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For downloading videos

How to install Firefox on

your PC
1. Go to
2. Install Firefox
3. Click on the menu icon
on the top right in Firefox
4. Choose Add Ons
5. Click on Extensions on
far left
6. Search for 1 Click Video
Downloader (for example)
7. Restart /refresh Firefox

Editing in Premiere Pro

Creating a project in
Premiere Pro
1. Open Premiere Pro
2. Choose New Project
3. Give it a Title/NAme and
click Browse for location
4. Click OK

Import footage into

Premiere Pro
1. File Menu > Import
2. Locate your footage
3. Choose your footage
4. Footage appears in your
Project Panel which
ordinarily is on the bottom
left of your screen.
5. Drag your footage onto
the timeline. Which
normally is bottom right of
your screen.

Cutting footage.
1. Choose razor tool. Just
click on it. No dragging
2. Move blue line to where
you want to cut.
3. Click with the razor tool
on the blue line.
4. Choose your select tool.
To avoid cuts

To delete footage
1. Highlight the footage
you want to delete with
the Selection (Indicator)
2. Right click in the middle
of the footage (avoid the
red brackets), choose
Ripple delete

Preparing footage for

To export footage
1. Highlight your timeline
window (bottom left had
corner of your screen)
2. File > Export > Media
3. At the bottom of the
screen Choose Entire
Sequence from Source
4. Format should be H.264
5. Choose Output Name
(will be in blue): Change
the name but leave
the .mp4 at the end.
6. Click Export
7. Have a cup of coffee
and wait for export to
Editing instructions using
markers for video editors
1. Open your project in
Premiere Pro
2. Go to the place on your
timeline where you want
3. Click on the Marker
icon. (triangle net to
spanner on timeline)
4. You can also right click
on the timeline and
choose Add Marker
5. Double click the marker.
6. Name it (example Incut)
and add your instructions
under Comment
7. Continue adding
markers if required.

Compiling the project for

video editors
1. Choose File > Project
2. Choose Collect File and
copy to new location
3. Click Browse under
Destination Path and
choose a folder to save it
4. Click OK
5. Check the folder to see
if your content has copied
6. Go home to your family
or lover or dog. PS: Do
not refer to your lover or
wife or husband as a dog.

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