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Pride Product Approval Form

Submitted to Product Approval Committee

Name Matt Martinez

Date (s) submitted 10/4/17

Research Topic / Area of Study Physical Therapy

Connection to research paper My Pride paper was about Physical Therapy. In my paper, I
discuss the process of recovery after an injury.

Goal of product / what problem or I will create an original exercise program with specific exercises
need solved or addressed in a specific order to increase mobility and strength.

I will make video demonstrations on how to perform each


I will demonstrate different exercises with my grandfather to

show the form and purpose during the presentation.

Estimated time to complete I will complete this product in about 40 hours.

People who will assist (if applicable) Shadia Natour (Mentor 1)

Amber Hartman (Mentor 2)
Marvin Hamilton (Grandfather)

Estimated cost / investment No money is involved.

What will judges see at The judges will see a live demonstration of exercises of rotator
presentation? (evidence of work cuff injury on my grandfather and myself. They will also see an
and development) original exercise program with specific exercises that are
performed on my grandpa.

Personal stretch (area of growth) I need to better understand how the body recovers after injury or
surgery and how different exercises affect the body. In addition,
practicing for my Pride presentation will aid my communication
skills so I do not freeze up in front of an audience.

Product Description: I will have 2 different aged patients, myself and my grandfather, who have
the same injuries. My grandfather will demonstrate exercises to benefit rotator cuff surgery. I will
create and print out original exercise plans for the judges to see what will help benefit the patient's
recovery process.

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