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CCNA Sec 01

• The basics of IT security: CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability)

• Confidentiality.
• Measures that prevent disclosure of information or data to unauthorized individuals or systems.
• Integrity.
• Protecting the data from unauthorized alteration or revision.
• Often ensured through the use of a hash.
• Availability.
• Making systems and data ready for use when legitimate users need them at any time.
• Guaranteed by network hardening mechanisms and backup systems.
• Attacks against availability all fall into the “denial of service” realm.
• Asset.
• It is anything that is valuable to an organization.
• Vulnerability.
• An exploitable weakness in a system or its design.
• Threat.
• Any potential danger to an asset.
• Countermeasure.
• A safeguard that somehow mitigates a potential risk.
• Risk.
• The potential for unauthorized access to, compromise, destruction, or damage to an asset.
• Classifying Assets.
• One reason to classify an asset is so that you can take specific action, based on policy, with regard to assets in
a given class.

• Classifying Vulnerabilities.
• Policy flaws
• Design errors

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• Design errors
• Protocol weaknesses
• Misconfiguration
• Software vulnerabilities
• Human factors
• Malicious software
• Hardware vulnerabilities
• Physical access to network resources
• Classifying Countermeasures.
• Administrative controls.
• Consist of written policies, procedures, guidelines, and standards.
• Physical controls.
• Are exactly what they sound like, physical security for the network servers, equipment, and infrastructure.
• Logical controls (technical controls).
• Logical controls include passwords, firewalls, IPS, access lists, VPN tunnels, ……...
• Potential Attackers.
• Terrorists
• Criminals
• Government agencies
• Nation states
• Hackers
• Disgruntled employees
• Competitors
• Attack Methods.
• Reconnaissance.
• This is the discovery process used to find information about the network.
• Social engineering.
• Leverages our weakest (very likely) vulnerability in a secure system (data, applications, devices, networks):
the user.
• Could be done through e-mail or misdirection of web pages, which results in the user clicking something that
leads to the attacker gaining information.
• Phishing.
• Presents a link that looks like a valid trusted resource to a user.
• Pharming.
• Used to direct a customer’s URL from a valid resource to a malicious one that could be made to appear as the
valid site to the user.
• Privilege escalation.
• The process of taking some level of access and achieving an even greater level of access.
• Backdoor.
• Application can be installed to allow access.
• Code execution.
• When attackers can gain access to a device, they might be able to take several actions.
• Man-in-the-Middle Attacks.
• Results when attackers place themselves in line between two devices that are communicating.
• To mitigate this risk, you could use techniques such as DAI (Dynamic ARP Inspection).
• Additional Attack Methods.
• Covert channel.
• Uses programs or communications in unintended ways.
• For ex. If web traffic is allowed but peer-to-peer messaging is not, users can attempt to tunnel their peer-to-
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• For ex. If web traffic is allowed but peer-to-peer messaging is not, users can attempt to tunnel their peer-to-
peer traffic inside of HTTP traffic.
• Also a backdoor application collecting keystroke information from the workstation and then sending it out as
ICMP or http packet.
• Trust exploitation.
• Ex. an attacker could leverage his gaining access to a DMZ host, and using that location to launch his attacks
from there to the inside network.
• Brute-force (password-guessing) attacks.
• Performed when an attacker’s system attempts thousands of possible passwords looking for the right match.
• Mitigated by limiting how many unsuccessful authentication attempts can occur within a specified time.
• DoS (Denial of Service).
• An attack is launched from a single device with the intent to cause damage to an asset
• DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service).
• An attack is launched from multiple devices as from botnet network.
• Botnet.
• A collection of infected computers that are ready to take instructions from the attacker.
• RDoS (Reflected DDoS).
• When the source of the initial (query) packets is actually spoofed by the attacker.
• The response packets are then “reflected” back from the unknowing participant to the victim of the attack.
• Guidelines for Secure Network Architecture.
• Rule of least privilege.
• Minimal access should only provided to the required network resources.
• Defense in depth.
• You should have security implemented on an early every point of your network.
• Ex. filtering at a perimeter router, filtering again at a firewall, using IPSs to analyze traffic before it reaches
your servers, and using host-based security precautions at the servers, as well.
• Separation of duties.
• Rotating individuals into different roles periodically will also assist in verifying that vulnerabilities are being
addressed, because a person who moves into a new role will be required to review the policies in place.
• Auditing.
• Accounting and keeping records about what is occurring on the network.
• Common forms of social engineering.
• Phishing.
• Elicits secure information through an e-mail message that appears to come from a legitimate source such as a
service provider or financial institution.
• The e-mail message may ask the user to reply with the sensitive data, or to access a website to update
information such as a bank account number.
• Malvertising.
• This is the act of incorporating malicious ads on trusted websites, which results in users’ browsers being
inadvertently redirected to sites hosting malware.
• Phone scams.
• An example is a miscreant posing as a recruiter asking for names, e-mail addresses, and so on for members of
the organization and then using that information to start building a database to leverage for a future attack.
• Defenses Against Social Engineering.
• Password management.
• The number and type of characters that each password must include, how often a password must be changed.
• Two-factor authentication.
• Use two-factor authentication rather than fixed passwords.
• Antivirus/antiphishing defenses.

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• Antivirus/antiphishing defenses.
• Document handling and destruction.
• Sensitive documents and media must be securely disposed of and not simply thrown out with the regular
office trash.
• Physical security.
• Malware Identification Tools.
• Packet captures.
• Snort IDS
- An open source IDS/IPS developed by the founder of Sourcefire.
• NetFlow
• IPS events
• Advanced Malware Protection (AMP).
• Designed for Cisco FirePOWER network security appliances.
• Provides visibility and control to protect against highly sophisticated, targeted, zero-day, and persistent
advanced malware threats.
• NGIPS (Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System).
• The Cisco FirePOWER NGIPS solution provides multiple layers of advanced threat protection at high
inspection throughput rates.
Implementing AAA in Cisco IOS
• Administrative access methods.
• Password only.
• Local database.
• AAA Local Authentication (self-contained AAA).
• AAA Server-based.
• AAA provides:
• Authentication.
• Who is permitted to access a network.
• Authorization.
• What they can do while they are there.
• Accounting.
• Records in details what they did.
• Methods of implementing AAA services.
• Local AAA Authentication.
- Uses a local database stored in the router for authentication.
• Server-Based AAA Authentication.
- Uses an external database server that leverages RADIUS or TACACS+ protocols.
- Preferred in large environment.
• Server-Based Authentication
• The user establishes a connection with the router.
• The router prompts the user for a username and password.
• The router passes the username and password to the Cisco Secure ACS.
• The ACS authenticates and authorizes the user based on its database.
• ACS (Access Control Server).
• Can create a central user and administrative access DB that all network devices can access.
• Can work with many external databases, such as Active Directory.
• Supports both TACACS+ and RADIUS protocols.
• Both protocols can be used to communicate between AAA client (Router) and AAA servers (ACS).
• Provides user and device group profiles.

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• Restrictions to network access based on a specific time.
• Can be software installed on windows server or a physical appliance can be purchased from Cisco.
• RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service).
• Open standard, RFCs 2865, 2866, 2867, and 2868.
• Combines authentication & authorization, but separates accounting.
• Supports detailed accounting required for billing users, so preferred by ISPs.
• Encrypts only the password.
• Does not encrypt user name, or any other data in the message.
• Used UDP port 1645 & now 1812 for authentication & authorization.
• Used UDP port 1646 & now 1813 for accounting.
• Supports remote-access technologies, 802.1X, and SIP.

• TACACS+ (Terminal Access Control Access Control Server).

• Cisco proprietary.
• Separates authentication and authorization.
• Provides limited detailed accounting.
• Encrypts all packet not only the password.
• Utilizes TCP port 49.
• Multiprotocol support, such as IP and AppleTalk.
• Incompatible with any previous version of TACACS.

• AAA clients must run Cisco IOS Release 11.2 or later.

• ISE (Identity Services Engine).
• An identity and access control policy platform.
• Can validate that a computer meets the requirements of a company’s policy related to virus definition files,
service pack levels, and so on before allowing the device on the network.
• Leverages many AAA-like (authentication, authorization, and accounting) features, but is not a 100 percent
replacement for ACS.
• ACS should be used mainly for AAA, and ISE for the posturing & policy compliance checking for hosts.
• Login method types:

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• Login method types:
• Enable.
• Uses the enable password for authentication.
• Line.
• Uses the line password for authentication.
• Local.
• Uses the local username database for authentication.
• Local-case.
• Uses case-sensitive local username authentication.
• Group radius.
• Uses the list of all RADIUS servers for authentication.
• Group tacacs+.
• Uses the list of all TACACS+ servers for authentication.
• Group group-name.
• Uses a subset of RADIUS or TACACS+ servers for authentication as defined by the aaa group server radius
or aaa group server tacacs+ command.
• None.
• To ensure that the authentication succeeds even if all methods return an error.
• AAA lists.
• When AAA is enabled, the default list is automatically applied to all interfaces and lines but with no methods
defined unless a predefined list is assigned.
• If the default method list is not set and there is no other list, only the local user database is checked.
• Authorization.
• What a user can and cannot do on the network after that user is authenticated.
• Implemented using a AAA server-based solution.
• When a user has been authenticated, a session is established with the AAA server.
• The router requests authorization for the requested service from the AAA server.
• The AAA server returns a PASS/FAIL for authorization.
• TACACS+ establishes a new TCP session for every authorization request.
• When AAA authorization is not enabled, all users are allowed full access.
• To enable AAA.
• R(config)# aaa new-model
• To Configure Authentication to Use the AAA Server.
• R(config)# aaa authentication login list-name|default method method method [maximum 4 methods]
• R(config)# aaa authentication login default group radius group tacacs+ local …..
• R(config)# aaa authentication enable list-name|default group tacacs+ enable
• Methods are used in order, if no response from one, the next is used.
• To specify the number of unsuccessful login attempts (then the user will be locked out).
• R(config)# aaa local authentication attempts max-fail n
• The account (non priv 15) will stay locked until it is cleared by an administrator.
• To display a list of all locked-out users.
• R# show aaa local user lockout
• To unlock a specific user or to unlock all locked users.
• R# clear aaa local user lockout all | username name
• To display the attributes that are collected for a AAA session.
• R# show aaa user all | unique-id
• To show the unique ID of a session.
• R# show aaa sessions

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• R# show aaa sessions
• For vty lines.
• R(config)# line vty 0 4
• R(config-line)# login authentication name|default
• R(config-line)# authorization exec name|default
• To debug aaa authentication.
• R# debug aaa authentication|authorization
• Look specifically for GETUSER and GETPASS status messages.
• To configure AAA with CCP.
• CCP, Configure, Router, AAA,…...
• To create a local user account.
• CCP > Router > Router Access > User Accounts/View > Add
• To configure the AAA client (router) with the TACACS+ server.
• R(config)# tacacs-server host ip key the-key
• To configure the AAA client (router) with the RADIUS server.
• R(config)# radius-server host ip key the-key
• AAA Authorization (Router)
• To get the priviege level that should be given to user from the local user database.
• R(config)# aaa authorization exec default local
• To get the priviege level that should be given to user from the tacacs server.
• R(config)# aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+
• To enable command authorization on the console.
• R(config)# aaa authorization console
• To assign level 15 automatically to any user just authenticated.
• R(config)# aaa authorization exec default if-authenticated
• To authorize each command, you enter at config and it's submode.
• R(config)# aaa authorization config-commands
• To authorize level x (1-15) users.
• R(config)# aaa authorization commands x default group tacacs+ if-authenticated
• R(config)# no aaa authorization config-commands
• AAA debugging
• To debug aaa.
• R# debug aaa authentication
• To debug RADIUS or TACACS+.
• R# debug radius|tacacs events
• AAA Accounting
• Each session established through the ACS can be fully accounted for and stored on the server.
• To configure AAA accounting.
• R(config)# aaa accounting exec default|list-name start-stop|stop-only method1 method2 ...
• ACS server configurations.
• Network device groups.
• Groups of network devices, normally based on routers or switches with similar functions/devices managed by
the same administrators.
• Network devices (ACS clients/routers/switches).
• The individual network devices that go into the device groups.
• Identity groups (user/admin groups).
• Groups of administrators, normally based on users who will need similar rights and access to specific groups
of network devices.

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of network devices.
• User accounts.
• Individual administrator/user accounts that are placed in identity groups.
• Authorization profiles.
• These profiles control what rights are permitted.
• The profile is associated with a network device group and a user/administrator identity group.
• To manage ACS server.
• https://ip
• Default username and password: acsadmin pass: default
• For trial license.
username: adelmohammad , pass: P@ssw0rd
get other licenses , demo and..., search for access control ,
• To create a device group.
• ACS > Network Resources > Network Device Groups > Device Type > Create
• To add a device to the group.
• Network Resources > Network Devices and AAA Clients > Create
• Click the Select button to the right of the device type and select the device group
• Select tacacs+ and type the password
• In the ip address select range and type the range (ex. , Add V
• To create a user group.
• Users and Identity Stores > Identity Groups > Create
• To create individual user.
• Users and Identity Stores > Internal Identity Stores > Users and click > Create
• To create a shell profile.
• Policy Elements > Authorization and Permissions > Device Administration > Shell Profiles > Create
• Custom tasks tab, Default Privilege:static, type a privilige level
• To configure authorization policies (To assign permisions to identity group to access device group).
• Access Policies > Access Services > Default Device Admin > Authorization > Create
• Then select a shell profile or create one (shell profile has a name and defines a privilige level).
• Verifying and Troubleshooting Router-to-ACS Server Interactions.
• Ping the ACS server from the router.
• R# test aaa group tacacs+ username password legacy
• Using debug Commands to Verify Functionality
• To look at the reports on the ACS server.
• Monitoring & Reports > Reports > Catalog > AAA Protocol
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
• Allowing users bringing their own network-connected devices while also maintaining an appropriate
security posture.
• The organization’s security policy must be lever-aged to govern the level of access for BYOD devices.

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• BYOD Solution Components.

• BYOD devices.
• The corporate-owned and personally owned endpoints that require access to the corporate network regardless
of their physical location.
• Wireless access points (AP).
• Provide wireless network connectivity to the corporate network for both local & BYOD devices.
• Wireless LAN (WLAN) controllers.
• Serve as a centralized point for the configuration, management, and monitoring of the Cisco WLAN solution.
• Used to implement and enforce the security requirements for the BYOD solution.
• Works with the ISE to enforce both authentication and authorization policies on each BYOD endpoint.
• Identity Services Engine (ISE).
• The cornerstone of the AAA requirements for endpoint access, which are governed by the security policies
put forth by the organization.
• Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
• Provides connectivity for end users who need access to the corporate network.
• Inside network users leverages 802.1X to provide secure access to the corporate network.
• Outside users uses AnyConnect Client to provide secure VPN connectivity, including posture checking.
• Integrated Services Routers (ISR).
• Will be used in the Cisco BYOD solution to provide WAN and Internet access for the branch offices and
Internet access for home office environments.
• Can provide VPN connectivity for mobile devices that are part of the BYOD solution.
• Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA).
• Provides all the standard security functions for the BYOD solution at the Internet edge.
• Can provide IPS and VPN for end devices.
• Cloud Web Security (CWS).
• Provides enhanced security for all the BYOD solution endpoints while they access Internet.
• RSA SecurID.
• The RSA SecurID server provides one-time password (OTP) generation and logging for users that access
network devices and other applications which require OTP authentication.

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network devices and other applications which require OTP authentication.
• Active Directory.
• Restricts access to those users with valid authentication credentials.
• Certificate authority.
• The CA server ensures that only devices with corporate certificates can access the corporate network.
• Mobile Device Management (MDM).
• Deploy, manage, and monitor the mobile devices that make up the Cisco BYOD solution.
• Specific functions provided by MDM include:
- Enforcement of a PIN lock (locking a device after a set threshold of failed login attempts has been reached).
- Enforcement of strong passwords for all BYOD devices.
- Detection of attempts to “jailbreak” or “root” BYOD devices, specifically smartphones, and then attempting
to use these compromised devices on the corporate network.
- Enforcement of data encryption requirements based on an organization’s security policies.
- Ability to remotely wipe a stolen or lost BYOD device so that all data is completely removed.
• MDM Deployment Options.
• On-Premise MDM Deployment.
• MDM application software is installed and maintained on servers within the corporate data center.
• Consists of the following topology and network components:
• Data center.
• The data center consists of the servers and ISE to enforce posture assessment and access control.
• Internet edge.
• Includes an ASA firewall, WLC and the MDM which provides all the policies and profiles, digital
certificates, applications, data, and configuration settings for all the BYOD devices.
• Services.
• Contains the WLC for all APs to which the corporate users connect; however, any other network-based
services required for the corporate.
• Core.
• Serves as the main distribution and routing point for all network traffic traversing the corporate network
• Campus building.
• A distribution switch provides the main ingress/egress point for all network traffic entering and exiting from
the campus environment.

• Cloud-Based MDM Deployment.

• MDM application software is hosted, managed and maintained by a service provider who is solely
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• MDM application software is hosted, managed and maintained by a service provider who is solely
responsible for the BYOD solution.
• Consists of the following topology and network components:
• Data Center.
• The data center consists of the servers and ISE to enforce posture assessment and access control.
• Internet edge.
• Includes an ASA firewall, WLC and the MDM which provides all the policies and profiles, digital
certificates, applications, data, and configuration settings for all the BYOD devices.
• WAN.
• Provides MPLS VPN connectivity for the branch office back to corporate network.
• Internet access for the branch office.
• Access to the cloud-based MDM functionality.
• The cloud-based MDM provides all the policies and profiles, digital certificates, applications, data, and
configuration settings for all of the BYOD devices.
• WAN edge.
• Serve as the ingress/egress point for the MPLS WAN traffic entering from and exiting to the branch office
• Services.
• Contains the WLC for all APs to which the corporate users connect; however, any other network-based
services required for the corporate
• Core.
• Serves as the main distribution and routing point for all network traffic travers ing the corporate network
• Branch office.
• All users requiring network connectivity within the branch office do so through either hardwired connections
to the access switches or via WLAN access to the corporate APs.

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