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More to be done!


GM Zurab Azmaiparashvili is the incumbent European Chess Union President, Member of the
State Committee and Director of the Organising Committee of the 43rd World Chess Olym-
piad, has served as the First Deputy Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs of Georgia, a manager
and chess professional and a former trainer and second of world-famous players such as Garry
Kasparov and Judit Polgar.

In his career as a sportsman, Zurab was at the top of world chess for two decades with high-
lights including first place at the European Individual Championship in 2003 and the best indi-
vidual performance at the Elista Olympiad in 1998.

Zurab has gone on to demonstrate his leadership abilities and management skills as president
of the Georgian Chess Federation (1998-2004), a board member of the ECU (2000-2004), as a
vice-president of FIDE (2002-2010), President of ECU (2014-2018) and a founder and first
president of the Black Sea Chess Association (1999-2004). He has organised top events, such
as the first knock-out Women’s European Championship (2000), the Europe vs. Asia Match
(2001), and the Women World Chess Championship (2004). He also distinguished himself on
top board and as Team Captain for Georgia at seven consecutive Olympiads (1992-2004) and
as Captain of the neighbouring Azerbaijan team for the 2009 European Team Championship
that won the gold medal.


The period from September 2014 untilhas been one of the most progressive and creative for
the European Chess Union. A period that has seen an improvement in our financial position,
stability and an upgrade of the ECU profile. A summary of some of the recent development
and achievements.


The annual income of the ECU increased progressively to 50% while the reserves of the or-
ganisation have increased significantly. Corporate sponsorship has been secured for the first
time in the history of the organisation . The ECU budget includes today a €100,000+ develop-
ment fund deployed to support many federations and projects. Previous leadership teams have
been unable to riase any funds for development. .

European Championships

The funding and sponsoring of all European Championships was secured in advance while the
participation increased at all levels. New innovative European events were established and
regulated. The Championships are organized nowadays all over continent .

ECU Structure

The ECU Board established and operates permanent commissions, namely; the Educational,
Events, Women and the Arbiters Commission, which have extended ECU operations and im-
proved productivity and encouraged innovation.. The ECU Congress was launched in 2015

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and is organized every two years, helping communication with national federations and en-
couraging open dialogue between specialists in key areas.

ECU administration & day to day operations have become more efficient and less costly.

International position

ECU became a member/partner of major International organizations including: the ‘European

Fair Play movement” the European Universities Sports Association, the “European Capital &
Cities Sports Federation (ACES Europe)”. The ECU has also registered in the European Un-
ion transparency database.

Chess & Education

ECU organized 2 European Chess Educational Conferences, one in Batumi, Georgia and one in
the European Parliament in Brussels. The ECU also supported and participated in major CIS
Conferences in Europe as the “London Conference” the “Yerevan CIS Conference” the “Ma-
drid CIS Conference”.

The ECU Educational committee developed CIS studies, organized informational meetings,
launched the ECU School Teacher Course and become an active branch of ECU operations.
The program “ECU Smart Kids” was developed in parallel by the foundation ‘Chess for Eu-

The ECU Board conducted and continues to conduct a major battle fight against corruption
including the discovery of of a parallel shadow called “ECU Delaware”. The ECU Board took
various actions at the administrative, civil and criminal levels. The Court of Arbitration of
Sports (CAS) made a historic ruling in May 2017 where all the actions of the ECU were justi-
fied and praised by the court. Various other actions are in progress with State and judicial au-
The ECU Board in accordance with the decision of the ECU GA minimized cash payments to
ECU ensuring that all the transactions are electronically recorded. The ECU Ethics Commis-
sion was established as an advisory board while the ECU Fair Play regulations were approved
at the last General Assembly.

Women’s Chess

The ECU Board took a number of initiatives to support Women’s Chess that waspreviously in
decline. Sponsorship was secured for European Women’s Chess Championship combined
with the organization of the European Youth Chess Championship and there was an increased
Prize fund. The European Women’s Rapid & Blitz Championship was restarted and will be
organized annually. The fees for the women’s chess clubs and players were minimized while
players’ restrictions were waived. The ECU Women Commission was established. The mini-
mum of 25% women arbiters in the European Championships was proposed and approved by
the ECU General Assembly.

The Union of the Many

European Chess Union become the “Union of the Many” what was the main motto of the 2014
campaign. The doors opened for any person willing to work, the commissions were staffed
with significant chess personalities the ECU Board of Trustees and the ECU Educational Advi-
sory Board bring additionally value to the organization. Today ECU is a healthy open organiza-

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tion full of energy and willing to co-operate with any entity or individual which can contribute
in the total work.



1. Increasing the outside sources of funding based on commercial agreements for joint pro-
2. Launch a discussion with FIDE and Continents about the licensing of arbiters, trainers, and
organisers, and tournament rating fees. Consider a common target of decentralizing the
current system and incentivising Continents based on their level of activity.
3. Invest in property or other asset classes.

“European Chess Heritage”

1. Creation of the European Chess Heritage Map online and in printed form.

There are elements of chess history in Europe that need to be preserved for future genera-
tions: museums, private libraries, historic venues, long-standing tournaments, and venerable
periodicals. Federations must be encouraged and supported in protecting and preserving
chess history for future generations.

2. Scheduling of special chess events in archeological sites, museums, connecting further

chess with history and culture.

Chess and Education

Chess education is a top priority for a healthy chess ecosystem. The ECU Educational Com-
mission have already done excellent work. New opportunities are constantly arising which
require concrete initiatives and projects: some encouraging innovation and some encouraging
standardization. The new term operational programs include:

1. Partnership in more European Programs with Erasmus + a priority ,

2. Development of official ECU tutorials (printed and online) for Chess in School Programs
and recognition through the EU and the National Educational authorities
3. Connection of chess with the sciences and especially with Mathematics.

Professional chess

ECU has ongoing co-operation with the Association of Chess Professionals. 80% of ACP
Members come from ECU federations. This co-operation should be widened and joint com-
missions established to discuss all matters of common interest. Common actions and pro-
jects should be developed.

Public relations, media and marketing strategy

ECU’s social media strategy already includes operating accounts in all the main social media;
Facebook, Twitter Instagram and YouTube. New actions will include.

1. Developing the European Chess TV ,

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2. ECU should develop its own results and statistic software for the standardization of tour-
nament coverage. The software should include an App for android and Ios s.
3. The ECU Protocols to be standardized in detail and become part of the ECU regulations.
4. The ECU’s management will create a portfolio of marketing products and tools to help
organisers attract sponsors, players and audiences to their events.

Social Responsibility

1. New actions related to the positive social messages that sports and chess should give to
the public.
2. Scheduling and organizing of chess programs for vulnerable sections of society
3. Launch of a European Championship for disabled players

Specific initiatives among ECU member federations

Above all, the ECU is a service provider for its 54 federation members, large and small, ena-
bling cooperation and collaboration. We will continue or launch the following initiatives:

1. Establish a European Grand Prix of major Open tournaments, supporting them with a
common marketing strategy and additional prize fund.
2. Establish more ECU Internet Championships (Open, Women, Team and School) in Classic
and Rapid formats.
3. Build cooperation with other continental associations preparing thematic matches with
Asia, America and Africa
4. Provide shared bilateral professional resources for its members in the areas of organisa-
tion, PR, government relations, and sponsorship sales.
5. Continuation of support for joint events for training and development of arbiters, coaches,
commentators, and players.
6. Continuation of support for development projects and CIS programs.


Zurab Azmaiparashvili is proud to be supported by Georgia’s political and financial elite, by

National federations, chess players and chess lovers, and by friends around the world in his
candidacy for the ECU presidency.

The pre-election is platform is open to be signed by any who share the same values
and targets..

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