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the program
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts is a low-residency, part-time
professional qualifying postgraduate program, that is aimed
at professional sound artists, designers and scholars with a what we offer
university degree or exceeding creative talent, who are wanting
to pursue a Master’s degree in a stimulating, interdisciplinary International artists and scholars teach and lecture at the aesthetic experience. We (co-)produce artist talks and concerts,
environment. The program serves to deepen theoretical and department of Sound Studies and Sonic Arts. Internation- lectures, symposia, exhibitions, and other projects. 
practical skills in the fields of audio-related theory and practice, ally renowned sound artist Prof. Hans Peter Kuhn and promi- On a regular basis we invite renowned international artists
particularly in cultural studies, musicology, aesthetics, sound art, nent scholars Prof. Dr. Sabine Sanio and Prof. Volker Straebel and theorists to perform and speak about their work for
performance, architecture, design and media production. are among the core faculty. Recent speakers have been David the event series die Reihe.  Beiträge zu auditiver Kunst und
The new Sound Studies and Sonic Arts program is held in Behrman, Bill Fontana, Brandon LaBelle, Christina Kubisch, Kultur, produced in cooperation with the TU Berlin department
English and will span over three years with alternating phases Jonathan Sterne, Barry Truax, and Salomé Voegelin. of Audiokommunikation.
of residency and off campus projects, concluding with a Master Festivals und Institutions such as Ars Electronica, Ameri-
project and a degree Master of Arts. can Academy Berlin, Akademie der Künste Berlin, Hamburger
Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart Berlin, Electroacoustic career prospects
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts is run by the Berlin University Music Studies Network, and the Technical University Berlin’s
of the Arts’s Berlin Career College, an institute that bundles the Audio Communication Group and Electronic Music Studio have The Sound Studies and Sonic Arts program teaches students
school’s efforts in continuing education. We maintain close ties been cooperation partners of the Master’s program and offer methods of scientific and theoretical work, of artistic research as
with other UdK institutes and the Audio Communication Group a wide range of possibilities for artistic and academic exchange. well as artistic and creative practice. Graduates are to be able
of Technical University Berlin and encourage students to pick to apply aspects of auditive art and culture and their convey-
from our broad curriculum or that of adjacent fields from UdK or The Sound Studies and Sonic Arts department also offers ance, sound design and consulting as well as scientific reflection
other Berlin universities to serve their own focus. extra curricular activities to foster academic exchange and within their professional field.
program course organisation
program course The Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Master’s Program consists according to their own focus. These courses are typically taught
of alternating study phases (Basic, Focus, and Project). in German; certain restrictions might apply.
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts focuses on the two mainstays The Basic (first Winter term) and Focus Phases (first and second
of theoretical discussion and practical exploration and creation Summer term) consist of multiple courses for which attendance
in the field auditive culture and art. is mandatory. During Project Phases (second and third Winter
term) students may work off campus and on their own time. academic year
Within the theoretical area, the program aims to further the the- Students need to pass an exam after the Basic Phases to gain
oretical and scientific advancement of students and to broaden access to the Focus Phase. School is in session for the winter term October 15th thru Feb-
their knowledge of auditive culture and art. Particular attention ruary 15th with a two-week winter break, and for the summer
is given to methods of the fields of musicology, cultural studies, Due to a cooperation of all Berlin universities, students may term April 15th thru July 15th. Students may apply for Sound
media studies, theory of art, design, architecture and communi- make use of the extensive curriculum and all courses offered Studies and Sonic Arts every February to begin their studies
cation, as well as sociology, gender studies and philosophy. by the Berlin University of the Arts and other Berlin Universities in October.

Classes in art and design in practice allow students to familiarize

themselves with methods and procedures of artistic and creative
work with sound and to implement conception, realization and academic calendar

The program also offers students the opportunity to develop

their listening skills. Classes aim to enable students to describe
and analyze characteristics and temporal and spatial changes in
sound and sonic events. This is based on knowledge of music
theory, musical and technical listening skills, and methods of mu-
sical notation, as well as basics of physical acoustics, psychoa-
coustics, phenomenology and Aisthetik.

The new Sound Studies and Sonic Arts program spans

Grafik: Kathrin Scheidt

over three years with alternating phases of residency and off-
campus projects, concluding with a Master project and the degree
Master of Arts.
In exceptional cases, students may apply for a condensed attendance required on campus
program duration to a two year full time Master’s program. residence not required
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts is an all English program. It is
requirements a professional career, through-out a proven intensive preoccu-
therefore critical that our students have an ease and familiarity pation with sound over about five years, may that be artistic,
with spoken and written English. All applicants need to provide creative, conceptual, theoretical or scientific. These candidates
proof of English language proficiency. Applicants need to meet following requirements for the Sound have to pass an aptitude test to be accepted to the program.
Studies and Sonic Arts Master’s program:

• Diploma, Bachelor or equivalent higher education qualification

tuition (completed study from the University of the Arts Berlin or from
a different artistic and/or scientific University within Germany or

Since the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts program is part an equivalent national or international degree after at least six
of the Berlin University of the Art’s Berlin Career College, an semesters of study), for exceptions see below.
institute that bundles the school’s efforts in continuing
education, we levy a tuition. process
• Relevant professional experience in the field of sound, mini-
Normal tuition is 16.200€ for the three year program.
mum one year. Our application period is in February 1st-14th. Only during this
Due to the launch of the new program, the tuition for the class
of 2020 will be discounted to 14.400€. time will you be able to access the application form online and
Additionally to the tuition, there are semester fees of around • Artistic and creative talent, which will be assessed during the apply for the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts program. Application
300€ (2016) which includes various student services and free entrance exam. material and work samples send by mail need to be received
public transport within Berlin. during this period.
• English language competency. All applicants need to provide
a proof of language proficiency from the following options:
a) COE (Council of Europe): C1 application phase I: preparation
b) ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe): C1
c) IELTS Academic (International English LanguageTesting System): 6,5 In case you hold a degree from a German university or do not
d) Cambridge English Language Assessment: CAE (Certificate have a university degree you can skip phase I and apply directly
of Advanced English) at Sound Studies and Sonic Arts during our application period
e) TOEFL CBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Computer Based Test): 270 February 1st-14th.
f) TOEFL PBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Paper Based Test): 637
g) TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet Based Test): 110 Applicants holding a degree from a non-German university
h) degree in an English speaking Bachelor or Master‘s program (international and EU) please have your university reports transla-
i) statement of English as mother tongue ted into German or English and then apply for a Preliminary Review
Documentation (VDP) online at uni assist e.V. (►
In exceptional cases, admission can be granted even if Please be aware: You are responsible to apply for your VDP early
an applicant has not earned a university degree but all enough to receive your review in time for our application period
necessary qualifications for the program were acquired during February 1st-14th. Expect six weeks processing time.
application phases
PHASE I PHASE II PHASE III 3) The admission interview will consist of the following parts:
Degree from a Apply online if invited: • presentation of the submitted work from (1) and subsequent
German University February 1-14
at Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
entrance exam in April questioning
no higher education • an oral examination in the field of Theory (auditive art and
Send all requested documents culture), Practice  (sound art und auditive design), Listening
February 1-14
to Sound Studies and Sonic Arts (basic musical and technical aural skills) and audio technology
• an interview about the candidates motivation for the
Degree from an to receive your Preliminary Review studying the program

Grafik: Kathrin Scheidt

Translate your reports
international University Documentation ( VPD) in time for
the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
• in case of an aptitude test: an interview about the submitted
application deadline, apply min. of 8  work from (2) 
Apply at uni assist e.V. * weeks beforehand!

4) candidates, who can not be present at the admission exam

because they sojourn outside of the EU may carry out the
interview via Skype. The candidate should be aware and accept-
application phase II: application application phase III: examination ing of risks and disadvantages that may arrise due to this.

Between Feb. 1st-14th you can apply for the program online. Based on the submitted application documents, the admissions
After submitting the online application you will need to supply Notices of admission will be given out shortly after the exam.
committee will ask candidates to take part in a one-day ent-
the following documents by mail to the address given on the rance examination and interview between April 24th-28th, 2017.
application form.  Please print out the online application form This examination tests the applicant’s ability to evaluate sound
and send it with your documents and worksamples to our office environments discursively and conceptually. It is followed by a
by February 14th (arrival date): personal interview.

- Printout of completed application form (available online 1) Candidates invited to the admission examination will
between Feb. 1-14)
- uni assist e.V. Preliminary Review Documentation (VPD), (if
applicable from phase I)
be given a choice of exercise in the areas of art, design
(design, architecture) or science (text). One week before the
exam prospective students are to turn in title, abstract and all
mail address
Please send your complete application documents for the Sound
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form written parts to the examination committee in digital form
Studies and Sonic Arts Master‘s program to be received
- Record of professional experience (► During the admission interview,
between February 1st to 14th to:
- Evidence of relevant professional experience in the field of sound candidates are to present their work within 10 minutes.
- University reports and certificates in photocopy Please send your documents to:
- Letter of motivation 2) In case of an aptitude test (if the candidate does not have Universität der Künste Berlin
- Work samples (dvd, cd, usb, music scores etc.) an (approved) university degree) the candidates will in addition Immatrikulations- und Prüfungsamt
- Proof of linguistic ability receive an exercise to proof their capability of authoring a scien- Postfach 120544
- Applicants from the People’s Republic of China need to obtain a tific work in the field of sound. This work is to be submitted in 10595 Berlin
certificate from the Academic Evaluation Centre (APS) in China. digital form one week before the admission exam. Germany
facts more information, please!
Find out more details on our website:
talk to us
We invite you to attend one of our events or to contact us to
degree: Master of Arts arrange for a private consultation. For questions about adminis-
academic year: starts every October trative issues or  content of the program please contact us at:
duration: 3 years (2 years in exceptional cases) Don‘t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates
application period: February 1 -14 for the following win-
st th right to your inbox:
ter term. Application documents must arrive at the department ► The Foreign Student Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt)
before/on 14th February. master-of-arts/kontakt/newsletteranmeldung at the Berlin University of the Arts offers support and advice on
tuition: 14.400€ for the first class (2020), 16.200€ for a range of issues such as:
following classes.
Study and research opportunities at UdK Berlin, application
visit us requirements and admissions procedures, Visa regulations and
financing, accommodation, health and welfare, scholarship
Universität der Künste Berlin | UdK Berlin Career College | programs and grants.
Sound Studies and Sonic Arts
Lietzenburger Straße 45, 10789 Berlin | 3rd floor ►

► | Tel (+49) 30 3185-2482

SoundS on social media:

Grafik: Andreas Pysiewicz

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