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Aspect: Self
Anchor Verse:

“Then God said: Let us make human beings in our image, after our likeness.”
(Gen 1:26)

In Genesis 1:26, God said: “Let us make human beings in our image, after our
likeness.” Three crucial words are part of that line: “us/our”, image, and likeness.

Creation is a deliberate act of God. It is accomplish with nothing else but the
powerful words of an omnipotent God. The word “us/our” is indicative that the
Holy Spirit and the Son were present with the Father at the moment of creation.
And when man was created we were “patterned” after God’s nature. He is truth,
beauty and goodness personified.

On our hearts we see a stamp of God that no plant or animals bears. We are set
apart because of this dignity. And this dignity communicates “all of who God is,”
Manifested in our being male and female. As men and women, we make the divine
reality of the Trinity visible. We have the privilege of seeing God in the flesh just
by looking at ourselves – with a physical body and a sacred soul. We are a gift!

Given the rising concern related with identity these days, and a major shift in
public opinion on love, marriage, and sexuality in recent years, let us be reminded
of this deliberate act of God rooted in love. As we mirror the Holy Trinity, a
Communion of Divine Persons, may we remember that we are ultimately meant for
communion. God clothed us with dignity and created us with love, for love, and by

Key Takeaway:
As human beings we are set apart among all creation by a Trinitarian God. Our
dignity comes from the knowledge that we are created with love, for love, and by

Guide Question:
1. How do you see yourself as God’s creation?
2. How do you feel about how you turned out as a child of God?

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