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Haiku originated in 9th century Japan. Haiku forces readers to think deeply 
about it’s subjects because there are so few words. Poets and writers do 
need to follow a few rules when they choose to write a haiku poem:  
1. Haiku contains three lines. 
2. The first line has 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the 
third line has 5 syllables. It follows the 5-7-5 format. (Some modern 
haiku poems do not follow this rule always.) 
3. Haiku does n ​ ot​ need to rhyme. 
4. Haiku usually references an event that happens in nature.   
5. Haiku uses ​juxtaposition​! This means it has two contrasting parts! 
6. Haiku also uses ​personification​, ​metaphor​, ​simile​, and most 
importantly ​imagery​! 
Examples of Haiku: 
Old Pond​ by Basho 
Old pond 
a frog jumps 
the sound of water 
From ​Book of Haikus​ by Jack Kerouac  
Snow in my shoe— 
Sparrow’s nest 
Untitled​ by Michael Dylan Welch 
meteor shower 
a gentle wave 
wets our sandals 

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