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EEM - Design Review Acceptance Record

Step 1: Planning
Enter Name of Project
Enter Code of Project

Key ü = Pass C= Conditional Pass X= Fail

Project Engineer Plant EEM Lead
Project Manager

Evaluation Results
(Pass/Conditional Pass/Fail)

Notes / Comments

Signature ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Before Acceptance, senior authority (Director Level) must Director Signature Date
be satisfied that all elements of Step have been correctly
completed ___________________ ____________________

Project is launched, Project Leader (PL) is decided, tasks are assigned according to Project Planning

Periodically, in each Step, the progress of activities is monitored and assessed through Check Lists (CL)
PL monitors the progress with reference to Project Planning milestones (Steps)
When PL assess the completion of activities (CL items fully compliant or not applicable) , PL schedules
the Design Review (DR) meeting.
Eventually, PL may schedule the DR meeting even if some CL items are still pending, if this fact is not
impacting to the start of sequent design phase (Step)

Participants to DR meeting are (at minimum):

- Project Engineer (PL)
- Engineering Project Manager
- Plant EEM Leader
- Senior Authority (Director level)

During DR meeting, the results of the design phase (Step) are presented. Compliancy evidence is
given by CL.
Critical issues / open items are discussed and proper actions are defined with due dates and
assignments. Upon agreement that sequent phase can be started, the participants sign the DR
Acceptance Record

PL is responsible for monitoring that open items are solved and items closed in the due times

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