Fungsi Mikroskop 1

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1. Ocular lens is a lens that is located close to the observer's eyes.

This lens serves to form a

virtual image, upright, enlarged from the objective lens.

2. The objective lens is a lens that is located close to the object being observed. This lens
serves to form a real image, inverted, enlarged. The magnification of the objective lens can be
set by the revolver portion that is on the microscope.

3. Tube microscope or a microscope tubus is part of tubular function to set the focus and
connects the eyepiece to the objective lens.

4. Makrometer or kasaradalah player section functioning microscope raise and lower the
microscope tube quickly.

5. micrometer or smooth player is part of a functioning microscope raise and lower the
microscope tube slowly. The size is generally smaller than makrometer.

6. The Revolver is the part which controls magnification microscope objective lens.

7. Reflector is a part of a microscope which serves to reflect light from the mirror to the
observed object passing through the hole in the object table. Reflector consists of two types
of mirrors, the flat mirror and a concave mirror. A flat mirror is used as the light it needs are
met, while the concave mirror is used when the light conditions. Concave mirror serves to
collect light.

8. The diaphragm is a part of a microscope which controls the little amount of light entering.

9. The condenser is a part of a microscope which serves to collect light. This tool can rotate
and are raised and lowered.

10. The work desk or table microscope is a microscope section that serves to put the object
being observed.

11. Brace serves as a coating of glass objects from being shifted when observed.

12. Arm microscope serves as a handle on the microscope.

13. Walking functioning microscope cantilever support or microscope.

14. Joints angle of inclination or the regulator is a tool or a part of a microscope which serves
to adjust the angle of upright microscopes.

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