If Rahu, The Most Base and Materialistic of All Planets Is Himself

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> If Rahu, the most base and materialistic of all planets is himself

responsible(as atmakaraka) for leading one to God, the chances of

the native deviating from God conciousness is very low. The other

grahas are undoubtedly milder in their propensity to engage the

native in sense gratification when compared to Rahu.This is the

understanding of why someone with Rahu as AK could be very spiritual.

Read this on a page for Rahu as Atmakaraka:

Atmakaraka are the planets occupying highest no of degerees in a sign in zodiac, The reasoning behind the Atmakaraka
theory is a planet moving ahead leaves it's impact in an incremental manner.

Rahu is mostly misunderstood as Atmakaraka and wrongly conected to spiritual enlightenment, Rahu is maya a myriad of
ambitions !!

An unanswerred question is why Rahu is found as Atmakaraka in highly evolved saint's birth chart, the answer is crisp and
pretty simple, Unlike other planets Rahu moves in reverse motion, It becomes Atmakaraka when it's leaving a sign thus
sign is getting free from the affliction, Rahu in the border degrees from 5 to 0 in the reverse order is indicates it's negative
impact is reducing every minute thus it shows a person who has got Rahu as Atmakaraka is on a process to reduce Maya
or Moha that Rahu indicates, Atmakaraka Rahu shows freedom from the Maya or Moha, this is the reason great saints like
Sri Ramakrishna etc have got Rahu as atmakaraka.

There is an exception to notice, When Rahu is bellow 15 degrees and still a Atmakaraka that won't indicate a status in
which person is free from the Maya as Rahu has to travel a lot and still cast dense shadow of Maya to such a person's
vision, keeping such exceptions in mind while understanding and applying Atkamakarka theory on a chart will help you out

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