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Blender 2.

64: Sculpting Improvements

Sculpt Masking

Sculpt masking (Image credit: Roberto Roch)


Masks are used to "protect" parts of the model from being edited by the sculpting tools. They appear as

darkened areas of the mesh. The darker a masked area is, the less effect sculpting on it will have. Masks

can be edited with the mask brush, as well as cleared or inverted accross the entire model. The masking

feature is active as soon as sculpt mode is entered; there is no separate toggle.

Mask Brush

In order to edit the mask, select the mask brush from the Brush panel. The mask brush can also be
toggled with the M. (Pressing M will also create a mask brush if none currently exist.) The mask brush has

two modes, Draw and Smooth. Pressing ⇧ Shift with the mask brush active will toggle the mask smoothing


Other Mask Operations

The 3D View header has a mask menu with the following operators:

 Invert Mask CtrlI

 Clear Mask AltM

 Fill Mask
 Hide Masked


 Masks are only visible when drawing with the PBVH, so masks will not be visible if:
o Draw mode is not set to 'solid'.
o Shape key is unpinned
o Non-multires modifiers are visible
 Mask drawing breaks material drawing in sculpt mode.

Implementation Notes

Brush Map Mode

Example of View Plane vs. Area Plane.

The existing Fixed map mode was split into two modes: View Plane and Area Plane.

The View Plane mode is identical to Fixed — the current view angle is used to project the brush texture

onto the model. Area Plane mode projects the brush texture along the local surface normal, which keeps

the texture from stretching when sculpting on a portion of the mesh that is at an extreme angle to the


In the example to the right, two brush dabs were applied to the side of the model (left)-- the top dab

applied using View Plane mode and the bottom using Area Plane mode. The result shown head-on in the

middle demonstrated the texture shape preservation was optimized using Area Plane projection.

Input Stroke Averaging

Sculpt, vertex paint, and weight paint have a new Input Samples option (accessible from the 3D View

toolbar). Recent mouse locations (input samples) are averaged together to smooth brush strokes.

New Hotkeys
Center on Last Stroke

To quickly focus on where an object is being sculpted, the 3D view centering operator Numpad . has been

extended to center on the end of the last sculpt stroke.

Cancel Stroke in Progress

By pressing Esc while in the middle of a sculpt stroke, the stroke will be canceled and any changes will be


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