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Reg- No. ,


Fifth Semester

Aeronautical Engineering

(R'egulation 2008)

Time : Three hours

Maximum : 100 Marks
(Gas Tables permitted)

Answer ALL questions

PARTA-(tOx 2=2}Marks)

1. Differentiate perfect gas from real gases.

, Why do you need a convergent-divergent nozzle to accelerate the

flow from
subsonic to supersonic speed?

3. Define characteristic Mach number and give its maximum

value for air.

4. Define shock strength and express it in terms of Mach number for a normal

5. the limiting values of shock wave angle in a supersonic flow

!t1te for zero flow

6. Explain Mach reflection.

7. What are Riemann invariants?

8. \Yrite down the Prandtl-Glauert similarity rule for pressure coefficient


r) lII-L^r:- I It t
.i. yrrruL - -ir:
ls crlttctll r
i.vlacn numDer/

Describe boundary layer fence and state its purpose.


11 (a) (1) Derive the one dimensionai adiabatic steady

state enerp- equatio,
and deduce the isentropic relations for a peject
gas. (g)
(ii) Air flow is discharged to atrnosphere at sea level
through u .o.ri.
nozzle' If the air storage at the reservoir is
40 x 10s N/m2,
determine the pressure, temperature and density
at the exit of the
nozzle- Assume that the reservoir air is at
lurll te*fe.atrre. (g)
(b) (i) Explain the phenomenon of choking in a nozzle flow
show thal
the mass flow of a choked norrle can be and expressed as
. P A*
m= 0.6847

(ii) A storage charnber of a compressor is maintained at

absolute and 20 degree c. If the surrounding -jr"rrr."
l.g atmosphere
1 atmosphere, calculate the velocity with
which air fl"ow takes place
from the chamber to outside through a unit area hole.
calculate the mass flow per unit area. Assume
air as a perfect gas.
12. (a) (i) Derive the Rayreigh supersonic pitot formula. (g)
(ii) A Pitot tube is inserted in to an air flow of Mach
2 where the static
pressure is I atmosphere- Calculate the
total pressure measured by
the tube and. the losi of total press,r."
"" ,.t \ "*p".ienced.
'r I
. u_ ;'-',.,.. tt" Ot
(b) (i)\q'
Derive a relation between flow turning angle, shock angre and
Free-stream Mach number r"i"uriq"".io.t *Lru... (g)
(ii) consider a Mach 2.5 supersonic flow over a
compression corner
with a defl-ection angle-of 14 degree. Calculate the
increase in shock
srrength if rhe deflection angre is doubled
your comments on the shock *ur".hu*.teristics.
to 2B;;;;;-""d give
13. (a) (i) Explain the concept of prandtl-Meyer expansion
around a convex
corner and represent it in Hodograpi, pta"",
(ii) A supersonic flow at Mr = 1.5g and pr = 1 atmosphere expands
around a sharp corner.-If the pressurulo*rrrt;;;;
of the corner is
0"1800 atm-, carculate the deflection arigle
of thl" (g)


(b) (i) Explain the proceclure Lo obtarn supersonic

nozzle contour u
grven Mach number using Illethori
of characteristics 'br(g)
(ir) An incidenl shock rvave angre ,i 35 cieg:-ee impinges
on a straigrri
wall' If the upstream florv properties are M p
3, = l atm. and
T = 300 K, calculate Lhe reflected shock wave =
angiewith respect to
the wall and the flow propert,ies M, P and
T downstrearn of the
reflected shock wave. (B)
14. (a) (i) state-the assumptions made in small-perturbation
potential theory
and show that the linearized pressure
coefficient is a function of the
perturbation velocity in the main florv direction --
(-,- = -=-
' v_' (10)

(ii) Describe Prandtl-Glauert affrne transformation

lor subsonic flow
over airfoils and highiight its significance.

(b) (i) Derive suitable expressions for lift and drag
coefficients of a flat
piate airfoil at small angles of attack using
linearized supersonic
flow fheory.
(ii ) A flat plate of 1 m x 0-2 m size is kept in an air
stream of velocity
1800 kmph at an angle of attack of 5 degree.
carcurate the lift using
supersonic linear theory- Assume that the static
temperature of the free-stream air are 2 x 10s
p."".,r." ,rrd
N/m2 and K
--'- 2gg
15. (a) (i) 'Describe the transonic flow regime with suitabre sketches
pattern over a two-dimensional airfoil" of flow
(ii ) Explain how large drag increase takes place
at transonic flow. What
are the control measures adopted at the design
stage? (6)
(iii) what are the flows detrimentar effects
experienced in sweep back
(b) (i) Write a note on transonic area rule"
(ii) Discuss the major differences between Rayleigh
and Fanno flows.(g)


-' ,y Degree . I].8 /B.Tech ,/
Senre-ster : 5
: B-E_Acronarrtical Errginecring lq-)
Code No. ISubject : AD z3a3/AERODyNAMTCS

vYsw 4
_ II U- & Nov_lOe

B*r tt*- s[.d*^t


I r'"'TL^--c- e-.c_q-^^^
<aV,fhi p,qff f1a* .

ly' Diflerenriate berwe,_.n perfetr anileat

Atrswer: ' Perfect gasi htter,tolei:ular roi;"r
.un be negrbcted and the equation
can be given by pV:{tT of state
' Reargas: Intermorecururli:.r, become important
can te replaced by Vander Waals - and rhe equation or-srate
@ Xlr*i;:;.;l1ilonvergent-d
,.,u.;;,"..,11; ,"cererare the now iiom st
Arrsu'er: ' Area-velocity reration (t4 / ,1.
for conrpressibre flow i, 4 = - *
| A4'
. Usingthe area-velocity,
it can be explaine d that
nozzri is needecl ,o u""'"i"ru,. the
flow f.o, ,,,rrrl--lonvergent-divergert
;onlc to supersonic speed.
o characteristic Macrr numberand give
irs nraxinrtrm varue in air.
Ansvver: . Characteristic Mach numbe
where u j,,!",;:x;,J,*,,. condirions
' Mi,u* =E=245
@ otnneshockstrengthandexpressitintermsofMachnunrberroranorrriar
Answer: . Shock strength - LP

. M^ 1.,
fora nonnalshock : _11
=Pt /+l
vatues of shock wave angte in a
supersonic flow for zero florv
Answer: sin-'64;
@ exptain Mach reflec{ion. I
A,srver: . lIlVl, after the incidenr sbock is less than
nfinEffiI e. th"n,io.oUf iqir'rt thutif tt,.
'A nearly nornral shock nearthe rvall ending at a triple point
frorn the wa, where the incidcnt slight ly away
& rcfrectedirrock intersect"
[ 7. )What are Riemann invariants?
Ansrver: . Compatibility relations betrveen v and e are
D n
- -.
' Q and R are invariant along the right ancJ left r'unning characteristics

respective ly aild arc called Riernanrr Ilivariants.
Write down the Prandtl-ClaLrerl similarity rule for

. Prandtl-Clauert sinrilarity

rule lor oressure coefficient is

coefflcient and explain.

'For lvi-:0, Cp:Cpo (the incompressible Cp)
. : For l\vl- r0, Cp increasesasymptotically with the increase in free-stream N4ach
number and it gives the compressibility correction up to the transonic regirne
beyond which.rhe expression is invalii
\_-/ *,,,,, is critical Mach nr.,,,',lr.r?
Tnswer: Criticai Mach nuntber is detlneci as the flee-strerrn Mach nuntber for wiriclr
the local N4;tch nuntber M at some point ovel tlre body surface reaclies unit',,.
(lSDescribe a boundary layer f'ence and stare its purpose.
Answer: ' These are flat plates kept perpendicular to the plan-form on the ripper sirrt?rce
of the wing at specitied span-wise locations.
, lt acts as a barrier to tip-rvard flow on swept back wings

Key for pART-B

I I (a) (i) Describe the one dimensional adiabatic steady stare energy equariqn arrd deduce the

isentropic relations for a perfect gas. (8)

Answer: . Energy conservation equation across a contr-ol volume (2 rnarks)
, Introduction of errthalpy and simplification lbr q :0
. Deduction of adiabatic energy equation
h+ t/rt)2 : const. (3rnarks)
. Deduction of temperature ratio for a perfect gas; p!-essure and density ratios
rusing isentropic relation

T2 M'
, * =lr*r-)M'li ''i,

*=Lrnt-|u,t' (3marks)

I\U (ii) Air flow is discharged to atnrosphere at sea level through a sonic no-rz.le- tf the air
storage at the reservoir is 40x 105 N/ m2, dete nnine the pr*rrrr., ternperature and
density at the exit of the nozzle" Assunre that the reservoir air is at sea level
temperature. (8)
Answer: p,,=fr=48.4kglnrj ' (2nlarks)

T'/To = 0,833 l-':239.9K

= ttl rn;r rk s)

rf ,o'1i) ryL)

p'lpo: Olrr, :- J)' - 2t.lx lO5 N/nr2

p'/ps:0.6338 =) p : " (2 nr irrks)
lO.l Xg,ni (2marks)
ll (b) (i)Explain the phenornenon orcrroking
in a nozzreflow and show tlrat the ntass
ola choked nozzle can be expr_essed as

yn = 0.6841 14'
"' . Jnr,, (8)

Answer: aco1$Eert.nozzlc connected to a

:F?t pressure(Tb) reservoir of high pressrrre (po), if-rhe
!::I is decreased berow, ihe reservoir pressure
to a vaiue or
PbJ!9=0.5283. the llow ar the Dinr!!!!rrt qry:a_of.cross
a speed of Mach r.0 and the nrasi-ffow iEactei
secrion (;;;r;;;.n.,
trre maximurn varue. Any
lurther reduction back pressure doer ,g!3Ei,h" ri.*
allribution arread
'of rhroat and does not increase tt'" qagf]g@-qqy-rr4h..
is called choking. " -''-' Trris condition
*= P A a

p,,.tqnr- A.
Introduction of gas relations & further simplicaiion

Substituting the value of y=1.4

i = 0.6847 ry (5rnarks)
J nr,,


"r+ (ii) A storage chamber of a compressor is maintained at l.g atmosphere absolure and
q6#'Y 20 degree c" lf the surrounding pressure is I atmosphere, calculate the velocity with
" which air flow takes place fiorn the chamber to outside
through a unit area hole. Also,
th" *u* A. Assurne air as a perlect gas.
"ul"ulut. / (8)
Answer: . Calculation of po/p and M

Po/P: 1.8; M:0.96 (2marks)


'Calculation of 'a' Frotn temperature obtained tiom isentropic rclatio.

arrd V
q =.lyRT =3l5.2ntl.v

V= J02.6 rn/s (3marks)

1l rn

. Calculation of p and then yn I A

p:P/RT : 1.427 kg/nrr

pV : L427x 302.6:43 | .8 kgis (3marks)

' 12 (a),(i) Derive the Rayleigh:supersonic Pitbt formLrla. (B)

"Answer: . Pitot pressure measuied [s the stagnBtion pressure behind the norrnai shcck

P,, P,, Pi,,,

-= Po, P,
.,From first iaw of iherrlodynalnics. change in entropy can [:e deterrnined and

is dr = C:,,+-
UI'T R!!

. After integration and simplification, the pressure loss across rhe norrnal
shock can be obtained and is

-,1r-*)tuti t'' ,
Po, l
P,,='*7;;;,rl A M,, -r -,,)/,-,
' f+l f+l
" Substituting this value ," Rayteigh supersonic Pitot ferrnula can be
. #,
obtained and is

D02 _ ,;
7r z,rl1-,
1t*t tvtl

P, tJ-, M,, -r4l\-,
r+t /+t

(ii) A Pitot tube is inserted. in to an air t'low ol' Mach 2 the static pressure is I

attnosphere. Calculate the lotal pressure measured by tlre tube and tire loss oltotal
pressure experiencpd. (8)
Answer: . Tqtalpr{ssure rneasured Po, =4P,= 5.64 atm. (3rnerrks)
,ri P, I

' Fr".-rtr.arn total pressure O, = n, atm-

= 7.824 (3nrar.ks)
. Loss of total pressure :7.824-5"64 = 2.184 atrn. (2marks)

lZ (b) (i) Derive a relation between flow turrring angle. shock angle and free-streanr Maclr
nurr,ber lor oblique shock rr,aves.
t.- e '\'$) (3)
4t l0

)2-u)() f
A nsrver " skdtch ot'upstrearr & downstreanr rlow veloc.ity cornponerts
ac'oss an
o (2rnarks)
; From geometry tan = u1lrv tan(fl-0;
B ; - tr2;/w
tan(R-0) p+2
'rqnF _!]ut _(r-t)M,'sinz (3nrarks)
0+l)lvt,2sin2 p-
'Expanding tan(p-0) and simprirying, rhe foilowing0-p M r.erarion
can be

M,1 sin' p -l
tan9 =2cot p (3 mrrrks)
M ,t (y + cos2p) + 2

I ZU (ii) Consider a Mach 2.5 supersonic flow ovcr a conrpression

corner wirh a detlecrio,
angle of l4 degree. Calculate the increase in shock strength
if thedetlection angle is
doubled to 28 degree and give your comments on the
slrock wave clraracreristics. (g)
A.swer: ' Knowing M1=2.5& e:r4, B can be deterrnined rrorn 0-p-M chart
B= 35.87 deg. (2rnarks)
' Mnr: Mr sin p = I .465
From normal shock table p2lp,:2.335
Shbckstrength {=i.3:S
. Deflection angle 0:28 deg
B: 56.33 O.g; {Pl = 3.881 (2rnirrks)

. From these results. it is clear tt,at tf,{sno.k@

P.j"fl"rtion ungt. o.t *u*,f, i. ulJ-

linear function of tlow deflection angle.
I l3 (a) (i) Explain the concept of Prandtt- Meyerexpansion
I around a convex cor.ner and
represent it in Hodograph plane.
Answer: ' Schematic sketch ofl prandtr-Meyer expansio,
rJrvrr corner
evsrrs;r and description of trre
crru ucscl
flofit'ounalh-'e extransion fan.
' Prandtl-M.y., furl"iion corresponding to rhe upsrream frow is,(*('D]';::tl
particularexpansion angle 0; Prandtl-M1yer
fupction v(M2) for ttre florv
do-wnstream of expansion = r,(Mr) + 0. Knowing
the prandtl-Meyer firnctiorr
v(Mz), M2 can be determined.
'The lociof the florv verocity downsrrearn ortrre. expansion,"va,,es !::.,lyt'
traced in a Hodograph prane rvhich gives rh.

\> A

l3 A)iii) A supersonic flori'at N{ l: I .5E rnd I'i= l:rtnr. Expancls arorrnd a sltarp corn,:r. i r

tne Ilrcssure dorvnstreanr oIthe corner is 0 I i06 atrr.. calcLrlate thc deflection lnglc
o t' the corner (s)
A ns r,r,e i': . From P-M table, v;14.27 dcg. lor N,lr: I .56 (2rrriu'ks)
. Calculation of Po: / P2 and deternrination oI M2 from norntal shock tab]e

Po, ._ Po, Pu, P,

h Pt. Pot P2
: 4.l27xlx l/0. I 306 : 1.6
M2:2.r1 frorn norrral shock tlrble
v2= 47.79 <1ug. lrom P-M table (4ma'ks)
- Calculation of 0, the deflection angle ,:

O: 4V.79-14.21 :33.52 deg. (2marks)

13. (b) (i) Explain the procidtu'e to obtain tlre sLrpersonic nozzle coniour for a given Maclt
n Lr nr ber trsing Method ol chai'acteristics. (s)
Ansu'er:'Once the nozzle Mach nunrber is given, expansion angle by which thc nozzle wall
will have to be detlected on either side can be deternrined. The expansion segnrenr
has to be divided into number of small sognrents with equal deflection angle.
'The inclination of the first wave at the throat, relative to the centerline can be
determined and is'A [(90-0)+(pk-0r)]. The- reflected first wave is to be cancelletl by the
inward deflected nozzle rvall ai the wave by the same amount as that of the initial
expansion angle.
'The above procedure is to be repeated for all the expansion waves. This rnakes the
last nozzle wall deflection to be parallel to the centerline and the florv clo,,vnstrearn
will be uniform at the given Mach nurnber.l-he final teii section height nrust agree
with the value of A/Ar corresponding to v(Mr)
' Sketch of the divergent portion of the nozzle with characteristic nctwork.
(it) An incident shock wave angle of i5 deglee inrpinges on a straight rvall" tf the
upstrealn flow properties are M:3, P-latnr. and T:300K, calculate the reflectct
shock rvave angle rvith respect to the rvall ancl the ,',oru
dor.vnstream of the reflectetl slrock rvavf. (8)
Answer: . For M1=3; Pr=3-s deg.,0= fi.1 Aeg...frorn oblique shock charr
' Determination of the normal Cornponent oi lv'lach number clowrrstreanr of t5e
shock and Mz
Mz'= 2'14
. Determination of p2 I'rorn oblique sirocl< table
$2= 46 deg.
Reflected shocl< wave angle Pz - 0 28.3 :
. Mach number dow.nstream of reflected shock.M3 :.1.45

| -> l,[:,

Pressuredorvnstrearn p-
t= 4-P.,rl --()'rJ
o rn
P, P,
Tem perature downstreanr
Tl:5 55 K

nrial rhe.ryff":*i[]'
the linearized pressttre coellrcient is a
lunction oIthe pcrrurbarion ,"lo.ity ;n rt,. nu*
drrectron cinly.

( l0)
Answer: . AssLrmptions
'I The perturbation.verocity co,rponents
' the mean velocity U ' -"-r- rr,v,rv are smr, cornpared to

'' i'o, r({t
* Flow is two-dimensional
and isentronic, ^^..

' L,, = -. . , [-:-- l]

. t\, ' From energy equation, temperature
ratio can be simplified to
T _, r-1.Y2-y 2

T =t -;-(-----, -,,
'a L (l (2nrlr-ks)
. l n trod uc
i n g pe4!&alia!-yg!g91!les
a n d ded.u c i,, g, p/!]s
u s i n g i se n rropic
conditions, p/p* in tenniofpertirbat;on
. Using Binomial expansion velo"ir,"*rbor"rir" (2rnarks)
Pt , *r-**
)/-1 ,, r.2u u2+vz
L-' ,C*-U ) i2rnarks)
. Substituting it in Cp
and simplifying
V- (2marks)

afrne rranstbrnration for subsonic nf
1,? Tr:r,ne or",, airfbirs and
l/ght its rign in.rniJ.---.-....-----.---._'__-
h igh
Answer: , .,1ffjj,,:1,,:1".:,:::sfbrmation
retares rhe corrrpressibte florv
in physical plane ro the incomprerriir" Gver an airfbit
same airfoil.
iln transfornred spacc
over the

. The governing esuatio,

a. rl,;rlJc compressrbb liJ^:frtlr arr airroir is
given by
The transfonned equation can be shown
to take the form

r{ibJ'ri ?:, , ,\ ,, ,\
( r;)
1 L. q)a i) which governs the incornpressible flow over tlre same (2nrarks) airioil
. The significance of this transformation is that it relates the Cp over an airfbil
in compressible florv to Cp overthe same airloil in incr:rnpr-essible florv
CP run,, (2rnarks)

l+ (b) (i) Derive suitable expressions fir.tin drag coelilcients of a llat Plate airfoil at
' snra{l angles of attack using liriearized supersonic florv,theoiy. (tt)

Answer: ' From linearised theory

LPr= r ,

Cn (expansion) (2marks)

.Cn= L'lqr, 'Cp,,)clx --

uo -+-
,rM-. _l

.Ca : !c fcr, - ('P,,)dY = 0 since dY =0 (2rnarks)


Cr: Cn since cos o = I

C6: C, a since sin a = cr

Therelore C', =
.+G 7
C,I =- (2marks)
(ii)Aflatplateof lmx0"?msizeiskeptinanairstrearnofvelocity lS00kmphatan
angle of attack of 5 degree. Calculate the lift using supersonic linear theory. Assunre

that the static pressure and temperature of the freestrearn airdre 2x l0s N/rn2 and

288K respectively. I (8)

Answer: . Velocity: 1800 knrph = 500 nr/s ;
o = JynT =34Aml s

M: 500/340=1.47 (2rnarks)
. c, -3:= 0.32 (Siiiarks)
JM' -l
r Lift = % yHrt2PS Cr. = 19160 N (3nrarks) B/t0

l-i (a) (i) Describe thetransonic fllrrv regirne rvith

sLr itabre sketches t-rlflo,,i,,aLre,
two-d imensional airtb i I

A rrsv'er:
' Transonic flow regiine is between rower and upper criticar rrqv'
Definition of lower critical Mach number ' Mach
I I Inumbers.
rur I ruc;r 5-

Definitibn of upper crirical Maclr number

- Flotv pattern over air[oil in tnirrsonic


Sonic - - - hock
{ur),<w <l
:_---_-> shlr-k

(ii) Exptain how large drag increase takes place at transonic
frow. whar are rhe
control rrreasures adopted at the design stage?
' At transonic flow. Mach nunrber just above the lower critical
Mach number a finite
region of supersonic flow te,ninaied by a
normal shock wave exists on the trp
the airfoil' Theadverse pressure gradient induced surf,ace of
by the siock & separation.orr. u rurg.
increase in drag' The Mach n,,,,rb.rat which
it takes pi"*;r called drag di'ergence
ntttlrber' Above this the tlrag increases dranraticirlly Mac'
due Lo the extensivc shock induccd
se paration on top & bottorrr strr
'Tlie control tneasures include introducrion olrrrinner airtbirs.lnil5jlback
bi'ief discussion on how these rl)easures help rving. A
in ,"ar"inf iti. arug need ro bc includcd.

What are the detrir,ental eft-ects uxperienced

in sweep back wings? (4)
. Tip-ward flow causing
. {ncrease in landing and
. C"C shift
. Difficulty in tocatine rhe landirg
gears (4x l:4rnarks)
16, 0) (i) Write a short nore on trafsonic area rule.
Transonic Area Rule:
' The area rule is a sirnple sta{enlent that the cross-sectiorral
area of the bocl-v should har.e
a srnooth yariation with longitudinaldistance
along thebody;rhere shoLrld l;c no rupiclor
disco,tinuous changes in the cross-sectionar are.
'Application of this rule to a conventional wing-body.o,nt inution
willalso lrave ro be
d iscussed.
'lllu.stration of the rule with sketchesof air-craft nl2p .-,ipq..7q
y,u,yr dlu ^-^^^ - ..
anrr Lruss-sccuonal
Var.iations arca

c)/ I (t

. Aerodynarnic ad.rantages oltlre area-nrled aircraft rvillalso havc to be broLrglrt orrt hy
conrparing the Cd Vs Mach ntrrttber plots olarea-r'Lr led and non area-rr.rled cases o['an
a ircraft. (4x2:Srnarks)

16 . I' tiii Discuss the major differe nces between Rayleigh and Fanno florvs. (8)
. Plot of tlre therrnodylarnic properties flow with heat lddirion in'a
Mollier diagram, g?]l:d Rayleigh.cLrrve which describes the Rayleigh Flow.
as' similar pfot for flow with. friction' called Fanno crtrve ,vh ic'
describes Fanno a[ffit
' - l-leat.aaaition lfwJri'd.'r., the Mach nunrber tolvards l. decelei-ating il supersonic florv
arrd accelerating a subsonic florr.
Where as, in a lranno tlorv, liiction drives the Mach nurnber lorvlrdd l,
clccelerating a supersonic llorv and accelerating l subsonic flow.
. Rayleigh curve can be traversed f,rom the top and bottom. -

E Such things are not possible in Fanno flow.

.lrrRayleigh flows, the total pressrlre decreases and the total temperature increases.
Where as, the total pressure decreases and the totaltempeiaturg rernains Fanno fl ows.


a r0/r0

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