
clothes and then lying on the
ironing board with a shroud over
her face, as if it were a gurney. But
it’s a flash of rage in Martha
Rosler’s “Semiotics of the Kitch-
en,” a video in which the artist
displays kitchen implements as if
she were on a cooking show, but
uses them to stab wildly at the air
or bang the table.
When the home isn’t a trap, it
can be a refuge. We see domestici-
ty as a sanctuary in Zanele Muho-
li’s “Katlego Mashiloane and Nos-
ipho Lavuta, ext. 2, Lakeside, Jo-
hannesburg,” a tender 2007 pho-
tograph of a same-sex South
African couple kissing in their
kitchen, where they can escape
That portrait is one that shows
how “Women House” represents
a more diverse group of artists
and subjects than its predecessor
did. The first exhibition, true to
its era, dealt with the entrapment
of white American middle-class
domesticity, but “Women House”
gives a voice to global political
activism. The home is a symbol of
resistance in Sue Williamson’s
series of photographs of an Egyp-
tian town where families are at
risk of being displaced. William-
son interviewed the residents,
and her photographs are of their
words, which she painted on their
walls, such as “Tell your people.
This place is perfect.”
The pieces that deal with
chores like ironing and vacuum-
ing belong to a different era, and
at first glance, it might be hard for A portrait of Katlego
a young woman of 2018 to relate Mashiloane and Nosipho


to these disillusioned domestic Lavuta, above, in Johannesburg
goddesses. Unlike them, she has a by photographer Zanele Muholi
job outside the home and other and the “Modern Chess Set,” by
things to worry about, including Rachel Whiteread, are at the
whether her boss is a groper — new show at the National
and she can order UberEats and Museum of Women in the Arts.
program her Roomba to do the
vacuuming. But even though the Cabinet With Collection,” a self-
setting is different, the show is a portrait where the artist tucks
reminder that, especially for pre- herself into an armoire shelf,
vious generations, “the house was along with miniature statues
the workspace for many women from pop culture and antiquity,

because they were imprisoned in like the Venus of Willendorf. Just-

the house,” says Morineau, the esen has written about her strug-
curator. And doubly so for female gle to balance career and family,
artists, who worked out of home and in this portrait, she is “shelv-
MARCH 16, 2018

studios. ing it” — putting her work on

“Women artists are making hold, tucking herself away. But
commentary on the status of their her pose, with her hand and foot
workplace and the circumstances emerging from the cabinet, sug-
of them working in a male-domi- gests she won’t be in there for
nated field,” Zahra says. Like long.
Kirsten Justesen’s “Portrait in
EZ Movies
7 Days in Entebbe    


When policy
BY M ICHAEL O ’ S ULLIVAN other countries release prisoners Rosamund Pike and
and Israel sticks to its long-stand- Daniel Brühl star as

Days in Entebbe” is, as its ing refusal to negotiate with ter- Brigitte Kuhlman and
name suggests, a pretty rorists. Meanwhile, military ac- Wilfried Böse in a fact-
conventional ticktock of tion is considered, although that based drama about Israel
the 1976 hijacking of an
Air France jetliner en route from
Tel Aviv to Paris by members of
the Popular Front for the Libera-
follows the is fraught with risk.
Woven throughout “Entebbe”
are scenes taken from rehearsals
for the dance performance that
and its long-standing
refusal to negotiate with

tion of Palestine and the Red

Army Faction, a German leftist
group. Or it would be convention-
al, were it not for the fact that the
movie opens with a startling snip-
scripted steps opens the movie. One of the danc-
ers (Zina Zinchenko) — the one
who falls — is the girlfriend of an
Israeli soldier (Ben Schnetzer)
who has been recruited for the
stance of non-negotiation has
been effective, in the long run. If
the nation never talks with its
pet of a performance by Israel’s rescue operation. Although their enemies, Rabin asks Peres, how
The retelling of a real-life airplane hijacking in 1976
MARCH 16, 2018

Batsheva Dance Company, mak- story delivers a message — “I fight can there ever be peace?
ing you wonder, for a second, so you can dance,” he tells her, Although that question is artic-
whether you have stumbled into a
uses an unexpected motif to frame Israeli diplomacy somewhat predictably — it is a ulated only toward the end of the
screening of “Step Up 6” by mis- minor one in the scheme of film, it hangs, unspoken, over the
take. things. entire movie, lending what would
The footage of the dance “Kyr,” charged action film “RoboCop,” Israel sends in a team of comman- Rather, the dance itself makes otherwise be a pedestrian thriller
a 1990 work by noted Israeli begins in earnest, cutting to the dos to storm the airport. a much more powerful, and ulti- a subtle but potent punch. Over
choreographer Ohad Naharin, hijacking, which brought more Padilha cuts back and forth mately poetic, point. On the most the closing credits, we watch an-

features several dancers seated in than 200 passengers, including between Uganda and Israel, with superficial level, it is a blunt other one of Naharin’s works,
a semicircle. Clad in the generic 84 Israelis, to Uganda’s Entebbe occasional flashbacks to Ger- metaphor for the elaborate chor- called “Last Dance,” which fea-
black suits and conservative Airport. Over the course of 100 many, where the hijacking was eography of the rescue operation, tures one dancer, in the fore-
headcoverings of ultra-Orthodox minutes or so, the fact-based dra- planned, and Yemen, where its which entailed its own intense ground, contorting himself in ag-

Judaism, they explode from left to ma, in reasonably gripping fash- perpetrators received military rehearsals, undertaken in a scale onizingly angular gyrations as a
right, in sequence, from their ion, follows the week-long show- training. Infighting — among hi- mock-up of the Entebbe airport second dancer runs in place in the
seats, throwing themselves ec- down between the hijackers, in- jackers over strategy, and be- that had been re-created back in background, seemingly going no-
statically to their feet, as one cluding Germany’s Brigitte Kuhl- tween Israeli Prime Minister Yit- Israel. “Entebbe” is, by this read- where, but with a singular, unbro-
dancer, in the middle of the mann and Wilfried Böse zhak Rabin (a marvelous Lior ing, a fairly standard glorification ken focus.
group, collapses onto the floor in (Rosamund Pike and Daniel Ashkenazi) and Defense Minister of Israeli military prowess. On a
a heap, ruining the precision and Brühl), and the Israeli govern- Shimon Peres (Eddie Marsan) subtler level, however, the dance’s
symmetry of the arc. ment. Finally, after most of the over whether to negotiate — lends themes of conformity and devia- PG-13. At area theaters. Contains
And then the movie, by direc- hostages have been released — drama to the standoff. For several tion resonate powerfully with the violence, some mature thematic
tor José Padilha, known for his except for the Israelis, the crew days, nothing happens, as the movie’s true theme, which ques- material, drug use, smoking and
2014 reboot of the politically and a few French travelers — hijackers demand that Israel and tions whether Israel’s robotic brief strong language. 107 minutes.
Movies EZ

Tomb Raider     Ratings guide


Very good



Also reviewed
A family deals with
loss in an Israeli
drama. 28

Leaning Into the

Wind: Andy
A documentary
profiles an artist
whose medium is
nature. 28

Common Sense

A woman’s work is never done Opening next

A video game’s fearless Lara’s time on the island is Isle of Dogs is a
action-packed, but strangely low-
heroine keeps escaping stakes, partially because it’s un-
animation by Wes
death, but for what? certain what exactly will happen Anderson.
if Vogel finds what he’s looking
for. Even Lara doesn’t believe in
BY S TEPHANIE M ERRY Giant robots battle
whatever magic her father feared,
so what’s the harm? monsters in Pacific
Lara Croft in the new “Tomb All the same, she stays busy: Rim Uprising.
Raider” reboot looks like a hero- parachuting off the top of a water-
ine of the moment. Gone are the fall and engaging in hand-to- Ramen Heads is a
Daisy Dukes and knee-high boots hand combat with a man four documentary about
of Angelina Jolie’s 2001 version of times her size; scaling a cliff while noodle soup.
the character. This incarnation, bleeding profusely; and going up
played by Oscar winner Alicia against all those automatic weap- A garden gnome
Vikander, wears a hoodie and ons, armed with nothing but a mysteriously
cargo pants, spending her days bow and arrow. As soon as one disappears in
biking around London delivering impossible scenario ends, an- Sherlock Gnomes.
food — when she’s not brawling at other comes along to test just how


the kickboxing gym. ABOVE: Mathias Vogel (Walton Goggins), right, is the villain in far an audience can suspend its A girl cannot
You’d never know she’s the heir this tedious, CGI-loaded reboot of a franchise inspired by a ’90s disbelief. It doesn’t help that the tolerate sunlight in
to a massive fortune. In fact, Lara game. TOP: With a pal (Daniel Wu), Lara Croft (Alicia Vikander) computer-generated action is so the teen romance
could cash in at any time, but to drops in on an island for action-packed, low-stakes adventures. obvious that it’s as if the movie Midnight Sun.
do that she’d have to admit that were paying homage to its video-
her father, Lord Richard Croft pursue her, weaving among buses of Japan’s first queen, who, ac- game source. Charlotte Rampling
(Dominic West), a businessman and lorries. The chase thrills be- cording to legend, was some kind Norwegian director Roar
stars in Hannah.
and adventurer who went miss- cause — unlike the rest of the film of homicidal sorceress. Before Uthaug has had past success with
ing seven years earlier, is dead. — it looks real. disappearing, Richard warned nail-biting suspense, as in his
This Lara is spunky and fear- Soon after, Lara heads off to that if the wrong people found the well-received 2015 disaster movie Teens plot to out a
less, with a mind of her own. more exotic locations in search of tomb before him, it could lead to “The Wave.” He can’t quite repli- pedophile in
That’s nice to see, but what does it her missing father. After stum- global catastrophe. After crash- cate that same tension here, how- Flower.

matter in a movie that’s dull when bling onto a few clues as to his landing on the island, it doesn’t ever. Watching a tiny-but-tough
it’s not inexplicable, and is rid- whereabouts, she heads to Hong take long for Lara to figure out woman survive one danger after Unsane is a
dled with bad dialogue and worse Kong, where she meets the son of who her dad was referring to. another tests not only our creduli- psychological thriller
special effects? the last person likely to have seen Mathias Vogel (Walton Goggins) ty, but our patience. from Steven
MARCH 16, 2018

It tells you something that one her dad alive (Daniel Wu) and is the sort of cackling cartoon Soderbergh.
of the most exciting scenes is the persuades him to captain his ship villain who might unleash a su-
bike race that takes place in the into dangerous waters, toward pernatural plague on the world — Paul, Apostle of
movie’s opening minutes. Lara the uninhabited island that was especially considering all the help PG-13. At area theaters. Contains Christ tells the story
volunteers to be the fox on a Lord Richard’s last known desti- he has from his army of thuggish sequences of violence and action, of one of Christ’s
two-wheeled imitation of a hunt, nation. machine-gun-wielding merce- and some strong language. 115 followers.
where dozens of bike messengers The island contains the tomb naries. minutes.
EZ Movies

Leaning Into the Wind    

Portrait of an artist exploring the nature of nature

BY A NN H ORNADAY installation called “Sleeping
Stone,” whose egglike shape — a
In 2001, filmmaker Thomas Rie- Goldsworthy standard — is both
delsheimer made “Rivers and womblike and sepulchral.
Tides: Andy Goldsworthy,” a capti- Gorgeously photographed, and
vating, visually rich documentary with a minimalist score by Fred
about the British sculptor known Frith, “Leaning Into the Wind”
for land-art creations and museum offers viewers a welcome chance
installations (including one at the to consider the work of an artist
National Gallery of Art). “Leaning who defies the recent commodifi-
Into the Wind” catches up with the cation cult to embrace the ephem-
sculptor 15 or so years later, still eral and the nominally “worth-
foraging quarries, meadows, bogs less.” (He’s given to lying down on
and forest floors for his materials, the sidewalk in the midst of a
still creating disruptions within rainstorm, using his prone body as
built and natural environments a human stencil to create momen-
that feel both organic and shocking, tary street graffiti.) Goldsworthy’s
conveying both reassurance and a raw materials are no less than
sense of faint unease. time, memory and the nature of
Although Goldsworthy was in nature itself. Of all the sequences
his 40s during “Rivers and Tides” in “Leaning Into the Wind” that
and is in his 60s now, Riedelsheim- capture the artist’s singular stand-
er doesn’t probe his subject on what ing, perhaps the most eloquent is
has changed. Assisted by his now- British sculptor Andy Goldsworthy, known for land-art creations, is silhouetted against the sky in the when he and Holly are meticu-
grown daughter Holly, Goldswor- documentary “Leaning Into the Wind: Andy Goldsworthy,” by Thomas Riedelsheimer. lously applying moistened leaves
thy doesn’t stop to reflect much on and flower petals to a stone stair-
how his ideas about impermanence studies at a nearby college, and, ty and decay. France to New Hampshire, San case in what looks like Edinburgh.
— always embedded within his later, working on farms); environ- Far more satisfying than Golds- Francisco and Scotland (his ad- A troupe of tourists tramps by,
work — have shifted with his own mental change (the yellow elm worthy’s own observations are the opted home), “Leaning Into the looking on with vague curiosity,
proximity to mortality. Instead, the leaves that he uses to gild his most images of the artist at work. Fol- Wind” chronicles the creation of unaware that they’re passing a
talking-head segments of “Leaning eye-catching installations are rap- lowing with his camera at a dis- thrilling new works, including a national treasure.
Into the Wind” feature Goldswor- idly disappearing); and the exqui- creet distance or elevated angles, tree trunk encased in a marvelous-
thy reflecting on his early influenc- site liminal connection he’s been Riedelsheimer frames both the ly cracked fondant of local clay; an
es (including the coastal city of pursuing over the course of his ca- process and resulting work with intervention involving reeds, PG. At Landmark’s E Street
Morecambe, England, where he reer, whether between nature and care and sensitivity. Trailing Gold- thorns and moss that bursts with Cinema. Contains brief strong
soaked up atmosphere during his culture, control and futility or beau- sworthy from Brazil, Spain and whimsy and solemnity; and an language. 93 minutes.


Elegant drama doesn’t sidestep the contradictions of Israel

BY A NN H ORNADAY has been killed. For the next
several minutes, we bear intimate
In “Foxtrot,” an intriguing jew- witness as Michael numbly an-
el box of a film, Israeli writer-di- swers questions and submits to
rector Samuel Maoz creates an the ministrations of his visitors,
elegant allegory of self-examina- who express a notable interest in
tion and the unmaking of myth, his water intake. At first Michael
MARCH 16, 2018

employing symbolism, theatrical- listens quietly as the soldiers ex-

ity and misdirection to question plain the nuts and bolts of the
some of the most reassuring sto- funeral, a piece of regimented
ries his home country tells itself. stagecraft more rooted in formu-
With a fluent mix of irony and laic hagiography than genuine
sincerity, Maoz interrogates — remembrance. In time, his glazed
gently, but with unwavering insis- confusion gives way to anger
tence — the rituals of a country when he realizes that no one can

mired in the moral contradic- tell him precisely where, how and
tions of occupation and its own why his son died.
defensive crouch. As the title sug- Relayed in a series of quiet,
gests, the movie’s characters are intensely focused scenes that Michael and Daphna (Lior Ashkenazi and Sarah Adler) cope with the death of their soldier son in

caught up in a dance only partial- seemingly play out in real time, “Foxtrot,” a jewel box of a movie that bursts with integrity and tough honesty about Israeli honor.
ly of their own making, doomed this initial sequence — step one?
to repeat steps they didn’t choose — gives “Foxtrot” firm grounding Feldmans’ prosperous apartment “Foxtrot’s” next section, where we the time playing first-person
and that get them precisely no- both in realism and stylized meta- to the motif of nesting boxes that meet the young Jonathan Feld- shooter games, telling stories and
where. phor. It quickly becomes clear repeats from hallway to floor tile man in the days leading up to the inspecting the cars of Palestinian
As “Foxtrot” opens, a prosper- that Maoz, who favors occasional to the art on the walls, his charac- announcement of his death. As- travelers cautiously encountering
ous Tel Aviv architect named Mi- but pointedly Godlike overhead ters are unmistakably trapped, signed to a desolate outpost kit- yet another irritating — or poten-
chael Feldman (Lior Ashkenazi) shots, isn’t afraid to give his whether within past guilt or re- ted out with antique computers tially deadly — checkpoint.
and his wife, Daphna (Sarah themes added visual oomph in flexive notions of nationalism and decades’ worth of cigarette It’s during this sequence that
Adler), are visited by two soldiers terms of design and framing. and honor. butts, Jonathan (Yonatan Shiray) “Foxtrot” engages in alternately
who tell them their son Jonathan From the boxlike structure of the These ideas come to a head in and his fellow soldiers while away FOXTROT CONTINUED ON 31
Movies EZ

Love, Simon    

Coming out, into a mostly warm embrace

BY M ARK J ENKINS maneuvering Abby toward ro-
mance. To do this, Simon deceives
The unnamed American sub- not just Abby, but also his other
urb where “Love, Simon” takes buddies, Leah and Nick (Kather-
place is as generic as “Call Me By ine Langford and Jorge Lend-
Your Name’s” setting of Crema, eborg Jr., in underwritten roles).
Italy, is specific. Yet both places Because Simon is otherwise
prove to be remarkably sunny exemplary, his treachery makes
locales for an earnest teenager to him a bit more interesting. But
come out as gay. the boy’s betrayal of his pals feels
The first major-studio roman- less like a character flaw than a
tic comedy with a teen protago- writerly contrivance.
nist who’s closeted, “Love, Simon” As is typical of high-school
is basically a sitcom counterpart movies, “Love, Simon” is stuffed
to last year’s Oscar-nominated with pop songs, including several
“Call Me” — down to the culmi- by Bleachers, whose lead singer
nating heart-to-heart with a spec- and songwriter Jack Antonoff
tacularly affirmative parent. Di- served as music consultant. Also
rected by Greg Berlanti (“Daw- featured are a few mid-’60s tunes
son’s Creek”) and scripted by Eliz- whose inclusion is partly ex-
abeth Berger and Isaac Aptaker plained by making Simon a vinyl
(“This Is Us”), the movie is well- buff with retro tastes. (He dresses
made and likable, without any up as John Lennon for a Hallow-
major missteps. It’s also just a een party and at one crucial
little bland. moment has the Kinks’ “Waterloo
“Love, Simon,” which does in- Sunset” on his turntable.)
clude more conflict than the Ita- Simon’s love for rock of the
ly-set romance, isn’t exactly From left: Jorge Lendeborg, Nick Robinson, Alexandra Shipp and Katherine Langford in “Love, British Invasion is unpersuasive,
“Moonlight,” the similarly Simon.” For being a “first” for the genre of romantic comedies, the high-school movie feels tame. but then so are all his passions.
themed drama that won best Like the movie about him, Simon
picture last year. Simon (Nick threats. to him as “Blue,” under the ler), the movie’s closest thing to a is pleasant, well-meaning and cu-
Robinson) has doting, liberal- Simon doesn’t fear coming out pseudonym “Jacques.” While ea- villain. Even Martin isn’t really riously devoid of adolescent hor-
minded parents (Jennifer Garner so much as he resents the need to gerly speculating on his corre- malicious. He is, like Simon, a monal tumult.
and Josh Duhamel) and a sup- do so, according to one funny spondent’s identity, Simon falls slave to unrequited love — besot-
portive, racially integrated set of sequence. But he is intrigued for Blue. ted with Simon’s pal Abby (Alex-
male and female friends. The when a schoolmate declares him- Improbably, Simon leaves one andra Shipp), star of the school’s PG-13. At area theaters. Contains
boy’s upscale home and well- self gay in an anonymous online of his unsent emails on a shared awkward production of “Caba- mature thematic elements, sexual
funded, clique-free high school post. Simon begins to exchange computer at school. It’s found by ret.” references, strong language and
harbor annoyances, but no actual emails with the other kid, known nerdy, needy Martin (Logan Mil- Martin blackmails Simon into teen partying. 109 minutes.

The Death of Stalin    

Creator of ‘Veep’ sharpens his satirical stings for strongmen

BY C HRISTOPHER K OMPANEK From left: Dermot Crowley,
Paul Whitehouse, Steve
The style of humor in satirist Buscemi and Jeffrey Tambor in


Armando Iannucci’s latest film, the newest movie by Armando
“The Death of Stalin,” is a fright- Iannucci, the director of “In the
fully uneasy one. Sight gags and Loop” and HBO’s “Veep.”
slapstick erupt from a pervasive
atmosphere of dread and terror. Party secretary Nikita Khrush-
In one early scene, an orchestra chev (Steve Buscemi) has his wife
conductor is so overcome with write down everything he says —
worry that a wiretap may have along with the dictator’s reaction
caught him disparaging the titu- — studying the ever-evolving list
lar dictator’s musical discern- to refine his behavior. Central
ment that he faints, thwacking Committee member Vyacheslav
his head on a metal bucket. Just Molotov (Michael Palin) is such a

moments before, Stalin (Adrian loyalist that when Stalin’s goons

McLoughlin) had phoned in a imprison his wife, he assumes she
request for a recording of the deserved it. (This sets up a pain-
performance. But because it’s for fully funny moment, later in the
MARCH 16, 2018


live radio, it hasn’t been taped, film, when the two are reunited
causing the producer (Paddy Con- after Stalin’s death, which occurs
sidine) to sheepishly hold the sure of an unpredictable mad- sumes that the knock on his door carted away. Even the highest- early on, precipitating the power
studio audience hostage for a man. is the secret police coming to haul ranking members of the govern- struggle that is the basis of the
repeat performance. They ap- A replacement conductor — him off to prison (or worse). As he ment are scared that they will plot.)
plaud wildly — knowing that still in his bathrobe — is dragged leaves his building, many of his inadvertently do something to get As Stalin’s deputy, Georgy
their very existence is at the plea- in from his home, where he as- neighbors are also being violently themselves killed: Communist STALIN CONTINUED ON 31
EZ Movies

In Between    

In Tel Aviv, sharing a flat

and societal struggles
BY P AT P ADUA “In Between” follows the lives
of three Palestinians sharing an
“This is the last thing I need apartment: Laila (Mouna Hawa),
before the municipal elections.” a successful lawyer who loves to
So says a character in “In Be- party; Salma (Sana Jammelieh), a
tween” upon learning that his music instructor and DJ whose
daughter is a lesbian. The com- Christian family doesn’t know
ment — coming from a Palestin- she’s a lesbian; and Nur (Shaden
ian Christian elected official — Kanboura), a devout Muslim col-
paints the Tel Aviv-set drama as a lege student studying computer
soap opera, set among conflicting science.
mores in the Palestinian commu- Tensions flare when Nur, who
nity of Israel. While the film, from wears a hijab, moves in with the
the Hungarian-born, Israeli- more secular, liberal Laila and
based Palestinian filmmaker Salma. But the three roommates
Maysaloun Hamoud, at times eventually bond in opposition to
seems to unspool a laundry list of Nur’s abusive fiance (Henry An-
such timely issues as female sexu- drawes). As Nur, Kanboura deliv-
ality and the oppression of wom- ers a performance that is the most
en, one key performance brings varied and effective of the movie’s
those struggles to life. three stars, growing from the shy
The movie opens with a Mus- newcomer to become the story’s From left, Sana Jammelieh, Shaden Kanboura and Mouna Hawa play Palestinian roommates sharing
lim matron waxing a young wom- moral center and heart. an apartment in the Palestinian community of Tel Aviv.
an’s legs and telling her how to The debut feature from
satisfy a husband. The Old World Hamoud, “In Between” has been moment. Although “In Between” conflicting values. As Laila, Salma Unrated. At the Avalon. Contains
advice stands in contrast to the playing the festival circuit since depicts a nation in crisis, it’s a and Nur navigate these uncharted strong language and rape. In
young women at the story’s cen- 2016, but it is only now being crisis that’s viewed through the waters, it is friendship, Hamoud Hebrew and Arabic with subtitles.
ter, who are anything but satisfied released in the United States, per- intimate lens of family dinners, suggests, that will guide them. 103 minutes.
with tradition. haps to capitalize on the #MeToo where generations struggle over


Once upon a time in the Outback: A noirish missing-person tale

BY M ICHAEL O ’ S ULLIVAN rary Westerns of writer-turned-
director Taylor Sheridan, whose
A noirish, Western-flavored screenplay for “Hell or High Wa-
thriller set in the Australian Out- ter” deals with a similar relation-
back, in a provincial community ship between a white cop (Jeff
where no one seems capable of Bridges) and his Native American
giving a straight answer to a partner (Gil Birmingham), and
direct question, “Goldstone” is whose directorial debut, “Wind
less concerned with solving the River,” centers on the investiga-
missing-person case that is its tion of a murder on an Indian
ostensible subject than it is with reservation.
MARCH 16, 2018

maintaining its cynical tone. Sen spins this mesmerizing

Written and directed by Ivan yarn unhurriedly, even up to the
Sen, the film takes place in and point where its many tangled
around the town that lends the threads — sex trafficking, cultural
film its title, a dusty backwater oppression and the all-too-com-
seemingly consisting of a diner, a mon complicity of the oppressed
whorehouse and a jail. Surround- — threaten to break apart in an
ing it are a few trailers housing explosion of violence. “Gold-

the white employees of a rapa- LIGHTYEAR ENTERTAINMENT stone” is punctuated by striking

cious gold-mining company, and Alex Russell, left, and Aaron Pedersen. “Goldstone” was up for Australia’s top award for movies. aerial photography, underscoring
the equally modest homes of the a sense of the tale’s place in the
indigenous people who once larger cultural context. Ultimate-

called the land theirs. It is not a town’s mayor, a woman with the from the brothel where she and and Jay, which evolves, in the ly, though set in the remote Aus-
story of justice, but of a kind of smile of a grandmother and the others like her appear to have course of the film’s slow burn, tralian bush, “Goldstone” is
standoff between good and evil. warmth of a snake (played by the been brought against their will. from mistrust to grudging re- grounded in the vivid familiarity
Initially, there seems precious great Jacki Weaver of “Silver Lin- The fact that Jay is both Ab- spect. of the here and now.
little of the former. ings Playbook”). As the film original and a cop puts him in bad Released in Australia in 2016,
That’s especially true as mani- opens, Josh has just detained a stead, not only with Goldstone’s the film was nominated for sev-
fested by the town’s one police- drunken traveler named Jay (Aar- racists, but with the Aboriginal eral prizes, including best pic-
man, Josh (“Chronicle’s” Alex on Pedersen), who turns out to be residents, who don’t take kindly ture, by Australia’s Academy of R. At Landmark’s West End
Russell), a young man who can be a detective investigating the dis- to officials of any color. At the Cinema and Television Arts. Sty- Cinema. Contains violence, strong
bought with something as simple appearance, six months ago, of a heart of the story is the relation- listically, it feels like a cousin of language and mature thematic
as an apple pie, proffered by the young Chinese woman fleeing ship between Josh, who is white, the socially conscious contempo- material. 110 minutes.
Movies EZ

ALSO P L AYING What Washington is watching on DVD STALIN FROM 29

Malenkov (Jeffrey Tambor)

Star ratings are from Post reviews; should be next in line, but
go to for Stalin’s brutal enforcer Laven-
the full-length reviews. Movies not tri Beria (Simon Russell Beale)
reviewed by The Post are marked has already begun his savage
“NR.” For showtimes and theaters, plotting for power. Beale, who’s
see the Movie Directory. known as a great Shakespear-
ean stage actor, plays Beria like
 ANNIHILATION Iago, jumping from one betray-
Follow-up to Alex Garland’s “Ex al to another. In a more tradi-
Machina” engages similar themes, tionally constructed comedy,
to less riveting effect. (R, 115 he’d play the straight man, act-
minutes, contains violence, bloody ing as a foil to the comic antics
images, coarse language and some of Buscemi, Palin and Tambor.
sexuality.) But while Iannucci whips up a
fever-pitch frenzy, his film,
 BLACK PANTHER based on a 2017 graphic novel,
Believe the hype: Chadwick is not a farce, but a tragicome-
Boseman’s African superhero is fun dy. The dark elements are too
to watch, and deeply important. corrosive to be tempered by
(PG-13, 140 minutes, contains laughter.
prolonged sequences of action When Stalin’s deranged son
violence and a brief rude gesture.) pulls out a gun in a crowd of
1. Murder on the Orient Express mourners surrounding his fa-
 CALL ME BY YOUR NAME 2. Coco ther’s coffin, there’s a palpable
Timothée Chalamet and Armie fear that he might actually kill
Hammer give sensitive, self- 3. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, someone. This dampens the
assured performances during a Missouri humor in a series of one-liners
torrid Italian summer. (R, 132 4. Thor: Ragnarok, above (penned by Iannucci, with co-
minutes, contains sexuality, nudity 5. Daddy’s Home 2 screenwriters David Schnei-
and some coarse language.) der and Ian Martin).
SOURCE: Redbox, Throughout the film, comic
 COCO for the week ended March 11 moments are derailed by jar-
Set in Mexico during the Day of the ringly violent outbursts (or
Dead, the animated movie honors New on DVD the threat of them).
a culture that’s often overlooked. Remembering the uproari-
 Call Me by Your Name
(PG, 103 minutes, contains ous laughter of Iannucci’s “In
mature themes that deal with  Ferdinand, right the Loop” (2009) and the TV
death and dying.)  I, Tonya series “Veep” can create a
 The Shape of Water
longing for more humor than
 DARKEST HOUR Iannucci is willing to dole out
Proving why he’s one of our here. But the filmmaker
greatest screen actors, Gary doesn’t seem to mind if he
Oldman plays the British leader, steps on the joke. He has a
facing the decision of his life. (PG- serious point to make about
13, 125 minutes, contains some the dangers of surrendering
mature thematic material.) love story. (R, 104 minutes, comedy about a low-key evening to Mexico turns dangerous in this truth in the face of power.
contains coarse language, that goes off the rails. (R, 93 darkly comic crime caper. (R, 111 When power is based on
[NR] DEATH WISH sexuality, nudity and a disturbing minutes, contains strong minutes, contains strong language whim and blind loyalty, that
Bruce Willis plays a “Punisher”- assault. In Spanish with subtitles.) language, sexual references and throughout, violence and sexuality.) creates an untenable atmos-
style vigilante in this remake of the some violence.) phere, the film argues, placing
1974 pulp classic starring Charles  FERDINAND [NR] THE HURRICANE HEIST ideology on shaky moral foot-
Bronson as a man driven to Based on a 1936 classic children’s  THE GREATEST A group of thieves try to rob a ing. One minute, Beria is glee-
vengeance by the murder of his book, the film fattens up a Spanish SHOWMAN Treasury Department facility during fully passing out death lists,
wife. (R, 107 minutes, contains bull’s world but keeps him sweet. Don’t look for historical accuracy — a Category 5 hurricane in this film with sadistic instructions,
strong bloody violence and crude (PG, 106 minutes, contains rude or warts — in this musical starring from action-movie impresario Rob and the next minute he’s re-
language throughout.) humor, action and some thematic Hugh Jackman. (PG, 105 minutes, Cohen (“The Fast and the Furious,” tracting them as the political
material related to a contains fight scenes.) “XXX”). (R, 100 minutes, contains landscape shifts.


 A FANTASTIC WOMAN slaughterhouse.) strong language throughout, It’s not surprising that the
The Chilean actress and trained [NR] GRINGO violence and sexuality.) film was banned in Russia,
opera singer Daniela Vega plays a  GAME NIGHT David Oyelowo plays a mild- where Vladimir Putin appears
grieving lover in an unconventional Rachel McAdams stars in this mannered businessman whose trip MOVIES CONTINUED ON 33 to be following in the footsteps
of the dictator who is being
lampooned here, suppressing
speech and allegedly eliminat-
ing his critics. But Iannucci has
FOXTROT FROM 28 raeli government have criticized ances, especially from Ashkenazi ingly giving way to paranoia, they other Western targets in his
“Foxtrot” for its unfavorable de- and Adler, this gentle but devas- play a game of rolling a can down sights as well. By implication,
amusing and sobering flights of piction of the Israeli military and tating portrait bursts with integ- its precariously slanted floor. It’s “The Death of Stalin” is about
absurdism, whether in the form its treatment of Arab citizens.) rity and tough honesty, even in its not a stretch to guess what the all power-hungry leaders with

of an impromptu pas de deux This is a part of the world, Maoz most lighthearted moments. Al- filmmaker means when one of his shifting ideology and demands
with a machine gun, the sight of a tells us, where a fleeting moment though Maoz seems to be too characters notes that sooner or of absolute loyalty.
camel making its languorous way of exquisite connection can, with sensitive an artist to have suc- later, “We’ll end up sinking com- Anyone else sound famil-
under a bobbing guardrail or the the wrong timing, give way to cumbed to the fatalism he ob- pletely.” iar?
MARCH 16, 2018

faded painting on the side of the similarly brief but far more sense- serves so thoughtfully, he still
abandoned ice cream truck that less carnage. makes a convincing case, if not for
serves as the soldiers’ home base, There’s lots of fainting in “Fox- hopelessness, at least for healthy R. At area theaters. Contains some R. At Landmark’s E Street and
its decaying mural of a smiling trot,” which is appropriate for a pessimism. As Jonathan and his sexual material including graphic Bethesda Row cinemas.
blond woman a frayed index of film in which twists and turns brothers in arms bivouac in an images, and brief drug use. In Contains crude language
compromised values on a much abound — some welcome, some abandoned shipping container, Hebrew, Arabic and German with throughout, violence and some
larger scale. (Members of the Is- tragic. Graced by superb perform- their isolation and torpor increas- subtitles. 113 minutes. sexual references. 97 minutes.

Common Sense Media What parents need to know

Croft (Alicia Vikander) takes a
lot of physical punishment, often
WASHINGTON, DC Angelika WASHINGTON, DC WASHINGTON, DC crying out in pain or terror. She
Pop-Up at Union Market The Avalon Landmark’s West End Cinema
(571) 512-3313 (202) 966-6000 (202) 534-1907 also kills people with no
repercussion or remorse. Lara
wears a tight tank top
games), but otherwise, sex isn’t

“SPELLBINDING!” an issue. Language includes a

few uses of “s---” and a couple of
cutoff uses of “f---.” A secondary
Avi Offer, The NYC Movie Guru
character is said to be drunk and

Total Film
later nurses a hangover. The
movie is very noisy and, alas, not
much fun, although it does stress
the value of sacrifice and
perseverance. But die-hard Croft
fans — and/or viewers hungry
for female-driven action movies
— will probably give it a chance.
(115 minutes)
“Ladies First” tells the story of Deepika Kumari, who was born into
poverty in rural India and became the world’s top female archer.
Ladies First (TV-G)
Aliens Ate My homophobic teens tease and STREAMING
Homework (PG) prank Simon and another gay Age 10+
Age 8+ student, calling them “f-g,” Inspiring but cautionary
Cartoonish violence in live- “fruity” and “she.” And in the documentary about a female
school cafeteria, they climb on a archer from India.
action book-based alien tale.
table and mime anal sex.
“Aliens Ate My Homework” is Administrators and fellow “Ladies First” is a short
a live-action adaptation of the students alike condemn the documentary about Deepika
FROM THE ACADEMY AWARD® NOMINATED first book in Bruce Coville’s display and support Simon and Kumari, a young woman who
CREATOR OF VEEP AND IN THE LOOP successful series, “Rod Allbright the other student, ultimately overcame extreme poverty to
and the Galactic Patrol.” In this cheering when two gay students become the top-ranked female

THE FUNNIEST, FIERCEST COMEDY origin story, Rod Allbright
(Jayden Greig), a 12-year-old boy,
kiss (there’s other kissing, too).
Teens drink beer and play
archer in the world — and India’s
best hope for Olympic gold. She’s
OF THE YEAR...” - Peter Travers
is visited by aliens who are out to drinking games at a party; one a great role model for
save Earth. The miniature comes home drunk, and his overcoming gender stereotypes
beings, more humorous than parents decide not to do and negative messages and
Iannucci is one of the world’s the POLITICAL SATIRE
greatest living satirists.” we need right now.” scary, crash-land in a miniature anything because he didn’t drive becoming an accomplished
- Eric Kohn - April Wolfe spaceship in Rod’s bedroom. drunk and came home by curfew. athlete on the world stage.
Expect frequent mild action — One joke refers to huffing paint, Positive messages focus on
ray guns, lightning, characters others to masturbation, sex acts working hard to achieve your
(including small children) frozen and Grindr. But overall, sex is goals and finding a way to go on
in place as hostages and held referred to in not-very-graphic after defeat and disappointment.
captive. (Spoiler alert: The terms. A boy blackmails Simon Cautionary themes, on the other
villain is vanquished when he’s to get time with Simon’s cute hand, include the lack of support
pelted with muck.) Another female friend, and Simon goes that female athletes in India
sixth-grader bullies the hero and along with it. He later atones, receive and whether, as a
his friend, mashing a large bug but the friend rightfully feels country, it can achieve all that it
into his victim’s hair and face. exploited. Language includes might without devoting some
Words like “booger” and “fart” “dumba--,” “s---,” “g--D---” and “a- resources to supporting young
are used to get laughs. Some sad -hole.” All of this said, the movie women’s efforts. Cultural
moments relate to Rod’s father is positive and affirming, with insights into Kumari’s
MARCH 16, 2018

disappearing three years earlier messages of courage, integrity background, ingrained social
in a turbulent storm. But overall, and empathy. Characters are sexism and India’s women’s
it should be okay for kids who accepting of all of their friends’/ archery program provide
are comfortable with real vs. family members’ traits, educational value. Although
pretend violence. (89 minutes) including being gay, and are there’s no content of concern for
On DVD. loving and supportive. (109 little ones, Kumari’s story may
minutes) not hold younger kids’ attention.
The only violence is a man who

Love, Simon (PG-13) smilingly admits that he used to

Age 13+ Tomb Raider (PG-13) beat his sister for working
Affecting, lovable rom-com about Age 14+ outside the home. In English and
EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENTS gay teen has a little edge. Noisy, violent reboot feels like a Hindi with dubbing. (39

START TODAY wasted opportunity. minutes)

“Love, Simon” is a dramedy Via Netflix streaming.
based on the YA novel “Simon vs. “Tomb Raider” is a reboot of
the Homo Sapiens Agenda.” It the video-game-based Lara Croft Common Sense
You, too, could 1-800-753-POST focuses on a high school senior action series, which also inspired Media helps
have home delivery. (Nick Robinson) who finds the two previous movies. The families make smart media choices.
confidence to come out after violence is largely bloodless but Go to for
corresponding with an very intense, with lots of guns age-based and educational ratings
anonymous friend online. It’s not and shooting, arrows, fighting, and reviews for movies, games, apps,
as edgy as many teen movies, but beating, bludgeoning, stabbings, TV shows, websites and books.
there’s still some iffy stuff. Two crashes and explosions. Lara
Movies EZ

Also Opening Cooke and Anya Taylor-Joy) make  A WRINKLE IN TIME
this psychological thriller chilling — Ava DuVernay’s adaptation of the
“I Can Only Imagine” and darkly comic. (R, 90 minutes, children’s classic isn’t a game-
is a drama, with J. contains disturbing behavior, changer. But it’s quietly
Michael Finley, left, bloody images, coarse language, revolutionary. (PG, 115 minutes,
and Dennis Quaid, sexual references and some drug contains mature thematic
about the true use.) elements and some peril.)
backstory that inspired
the Christian rock  THREE BILLBOARDS
of the same name. This Frances McDormand plays a grim,
movie did not screen for funny, vengeful mother in Martin
critics. PG. At area McDonagh’s pitch-black comedy. AVANT-GARDE TO
theaters. Contains mature (R, 115 minutes, contains UNDERGROUND: OUTLIERS AND
thematic elements, violence, strong language FILM, PART ONE Through Friday.
including some violence. throughout and some sexual Free. National Gallery of Art, East
110 minutes. MOVIES CONTINUED ON 35


This black-and-white film throws
to-head in a movie that aspires to
be more than pulp. (R, 138
 I, TONYA opinionated people with minutes, contains strong violence, BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY JAMES IVORY

Biopic uses two unreliable complicated friendships into a torture, sexuality, coarse language
narrators — Olympic figure skater simmering stew. (R, 71 minutes, and some graphic nudity.)
Tonya Harding and Jeff Gillooly — to contains strong language, drug
examine the elusiveness of truth. use, hitting and mature thematic  THE SHAPE OF WATER
(R, 120 minutes, contains material.) Sally Hawkins delivers a radiant WWW.SONYCLASSICS.COM

pervasive crude language, violence turn as a woman who befriends a

and some sexuality and nudity.)  PETER RABBIT fish-man from a distant lagoon. (R, WASHINGTON, DC AMC WASHINGTON, DC ANNAPOLIS
Loews Georgetown 14 Landmark’s E Street Cinema Bow Tie Harbour 9
Hybrid of live action and CGI 118 minutes, contains sexuality, (202) 783-9494 (410) 224-1145
 JUMANJI: WELCOME TO animation injects too much graphic nudity, violence and coarse
THE JUNGLE modernity into Potter’s timeless language.)
Souped-up sequel to 1995 fantasy tale. (PG-13, 89 minutes, contains
film features teens trapped in adult some mildly gross humor and silly  STAR WARS: THE LAST ! WO N D E R STIVAL UR IDE

bodies. (PG-13, 118 minutes, battles.) JEDI FU LLY UNEX STIVA L FILM FEN
contains adventure action, It’s overlong and too plotty, but the PECTED! STIVAL
suggestive material and some  PHANTOM THREAD sequel deepens the characters and n, INDIEW

crude language.) The psychodrama is a sensuous sticks with core values. (PG-13,
story about the male gaze, and a 151 minutes, contains sequences
 LADY BIRD muse who subverts it. (R, 130 of sci-fi action and violence.)
Saoirse Ronan delivers a sweet-tart minutes, contains strong
portrait of teenage cluelessness language.)  THE STRANGERS: PREY A FILM B
set in the early 2000s. (R, 93 AT NIGHT SAMUEL
minutes, contains obscenity,  THE POST This sequel to the 2008 cult hit M AO Z
sexuality, brief graphic nudity and Meryl Streep channels vulnerability repeats the formula of the earlier
teen partying.) and grit as Washington Post film, with less success. (R, 81 WIN
publisher Katharine Graham. (PG- minutes, contains horror violence VE NI CE FI R Y PR IZ E
[NR] THE LEISURE SEEKER 13, 115 minutes, contains coarse and terror throughout, and coarse
Helen Mirren and Donald language and brief war violence.) language.) NATI ON ALG N LA N G U AG

Sutherland play a long-married
couple who take one last road trip  RED SPARROW  THOROUGHBREDS WIN
in their RV. (R, 112 minutes, Russians and Americans go head- A pair of rich and idle teens (Olivia IS RA EL AC ARDS
contains some sexual material.) BEST PIC

A Japanese woman finds herself — A NEW FILM BY THOMAS RIEDELSHEIMER TODAY (301) 652-7273 (571) 512-3301 (703) 978-6991
and a few flaws — in a journey of WATCH THE TRAILER AT WWW.FOXTROTMOVIE.COM

minutes, contains drug use and “A rough, desolate beauty...


sex. In Japanese and English with dazzlingly exposed.”

The sequel about a talking bear is a masterpiece DONALD SUTHERLAND IS
charmer with a strong supporting of outback noir.” SO GOOD. HELEN MIRREN, AS
cast. (PG, 103 minutes, contains –THE GUARDIAN

some action and mild rude humor.) “Beauty and danger USUAL, IS SIMPLY SUPERB.”
at every turn.” -Pete Hammond, DEADLINE

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MARCH 16, 2018

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TODAY! STARTS (301) 652-7273 (571) 512-3301 (703) 978-6991
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MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket
Friday, March 16, 2018

DISTRICT Avalon Theatre

5612 Connecticut Avenue
Aircraft Carrier: Guardians
of the Seas 3D (NR) 11:00-
7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13)
(!) 11:20-2:10-4:40-7:40-
A Wrinkle in Time (PG)
The Hurricane Heist (PG-13)
CC: 12:20
I Can Only Imagine (PG)
Death Wish (R) 2:45-8:15-
Death Wish (R) 12:45-3:30-
The Hurricane Heist (PG-13)
(!) 2:15-8:45
AMC Loews A Fantastic Woman (Una 1:15-3:30 10:30 7:15-9:15 I Can Only Imagine (PG) CC: Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:00- Gringo (R) 12:00-5:25 Gringo (R) 9:45 Death Wish (R) (!) 11:45-
Georgetown 14 mujer fantastica) (R) 1:30- Dream Big: Engineering Our The Hurricane Heist (PG-13) Tomb Raider (PG-13) 10:30- 1:25-4:00-6:35-9:10 1:40-4:25-7:15-10:05 I Can Only Imagine (PG) Annihilation (R) 9:30 2:45-5:45-9:00
3111 K Street N.W. 4:30-7:30 World: An IMAX 3D Experi- CC: 12:50 8:15-9:45-11:05 Love, Simon (PG-13) CC: 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) 10:30-1:30-4:20-7:15-10:00 I Can Only Imagine (PG) Love, Simon (PG-13) (!)
Black Panther (PG-13) CC: In Between (Bar Ba- ence Please Call Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) CC: Bow Tie Annapolis Mall 11 12:50-4:15-6:55-9:40 11:10-1:45-4:25-7:05-9:50 Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:00- 12:15-3:30-6:45-9:45 12:00-3:30-6:45-10:00
10:45-2:00-5:00-8:00-10:40 har)12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00 Journey to Space 3D (NR) (!) 11:50AM Kirrak Party (Telugu) (NR) The Hurricane Heist (PG-13) 2:10-4:10-7:15-10:15 Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:15-
Black Panther in Disney Landmark
10:25-11:50-2:05 Tomb Raider: The IMAX 2D
1020 Westfield Annapolis Mall
The Strangers: Prey at Night CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00
6:20-11:35 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 2:00-4:45-7:45-10:45 VIRGINIA
Digital 3D (PG-13) CC: Experience (PG-13) CC: (!) Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 1:45-9:45 The Hurricane Heist (PG-13)
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema
807 V Street, NW MARYLAND 1:20-7:10
(R) 10:20-12:35-2:50-5:05-
Bethesda Row Cinema 11:05-2:00 Tomb Raider (PG-13) 6:45 7:15
AMC Courthouse Plaza 8
2150 Clarendon Blvd.
Red Sparrow (R) CC: 1:00- Black Panther (PG-13) 7235 Woodmont Avenue Tomb Raider: The IMAX 2D 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13)
4:15-7:30-10:00 Red Sparrow (R) CC: 1:00- AFI Silver Theatre
Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) Experience (PG-13) 12:55-
Regal Rockville Center
11:30-2:15-5:15-8:00-10:45 Black Panther (PG-13) CC:
4:00-7:00-10:00 Cultural Center 12:00-6:15 The Shape of Water (R) CC: 4:00-7:00-10:00
Stadium 13 1:30-4:30-7:30-10:30
Game Night (R) CC: 8633 Colesville Road The Greatest Showman (PG) Peter Rabbit (PG) 10:00- 1:30-4:20-7:20-10:00 199 East Montgomery Ave Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13)
12:15-7:10 Annihilation (R) CC: 11:45- CC: 10:05-3:30-6:15 5:30-11:00 Black Panther in Disney
12:10-2:25-4:40-6:55 The Leisure Seeker (R) CC: Regal Germantown Digital 3D (PG-13) CC:
Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: 2:20-4:55-7:25-9:50 The Shape of Water (R) The Strangers: Prey at
2:00-7:05-9:30 Jumanji: Welcome to the Thoroughbreds (R) 9:10- 1:20-4:00-7:10-9:45 Stadium 14 Night (R) 11:15-1:30-4:15- Tomb Raider: The IMAX 2D 6:30-9:30
11:30-2:10 Black Panther (PG-13) CC: Jungle (PG-13) 1:05 20000 Century Boulevard Experience (PG-13) 11:00-
10:50 6:45-9:15 Peter Rabbit (PG) CC:
The Shape of Water (R) CC: 11:00-11:15-1:50-2:10-4:40- Darkest Hour (PG-13) Three Billboards Outside
Tomb Raider (PG-13) (!) Ebbing, Missouri (R) CC: The Strangers: Prey at Night 1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 12:45-5:00
1:10-4:10-7:15-10:15 5:00-7:30-7:45-10:20-10:30 1:50-6:45 Tomb Raider (PG-13) Black Panther (PG-13)
11:10-5:00-10:50 3:00-9:15 1:00-3:20-7:45 (R) 10:45-1:00-3:30-6:00- 11:00-11:30-2:15-2:45-5:30- Red Sparrow (R) CC: 1:45-
A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC: Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: Three Billboards Outside UA Snowden Square
11:25-2:00-4:35-7:10-9:45 Ebbing, Missouri (R) Tomb Raider: The IMAX Black Panther (PG-13) Lady Bird (R) CC: 5:40- 8:30-11:00 6:00-8:45-9:15 Stadium 14 4:45-7:15-10:10
10:00-11:00-12:45-1:45- 2D Experience (PG-13) (!) 10:05-11:00-1:05-2:00- 10:05 Black Panther (PG-13) 9161 Commerce Center Dr Game Night (R) CC: 2:15-
4:30-6:15-7:20-9:00 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC: 11:30-4:20 Black Panther in Disney
10:30-4:10-10:10 3:15-4:05-5:00-7:05-8:00- The Party (R) CC: 1:50-7:50 11:00-12:30-2:15-3:45-5:30- Digital 3D (PG-13) 1:45- The Strangers: Prey at Night 5:40-7:50-10:30
Call Me by Your Name (R) 11:30-1:55-4:20-6:50-9:30 Phantom Thread (R)
Gringo (R) 9:00 9:00-10:05 7:00-8:45-10:15 5:00-8:15 (R) 10:30-12:45-3:20-5:45- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC:
CC: 1:40 4:30-9:15 Foxtrot (R) 1:30-4:10-
Landmark E Street Cinema
L'orage africain: un conti- Annihilation (R) 9:35 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 7:00-9:50 Jumanji: Welcome to the Peter Rabbit (PG) 11:45- 8:20-10:45 3:00-7:00-10:30
A Wrinkle in Time in Disney 555 11th Street NW
nent sous influence 5:15 AMC Loews 10:10-11:10-12:55-1:55- 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) Jungle (PG-13) 12:15- 2:00-4:30-7:00 Black Panther (PG-13) A Wrinkle in Time in
Digital 3D (PG) CC: 11:15 Leaning Into The Wind Rio Cinemas 18 3:45-4:45-6:30-7:30-9:20- CC: 1:40-4:30-7:30-10:00 3:30-6:30 Red Sparrow (R) 11:45- 10:30-11:45-1:45-3:15-4:45- Disney Digital 3D (PG) CC:
The Post (PG-13) CC: I Will Not Bear Tomorrow (I
(PG) CC: 1:10-3:20-5:30- Won't Bear No More) 7:15 9811 Washingtonian Ctr. 10:20 Darkest Hour (PG-13) CC: Peter Rabbit (PG) 11:00- 3:00-6:15-9:30 6:30-7:50-9:40-10:50 1:30-4:15
2:50-8:00 7:40-9:50 Death Wish (R) 11:40-2:40- 3:50-9:40 1:30-4:15-6:45 Tomb Raider (PG-13) 11:00- Death Wish (R) CC: 1:30-
Thoroughbreds (R) CC: Her Broken Shadow 9:45 Red Sparrow (R) CC: 12:30- Black Panther in Disney
7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) 5:20-7:55-10:30 The Death of Stalin (R) CC: Red Sparrow (R) 11:30- 1:15-2:00-4:15-5:00-7:15- Digital 3D (PG-13) 10:00- 4:00-8:00-9:30
5:40-10:45 3:40-6:50-10:00 3:00-6:30-10:00
CC: 1:30-4:30-7:30-10:00 AMC Academy 8 Love, Simon (PG-13) 1:10-2:00-3:30-4:40-6:30- 8:00-10:15 1:00-4:10-7:10-10:10 Love, Simon (PG-13) CC:
Annihilation (R) CC: 10:50- Three Billboards Outside 6198 Greenbelt Road A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC:
11:15-12:25-1:50-4:35-6:20- 7:40-9:10-10:05 Tomb Raider (PG-13) Game Night (R) 1:45-4:45- Peter Rabbit (PG) 10:20- 1:15-4:15-7:10-10:15
4:45-7:35-10:20 Ebbing, Missouri (R) CC: The Strangers: Prey at Night (!) 11:00AM 7:20-9:55 10:45-12:15-3:15-4:45-6:15- 7:30-10:15 12:50-3:30-6:20 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13)
Gringo (R) CC: 10:45 1:00-6:30 (R) CC: 10:45-2:15-4:30- I Can Only Imagine (PG) CC: Old Greenbelt Theatre 7:45-9:15
(!) 11:20-2:10-4:50-7:30- Tomb Raider (PG-13) 10:15- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) Red Sparrow (R) 11:30- CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00-9:45
I Can Only Imagine (PG) CC: The Death of Stalin (R) CC: 6:45-10:30 1:00-4:00-7:15-10:15 129 Centerway Game Night (R) 11:45-2:30- 11:00-1:30-3:45-4:30-7:15- 2:45-6:10-9:20
Black Panther (PG-13) CC: 10:10 5:15-8:00-10:45 AMC Hoffman Center 22
12:00-2:40-5:20-8:00-10:45 11:30-12:30-2:00-3:00-4:30- Black Panther (PG-13) 2:00- 9:30-10:00 Tomb Raider (PG-13) 10:40-
10:40-11:45-1:40-2:45-4:40- Love, Simon (PG-13) CC: (!)
Bow Tie Harbour 9 206 Swamp Fox Rd.
Love, Simon (PG-13) CC: 5:30-7:00-8:00-9:30-10:30 5:00-8:00 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) A Wrinkle in Time in Disney 11:15-1:30-2:15-5:15-7:30- The Strangers: Prey at Night
11:10-1:50-4:30-7:10-9:50 2474 Solomons Island Road
11:15-2:00-4:45-7:30-10:15 I, Tonya (R) CC: 4:00-9:45 5:45-7:45-8:45-10:45
Fifty Shades Freed (R) 2:10- Regal Bowie Stadium 14 10:45-1:30-2:45-4:15-7:00- Digital 3D (PG) 1:00-6:30 8:10-11:00 (R) CC: 12:40-2:50-5:10-
7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) Phantom Thread (R) CC: Peter Rabbit (PG) CC: 10:45- AMC Loews 9:45-11:00 Death Wish (R) 11:15AM Game Night (R) 12:30-3:00- 7:30-9:50
CC: 11:30-2:20-5:10-7:50- 3:30-9:15 1:00-3:30-6:00-8:25 St. Charles Town Ctr. 9 4:40-9:50 15200 Major Lansdale Blvd
A Wrinkle in Time in Disney
The Post (PG-13) 11:00- The Strangers: Prey at Gringo (R) 11:15AM 5:30-8:00-10:40 Black Panther (PG-13) CC:
11:15 Call Me by Your Name (R) Red Sparrow (R) CC: 10:56- 11115 Mall Circle Digital 3D (PG) 12:00- Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:30- A Wrinkle in Time (PG)
1:00-4:00-7:15-9:00 4:30-7:30 Night (R) 12:25-2:50-5:30- 5:30-8:15 11:30-2:00-2:45-3:30-5:15-
Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) CC: 1:00-6:45 The Strangers: Prey at Night
I Can Only Imagine (PG) 7:55-10:25 2:30-5:15-8:00-10:45 10:10-12:00-1:15-3:00-6:00- 6:00-8:30-9:15-10:15
CC: 5:10 The Shape of Water (R) CC: Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: (!) (R) CC: 10:00-2:30-4:45- Death Wish (R) 11:15-2:00- 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) 7:00-8:50
Tomb Raider: The IMAX 2D 1:15-4:15-7:15-9:55 11:15-7:30-10:15 7:15-9:30 10:40-1:20-4:20-7:20-10:00 Black Panther (PG-13) 4:45-7:30-10:30 Black Panther in Disney
The Greatest Showman (PG) 12:05-1:10-2:10-3:00-3:10- Gringo (R) 9:15 11:30-2:15-4:45-7:45-10:30 A Wrinkle in Time in Disney Digital 3D (PG-13) CC:
Experience (PG-13) CC: 9:55 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC: Black Panther (PG-13) CC: 4:20-5:20-6:20-7:40-8:40- Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:00- Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 11:00 Digital 3D (PG) 4:00-9:50 12:15-7:00
10:45-4:15-9:30 11:30-7:15
Black Panther (PG-13) West End Cinema 11:45-3:00-6:15-9:30 9:40-10:45 Operation Red Sea 9:45 Death Wish (R) 10:50-1:20- The Greatest Showman (PG)
12:00-6:00 Jumanji: Welcome to the 1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00
2301 M Street NW A Wrinkle in Time in Black Panther in Disney Jungle (PG-13) 10:10 Jumanji: Welcome to the Regal Waugh Chapel
3:50-6:45-9:30 CC: 1:20-3:50-6:25-9:05
Black Panther in Disney Disney Digital 3D (PG) CC: Digital 3D (PG-13) CC: 9:45- Jungle (PG-13) 12:50-4:00 9:30
The Hurricane Heist (PG-13) Gringo (R) 10:00AM Fifty Shades Freed (R) CC:
Digital 3D (PG-13) 1:00 Goldstone (R) CC: 1:30- 1:30-7:00 3:45-7:00-10:15 The Shape of Water (R) Stadium 12 & IMAX
4:30-7:30-10:00 10:00-6:30 Peter Rabbit (PG) 1:00-3:50- Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 1419 South Main Chapel Way I Can Only Imagine (PG) 5:40-10:30
Tomb Raider (PG-13) Death Wish (R) CC: 11:00- Peter Rabbit (PG) CC: 11:15- 6:30-9:10 10:15-1:15-4:15-7:15-10:00 Jumanji: Welcome to the
3:10-9:15 A Fantastic Woman (Una 1:35-4:15-6:55-9:45 2:00-4:45-7:30
Call Me by Your Name 1:45-10:45 The Strangers: Prey at Night Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:00- Jungle (PG-13) CC: 6:20
(R) 1:40 Red Sparrow (R) 12:30-
A Wrinkle in Time in Disney mujer fantastica) (R) 1:15- Gringo (R) CC: 10:45 Jumanji: Welcome to the 3:40-6:50-10:00
Kirrak Party (Telugu) (NR) (R) 10:55-1:10-3:25-5:50- 2:00-5:00-7:40-10:20 Peter Rabbit (PG) CC: 11:20-
Digital 3D (PG) 3:30 4:15-7:15-9:45 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) CC: Jungle (PG-13) CC: 1:00 Three Billboards Outside 11:45-3:15-6:45-10:15 8:15-10:50
Darkest Hour (PG-13) CC: Ebbing, Missouri (R) 12:50- Tomb Raider (PG-13) 12:10- The Hurricane Heist (PG-13) 1:55-4:20-7:00
Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) (!) 2:00-4:45 Game Night (R) CC: 10:00 Regal Hyattsville Royale Black Panther (PG-13) 9:00
1:45-9:15 3:30-9:30 1:30-4:30-6:00-7:30-10:30 11:20-12:40-1:40-3:50-4:50- Red Sparrow (R) CC: 11:40-
10:15-8:15 Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: (!) Gringo (R) 10:50-6:40 Game Night (R) 6:40-9:30
Stadium 14 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 2:45-6:15-9:30
Tomb Raider: The IMAX 2D Oh Lucy! 4:45-7:00
AMC Center Park 8 7:00-8:00-10:10-11:10
4001 Powder Mill Rd. 6:45-9:45 The Hurricane Heist (PG-13) A Wrinkle in Time (PG)
6505 America Blvd. 4:30-10:30 Game Night (R) CC: 12:50-
Experience (PG-13) 1:10- Black Panther in Disney
The Strangers: Prey at Night A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC:
Medal of Honor Theater - The Strangers: Prey at 3:10-5:40-8:05-10:25
1:30-3:50-9:20 12:20-1:45-3:20-6:10- Digital 3D (PG-13) 6:00-9:20 Xscape Theatres
4:05-7:00 NMMC 10:30-1:15-4:00 Red Sparrow (R) 9:50- 7:45-9:20 Night (R) 1:30-3:45-6:15- The Shape of Water (R) CC:
(R) CC: 11:30-2:45-4:45- Jumanji: Welcome to the Brandywine 14
A Wrinkle in Time in Disney 8:30-10:45
18900 Jefferson Davis Highway
AMC Loews Uptown 1 8:15-10:20 A Wrinkle in Time in 12:55-4:00-7:10-10:15 Jungle (PG-13) 11:40-2:50 7710 Matapeake Business Dr 12:40-6:15
3426 Connecticut Ave N.W. We, the Marines (NR) Black Panther (PG-13) CC: Disney Digital 3D (PG) CC: Game Night (R) 10:10-12:40- Digital 3D (PG) 4:45-10:35 Black Panther (PG-13) Peter Rabbit (PG) 11:30- The Strangers: Prey at Night Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC:
10:00-11:00-12:00-1:00- (!) 11:40-1:45-5:00-7:15- 6:30-9:15 3:10-5:40-8:10-10:40 Death Wish (R) 1:15-4:15- 12:30-1:00-1:30-3:35-4:15- 2:05-4:35-7:05 11:00-3:00-9:00-9:30
Black Panther (PG-13) CC: 2:00-3:00-4:00 4:55-6:40-7:30-8:00-9:45- (R) CC: 11:00-1:40-4:20-
12:30-3:40-7:00-10:30 10:30 Death Wish (R) CC: 11:30- Annihilation (R) 10:30-1:10- 7:20-10:15 7:00-10:30 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC:
2:30-5:15-8:00-10:30 10:45-11:05 Tomb Raider (PG-13) 12:25-
AMC Mazza Gallerie
Regal Gallery Place Black Panther in Disney 4:10-7:00-9:40 Gringo (R) 7:00 3:20-9:10 Black Panther (PG-13) CC: 11:15-12:45-2:15-3:45-6:45-
Stadium 14 Digital 3D (PG-13) CC: 3:00- I Can Only Imagine (PG) CC: 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) Jumanji: Welcome to the
10:50-1:50-4:50-7:50-10:50 8:00-9:45
5300 Wisconsin Ave. NW
6:15-9:30 (!) 11:15-2:15-5:00-7:45- 11:40-2:20-5:00-7:40-10:30
I Can Only Imagine (PG) Jungle (PG-13) 12:45-3:35 Game Night (R) 10:50-
Black Panther (PG-13) CC:
701 Seventh Street NW 1:20-4:10-7:10-10:10 Peter Rabbit (PG) 1:35- 2:35-8:00 Peter Rabbit (PG) CC: 10:35- A Wrinkle in Time in
The Strangers: Prey at Night Red Sparrow (R) CC: 12:00- 10:30 Cinemark Egyptian The Hurricane Heist (PG-13) 4:00-6:30 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 1:30-4:40-7:20 Disney Digital 3D (PG) CC:
1:50-3:30-5:00-6:30-8:00- (R) 11:30-1:45-4:00-6:15- 3:15-6:30-9:45 Love, Simon (PG-13) CC: (!) 9:50 5:00-10:45
9:30-10:00 24 and XD Red Sparrow (R) 1:15-4:30- 12:15-1:45-3:00-4:30-5:45- Red Sparrow (R) CC: (!)
9:00-11:15 Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: (!) 9:30-12:15-3:15-6:00-9:00 7000 Arundel Mills Circle Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 8:30-10:00-11:15 11:30-2:40-6:10-10:00 Thoroughbreds (R) CC:
Peter Rabbit (PG) CC: 12:10- 7:45-11:00
Black Panther (PG-13) 3:15-9:00 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) CC:
Tomb Raider (PG-13) 3:00-9:00 Game Night (R) 2:00-4:45- A Wrinkle in Time in Disney Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: (!) 3:15-8:10
12:35-2:50-3:45-5:45-7:00- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC: (!) 11:30-12:30-3:30 3:20-9:10 Regal Cinemas Majestic 7:15-10:00 Digital 3D (PG) 10:45-7:15 8:20-11:05 Three Billboards Outside
Red Sparrow (R) CC: 1:10- 8:40-10:05-11:35 (!) 11:30-1:30-7:00 Ebbing, Missouri (R) CC: 9:05
ArcLight Bethesda I Can Only Imagine (PG) Stadium 20 & IMAX Death Wish (R) 5:10-10:30 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC:
(!) 9:50-10:20-11:20-12:10- Death Wish (R) CC: 11:45-
Tomb Raider (PG-13)
Black Panther in Disney A Wrinkle in Time in Disney 7101 Democracy Boulevard 11:15-2:00-4:45-7:30-10:15 900 Ellsworth Drive 1:00-2:00-4:00-5:00-7:00- Gringo (R) 9:35
Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: (!) Digital 3D (PG-13) 10:45- Digital 3D (PG) CC: (!) The Greatest Showman (PG) Love, Simon (PG-13) 10:55- The Strangers: Prey at Night 8:00-11:00 I Can Only Imagine (PG) 1:00-2:10-2:50-4:30-5:30- 2:20-4:55-7:40-10:20
12:30-5:05-10:35 1:50-4:55-8:15-11:20 4:15-9:40 6:50-7:30-9:10 Annihilation (R) CC: 1:30-
Game Night (R) CC: 12:00- Red Sparrow (R) 11:15- Death Wish (R) CC: 2:05-
10:50-1:45-4:35-6:30 1:40-4:30-7:20-10:15 (R) 11:05-1:20-3:35-5:50- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 1:45- 11:10-1:50-4:40-7:30-10:20 4:10-6:50-9:30
Peter Rabbit (PG) 10:00- Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 8:10-10:40 3:15-4:45-6:00-7:30-10:15 Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:00- Game Night (R) CC:
10:20 2:20-5:25-8:30-11:35 4:35-7:20-10:00 3:20-9:00 Gringo (R) CC: 3:40-9:10
11:55-2:50-5:30-7:00 12:25-6:15 Death Wish (R) 1:15-3:55- 1:45-4:30-7:15-10:05
A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC: Death Wish (R) CC: (!) 9:40- I Can Only Imagine (PG) CC:
Jumanji: Welcome to the Gringo (R) CC: (!) 12:15 Black Panther (PG-13)
(!) 1:30-4:10-7:00-11:00 Game Night (R) 11:30-2:05- Tomb Raider (PG-13) 12:00-12:55-2:10-3:15-4:15- 6:45-9:30 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 11:00-12:30-1:40-3:30-4:20-
Jungle (PG-13) 11:55AM Love, Simon (PG-13) CC: (!) 5:55-8:05-10:30 3:20-9:10 5:15-6:30-7:30-8:30-9:45- A Wrinkle in Time in Disney 6:15 12:50-3:40-6:40-9:40
Love, Simon (PG-13) CC: 11:45-2:30-5:10-7:50-10:30 The Shape of Water (R) 7:10-9:00-10:00
Tomb Raider (PG-13) Gringo (R) CC: 11:00
MARCH 16, 2018

2:20-5:00-7:40-9:35 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 10:45-11:35 Digital 3D (PG) 12:30-8:45 Tomb Raider: The IMAX 2D Love, Simon (PG-13) CC:
12:50-2:00-3:40-6:30-8:00- Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) CC: 1:40-3:45-6:20 12:25-6:15 Gringo (R) 9:00 Experience (PG-13) 11:00- I Can Only Imagine (PG) CC: 11:30-1:00-2:15-5:15-8:00-
Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) CC: 9:20-11:00 (!) 12:30-6:00
Black Panther in Disney
(!) 10:00-12:40-3:10-5:40- 10:40
(!) 2:20-7:50 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) Hoyt's West Nursery Digital 3D (PG-13) 7:55- Love, Simon (PG-13) 1:45- 1:55-4:50-7:45-10:40
Game Night (R) 12:15-2:40- AMC Columbia 14 10:10-5:35-8:00-10:15 11:15 4:30-7:15-10:15 8:10-9:20 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13)
Cinema 14 Regal Westview
Albert Einstein Planetarium - 5:05-7:30-9:55 10300 Little Patuxent Pkwy Thoroughbreds (R) 10:05- 1591 West Nursery Road Jumanji: Welcome to the The Hurricane Heist (PG-13) Stadium 16 & IMAX The Hurricane Heist (PG-13) CC: 11:35-2:10-4:45-7:20-
National Air & Space Museum A Wrinkle in Time (PG) Jungle (PG-13) 12:25-3:25 6:45-9:45 CC: 12:20-6:20
10:50-1:30-3:25-4:05-6:40- The Strangers: Prey at Night 4:00-9:20 The Strangers: Prey at Night 5243 Buckeystown Pike 10:05
6th Street & Independence Ave SW
(R) CC: 2:40-5:05-7:25-9:40 Death Wish (R) 11:35-9:10 Peter Rabbit (PG) 11:20- Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 10:00 The Strangers: Prey at Love, Simon (PG-13) CC: (!) The Hurricane Heist (PG-13)
To Space and Back 11:00AM 8:35-9:15 (R) CC: 12:00-2:50-5:05- 11:50-2:30-5:10-8:00-10:40 CC: 1:10-3:50-6:30
A Wrinkle in Time in Disney Black Panther (PG-13) CC: Gringo (R) 3:30-10:45 7:35-9:50 11:45-2:30-4:55-7:35 Regal Night (R) 11:30-2:30-5:30-
Dark Universe Space Show 9:50-11:00-12:55-4:00-4:50- Annihilation (R) 12:10-4:30- Red Sparrow (R) 11:00- Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) CC:
Digital 3D (PG) 12:30-6:00- Black Panther (PG-13) CC: Laurel Towne Centre 12 8:15-10:50
(NR) 11:30-12:30-1:30-2:30- 7:00-10:00-10:40 7:10-9:40 12:40-4:20-7:45-11:05 CC: (!) 2:20 12:00-6:00

11:10 14716 Baltimore Avenue Black Panther (PG-13)

3:30-4:30 Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:50- Tomb Raider (PG-13) 12:05- The Strangers: Prey at Black Panther (PG-13) CC: Tomb Raider: The IMAX 2D
Thoroughbreds (R) 12:00- Black Panther in Disney 7:20-9:30-10:20 11:45-12:30-1:15-3:00- 9:30-10:10-12:30-1:10-3:30- Experience (PG-13) CC:
Journey to the Stars (NR) Digital 3D (PG-13) CC: 6:25 12:30-2:20-3:15-4:50-5:50- 3:00-5:00-6:00-8:00-9:00- Night (R) 11:30-2:00-4:30- 3:45-4:30-6:15-7:00-7:45-
12:00-1:00-2:00-3:00- 2:30-5:15 Jumanji: Welcome to the 4:10-6:30-7:10-9:30-10:10 1:15-4:15-7:15-10:15
Gringo (R) 7:30 Peter Rabbit (PG) CC: 10:35- 6:45-7:20-8:20-9:50-10:55 Jungle (PG-13) CC: 9:05 9:30-11:00 7:00-9:30 10:15-11:15
Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: Black Panther (PG-13) 1:15-
4:00-5:00 1:10-3:50-6:30 Game Night (R) 11:15-4:05- Black Panther (PG-13)
7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) Peter Rabbit (PG) CC: 12:00- The Greatest Showman (PG) (!) 11:40-3:50-5:00-7:40-
One World, One Sky: Big I Can Only Imagine (PG)
Red Sparrow (R) CC: 11:30- 11:10-2:45-5:10-7:35-10:00 2:15-4:30-6:45 6:45-9:05 11:15-12:30-2:30-4:00-5:40- 1:00-4:15 4:30-7:45-10:45
Bird's Adventure (NR) 11:20-1:55-4:30-7:05-9:40 9:50-10:20

2:50-6:20-9:50 Black Panther (PG-13) Red Sparrow (R) CC: 12:30- The Shape of Water (R) 7:30-8:55-10:35 Peter Rabbit (PG) 11:15- AMC Potomac Mills 18
10:30AM Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:20- Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: 10:25-11:15-12:15-1:15- 1:45-4:40-7:40 2:00-5:00-7:30
2:10-4:50-7:40-10:30 4:05-7:10-10:10 Peter Rabbit (PG) 10:25- iPic Pike & Rose 2700 Potomac Mills Circle
Angelika 2:05-7:50 2:10-4:10-5:15-7:05-8:10- Game Night (R) CC: 2:45- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 2:00-4:30 Red Sparrow (R) 12:45- 11830 Grand Park Avenue
The Strangers: Prey at Night
The Hurricane Heist (PG-13) Game Night (R) CC: 10:35- 9:55-10:50 11:30-1:00-1:50-2:20-3:05- Red Sparrow (R) 11:45- 4:00-8:00-11:15
Pop-Up at Union Market
10:15 5:10-7:40-10:05 The Strangers: Prey at Night (R) CC: 11:10-1:30-3:50-
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E 3:50-9:10 Red Sparrow (R) 11:25- Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: 4:30-5:10-5:50-7:10-8:45- 3:00-6:30-10:00 Tomb Raider (PG-13) 12:00- (R) (!) 2:00-5:15-8:00-10:45 6:00-8:10-10:20
Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC: 2:35-5:00-7:50-9:00 10:05
Oh Lucy! 11:30-1:30-3:30-
12:45-4:20-7:05-9:50 Tomb Raider (PG-13) 10:45- 2:45-8:15 Black Panther (PG-13) Black Panther (PG-13) CC:
5:30-7:30-9:30 10:15-11:15-1:00-3:45-4:45- Tomb Raider (PG-13) 11:45- The Shape of Water (R) CC: A Wrinkle in Time in Disney 12:45-3:45-4:45-7:45-10:45 Game Night (R) 12:30-3:15- 11:30-3:15-7:15-11:00 10:30-11:45-1:55-3:00-4:00-
Annihilation (R) 10:55-1:45- 6:30-9:15-10:15 2:25-5:05-7:45-10:20 3:30-6:30-9:20 Digital 3D (PG) 12:15-11:30 Game Night (R) 11:00- 5:45-8:30-11:00 Red Sparrow (R) 11:00-
A Fantastic Woman (Una
4:30-7:15-10:00 5:00-6:15-8:15-9:30-10:10
mujer fantastica) (R) A Wrinkle in Time in Disney The Hurricane Heist (PG-13) A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC: Thoroughbreds (R) 10:15 7:00-9:45 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 2:30-6:00-9:45 Black Panther in Disney
2:50-7:00 Smithsonian - Lockheed Digital 3D (PG) 2:00-7:30 CC: 10:20-1:55 12:15-1:15-2:15-3:50-4:50- Annihilation (R) 11:35-2:35- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 11:00-12:15-1:45-3:45-6:30- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) (!) Digital 3D (PG-13) CC:
Lady Bird (R) 11:05-1:00- Martin IMAX Theater I Can Only Imagine (PG) CC: A Wrinkle in Time in Disney 6:25-7:25-9:00-10:00 5:20-8:15-11:10 10:30-1:15-3:15-5:00-8:00- 7:30-9:15 12:15-3:45-7:00-10:15 11:15-5:30-8:45
5:00-10:00 601 Independence Avenue SW (!) 10:40-1:30-4:15-7:00-9:35 Digital 3D (PG) 12:35-3:05 Death Wish (R) CC: 12:10- Death Wish (R) 12:45-3:40- 9:15-10:50 A Wrinkle in Time in Disney Tomb Raider (PG-13) (!) Jumanji: Welcome to the
Red Sparrow (R) 11:00- D-Day: Normandy 1944 3D Love, Simon (PG-13) CC: (!) Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 2:40-5:15-7:45-10:15 10:00 A Wrinkle in Time in Disney Digital 3D (PG) 4:45-10:15 12:30-4:00-7:30-11:15 Jungle (PG-13) CC: 10:15-
1:45-4:30-7:15-9:15 (NR) 12:25-2:40 10:50-1:40-4:30-7:20-10:20 1:10-4:05 Gringo (R) CC: 12:40 Gringo (R) 10:50 Digital 3D (PG) 12:15-6:15 Thoroughbreds (R) 10:00 Gringo (R) (!) 11:15-5:30 3:30-6:20
Movies EZ

MOVIES FROM 33 BIG NIGHT Tuesday at 7 p.m. $8- Free. Hirshhorn Museum and Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture 26. $13. AFI Silver Theatre, 8633
$10. SNF Parkway, 5 W. North Sculpture Garden, Seventh Street Garden, Seventh Street and Colesville Rd., Silver Spring. 301-
Building, 440 Constitution Ave. NW. Avenue, Baltimore. and Independence Avenue SW. Independence Avenue SW. 202- 495-6700.
202-737-4215. FAMILY FUN MOVIE NIGHTS 202-633-1000. 633-1000. WILD STYLE Friday at 7 p.m. $25.
CITY OF THE SUN Saturday at 2 Through April 20. Free. Stacy C. exhibitions-events/. exhibitions-events/. The Kennedy Center, 2700 F St.
p.m. Free. National Gallery of Art, Sherwood Center, 3740 Old Lee I CAN ONLY IMAGINE Friday. REELABILITIES FILM FESTIVAL NW. 202-467-4600. kennedy-
East Building, 440 Constitution Hwy. Fairfax. Landmark's E Street Cinema, 555 Through Sunday. $65. Various
Ave. NW. 202-737-4215. FIVE SEASONS: THE GARDENS 11th St. NW. 202-783-9494. Locations around Fairfax, Around. WOMEN AT THE HELM: FOUR BY
calendar/film-programs/winter18/ OF PIET OUDOLF Saturday at 4:30 Fairfax. FEMALE DIRECTORS FROM ASIA
city-of-sun.html. p.m. Through Wednesday. Free. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.'S SPECIAL EVENTS: WINTER 2018 Through March 23. Free. Freer
DIRECTED BY MICHAEL CURTIZ National Gallery of Art, East LEGACY ON SCREEN Through April Through March 25. Free. National Gallery of Art, 1050 Independence
Saturday. Through March 25. $13. Building, 440 Constitution Ave. NW. 7. $8-$13. AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Gallery of Art, East Building, 440 Ave SW.
AFI Silver Theatre, 8633 Colesville 202-737-4215. Colesville Rd., Silver Spring. 301- Constitution Ave. NW. 202-737- WPFS: UHF (1989) + BIZARRE
Rd., Silver Spring. 301-495-6700. film-programs/winter18/oudolf.html. 495-6700. 4215. MUSIC TELEVISION + WELCOME FROM VAULT TO SCREEN: NEW AFRICAN FILM FESTIVAL WAYNE & FORD Saturday. Through TO THE FUN ZONE Monday at 7
ENVIRONMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE Through Through Sunday. $8-$13. AFI Silver April 22. $13. AFI Silver Theatre, p.m. Free. Smoke & Barrel, 2471
Through March 25. Free-$35. March 31. Free. National Gallery of Theatre, 8633 Colesville Rd., Silver 8633 Colesville Rd., Silver Spring. 18th S. NW. 202-319-9353.
Various locations around Art, East Building, 440 Constitution Spring. 301-495-6700. 301-495-6700.
Washington. Ave. NW. 202-737-4215. silver. WES WORLD: THE FILMS OF WES
EVERYMAN AT THE PARKWAY: HUMAN FLOW Saturday at 2 p.m. RAT FILM Sunday at 2 p.m. Free. ANDERSON Monday. Through April

MOVIE DIRECTORY Friday, March 16, 2018
Peter Rabbit (PG) CC: Gringo (R) CC: (!) 9:40- Angelika Cobb Village 12 Leesburg Rave Cinemas Black Panther (PG-13) Regal Regal Kingstowne 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) Death Wish (R) 11:30AM
11:50-2:20-4:50-7:20 12:20 Film Center Mosaic 1600 Village Market Boulevard Fairfax Corner 14 + Xtreme 12:40-3:50-7:05-10:10 Fairfax Towne Center 10 Stadium 16 & RPX 1:40-4:20-7:00-9:30 Gringo (R) 10:00
Red Sparrow (R) CC: Annihilation (R) CC: 5:05- 2911 District Ave The Strangers: Prey at 11900 Palace Way Fifty Shades Freed (R) 4110 West Ox Road 5910 Kingstowne Towne Ctr
The Hurricane Heist (PG- Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:10-
12:10-3:20-6:30-9:40 10:40-12:50 Foxtrot (R) (!) 10:15-12:45- Night (R) 11:25-1:30-3:40- The Strangers: Prey at 11:55-2:35-5:15-7:55-10:25 The Strangers: Prey at The Strangers: Prey at 13) 8:10 12:20-3:30-6:40-9:40
Game Night (R) CC: 12:05- Love, Simon (PG-13) CC: 3:15-5:45-8:15-10:45 8:20-10:30 Night (R) 11:40-2:15-5:20- Jumanji: Welcome to Night (R) 12:30-2:55-5:15- Night (R) 12:35-3:05-5:30- Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13)
2:35-5:10-7:40-10:00 (!) 10:40-1:30-4:30-7:15- The Leisure Seeker (R) (!) Peter Rabbit (PG) 11:45- 8:15-10:45 the Jungle (PG-13) 1:35- 7:40-10:05 8:15-10:35 10:50 4:20-10:20
Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: 10:00-12:40 12:20-4:45 2:00-4:20-6:50 Black Panther (PG-13) 4:25-7:15 The Greatest Showman Black Panther (PG-13) Tomb Raider: The IMAX 2D Regal Virginia Gateway
1:00-7:10 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) The Shape of Water (R) I Can Only Imagine (PG) 10:45-2:00-3:05-5:10- Red Sparrow (R) 12:30- (PG) 12:10-2:50-5:30-8:10 12:10-1:20-3:10-4:20-6:15- Experience (PG-13) 1:00- Stadium 14 & RPX
Death Wish (R) CC: 11:15- CC: (!) 9:10-12:10 11:45-7:15 11:30-2:10-4:45-5:45-9:30 8:30-9:35 3:35-6:50-9:55 Peter Rabbit (PG) 12:05- 7:30-9:30-10:30 3:50-6:45-9:40 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
2:00-4:40-7:25-10:15 Tomb Raider: The IMAX 2D Thoroughbreds (R) (!) The Hurricane Heist (PG- Black Panther in Disney Aithe 2.0 (NR) 12:15-3:05- 2:30 Peter Rabbit (PG) 1:30- Regal Potomac Yard
2:30-10:15 Digital 3D (PG-13) 11:50-6:205:50-8:45 3:50-6:30 The Strangers: Prey at
A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC: Experience (PG-13) CC: 13) 10:35 Red Sparrow (R) 12:40- Stadium 16 Night (R) 11:05-1:20-3:50-
11:15-1:15-4:10-5:00-7:00- Annihilation (R) 3:00-5:40- Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:50- Jumanji: Welcome to the Darkest Hour (PG-13) 1:25- 3:55-7:20-10:30 Red Sparrow (R) 12:15- 3575 Potomac Avenue
(!) 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00- 4:15-7:20-10:20 3:30-6:40-9:45 7:50-10:00
9:45-10:45 9:55-12:45 8:20-10:55 2:25-5:10-7:40-10:15 Jungle (PG-13) 1:45-7:30 Game Night (R) 1:30-4:20- The Strangers: Prey at
Red Sparrow (R) 11:00- Red Sparrow (R) 12:35- Black Panther (PG-13)
Thoroughbreds (R) CC: Black Panther (PG-13) Game Night (R) 2:45-5:05- Tomb Raider (PG-13) 7:10-10:00 Tomb Raider (PG-13) Night (R) 11:05-1:20-3:35- 10:15-11:00-1:15-2:00-4:15-
1:05-9:30 2:00-5:00-8:00-11:00 7:35-10:00 4:20-7:40-10:50 12:45-3:45-7:00 4:00-7:00 6:05-8:20-10:40
2:00-8:10 Game Night (R) 11:35-
The Shape of Water (R)
Game Night (R) 12:05-2:45- Black Panther (PG-13) 12:15- 5:00-7:15-8:00-10:15-11:00
Annihilation (R) CC: Love, Simon (PG-13) (!) Red Sparrow (R) 12:00- Tomb Raider (PG-13) 4:55-7:50-10:45
Tomb Raider (PG-13) (!) 11:55-2:40-5:20-7:55-10:25 11:35-5:15-10:55 4:55-10:15 5:15-7:45-10:20 The Greatest Showman
11:20-4:45 3:00-7:15-10:25 1:00-1:55-3:30-4:15-5:00- (PG) 10:45-1:25-3:55-6:50
11:05-5:10-11:15 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) (!) Thoroughbreds (R) 11:55- Padmaavat (Padmavati) A Wrinkle in Time (PG)
The Shape of Water (R)
Gringo (R) CC: 10:05 Tomb Raider (PG-13) 12:50-1:50-4:40-6:30-7:30- 6:45-7:30-8:30-10:00-10:45 Jumanji: Welcome to the
I Can Only Imagine (PG) 10:45-4:15 2:20-4:50-7:05-9:45 (Hindi) (NR) 11:30-2:50- 12:40-3:35-6:25-9:15
I Can Only Imagine (PG)
CC: (!) 10:50-1:35-4:15- 11:40-1:10-2:20-3:50-5:00- 6:20-9:50 10:20 Black Panther in Disney Jungle (PG-13) 11:30-
CC: 11:30-2:15-5:00-7:45- Black Panther (PG-13) 7:00-7:50-9:40-10:30 Death Wish (R) 11:05-1:50- A Wrinkle in Time in
Thoroughbreds (R) Digital 3D (PG-13) 11:30- 2:20-5:20
10:30 7:05-9:45-12:25 10:00-1:15-4:30-7:30-10:35 4:35-7:35-10:20 The Shape of Water (R) 1:50-4:45 2:45-6:00-9:15
Death Wish (R) 2:50-10:35 12:25-3:30-6:30-9:35 Disney Digital 3D (PG) Peter Rabbit (PG) 10:40-
Love, Simon (PG-13) CC: 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) A Wrinkle in Time (PG) (!) Gringo (R) 10:55-4:40- Death Wish (R) 1:40-4:30- Peter Rabbit (PG) 11:00-
CC: (!) 9:35-12:15-2:55- Gringo (R) 12:10 3:40-9:20 7:15-9:50 12:50-3:15-6:15
10:30-1:15-4:00-6:45-9:35 11:30-2:15-4:45-7:45-10:20 10:25 A Wrinkle in Time (PG)
Love, Simon (PG-13) 12:00- 12:10-3:00-5:30-8:00
5:30-8:05-10:45-11:55 Tomb Raider (PG-13) (!)
Black Panther (PG-13)
Annihilation (R) 11:00- 12:35-4:05-6:15-7:00-9:45 Gringo (R) 9:20 Red Sparrow (R) 10:35-
The Hurricane Heist (PG- 11:35-1:00-2:35-4:00-5:30- 2:40-5:20-8:00-10:40 Red Sparrow (R) 12:30- 1:35-4:35-6:30-9:40
13) CC: 2:05-7:30 AMC Worldgate 9 1:30-7:00-9:45 7:20-8:45-10:20 1:55-4:55-8:00-11:00 A Wrinkle in Time in I Can Only Imagine (PG) 4:10-7:25-10:30
Disney Digital 3D (PG) 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) 12:45-3:45-7:05-10:05 Tomb Raider (PG-13)
7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) 13025 Worldgate Drive Black Panther (PG-13) XD: 1:20-4:10-7:00-9:50 Tomb Raider (PG-13)
Bow Tie A Wrinkle in Time (PG)
12:55-4:10-7:20-10:40 3:25-9:05 Love, Simon (PG-13) 1:05- 11:10-12:25-1:25-4:20- 11:15-2:15-5:15-8:15
CC: 10:30-1:10-3:40-6:20- Reston Town Ctr 11 & BTX 11:20-12:20-1:55-4:30- Game Night (R) 8:05-10:40
The Strangers: Prey at
I Can Only Imagine (PG) Gringo (R) 10:05 The Hurricane Heist (PG- 4:10-7:20-10:15 6:15-7:15-10:10
Night (R) CC: (!) 12:40- 11940 Market Street 5:20-7:10-8:00-9:45 Pari (Hindi) (NR) 1:10-4:20- 13) 10:45 Death Wish (R) 10:25-
Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 10:50-1:35-4:25-7:15-9:55 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) Game Night (R) 11:15-1:35-
2:55-5:10-7:25-10:00 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) Tomb Raider (PG-13)
Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:25- 7:30-10:30 Regal Fox 12:30-3:15-6:10-9:05 4:00-6:40-9:20 12:55-3:30-6:00-9:00
CC: 2:30-9:45 Black Panther (PG-13) CC: 11:00-8:00 11:40-2:20-5:00-7:50-10:30 Gringo (R) 9:10
2:05-4:45-7:25-10:05 Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety Stadium 16 & IMAX The Hurricane Heist (PG- The Shape of Water (R)
Black Panther (PG-13) 12:00-3:10-6:15-9:30 Tomb Raider (PG-13) 2:00- (NR) 11:45-2:55-6:05-9:10 13) 7:40-10:45 I Can Only Imagine (PG)
1:10-7:15 5:00-10:50
Manassas 4 Cinemas Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 22875 Brambleton Plaza 12:20-3:25-6:55
Red Sparrow (R) CC: 8890 Mathis Ave. XD: 10:15 I Can Only Imagine (PG) The Strangers: Prey at Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 11:10-1:50-4:40-7:20-10:10
Tomb Raider: The IMAX 2D 12:30-3:30-6:05-9:05 Thoroughbreds (R) 10:10- 11:40-1:00-3:50-6:30-9:15 1:00-10:00 Love, Simon (PG-13) 10:50-
Experience (PG-13) CC: 12:50-3:20-6:00-8:15-10:35 Black Panther (PG-13) Kirrak Party (Telugu) (NR) Night (R) 11:40-1:45-4:00- 11:20-12:50-3:40-4:55-
Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: 11:20-2:45-6:15-9:40 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) 6:30-7:45-9:20-10:35 1:40-4:20-7:10-9:50
Gringo (R) 2:40-5:30-11:00 11:30-2:10-4:50-7:30; 1:35-
12:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 6:15-8:30-10:45 Tomb Raider (PG-13)
(!) 5:30-8:15 2:20-4:55-7:30-10:10 3:00-6:00 The Hurricane Heist (PG-
The Hurricane Heist (PG- 4:15-7:00 Tomb Raider (PG-13) XD:
Tomb Raider (PG-13) Black Panther (PG-13) A Wrinkle in Time in Disney
Game Night (R) CC: 1:05- 10:35-1:25-4:15-7:10 The Hurricane Heist (PG- 11:45-1:00-3:00-4:15-6:15- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) Digital 3D (PG) 2:05 13) 9:15
10:15-4:15-10:30 13) 10:40-3:50-6:40 Tomb Raider (PG-13)
13) 2:15-7:35 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 11:15
3:45-6:40-9:15 1:15-2:40-3:55-5:20-6:45- Death Wish (R) 11:50-2:30-
A Wrinkle in Time in Three Billboards Outside Ebb- 11:30-1:50-4:10-6:30-8:50 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13)
Raid (Hindi) (NR) 11:50-
8:00-9:35 5:20-7:55-10:40
Disney Digital 3D (PG) A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC: ing, Missouri (R) 1:10-9:10 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 2:25-8:05 The Greatest Showman Tomb Raider (PG-13)
(!) 12:10-2:50-6:00-9:00 12:00-2:15-4:30-6:45-9:00 3:00-6:10-9:20 A Wrinkle in Time in Gringo (R) 9:50 10:30-1:30-4:30-7:30
2:10-8:00 Black Panther (PG-13) Regal Ballston Common Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 10:00 (PG) 1:15-3:45-6:30
Death Wish (R) CC: 1:50- Disney Digital 3D (PG) I Can Only Imagine (PG) A Wrinkle in Time (PG)
AMC Tysons Corner 16 10:20-1:20-4:20-7:30-10:40 The Hurricane Heist (PG- Stadium 12 Tholiprema (Tholi Prema) Jumanji: Welcome to the
12:00-10:45 12:00-2:50-5:40-8:25-11:00 10:20-11:20-1:05-2:05-
4:25-7:00-10:00 Game Night (R) 11:10-1:50- 13) 11:30AM 671 N. Glebe Road Jungle (PG-13) 12:45-
7850e Tysons Corner Ctr (NR) 12:10-3:20-6:35-9:40 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:00- 3:45-4:45-6:45-7:45-9:20
I Can Only Imagine (PG) 4:40-7:10-10:10 3:30-6:30
The Strangers: Prey at CC: (!) 2:00-4:40-7:20-9:40
Rave Cinemas The Strangers: Prey at Kirrak Party (Telugu) (NR) 12:00-9:00 1:40-4:25-7:00-9:50 A Wrinkle in Time in Disney
Red Sparrow (R) 12:00- Centreville 12 Night (R) 10:35-12:50-3:25- 11:25-2:30-5:45-9:00 Peter Rabbit (PG) 12:45- Digital 3D (PG) 10:20
Night (R) CC: (!) 10:25- Love, Simon (PG-13) CC: (!) 3:15-5:45-8:15 Regal Manassas The Hurricane Heist (PG-
3:20-6:30-9:40 6201 Multiplex Drive 5:50-8:15-10:35


12:50-3:05-5:20-7:35-9:50- 1:40-4:20-7:00-9:45 Regal Stadium 14 & IMAX 13) 10:20 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 10:30
12:10 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) Black Panther (PG-13) Black Panther (PG-13) Red Sparrow (R) 12:15-
Dulles Town Center 10 3:30-6:45-10:00 11380 Bulloch Drive Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13)
Black Panther (PG-13) CC: Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) 10:50-1:30-4:10-6:50-10:00 10:00-11:00-1:00-2:05- 10:10-11:15-12:25-1:20- 21100 Dulles Town Circle 3:20-9:10
Smithsonian - Airbus
CC: (!) 12:30-3:15 2:20-3:35-4:40-5:40-6:45- Game Night (R) 12:15-2:45- The Strangers: Prey at IMAX Theater
10:10-11:25-1:15-3:10- Love, Simon (PG-13) 4:00-5:05-7:00-8:05-10:10-
10:30-11:50-1:40-4:30- 11:05 7:45-8:45-9:50-10:45 The Strangers: Prey at 5:30-8:00-10:30 Night (R) 12:45-3:00-5:15- Regal 14390 Air & Space Museum Pkwy
4:20-5:25-7:30-9:30-10:35- Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - Night (R) 11:50-2:45-5:45- 7:45-10:00 Springfield Town Ctr 12
11:30 7:20-8:20-10:30 Peter Rabbit (PG) 11:20- The Greatest Showman Tomb Raider (PG-13) 3:00- D-Day: Normandy 1944 3D
(PG) 10:20-1:10-3:50-6:30 8:05-10:20
One Loudoun
20575 East Hampton Plaza 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) 1:40-4:15-6:50 6:00-9:00 Black Panther (PG-13) 6500 Springfield Town Ctr (NR) 11:10-2:20
Black Panther in Disney Black Panther (PG-13) 12:30-1:30-2:30-4:00-5:20- The Strangers: Prey at
Digital 3D (PG-13) CC: 11:20-1:55-4:50-7:40-10:20 Tomb Raider (PG-13) Red Sparrow (R) 11:25- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) A Beautiful Planet 3D (G)
Black Panther (PG-13) Tomb Raider (PG-13) 3:00-6:40-9:55 12:00-1:00-3:00-4:00-6:00- 12:30-1:45-3:15-4:30-6:00- 7:15-8:30-10:15 Night (R) 12:30-2:50-5:20- 12:35
9:00-6:25-12:35 11:10-2:40-3:20-6:00-7:20- 10:05-11:05-12:50-1:50- 7:00-9:00-10:00 Jumanji: Welcome to the 7:50-10:15
10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-9:50 3:35-6:20-7:20-9:05 Tomb Raider (PG-13) 7:15-10:00 Aircraft Carrier: Guardians
Jumanji: Welcome to the 9:40-10:50
10:00-11:30-1:00-2:30- The Greatest Showman Jungle (PG-13) 2:45-5:30 Black Panther (PG-13) of the Seas 3D (NR) 10:20-
Jungle (PG-13) CC: 10:55- Game Night (R) 11:40-2:25- Cinema Arts Theatre Game Night (R) 10:05- (PG) 2:30-4:45 A Wrinkle in Time in Disney
Peter Rabbit (PG) 12:30- 11:40-12:10-3:00-3:40-
12:30-2:55-5:20-7:45-10:20 4:00-5:30-7:00-8:30 Digital 3D (PG) 8:45 1:30-3:10
1:55-7:50 5:25-8:30-11:25 9650 Main St Peter Rabbit (PG) 12:45- 4:30-6:50-9:10 6:10-6:50-9:30-10:10
Peter Rabbit (PG) CC: 9:20- Tomb Raider (PG-13) Thoroughbreds (R) 9:10 Death Wish (R) 1:30-4:15- Dream Big: Engineering
Red Sparrow (R) CC: A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 6:15-8:45 Red Sparrow (R) 1:10-4:15- Black Panther in Disney
11:45-2:15-4:50-7:10 10:15-1:15-4:15-7:10-9:55 10:45-11:45-2:20-3:55- Gringo (R) 10:45AM 7:00-9:45 Our World: An IMAX 3D
8:00-11:15 Red Sparrow (R) 12:10- 7:20-10:30 Digital 3D (PG-13) 12:50- Experience Please Call
Red Sparrow (R) CC: 9:25- Red Sparrow (R) 12:25- 4:55-6:30-7:30-10:25 Annihilation (R) 1:40-4:20- 3:15-6:30-9:45 Thoroughbreds (R) 9:15
The Shape of Water (R) Tomb Raider (PG-13) 2:20- 4:10-7:30-10:40

12:45-4:05-7:20-10:50 CC: 10:00 A Wrinkle in Time in 7:20-10:10 Gringo (R) 9:00 Journey to Space 3D (NR)
4:00-6:20-9:55 Tomb Raider (PG-13) 5:10-8:00 Peter Rabbit (PG) 10:55- 12:00
Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: A Wrinkle in Time (PG) Disney Digital 3D (PG) I Can Only Imagine (PG) 12:00-2:15-7:45-10:30 Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:45- The Shape of Water (R) 1:50-4:30-7:10
(!) 2:30-8:30 A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC: 9:40-12:00-2:15-4:35- 1:20-9:10 10:15-1:15-4:15-7:15-10:15 Game Night (R) 8:15-10:40 2:30-5:15-8:00-10:45 University Mall Theatre
10:45-1:50-4:55 Love, Simon (PG-13) 10:30- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 1:50-4:40-7:40-10:20 Red Sparrow (R) 11:50-
Game Night (R) CC: 7:00-9:20 Annihilation (R) 9:20 The Hurricane Heist (PG- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 3:20-6:30-9:45 10659 Braddock Road
9:55-12:20-2:50-5:15-7:45- Annihilation (R) 3:20-9:20 1:30-4:30-7:30-10:30 11:45-2:00-5:00-7:30-10:15 13) 10:45
The Leisure Seeker (R) I Can Only Imagine (PG) 12:50-2:10-4:50-6:15-7:30- Tomb Raider (PG-13) Star Wars: The Last Jedi
10:05-12:30 Tomb Raider (PG-13) CC: 9:45-12:10-2:30-4:50- 10:40-1:25-4:20-7:15-9:55 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) A Wrinkle in Time in Disney 7 Days In Entebbe (PG-13) 10:10 (PG-13) CC: 7:00-10:05
MARCH 16, 2018

A Wrinkle in Time (PG) CC: 12:10-3:40-6:20-9:25 7:20-9:35 Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:15- 11:20-2:15-5:15-8:00-10:40 Digital 3D (PG) 4:15 12:00-2:30-5:00-7:45-10:15 Coco (PG) CC: 12:15-4:45
A Wrinkle in Time in 8:00-10:50
(!) 11:10-12:40-2:00-4:40- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) The Post (PG-13) CC: 1:55-4:30-7:05-9:50 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) Death Wish (R) 1:30-3:30-
Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) Disney Digital 3D (PG) Game Night (R) 2:05-4:40- Jumanji: Welcome to the
6:10-7:25-10:10 11:25-12:00-3:00-7:00- 5:05-7:40 Raid (Hindi) (NR) 12:25- 6:45-9:30 12:00 3:30-9:00 7:40-10:30 Jungle (PG-13) CC: 12:00-
A Wrinkle in Time in 10:15 Gringo (R) CC: 9:55-5:10-9:50 3:45-7:35-10:50 Regal Countryside Gringo (R) 11:00 Kirrak Party (Telugu) (NR) Death Wish (R) 1:15-3:45- A Wrinkle in Time (PG) 2:30-4:50-7:30-9:55-12:00
Disney Digital 3D (PG) CC: Thoroughbreds (R) Lady Bird (R) CC: 10:00-12:05 Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) Stadium 20 Love, Simon (PG-13) 11:50- 12:30-3:45-7:00-10:15 6:30-9:20 12:00-1:20-3:10-6:00- Paddington 2 (PG) CC:
(!) 9:45-3:30-9:05 12:40-6:40 Foxtrot (R) CC: 9:50-12:15- 4:35-10:05 45980 Regal Plaza 1:45-4:30-7:15-10:10 Tomb Raider: The IMAX 2D Gringo (R) 10:40 7:00-9:00 12:05-2:20-4:35
Death Wish (R) CC: 12:00- Love, Simon (PG-13) 10:25- 2:40-5:00-7:30-9:45 Kirrak Party (Telugu) (NR) The Strangers: Prey at Night Tomb Raider 3D (PG-13) Experience (PG-13) 1:30- Love, Simon (PG-13) 12:40- A Wrinkle in Time in Disney The Post (PG-13) CC: 2:25-
3:00-5:35-8:15-10:55 1:20-4:20-7:40-10:35 Oh Lucy! 12:20-2:45-7:50 12:15-3:25-6:35-9:45 (R) 1:40-4:00-6:25-8:40 5:15 4:30-7:30-10:30 3:10-5:40-8:15-10:45 Digital 3D (PG) 4:00-9:50 7:15-9:35-12:00

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