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In order to be considered, an individual application, essay or other entry must be made for prizes and awards marked with a .

The ACCA Prize (1st £150) (2nd £100) (3rd £50) 734, 735, 736
Awarded annually to the top 3 most distinguished students for their results in Finance 2, offered by Accounting & Finance.

John AITCHISON Prize (Statistics)

Awarded annually to the student with the best performance in S1Y/S1Z.

Bill AITKEN Prize (see note) 485

Founded in 1985 by Mrs Evelyn Aitken in honour of her husband Dr W G Aitken, Reader in Applied Geology at the University of
Strathclyde and previously Director of the Geological Survey of Nyasaland (Malawi). Awarded annually on the recommendation of the
academic staff of Earth Sciences to a final year student who has made a major contribution to the intellectual well-being and morale of
the class during geological fieldwork. This prize was transferred to the University from the University of Strathclyde in 1989.

James AITKEN Prize (see note) 1

Founded in 1962 by James Aitken, JP CA. Awarded annually for distinction in the class of Economics 2 for students matriculated for the
Bachelor of Accountancy degree. If for any reason this class should be discontinued, the prize money would be made generally
available to accountants for proficiency in the study of Economics, if necessary by transferring the endowment to the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in Scotland.

AITKEN-SMITH Prize (see note) 2

Founded in 1983 in recognition of the long service to the University of Helen J Smith and Robert N C Aitken, former heads of the
Department of Veterinary Anatomy. Awarded annually to the most distinguished student of Veterinary Anatomy.

Donald ALLAN Memorial Prize 3

See Allan and Chalk Prizes.

ALLAN and CHALK Prizes (see note) 3, 57

Founded in 1983 by two anonymous donors in memory of Donald J Allan, Professor of Greek 1957-71 and Hubert H. O. Chalk,
Lecturer in Greek 1950-81. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of Classics for excellence in Level 1 Greek (Allan
Prize) and in Level 1 Classical Civilisation (Chalk Prize).

Ann Clark AMOUR Prize in German (see note) 4

Founded in 1980 by a bequest from the late William Amour, for the continuation and encouragement of Middle High German Studies or
Old High German Studies in the University of Glasgow.
The prize shall be open to all students in the subject of German and shall be awarded on the basis either of an essay on an
appropriate theme in medieval German, or of a piece of written work such as the translation, under examination conditions, of a
passage of Medieval German. The appropriate test shall be determined by the Professor of German.
The prize shall be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professor of German and may be withheld in any year if in the
opinion of the Professor there is no candidate of sufficient merit.

Norman C ANDERSON Memorial Prize (see note) 6

Endowed in 1979 by Mrs Elizabeth MacDonald in memory of her brother Norman C Anderson, Lecturer in French from 1927–68.
Awarded to the most distinguished student in the language element of the Junior Honours class in French.

Thomas ANDERSON Prize (see note) 7

Established in honour of Professor Thomas Anderson, formerly of the Department of Public Health. Awarded annually on the
recommendation of the Professor of Public Health to the medical registrar in Public Health, seconded from any region in Great Britain
and Northern Ireland, with the best overall performance in the Master of Public Health course.

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ARBROATH Bursary (£750) 8
An undergraduate bursary awarded on the recommendation of the School of Medicine.

Andrew H ARNOTT Prize (see note)  9

Founded in 1955 by the bequest of Andrew Hamilton Arnott, MB 1907, for the encouragement of research in Pathology, especially in
relation to pulmonary tuberculosis.
The prize is offered annually for the best essay or thesis submitted on some aspect of Pathology, especially in relation to chronic lung
disease. The prize will normally be awarded to medical graduates of the University of Glasgow of not more than fifteen years standing,
but consideration may also be extended to essays submitted by graduates or licentiates of other medical schools who have undertaken
a period of study or research of not less than twelve months in a teaching hospital associated with the University of Glasgow. The
award will be made by the Senate, on the recommendation of the School of Medicine.
If in any year the prize is withheld, the unused income shall be added to a reserve fund from which, on the recommendation of the
School of Medicine, grants may be made as an additional prize or prizes or as a supplementary grant to the prizewinner.

Dr Neil ARNOTT Prizes (see note) 10 – 16

Founded in 1869 by Dr Neil Arnott of London.
(a) Two prizes (10-11) of £500 each shall be awarded to the two students receiving the highest aggregate marks in the Junior Honours
course in Physiology.
(b) From 2012: Up to five prizes may be awarded annually to MBChB students: £1000 for the Dr Neil Arnott Prize (12) to be awarded
for a Year 3 viva in Clinical Physics; 2 x £500 to be awarded as the Dr Neil Arnott Prize (Proxime Accessit) for a Year 3 viva in
Pathophysiology; and (from 2013) 2 x £500 for Year 2 viva in Physiology (13-16).

ARTHUR Bursary (£500) 17

Instituted in 1892 by Mrs Arthur of Barshaw and open to women students in the School of Medicine. Awarded to the student who takes
the highest place among the women candidates at the First Professional Examination. If two candidates are of equal merit, the bursary
will be divided between them; if more than two are equal, a special examination may be held to determine the award. Tenable for three

Ove ARUP Prize (£100) 643

For excellence in Architecture in the third and fourth years of the Civil Engineering and Architecture Degree programme.

ASHER ASHER Memorial Medal and Scholarship (see note) 5001

Founded in 1910 in memory of Asher Asher, MD 1856. Awarded annually in the class of Ear, Nose & Throat, on the results of an
examination, which is mainly clinical. Sum to found a gold medal in memory of Dr Asher, the medal to be awarded annually in
connection with the class on Disease of the Throat and Nose. Sum to found a gold medal and Scholarship in memoria of Dr Asher.
From 2013, to be awarded annually for an MBChB Year 5 viva on ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat).

ASTRONOMY Undergraduate Prizes (total value: £1000) 537 – 540

Established in 1994 from the Undergraduate Bursaries Endowment Fund to provide one prize for each of the four Levels of study in
Astronomy. The prizes are awarded on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Physics and Astronomy in consultation with
the Regius Professor of Astronomy and the Astronomy course leaders.
Margaret AULD Prize (see note) 541
Established in 1993 in recognition of the contribution of Margaret Auld (Chief Nursing Officer for Scotland from January 1977 - February
1988) to nursing and midwifery education in Scotland. Awarded for the best dissertation in each graduating year of the Bachelor of
Nursing with Honours degree.

Alfred BADER Prize in Organic Chemistry (see note) 594

Founded in 1990 by a gift from Dr Alfred Bader, chairman of the Sigma Aldrich Corporation, USA. Awarded annually to a student who
graduates from the University with an Honours degree in Chemistry, and is thereafter admitted as a postgraduate student registered for
a higher degree by research in organic chemistry within the School of Chemistry of the University.

BARBERS Dissertation Award (£150) 755

Awarded annually to the graduate on the MSc (Med Sci) in health care degree who has attained the highest marks in the dissertation.

BIGGART BAILLE Prize (£200 + summer placement) 742

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Awarded annually to the student with the highest grade over the three subjects: Commercial Law, Business Organisation and Tax Law.


Awarded annually to a student in Aerospace Engineering for the best industrially relevant final year project. Made on the
recommendation of the Head of School.

BAKER Prize (see note) 18

Endowed in 1982 by the parent of a former student of the University and awarded to the student achieving the highest aggregate mark
in the class examinations in Veterinary Parasitology in the third year of the course.

Margaret I BALABANIAN Prize (see note) 492

Founded in 1989 by the bequest of Margaret Isgouhie Balabanian and awarded annually to the most distinguished student in literature
in the Higher Ordinary French class who is proceeding to take an Honours degree in French or another language.

BALFOUR Prize (£65) 19

Awarded annually by the School of Procurators in Glasgow to the most distinguished student in the class of Mercantile Law.

H T BARNWELL Prize (see note) 510

Funded from the proceeds of a Festschrift in honour of H T Barnwell, Marshall Professor of French at the University 1971-80. Awarded
annually for the best French commentary by a student in Senior Honours French.

BATES Essay Prize (see note) 20

Founded in 1987 by Professor and Mrs T St J N Bates to mark their departure from the University of Glasgow. The prize shall be
awarded annually for the essay submitted by an honours student, in partial satisfaction of the requirements of any honours course
available in the School of Law of the College of Social Sciences, which is considered by the Prize Committee to be the most
academically meritorious. The prize shall not be divided.

BAUCHOP Lindsay Halliday Engineering Bursary (see note) 649

Bequest founded in 2001 from a share in the estate of the late Lindsay Halliday Bauchop in equal shares absolutely to Strathclyde
University, University of Glasgow and Herriot-Watt University directed that each beneficiary shall invest all monies received under this
bequest and shall apply the yearly income in the provision of a bursary for studies in electrical and mechanical scientific subjects and
the choice of recipient of such bursary shall be at the discretion of the University authorities.

Helen BEEDIE Bursaries (£600 each) 21, 22

Awarded annually to Honours candidates in French and/or Italian for residence in France or Italy.

Barbara BEGGS Prize - Modern History (see note) 598

Founded in 1997 in memory of Barbara Beggs who died in October 1996, graduate of the University and Departmental Secretary in
Modern History, for 14 years until her retiral in 1995. To be awarded annually to the best mature student graduating in Honours History.
For this purpose, a mature student shall be defined as someone of the age of 25 or above on first matriculation.

BELLAHOUSTON Scholarships (£1,200 each) 583, 584, 585, 618

Established in 1996. The University receives from the Trustees of the Bellahouston Bequest an annual sum of £4800. The money is
used to provide a one-year scholarship each year of £1200 in each of the Colleges of Arts, Science & Engineering (Science and School
of Engineering) and the College of MVLS (School of Life Sciences). The scholarships are awarded on the recommendation of the
Colleges to home postgraduate students (with a preference for Glaswegians) undertaking a taught or research masters' degree
programme. The Trustees have agreed that the same student may be nominated for a second year, if this is felt to be appropriate. If in
any year a College is unable to nominate a suitably qualified applicant, the scholarship will be offered to one or other of the Colleges.
BENNETT Miller Prize (see note) 23
Endowed in 1976 through the generosity of Hassan Ali Diab, PhD 1972. Awarded annually in the School of Law to the most
distinguished Honours graduate in Private Law. In the event of competitive claims, preference shall be given to the graduate whose
performance in the honours courses pertaining to the Mercantile aspects of Private Law is most distinguished. If in any year there is no
candidate, or no candidate of sufficient merit, the income of the endowment shall be added to the capital of the endowment fund.

Jane BENNIE Memorial Prize (£150) 699

Founded in 1996 in memory of Jane Bennie, LLB 1980, the prize shall be awarded annually to the best performing student taking the
conveyancing class in the Diploma in Legal Practice. The Prize shall be awarded on the basis of the results of the assessments and of

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the examination in conveyancing taken immediately following conclusion of the course of instruction. In the event of a tie, the Director of
the Diploma shall take into account other factors such as performance throughout the course and in other examinations and shall award
the prize accordingly.

BEST MSc Student – Physics & Astronomy (£500) 792

The prize will be awarded annually to the student showing the best performance in the School’s MSc programmes. The prize is
awarded on the recommendation of the School’s PGT Examination Board. All students on the MSc programmes are eligible for these

BEST MSc Project – Physics & Astronomy (£500) 791

The prize will be awarded annually to the student showing the best performance in the project element of the School’s MSc
programmes. The prize is awarded on the recommendation of the School’s PGT Examination Board. All students on the MSc
programmes are eligible for this prize.

George BIRKETT Prize (see note) 489

Founded in 1989 by a gift from his children to commemorate the contribution to Russian studies in Britain of George A Birkett, Lecturer
in Russian 1943–49. Awarded to the most distinguished second year student in Russian, who intends to proceed to Honours in

Wylie & BISSET Prize (£150) 718

Founded in 2005 by the partners of Wylie & Bisset, Chartered Accountants. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the
Professors of Accountancy for distinction in Management Accounting 2.

Joseph BLACK Medal – Chemistry 5002

Awarded for outstanding performance in Chemistry.

Joseph BLACK Medals – Earth Sciences 5003 – 5005

Based on examination results, 3 medals are awarded for the best examination performance in both Level 1 modules, the best
continuous assessment performance in both Level 1 modules, and the best performance in Level 2 Earth Sciences.

Joseph BLACK Medal and Alan HIRD Prize (see note) 5006
The prize was founded in 1950 by an anonymous donor in memory of Alan J Hird, BSc, MB, ChB, MRCP, formerly Lecturer in the
Practice of Medicine. In 1975 it was agreed that the Joseph Black Medal in Medicine should be awarded in conjunction with the Alan
Hird Prize.
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Regius Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics on the basis of the best PhD thesis
submitted by a non-medical or Dental Graduate in the School of Medicine. Subject to due warning having been given, the above
conditions of award may be altered at the discretion of the Regius Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics.
If, in any year, no award is made, the amount of the prize may be added to the capital of the fund, or it may be applied in such other
ways as the Regius Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics may determine.

BLACKROCK International Prize (£250) 674

Awarded annually to the best performing student in the Capital Markets Theory Course, as judged by the Subject.

Marion BLAIR (New Kilpatrick Parish Church) Scholarship (see note) 

Founded in 1985 by the Kirk Session of New Kilpatrick Parish Church. Students who benefit should be from the Church of Scotland or
overseas churches with historical links with the Church of Scotland, always with due consideration being given in particular to the needs
of students for the Church of Scotland ministry.

BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Prize in Periodontology (£50) 25

Instituted in 1966 by the Board of Management for the Glasgow Dental Hospital and School. Awarded annually to the student who
achieves an A grade in the periodontology case presentation followed by the highest score in the elements of the BDS 5 OSCE relating
to periodontology.
Jim BOGAN Prize (see note) 490
Founded in 1990 by a donation from the family of the late Professor Jim Bogan, Titular Professor of Veterinary Pharmacology 1985-88.
Awarded annually to a student at the Veterinary School who has done well in both academic work and sport.

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BOGLES of Gilmorehill Bursaries (£1,800 each) 523, 524
Established in 1992 by Ellen Bogle and Robert Bogle, descendants of the family, which owned the Gilmorehill land on which the
University was built. Awarded annually to home postgraduate students undertaking a taught masters degree course in the College of
Arts or Social Sciences. The Bursaries are intended to benefit students whose financial needs are not met from public sources. The
award is normally for one year only but a College may nominate the same student for a second year if this is considered appropriate.

BOWMAN Medal and Prize (see note) 5007

The medal was founded in 1937 by a former student in memory of Archibald Allan Bowman, Professor of Moral Philosophy 1927–36.
The prize was founded in 1968 in memory of Professor Bowman by the bequest of Mabel, his widow. The medal and prize are awarded
annually to the most distinguished student in the Ordinary class of Moral Philosophy.

BOYD and SANDERS Bursary (£300 for 2 years) 522

Originally separate bursaries, one instituted in 1635 by the Reverend Zachary Boyd of the Barony Parish of Glasgow, and the other
instituted in 1726 by Robert Sanders, printer in Glasgow. Now awarded every 2 years (depending on the duration of the previous
award) by the Merchants House of Glasgow for distinction in the first year of the Bachelor of Divinity course.

William BOYD Prize in Education (see note) 26, 27

Awarded annually by the Senate, on the recommendation of the Board of Educational Studies for distinction in the examinations for the
degree of MEd.
Part of the income from the fund may also be used, normally in the form of a research award of £350, to assist graduates in Education
to continue the practice of educational research begun in the course of their studies. Further information may be obtained from the
Professor of Education.

BRADLEY Medal 5008

Founded in 1912 by a former student in memory of Andrew Cecil Bradley, Professor of English Literature 1889–1900. Awarded
annually to the most distinguished graduate in English Literature.

Ben BRAZIL Prize (see note) 28

Endowed in 1985 by the widow and parents of Ben M Brazil, BVMS 1982, in his memory and awarded annually in the School of
Veterinary Medicine to the best final year student in practical work at the Lanark Practice.

Dr Alan Stirling BROWN Prize (£100) 634

Founded in 2005 by Pamela and Gordon Cairns in the name of Pamela's father Dr Alan Stirling Brown, as acknowledgement of 35
years contribution to the University of Glasgow and in celebration of the honorary award of doctor of the University in 2001. Awarded
annually in recognition of the outstanding research by a postgraduate student in the School of Engineering.

James BROWN Travelling Bursary in French (£600) 29

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the College of Arts, to students of French.

James BROWN Travelling Bursary in German (£600) 30

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the College of Arts, to students of German.

Stuart BROWN Memorial Prize (see note) 31

Founded in 1976 by Mr H. W. Brown in memory of his son Stuart Brown, a temporary Lecturer in Anatomy.
Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Regius Professor of Anatomy, for the best-published work embodying original
research in the anatomical sciences, by a junior member of the staff of Anatomy or by a research student attached to the subject. The
prize may be withheld in any year if it is considered that no paper of sufficient merit has been published.

BROWN Prizes in Engineering (see note) 32 – 34

Founded in 1957 by the bequest of Walter Brown MA 1907, BSc 1909. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the School of
Engineering to the candidates having the best record in the Third Examination for the BEng degree in Engineering in the curricula in
Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

William Herbert BROWN Memorial Prize (see note) 35

Founded in 1960 by the bequest of Mrs W Herbert Brown in memory of her late husband, William Herbert Brown, MD, Honorary
Lecturer in Dermatology at the Victoria Infirmary. Awarded annually to an outstanding MBChB student(s) taking part in the 2nd Year
Dermatology Student Selected Component, in the School of Medicine of Glasgow University; as determined by the course

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James Rankin BROWNLIE Prize (see note) 37
Founded in 1946 and awarded to the student with the best aggregate score in the oral surgery component of the OSCE.
BRUNTON Memorial Prize (see note) 38
Founded in 1879 by subscription in memory of Duncan M Brunton, MA 1872, MB 1876. Awarded annually to the most distinguished
graduate in Medicine of the year together with the Robert Fullerton Prize.

Alexander BRYCE Prizes (see note) 39, 40

Founded in 1968 by the bequest of Mrs Ethel Bryce in memory of her husband Alexander Bryce, MB, ChM 1886, MD 1893. Awarded
annually by the Senate on the recommendation of adjudicators appointed by the School of Medicine for the best essay on nutritional
aspects of medicine, as advertised each year. Essays may be submitted by:

st nd
1 and 2 year medical students

• 3-5 year medical students or

• medical graduates of the University.

Further details are available from Human Nutrition. The closing date for entries is usually 1 September.

Alastair BUCHAN Prize (see note) 41

Founded in 1919 in memory of Alastair E Buchan, undergraduate in Arts, who was killed in action in 1917. Offered annually for the best
poem on a prescribed subject. Open to matriculated students who have attended or are attending any class in English Literature,
Scottish History or Scottish Literature.

BUCHANAN Prizes (see note) 42 – 44

Instituted from funds raised by subscription to commemorate the services of Robert Buchanan, Professor of Logic and Rhetoric 1827–
63. Awarded annually to the most distinguished students in the Ordinary classes of General Philosophy, Moral Philosophy and English

John BUCHANAN Bursaries (two: £2,000) 45, 46

On the recommendation of the School of Medicine, awarded to matriculated students born in the Districts of Eastwood; Renfrew;
Inverclyde, Dumbarton; Clydebank; Bearsden and Milngavie; those parts of the Districts of Strathkelvin and of Cumbernauld which
formed part of the former County of Dunbarton and those parts of the Districts of Argyll and Bute and of Cunninghame which formed
part of the former County of Bute. Candidates must have completed the first and second years of the medical curriculum at the

CAIRD Prize in Divinity (see note) 47

Founded in 1914 by the bequest of Mrs Caird and awarded annually for distinction in Theology & Religious Studies.

CAIRD Prizes in Moral Philosophy (see note) 48

Founded in 1914 by the bequest of Mrs Caird and awarded annually for distinction in Moral Philosophy.

Edward CAIRD Medal 5009

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Head of Philosophy.

Agnes CAMERON and Mary Margaret Isabel URE Award 51

Awarded annually to the students with the highest achievement in the class examinations. From 2012, the value of this bursary will be
shared by two undergraduate medical students: a) for best MBChB Obstetrics & Gynaecology results in written & OSCE Finals and b)
for best performance in the Intercalated BSc (Med Sci) Women & Children's Health module.
Alasdair CAMERON Scholarship - Directing (Theatre, Film and TV) (£500) 567
Established in 1995 by family and friends in memory of Dr Alasdair Cameron, Graduate of the University of Glasgow and Senior
Lecturer in the Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies 1984-94. The Scholarship is intended to foster and enrich Scottish
Theatrical life by encouraging the exchange of ideas between students of the theatre in this country and abroad, and is intended to
complement an existing bursary.
The Scholarship is awarded annually to the holder of the International Directing Fellowship in Theatre, Film and Television Studies. The
candidates for the Fellowship are invited to submit a detailed production proposal suitable for touring to international University theatres
with which the subject has established links, and are called to interview to discuss its creative potential and technical viability.

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CAMERON Prize in History (see note)  49
The Cameron Prize in History was founded in 1964 by a group of members of the University who joined the Sixth Battalion of the
Cameron Highlanders when it was raised in 1914. The prize is open to all undergraduate members of the University.
The prize will be awarded for an essay of not more than 5,000 words on a subject that falls within the field of War in History and Human
Society, the precise title to be approved by the Professor of Modern History. The prize will be advertised at the beginning of Whitsun
Term and the essay is to be submitted by 1 October. The award of the prize will be determined by a Sub-Committee of the Head of
History under the Convenership of the Head of the School. In the event of no essay being submitted or if the Sub-Committee, as is its
right, decides to make no award, the prize may be awarded to the most outstanding dissertation falling within the same field examined
in History Honours at the following diet. The prize may be divided if there should be two submissions of equal merit.

CAPPELL Award 445

Founded in 1967 by Daniel Fowler Cappell, Professor of Pathology 1945-67. The award was established for the best dissertation giving
evidence of independent study or research submitted by a student reading for the degree of MB ChB. From 2013, to be awarded to the
Year 5 MB ChB student who has published the best peer-reviewed research paper, as determined by the MB5 Viva Panel.
Henry CHALK Memorial Prize 57
See Allan and Chalk Prizes.

Maurice CLARK (Anderson College) Prize (see note) 58

Founded in 1941 in memory of Captain James Henry Maurice Clark of Troon. From 2006 this Prize will be awarded for the best
Student Selected Module relating to Medical Ethics/Medical Jurisprudence or Biochemistry/Medical Chemistry. Where such a project
was not available in an academic year, consideration should be given to making the award to a student in another module (including
intercalated BSc (Med Sci) Clinical Medicine) with a research project in the general area of the original bequest.

Olive and André CLASSE Prize (see note) 512

Founded in 1990 by Olive Classe, Lecturer in the Department of French 1948–90. Awarded annually to the best student in the
Advanced Ordinary French class.

CLASSICS Travel Bursaries (£15,000) 612

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of Classics.

CLELAND Medal and Prize (£350) 5010

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Physics & Astronomy.

CLELAND Prize (£150) 745

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Physics & Astronomy
CLELAND and RAE WILSON Medals (£325) 5011 – 5014
In 1840 James Cleland, LLD 1846, founded a medal to be awarded in alternate years to a student of Divinity and a student of Physics
for the best essay on a prescribed subject. In 1849 William Rae Wilson, undergraduate in Arts 1785, LLD 1844, founded a medal to be
awarded to a Divinity student for the best essay on the life of Christ.
The foundations are now regulated by Ordinance 97. The Cleland Medals and Prizes are awarded annually to the most distinguished
student in the Ordinary class of Physics. The remainder of the income of the Cleland Foundation is added to the income of the Rae
Wilson Foundation to provide four medals in Theology & Religious Studies, which are awarded annually to the most distinguished
student in each of the classes of:
(1) Systematic Theology

(2) Ecclesiastical History

(3) Hebrew Bible,

(4) New Testament.

If in any year there is no student of sufficient distinction in any of these classes the corresponding proportion of the income may be
applied to the promotion of theological study in such manner as the Senate may decide.

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Douglas COCHRANE Memorial Prize in Applied Zoology (see note) 446
Instituted in 1988 by former colleagues and students in memory of Douglas Cochrane, Lecturer in Agricultural Zoology 1963–81.
Awarded annually on the basis of performance in the final Honours examination in Animal Developmental Biology, Agricultural Zoology,
Aquatic Bioscience, Parasitology or Zoology.

Harold COLLIER Bursary 514

Founded in 1988 by the bequest of Edward Collier MB, ChB 1928. Awarded annually to the best male graduate of the year in the
College of Arts with the Degree of MA Honours or the Degree of B.Mus. Honours.

Gilbert COOK Prize (see note) 59

Founded by the bequest of Professor Gilbert Cook, DSc, FRS, Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics 1936-51. The prize is
awarded annually to the graduate with Honours in any branch of Engineering who has most distinguished himself or herself throughout
the course in Mathematics and the analytical aspects of Engineering.

CORMIE Prize in Dermatology (see note) 60

Founded in 1985 by the gift of Dr R L Cormie, consultant dermatologist. Awarded biannually (1994) on the recommendation of the
Professor of Dermatology and two other appropriate individuals nominated by the School of Medicine. Open to dermatologists working
in Scotland, of registrar or senior registrar status, who show promise in the field of original dermatological research. Applicants for the
prize will be asked to submit a curriculum vitae and copies of all papers written or in press.

CORMIE Prize in Neurology (see note) 61

Founded in 1986 by the gift of Dr R L Cormie, consultant dermatologist, and awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professor
of Neurology to a graduate in a training post in Neurology as a prize for clinical or laboratory research carried out.

COULTER Prizes (see note)  62 – 66

Founded in 1787 by James Coulter, undergraduate in Arts 1730, merchant in Glasgow, for ‘the encouragement of composition and
elocution’. One prize is awarded in alternate years for a sermon or theological essay, and for an essay on Mental Philosophy or English
Literature. The other prize is awarded annually, alternately in Greek and Latin, for an essay on classical literature, or the best
dissertation. All registered students of the University may compete for the Coulter Prizes.

62 (GREEK) & 63 (LATIN) - In order to be eligible for this prize, the candidate must be continuing postgraduate study in Classics at this

COWAN Medal and COWAN (Blackstone) Medals  5015 – 5017

Founded in 1836 and 1839 by James Cowan, undergraduate in Arts 1819, LLD 1834, schoolmaster in Sunderland. Amalgamated in
1986 into a single classical medals fund, from which medals may be awarded to students in any of the classes of Greek, Latin or
Classical Civilisation, who are deemed by the Head of subject to be of sufficient distinction; the Cowan Greek medal is normally
awarded to the best student in Senior Honours Greek, and the Cowan Classical Civilisation medal to the best student in Senior
Honours Classics and the Cowan Latin medal to the best student in level one Latin. Level 2 students in Latin are eligible to enter an
examination for the Cowan (Blackstone) Medal. This is a voluntary oral examination based on the prior study of two set texts; students
who are interested in entering for this medal should make themselves known to the Head by the end of March in the year in question.

John CRAIG Bursary (£300 x 3) 526

Instituted by John Craig, merchant in Glasgow, in 1697. Awarded every three years by the Merchants House of Glasgow for distinction
in one of the first year Philosophy classes. Preference will be given to a student intending to proceed to further study in Philosophy.

The CRAWFORD/NEIL Prize - English Literature (see note) 597

Founded from two bequests, one in memory of Amelia C Crawford (MA 1930) and the other in memory of Robert W Neil (MA English
1959). Awarded annually for the best performance in English Literature Level 2 Modules. The winner will be decided by a committee
consisting of the Convener of the Level 2A Course, the Convener of the Level 2 Course, and the Head of the subject. The prize may be

David CROWTHER Scholarship (£2,000 x 2) 67

Awarded biannually, for two years, to students of Philosophy on the recommendation of the Head of Philosophy.

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CULLEN Medals 5019 – 5022
Two medals are awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Regius Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics, to two students with
the best performance in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Annually, two students with the best performance in Psychological
Medicine receive a medal on the recommendation of the Head of Psychological Medicine - 5 Cullen Medals will be awarded annually:
a) Cullen medal integrated with the Olav Kerr Prize
b) From 2012: Cullen Medal in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics will be awarded for an MBChB Year 3 viva, judged by Regius
Professor of Medicine & Therapeutics and Professor of Clinical Pharmacology or nominee
c) From 2014: Cullen Medal in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics will be awarded for an MBChB Year 4 viva, judged by Regius
Professor of Medicine & Therapeutics of nominee
d) Cullen Medal in Dental Therapeutics & Anaesthetics
e) From 2013: Cullen Medal in Psychological Medicine will be awarded for an MBChB Year 5 viva, judged by Professor of
Psychological Medicine or nominee.
CULLEN Medal and Olav KERR Prize 5018
The medal and the prize are awarded annually to the student with the best performance in Clinical Medicine on the recommendation of
the Regius Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics. They are open to students of the third year in the Undergraduate School of
Medicine. From 2012 the medal and prize will be awarded annually for an MBChB Year 3 viva, judged by the Regius Professor of
Medicine & Therapeutics or their nominee.
Andrew J CUNNINGHAME Bursaries (£1000) 68, 69
Two bursaries are awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Regius Professor of Law. One is awarded to a student attending
the class of Scots Law and the other to a student attending the class of Conveyancing.

CUNNINGHAME Medal and Prize (see note) 5023

Founded in 1866 by Andrew Cunninghame, Town Clerk Depute of Glasgow. Awarded annually to the most distinguished student in the
Advanced Honours class of Mathematics.

CUNNINGHAME Prize (see note) 603

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Mathematics, to the most distinguished student in the
Advanced Honours class of Mathematics.

Ethel CURRIE Prize (see note) 70

Founded in memory of Dr Ethel D Currie, formerly Assistant Curator of the Geological Collections in the Hunterian Museum. Awarded
annually on the recommendation of the Head of Earth Sciences to the most distinguished student of the year in palaeontology or

Norman DAVIDSON Memorial Prize (see note) 72

Founded in 1973 by Mrs Morag Davidson in memory of her late husband, James Norman Davidson, CBE, MD, DSc, FRS, Gardiner
Professor of Biochemistry 1947-72. Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Professors of Biochemistry, to the most
distinguished graduate with Honours in Biochemistry.

The Robert DAVIDSON Bursary 660

Donation made in recognition of the work of Rev Prof Robert Davidson, Professor of Biblical Studies at the University of Glasgow,
1972-1991. Open to non-UK postgraduate students in the field of Old Testament or New Testament Studies for the best thesis or
Honours essay. Where no such student meets the criteria in any year, funds to be used to assist any undergraduate students pursuing
BD(Min) or MA degrees in preparation for the church, who have special interest in Hebrew Bible or Septuagint Studies.

William DAWSON Bursary (two: £500 x 2) 73, 559

Patrons of the bursary are the William Dawson Trustees. Awarded biannually by the Patrons on the recommendation of the Senate for
excellence in the subjects of the second year of the curriculum leading to the degree of BSc in Engineering. The bursaries may not be
held along with any other bursary or scholarship except with the express permission of the Patrons. The bursars must follow a course of
study qualifying for the degree of BSc in Engineering.

Stephen DAY Prize (see note) 488

Founded in 1989 by a gift from Mr and Mrs N Day, in memory of their son Stephen W Day, who graduated from the University in 1986.
The prize will be awarded for project work in Computing Science done in the final year of a student’s undergraduate studies for either
an ordinary or an honours degree. In making the award, the examiners will take into account the practicality of the project and the
quality of the program(s) produced.

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The DELOITTE Prizes (1st £150) (2nd £100) (3rd £50) 737, 738, 739
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professors of Accountancy for the overall top 3 first year students in the Degree of
Bachelor of Accountancy. The Prize may be divided or may be withheld if in any year there is no student of sufficient merit.

DELOITTE Tax Award (£250) 713

Founded in 2005 by the partners of Deloitte, Chartered Accountants in Glasgow. Prize awarded annually on the recommendation of the
Professors of Accountancy for distinction in Taxation.

Archibald DENNY Prize (see note) 75

Founded in 1912 by Archibald Denny, LLD 1911. Open to students who, in the session of competition, have attended the Senior class
of Naval Architecture and who are completing the final examination in Naval Architecture embracing:
(a) Naval Architecture with Marine Engineering and

(b) practical work in Ship and Marine Engineering Design.

The award is determined by the proficiency shown in (b) provided that the candidate has also reached a satisfactory standard in (a).
The prize was intended by the donor to enable the winner to take a holiday after the work of the session.

William DICKSON Prize (see note) 77

Founded in 1895 by William Purdie Dickson, Professor of Divinity 1873-95. Awarded annually to the most distinguished student in
Theology & Religious Studies.
DOBBIE SMITH Prize (see note) 5024
Founded in 1881 by Thomas Smith, LRCS (Ed) of Edinburgh, in memory of his wife. Awarded biannually for an essay on a subject in
Botany to be prescribed by the Professors of Botany. All matriculated students of the University may be candidates.

Charles Mills DONOGHUE Prize (see note) 78

Founded in 1972 by Maud Donoghue Gillis (Mrs Kurt Gillis), LDS 1922, in memory of her brother, Charles Mills Donoghue, LDS 1925.
Awarded to the student with the best overall performance in Conservative Dentistry during the fourth and fifth years of the BDS

Nana Reid DONOGHUE Prize (see note) 79

Founded in 1972 by Maud Donoghue Gillis (Mrs Kurt Gillis), LDS 1922, in memory of her sister, Nana Reid Donoghue, LDS 1913.
Awarded to the student in Conservative Dentistry who completes the best course of comprehensive restorative treatment for a patient.

DOUGALL Prizes (see note) 80

Founded in 1928 by Charles Shirra Dougall, MA 1894, in ‘grateful recognition of the encouragement received by the award of the
Eglinton Scholarship in 1894’. Awarded annually to the most distinguished students in the Ordinary class of Mathematics.

John B DOUGLAS Prize (£65) 81

Founded in 1935 by the bequest of John Brown Douglas, MA 1875, writer in Glasgow. In 1937 the endowment was increased by the
bequest of Miss Clementina Douglas. Awarded annually by the School of Procurators in Glasgow, on the report of the Professor of Civil
Law, to the most distinguished student in the class of Civil Law.

Eric DOVASTON Prize (see note) 82

Founded in 1967 in memory of Hubert Frederic Dovaston, PhD 1947. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professors of
Botany for distinction in the final examination for the degree of BSc with Honours in Botany or in the final examination for the degree of
BSc in Agricultural Science with Honours in Agricultural Botany.

DOWANHILL Prizes (see note) 83, 84

Founded in 1865 by John Buchanan, undergraduate in Arts 1821-24, merchant in Glasgow, for ‘excellence in the Art of Oratory and
Declamation’. Now awarded annually to a student whose major field of study is Practical Theology, with particular emphasis upon
homiletics when this is possible and appropriate.

Victor DURKACZ Prize (see note) 700

Founded in 1993 in memory of Dr Victor Durkacz, the prize is awarded annually to the most distinguished student in the class of Tax
Law. The prize may be divided.

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EDE and RAVENSCROFT Prize (£500 x 3) 493, 675, 676
Founded in 1991 by Ede and Ravenscroft, robe makers to the University, and awarded annually to the most distinguished Science
graduates of the year.

School of EDUCATION Prize (£1000) 602

A summer graduation prize awarded annually, on the recommendation of the School of Education.

Leslie William Lawson EDWARDS Memorial Prize 722

Awarded to the Student who comes second overall in the first year of the Scottish History option.

EGLINTON Fellowship - Arts (£500 x 3) 604

Established in 1862 by subscription to commemorate the public services of Archibald William, 13th Earl of Eglinton, Rector of the
University 1852-54. Awarded by a sub-committee of the School of Arts Higher Degrees Committee on the basis of the results of the
final Honours examination in Arts to enable a student to undertake full-time or part-time study leading to a postgraduate degree in the
School. The Fellowship is tenable for up to three years subject to satisfactory progress and may be held concurrently with another
award for postgraduate study.

Margaret ELLIOTT Prize (see note) 653

Established in memory of Professor Richard Elliott's late wife who had worked in Virology at the University for many years. Awarded
annually to the best Honours Graduate in Virology.

The 1960 ENGINEERING Group Prize (£100) 637

For excellence in the subjects of the second year of the Civil Engineering Degree Programme.

English Language Prize – Best Performance in Level 1 (£20 book token) 725
Awarded annually to the student with the highest marks on the programme.

English Language Prize – Best Performance in Level 2 (£20 book token) 726
Awarded annually to the student with the highest marks on the programme.

EWING Prizes (see note)  87, 88

Founded in 1828 by James Ewing, undergraduate in Arts 1786-90, LLD 1828, merchant in Glasgow. Awarded annually for the best
essays on a prescribed historical subject, alternately in Medieval and Modern History. Open to all matriculated students.

EWING Prizes (see note) 90 – 95

Founded in 1953 by the bequest of John C. Ewing.
Two prizes are awarded annually at the discretion of the Professor to a student or to students in the Ordinary and Higher Ordinary
classes of Scottish History for distinction in the work of the class.
Two prizes are awarded annually at the discretion of the Professor to a student or to students in the Ordinary and Higher Ordinary
classes of Scottish Literature for distinction in the work of the class.
Two prizes are awarded annually in Physics for distinction in the Ordinary and in the Intermediate or Higher Ordinary class.

Arrol FALCONER Memorial Prize - Family Law (see note) 549

Founded in 1995 by Mrs Robina Falconer in memory of her son Arrol. Awarded annually to the student in the class of Family Law
Ordinary attaining the highest aggregate of marks in the written work of the class and the class examination. In the event of a tie, the
prize will be divided.

Michael FARADAY Medals 5025, 5026

These prizes are awarded annually, one to the most outstanding student in Second Year Physics and the other to the most outstanding
Physics Honours student. Both awards are made on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Physics and Astronomy.

John FARISH Prize (see note) 496

Founded in 1991 by a gift from the family and former colleagues of John Farish, Lecturer 1948 and Senior Lecturer 1969–86 in the
subject of English Language. Awarded annually to the best student in Medieval English Studies and Historical English Language. Open

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to any student taking combination of courses in Medieval English Studies and/or Historical English Language, the minimum being three

Dr Walter M FEE Memorial Prize (see note) 96

Founded in 1986 by the family of the late Dr Walter M Fee. Awarded annually to the second year MBChB student who submits the best
essay on a topic concerned with the prevention of tobacco-induced disease, as judged by the Professor of Public Health or nominee.
Prize to be book vouchers.
FERGUS Prize 97
Founded in 1929 by John Freeland Fergus, MA 1883, MD. Awarded annually in the form of medical books or instruments to the most
distinguished student in the class of Clinical Medicine conducted by the Muirhead Professor. From 2012, awarded for an MBChB Year
3 viva, judged by the Muirhead Professor of Medicine or nominee. Prize to be a diagnostic kit.
FINDLATER Prize (see note) 98
Founded in 1871 by Alexander Findlater of Dublin and open annually to matriculated students in the School of Divinity. The prize shall
be awarded for excellence in the General Examination for the Degree of BD.

FORD-FORREST Bursaries (see note) 483, 484

Founded in 1989 by the bequest of Helen M Forrest, MA 1927. One bursary is awarded to the woman student obtaining the highest-
class marks for her year in the Higher Ordinary Mathematics class and one to the woman student obtaining the highest-class marks for
her year in the Physics 2(A) class.

A C FORRESTER Prize (see note) 99

Established in 1997. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professor of Anaesthesia. From 2013, four awards to be made
for a) AC Forrester Prize for achievement in the BSc (MedSci) in Critical Care & Perioperative Medicine; b) AC Forrester Prize for
achievement in the BSc (MedSci) in Critical Care & Perioperative Medicine (Proxime Accessit); c) AC Forrester Prize for achievement
in a Student Selected Component in Anaesthesia or Critical Care; d) AC Forrester Prize for achievement in a Student Selected
Component in Anaesthesia or Critical Care (Proxime Accessit). If in any year there is no winner of sufficient merit for any part of the
prize, the funds may be added to the capital.
Alexander FOTHERINGHAM Bursaries (two: 2 x £800) 100, 101
Awarded biannually, for 2 years, to students of English Language and Literature.

John FOWLER Memorial Prize (see note) 617

Established in 2000 to commemorate the contribution of John Fowler, Lecturer in the Department of Politics, to the University. To be
awarded annually to the student who is judged to have written the best dissertation as part of the Honours degree in Politics.

Osvaldo FRANCHI Memorial Prizes (see note) 497

Founded in 1991 by a donation from the Comitato di Coordinamento delle Associazioni Italo-Scozzesi in memory of Osvaldo Antonio
Franchi MA 1952, LLB 1954, a past president of the Comitato. A prize is awarded annually to the best student in each class (Ordinary
A, Ordinary B, Higher Ordinary, Junior and Senior Honours) in the subject of Italian, on the nomination of the Head of Italian.

Irene Munro FRASER Prize (see note) 103

This fund was created in 1975 by John Munro Fraser, MA 1934, in memory of his wife, Irene F Browning, MA 1935. The income shall
be applied annually for such purposes as the Professors of Medieval, Modern, and Scottish History shall consider to be in the best
interests of students or of an individual student in their subjects.

FRASER MACKINTOSH Prize - Scottish History (£30 in book(s)) 550

Established in 1994 by the Gaelic Society of Inverness, in memory of Charles Fraser MacKintosh of Drummond, MP for the Inverness
Burghs 1874-1892, and a founder member of the Gaelic Society of Inverness. Awarded annually in the form of book(s) of the
prizewinner’s choice to a student, preferably an undergraduate, who as part of his or her degree course produces an original work of
outstanding merit on a topic relating to any aspect of the history of the Highlands of Scotland, or of the people of that region settled
elsewhere in the United Kingdom or abroad.

The award shall be made at the discretion of the Head of the subject concerned who shall also be the arbiter as to merit in consultation
with his or her academic staff.

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Spencer FRENCH Memorial Prize (see note) 601
Awarded by the parents of the late Spencer J French to a final year student who has performed well throughout the course and/or
completed an intercalated degree and who has contributed in a significant way to at least one other aspect of student/university activity.
Nomination(s) for the Prize will be invited from final year students under the auspices of GUVMA and submitted to the Head of School
for final approval.
The Prize will be in the form of a trophy to be displayed in the James Heriot Library, inscribed with the name of each prizewinner, and a
sum of money to be presented at the annual RCVS Admission Ceremony, following the BVMS Graduation.

Harold FREUND Prize (see note) 622

Awarded annually to a student of German nominated by the Head of German.

Robert FULLERTON Prize (see note) 104

Founded in 1956 by the bequest of Robert Fullerton, ear specialist, of Glasgow and Skelmorlie. Awarded annually to the most
distinguished graduate in Medicine of the year together with the Brunton Memorial Prize.

FYFE and ARTHRITIS Research Campaign Prize 105

Founded in 1986 by the bequest of Miss C G Fyfe and combined with an annual gift from the Arthritis and Rheumatism Council. From
2013-14, two awards made annually in the College of MVLS: a) for excellence in an MBChB Student Selected Component in a subject
related to Rheumatology, and b) for the most outstanding Final Year student in the BSc Immunology. Awards to be made on the
recommendation of the ARUK Professor of Rheumatology or, in their absence, the Davidson Professor of Medicine. The value may be
split between more than two students. If in any year there is no SSC of sufficient merit, the funds would remain in the unspent revenue.

GAIRDNER Medal 5027

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Regius Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics, to a third year student of Clinical
Medicine. From 2012, awarded for an MBChB Year 3 viva, judged by Regius Prof of Medicine & Therapeutics or nominee.
GARDEN-COIE Prize (total value: £350) 106
Founded in 1975 by the bequest of George Gundry Garden-Coie ‘for the furtherance and encouragement of the knowledge of the
Scottish Gaelic language’. One or more prizes will be available annually for distinction in the Ordinary class of Gaelic Studies and/or in
other Gaelic classes in the University.

William GARDINER Bursaries (£800 x 2) 107, 108

Awarded biannually to 2 students of Chemistry, Physiology and Physics. From 2013, awarded for an MBChB Year 2 viva.

GARRY Prize (see note)  109

Established by subscription in 1980 to celebrate the 80 birthday of Robert Campbell Garry, Regius Professor of Physiology 1947-70.
Open to undergraduate students of the University of Glasgow who have included Physiology in their curriculum.
The prize is awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professors of Physiology for an original historical or philosophical essay in
Physiology, or an original review of an aspect of the subject. Further details are posted in the Institute of Physiology at the beginning of
each session.
If no entry of sufficient merit is submitted, the prize is awarded to the most distinguished student graduating with Honours in Physiology.
An additional Garry Prize may be awarded from time to time for an outstanding research project completed in Physiology.

T W T GEBBIE Memorial Bursary (£500)

Endowed in 1984 by the congregation of Kelvin Stevenson Memorial Parish Church and awarded annually to a student of Theology &
Religious Studies. Preference will be given to students who are members or adherents of that congregation.

William Ewart GIFFORD Prize - General Practice (see note) 112

Founded in 1987 by the bequest of Mrs Elizabeth Gifford. To be awarded annually to the year 4/5 student producing the best
assessment submission (report/project/ essay) undertaken while carrying out a Student Selected Module in the field of General Practice
and Primary Care.

Marion GILCHRIST Prize (see note) 113

Founded in 1952 by the bequest of Marion Gilchrist, MB, CM 1894, the first woman who graduated in medicine in the University. The
prize is awarded annually, under the same conditions as are attached to the Brunton Memorial Prize, to the most distinguished woman
graduate in Medicine of the year.

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A bursary endowed for a student undertaking a course of study in Theology & Religious Studies at the University of Glasgow. The
bursary can be used to provide support to an undergraduate or postgraduate/student students towards their fees or living costs or to
provide a travel Scholarship.

John S GILLESPIE Prize - Experimental Pharmacology (see note) 527

Awarded annually to a student in the final year of the Honours BSc Degree in Pharmacology, whose Honours research project is judged
to be the best in the year.

Dr William GILLIES Memorial Prize (see note) 117

Founded in 1962 by Mrs Margaret Mitchell McLaurin of Largs in memory of her parents William Gillies, LLD 1919 and Margaret Gillies.
The prize is awarded for proficiency in the study of Civil Law under such conditions as the Professor of Civil Law may, with the approval
of the Senate, determine.

Maud Donoghue GILLIS Prize (£180) 118

Founded in 1972 by Mrs Cecilie Stuart, née Donoghue, MB, ChB 1959, in memory of her aunt, Maud Donoghue Gillis (Mrs Kurt Gillis),
LDS 1922. Awarded annually to the student with the best exam performance in relation to the relevant questions on child dental health
from the BDS 4 written exam and BDS 5 OSCE.

GIRALT French Travel Bursary (£750) 119

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Head, to a student of French.

GIRALT Spanish Travel Bursary (£750) 120

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Head, to a Hispanic Studies student.

John GLAISTER Senior Prize (see note) 121

Founded in 1958 by Mrs Jean Glaister Martin, in memory of her father, John Glaister, MD, LLD, Professor of Forensic Medicine 1898–
1931. From 2006 this prize will be awarded for the best Student Selected Component relating to Forensic Medicine. Where such a
project was not available in an academic year, cosideration should be given to making the award to a student in another module
(including intercalated BSc (Med Sci) clinical medicine) with a research project in the general area of the original bequest. From 2013,
awarded for an MBChB Year 4 viva, judged by the Professor of Forensic Medicine or nominee.

GLASGOW BAR ASSOCIATION Prize in Evidence (£50) 122

Awarded to the student attaining the highest aggregate of marks in the written exercise or exercises set in the class and the class
examination. In the event of a tie, the prize will be divided.

GLASGOW HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Jubilee Prize (see note) 123
Founded in 1948 by a gift from the Jubilee Fund of the Glasgow High School for Girls. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the
Professor of Moral Philosophy to the most distinguished woman student in the Ordinary class of Moral Philosophy, subject to the
condition that in the session following she pursues a course of study approved by the Senate. The prize shall be tenable with any
bursary except the Lanfine or the Lorimer Bursary in Moral Philosophy, and with any other prize.


Awarded to the student who completes the best modified essay question paper in a class examination in General Practice at the end of
the Whitsun term of fourth year.

The award is made to the most distinguished Engineering graduate being most likely to make a notable contribution to the engineering
profession and to the well-being of his/her country, having First Class Honours of the year in terms of academic record and
achievement and having regard to personal qualities. Examples of the latter being involvement in social, sporting or other non-
academic pursuits, and reputation among peers. The award, of a medal and cheque, is normally presented at the Graduation
Ceremony for Engineering Graduates. The Senate may withhold the award in any year, or, exceptionally, make two awards in any year.

GOUDIE Prize in Music (see note) 124

Founded in 1936 by William John Goudie, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Heat Engines 1921-38. Awarded on the
recommendation of the Professor of Music to the University candidate proceeding to the degree of Bachelor of Music who has attained

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the highest standard of excellence in the combined subject of Harmony and Counterpoint in the final year of the Honours curriculum,
provided that the student’s record in the other subjects of the curriculum is satisfactory.

GOUDIE Prize in Applied Thermodynamics (see note) 125

Founded in 1938 by William John Goudie, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Heat Engines 1921-38. Awarded annually on the
recommendation of the Professor of Mechanical Engineering to the candidate who, having completed in the University the prescribed
curriculum for the degree of BSc in Engineering in four consecutive sessions, has attained the highest standard of excellence in the
work of the lecture and laboratory classes in Applied Thermodynamics of the second, third and fourth years, provided that the student’s
work in the other subjects of the curriculum, and especially in Mathematics and Physics, has been satisfactory.

GOVERNORS’ and MITCHELL of CRANSTONHILL Prize (see note) 126

Originally separate prizes taken over by the University from the Glasgow Veterinary College and merged in 1967. Awarded annually on
the recommendation of the Dean of Veterinary Medicine for the best paper presented by an undergraduate veterinary student to a
meeting of the Clinical Club of the GUVMA on a subject relating to Veterinary Science. The prize may be withheld in any year if it is
considered that no paper of sufficient merit has been presented.

William G GRAHAM Prize (see note) 551

Founded in 1994, at the bequest of William Gilchrist Graham (MA 1933). To be awarded annually for the best article/short story in Scots
to be submitted each year to Scottish Literature.

Bryan GRAVES Memorial Award (see note) 128

Founded in 1978 by Mr and Mrs J R Graves in memory of their son Bryan, who died in 1976 before completing his honours course in
Geology. Awarded annually to the student in the Junior Honours class who has completed the best piece of project work (normally
based on a field course), as specified and judged by the Head. The award need not be made if, in the opinion of the Head of the
Division, no work of sufficient merit has been submitted. Any annual increment not expended as an award will be added to the capital
sum. The form of the award is at the discretion of the Head of Division and the recipient’s name is inscribed on the Bryan Graves
Memorial Trophy.

Susan GREEN Memorial Bursary (see note)  680

An annual bursary in memory of Sue Green to support a postgraduate student in Archaeology at the University of Glasgow. Preference
will be given to potential research students not in receipt of grant support. Applications in the form of a short research proposal (c. 500
words) and accompanying brief CV should be sent to the Head of subject, Archaeology, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ by
1st August preceding the academic session in which the award is to be held

Sir Robert GRIEVE Dissertation Prizes (see note) 130, 131

Founded in 1976 from a gift to the University in 1964 by Mr James MacAulay and first awarded in the Department of Town and
Regional Planning. Since 1990 these prizes have been awarded in Housing Studies. One prize is awarded for the best dissertation by a
third year Diploma student and one prize is awarded for the best dissertation by an MPhil student. The awards may be withheld.

GUTHRIE Prizes (two: £65) 132, 133

Founded in 1909 by subscription in memory of William Guthrie, LLD, Sheriff of Lanarkshire. Awarded annually by the School of
Procurators in Glasgow to the most distinguished student in each of the classes of Jurisprudence and International Private Law.

Muriel Thorne HAGUE Memorial Prize in Music (see note)  134

Founded in 1960 by the bequest of Bernard Hague, Professor of Electrical Engineering 1946-60, in memory of his wife. Awarded
annually by the Senate, on the recommendation of the Professor of Music, to a student who at the time of award in June, having
attended courses in Music for two academic years, is judged to have achieved the greatest distinction in class work and in performance
on a musical instrument or in singing.

HALL Prize in Child Health (£500) 135

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Samson Gemmell Professor of Child Health and the Head of Surgical Paediatrics on
the basis of the class examinations and the Final Professional Examination in Child Health. From 2013, awarded for an MB ChB Year 5
viva, judged by the Samson Gemmell Professor of Child Health or nominee.

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HALL Prize in Medicine (£500) 136
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Regius Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics and Muirhead Professor of Medicine
on the basis of performance in the Part I Examination in the Principles of Medicine and Surgery and the Part II Examination in the
Practice of Medicine. From 2013, awarded for an MBChB Year 4 viva, judged by the Regius Professor of Medicine & Therapeutics or
HALL Prize in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (£500) 137
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Regius Professor of Midwifery and the Muirhead Professor of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology on the basis of the class examinations and the Final Professional Examination in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. From
2013, awarded for an MBChB Year 5 viva, judged by the Muirhead Professor of Reproductive & Maternal Medicine or nominee.
HALL Prize in Surgery (£500) 138
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the two Professors of Surgery on the basis of performance in the Part I Examination in the
Principles of Medicine and Surgery and the Part II Examination in Surgery. From 2013, awarded for an MBChB Year 4 viva, judged by
the Regius Professor of Surgery or nominee.
Professor Hamilton Smith Prize (£150) 795
Awarded annually to the student with the highest overall GPA.
Reverend Robert Montgomery HARDIE Prize (see note) 140
Founded in 1979 under the will of Miss Robina Hardie in memory of her late brother the Reverend Robert Montgomery Hardie. Awarded
annually to the best candidate in the Ordinary class of Old Testament.

HARPER MACLEOD Prize - Commercial Banking (£400) 566

Established in 1995 by the partners of Harper Macleod. Awarded annually, following the Honours examination, to the best student in
Commercial Banking.

Michael HARRISON Medal and Prize (see note) 5030

Founded in 1970, in memory of Michael T Harrison, Lecturer in Medicine (Western Infirmary) 1959-69, from a fund raised by his
colleagues and others, to express the high regard in which he was held. A bronze medal and prize is awarded annually on the
recommendation of the Regius Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics, for outstanding performance in the intercalated BSc (Med Sci)
in Clinical Medicine, or any equivalent new programme or course.

George HARVEY Prizes (see note) 141, 142

Founded in 1874 by an anonymous donor in memory of George Harvey of Glasgow. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the
School of Engineering to the top ranking graduate in the M.Eng Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautical Engineering degree

Mary HAWTHORNE Prize in Medical Ophthalmology (see note)  143

Offered annually for the best original publication or essay, which gives evidence of independent study or research in an aspect of
medical ophthalmology.
The prize is open to graduates of the Medical School of the University of Glasgow (both undergraduate and postgraduate), and those of
other medical schools who have carried out a period of study or research of not less than six months duration in a teaching hospital
associated with the University of Glasgow.
The award will be made by the Senate on the recommendation of the School of Medicine.
The prize will comprise a personal award of £500 along with additional funding of up to £2,500 specifically allocated for the purpose of
academic development of the awardee.
Candidates are invited to submit:
(1) An original publication or essay or thesis submitted for a higher degree to the University of Glasgow.

(2) A proposal of their choosing to fund one or more of the following:

• Presentation of a paper at an international meeting (up to £750);

• A period of study (related to their submission) at an internationally recognised centre with a view to developing future
research in Glasgow (up to £2,500);

• Further development of their own research work in Glasgow (up to £2,500).

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If in any year the prize is withheld, the unused income shall be added to a reserve fund from which, in a subsequent year, on the
recommendation of the School of Medicine, grants may be made either as an additional prize or prizes in medical ophthalmology, or as
a supplementary grant to the prizewinner of that year.
Essays/proposals must be submitted to the Graduate School Administrator of the School of Medicine no later than 30 March.

Ruth E HAY Memorial Prize (see note) 532

Founded in 1992 by Mr A I Grant, in memory of Ruth E Hay. Awarded annually to a student for the quality of his or her work in Physics.

HERKLESS Prize (see note) 146

Founded in 1911 by Mrs Margaret F Herkless, widow of William Robertson Herkless, LLB 1889. Open annually for award to a woman
graduate with honours of the year for distinction in the examinations for the degree of Master of Arts and BMus.

Louise HIOM Prize (Zoology)

Trust fund established in 1988 in memory of Louise Hiom. The Departments of Zoology in Sheffield and Glasgow worked together to
raise money for the Trust Fund. The Department of Zoology recommends that the Trust Fund be managed by Glasgow University to
provide income each year which will be used for supporting a postgraduate research project, buying a piece of equipment or helping
with travel. Proposed that the award be made in alternate years to the contributing Departments.
The Lena and Robert HILLMAN Scholarship 731
To support Undergraduate students undertaking a year of intercalated study for the BSc Medical Science degree. The awards are
decided upon within the School of Medicine.

Alan HIRD Prize 5006

See Joseph Black Medal.

HISTORY LIBRARY Dissertation Prize (see note) 479

Established in 1989 by a gift from Stella Money and Dorothy Roger to commemorate the History Class Library. Awarded annually to the
student whose Honours dissertation in Medieval, Modern or Scottish History gains the highest mark.

HISTORY OF MEDICINE Prize (see note)  148

Founded in 1918 by a Professor in the School of Medicine for the encouragement of study and research in the History of Medicine.
From 2013, awarded annually to two undergraduate medical students as follows:
a) For excellence in an MB ChB Student Selected Component in the History of Medicine, as determined by the Director of the Centre
for the History of Medicine
b) For excellence in an MB ChB Student Selected Component in Medical Humanities, as determined by the Director of the Centre for
the History of Medicine in discussion with the Director of SSCs.
If in any year no SSC of sufficient merit is submitted for either part of the prize, the funds may be added to the capital.

Leighton HODSON Prize - French Fiction (see note) 563

Established by colleagues to mark the retirement of Leighton Hodson, Senior Lecturer in French. Awarded biannually to a Final
Honour’s student who achieves the best performance in the Honours class in Twentieth Century French Fiction.

Thomas G HOLT Prize (see note) 149

Founded in 1924 by the bequest of Thomas George Holt, BA 1861, merchant in Glasgow. Awarded annually on the recommendation of
the Professor of Logic for distinction in the written work of the Junior Honours class of Logic.

HONEYMAN Prizes (see note) 150, 151

Founded in 1963 by an anonymous donor. Awarded on the recommendation of the Professor of Fine Art for distinction in Levels 1 or 2
and Honours classes of the History of Art.

John HOPE Prize (£400 each) 152, 153

Founded in 1981 by the Hope Trust and awarded annually. The prize is awarded in alternate years to the most distinguished student in
the subjects of either Ecclesiastical History or Christian Doctrine.

HOWE Prize in Electrical Engineering (see note) 154

Founded in 1946 by George William Osborne Howe, Professor of Electrical Engineering 1921-46. Awarded annually on the
recommendation of the Professor of Electrical Engineering to the candidate who, having completed in the University the prescribed
curriculum for the degree of BEng in Engineering in four consecutive sessions, has attained the highest standard of excellence in the

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work of the lecture and laboratory classes in Electrical Engineering of the second, third and fourth years, provided that the student’s
work in the other subjects of the curriculum has been satisfactory.

C L HSIA Prize (see note) 155

Founded in 1966 by Ching Ling Hsia, BSc 1920. Awarded annually, on the recommendation of a committee composed of academic
staff teaching Modern Chinese Studies at the University of Glasgow, to the most distinguished student in that field. The work to be
taken into account in making the award may be undergraduate or postgraduate, but will include the study of the language.

J K HUNTER Memorial Prize (see note) 518

Founded in 1989 in memory of J K (Ian) Hunter, Administrative Assistant in Physics and Astronomy 1957-89, from a fund raised by his
friends and colleagues to express the high regard in which he was held. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of
School, for the best First Year Report produced by a postgraduate student in the School of Physics and Astronomy.

John HUNTER Medals in Medicine and Science 5031 – 5033, 5035, 5038 – 5045, 5073 – 5074, 5078, 5080, 5081
Instituted by the University Court to commemorate the contribution of John Hunter (1728-93) to the study and teaching of Comparative
Biology, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology. The medals are awarded for distinction in various classes of the curricula in medicine and
the biological sciences.

For Information:
5032 – John Hunter Medal – BIOCHEMISTRY (MBChB) - Awarded at a Year 2 Viva (from 2012-13) in the gift of Professor of
Biochemistry, or nominee.
5038 - John Hunter Medal - CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS – Awarded at a Year 4 Viva (from 2013-14), in the
gift of the Regius Prof of P&T, or nominee
5039 – John hunter medal – Anatomy (MBChB) - Awarded at a Year 2 Viva (from 2012-13).
5040 - John Hunter Medal - PHARMACOLOGY (MB ChB) – Awarded at a Year 2 Viva (from 2012-13) in the gift of Professor of
Pharmacology, or nominee.
5043 – John Hunter Medal – PHYSIOLOGY (MBChB) – Awarded at a Year 2 Viva (from 2012-13) in the gift of Professor of Physiology,
or nominee.

William HUNTER Medals in Medicine 5046 – 5057

Instituted by the University Court to commemorate the contribution of William Hunter, MD 1750, to the study and teaching of anatomy,
surgery and obstetrics and, more specially, his bequest to the University of his remarkable collection of books, coins and anatomical
and pathological preparations. The medals are awarded for distinction in various classes of the medical curriculum.

Alexander Patrick HUSBAND Memorial Prize - Dentistry (see note) 156

Founded in 1960, by public subscription, in memory of Dr A P Husband who was associated for many years with the teaching of dental
students in Glasgow. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of the Dental School and the Chairman of the Council of
the West of Scotland Branch of the British Dental Association for the best essay on a prescribed subject in the Dental Public Health
course. Candidates must be registered students of the University. If in any year no work of sufficient merit is submitted, the prize may
be withheld and the unused income shall be added to the capital of the fund.

Harry Stewart HUTCHISON Prize (see note)  452

Awarded biannually by the Senate on the recommendation of the adjudicators for a writing or writings embodying original research work
in a branch of medical science relating to children. Open to graduates in Medicine of not more than ten years’ standing of any University
in the Commonwealth. The adjudicators are the Samson Gemmell Professor of Child Health, the Professor of any pre-clinical Institute,
and the Professor of Pathology. If in any year no candidate submits a writing for the prize or if none of the writings submitted is
considered to be of sufficient merit, the Trustees may withhold the prize and it is not to be offered for competition until the expiry of the
next biannual period. The income then accumulated shall be offered in the form of one or two prizes as the Trustees may decide. If no
prize is awarded during the extended period the accumulated income for four years is to be paid forthwith to the Treasurer of the Royal
Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, for the general purposes of the Hospital.
Submissions for the prize should be sent to the School of the School of Medicine by 31 March.

May HUTCHISON Prize - Medieval History (£250)

Established in 1992 by May Hutchison in memory of her brother, Hugh Hutchison. Awarded each year to the student who obtains the
highest marks in the Level 2 (previously Higher Ordinary) class of Medieval History, or its equivalent in British Medieval History. In years

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when no prize is awarded the money will be used to purchase multi-copies of books of benefit to students of Medieval History which will
bear a book-plate referring to the benefaction.

Andrew J HUTTON Medal and Prize (see note)

Founded in 1972 by the bequest of Mr Andrew J Hutton, formerly clinical teacher and senior surgeon at the Western Infirmary. Awarded
by the Senate, on a report by the School of Medicine, to the graduate who obtained the highest number of marks in the subject of
Surgery in the Final Degree Examinations held at the end of the academic session preceding the date of award. From 2013, awarded
for an MBChB Year 4 viva, judged by the Regius Professor of Surgery or nominee.

Scottish HYDRAULICS Study Group Prize (£100)

For the best project in Civil Engineering Hydraulics.

ICAEW Prize (£130)

Awarded annually to the Top FA1/MA1 student.

ICAS Charles Scott Prize (£100)

Established in 1997 by Mrs Mary E Scott in memory of her husband Mr Charles Alexander Scott and by The Institute of Chartered
Accountants of Scotland to foster accountancy studies at the University of Glasgow. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the
Professors of Accountancy to the student who shows distinction on the Advanced Financial Accounting Practice course which forms
part of the curriculum for the Degree of Bachelor of Accountancy.
The prize may be divided or may be withheld in any year if there is no student of sufficient merit.

ILLINGWORTH Scholarship (see note)

Founded in 1964 by Sir Charles Illingworth, Regius Professor of Surgery 1939–64, and awarded to an MBChB student on the evidence
displayed of scholarship and general achievement. From 2014, awarded at an MB4 Viva, judged by the Regius Professor of Surgery, or

Most IMPROVED Student Prize (£100 x 2)

Two prizes awarded annually to Mathematics students nominated by the Head of the School.

INSTITUTION of Civil Engineers Prize (£100)

For the best performance in the penultimate and final years of the Civil Engineering course.

INSTITUTION of Structural Engineers (Scottish Branch) Prize (£50)

For the most deserving student in Structural Design. (The Prize can be awarded to a student in either of the last two years of his/hers

William JACK Prize (see note)

Founded in 1910 in commemoration of the services of William Jack, Professor of Mathematics 1879-1909. Awarded by the Senate on
the recommendation of the adjudicators every third year to the author of a thesis or published work in Pure or Applied Mathematics,
submitted and approved for the degree of Doctor of Science or Doctor of Philosophy during the preceding three years, which is in the
opinion of the adjudicators worthy of this special distinction. The adjudicators are the Principal, the Professor of Mathematics and the
Professor of Natural Philosophy; in making their recommendation they are to have regard to the reports presented by the examiners to
the College of Science and Engineering. The regulations may be modified by the Senate with the approval of the University Court,
provided always that the prize is awarded for special distinction in Pure or Applied Mathematics.

John Ferguson JAFFREY Bursary (£2,000 x 2) 161

Awarded biannually to students, entering their third session in the University, and who intend to prosecute a full course in the subject of
Mental Philosophy including English Literature. The bursary is tenable for two years.

Andrew T JAMIESON Prizes 162, 163

Founded in 1979 by subscription in memory of Andrew T Jamieson, BSc 1970, PhD 1973.
(a) Awarded annually by the Senate on the recommendation of a Committee comprising the Professors of Biochemistry (Gardiner
Professor), Cell Biology, Genetics and Virology, and chaired by the Professor of Virology, to the most distinguished graduate in
Molecular Biology.

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(b) Awarded annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Committee as in (a) to the most distinguished student in the Higher
Ordinary Molecular Biology class.

JAMIESON Prize (see note) 164

Founded in 1881 by a committee of subscribers whose convener was Robert Jamieson, DD 1848, minister of St Paul’s, Glasgow. Open
to registered students in Theology & Religious Studies. The prize is awarded for excellence in the General Examination for the degree
of BD.

Jas JANIKIEWICZ Prize (see note) 478

Founded in 1989 by Marcia Janikiewicz and awarded for outstanding proficiency in oral and written Italian to a non-native speaker about
to enter his or her final year as an Honours student.

JEFFREY Medal 5059

Founded in 1821 by Francis Jeffrey, advocate, undergraduate in Arts 1788–90, Rector of the University 1820-21. Amalgamated in 1986
into a single classical medals fund, from which medals may be awarded to students in any of the classes of Greek or Latin, who are
deemed by the Head of Subject to be of sufficient distinction; the Jeffrey medal is normally awarded to the best student in level 1 Greek.

William JOHNSTONE Prizes (see note) 165–167

Founded in 1954 in memory of William Johnstone, engineer and general manager of the Glasgow and South Western Railway 1840-74.
Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professors of Civil Engineering for proficiency in the final year subjects in Civil

Arthur JONES Memorial Prize in Citizenship (see note)  168

Founded in 1921 by Sir Henry Jones, Professor of Moral Philosophy, and Lady Jones in memory of their son Arthur Meredydd Jones,
undergraduate in Arts, who was killed in action in 1918. Awarded annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Head of
Philosophy for work relating to citizenship . The prize winner must be a matriculated student attending at least one class in the

Sir Henry JONES Memorial Prize (see note) 169

Founded in 1934 by subscription in memory of Sir Henry Jones, Professor of Moral Philosophy 1894-1922. Awarded annually in
October after examination on a course of summer reading in Moral and Political Philosophy prescribed by the Professor of Moral
Philosophy. Candidates must be registered students in the College of Arts who have attended the Ordinary class of Moral Philosophy,
but have not at the date of the examination attended any Higher class either in Moral Philosophy or in Politics. Candidates should
consult the Professor of Moral Philosophy for particulars of the prescribed reading.

KELVIN Medal and Prize (see note) 5060

The Medal and Prize will be awarded to postgraduate research students of special distinction working in the School of Physics and
Astronomy at the University of Glasgow towards a higher degree. Each award can (but need not) be for up to 3 years. The Adjudicators
are the School Management Group who will consider the allocation of the Medal and Prize each year.

KENMURE Prize in Classics (see note) 170

Founded in 1976 in memory of the Reverend Vera Kenmure (first woman minister of the Congregational Union of Scotland). The
purpose of the prize is to assist a student of Classics to visit classical sites in Greece or Italy. Awarded annually to the student who, in
the judgement of the Head of subject, has shown the greatest merit in the Junior Honours classes of Greek, Latin or Classics.

The Martha K KERNOHAN Medal 5082

Founded by Dr Ian Kenohan in memory of his late wife Martha K Kernohan. From 2013, awarded for the best performance in the
intercalated BSc (MedSci) module in Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine.
Kerr Bursaries (two: £800 x 2) 171, 172
Awarded annually, in alternating years to students of Physics or Chemistry. Each bursary, recommended separately by the Head of the
School of Chemistry and the Head of School of Physics and Astronomy, is tenable for two years.

Finlay KERR Prize (see note) 173

Awarded to the most distinguished student of the year in Veterinary Surgery.

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Graham KERR Memorial Prizes (see note) 174–176
Founded in 1959 in commemoration of the services of John Graham Kerr, Regius Professor of Zoology 1902-35. Awarded annually in
the final year Honours classes in Zoology, Aquatic Bioscience and Parasitology on the nomination of the examiners for the degree of
BSc with Honours.

Malcolm KERR (Anderson College) Memorial Prize (see note) 177

Founded in 1882 in memory of Malcolm Kerr, stationer in Glasgow. Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Regius Professor
of Anatomy, to the student with the highest marks in the subject of Anatomy in the second division of the professional examinations for
the degree of MB, ChB.

Olav KERR Prize in Clinical Medicine (see note) 5018

See CULLEN Medal and Olav KERR Prize.

William and Margaret KESSON Award  677

Recent Glasgow Honours Graduates or Final-year Honours students are invited to apply for the above award to support postgraduate
study. The scholarship will be offered for one year in the first instance in 2005-06 at the full state scholarship level with the possibility of
renewal for a second year at the full state scholarship level if funds permit. The terms of the Award are as follows:

1. The Award, equivalent to the value of a Major State Studentship, i.e. payment of Home fees and maintenance, shall be made
by the College Higher Degrees Committee on the basis of the results in the final Honours examination in the College of Arts of
the University of Glasgow. The purpose of the Award is to enable a student to undertake study leading to a postgraduate
degree in the College of Arts.
2. In accordance with the terms of the Bequest, the successful candidate must be of Scottish or English nationality.

3. The Award shall be tenable for up to three years subject to satisfactory progress being maintained.

4. The Award shall be available for full-time study only.

5. The Award may not be held concurrently with a full scholarship from another recognised grant-awarding body. The Award-
holder may, however, apply for occasional grants in connection with his/her research studies and may seek other sources of
income, for example, from tutoring.

6. The Higher Degrees Committee expects applicants for the Award to apply also for a Major Studentship from the Arts and
Humanities Research Board (AHRB) and to accept such a Studentship if awarded. The Kesson would then be awarded to a
reserve candidate.

Application Forms should be returned to the Head of Academic and Student Admin.

KIRK Memorial Prize (see note) 179

Founded in 1893 in memory of Alexander Carnegie Kirk, LLD 1888, formerly President of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders
in Scotland. Open to students who in the session of competition have attended the Senior class of Naval Architecture and who are
completing the final Science examination embracing:
(a) Naval Architecture with Marine Engineering and

(b) practical work in Ship and Marine Engineering Design.

The award is determined by the proficiency shown in (a) and (b). Should two or more candidates be reported by the School of
Engineering to be of equal merit the Senate may divide the prize or prescribe a further examination. The Senate has power to convert
the prize into a bursary if it should be found to be expedient or advantageous to do so.

Lord KISSEN Memorial Prize (see note) 180

Founded in 1987 in memory of Lord Kissen, Senator of the College of Justice and Lord Commissioner of Justiciary, the prize will be
awarded annually to the best student taking the Ordinary Forensic Medicine class, as ascertained from the results of the examination
taken immediately following conclusion of the course of instruction. In the event of a tie, the prize will be divided. Each successful
candidate shall be furnished with information about the significant features of Lord Kissen’s career.

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Betty KNOTT-SHARPE Book Prize – Divinity (see note) 542
Established in 1994 by Dr Betty Knott-Sharpe, formerly Senior Lecturer in Humanity in the University. Awarded annually in Theology &
Religious Studies, on the basis of academic merit and personal circumstances, to a student who has been accepted for the ordained
ministry in any established branch of the Christian Church.
The award of the Prize will be determined by the Head of subject in Theology & Religious Studies after consultation with other staff
members in the Subject Area. The Prize shall be used solely for the purpose of books.

James KNOX Prize (see note) 181

Founded in 1957 by the bequest of James Knox, MA 1896. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professor of Moral
Philosophy to the student of the Junior Honours class of Moral Philosophy who is adjudged on the written work of the class to be the
most distinguished.

LAMB Master of Engineering Prize (see note) 534

When Professor John Lamb announced his retirement, a subscription was raised by Electronics and Electrical Engineering, as a
testimonial to his years as Head. Professor and Mrs Lamb decided that they would like the money to be put towards a prize for a
student in the Master of Engineering Degree course.
A School prize has, therefore, been established and designated the “Lamb Prize”. Awarded annually to the fifth year student, in the
MEng course in Electronics and Electrical Engineering, who has achieved the best overall performance in the final two years of the

Professor Patrick LAMONT Prize (see note) 615

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Mathematics to a Mathematics– Junior Honours student.

LANFINE Bursaries (nine: £650 x 2) 182 – 194

Awarded biannually, on the recommendation of Heads of subjects, to students studying Arabic, English, French, General Philosophy,
German, Greek, Hebrew, History, Latin, Maths, Moral Philosophy, Physics and Economics.

LANFINE (CHORAL) Lay Clerkships (three: £1250) 195 – 197

Awarded annually in the Martinmas Term by the Senate on the recommendation of the University Organist. Candidates must be
qualified to read for a degree of the University. The scholars are members of the Chapel Choir and sing at the Sunday morning service
each week during term. Other duties are assigned to them from time to time at the discretion of the University Organist.
LANFINE (CHORAL) Exhibitions (five: £400) 198 – 202
Awarded annually in the Martinmas Term by the Senate on the recommendation of the University Organist. Candidates must be
qualified to read for a degree of the University. The scholars are members of the Chapel Choir and sing at the Sunday morning service
each week during term. Other duties are assigned to them from time to time at the discretion of the University Organist.
LANFINE (CHORAL) Exhibitions (incl. librarians’ honoraria) (two: £550) 714, 715
Awarded annually in the Martinmas Term by the Senate on the recommendation of the University Organist. Candidates must be
qualified to read for a degree of the University. The scholars are members of the Chapel Choir and sing at the Sunday morning service
each week during term. Other duties are assigned to them from time to time at the discretion of the University Organist.
LANFINE (ORGAN) Studentship (£1000) 716
Awarded annually in the Martinmas Term by the Senate on the recommendation of the University Organist. Candidates must be
qualified to read for a degree of the University. The scholars are members of the Chapel Choir and sing at the Sunday morning service
each week during term. Other duties are assigned to them from time to time at the discretion of the University Organist.
LANFINE (ORGAN) Scholarship (£1250) 204
Awarded annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the University Organist. The appointment is normally continued to the end
of the scholar’s course of study in the University. The Organ Scholar attends rehearsals of the Chapel Choir and the Sunday morning
service in the University Chapel each week during term; he or she plays for most of the weekday early morning services in the Chapel
and is responsible for the Students’ Choir which sings at these services. Other duties are assigned from time to time at the discretion of
the University Organist.
LANFINE (RUSSIAN) Bursaries (two: £250 x 2) 205, 206
Awarded biannually, on the recommendation of the Head of subject, to two students of Russian.

LANG Scholarships (four: £350) 207-210

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of Heads of the Schools, to students of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry or Botany.

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LATIN BEGINNERS’ Prize (£50) 607
Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Head of Classics, to a student in Latin 1.


Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Head of Classics, to an Honours student of Latin.

Dr Ian LAUDER Memorial Prizes (two: £75 and £175) 211, 212
Instituted in 1984 by the Glasgow University Veterinary School Alumnus Association in memory of Dr Ian Lauder. Awarded:
(a) to the student who gains most marks in the small animal medicine section in the final examinations and
(b) to the student who obtains the highest combined marks in the dog and cat written examinations in the fourth year course.
The latter prize is intended to assist the prizewinner to attend the BSAVA Congress in the following spring.

Donald LAWSON Prize (see note) 630

Established in 1989 by a gift from Donald D Lawson, Professor of Veterinary Surgery 1974–86. Awarded to the final year student who
shows the greatest clinical competence in Veterinary Surgery.

William LEE Prize (books - see note) 213

Founded in 1927 by Walter E Lee, MA 1885, DD, minister of St John’s, Perth, in memory of his father, William Lee, Professor of
Ecclesiastical History 1874-86. Offered annually for the best essay, showing evidence of research, on a subject in Ecclesiastical History
prescribed by Theology & Religious Studies. Open to students who have completed two sessions in the class of Ecclesiastical History
at the University and completed their essay within two years of their attendance of the class.

J J LEWIS Memorial Prize (see note) 214

Founded in 1967 by subscription in memory of John Jacob Lewis, Lecturer in Experimental Pharmacology 1953-65. Awarded annually
for distinction in the Final Examination for the degree of BSc with Honours in Pharmacology.

LINDSAY and MacTAGGART Prizes (see below)

Founded in 1989 by the bequest of Cecilia I. Lindsay, BSc 1928, MB, ChB 1952, and in memory of her husband, the late David Gordon

• Helen J Mactaggart Prize for Scottish Gaelic (see note) 472

Awarded to the most promising female student in the study of Scottish Gaelic.

• Helen J Mactaggart Prize for French (see note) 473

Awarded to the best female student in the Ordinary degree class of French.

• David G Lindsay Prize for Scots Law (see note) 474

Awarded annually to the best student in the class of Scots Law.

• David G Lindsay Prize for Accountancy (see note) 475

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professors of Accountancy for distinction in Postgraduate Studies.
• Cecilia I Lindsay Prize for Psychological Medicine (see note) 476
From 2013, awarded for a MBChB Year 5 viva to the best female student, judged by the Professor of Psychological Medicine.

• Cecilia Mactaggart Prize for Pure Zoology (see note) 477

Awarded to the best female student in the Honours School of pure Zoology.

Thomas LOGAN Memorial Prize (see note) 217

Founded in 1886 by David Logan of Glasgow in memory of his brother Thomas Logan, MA 1852, minister of Haggs. Open annually for
award to a graduate with honours of the year, for distinction in the examinations for the degree of Master of Arts and BMus.

Dr Iwo LOMINSKI Scholarship 659

Founded in 1998 by Dr Erica P Crichton in memory of Dr Iwo Lominski, first Professor of Microbiology and a member of the Department
of bacteriology in the 1940s. Awarded annually to an Undergraduate student preferably undertaking a medically orientated project with
the School of Life Sciences. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of performance in examinations.

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LORD PROVOST’S Prize (£200) 218
Presented by the Lord Provost of the City of Glasgow and awarded annually to the candidate who achieves the highest mark in the

LORIMER Bursaries (see below)

Awarded on the recommendation of the Heads of subjects as follows:

• Lorimer Bursary for Anatomy (one: £400) 219

• Lorimer Bursary for Biochemistry (one: £400) 220

• Lorimer Bursary for Plant Science (one: £400) 221

• Lorimer Bursary for Chemistry (one: £400) 222

• Lorimer Bursary for Physiology (one: £400) 236

• Lorimer Bursary for Theology (six: 3 x £400) 237 – 240, 580, 581

• Lorimer Bursary (English Literature) (two: 2 x £400) 223, 224

• Lorimer Bursary (General Philosophy) (two: 2 x £400) 225, 226

• Lorimer Bursary (Mathematics) (six: 2 x £400) 227 – 232

• Lorimer Bursary (Moral Philosophy) (two: 2 x £400) 234, 235

Theodore David LOWE Prizes (see note) 241 – 243

Founded in 1980 by the bequest of Mrs David Lowe in memory of her late husband, Theodore David Lowe, LLB, Solicitor. Awarded
annually to the most distinguished graduates with Honours in European Community Law, Jurisprudence and Public Law, respectively. If
in any year there is no candidate, or no candidate of sufficient merit in any one or all of the subjects, the income of the endowment will
be added to the capital of the endowment fund.

LUKE Historical Prize (see note)  244

Founded in 1863 in memory of George Rankin Luke, Snell Exhibitioner 1855, student and Tutor of Christ Church, Oxford. Awarded
annually on the recommendation of the Head of subject to the student who writes the best undergraduate dissertation in Classics, Latin
or Greek. In order to be eligible for this prize, the candidate must be continuing to postgraduate study in Classics at this University.
Hedley LYLE Memorial Prize (see note) 458
Founded in 1988 by Dr Jean Smellie in memory of her nephew Pilot Officer Hedley Robert Lyle, DFM, who was killed in a flying
accident in 1944. Awarded annually in the form of books to the student with the best overall performance in the second or third year of
the degree course in Aeronautical Engineering.

Andrew MacANULTY Prize (£16) 562

Established by colleagues to mark the retirement of Andrew MacAnulty, Lecturer in French. Awarded biannually to a Final Honour’s
student who achieves the best performance in the Honours class in French Poetry.

Archibald and Janet R McAULAY Memorial Prizes (see note) 268, 269
Founded in 1980 by the gift of Mr A H McAulay, MA, BSc 1925, FSA, of New York, in memory of his parents. The Archibald McAulay
Memorial Prize is awarded for distinction in the honours examination in Physics, and the Janet R. McAulay Memorial Prize is awarded
for distinction in the honours examination in Mathematics. The prizes may be divided.

McCALL Award (see note) 270

Awarded annually to the student in Final Year who has accumulated the highest marks over the five years of the BVMS Programme.

McCASH Prize in Scots Poetry (see note)  271

Founded in 1973 by James A McCash of Gallowhill, BSc 1924, in memory of his brother William Martin McCash, MB 1921, and of his
sister Margaret Stewart Lithgow McCash, MD 1929. Awarded annually for the selected best poem in Scots on the recommendation of a
committee appointed by the Head of Scottish Literature of the University of Glasgow. Any form of Scots Language usage will be
considered. The prize may be divided or may be withheld in any year if in the judgement of the selection committee no poem of

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sufficient merit is submitted. The income for that year will be added to the capital sum. The prize shall not be awarded to any candidate
more often than once in any three years. The regulations may be varied from time to time by the Senate in the light of experience.
The prize competition is generally advertised in the spring, and applications must be received by 1 September.

John McCONNACHIE Memorial Prize (up to £2,500) 274

Awarded on the recommendation of the Professor of Conveyancing to a student for distinction in the work of the class of Conveyancing
or to a student professing any topic within the field of Conveyancing either as a subject at advanced level or as a subject for
examination at honours level whose work on that subject has, in the opinion of the Professor of Conveyancing, attained a high level of
distinction. The award will normally be made annually but may, in the case of a student who has qualified for the award and who
undertakes research, be awarded on the recommendation of the School of Law to be held for a period of more than one, but not more
than three, years. In the event of the class of Conveyancing being no longer continued under that designation, the award may be made
on the recommendation of the School of Law in any class within the School in which the law of heritable and moveable property, the law
of succession or the law of trusts and succession is taught.

Dr John MacCORMICK Prize (see note) 245

Founded in 1965 by friends of the late John MacCormick, LLD 1951, Rector of the University 1950-53, in his memory. Awarded
annually on the recommendation of the School of Law to the graduate of that year deemed to have had the most distinguished
academic record in the studies for the degree of Bachelor of Laws.

Sir William MacEWEN Medal 5061

Founded in 1926 in memory of Sir William Macewen, Regius Professor of Surgery 1892–1924. Awarded annually on the
recommendation of the School of Medicine to the student who has obtained the highest aggregate number of marks in Surgery in the
Final Degree Examinations.


Founded in 1928 by the School of Medicine as patrons of the Macfarlane Fund. Awarded on the recommendation of the Regius
Professors of Medicine & Surgery to the most distinguished students in the third year Medicine and Surgery classes. From 2012,
awarded for an MBChB Year 3 viva, judged by Regius Professor of Medicine & Therapeutics and Regius Professor of Surgery, or
MACFARLANE Prize in Composition (see note) 248
Founded in 1985 by the bequest of Daniel Macfarlane of Paisley, BSc 1926. Awarded at the discretion of the Professor of Music to the
student submitting the best composition for organ in the final year of the BMus or MA in Music degree courses.

John MacFARLANE Bursary 247

Awarded every three years, for three years, to students who have attended their first session in the Undergraduate School of Medicine.
From 2013, awarded annually to a Year 1 MBChB student, for best performance in the Year 1 written examination and coursework.
Robert MacFARLANE Bursaries (three: £600) 249 – 251
Awarded annually to students in Law classes preferably connected with Paisley.

Alexander MACFIE Prizes in Housing (two: £100) 254, 255

Founded in 1985 by agreement with the Macfie Bequest Committee. Awarded annually to the students with the best overall
performances in the first and second years of the Diploma in Housing Studies.

MACFIE Bequest (see note) 646

Awarded annually to the top four students in Level 2 Business & Management.

McGIRR Prize (see note) 275

Awarded to the most distinguished BN (Honours) graduate of the year, who has achieved a minimum of an Upper Second Class
Honours Degree.

Robert Buchanan Forbes McKAIL Memorial Prize (see note) 276

Founded in 1941 by Isabella Stevenson Forbes, widow of John McKail of Glasgow, in memory of her son Robert Buchanan Forbes
McKail, MB 1909, DPM, formerly Superintendent of Brockhall Institution for Mental Defectives, Langho. Not tenable along with any
other prize or bursary in Mental Science. From 2006 this prize will be awarded to the student who demonstrates the highest level of
excellence in the Psychological Medicine course/module (including intercalated BSc (Med Sci) Clinical Medicine).

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MACKAY SMITH Prizes (see note) 256, 257
Founded in 1882 by Robert Mackay Smith of Edinburgh, undergraduate in Arts, 1815. Awarded annually to
(a) the candidate most distinguished in Physics in the examination for the degree of Master of Arts or Bachelor of Science
with honours)

(b) the candidate most distinguished in Chemistry in the examination for the degree of Bachelor of Science with honours.

Dr MACKINLAY (Anderson College) Prize (see note) 258

Founded in 1898 in memory of Dr David Mackinlay of Glasgow. Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Professor of Public
Health, to the best postgraduate student in Public Health, to be ascertained on the results of the examination for the Degree of Master
of Public Health.

Mary McKINLAY Prize (see note) 613

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Head of the Scottish Literature, to a student of English and Scottish Language and

Jean M MACKINTOSH Bursary 

Founded in 1971 by the bequest of Jean M Mackintosh, MB. Awarded on the recommendation of the School of Medicine to
undergraduate medical students, or to registered medical graduates of the University, to enable them to further their studies, or to
undertake research outside Great Britain. From 2012, the annual value will be split between the Undergraduate School of Medicine
(who will make 20 awards for MBChB Electives and Student Selected Components), and the College of MVLS Graduate School who
will award the money to registered PGT or PGR students. The amount of the awards, which will be tenable for up to one year, will be
dependant upon the sum available for allocation during that year and on any other financial assistance which the applicant may have.
Donald MACKINTOSH Bursary 259
Founded in 1889 by Donald Mackintosh, MD 1841, of London in memory of his brother Alexander Mackintosh, MD. Open to students of
medicine who have attended one of the courses of lectures on mental diseases in the University. Awarded annually in accordance with
the results of an examination conducted in the Whitsun term by the Professor of Psychological Medicine. From 2014, awarded for an
MBChB Year 5 viva, judged by the Professor of Psychological Medicine.
MACLAGAN Prize (see note) 260
Founded in 1969 by subscription to commemorate the services of William Gauld Maclagan, Professor of Moral Philosophy 1946-69.
Awarded annually for distinction in the Senior Honours class of Moral Philosophy.

Magnus MACLEAN Memorial Prize (see note) 261

Founded in 1948 by a gift from the Glasgow Skye Association in memory of Magnus MacLean, MA, formerly Lecturer in Celtic 1900,
and awarded annually to the most distinguished student in the Ordinary class of Celtic or Gaelic.

Neil J Maclean Bursaries (two: £400 x 2) 262, 263

Awarded on the recommendation of the School of Engineering, biannually for two years, to students within the School.

MACLEOD Medal and Scholarship (see note) 5062

Founded in 1895 by Lady Macleod in memory of her husband, Sir George Husband Baird Macleod, Regius Professor of Surgery 1869–
92. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Western Infirmary Integrated Year Executive Committee to the student in the
Integrated Year class in the Western Infirmary who submits the best dissertation. In 2013 this scholarship and medal will be awarded
for an MBChB Year 5 viva, and from 2014 for an MBChB Year 4 viva, judged by the Regius Professor of Surgery or nominee.

Hector and Jane MacLennan MacLEOD Prize (see note) 264

Founded in 1979 by the late Mrs J. F. R. MacLeod, to be awarded to the most outstanding male graduate in single honours in the
subject area of Theology & Religious Studies.
Ann B McNAUGHT Prize (£300) 279
Founded in 1985 by Dr Ann Boyce McNaught, Senior Lecturer in Physiology, and awarded annually to the most distinguished graduate
of the year in the MSc (MedSci) in Health Care.

Margaret P McNIVEN Bursary (see note) 459

Founded in 1988 in memory of Miss Margaret P McNiven, MA 1955. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of German
to a student in the Junior Honours class for excellence in oral German, with the intention of enabling the recipient to further his or her
studies in the subject. The bursary may be divided, but is not open to native speakers of German.

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Colin C MACPHERSON Prize for Orthopaedic Surgery (see note) 265
Founded in 1984 by the trustees of the Colin C Macpherson bequest and open to any student who obtains a first or second class merit
certificate in a class examination in Orthopaedic surgery. A short clinical examination and an interview will be held each year to decide
the recipient of the prize. In 2012, to be awarded for a MBChB Year 3 viva, and from 2013 for an MBChB Year 5 viva, judged by the
Professor of Orthopaedics or nominee.
MACTAGGART Prize (see note) 266
Founded in 1953 by the bequest of Duncan Mactaggart, MA 1900. Awarded for distinction in the Ordinary class of Gaelic.

‘MACTAGGART Prizes’ 472 – 477


Cecilia MacTAGGART Prize for Pure Zoology 477


Helen J Mactaggart Prize for French 473


Helen J MacTAGGART Prize for Scottish Gaelic 472


Archibald MAIN Prize (see note) 280

Founded in 1947 by the bequest of Archibald Main, Professor of Ecclesiastical History 1922-42. Awarded annually in the form of
serviceable books to the student who attains the highest standard in the class examinations in the Junior class of Ecclesiastical History.

Leonard E MAITLES Prize in neonatal care

A prize of £250 is available to the student who demonstrates excellence in the understanding of neonatal care. All undergraduate
rd th th
students in 3 , 4 and 5 year who have chosen to do a portfolio case in neonatology or SSC/elective report in neonatal medicine are
eligible to apply.

John MANN Prizes (see note) 281

Founded in 1967 by James H Mann and Arthur R. H. Mann in memory of their father, Sir John Mann, KBE, MA 1885, CA. Not more
than two prizes may be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professor of Accountancy for distinction in Accounting for
Management Control. The prizes need not be of the same value and may be withheld in any year if there is no student of sufficient

Douglas MARWICK Memorial Prize (see note) 647

Founded in 2003 by Valerie and David Crabbe a Prize fund to recognise an undergraduate student in the School of Life Sciences who
has shown resilience and gained success in the face of adversity. The annual Prize is paid from the accrued income to the individual
that the School of Life Sciences feels best satisfies the terms.

Thomas Adam MATHIESON (Anderson College) Prize (see note) 283

Founded in 1897 by Thomas Adam Mathieson, tool manufacturer in Glasgow. Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Regius
Professor of Anatomy, to the student obtaining the highest marks in a special examination on the subject of embryology to be set for the
purpose by the said Professor.

MEDICAL and DENTAL Defence Union of Scotland Prize (Dentistry) (total value: £150) 284
One or more prizes are awarded annually to students of Dentistry who have attained the highest standard in their elective reports.

Frances MELVILLE Medal and Prize (see note) 5063

Founded in 1935 by subscription in commemoration of the services of Frances Helen Melville, BD, LLD, Mistress of Queen Margaret
College 1909-35. Awarded annually to the most distinguished candidate in the honours group of Mental Philosophy or, if no candidate
in that group is of sufficient merit in the opinion of the examiners, to the most distinguished candidate in any honours group which
includes Philosophy or in the honours group of History.

William M MERCER FRASER Prize – (Mathematics) (£500) 528

Established in 1992 by the actuarial consultancy firm of William M Mercer Fraser. Awarded annually to a student who, in the opinion of
the Board of Examiners, demonstrated an outstanding performance in the Final Honours Mathematics year.

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William M MERCER FRASER Statistics Prize (£500) 706
Awarded annually to a student who, in the opinion of the Board of Examiners, demonstrated an outstanding performance in the Final
Honours Statistics year.

MILLAR Prize (see note) 287

Founded in 1922 by William James Millar, civil engineer in Glasgow. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professors of
Civil Engineering to the most distinguished graduate of the year in Civil Engineering.

John A MILNE Travelling Fellowship (total value: £1000)  578

Created in 1979 in memory of John A Milne, first Professor of Dermatology in the University of Glasgow. Awarded biannually in the
School of Medicine on the recommendation of a committee chaired by the Professor of Dermatology to enable persons working in
dermatology or related fields to visit laboratories, institutions, or individuals with related interests. Open to graduates in both medicine
and science. Preference will be given to individuals with a connection with the University of Glasgow. Applications should be submitted
to the Professor of Dermatology by 30 April.

Patrick C MITCHELL Memorial Prize (see note) 289

Founded in 1985 in memory of Patrick Mitchell, Lecturer in the Department of French 1973-84. Awarded at the discretion of the
Professors and Head of French to the student achieving the highest overall performance in language in the Higher Ordinary French
class. Native speakers of French are not eligible for the prize.

John MONTEITH Prize (see note) 290, 291

Founded as a bursary in 1884 by Mrs Helen Monteith of Glasgow in memory of her husband. Now awarded to the medical student
gaining the highest marks in the professional examinations in the subjects of Anatomy and Physiology in each alternate year. The
founder directed that it should be represented to the bursars that they should feel themselves in honour bound after graduation to
render professional assistance to the poor as much as may lie in their power.

Francis MORRISON Awards (see note) 293

Instituted in 1987 by the G M Morrison Charitable Trust in memory of Francis Morrison, BSc (Eng) 1910. Up to five prizes are awarded
annually to students in the School of Engineering who have shown outstanding academic excellence in any year of the course. The
awards are made on the nomination of the James Watt Professor of Electrical Engineering in consultation with the Head of the School
of Engineering.

MOSSPARK Bequest (£900) 692

Founded in 1985 by the gift of Mosspark Parish Church, Glasgow. Bursaries will be awarded at the discretion of Theology & Religious
Stuies who will pay particular regard to the wish of the donor ‘that students who benefit should be from the Third World, and will, as
soon as the award is made, advise the Kirk Session of Mosspark Parish Church of the identity of the benefiting students’.

Gerry MUELLER Memorial Prize (see note) 294

Founded in 1986 by subscription in memory of Gerry Mueller, Lecturer from 1968 and Senior Lecturer from 1981 in Political Economy
(now Economics). Awarded annually for an essay on a subject relating to economic aspects of current world or Third World issues. The
subject is prescribed by the Head of Economics and the prize is awarded on his recommendation. Candidates must either be registered
students (undergraduate or postgraduate) in the year of their candidature or have been registered in the preceding year.

John Harold MUIR Prize (£700) 295

Founded in 1946 by the bequest of the late Mrs Margaret G Muir in memory of her son. Awarded annually at the end of the session for
proficiency in the class of Conveyancing on the report of the Professor. No person shall be eligible for the prize unless he or one of his
parents was born in the County of Ayr and is a student pursuing a course of study leading to the Degree of LLB, or BL, or, having
obtained a Degree in Law at the University of Glasgow, is attending the class of Conveyancing for the purpose of adding that subject to
his degree. The prize may be withheld if in any year the Professor of Conveyancing is of opinion that no eligible person has attained a
sufficiently high standard of merit, and in that event the amount of the prize for the year shall be added to the capital fund. The prize
may be paid in money or may be given in books useful to members of the legal profession as the Professor of Conveyancing may in his
discretion decide. The prize shall be tenable along with any other bursary, scholarship or prize.

Matthew A MUIR Bursary (Engineering) (two: £450 x 2) 296, 297

Awarded biannually to advanced students of Engineering and Mechanics, nominated by the School of Engineering.

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Matthew A MUIR Bursary (Mathematics) – Junior (two: 2 x £450) 298, 299
Bursaries are awarded biannually, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Mathematics and Statistics, to two advanced
students of mathematics.

Matthew A MUIR Bursaries (Mathematics) – Senior (£450) 300

Awarded biannually to a senior advanced mathematics student, this bursary is recommended by the Head of the School of Mathematics
and Statistics.

Sir Robert MUIR Medal 5064

Given in memory of Sir Robert Muir, Professor of Pathology 1899-1936 and Dean of Faculties 1946-1949. The medal is awarded
annually to the best student of Pathology in the MB course, awarded after 4th year. From 2012, awarded for an MBChB Year 3 viva,
judged by the Professor of Pathology or nominee.
W A Gordon MUIR Memorial Prize (see note) 301
Instituted in 1984 by the Scottish Special Housing Association in memory of W A Gordon Muir, chairman of the Council of Management
of the SSHA 1972-78. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Board of Management of the Diploma in Housing Studies to the
third year student who has shown the best overall performance throughout the Diploma course.

MUIR-LEADBETTER Bursary (£250) 606

Awarded annually by the Glasgow Educational and Marshall Trust on the recommendation of the Head of Theology & Religious Studies
to a student in the TRS, all things being equal, on the Bachelor of Divinity course. The bursary may be awarded either as a three-year
bursary at the end of first year or as a one-year bursary at the end of first, second and third year.
Recipients must have been ordinarily resident, for at least five years, within the Glasgow municipal area as it stood before the
re-organisation of local government in 1975.

MUIRHEAD Award (Medicine) (£100) 305

Instituted in 1966 by the Trustees of the Muirhead Trust. From 2014 awarded annually by the Senate on the advice of the Muirhead
Professor of Medicine and the St Mungo Professor of Surgery to the most distinguished female student in the fourth year MBChB
written examinations.
MUIRHEAD Award (Nursing) (£100) 306
Instituted in 1979 by the Trustees of the Muirhead Trust. Awarded annually by the Senate on the advice of the Head of Nursing Studies
to the most distinguished woman student in the first year of the course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Nursing. If in any year no
candidate reaches a standard, which the Senate deems sufficient, the award will be withheld.

MUIRHEAD Prizes (see note) 304

Founded in 1776 by John Muirhead of Teggetsheugh and Peter Muirhead, minister of Dysart, in memory of their brother, George
Muirhead, Professor of Humanity 1754-73. The funds are applied to the provision of prizes in the Level 2 Latin classes.

George Roger MUIRHEAD Prize (see note) 302

Founded in 1896 by Mrs Elizabeth Lockhart Roger of Muirhead in memory of her son George Roger Muirhead. Awarded annually to the
most distinguished student in the Ordinary class of Chemistry.

David Murison Prize 728

Founded in 2007, to mark the tenth anniversary of his death, in honour of David Murison, editor of the Scottish National Dictionary and
former lecturer in Scots Language at Glasgow University. Funded by English Language. Awarded annually to the best student in
Modern English Language and Scots, on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners at the end of Senior Honours. Open to any
student taking any combination of courses in Modern English Language and/or Scots, the minimum being three courses.

NAPIER Prize (see note) 308

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professors of Mechanical Engineering through the School of Engineering for
distinction in the curriculum leading to the degree of BSc in Engineering.

George NEILSON Prize in Scottish History (see note) 309

Founded in 1945 under the will of Mrs Jane Anne Richardson or Neilson. Awarded annually to the student in the Ordinary class of
Scottish History and Literature who presents the best essay upon some aspect of Medieval Scottish History and Literature to be
prescribed by the Professor. The essay, which must show evidence of work done upon original sources, may serve as one of the
essays required as part of the class work. If no essay presented is deemed worthy of the prize, the prize will not be awarded, but
monetary awards of smaller value than the amount of the prize may be given to deserving essays.

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Robert NEILSON Prize (see note) 495
Founded in 1990 and awarded annually on the recommendation of the programme director and class coordinator to the student who
achieves the best performance in the Ordinary class of Management. Assessment will be based on both examination performance and
laboratory practicals.

Isaac NEWTON Medal 5065

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Physics & Astronomy (Engineering), to a student of Physics

NICHOL Memorial Prize (see note) 310

Founded in 1895 by Mrs Lucy Jack in memory of her brother John Nichol, Professor of English Language and Literature 1862-89, to
commemorate his interest in the teaching of English to women. Awarded annually to the most distinguished woman student in the
Ordinary class of English Literature.

Professor Stanley D NISBET Prize (see note) 717

Founded in 2005 from the Estate of the late Professor Stanley D Nisbet. Awarded annually to the best student in the School of

NOTMAN Bursary (£750 x 3) 311

Awarded every three years, on the recommendation of the Head of Theology & Religious Studies, to a student of Divinity.

John OLIPHANT Bursaries (three: £500 x 3) 312 – 314

Awarded annually on the recommendation of the School of Engineering.

Professor John OLIVER PRIZE (£150) 777

Awarded annually for the dissertation deemed to be the best contribution to Forensic Toxicoloy.

T W OMAN Memorial Prize (see note) 315

Founded in 1956 by Mrs Margaret Oman and Mrs Fionna Morag Black, LDS, widow and daughter of the late T W Oman, oil merchant in
Glasgow. The prize is awarded annually for distinction in Practical Dental Technology. The prize shall be withheld in any year in which
there is no student of adequate merit.

Prof Tom O'NEILL PRIZE 704

In memory of Professor Tom O'Neill, founded by his sister Mrs Catherine Plunkett. Awarded annually to a Junior Honours student in
Italian to help towards travel to Italy.

Graeme ORR Energy Award

Graeme Orr, a 1969 Engineering graduate, has expressed a wish to set up an award for the School of Engineering with a gift of
£50,000. He would like it to be in the field of energy efficiency in order to raise the profile of this area and encourage research within
it.It is proposed that an award should be funded to raise the profile of research within the field of energy efficiency and to mark the
academic excellence of students conducting research within this area. The award should be made to a student/students entering an
MSc programme in Engineering and undertaking a research project focused on energy efficiency.
PACITTI Prize (Travelling Fellowship) (see note) 316
Awarded annually to a student in Dentistry who has a distinguished record and who wishes to pursue a course of study furth of Glasgow
either during the Whitsun term of the fourth year or during the final year of the course. The award of the fellowship will take into account
both the candidate’s academic record and the programme of study, which he or she intends to pursue.

Professor William PARKER Memorial Medal and Prize (see note) 5079
Instituted in 1991 and funded by donations received in memory of Professor William Parker, graduate of the University and sometime
Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, and latterly Professor of Chemistry at the University of Stirling. The medal and prize will be awarded
annually to an outstanding first class Honours graduand with the best overall performance in Single Honours Chemistry. If in the opinion
of the board of examiners no student has reached a sufficiently high standard the award may be withheld.

Robert Finlay PATERSON Prize (see note) 317

Founded in 1948 and open to students of Glasgow Dental Hospital and School. Awarded annually to the best student in general

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Ernest S PAYNE Prize (£200) 318
Founded in 1984 by the Alma and Leslie Woolfson Charitable Trust in memory of Ernest S Payne, the prize is awarded on the
nomination of the School of Law to the second year LLB student who has shown the greatest improvement over his or her performance
in the first year.

Alison PEDEN Memorial Prize (£100)

Founded in memory of Alison Peden. Awarded annually to recognise an undergraduate student in the Subject of History who has
shown resilience and gained success in the face of challenges.

Sir John PENDER Bursaries (two: £500 x 2) 319, 320

Awarded biannually, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Engineering.

PFIZER Prize (£200)

Awarded annually to the best neuroscience graduate each year.

PITOY Prize (see note) 321

Founded in 1938 by Léon M Pitoy and Mary C Pitoy, formerly Lecturers in French in the University. Awarded annually to the candidate
for honours in French who at the honours degree examination is adjudged to be the most proficient in spoken French.

Guido PONTECORVO Prizes - Genetics (see note) 552, 614

Founded in 1995, to commemorate the establishment of the Department of Genetics in 1945, the endowment was created by the sale
of items from the Pontecorvo library. Awards will be made annually by a committee comprising the lecturers, senior lecturers, readers
and Professors of Genetics, under an elected chairman. As the committee may decide from time to time, the awards may take the form
of a prize or prizes for meritorious performance in Honours examinations in Genetics or a stipend or stipends to assist promising
students to work in Glasgow University Genetics laboratories during the long vacation prior to their final Honours year.

Guido PONTECORVO Essay Prize - Genetics (£100) 600

Founded in 1995, to commemorate the establishment of the Department of Genetics in 1945, the endowment was created by the sale
of items from the Pontecorvo library. A prize or prizes will be made annually by a committee comprising the lecturers, senior lecturers,
readers and Professors of Genetics, under an elected chairman to students for an open essay competition on a subject connected with

Giovanni PONTIERO Prize - Hispanic Studies (see note) 572

Founded in 1997 by the bequest of Dr Giovanni Pontiero, graduate of the University of Glasgow’s Department of Hispanic Studies and
Department of Italian. Awarded annually to the Senior Honours student in Hispanic Studies who achieves the best performance in the
final examinations in the field of Spanish-American or Latin-American and/or Portuguese Studies.

Elizabeth B POTTER Award (£1000) 724

By will in 1964 to the University Court of the University of Glasgow a sum to be set aside to provide a prize for Medical Research for
students attending such of the Medical Classes of the University as the said Court may from time to time think proper and which may be
held by the same student for more than one year with power to the said Court in the event of their being of opinion that it is advisable in
the interest of Medical Research to do so, to incorporate the said Fund with any other funds.

From 2006 the University Court approved the funds being used for a prize or a bursary and approved students undertaking an
intercalated BSc (Med Sci) Clinical Medicine (without Wolfson or external funding) in the Faulty of Medicine as also being eligible to
receive the prize or bursary during their intercalating year.

PROVAND’S LORDSHIP Award - Scottish History (£400) 586

Established in 1994 by the Provand’s Lordship Society of Glasgow in order to perpetuate the name, The Provand’s Lordship Society of
Glasgow. To be awarded annually by Scottish History to an undergraduate or postgraduate student.

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RAINY Bursaries (four: £750 x 2) 323 – 326
Awarded biannually to students of Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology/Pharmacology who have completed two years of the regular
medical curriculum at the University. From 2006 this bursary will be awarded annually to the top two year-2 students who demonstrate
the highest level of excellence across the assessments of years 1 and 2 of the MBChB programme.
RAMSAY Memorial Medal 5066
Founded in 1907 by George Gilbert Ramsay, Professor of Humanity 1863–1906, in memory of his uncle William Ramsay, Professor of
Humanity 1831-63. Amalgamated in 1986 into a single classical medals fund, from which medals may be awarded annually to students
in any of the classes of Greek or Latin, who are deemed by the Head of Classics to be of sufficient distinction; the Ramsay memorial
medal is normally awarded to the best student in Senior Honours Latin.

George Gilbert RAMSAY Memorial Prizes (see note) 327

Founded in 1922 by subscription in memory of George Gilbert Ramsay, Professor of Humanity 1863-1906, for the encouragement of
classical study. The prizes are awarded at the discretion of Classics, normally to students of outstanding merit in Level 2 Classical
Civilisation and to those students who have been accepted onto summer schools run by the British Schools at Athens and Rome. Any
sums not so expended may be employed for purchase of books or teaching aids in Classics.

Captain H S RANKEN, VC, Memorial Prize (see note) 328

Founded in 1924 by Henry Ranken, minister of Irvine, and Mrs Ranken in memory of their son Harry Sherwood Ranken, VC, Captain
RAMC MB 1905, who died of wounds in 1914. From 2006, awarded annually to the candidate who demonstrates the highest level of
excellence in the undergraduate course/module of Pathology/Mechanisms of Disease (including intercalated BSc (Med Sci) Clinical

Reverend John RANKIN Bursary (see note) 605

Founded in 1999 by Mrs John Rankin in memory of the Reverend John Rankin, Minister of Craigie Church, Perth 1974-1988. Awarded
annually on the recommendation of the Head of Subject in Theology & Religious Studies to a mature student in Theology & Religious

Alastair REID Prizes (see note) 481, 482

Founded in 1988 by the bequest of Alastair Cameron Brown Reid, LLB 194. Two prizes are awarded annually:
a. One prize to be awarded to the most distinguished student in the final Honours class in Politics.

b. One prize to the most distinguished student in group A of the Ordinary class in Moral Philosophy.

REID BIRRELL Prizes (see note) 330 – 333

Founded in 1930 by the bequest of William Reid Birrell of Glasgow. Open to matriculated students of Naval Architecture who are
pursuing a full graduating course for the degree of BSc in Naval Architecture. Awarded for distinction in the classes of Naval
Architecture III and IV.

REID Family Trust Prize – Law (£350) 545

The Reid Family Trust Fund was established in 1992 by Lady Angela Marion Hunter in memory of her father, George Reid, Sheriff of
Ayr and Bute from 1948 to 1976. The Prize is awarded annually to the most outstanding graduand in the School of Law for distinction in
study, and the most deserving student in the School of Law (not necessarily measured by examination performance) in recognition of
The prize may be withheld if in any year there is no student of sufficient merit, and the unused income shall be added to the capital of
the fund.

Eilidh REID-FOSTER Prize (see note) 657

The Eilidh Reid-Foster Prize is established in memory of an outstanding BEng with Music student who died at the end of her first year in
2002. The Prize is given to the highest-performing student in the whole first year course of the BEng with Music.

Agnes RHIND Bursary (£750) 334

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Head of the Mechanical Engineering, to the second top ranking MEng graduate in the
M.Eng Mechanical Engineering, Product Design Engineering or Mechanical Design Engineering degree programs.

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Anna RITCHIE Memorial Prize (see note) 336
Founded in memory of Anna Ritchie, secretary in the Department of Management Studies 1964-81. Awarded to the postgraduate
student in Management Studies who submits the best project or dissertation, or who distinguishes himself or herself in other aspects of
the course.

Donald ROBERTSON Prizes (see note) 338, 339

Founded in 1983 by Mrs Amy Robertson and her daughters in memory of Professor Donald Robertson, Professor of Applied
Economics and later Industrial Relations 1961-1970. Awarded annually:

One prize to the student with the best performance in the courses in Organisation/Human Resource Management and

One prize to the student with the best performance in a dissertation focusing on Human Resource Management/Industrial
Relations/Employee Relations

In the event that Industrial Relations/Human Resource Management shall at any time in the future cease to be a subject of study, the
Senate shall apply the terms of the bequest in an area of study as closely related as possible to the original intentions of the

Sir James ROBERTON Memorial Prize (see note) 337

Founded in 1955 by the bequest of Dr Violet Roberton. Awarded annually for distinction in the class of History of Scots Law.

Oswald ROBERTSON Prize (see note) 340

Founded in 1980 by the bequest of Oswald Robertson, BSc 1934. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Director of the
Clinical Laboratories to the most distinguished student in the honours class of Agricultural Chemistry in the School of Chemistry. The
prize may be divided among students considered to be of equal merit, or may be withheld in any year if no student is considered to be
of sufficient merit.

Weston ROBERTSON Memorial Prize (see note) 341

Founded in 1943 by Angus Robertson of New Barnet in memory of his son, Flying Officer Weston Robertson, who was killed over
France in 1942. Awarded in the Higher Class of Celtic, or, failing adequate attainment by any student in that class, for distinction in the
Ordinary class of Celtic.

Dr Martha ROBSON Prize (see note) 461

Founded in 1976. Awarded biannually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Professor of Neurosurgery to the author of the best
paper published during the preceding two years by a junior member of staff of Neurosurgery or by other persons under the age of 35
attached to the subject. An award will be made only when a paper is considered to be of an appropriate standard.

ROSS HARPER and MURPHY Prize in Criminal Law (£50) 343

Founded in 1984 by Messrs Ross Harper and Murphy, Solicitors. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Regius Professor of
Law to the most distinguished student in the Ordinary class of Criminal Law. The prize-winner will be offered experience by Messrs
Ross Harper and Murphy in the practice of Criminal Law during the vacation.

Mary G ROSS Prizes in French (see note) 344 – 355

Founded in 1966 at the bequest of Charles E Owen in fulfilment of the wishes of his wife Mrs Mary Gilbert Owen née Ross, MA 1916.
For the purpose of the awards, twelve Scottish students in the Ordinary class of French and six Scottish students in the Higher Ordinary
class of French, selected by the Professors of French Language and Literature on the basis of tutors’ reports on progress in the
Martinmas and Candlemas terms, are invited to submit an essay on a set subject and to undergo oral examination. The prizes are
awarded on the basis of the essay and the oral examination but the results of the May–June degree examinations are also taken into
account in the adjudication. The prize-winners are encouraged to spend some time in France.

Robert ROSS Prizes (two: £65) 356, 357

Established in 1880 by the bequest of Robert Ross, held in trust by the Dean and Royal School of Procurators, Glasgow. The free
annual income of this bequest is applied annually to provide a prize in each of the classes of Scots Law and Conveyancing.

William ROSS Prize – Mechanical Design (see note) 530

Founded in 1992 by Mrs Jean Ross in memory of her husband William Ross, lecturer in Mechanical Engineering 1954-92. Awarded
annually, on the recommendation of the Head of the School, to the graduating student who has achieved greatest distinction in
mechanical design throughout the honours course.

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Established in 1953 by the Royal Aeronautical Society. Awarded annually at the discretion of the Professor of Aeronautics and Fluid
Mechanics, to a student of Aeronautical Engineering.

RCGP COMMUNITY Award (£250) 462

Awarded to the student who is judged to have made the most significant contribution to the community while a student. Open to all
medical students.

RCPSG Anderson Medal in Emergency Medicine

The RCPSG Anderson Medal in Emergency Medicine. Established in 2012 by Mr Ian Anderson, President of the Royal College of
Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow. A solid silver medal awarded annually for exceptional merit in Emergency Medicine. To be awarded
to a senior University of Glasgow MBChB student by Mr Anderson or his successors at a viva. If no viva is held, the recipient will be
chosen by Mr Anderson in discussion with the Head of the Undergraduate School of Medicine and under the auspices of the then
President of the College. The recipient will be presented with the award at the RCPSG Diploma Ceremony. In the absence of a suitable
recipient, the award may lie fallow.

ROUTLEDGE-CAVENDISH Award (£75 book token) 733

Awarded annually in the form of a book token to the Top First Year Student in the School of Law.

Professor G Ross ROY Medal 5083

Awarded annually for excellence in postgraduate study. Awarded by a panel of the Universities Committee for the Teaching of Scottish
Literature each spring.


Awarded annually by the Council of the Society to the most distinguished student in Geography.


Awarded annually to the exceptional graduates of accredited courses. The Prize consists of one year's free Graduate Statistician
Membership of the Society.

George RUSSELL Prize (see note) 360

Founded in 1950 by the bequest of Alfred Alexander Hurry in memory of the late George Russell, engineer, of Motherwell. Awarded
annually on the recommendation of the Professors of Mechanical Engineering through the School of Engineering for excellence in the
final year of the curriculum leading to the degree of BSc in Engineering.

RUSSO-SCOTTISH SOCIETY Prize (see note) 362

Founded in 1936 by the Slavonic Society of Scotland. Awarded each year to the most distinguished student in the Ordinary class of
Russian who proposes to continue studying that subject in the University. Any surplus revenue is to be added to capital, and the
accumulations are to be applied either to increasing the value of the prize from time to time or to the awarding of additional prizes to
meritorious students. If at any time the subject of Russian in the University is discontinued or suspended the income is to be applied in
the absolute discretion of the University to any object or objects comprised in the constitution of the Society.

John G RUTHERGLEN Memorial Prize (see note)  463

Founded in 1977 in memory of John G Rutherglen, Professor in Natural Philosophy 1964-77, from a fund raised by his friends. The
prize is awarded annually to a research student in experimental high energy physics from one of the universities associated with the
Daresbury Laboratory high energy physics programme (1964-77). The prize is awarded on the recommendation of a committee
consisting of the Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow, the Director of the Daresbury Laboratory and another
representative of the universities concerned. Nominations for the award should be made by supervisors of research students and
should be sent to the Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of Glasgow by 31 May.

SANDFORD Scholarship (£750) 363

Founded in 1862, to commemorate Sir Daniel Keyte Sandford DCL (1798-1838), who at the age of 23 became a Professor of Greek in
the University of Glasgow (1821-38). Awarded annually to students in the Junior Honours class in Greek, or, occasionally, Classics,
who are deemed by the Head of Classics to be of sufficient distinction.

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SAS PRIZE IN STATISTICS – 1st Prize (£100) 779
Awarded annually for the best M-Level Thesis from any M-Level degree programme in Statistics.
SAS PRIZE IN STATISTICS – 2nd Prize (£75) 780
Awarded annually to the best mark on the best performance in level 3.

SCHOOL OF LAW Prize (£250) 732

Awarded annually to the top SISL student in the School of Law.

SCLARE Prize in Psychological Medicine (see note) 364

Founded in 1963 by Mrs Sclare in memory of her late husband, Dr I M Sclare, formerly Mackintosh lecturer in Psychological Medicine.
Awarded annually, on the recommendation of Psychological Medicine, on the basis of the best SSC report by a 3rd or 4th Year medical
Astor B SCLARE Elective Scholarship  365
For fourth year medical students wishing to spend a period of elective study at the Institute of Psychiatry, the Maudsley Hospital,
University of London. Applications must be submitted to the Clerk of the School of Medicine by 31 January.

Ronald and Pamela SCOTT Prize (see note) 651

For the final year Scottish student with the best academic record in Geotechnical Engineering or Soil Mechanics in Civil Engineering.

The Colonel Walter SCOTT Prize Scholarship (see note)  366

Founded in 1922 by Colonel Walter Scott of New York through the Vernacular Circle of the Burns Club of London. Awarded for the best
composition in prose or verse in Lowland Scots on a prescribed subject. Candidates must either be registered students of the University
in the year of their candidature or have been matriculated in the preceding year. From 2008, those eligible would be embarking upon or
continuing postgraduate study in some aspect of Scottish Language or Literature at the University of Glasgow. Applicants should send
a letter outlining their research project with a full CV including the names of two referees to Dr Gerry Carruthers, Scottish Literature.

Sir Walter SCOTT Scholarship 509

Established by subscription in 1874, together with the Scott Bursaries, in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Sir Walter
Scott. Awarded biannually by examination in the subject of the following honours groups:

• Classics

• Philosophy, with a preference for candidates offering Mental Philosophy,

• English Language and Literature.

The examination in each group is the same as the honours degree examination in that group. Candidates must be either:

(a) Masters of Arts of not more than three years’ standing who have graduated with honours in the group in which the scholarship
is being awarded or

(b) about to present themselves for the honours degree examination in that group.

The Patrons have power to alter the value, tenure and conditions of the scholarship, provided that the subjects are restricted to
Classics, Mental Philosophy and English Literature, which may include History. Tenable with any other scholarship.


Founded in 1870 by Miss Sophia Jenison Scott, daughter of Robert Allan Scott, Vicar of Cranwell, Snell Exhibitioner 1825, in fulfilment
of her father’s intentions and in memory of his uncle Duncan MacFarlan, Principal of the University 1823-58. Amalgamated in 1986 into
a single classical medals fund, from which medals may be awarded to students in any of the level 2 classes of Greek or Latin, who are
deemed by the Head of Classics to be of sufficient distinction; the Scott-Macfarlan medal is customarily awarded to the best student in
level 2 Greek.


Awarded to final year students completing a Civil Engineering degree programme for exceptional performance in the broad subject
areas of Geotechnical Engineering, Geo-environmental Engineering or Engineering Geology.
Exceptional performance may apply to the relevant subject examinations(s) and/or project report. A student who has shown a particular
commitment to the subject area may also be considered for the Prize.

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David SEARLE Prize- Scientific Writing (Environmental & Evolutionary Biology) (see note)  564
Established by his family in memory of David W Searle, postgraduate student in the Division of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology
(DEEB). Awarded to a postgraduate student in the Division, for outstanding writing about science and the pursuit of science for a non-
specialist audience. All postgraduate students in DEEB, in whatever year of their training, are invited to submit a short piece of writing
about any aspect of their work, by a specified closing date each year.

Robert W SERVICE Prize (see note) 367

Founded in 1961 by Madame Service, widow of the Scottish Canadian poet Robert Service, in memory of her husband. Awarded
annually on the recommendation of the Professor of English Language and Literature for distinction in the work of the Ordinary class of
English. The prize may not be held jointly with any other monetary award made for distinction in the same class.

SD Silvey Prize
Awarded annually to the best overall student in Statistics Level 2.

M P SHAH Prize in Public Health (see note) 368

To be awarded annually to the best overseas student in the Master of Public Health course, on the recommendation of the Professor of
Public Health and the staff of Public Health. The award to be made on the basis of the results of the written examinations and project

Thomas SHANKS Prize (see note) 487

Founded in 1989, in memory of Thomas Shanks, Solicitor, from a fund raised by his professional colleagues and friends, to express the
high regard in which he was held.
Awarded on the recommendation of the Head of School and Director of the Diploma in Legal Practice to the most distinguished student
in Professional Responsibility in the Course for the Diploma in Legal Practice. The prize may be divided.
In the event of the Diploma being for any reason discontinued or altered in form so that Professional Responsibility no longer
constitutes a separate course, the prize would be awarded for general excellence in a particular subject within the School.

The Johnstone SMITH Prize (£150) 721

Awarded annually to the outstanding honours graduate in Accounting and Finance.

SHAW STEWART Jubilee Memorial Prize (see note) 369

Founded in 1933 by the Justices of the Peace for the County of Renfrew. Open to registered students in the School of Law who were
born or educated in the county of Renfrew or who can show to the satisfaction of the Regius Professor of Law that they have a
connection with that county. Awarded annually to the most distinguished of the students in the class of Scots Law thus qualified who
have obtained a prize or honours either in the class examinations or in the examination for prizes presented by the School of
Procurators. If there is no eligible candidate in Scots Law in any particular year the Regius Professor of Law is to report to the School of
Law, who shall then determine whether or not for that year the prize shall be awarded to a qualified candidate in another class in the

Arthur SHENKIN Prize (see note) 464

Founded in 1982 by the gift of Arthur M Shenkin, consultant psychiatrist and Honorary Lecturer. Awarded by the Psychotherapy
Subcommittee for the best psychotherapy case report by a postgraduate trainee. In the event of no report being considered of
sufficiently high standard to award the prize, the money shall be used to present a book on psychotherapy to each of the psychiatric
hospital libraries in turn.

Kenneth and Wendy SHIELLS Prize (see note) 370

Founded in 1970 by subscription in memory of Kenneth A G Shiells, Assistant and Lecturer in Geology 1961–68, and his wife, Wendy.
Awarded annually to the Final Honours candidate in Earth Sciences who submits the most distinguished account of independent work
carried out in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree course. The award shall be made on the recommendation of the examiners in
Earth Sciences.

Paul SHODA Prize In Aerospace Engineering (see note) 573

Founded in 1996 by his family, former colleagues and friends in memory of Dr Paul Shoda, BSc 1916, DEng 1988, Vice-President of
Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Ltd.
The prize shall be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of Aerospace Engineering to the most distinguished
undergraduate student in Aerospace Engineering. The prize may be withheld if in any year there is no student of sufficient merit.

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George SLAVIN Prize (see note) 371
Founded in 1981 by the gift of Mrs M E Chatterjee in memory of her late father George Slavin, MRCVS, DrMedVet (Leipzig), who
graduated from the Glasgow Veterinary College in 1931. Awarded annually for excellence in some particular area of Veterinary
Pathology in the undergraduate degree course in Veterinary Medicine.

SMART Prize in Economics (£1,000) 468

Founded in 1920 by David Sclanders, merchant in Glasgow. Awarded annually for proficiency in the Senior Honours class of
Economics, to a student who is preparing for a commercial career. The award will not be made until the student shows to the
satisfaction of the Adam Smith Professor of Economics that he or she holds a commercial appointment.

SMART Bursary in Political Economy (£750 x 2) 373

Awarded biannually, on the recommendation of the Head of Economics, to students in the Ordinary class of Economics 2 proceeding to
further study in Economics.

Alexander SMART Memorial Bursary (£300) 372

Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Head of Economics, to Students in the class of Economics 1.

Martin SMELLIE Memorial Prize (see note) 470

Instituted in 1989 by Mrs R M S Smellie in memory of her husband Martin Smellie, Cathcart, Professor of Biochemistry 1966–88.
Awarded annually in book form to the most outstanding student in the Junior Honours Biochemistry class.

Thomas and Margaret SMELLIE Prize - Cancer 645

Founded in 1963 by the bequest of Julia MacLeod Smellie. Awarded every five years by the Senate on the recommendation of the
adjudicators nominated by the School of Medicine to the author of the best thesis on some aspect of cancer research submitted and
approved for a higher degree of the University during the preceding five year period. Open to those who have graduated MBChB in the
University or obtained the equivalent qualification of another university. If in any period there are no candidates for the prize, or if none
of the theses on the subject of cancer is considered to merit the award, the prize will not be offered until the expiry of the next
quinquennium: the unused income will be added to the capital of the fund. The prize will next be offered in respect of the 2001-2005
quinquennium. The School of Medicine will select the theses to be considered for the award of the prize and refer them to an
adjudicator appointed on their recommendation.

Adam SMITH Prize (£1000) 374

Awarded annually to the most distinguished graduate of the year in the Master of Arts (Social Sciences) Honours course.

Agnes SMITH Memorial Medal and Herbert SMITH Memorial Prize (see note) 5068
The medal was founded in 1938 by Herbert Smith, Professor of German, in memory of his wife. Awarded annually by the Senate on the
nomination of the Professor of German to the most distinguished student in the honours class of German. The prize was founded in
1954 by public subscription in memory of Herbert Smith, Professor of German 1919-51. Awarded in any particular year to the holder of
the Agnes Smith Memorial Medal for that year.

Lumir SOUKUP Prize – Czech (Slavonic Languages) (see note) 574

Founded in 1991 by former students, colleagues and friends, in memory of Dr Lumir Soukup, who taught Czech at the University of
Glasgow from 1949 until 1981. Awarded annually for excellence in Written and Oral Czech. The prize may be withheld if in any year
there is no student of sufficient merit, and the unused income shall be added to the capital of the fund.

STAIR Prize (see note) 375

Founded in 1926 by David Murray, MA 1863, LLD, with the balance of a fund subscribed to meet the expenses of the visit of the
International Law Association in 1901. Awarded annually to the most distinguished student in the class of Public International Law.

Dr William STEVEN Memorial Prize (see note) 376

Founded in 1968 by the Kirk Session of Queen’s Park West Church in memory of the late William Steven, minister of that church.
Awarded annually for distinction in Practical Theology. The prize may be withheld in any year if there is no student of satisfactory

Gordon T STEWART Prize (see note) 377

Established by Professor Gordon T Stewart on his retiral from the Henry Mechan Chair of Public Health in 1983. Awarded annually to
the medical student who achieves the best overall performance across all assessments of the course in Behavioural Science in Medical

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STILLIE Bursaries (two: £500 x 2) 378, 379
Awarded on the results of the MA Music I and Music II examinations. The holders must proceed to the next year of the MA course.

STIRTON Bursary (£2000) 380

Awarded annually to students who have passed the third professional examination and have obtained the highest total aggregate of
marks in the first, second and third professional examinations

STOCKMAN Medal 5070

Founded in 1937 by subscription in commemoration of the services of Ralph Stockman, Regius Professor of Materia Medica 1897–
1937. Awarded annually to the student who obtains the highest aggregate number of marks in the professional examinations in the
subjects of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics and of Medicine (including written, oral and clinical examinations but excluding
Paediatrics). From 2012, awarded for an MBChB Year 3 viva, judged by the Professor of Clinical Pharmacology or nominee.
C E STRACHAN Will Trust Scholarships (four: £290) 381 – 384
Founded in 1988 by the bequest of Mr C E Strachan and awarded for proficiency in any branch of Science, Medicine, Veterinary
Medicine or Modern Languages. One scholarship will be tenable in Science, School of Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine and
College of Arts, and will be awarded under such conditions as each School/College concerned shall determine from time to time.

STRATHCLYDE Civil Engineering Contractors Prize (£100 + £150 worth of Technical Books) 640
For the best contractor-oriented graduating student in Civil Engineering.

STRUTHERS Medal and Prize 5071

Founded in 1907 by Sir John Struthers, MD LLD 1885, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Aberdeen. Awarded biannually by the
Senate on the nomination of the Regius Professor of Anatomy for the best original research or the best dissection or preparation or
series of dissections or preparations relating to any part of Anatomy, human or comparative. The prize may be withheld if no research
submitted is considered by the Regius Professor of Anatomy to be of sufficient merit. If the prize is thus withheld or if there is no
candidate in any year, the income may, at the discretion of the Regius Professor of Anatomy, either be added to the amount of the next
award or be added to the capital. Open to all students or graduates of the University who are attending or have attended the class of
Practical Anatomy in the University. All dissections or preparations or microscopical specimens submitted by a successful candidate will
belong to the Anatomical Museum of the University. No dissertation will become ineligible for presentation for a higher degree by having
been submitted for this prize. Dissertations must be lodged not later than 30 April with the School of Medicine.

Ian SWAN Memorial Prize (see note) 385

Founded in 1981 by the members of the Chemistry in the University of Glasgow, in memory of a young colleague, Dr I. D. A. Swan, MA,
DPhil, whose research activities were concerned with protein crystallography. The prize will be awarded on the recommendation of the
examiners in Physical Chemistry to the candidate with the best performance in the Physical Chemistry paper of the Final Honours
examination in Chemistry.

Takeshi TAKETSURU Prize (see note) 626

Founded by Mr Takeshi Taketsuru in memory of his father, Masataka Taketsuru, a student of the University in 1919. The prize will be
awarded annually to the student showing the best performance in the work placement element of the School of Chemistry M.Sci.
course, and echoing the footsteps of Mr Taketsuru.

TANNAHILL Bequest 746-751

Awarded annually for the provision of class prizes to students of astronomy, astrophysics, and related subjects in mathematics and
physics. Prizes may be awarded at various levels of study, as may be determined from time to time by the heads of school and/or
lecturers concerned.
John Duncan THARME Prize (see note) 494
Instituted in 1990 by the donation of the parents of John Duncan Tharme, student in Veterinary Medicine 1981-86. Awarded annually to
a final year student who has done well in the veterinary course despite a handicap or severe illness.

David Kerr THOM Memorial Prizes (see note) 513, 535, 536
Founded in 1991 in memory of David Kerr Thom by his mother Mrs May Thom and his sister Miss Loraine Thom. David Kerr Thom was
an honours student in the Departments of Modern and Economic History and graduated in 1989. Awarded annually to the best students
in the Ordinary classes of Modern History and to the best single honours, and best joint honours students in the Junior Honours class in
Economic and Social History.

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Alexander THOMSON Prize (£25) 391
Instituted in 1966 by the Glasgow Veterinary School Alumnus Association in memory of Alexander Thomson, MRCVS sometime
Lecturer in Animal Management. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professor of Animal Husbandry for distinction in the
class of Animal Management.

J A F THOMSON Prize (see note) 707

Established to commemorate the late John Thomson's life, teaching and research over 40 years at the University of Glasgow. Awarded
for work done by a student in the field of medieval history (annual if merited) in History as shall be determined by the Head from time to
time, acting on the advice of the appropriate examiners.

James THOMSON Philosophical Bursaries (four: £500 x 2) 392 – 395

Awarded, on the recommendation of the Head of the Philosophy, for distinction in the Ordinary classes of General and Moral
Philosophy. Two bursaries are awarded biannually, and two every four years.

THOMSON Experimental Prizes (see note) 396 – 399

Founded in 1869 by Sir William Thomson, afterwards Lord Kelvin, Professor of Natural Philosophy. Awarded on the recommendation of
the Professor of Natural Philosophy to students who have shown their zeal and ability in experimental investigations in the physical
laboratory. Tenable with any other bursary, scholarship or fellowship. Each scholar is required to engage in the continual prosecution of
experimental investigations in the laboratory for not less than nine months of the year, to the satisfaction of the Professor of Natural

TRADES House Medical Prize (£300) 705

Awarded annually to the student who has attained the highest marks in the written and clinical MBChB final examinations.

TRINITY Prize (£1000) 400

Awarded annually to the most distinguished female graduate in single honours in the subject area of Theology & Religious Studies.

James J TUMELTY Prize (see note) 401

Founded in 1978 by subscription in memory of James J Tumelty, Assistant, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in History 1950-78. Awarded
annually by the Senate to the most distinguished graduate in any Honours degree, which includes Modern History. The prize may be
withheld in any year if there is no graduate of sufficient merit.

Carolyn TUNNOCK Memorial Prize - Decorative Arts (see note) 521

Through a memorial trust-fund set up by the family and friends of Carolyn Tunnock, a student on the Decorative Arts programme 1987-
88, an annual prize has been established for students on the Decorative Arts and Design History Programme. The award is made to a
student who shows outstanding progress and achievement. The recipient of the award is expected to use it to further his/her
dissertation research.

Greta C TWEEDDALE Prize (see note) 402

Founded in 1943 through the Glasgow Association of University Women in memory of Mrs Greta C Tweeddale, MA 1924, General
Adviser to Women Students 1939-42, and formerly Lecturer in History and President of the Association. Awarded annually for
excellence in the Higher class of History.

William TWEEDDALE Memorial Prize (see note) 403

Founded in 1942 by the bequest of Mrs Greta C Tweeddale, MA 1924, General Adviser to Women Students 1939-42, formerly Lecturer
in History, in memory of her husband. Awarded annually for distinction in Economics in the Honours degree assessment, on the
recommendation of the Board of Examiners in Economics.

UNDERGRADUATE Bursaries (Social Sciences) (three: £750 x 2) 406 – 408

Awarded at the end of second year, for a two year period, to outstanding students in the College of Social Sciences intending to
proceed to Honours in that College.

UNDERGRADUATE Bursaries (Veterinary Medicine) (two: £750 x 2) 404, 405

Awarded biannually to students in the School of Veterinary Medicine.

UNILEVER Research Prize (see note) 701

Awarded annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Head of Dental School and the Head of Oral Medicine and Pathology to
the fourth year BDS student with the highest aggregate mark in the Dental Public Health course.

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Alexander WADDEL Prize (see note) 426
Founded in 1942 by the bequest of Miss Helen E Waddel of Glasgow. Awarded annually to the woman student most distinguished in
the tutorial work of the Honours class of English Literature.

WALKER Prizes (see note) 427 – 429

Founded in 1857 and 1861 by James Walker, LLD 1840. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the School of Engineering for
excellence in the subjects of the third year of the curriculum.

Henry J WATT Prize (see note) 430

Founded in 1969 under the will of Miss S L Smith in memory of her brother-in-law, Henry Jackson Watt, Lecturer in Psychology 1908–
25. Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Professor of Psychology to the most distinguished student in Experimental

John L T WAUGH Memorial Prize (see note) 579

Founded in 1997, by his sister Margaret N McRae, in memory of John L T Waugh, graduate and former Lecturer at the University of
Glasgow. The prize will be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Head of School, on the advice of the Examination Board, to
the outstanding honours graduate in Chemistry, who subsequently undertakes PhD research work in Inorganic or Physical Chemistry at
Glasgow University. The prizewinner will also receive a biography of John L T Waugh.
The prize may be withheld if in any year there is no student of sufficient merit, and the unused income shall be added to the capital of
the fund.

Dean WEBSTER Prize (see note) 431

Founded in 1945. Awarded annually to the most distinguished graduate in Dentistry of the year.

WEIGLHOFER Prize (see note) 632

Werner Weiglhofer died on January 12, 2003. He was struck down by an avalanche on the slopes of Bispen, in the Romsdal Alps,
Norway, while snow-shoeing. To remember Werner, the School of Mathematics & Statistics set up a fund that will provide an annual
prize in his name for the best Honours project. Werner was Class Head of our final Honours year and was also particularly keen on
projects. He put considerable effort into devising and directing suitable projects. The School may also consider awarding prizes from
this fund for other similar achievements.

Andrew WEIR Medical Bursary (£750) 432

Awarded annually to a student of Medicine. From 2012 this will be awarded annually for the best performance in the MBChB Year 1.

John W WEIR Prize (see note) 433

Founded in 1939 by the bequest of John Wallace Weir, MD 1871. Awarded annually to the graduate who obtains the highest aggregate
number or marks in the subjects of Midwifery and Diseases of Women in the Final Degree Examinations in Medicine. From 2013 this
will be awarded for an MBChB Year 5 viva, judged by the Muirhead Professor of Reproductive & Maternal medicine or nominee.
Dr John Anthony WEIR Prize (£100) 627
Found in 2002 in memory of Dr John Anthony (Tony) Weir B.Sc., 1954, who died that year. Awarded annually, on the recommendation
of the Head of Earth Sciences, to students of that subject.

Stanislaw WESTFAL Scholarship (see note) 678

Instituted in 1990 by the bequest of Krystyna Westfal. Awarded annually to a student born of Scottish parents who has shown
considerable merit in the study of advanced Polish history, literature or language. If in any year there is no suitable candidate the
income from the bequest will be used to purchase books relating to Polish history, literature or language.

WEST of Scotland RAMC Memorial Prize (see note) 434

Established 1990. Awarded annually to the candidate for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery who obtains the
highest aggregate number of marks in Medicine, Surgery and Midwifery in the Final Examination in Medicine. From 2012 this Prize will
be awarded for the highest aggregate number of marks for three Student Selected Components across 5 years or 2 SSCs across 3
years (for direct entry students) as appropriate.

Fiona WILKINS Memorial Bursary 466

The Fiona Wilkins Memorial Bursary was established by Professor and Mrs Malcolm B Wilkins in memory of their daughter, Fiona, who
died on 6 March 1980, and in appreciation of the professional care she received during her illness from Professor David L Hamblen,

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Professor of Orthopaedics in Glasgow University and Dr Gerald E Flatman, Director of the Glasgow Institute of Radiotherapeutics and
Oncology, and their colleagues.
The bursary is to be awarded on the recommendation of the Professor of Orthopaedics in Glasgow University, and with the approval of
the Head of School of Medicine, to an undergraduate or postgraduate student of promise in the field of Orthopaedics, or to a medically-
qualified person undergoing advanced training in this field, preference being given to those who wish to study the causes and treatment
of bone tumours.
The bursary may be awarded annually or once every two years at the discretion of the Professor of Orthopaedics to give assistance
with travelling and subsistence expenses to enable the recipient to obtain appropriate training and experience in hospitals, institutes
and university departments either in Glasgow or elsewhere, and/or for the purchase of appropriate textbooks or conference proceedings
to facilitate their studies. The recipient may be assisted to attend important national and international conferences when no other source
of funds is available provided always the objectives in paragraph 2 are met.
If at any future date Orthopaedics ceases to be a subject taught in Glasgow University, then the bursary shall be transferred to the
School of Life Sciences, and awarded on the recommendation of the Regius Professor of Botany and with the approval of the Head of
the School of Life Science to undergraduate or postgraduate students of outstanding merit to assist them in gaining appropriate
specialised experience either in Glasgow or elsewhere in the field of experimental Plant Biology. Such training and experience may take
the form of visits to other laboratories in universities or research institutes. Assistance may also be given to enable students to attend
important international conferences, but only when no other source of funds is available.
If both Orthopaedics and Botany (Plant Biology) cease to be taught at Glasgow University, then the whole of the capital fund and any
accumulated interest shall be transferred to the Royal Society of Edinburgh to be used as the Council of the Society shall determine
bearing in mind the wishes of the donors stated in paragraphs 2 and 4 above.
In 2012, the bursary will be awarded for an MBChB Year 3 viva, and from 2013 for an MBChB Year 5 viva, judged by the Professor of
Orthopaedics or nominee.

Thomas WILSON Memorial (see note) 635

The prize is awarded to a student in the subject of Economics for the best essay in Government and Economy.

H E C WILSON Prize - Medical Biochemistry (£45) 529

Founded in 1992 by the bequest of Ewen Ironside Wilson in memory of his brother. Awarded annually to the most distinguished
graduate of the year in the Bachelor of Science Honours Degree course in Medical Biochemistry.

Professor Henry WONG Scholarship

Founded in honour of Professor Henry Wong (PhD 1968, DUniv 2001), the University’s China Affairs adviser. The scholarship is
intended to encourage undergraduate students in research work. Awarded annually to an undergraduate student of any engineering
discipline in their 3rd or 4th year of study or, if undertaking an M.Eng programme, in their final year. This will consist of a payment of
£1,000 and be used to support a piece of research either in the summer vacation, or in their final year
Selection of the Scholarship holder will be made by a Selection Panel established by the University. This could be the Learning and
Teaching Committee of the School of Engineering or some other panel or committee as the Head of the School of Engineering may
Candidates will be assessed on their academic ability; the quality of their research proposal and the quality of a written statement of
around 1000-1500 words submitted to the selection panel, which should demonstrate the rationale behind the research and its potential
use? (Applications must be approved by an academic who can comment on the students’ academic abilities and name a supervisor
who is willing and able to supervise the students’ work during the period of award.
-The holder of the scholarship will prepare a final report on their project, stating where outcomes met the aims and objectives .

WOOLGAR Hunter Prize (£100) 663

For the best performance in the penultimate and final years of the Civil Engineering with Architecture course.

Elizabeth M YEARLING Memorial Prize (see note) 435

Founded in 1983 in memory of Elizabeth M Yearling, Lecturer in English Literature 1970-83. Awarded annually to the candidate of the
highest distinction in the Shakespeare paper of the honours examinations in English Language and Literature, or in such other paper as
School may decide on the recommendation of the subject of English Literature.

YORKHILL Prizes in Child Health

The Yorkill Prizes in Child Health, awarded annually for excellence in the area of Child Health, as determined by the Samson Gemmell
Professor of Child Health and review panels as nominated by the Samson Gemmell Chair. To be presented at the Yorkhill Research
Day. a) Yorkhill Prize for Postgraduate Research: £1000 for a successfully completed research or audit project carried out by a clinical
trainee in Glasgow, in which the author is named first on a peer-reviewed paper in press. b) Yorkhill Essay Prize: £750 for the best

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essay of 2500 words on any aspect of paediatrics by a student in Years 1 or 2 of the MB ChB. c) Yorkhill Essay Prize (proxime
accessit): £250 for an essay of 2500 words on any aspect of paediatrics by a student in Years 1 or 2 of the MB ChB. d) Yorkhill Portfolio
Prize: £750 and medal for the best paediatric portfolio by a final year MB ChB student. e) Yorkhill Portfolio Prize (proxime accessit):
£250 for a paediatric portfolio by a final year MB ChB student.
George YOUNG Bursaries (three: £600 x 3) 440 – 442
The bursary was founded by Mrs Catherine Young (McFarlane) in memory of her husband, George Young, an edge tool manufacturer
in Glasgow, and her son. They are awarded, triennially, to students of Engineering.

Alexander J YOUNGER Memorial Prize (see note) 443

Founded in 1953 by Miss Jessie M Younger, MA, in memory of her brother, Alexander J Younger, MA, BSc, Lecturer in Natural
Philosophy 1922-53. Awarded annually for distinction in the class of Physics for Engineering students, or such other class in that
subject as the Senate, on the recommendation of the School of Engineering, may from time to time determine.

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