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Why do you want to learn this method?

(Motivation and reason)

I am always getting sick, i have so many pains in my body and i really need to
commit to something and see the results, because i’m at a crossroad of my life , the
choices i’ll be making these next few weeks will affect my future life as a whole so i
really should muster up as much courage determination and help i can get
Hopefully, with this method and fasting I will have more will power to achieve what I
need to achieve; dalf C2 , TOEFL and GRE and looking for a good Phd opportunity
Please work wim hof method !

What are your goals after these 10 weeks?

I will look for more ways to deepen the control on my body and my mind, read more
books , achieve more goals
First, I will try to fix my knee
Second; I’ll try to fix my memory
Third, I’ll try to fix my life project

What are your personal obstacles to completing this course?

Laziness, fear, procrastination, apathy

Breath 1 minute
Pushups 10
Cold fee/hands No
Mindfulness Weak

Sleep bad
First week:

D1 - - -

2 min without air in the lungs

Felt really relaxed and remembered the stretch method I once forgot; I felt tingling in my hands
(which is lack of Oxygen lol) and I really enjoyed myself, I have decided to give up on the internet
during the work session of Deep Work, I really need to avoid it at all costs, still didn’t take a shower,
so I will be in a moment and I will give my feedback

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