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Database Title: Database for keeping Patient, Doctor and facilities Records
at a hospital.

Scope of Database:
It involves keeping records of all necessary details of patients: name, phone number, records of
previous checkups, doctor consulted, etc., doctors: name, degree, field, etc. Details of rooms in the
hospital, food available in the canteen, medicines available, instruments stocked, ward rooms and
operation theatres are also included.

A hospital offers a number of facilities. Let us treat the hospital as a big structure with a number of
rooms where various rooms and their corresponding room numbers have different functions. There
are doctors’ rooms where they sit for a checkup. There are various doctors specialized in their fields
having different degree. Their phone numbers, days of availability, timings and room numbers are
also recorded in the database. The ward rooms for patients and their room numbers are also listed.
The various staff members working in the hospital are also listed. The various instruments used, their
stock and their availability in room numbers is also registered. The labs and operated and to be
operated patient details are also included in the databases. The patients registered for each and every
checkups are also listed with their phone numbers and addresses. The medicines available and the
prices and customer details are also retained in the databases. The rooms in which instruments and
clothes are sterilized and disinfected are also included. Further, the details of the food items available
in the canteen are also included in this databases.

Following are sample queries, the system is expected to answer-

1. Retrieve ward number and details of a particular patient.
2. Retrieve doctor names and details of treatment of a patient.
3. Retrieve patient info for a particular operation and the date it were scheduled on.
4. Retrieve staff member available in a particular ward/room.
5. Retrieve available instruments in a particular room and the total stock of it.
6. Retrieve patients registered for treatment and their doctor details.
7. Retrieve medicines available, their price, customer record and information of the prescribing
8. Retrieve instruments sterilized in rooms and available in rooms for use in other rooms and
the doctor who needs them.
9. Retrieve food items available in the canteen and the details of the patient ordering them and
his ward number for room delivery.
10. Retrieve total price of food items sold in a particular month.
11. Retrieve total price of a particular medicine sold in a particular month or year.
12. Retrieve empty ward rooms.
13. Retrieve the room number of a laboratory and the specialist working there.
14. Retrieve the cleaning staff member of a particular room and his details.

Group members:
 Dhruvika Trivedi (Id: 200901110)
 Shilpa Udenia (Id: 200901116)
 Soham Soneji (Id: 200901108)

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