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Diplomă de licenţă în Ştiinţe Politice în limba engleză, 3 ani, învăţământ cu frecvenţă

Semestrul II,
SPE 2,

SP 1427
obligatoriu/ compulsory

Dan Pavel
conf. univ. dr.

Brief description of the course:

The aim of this course is to describe and explain the main theories of political
parties & coalitions, and also the main political ideologies shared by followers, voters,
leaders and doctrinaires of those organizations. A significant section is dedicated to the
role of parties in modern and contemporary politics, in particular to their role in post-
communist Romania. The course examines also, from a critical perspective, some
theoretical contributions that appeared after the collapse of Soviet communism and
during the transition to democracy. The accuracy of traditional theories formulated in
Western democracies will be measured against the political reality of Central and Eastern
Europe, in particular Romania. Based on the study of some of the main theoretical and
analytical texts in the political science literature, class discussions will explore the nature
of modern politics and political parties. Students are encouraged to engage in the
empirical study of Romanian and foreign political parties and party systems, according
with a research methodology discussed in seminars. A special part of the collective
analysis and open debate will be related with the appearance of new political parties and
party systems all around the world, in Northern Africa, Middle East and Central Asia:
consolidation of democracy vs failed experiments, failed states.
The whole programming of courses & seminars is only an attempt to organize the
inclusion and succession of topics, but could be changed when the logic of teaching,
learning and researching offer better opportunities.

Requirements and evaluation:

The texts included in the course reader are mandatory readings. They are all
fundamental for understanding the nature, functions, organization, behavior, role, and
efficiency of parties in any political system. Any supplementary reading is also
encouraged. Only students with research interest, skills and talent will complete by the

end of the semester a research paper on a political party, a party system, from Romania or
any other country, contemporary or old. The research draft is not mandatory, but the
students with original research hypotheses will be rewarded; students have the
opportunity to make a choice between research and the mandatory readings.
Students’ performance will be evaluated on the basis of active participation in
seminar discussions/presentations and mandatory readings, written tests, or research.
Active participation in seminar or course discussions help you to improve the final result.
The final grade= 2/3 semester activity (readings, class participation, mid-term
exam, or research draft and research paper) + 1/3 final summer exam;
There will be no final summer exam if you obtained the maximum grade in
research. Students with more than 6 absences during the semester will not be accepted at
the final summer exam.

Studenţii sunt obligaţi să cunoască politica de probitate intelectuală a Facultăţii: plagiatul, copiatul,
înşelătoria, multipla utilizare a unui referat, recursul nemărturisit la surse bibliografice sau la internet vor
conduce la anularea notei şi a creditelor alocate cursului.
Students should be aware of the Department’s policy of academic integrity: cheating, falsification, forgery,
multiple submission, plagiarism, complicity and computer misuse will result in the invalidation of both
grade and credits

Courses outline:

1. Week: February 20 – 24, 2017

Introductory course. Place of parties in social and political life; place of the
general theory of parties in political science. Discussion about requirements and
Topic: Research seminar: political science writing & research; how to design & write a
research draft and a research paper

2. Week: February – March , 201

The first deadline : Research drafts;
Topic: Functions of political parties. Typologies of political parties.
Reading 1:
Richard Gunther and Larry Diamond, „Types and Functions of Parties”, in Larry
Diamond, Richard Gunther, Political Parties and Democracy [A Journal of Democracy Book]
(Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 2001) 3-39, [pdf];
Optional reading
Ralf Dahrendorf, “Parties and Populists", Project Syndicate, Aug 14, 2006, ;

3. Week: March 6 – 10,

The second deadline : Research drafts ;
Topic : Several definitions of political
parties and their meanings – why do we
need several definitions?
Debate: which is the best/worst definition? Provide concrete examples for each
definition & examples of parties that do not fit into a definition or another;
Reading 2:
Joseph LaPalombara & Myron Weiner, “The Origin and Development of Political
Parties”, in LaPalombara & Weiner (eds.), Political Parties and Political Development,
Topic: Functions of political parties. Typologies of political parties.

4. Week: March 13 – 17,

Topic : the Yin & Yang of modern politics – the Left & the Right.
Debates: When and why the Left-Right divide is the most relevant?
Parties of the Left/ parties of the Right. Movements, politicians,
issues, laws, of the Left/ Right.
How the Left and the Right shaped modern politics – the
Romanian case (the interwar period; post-communism); in USA; in
the «Old» Europe and the «New» Europe;
Reading 3:
Dan Pavel, „NOUL SISTEM. Cercetare asupra noilor tendinţe ale sistemului de
partide şi ale sistemului politic din România postcomunistă”, în Pavel, Democraţia bine
temperată, 29-100 [not new/ it was on your mandatory reading list last year]2;
Optional reading
Dan Pavel, „<<Partidul trădătorilor>>. Cercetare asupra malformaţiilor
instituţionale şi autoreglajelor sistemice ale democraţiei postcomuniste”, Sfera Politicii,
Vol. XX, nr 3 (169), mai-iunie 2012, .;

5. Week: March 20 – 24,

Traditional and new theories on the origins of political parties.
Reading 4:
Daniel L. Seiler, Partidele politice din Europa, traducere de Eugenia Zăinescu,
prefaţă de Sorin Bocancea (Iaşi: Institutul European, 1999), 13-79;

6. Week: March 27 – 31,

Topic : Seminar evaluation of the research drafts.

Because the seminar on research will be repeated, and the deadline extended, some of the topics and
readings will be postponed, changed. I prefer quality teaching and learning: if a topic or a reading is not
clear, I will pay more attention.
After two more rounds of general elections, the changes in the political system, in the party system, and
the new developments related with the crisis of the executive power (see my analysis on the urgency
ordinances between 1996-2016, and their negative impact, in particular OUG13), the crisis of the
legislative power, I want to complete a second edition of Democraţia bine temperată with new
analyses. Students analytical contributions are encouraged and will be rewarded.

Political conflicts, revolutions and the cleavage paradigm: cleavages in the
Western world and their relevance for former communist states and for the non-Western
Reading 5:
Seiler, Partidele politice din Europa, 81-145;

Debates: which are the main cleavages of the Romanian political system?
Past and present cleavages in Europe – the West, Southern Europe, East
and Central Europe (former Communist countries);
Cleavages and party competion in the world;

7. Week: April 3 – 7,
Topic : Communist Parties and Fascist Parties around the world – before and after WW II/ the
collapse of communism. Case studies.
The totalitarian parties (Bolsheviks, Nazis, and the Romanian Communist Party).
The influence of the Romanian Communist Party on modern Romania, and its legacy
after the collapse of communist totalitarian regime.
Reading 6:
Ferdinand Muller-Rommel, „Small Parties in Comparative Perspective: The State
of the Art,” and Gordon Smith, „In Search of Small Parties: Problems of Definition,
Classification and Significance,” in Muller-Rommel, Pridham (eds.), Small Parties in
Western Europe, 1-21, 23-40;
Debate: the end of small parties or the end of small party politics?
Optional reading
OECD Public Governance Reviews, Financing Democracy. Funding Political
Parties and Election Campaigns and the Risk of Policy Capture (Paris: OECD
Publishing, 2016),
en#.WLWDFhJ94kg%23page1 ; or
aphy%202014&f=false //

Week: April 10 – 13, [April 14-20, 2017, holiday]

Romanian political parties in the interwar period and after the collapse of
Topic :
communism. The end of small parties or the end of small party politics?
Reading 7:
Giovanni Sartori, „The Party Effects of Electoral Systems”, in Diamond, Gunther,
Political Parties and Democracy [A Journal of Democracy Book] (Baltimore and London: The John
Hopkins University Press, 2001), 90-105;
Giovanni Sartori, Parties and Party Systems, 39-50, 56-66, 71-80;

9. Week: April 24 – 28,
Topic : Typical parties for political families & political regimes:
How to analyze a party? How to analyze a party in its concrete political
context / as part of a political family ?
One liberal / conservative / socialist / totalitarian party, at student’s choice
Reading 8:
Giovanni Sartori, Parties and Party Systems,119-128, 131-144, 173-199; 217-232,

10. Week: May 2 – 5,

Topic : Parties - political ideologies & political doctrines. Liberalism and liberal
political parties. Economic and political liberalism. Socialism, social-democracy and
socialist, social-democratic parties. Conservatism and neo-conservatism in Europe and
USA. Christian-democracy and popular, conservative, Christian-democrat parties.
Opportunistic, pragmatic and catch-all parties. Grand ideological families from the
Communist International to the contemporary Internationals. National/ nationalist parties
and internationalist parties. Anarchism from Bakunin to Wikipedia.
Reading 9:
Pavel, Huiu, “Nu putem reuşi decît împreună.” O istorie analitică a Convenţiei
Democratice, 1989-2000, 13-109 [not new/ it was on your mandatory reading list last year];

11.Week: May 8 – 12,

Inter-semestrial test. May , 201
Readings: The whole mandatory bibliography.

12. May 15 – 19,

Topic : Electoral systems and
party systems.
Reading 10: Arend Lijphart,
Electoral Systems and Party Systems. A Study on
Twenty-Seven Democracies, 1945-1990 (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press,

13. Week: May 22 – 26,

Topic: Ethnic and regional parties. Religious parties.
Debates: should we ban or encourage ethnic parties in Romania/ wherever?
Conceptual & Methodological challenges for the theories of political
parties, coalitions & ideologies: the new developments in the Islamic/ Arab world & all
around the world. Case studies: the strange case of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt;
The Party of God/ Hezbollah (Lebanon). New political parties in Europe: Team Stromach
(Austria); Jobbik (Hungary); Movimento 5 Stele/ the Five Stars Movements (Italy)
Partidul Poporului-Dan Diaconescu/PP-DD & Uniunea Nationala pentru Progresul
Romaniei/UNPR (Romania); . New political parties and movements in North America:
the Tea Party (USA)/ see the debate about the end of bipartisanship in USA;

Readings: Presentations on ethnic and regional parties based on a specific
bibliography for each and every topic. Presentation of the old & new parties, party
systems, political systems in the Islamic / Arab world
D.J. Sagar (editor), Political Parties of the World, 7th edition (London: John Harper
Publishing, 2009) [e];
see also Countries of the World and Their Leaders Yearbook 201
Supplementary readings:

14. Week: May –June , 201

Topic: Conclusions for the course political parties and ideologies. Evaluation of
the test results and research papers.
Topic : Deadline for research papers.

Dan Pavel, ”Mitul <<părintelui >> fondator al democrației postcomuniste – Corneliu
Coposu”, în Cristian Fulger, Tudor Călin Zarojanu (editori), Seniorul Corneliu Coposu
(București: Humanitas, 2014), 62-75;
Debate: which is the best/worst definition? Provide concrete examples for each definition
& examples of parties that do not fit into a definition or another;
Rodney P. Carlisle (general editor), The Encyclopedia of Politics. The Left and the
Right, two volumes, Volume One: the Left, & Volume Two: the Right (Thousand
Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2005) [pdf];
Norberto Bobbio, Dreapta şi stînga (Bucureşti: Humanitas, 1999);

- Ion Alexandrescu, Ion Bulei, Ion Mamina, Ioan Scurtu, Partidele politice din
România. Enciclopedie (Bucureşti: Editura Mediaprint, 1995);
- Gabriel A. Almond, and G. Bingham Powell (eds.), fourth edition Comparative
Politics Today. A World View (Glenview, Illinois, Boston: Scott, Foresman and
Company, 1988);
- Jefrrey M. Berry, The Interest Group Society (Boston, Toronto: Little, Brown and
Company, 1984);
- Gary Bertsch, Robert Clark, David Wood, Comparing Political Systems. Power and
Policy in Three Worlds, 2nd edition (New York, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons,
- Cyprian P. Blamires (editor), with Paul Jackson, World Fascism. A Historical
Encyclopedia (Santa Barbara, California, Denver, Oxford: ABC-CLIO, 2006) [pdf];
- Norberto Bobbio, Dreapta şi stînga, traducere de Mihaela Şchiopu (Bucureşti:
Humanitas, 1999);

Complete with my recent downloads, check folders & memory sticks & other sources.

- Mark D. Brewer and L. Sandy Maisel, The Parties Respond: Changes in American
Parties and Campaigns, fifth edition (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 2013)
[included in the series Transforming American Politics];
- Ian Budge, Hans Keman, Parties and Democracy. Coalition Formation and
Governing Functioning in Twenty States (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993);
- Ian Budge, Hans-Dieter Klingeman, Andrea Volkens, Mapping Political
Preferences. Estimates for Parties,Electors, and Governments (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2001);
- Vasile Budriga, Sistemul electoral din România în anii 1919-1940 (Bucureşti:
Planeta, 1997);
- Ioan Căpreanu, Partide şi idei politice din România (1881-1947) (Bucureşti: Editura
Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1995);
- Rodney P. Carlisle (general editor), The Encyclopedia of Politics. The Left and the
Right, two volumes, Volume One: the Left, & Volume Two: the Right (Thousand
Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2005) [pdf];
- Communism, Fascism and Democracy. The Theoretical Foundations, second
edition, edited by Carl Cohen (New York: Random House, 1972);
- Corneliu Coposu, Confesiuni. Dialoguri cu Doina Alexandru, ediția a doua revizuită
(București: Editura Vremea, 2014); [2015]
- Corneliu Coposu, File dintr-un jurnal interzis. 1936-1947, 1953, 1967-1983, ediție
îngrijită de Doina Alexandru (București: Editura Vremea, 2014); [2015]
- Mărturisiri. Corneliu Coposu în dialog cu Vartan Arachelian, ediția a treia revizuită
(București: Fundația Academia Civică, 2014); [2015]
- Sthephane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panne, Andrzej Paczowski, Karel
Bartosek, Jean-Louis Margolin, Cartea Neagră a comunismului. Crime, teroare,
represiune, traducere colectivă (Bucureşti: Fundaţia Academia Civică, Humanitas,
- Robert Dahl (ed.), Political Opposition in Western Democracies (New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1966);
- Jean-Michel De Waele, Partide politice şi democraţie în Europa centrală şi de est,
traducere colectivă, postfaţă de Cristian Preda (Bucureşti: Humanitas, 2003);
- Pascal Delwit, Liberalisme şi partide liberale în Europa, traducere colectivă,
postfaţă de Cristian Preda (Bucureşti: Humanitas, 2003);
- Larry Diamond and Richard Gunther (eds), Political Parties and Democracy
(Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press and the National
Endowment for Democracy, 2001)4 [pdf];
- Doctrinele partidelor politice, ediţie îngrijită şi note de Petre Dan (reuneşte
conferinţele de la Institutul Social Român, organizate de Dimitrie Gusti în anii 1922-
1923) (Bucureşti: Editura Garamond, an neprecizat/ după 1989);
- Maurice Duverger, Les partis politiques (Paris: A. Colin, 1951);

Studies signed by Giovanni Sartori, Peter Mair, Herbert Kitschelt, Seymour Martin Lipset, Hans Daalder,
; texts about parties and party systems – postcommunist democracies, Taiwan, Italy, Japan, Latin
America, European left, India, Turkey.

- Samuel J. Eldersveld, Political Parties in American Society (New York: Basic
Books, 1982);
− David Epstein, Left, Right, Out. The History of Third Parties in America (Arts and
Letter Imperium Publications, 2012) [for small parties];
− Richard J. Evans, Al Treilea Reich, traducere Alin Matei (București: Rao, 2010)
[originalul The Coming of the Third Reich]; volumul 2, The Third Reich in Power
(pdf); volumul 3, The Third Reich at War (pdf);
- Francois Furet, Trecutul unei iluzii. Eseu despre ideea comunista in secolul XX,
traducere de Emanoil Marcu si Vlad Russo (Bucuresti: Humanitas, 1996);
- John Gerring, “Ideology: A Definitional Analysis”, Political Research Quarterly,
Vol. 50, No. 4, (Dec.1997), pp. 957-
994; at ;
- Robert E. Goodin, Hans-Dieter Klingemann (coordonatori), Manual de ştiinţă
politică, traducere colectivă (Iaşi: Polirom, 2005);
- Richard Gunther and Larry Diamond, „Species of Political Parties. A New
Typology”, Party Politics, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2003, ; published also in
Larry Diamond, Richard Gunther, Political Parties and Democracy [A Journal of Democracy
Book] (Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press, 2001);
- B. D. Graham, Representation and Party Politics. A Comparative Perspective
(Oxford, UK and Cambridge Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1993);
- Rod Hague, Martin Harrop and Shaun Breslin, Political Science. A Comparative
Introduction (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1992);
- Rod Hague & Martin Harrop, Comparative Government and Politics. An
Introduction (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007) ), 7th edition revised and
- Keith Hitchins, România, 1866-1947, ediţia a doua, traducere de George G. Potra şi
Delia Răzdolescu (Bucureşti: Humanitas, 1998);
- Samuel P. Huntington, Political Order in Changing Societies (New Haven and
London: Yale University Press, 1968) [pdf/test], vezi şi traducerea Samuel P.
Huntington, Ordinea politică a societăţilor în schimbare, traducere de Horaţiu
Stamatin (Iaşi: Polirom, 1999);
- Ghita Ionescu, Isabel de Madariaga, Opozitia. Trecutul si prezentul unei institutii
politice, traducere de V. Mihaila (Bucuresti: Humanitas, 1992);
- Nicolae Jurca, Istoria social-democraţiei din România (Bucureşti: Editura
Ştiinţifică, 1994);
- Hilal Khashan, "Hezbollah's Plan for Lebanon", Middle East Quarterly, Spring
2013, Volume XX, Number 2, ;
- Joseph LaPalombara & Myron Weiner (eds.), Political Parties and Political
Development (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1966) [pdf];
- Michael Laver, Norman Schofield, Multiparty Government. The Politics of
Coalition in Europe (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1992);
- Ioan Lăcustă, Zece alegeri interbelice. 1919-1937: cine a cîştigat? (Bucureşti:
Editura PRO, 1999);

- Arend Lijphart, Democracy in Plural Societies. A Comparative Exploration (New
Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1977;
- Arend Lijphart, Electoral Systems and Party Systems. A Study on Twenty-Seven
Democracies, 1945-1990 (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994);
- Arend Lijphart, Modele ale democraţiei. Forme de guvernare şi funcţionare în
treizeci şi şase de ţări, traducere de C. Constantinescu, prefaţă de Lucian Dîrdală
(Iaşi: Polirom, 2000)/ ;
- Seymour Martin Lipset, Political Man. The Social Bases of Politics, expanded
edition (Baltimore, Maryland: The John Hopkins University Press, 1981) ;
- Seymour Martin Lipset, Stein Rokkan, Party Systems and Voter Alignments (New
York: The Free Press, 1967);
- Charles S. Mack, When Political Parties Die. A Cross-National Analysis of
Disalignment and Realignment (Santa Barbara, California, Denver, Colorado,
Oxford, England: Praeger, 2010);
- Peter Mair (editor), The West European Party System (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1990);
- Peter Mair, Wolfgang C. Muller and Fritz Plassen (editors), Political Parties and
Electoral Change. Party Responses to Electoral Markets (London, Thousand Oaks,
New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2004);
- William McGaughey, The Independence Party and the Future of Third-Party
Politics (Minneapolis: Thistlerose Publications, 2003) [for small parties, „third party”
is another denomination for small parties];
- Richard McGregor, The Party: The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers
(New York: Harper Collins, 2010);
- Robert Michels, Les partis politiques. Essay sur les tendances oligarchiques des
democraties (Paris: Flammarion, 1914); see the English translation, Political Parties.
A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracies, with an
introduction by Seymour Martin Lipset () – BCU/ also [pdf];
- Alina Mungiu-Pippidi (coordonator), Doctrine politice. Concepte universale şi
realităţi româneşti (Iaşi: Polirom, 1998) (replică la volumul ISR-Gusti, din perioada
- Ferdinand Muller-Rommel, Geoffrey Pridham (eds.), Small Parties in Western
Europe. Comparative International Perspectives (London: SAGE Publications,
- Richard E. Neustadt, Presidential Power and the Modern Presidents. The Politics of
Leadership from Roosevelt to Reagan (New York, Oxford: The Free Press, 1990);
- Ernst Nolte, Three Faces Of Fascism. Action Francaise, Italian Fascism, National
Socialism, translated from German by Leila Vennewitz (New York and Scarborough,
Ontario: A Mentor Book, 1969);
- Ernst Nolte, Războiul civil european, 1917-1945: naţional-socialism şi bolşevism,
traducere Irina Cristea, cuvînt înainte Florin Constantiniu, cu prefaţa lui Nolte la
ediţia în limba română (Bucureşti: Grupul editorial Corint, 2005);
- OECD Public Governance Reviews, Financing Democracy. Funding Political
Parties and Election Campaigns and the Risk of Policy Capture (Paris: OECD
Publishing, 2016),

en#.WLWDFhJ94kg%23page1 ; or
bibliography%202014&f=false //
- Dietrich Orlow, The Nazi Party, 1919-1945: A Complete History (New York:
Enigma Books, 2007);
- Z. Ornea, Anii treizeci, extrema dreaptă românească, ediţie revăzută (Bucureşti:
Editura Fundaţiei Culturale Române, 1996);
- Dan Pavel, „Studiu critic,” ca introducere la Mihail Manoilescu, Rostul şi destinul
burgheziei româneşti, ediţie îngrijită de Leonard Oprea (Bucureşti: Editura Athena,
1997); „Legionarismul,” în Doctrine politice, volum coordonat de Alina Mungiu-
Pippidi (1998);
- Dan Pavel, „PDSR în opoziţie. Studiu asupra funcţionării puterii în perioada
postcomunistă”, Sfera Politicii, An VIII, Nr. 81 şi Nr. 82, 2000;
- Dan Pavel, Iulia Huiu, “Nu putem reuşi decît împreună.” O istorie analitică a
Convenţiei Democratice, 1989-2000 (Iaşi: Polirom, 2003);
- Dan Pavel, Democraţia bine temperată. Studii instituţionale (Iaşi: Polirom, 2010);
- Dan Pavel, „<<Partidul trădătorilor>>. Cercetare asupra malformaţiilor
instituţionale şi autoreglajelor sistemice ale democraţiei postcomuniste”, Sfera
Politicii, Vol. XX, nr 3 (169), mai-iunie 2012,
Pavel.php .;
- Dan Pavel, ”Mitul <<părintelui >> fondator al democrației postcomuniste –
Corneliu Coposu”, în Cristian Fulger, Tudor Călin Zarojanu (editori), Seniorul
Corneliu Coposu (București: Humanitas, 2014), 62-75; [2015]
- Richard Pipes, The Russian Revolution (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990) [pdf];
- Geoffrey Pridham (ed.), Securing Democracy. Political Parties and Democratic
Consolidation in Southern Europe, (London, New York: Routledge, 1990) [pdf];
- Jean-Louis Quermonne, Les regimes politiques occidentaux (Paris: Editions du
Seuil, 1986);
- V. Randall, Political Parties in the Third World (London: Sage, 1988);
- Douglas Rae, The Political Consequences of Electoral Laws (New Haven,
Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1967); a second edition was published in 1971;
- Şerban Rădulescu-Zoner (coordonator), Gheorghe Cliveti, Gheorghe Onişoru,
Dumitru Şandru, Apostol Stan, Istoria Partidului Naţional Liberal, cuvînt înainte
acad. Constantin Bălăceanu-Stolnici (Bucureşti: Editura ALL, ARLD, ISL, 2000);
- R.A.W. Rhodes, Sarah A. Binder, Bert A. Rockman (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of
Political Institutions (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2006) [pdf];
- Hans Rogger, Eugen Weber (coordonatori), Dreapta europeană. Profil istoric,
traducere colectivă (Bucureşti: Editura Minerva, 1995), vezi studiul „România,” al lui
Eugen Weber, pp. 385-446;

- Larry J. Sabato and Howard R. Ernst (eds.), Encyclopedia of American Political
Parties and Elections, updated edition (New York: Facts on File Library of American
History, 2007) [pdf];
- D.J. Sagar (editor), Political Parties of the World, 7th edition (London: John Harper
Publishing, 2009) [pdf];
- M. A. Mohamed Salih (editor), Interpreting Islamic Political Parties (New York:
Palgrave MacMillan, 2009)5 [pdf];
- Giovanni Sartori, Parties and Party Systems. A Framework for Analysis (London:
Cambridge University Press, 1976) [new pdf];
- Ioan Scurtu, Ion Alexandrescu, Ion Bulei, Ion Mamina, Stan Stoica, Enciclopedia
partidelor politice din România, cuvînt înainte de Ioan Scurtu (Bucureşti: Editura
Merona, 2003);
- Daniel L. Seiler, Les parties politiques (Paris: A. Colin, 1993), vezi şi traducerea
short version Daniel L. Seiler, Partidele politice din Europa, traducere de Eugenia
Zăinescu, prefaţă de Sorin Bocancea (Iaşi: Institutul European, 1999); 17-79; 81-
- Martin Shefter, Political Parties and the State: The American Historical Experience
(Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1994);
- W. Phillips Shively, The Craft of Political Research (Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1980);
- Norman Schofield, Itai Sened, Multiparty Democracy. Elections and Legislative
Politics (Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006);
- Peter Schramm & Bradford P. Wilson, American Political Parties & Constitutional
Politics (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1993);
- Jae-Jae Spoon, Political Survival of Small Parties in Europe (Ann Arbor: The
University of Michigan Press, 2011)[pdf];
− Daniel Şandru, Reinventarea ideologiei. O abordare teoretico-politică (Iaşi:
Institutul European, 2010);
− Daniel Șandru, Ipostaze ale ideologiei în teoria politică, prefață de Dan Pavel
(Iași: Polirom, 2014);
- Rein Taagepera and Mathew s. Shugart, Seats and Votes: The Effects and
Determinants of Electoral Systems (New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press,
- Ingrid Van Biezen, Political Parties in New Democracies. Party Organization in
Southern and East-Central Europe (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003)6 [pdf];
- Francisco Veiga, Istoria Gărzii de Fier, 1919-1941. Mistica ultranaţionalismului,
traducere de Marian Ştefănescu (Bucureşti: Humanitas, 1993);
- Colin Ward, Anarchism. A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2004) [e];

Several studies about political parties from a diversity of countries - Indonesia, Malaysia, Kuwait, Horn of
Africa, Sudan, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, South Africa, Turkey, Mauritius, Algeria, Hizbollah in
Lebanon etc.
Chapters on parties and party systems in Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Czech Republic.

- Max Weber, The Theory of Social and Economic Organization, translated by A. M.
Henderson and Talcott Parsons (New York: Oxford University Press, 1947);

Students are also encouraged to read political science journals in

order to complete their research on political parties. Political
science journals, and magazines: Sfera Politicii, 22, East European
Politics and Societies, Journal of Democracy, East European
Constitutional Review, Revista romana de stiinte politice
(Romanian Journal of Political Science), Romanian Political
Science Review. Studia Politica, The Romanian Journal of Society
and Politics, Polis, Altera, Revista de cercetări sociale; in 2013, a
fost lansată o nouă publicație trimestrială, Expert electoral,
publicată de către Autoritatea Electorală Permanentă, accesibilă la
adresa // daily newspapers collections from Romania.
Monitorul Oficial (vezi colecţia de Horărîri ale Guvernului
României şi alte acte normative). Internet sources;


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