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MARCH 14, 2559 BE

New World News

Fon, Bunluesak 1003 Present to Mr. Aaron Neugeboren

and stopped to learn because in that time she was a lazy girl.
She learned again with her friends on grade8 but after she
tried to enter to MUIDS, she stopped. After she learned at
MUIDS, she wanted to start to learn Japanese again because
she forgot most of them. 

The most difficult thing in her life was it hard for her to
speak with other people who she’s not close to. Even her own
relatives, she never talk to because her age is much different
from them.

If she can be whatever she wants to be in one day, she
wants to be chihuahua dog because she loves it.

Error in her life was when her was in kindergarten, she
raise hundreds of fish but her and her brother pour the hole
bottle of liquid water pretreatment to the tank because they
Person at the left
both think that it makes the water look beautiful.

Ja’s been through a lot of hard

One of the charming experiences along her life. When she

was 5 years old, she played with her
friend and get hand broken. She also
girls at MUIDS used to drown. When she was a child,
she always daydreaming every time and
Pitchanun who has a twin brother was born in 1999 every subject in class. She did not pay
Got7 comeback
attention at all in studying. She usually
can pass the enter examination to learn at MUIDS in grade song ‘FLY!!’
did not read the book before take a test On March 14, Got7
10. Come to know her life and her lifestyle.
and she received very low scores coming back with
especially in Core Science, Sub Science new teaser photos
Pitchanun Choonhanirunrit is a sixteen years old girl and Health. Now, she try harder at for the song ‘Fly’
who’s birthday is on the sixteenth of August. Her nickname is study and receive a good score.
Ja. She has a twin brother who was born one minute apart
from her. If she has free time, she will watch some Korea series
or movies, listen to music, read comic books and search
facebook. She really loves pets especially dogs. She has five
cute Chihuahua dogs name Kuro, Golden, Kokoro, One-one
and Four-four. which is the title
In kindergarten to half of grade1 she studied at track of album
Bromgrove International school. Then she moved to learn full 'Flight Log:
of grade 1 to grade 9 at Saint Joseph Convent School and now Departure’. Fly will
be released on
she studied in Grade 10 at Mahidol University International
March 21 

School(MUIDS). She came to study at MUIDS because she has at midnight.
came to open house and the school sounded amazing.

She also learned a lot of things like music, language and
art. Musical instrument that she learned were piano and
Chinese cymbalo. She has studied four languages which are
Japanese, Korean, Chinese and French. She used to study
drawing but now she stopped. French and Chinese are the
subjects that SJC force to learn. She does not like Chinese, so
she didn’t pay much attention to this subject. French is the
subject that every students in grade9 need to learn. It was fun
and interesting. She likes to learn it but after she graduated Person at the left
from SJC(grade 9) she stop to learn as like drawing too.

The starting point from learning Japanese are passion in
Japan and want to study at Japan. When she first saw Japan in

the world map she suddenly love it. She also likes to read

manga and watch anime since she was young, so she want to
learn Japanese. She learn Japanese when she was in grade 6

MARCH 13, 2559 BE

The highlights of sculpture snow were a huge ice castle, an

enormous ice pyramid which inspired from Egypt’s Great Pyramid
of Giza and building featuring with impressive looking, the iced
slides caved along the stairways prepare for both kids and adults to
have fun option when go down the tall buildings. Tourists can visit
Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture festival all day but
the best time is at night. When it change into a colourful winter
wonderland. All the lights come from the thousands of LED lights
inside the sculpture snow.

source :

Amazing China’s Snow Festival!!

1 2
The city of the most famous ice festival in the world
which located in the capital northeastern province of HAIKU POEM HAIKU POEM
Heilongjiang province, China has already begun. The When you are coming
 Pretend your life as

32nd Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival I can’t left my eyes of A clock, 

 only walk toward 

start on Jan 5, 2016. This can attracts visitors a lot from
My future husband never walk backward
around the world. This festival was interested by tourists
both Chinese and foreigners. The propose of this festival
is to increase economic activity which slow down since
the winter of last year.

In 1963, the original Harbin Ice and Snow Festival created

The conclude of regulation for
only a simple garden snow but now this festival well know as the exchange students!!
wonderful snow and ice structures. The festival official opening is
on the first week of January but all sculptors and snow artists all The committee of MUIDS were meeting at
over the world began to work on the sculpture snow in the late Seminar room on 3 Feb, 2016 to set the standard
December. They brought a huge ice from the Songhua River and
regulation for exchange students and make the rules clear
drawn them to festival grounds. Chinese fairy tales and myths is
the inspiration of making carvings but it also have an influence to parents and also students who want to enter to MUIDS.
from international country too.
 A lot of exchange students were asked for information about
In 2016, the snow festival opened for the visitors on January coming back to continue studying next year from student service.
5. The areas of this festival cover 750,000 square meters with over For old students who will go to exchange use old
300,000 cubic meters of snow and ice are used to build this system which have deposit for 100,000 bath. Students who do not
amazing huge sculpture snow.
 come back to continue studying, the school will take deposits
This year the organiser set the overview theme as “Pearl on 100,000 baht. Students returned to school but can not transfer
the Crown of Ice and Snow” which composed of four theme parks. credits or score is not enough for example China, students need to
Those four theme parks are Sun Island International Snow repeatedly in class. For the tuition fee, students have to pay further
Sculpture Art Expo, Harbin Ice and Snow World, Songhua River 250,000 bath and the exchange with various deposit if the
Ice and Snow Harbin Valley, and the Zhaolin Park Ice Lantern Fair. students payable. The students that have came back and have
It has 5 highlights categories ice snow events and activities. First, enough credits can pass the class but need to learn makeup lesson
Ice & Snow Tourism Activities. Second, Ice and Snow Sculpture such as Thai subject. Expenses of makeup lesson is still under
Competitions and Culture Activities. Third, Ice and Snow Fashion negotiation. Since the school does not charge and students who
Activities. Forth, Ice and Snow Economic & Trade Activities. The already came back then did not pay for this.

last category is Ice and Snow Sports Activities. Students who attend the new school year since 2016must
use an announcement of the new regulations. Students will have
RHYME POEM : Don’t think too much about the past to pay tuition fees and other expenses before departure. Grade 10
have to pay 550,000 bath and grade 11 have to pay 350,000 bath.
Move on because the time is fast
For the students who do not come back, the school will take
Life is walk toward not travel backward deposits. Students whose come back need to repeatedly in class
The future is waiting for you. and do not need to pay tuition fee up to the amount already paid.

All of exchange students and their parents be very worried
We should not stop in trap,
about this and asking information about exchange students
Don’t be such a noisy crab, regulation.

Get out of the cap

Be a new person.

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