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January 25, 2018

1. A planet of mass m is moving around a star of mass M and radius R in

a circular orbit of radius r. The star abruptly shrinks to half its radius without
any loss of mass. What change will ve there in the orbit of the planet?
The radius of the star decreasing without any change in mass will not have any
effect on force exerted by star on planet which is the required centripetal force.
2. 12 positive charges of magnitude q are placed on a circle of radius R in a
manner that they are equally spaced. A charge Q is placed at the centre. If one
of the charges q is removed, then the force on Q is (A) zero (B)

4π0 R2
away from the position of the removed charge (C)

4π0 R2
away from the position of the removed charge (D)

4π0 R2
towards from the position of the removed charge
Soln: If one of the charges is removed, then net force on Q is
4π0 R2
towards the position of removed charge
3. An electric heater coonsists of a nichrome coil and under 220V consuming
1KW power. Part of its coil burned out and it was reconnected after cutting
off the burnt portion. The power it will consume now is: (A) more than 1KW
(B) less than1KW , but not zero (C) 1KW (D) 0kW
Part of coil is burnt. Then it was cut off. Hence resistance decreases. Hence
there will be more current flow. ELectric power

P = I 2R

Hence, power consumption will increase.

4. White light is split into a spectrum by a prism and it is seen on a screen.
If we put another identical inverted prism behind in contact, what will be seen
on the screen?
The system will behave as a slab. 6. A small asteroid is orbiting around the
sun in a circular orbit of radius r0 with speed v0 . A rocket is launched from
the asteroid with speed V = αv0 where V is the speed relative to the sun. The
highest value of α which the rocket will remain bound to the solar system√ is
√ gravity due to the asteroid and effect of other planets) (A) 2 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D)1
Rocket will remain bound to asteroid if the kinetic energy is balanced out
by the gravitational energy
GM m 1
= mv 2
r0 2
GM m 1
= mv02 α2
r0 2
A train passes through a station with constant speed. A stationary observer at
the station platform measures the tone of the train whistle as 484Hz when it
approaches the station and 442Hz when it leaves the station. If the sound ve-
locity is 330m/s, then the tone of the whistle and the speed of the train are (a)
462hz, 54km/h (b) 463Hz, 52Km/h (c) 463Hz, 56Km/h (d) 464Hz, 52Knm/h
Solution: When train approaches the station, the frequency heard by the ob-
v 330
n1 = n = n( )
v − vs 330 − vs
v = 330m/s
n=actual tone of whistle

484 = n(330/330 − vs )

..... (i) When the train leaves the station

v 330
n2 = n = n( )
v + vs 330 + vs
442 = n( )
330 + vs
.... (ii) Divide Eqs (i) by (ii), we get
= 330 + vs /330 − vs
1.09 = (330 + vs )/(330 − vs )
330 + vs = 1.09(330 − vs )

vs =
= 15m/s
Substituting vs in Eqn (i) gives

484 = n(330/330 − 15)

= n(330/315)
484 ∗ 21
= 462Hz
Q. A cylinder contains 16g of O2 . The work done when the gas is compressed to
75% of the original volume at constant temperature of 27◦ is . Given mass
of O2 , m=16g Number of moles of O2 ,

where M =molecular weight of O2 =32g n = 16 1
32 = 2 Temperature T = 27 =
300K If V1 be the original volume and V2 be the final volume Work done by the
gas in the isothermal process

W0 = nRT log(V2 /V1 ) = 0.5 ∗ 8.31 ∗ ln(3/4) = 150 ∗ 8.31 ∗ ln(3/4) = −358.56J

Q. A rigid triangular molecule consists of three non-collinear atoms joined

by rigid rods. The constant pressure molar specific heat Cp of an ideal gas
consisting of such molecules is (a) 6R (b) 5R (c) 4R (d) 3R If N be the number
of particles in a system and k be the number of constraints between the number
of degrees of freedom is given by

f = 3N − k

f = (3 ∗ 3) − 3
Relation between f and Cp

Cp = (f /2 + 1)R

⇒ Cp = (6/2 + 1)R
Cp = 4R
Q. A ring of radius R carries a linear charge density λ. It is rotating with angular
speed ω. What is the magnetic field at the centre? Linear charge density

When the ring is rotated about the axis, the motion of the electrons in a circular
orbit is equivalent to a current carrying loop. Current
Q Qω
I= =
T 2π
since Time period T = 2π/ω. Now, magnetic field around the centre of a current
carrying loop is given by
B = µ0 I/2R
Putting the value of I in the above equation, we get
µ0 ω Q
B= .
2 2πR
µ0 λω
Q. An infinite wire carrying current I is bent in the form of a parabola. Find
the magnetic field at the focus of the parabola. Take the distance of the focus
from the apex as a.
Solution: From Biot-Savart law, the magnetic field ar S is given by
Z ~
~ = µ0 I dl × ~r
4π r3
From the figure, we note that
~ × ~r|
~ and ~r
=area of the parallelogram by dl

= 2 × 1/2 × r.rdθ

= r2 dθ
Hence, Z 2π
~ = µ0 I

4π 0 r
Using r(1 − cosθ) = 2a as the equation to the parabola, we get
~ = µ0 I/4a

Q. A solid uniform cylinder of radius r rolls without sliding along the inside the
surface of a hollow cylinder of radius R, performing small oscillations. Determine
time period. Solution: Translational kinetic energy + rotational kinetic energy
+ potential energy= constant
1 1
mv 2 + Iω 2 + mg(R − r)(1 − cosθ) = C
2 2
I = 1/2mr2

3/4m(dx/dt)2 + mg(R − r)θ2 /2 = C
Differentiating with respect to time,

3 d2 x dθ
m( 2 )+ mg(R − r)θ
2 dt dt
x = (R − r)θ
3 2
d x/dt2 (R − r)dθ/dt + gxdθ/dt = 0

Cancelling dt throughout

d2 x 2 gx
+ =0
dt2 3R−r
this is the equation for SHM, with
2 g
ω2 =
2π 3(R − r)
T = = 2π
ω 2g
Q. Taking the earth’s radius as 6400Km and assuming that the value of g inside
the earth is proportional to the distance from the earth’s centre, at what depth
below the earth’s surface would a pendulum which beats seconds at the earth’s
surface lose 5 min in a day?
g = g0 (1 − )
where g and g0 are the acceleration due to gravity at depth respectively, and R
is the radius of the earth
T = T0 = T0 (1 − d/R)−1/2

= T0 (1 +
Time registered for the whole body will be proportional to the time period.
T t
= = 1 + d/2R
T0 t0
86400 d
= =1+
86400 − 300 2R
Substituting R = 6400Km, we find d = 44.6Km 9.11 Q. A horizontal tube of
length L, open at A and closed at B, is filled with an ideal fluid. The end B has
a small oriffice. The tube is set in rotation in the horizontal plane with angular

velocity ω about a vertical axis passing through A. Show that the efflux velocity
of the fluid is given by r
v = ωl −1
where l is the length of the fluid. Solution: Consider a mass element dm of the
fluid at a distance x from the vertical axis. The centrifugal force on dm is

Df = dmω 2 x
= dm
= dm v
vdv = ω 2 xdx
vdv = ω 2 xdx

v2 ω2
2 2 L
So, r
v = ωl −1
Q. A cylinder filled with water of volume V is fitted with a piston and placed-
horizontally. There is a hole of cross sectional area s at the other end of the
cylinder, s being much smaller than the cross sectional area of the piston. Show
that the work to be done by a constant force acting on the piston to squeeze all
water from the cylinder in time t is given by

ρV 3
W =
2s2 t2
where ρ is the density of water.
Solution: Volume of water flowing out per second

Q = sv

where v is the speed of sound and s is the cross-sectional area. Volume flowing
V = Qt = svt
ρv 2

where L is the length of the cylinder and W is the work done.

1 ρV 3
W =
2 s2 t2
9.19 A large tank is filled with water of 70cm3 /s. A hole of cross-section 0.25cm2
is punched at the bottom of the tank. Find the maximum height to which the
tank can be filled. Solution: For the water level to remain stationary volume
efflux= rate of filling = x The velocity
v = 2gh

where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Hence,

vA = 2ghA

= 70cm3 //s
The maximum height

x2 702
h= = = 40cm
2gA2 2 × 980 × (0.25)2
9.21 A large tank is filled with water. The total pressure at the bottom is
3.0atm. If a small hole is punched at the bottom, what is the velocity of efflux?
Pressure at the bottom due to water coloumn

(3 − 1)atm

= 2atm
= 2 × 105 P a
The equation for pressure is

P = hρg

2 × 105
Hence, velocity p
v= 2gh

= 20m/s
The variation of the specific heat of a substance is given by the expression

C = A + BT 2

where A and B are constants and T is the Celsius temperature. Find the
difference between the mean specific heat and specific heat at midpoint.
(A + BT 2 )dT
CdT 0
C̄ = =
dT T
AT + BT 3 /3
= A + BT 2 /2
= A + B(T /2)2
BT 2
Hence, the difference between mean specific heat and specific heat at midpoint

= C̄ − C(midpoint)

= A + BT 2 /3 − (A + BT 2 /4)
BT 2
10.46 A satellite of radius a revolves in a circular orbit about a planet of radius
b with period T . If the shortest distance between their surfaces is c, prove that
the mass of the planet is
4π 2 (a + b + c)/GT 2
10.46 When a gas expands adiabatically, its volume is doubled while its
absolute temperature is decreased by a factor 1.32. Compute the number of
degrees of freedom for the gas molecules. Solution: The number of degrees can
be found from the relation
We can find γ from the adiabatic relation,

T2 V2γ−1 = T1 V1γ−1

V2 γ−1 T1
( ) = = 1.32
V1 T2

2γ−1 = 1.32
γ =1+ = 1.4
The number of degrees of freedom
f= =5
1.4 − 1
10.47 A heat engine absorbs heat of 105 Kcal from a source, which is at 127◦
and rejects a part of heat to sink at 27◦ . Calculate the efficienccy of the engine
and the work done by it. Solution: The efficiency of the engine is
η =1−
= 0.25
that is, 25% Work done by the engine

W =η×Q

= 0.25 × 108 Cal

= 0.25 × 108 × 4.81J
= 1.05 × 108 J
2π m(Y A + kL)k
Q. Show that the inductance of a toroid of rectangular cross-section is given
µ0 N 2 Hln(b/a)

where N is the total number of turns, a is the inner radius, b is the outside
radius and H is the height of the toroid. Solution: Using the definition of the
self inductance of a solenoid, we express L in terms of flux φ, N and I:

We apply Ampere’s law to a closed path of radius a < r < b:
~ = B(2πr)
~ dl

= µ0 N I
µ0 N I

We express the flux in a strip of height H and width dr:
Z b
µ0 N IH dr
dφ = BHdr =
2π a r

µ0 N IH b
= ln( )
2π a
Substitute for flux φ in the equation 1 we obtain the expression for L

µ0 N 2 Hln(b/a)

Q. An insulating rod running from z = −atoz = a carries indicated line charges.
Determine the leading term in the multipole expansion of the potential is given
λ = kcos( )
where k is a constant.
Solution: Potential due to multipole expansion is given by
1 X Pn (cosθ)
V (~r) = In
4π0 0 rn+1
R +a
where In = −a
z n λ(z)dz Inserting the value of charge density in the integral
to obtain: Z a
πz 2ak πz
I0 = k cos( )dz = sin(
−a 2a π 2a
Applying limits z = −atoz = a
2ak 4ak
I0 = [sin(π/2) + sin(π/2)] =
π π
The potential
V (r, θ) = (4ak/pi)

A large solenoid coil for a physics experiment is made of a single layer of con-
ductor of cross-section 4cm × 2cm with a cooling water hole 2cm × 1cm in the
conductor. The coil, which consists of 100turns, has a diameter of 3metres and
a length of 4metres. At the two ends of the coil are circular steel plates to make
the field uniform and to return the magnetic flux. A magnetic field of 0.25T is
desired. What power in kilowatts must be supplied to provide the desired field?

Solution: Magnetic field is
µ0 N I
where N is the number of turns, L is the length of the solenoid coil. The current
µ0 N
0.25 × 4
4π × 10−7 × 100
Total resistance is R = ρ A . The resistance, voltage and power respectively
Resistivity of aluminium is 3 × 10−8 ohm-metres.
A body of mass m is pushed with the initial velocity v0 up an inclined lane
set at an angle α to the horizontal. The friction coefficient is equal to k. What
distance will the body cover before it stops and what work do the friction forces
perform over this distance? A top of mass m = 0.50kg, whose axis is tilted
by an angle θ = 30◦ to the vertical, precesses due to gravity. The moment of
inertia of the top relative to the symmetry axis is equal to I = 2.0gm2 , the
angular velocity of rotation about that axis is equal to ω = 350rads−1 , the
distance from the point of rest to the centre of inertia of the top is l = 10cm.
Find the angular velocity of the top’s precession. A gyroscope, a uniform disc
of radius R = 5.0cm at the end of a rod of length l = 10cm is mounted on
the floor of an elevator car going up with a constant acceleration w − 2.0ms−2 .
The other end of the rod is hinged at the point O. The gyroscope precesses
with an angular velocity n = 0.5rps. Find the proper angular velocity of the
disc. A steel ball of mass m = 50g falls from the height h = 1.0m on the
horizontal surface of a massive slab. Find the cummulaive momentum that the
ball imparts to the slab after numerous bounces, if every impact decreases the
velocity of the ball η = 1.25times. A shell flying with velocity v = 500m/s
bursts into three identical fragments so that the kinetic energy of the system
increases η = 1.5times. What maximum velocity can one of the fragments
obtain? Calculate the moment of inertia of a copper uniform disc relative to the
symmetry axis perpendicular to the plane of the disc, if its thickness is equal
to b = 2.00mm and its radius to R = 100mm A double star is a system of two
stars moving around the centre of inertia of the system due to gravitation. Find
the distance between the components of the double star, if its total mass equals
M and the period of revolution T .


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