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IB MYP Design Cycle Journal

Inquiring & Analysing, Developing Ideas, Creating the solution, and Evaluating

Student Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Inquiring & Analysing

What problem/issue/topic will you investigate? ______________________________________________________

Why is this important? _____________________________________________________________________________


What do you need to know? (These questions should guide you through your investigation)





What sources will you use during your investigation (to help you to find the answers)?



Once your investigation is complete, what sources did you decide to use and why?





Works Cited: Provide the citation information below for the sources that you used. (Author; Title; Year, if
available; and Page Number or Web Address)
Developing Ideas
Plan A
Write/draw the steps you will follow to create your project. Include a timeline for completion of the
project, the materials you will use, and the technology you will use.

Design: What will it look like?

Timeline Technology Material
Plan B
Write/draw the steps you will follow to create your project. Include a timeline for completion of the
project, the materials you will use, and the technology you will use.

Design: What will it look like?

Timeline Technology Material
Creating the solution: Student Progress Log
Date of Entry: Currently, you are at what stage in the design cycle:
___ Investigating ____Planning ____Creating ____Evaluating
Are you on schedule Why or why not?
with your project?
____ Yes ___ No
What is going well? Explain:

What has been Explain:

difficult during the

Is the creation of your Why or why not?

project progressing
the way you thought
it would?

Is there anything that Explain:

you need to change?

Date of Entry: Currently, you are at what stage in the design cycle:
____ Investigating ____Planning ____Creating ____Evaluating
Are you on schedule Why or why not?
with your project?
____ Yes ___ No
What is going well? Explain:

What has been Explain:

difficult during the

Is the creation of your Why or why not?

project progressing
the way you thought
it would?

Is there anything that Explain:

you need to change?
Date of Entry: Currently, you are at what stage in the design cycle:
___ Investigating ____Planning ____Creating ____Evaluating
Are you on schedule Why or why not?
with your project?
____ Yes ___ No
What is going well? Explain:

What has been Explain:

difficult during the

Is the creation of your Why or why not?

project progressing
the way you thought
it would?

Is there anything that Explain:

you need to change?

Date of Entry: Currently, you are at what stage in the design cycle:
____ Investigating ____Planning ____Creating ____Evaluating
Are you on schedule Why or why not?
with your project?
____ Yes ___ No
What is going well? Explain:

What has been Explain:

difficult during the

Is the creation of your Why or why not?

product progressing
the way you thought
it would?

Is there anything that Explain:

you need to change?
Project Evaluation

Briefly Describe the Project that you created: ________________

_________________________________________________________________ ________________




Evaluate the project that you created

Did your project turn out the way you have planned? Explain:



How does the quality of your project compare to the products created by other students?




How well did your project communicate information about your topic? ______________________________



How could you improve your project if you had to create it again? ___________________________________



Evaluate your performance for each stage of the Design Cycle:
(What did you do well, what do you need to improve, etc.)

Investigate: _______________________________________________________________________________________




Plan: _____________________________________________________________________________________________




Create: ___________________________________________________________________________________________




Evaluate: _________________________________________________________________________________________




How does what you created impact life, society or the environment? __________________________________




What have you learned about your performance and how would you improve your performance on the

next project? (Be specific) __________________________________________________________________________






What advice would you give students who will be assigned this project in the future? (Be specific)






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