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Self & Peer Evaluation for Scrumming

Key technical points Pupil 1 Pupil 2

Did they do well? Yes/no Did they do well? Yes/no
How to improve? How to improve?
A good tower of power position
Head in neutral position
Shoulder blades back

Chest out
Tight core (squeezing abdominals)
Hips tilted (bum pointing out/up)

Do they know/ follow the correct

instructions for the building and
setting up of the scrum?

Crouch, Bind, Set

Do they bind in the correct way for

a front row player?
1. Hooker raises arms
2. Tight and loose head props put
their arms across the hookers
back, holding under the
hooker’s arm pit
3. The hooker lowers his arms
round the back of the props and
holds under their arm pits

Do they bind correctly for a second-

row player?
1. Bind to the other second row by
lacing their arm across each
other’s back holding their shirt
under the arm pit
2. Heads between the bums of the
front row players
3. Put arm between the props legs
and up to hold their shirt
When they engage with the other
team, do they maintain a tight and
stable body position?
Players should not lift up or down or
move the scrum left or right. A low
tower of power position driving

forward in a straight line

Pupil 1 WWW
(what went well)
Pupil 1 EBI (even
better if)
Pupil 2 WWW
(what went well)
Pupil 2 EBI (even
better if)

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