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‘er Retin les Pe pov Se i coll now SGN Cans Be aps wh an 00 pee nate your teachers LAST NAME: 2 Your grade eve “+ 3. nin soca Networking activites ds you do? (check all hat app By ueonne Ty comics Ed sce newonsin soy BZ see anssnan +4. Doyou tink you wil use what you leamed in these Social Networking achies in othe classes or even outside of ete ys Pronaovres —— @ Netsue Peso Dette Ce nese Peso Dette ‘6. hat do you suggest s0 we can improve these Social Networking activites for next year? ‘Thank you again for taking the time to do this. t's most appreciate! ‘You must cick below on "DONE" to submit your survey. a er

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